/*************************************************************************** vm.c Copyright (C) 1999 -- 2002 Christoph Reichenbach This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CJR) [jameson@linuxgames.com] ***************************************************************************/ #include "sci/include/sciresource.h" #include "sci/include/engine.h" #include "sci/include/versions.h" #include "sci/include/kdebug.h" #include "sci/engine/kernel_types.h" #include "sci/include/seg_manager.h" #include "sci/engine/gc.h" #include "sci/include/sfx_player.h" #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP_H #include #endif reg_t NULL_REG = NULL_REG_INITIALIZER; /*#define VM_DEBUG_SEND*/ #undef STRICT_SEND /* Disallows variable sends with more than one parameter */ #undef STRICT_READ /* Disallows reading from out-of-bounds parameters and locals */ int script_abort_flag = 0; /* Set to 1 to abort execution */ int script_error_flag = 0; /* Set to 1 if an error occured, reset each round by the VM */ int script_checkloads_flag = 0; /* Print info when scripts get (un)loaded */ int script_step_counter = 0; /* Counts the number of steps executed */ int script_gc_interval = GC_INTERVAL; /* Number of steps in between gcs */ extern int _debug_step_running; /* scriptdebug.c */ extern int _debug_seeking; /* scriptdebug.c */ extern int _weak_validations; /* scriptdebug.c */ calls_struct_t *send_calls = NULL; int send_calls_allocated = 0; int bp_flag = 0; static reg_t _dummy_register = NULL_REG_INITIALIZER; #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP_H static int jump_initialized = 0; static jmp_buf vm_error_address; #endif /*-- validation functionality --*/ #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS static inline reg_t * validate_property(object_t *obj, int index) { if (!obj) { if (sci_debug_flags & 4) sciprintf("[VM] Sending to disposed object!\n"); _dummy_register = NULL_REG; return &_dummy_register; } if (index < 0 || index >= obj->variables_nr) { if (sci_debug_flags & 4) sciprintf("[VM] Invalid property #%d (out of [0..%d]) requested!\n", index, obj->variables_nr); _dummy_register = NULL_REG; return &_dummy_register; } return obj->variables + index; } static inline stack_ptr_t validate_stack_addr(state_t *s, stack_ptr_t sp) { if (sp >= s->stack_base && sp < s->stack_top) return sp; script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; if (sci_debug_flags & 4) sciprintf("[VM] Stack index %d out of valid range [%d..%d]\n", sp - s->stack_base, 0, s->stack_top - s->stack_base - 1); return 0; } static inline int validate_arithmetic(reg_t reg) { if (reg.segment) { if (!_weak_validations) script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; if (sci_debug_flags & 4) sciprintf("[VM] Attempt to read arithmetic value from non-zero segment [%04x]\n", reg.segment); return 0; } return reg.offset; } static inline int signed_validate_arithmetic(reg_t reg) { if (reg.segment) { if (!_weak_validations) script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; if (sci_debug_flags & 4) sciprintf("[VM] Attempt to read arithmetic value from non-zero segment [%04x]\n", reg.segment); return 0; } if (reg.offset&0x8000) return (signed)(reg.offset) - 65536; else return reg.offset; } static inline int validate_variable(reg_t *r, reg_t *stack_base, int type, int max, int index, int line) { const char *names[4] = {"global", "local", "temp", "param"}; if (index < 0 || index >= max) { sciprintf("[VM] Attempt to use invalid %s variable %04x ", names[type], index); if (max == 0) sciprintf("(variable type invalid)"); else sciprintf("(out of range [%d..%d])", 0, max - 1); sciprintf(" in %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, line); if (!_weak_validations) script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; #ifdef STRICT_READ return 1; #else /* !STRICT_READ */ if (type == VAR_PARAM || type == VAR_TEMP) { int total_offset = r - stack_base; if (total_offset < 0 || total_offset >= VM_STACK_SIZE) { sciprintf("[VM] Access would be outside even of the stack (%d); access denied\n", total_offset); return 1; } else { sciprintf("[VM] Access within stack boundaries; access granted.\n"); return 0; } }; #endif } return 0; } static inline reg_t validate_read_var(reg_t *r, reg_t *stack_base, int type, int max, int index, int line, reg_t default_value) { if (!validate_variable(r, stack_base, type, max, index, line)) return r[index]; else return default_value; } static inline void validate_write_var(reg_t *r, reg_t *stack_base, int type, int max, int index, int line, reg_t value) { if (!validate_variable(r, stack_base, type, max, index, line)) r[index] = value; } # define ASSERT_ARITHMETIC(v) validate_arithmetic(v) #else /*-- Non-validating alternatives -- */ # define validate_stack_addr(s, sp) sp # define validate_arithmetic(r) ((r).offset) # define signed_validate_arithmetic(r) ((int) ((r).offset)&0x8000 ? (signed) ((r).offset)-65536 : ((r).offset)) # define validate_variable(r, sb, t, m, i, l) # define validate_read_var(r, sb, t, m, i, l) ((r)[i]) # define validate_write_var(r, sb, t, m, i, l, v) ((r)[i] = (v)) # define validate_property(o, p) (&((o)->variables[p])) # define ASSERT_ARITHMETIC(v) (v).offset #endif #define READ_VAR(type, index, def) validate_read_var(variables[type], s->stack_base, type, variables_max[type], index, __LINE__, def) #define WRITE_VAR(type, index, value) validate_write_var(variables[type], s->stack_base, type, variables_max[type], index, __LINE__, value) #define WRITE_VAR16(type, index, value) WRITE_VAR(type, index, make_reg(0, value)); #define ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(op) make_reg(0, (op validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc))) #define ACC_AUX_LOAD() aux_acc = signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc) #define ACC_AUX_STORE() s->r_acc = make_reg(0, aux_acc) #define OBJ_PROPERTY(o, p) (*validate_property(o, p)) /*==--------------------------==*/ int script_error(state_t *s, const char *file, int line, const char *reason) { sciprintf("Script error in file %s, line %d: %s\n", file, line, reason); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; return 0; } #define CORE_ERROR(area, msg) script_error(s, "[" area "] " __FILE__, __LINE__, msg) reg_t get_class_address(state_t *s, int classnr, int lock, reg_t caller) { class_t *the_class = s->classtable + classnr; if (NULL == s) { sciprintf("vm.c: get_class_address(): NULL passed for \"s\"\n"); return NULL_REG; } if (classnr < 0 || s->classtable_size <= classnr || the_class->script < 0) { sciprintf("[VM] Attempt to dereference class %x, which doesn't exist (max %x)\n", classnr, s->classtable_size); script_error_flag = script_debug_flag = 1; return NULL_REG; } else { if (!the_class->reg.segment) { script_get_segment(s, the_class->script, lock); if (!the_class->reg.segment) { sciprintf("[VM] Trying to instantiate class %x by instantiating script 0x%x (%03d) failed;" " Entering debugger.\n", classnr, the_class->script); script_error_flag = script_debug_flag = 1; return NULL_REG; } } else if (caller.segment != the_class->reg.segment) sm_increment_lockers(&s->seg_manager, the_class->reg.segment, SEG_ID); return the_class->reg; } } /* Operating on the stack */ /* 16 bit: */ #define PUSH(v) PUSH32(make_reg(0, v)) #define POP() (validate_arithmetic(POP32())) /* 32 bit: */ #define PUSH32(a) (*(validate_stack_addr(s, (xs->sp)++)) = (a)) #define POP32() (*(validate_stack_addr(s, --(xs->sp)))) /* Getting instruction parameters */ #define GET_OP_BYTE() ((guint8) code_buf[(xs->addr.pc.offset)++]) #define GET_OP_WORD() (getUInt16(code_buf + ((xs->addr.pc.offset) += 2) - 2)) #define GET_OP_FLEX() ((opcode & 1)? GET_OP_BYTE() : GET_OP_WORD()) #define GET_OP_SIGNED_BYTE() ((gint8)(code_buf[(xs->addr.pc.offset)++])) #define GET_OP_SIGNED_WORD() ((getInt16(code_buf + ((xs->addr.pc.offset) += 2) - 2))) #define GET_OP_SIGNED_FLEX() ((opcode & 1)? GET_OP_SIGNED_BYTE() : GET_OP_SIGNED_WORD()) #define SEG_GET_HEAP( s, reg ) sm_get_heap( &s->seg_manager, reg ) #define OBJ_SPECIES(s, reg) SEG_GET_HEAP(s, make_reg(reg.segment, reg.offset + SCRIPT_SPECIES_OFFSET)) /* Returns an object's species */ #define OBJ_SUPERCLASS(s, reg) SEG_GET_HEAP(s, make_reg(reg.segment, reg.offset + SCRIPT_SUPERCLASS_OFFSET)) /* Returns an object's superclass */ inline exec_stack_t * execute_method(state_t *s, word script, word pubfunct, stack_ptr_t sp, reg_t calling_obj, word argc, stack_ptr_t argp) { int seg; guint16 temp; if (!sm_script_is_loaded(&s->seg_manager, script, SCRIPT_ID)) /* Script not present yet? */ script_instantiate(s, script); else sm_unmark_script_deleted(&s->seg_manager, script); seg = sm_seg_get(&s->seg_manager, script); temp = sm_validate_export_func(&s->seg_manager, pubfunct, seg); VERIFY(temp, "Invalid pubfunct in export table"); if (!temp) { sciprintf("Request for invalid exported function 0x%x of script 0x%x\n", pubfunct, script); script_error_flag = script_debug_flag = 1; return NULL; } /* Check if a breakpoint is set on this method */ if (s->have_bp & BREAK_EXPORT) { breakpoint_t *bp; guint32 bpaddress; bpaddress = (script << 16 | pubfunct); bp = s->bp_list; while (bp) { if (bp->type == BREAK_EXPORT && bp->data.address == bpaddress) { sciprintf("Break on script %d, export %d\n", script, pubfunct); script_debug_flag = 1; bp_flag = 1; break; } bp = bp->next; } } return add_exec_stack_entry(s, make_reg(seg, temp), sp, calling_obj, argc, argp, -1, calling_obj, s->execution_stack_pos, seg); } static void _exec_varselectors(state_t *s) { /* Executes all varselector read/write ops on the TOS */ /* Now check the TOS to execute all varselector entries */ if (s->execution_stack_pos >= 0) while (s->execution_stack[s->execution_stack_pos].type == EXEC_STACK_TYPE_VARSELECTOR) { /* varselector access? */ if (s->execution_stack[s->execution_stack_pos].argc) { /* write? */ reg_t temp = s->execution_stack[s->execution_stack_pos].variables_argp[1]; *(s->execution_stack[s->execution_stack_pos].addr.varp) = temp; } else /* No, read */ s->r_acc = *(s->execution_stack[s->execution_stack_pos].addr.varp); --(s->execution_stack_pos); } } exec_stack_t * send_selector(state_t *s, reg_t send_obj, reg_t work_obj, stack_ptr_t sp, int framesize, stack_ptr_t argp) /* send_obj and work_obj are equal for anything but 'super' */ /* Returns a pointer to the TOS exec_stack element */ { #ifdef VM_DEBUG_SEND int i; #endif reg_t *varp; reg_t funcp; int selector; int argc; int origin = s->execution_stack_pos; /* Origin: Used for debugging */ exec_stack_t *retval = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; int print_send_action = 0; /* We return a pointer to the new active exec_stack_t */ /* The selector calls we catch are stored below: */ int send_calls_nr = -1; if (NULL == s) { sciprintf("vm.c: exec_stack_t(): NULL passed for \"s\"\n"); return NULL; } while (framesize > 0) { selector = validate_arithmetic(*argp++); argc = validate_arithmetic(*argp); if (argc > 0x800) { /* More arguments than the stack could possibly accomodate for */ CORE_ERROR("SEND", "More than 0x800 arguments to function call\n"); return NULL; } /* Check if a breakpoint is set on this method */ if (s->have_bp & BREAK_SELECTOR) { breakpoint_t *bp; char method_name [256]; sprintf(method_name, "%s::%s", obj_get_name(s, send_obj), s->selector_names [selector]); bp = s->bp_list; while (bp) { int cmplen = strlen(bp->data.name); if (bp->data.name[cmplen - 1] != ':') cmplen = 256; if (bp->type == BREAK_SELECTOR && !strncmp(bp->data.name, method_name, cmplen)) { sciprintf("Break on %s (in ["PREG"])\n", method_name, PRINT_REG(send_obj)); script_debug_flag = print_send_action = 1; bp_flag = 1; break; } bp = bp->next; } } #ifdef VM_DEBUG_SEND sciprintf("Send to "PREG", selector %04x (%s):", PRINT_REG(send_obj), selector, s->selector_names[selector]); #endif /* VM_DEBUG_SEND */ if (++send_calls_nr == (send_calls_allocated - 1)) send_calls = (calls_struct_t*)sci_realloc(send_calls, sizeof(calls_struct_t) * (send_calls_allocated *= 2)); switch (lookup_selector(s, send_obj, selector, &varp, &funcp)) { case SELECTOR_NONE: sciprintf("Send to invalid selector 0x%x of object at "PREG"\n", 0xffff & selector, PRINT_REG(send_obj)); script_error_flag = script_debug_flag = 1; --send_calls_nr; break; case SELECTOR_VARIABLE: #ifdef VM_DEBUG_SEND sciprintf("Varselector: "); if (argc) sciprintf("Write "PREG"\n", PRINT_REG(argp[1])); else sciprintf("Read\n"); #endif /* VM_DEBUG_SEND */ switch (argc) { case 0: /* Read selector */ if (print_send_action) { sciprintf("[read selector]\n"); print_send_action = 0; } /* fallthrough */ case 1: #ifndef STRICT_SEND default: #endif { /* Argument is supplied -> Selector should be set */ if (print_send_action) { reg_t oldReg = *varp; reg_t newReg = argp[1]; sciprintf("[write to selector: change "PREG" to "PREG"]\n", PRINT_REG(oldReg), PRINT_REG(newReg)); print_send_action = 0; } send_calls[send_calls_nr].address.var = varp; /* register the call */ send_calls[send_calls_nr].argp = argp; send_calls[send_calls_nr].argc = argc; send_calls[send_calls_nr].selector = selector; send_calls[send_calls_nr].type = EXEC_STACK_TYPE_VARSELECTOR; /* Register as a varselector */ } break; #ifdef STRICT_SEND default: --send_calls_nr; sciprintf("Send error: Variable selector %04x in "PREG" called with %04x params\n", selector, PRINT_REG(send_obj), argc); script_debug_flag = 1; /* Enter debug mode */ _debug_seeking = _debug_step_running = 0; #endif } break; case SELECTOR_METHOD: #ifdef VM_DEBUG_SEND sciprintf("Funcselector("); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { sciprintf(PREG, PRINT_REG(argp[i+1])); if (i + 1 < argc) sciprintf(", "); } sciprintf(") at "PREG"\n", PRINT_REG(funcp)); #endif /* VM_DEBUG_SEND */ if (print_send_action) { sciprintf("[invoke selector]\n"); print_send_action = 0; } send_calls[send_calls_nr].address.func = funcp; /* register call */ send_calls[send_calls_nr].argp = argp; send_calls[send_calls_nr].argc = argc; send_calls[send_calls_nr].selector = selector; send_calls[send_calls_nr].type = EXEC_STACK_TYPE_CALL; send_calls[send_calls_nr].sp = sp; sp = CALL_SP_CARRY; /* Destroy sp, as it will be carried over */ break; } /* switch(lookup_selector()) */ framesize -= (2 + argc); argp += argc + 1; } /* Iterate over all registered calls in the reverse order. This way, the first call is ** placed on the TOS; as soon as it returns, it will cause the second call to be executed. */ for (; send_calls_nr >= 0; send_calls_nr--) if (send_calls[send_calls_nr].type == EXEC_STACK_TYPE_VARSELECTOR) /* Write/read variable? */ retval = add_exec_stack_varselector(s, work_obj, send_calls[send_calls_nr].argc, send_calls[send_calls_nr].argp, send_calls[send_calls_nr].selector, send_calls[send_calls_nr].address.var, origin); else retval = add_exec_stack_entry(s, send_calls[send_calls_nr].address.func, send_calls[send_calls_nr].sp, work_obj, send_calls[send_calls_nr].argc, send_calls[send_calls_nr].argp, send_calls[send_calls_nr].selector, send_obj, origin, SCI_XS_CALLEE_LOCALS); _exec_varselectors(s); retval = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; return retval; } exec_stack_t * add_exec_stack_varselector(state_t *s, reg_t objp, int argc, stack_ptr_t argp, selector_t selector, reg_t *address, int origin) { exec_stack_t *xstack = add_exec_stack_entry(s, NULL_REG, address, objp, argc, argp, selector, objp, origin, SCI_XS_CALLEE_LOCALS); /* Store selector address in sp */ xstack->addr.varp = address; xstack->type = EXEC_STACK_TYPE_VARSELECTOR; return xstack; } exec_stack_t * add_exec_stack_entry(state_t *s, reg_t pc, stack_ptr_t sp, reg_t objp, int argc, stack_ptr_t argp, selector_t selector, reg_t sendp, int origin, seg_id_t locals_segment) /* Returns new TOS element for the execution stack*/ /* locals_segment may be -1 if derived from the called object */ { exec_stack_t *xstack = NULL; if (!s->execution_stack) s->execution_stack = (exec_stack_t*)sci_malloc(sizeof(exec_stack_t) * (s->execution_stack_size = 16)); if (++(s->execution_stack_pos) == s->execution_stack_size) /* Out of stack space? */ s->execution_stack = (exec_stack_t*)sci_realloc(s->execution_stack, sizeof(exec_stack_t) * (s->execution_stack_size += 8)); /* sciprintf("Exec stack: [%d/%d], origin %d, at %p\n", s->execution_stack_pos, s->execution_stack_size, origin, s->execution_stack); */ xstack = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; xstack->objp = objp; if (locals_segment != SCI_XS_CALLEE_LOCALS) xstack->local_segment = locals_segment; else xstack->local_segment = pc.segment; xstack->sendp = sendp; xstack->addr.pc = pc; xstack->fp = xstack->sp = sp; xstack->argc = argc; xstack->variables_argp = argp; /* Parameters */ *argp = make_reg(0, argc); /* SCI code relies on the zeroeth argument to equal argc */ /* Additional debug information */ xstack->selector = selector; xstack->origin = origin; xstack->type = EXEC_STACK_TYPE_CALL; /* Normal call */ return xstack; } #ifdef DISABLE_VALIDATONS # define kernel_matches_signature(a, b, c, d) 1 #endif void vm_handle_fatal_error(state_t *s, int line, const char *file) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal VM error in %s, L%d; aborting...\n", file, line); #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP_H if (jump_initialized) longjmp(vm_error_address, 0); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Could not recover, exitting...\n"); exit(1); } static inline script_t * script_locate_by_segment(state_t *s, seg_id_t seg) { mem_obj_t *memobj = GET_SEGMENT(s->seg_manager, seg, MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT); if (memobj) return &(memobj->data.script); return NULL; } static reg_t pointer_add(state_t *s, reg_t base, int offset) { mem_obj_t *mobj = GET_SEGMENT_ANY(s->seg_manager, base.segment); if (!mobj) { script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; sciprintf("[VM] Error: Attempt to add %d to invalid pointer "PREG"!", offset, PRINT_REG(base)); return NULL_REG; } switch (mobj->type) { case MEM_OBJ_LOCALS: base.offset += 2 * offset; return base; case MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT: case MEM_OBJ_STACK: case MEM_OBJ_DYNMEM: base.offset += offset; return base; break; default: sciprintf("[VM] Error: Attempt to add %d to pointer "PREG": Pointer arithmetics of this type unsupported!", offset, PRINT_REG(base)); return NULL_REG; } } static inline void gc_countdown(state_t *s) { if (s->gc_countdown-- <= 0) { s->gc_countdown = script_gc_interval; run_gc(s); } } static byte _fake_return_buffer[2] = {op_ret << 1, op_ret << 1}; void run_vm(state_t *s, int restoring) { reg_t *variables[4]; /* global, local, temp, param, as immediate pointers */ reg_t *variables_base[4]; /* Used for referencing VM ops */ seg_id_t variables_seg[4]; /* Same as above, contains segment IDs */ #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS int variables_max[4]; /* Max. values for all variables */ unsigned int code_buf_size = 0 /* (Avoid spurious warning) */; #endif int temp; gint16 aux_acc; /* Auxiliary 16 bit accumulator */ reg_t r_temp; /* Temporary register */ stack_ptr_t s_temp; /* Temporary stack pointer */ gint16 opparams[4]; /* opcode parameters */ int restadjust = s->r_amp_rest; /* &rest adjusts the parameter count ** by this value */ /* Current execution data: */ exec_stack_t *xs = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; exec_stack_t *xs_new = NULL /* (Avoid spurious warning) */; /* Used during some operations */ object_t *obj = obj_get(s, xs->objp); script_t *local_script = script_locate_by_segment(s, xs->local_segment); int old_execution_stack_base = s->execution_stack_base; /* Used to detect the ** stack bottom, for "physical" ** returns */ byte *code_buf = NULL /* (Avoid spurious warning) */; if (!local_script) { script_error(s, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Program Counter gone astray"); return; } if (NULL == s) { sciprintf("vm.c: run_vm(): NULL passed for \"s\"\n"); return; } #ifdef HAVE_SETJMP_H setjmp(vm_error_address); jump_initialized = 1; #endif if (!restoring) s->execution_stack_base = s->execution_stack_pos; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS /* Initialize maximum variable count */ if (s->script_000->locals_block) variables_max[VAR_GLOBAL] = s->script_000->locals_block->nr; else variables_max[VAR_GLOBAL] = 0; #endif variables_seg[VAR_GLOBAL] = s->script_000->locals_segment; variables_seg[VAR_TEMP] = variables_seg[VAR_PARAM] = s->stack_segment; variables_base[VAR_TEMP] = variables_base[VAR_PARAM] = s->stack_base; /* SCI code reads the zeroeth argument to determine argc */ if (s->script_000->locals_block) variables_base[VAR_GLOBAL] = variables[VAR_GLOBAL] = s->script_000->locals_block->locals; else variables_base[VAR_GLOBAL] = variables[VAR_GLOBAL] = NULL; s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; /* Force initialization */ while (1) { byte opcode; int old_pc_offset; stack_ptr_t old_sp = xs->sp; byte opnumber; int var_type; /* See description below */ int var_number; old_pc_offset = xs->addr.pc.offset; if (s->execution_stack_pos_changed) { script_t *scr; xs = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 0; scr = script_locate_by_segment(s, xs->addr.pc.segment); if (!scr) { /* No script? Implicit return via fake instruction buffer */ SCIkdebug(SCIkWARNING, "Running on non-existant script in segment %x!\n", xs->addr.pc.segment); code_buf = _fake_return_buffer; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS code_buf_size = 2; #endif xs->addr.pc.offset = 1; scr = NULL; obj = NULL; } else { obj = obj_get(s, xs->objp); code_buf = scr->buf; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS code_buf_size = scr->buf_size; #endif /* if (!obj) { SCIkdebug(SCIkWARNING, "Running with non-existant self= "PREG"\n", PRINT_REG(xs->objp)); }*/ local_script = script_locate_by_segment(s, xs->local_segment); if (!local_script) { SCIkdebug(SCIkWARNING, "Could not find local script from segment %x!\n", xs->local_segment); local_script = NULL; variables_base[VAR_LOCAL] = variables[VAR_LOCAL] = NULL; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS variables_max[VAR_LOCAL] = 0; #endif } else { variables_seg[VAR_LOCAL] = local_script->locals_segment; if (local_script->locals_block) variables_base[VAR_LOCAL] = variables[VAR_LOCAL] = local_script->locals_block->locals; else variables_base[VAR_LOCAL] = variables[VAR_LOCAL] = NULL; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (local_script->locals_block) variables_max[VAR_LOCAL] = local_script->locals_block->nr; else variables_max[VAR_LOCAL] = 0; variables_max[VAR_TEMP] = xs->sp - xs->fp; variables_max[VAR_PARAM] = xs->argc + 1; #endif } variables[VAR_TEMP] = xs->fp; variables[VAR_PARAM] = xs->variables_argp; } } script_error_flag = 0; /* Set error condition to false */ if (script_abort_flag) return; /* Emergency */ /* Debug if this has been requested: */ if (script_debug_flag || sci_debug_flags) { script_debug(s, &(xs->addr.pc), &(xs->sp), &(xs->fp), &(xs->objp), &restadjust, variables_seg, variables, variables_base, #ifdef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS NULL, #else variables_max, #endif bp_flag); bp_flag = 0; } #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (xs->sp < xs->fp) script_error(s, "[VM] "__FILE__, __LINE__, "Stack underflow"); variables_max[VAR_TEMP] = xs->sp - xs->fp; if (xs->addr.pc.offset >= code_buf_size) script_error(s, "[VM] "__FILE__, __LINE__, "Program Counter gone astray"); #endif opcode = GET_OP_BYTE(); /* Get opcode */ opnumber = opcode >> 1; for (temp = 0; formats[opnumber][temp]; temp++) /* formats comes from script.c */ switch (formats[opnumber][temp]) { case Script_Byte: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_BYTE(); break; case Script_SByte: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_SIGNED_BYTE(); break; case Script_Word: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_WORD(); break; case Script_SWord: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_SIGNED_WORD(); break; case Script_Variable: case Script_Property: case Script_Local: case Script_Temp: case Script_Global: case Script_Param: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_FLEX(); break; case Script_SVariable: case Script_SRelative: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_SIGNED_FLEX(); break; case Script_Offset: opparams[temp] = GET_OP_FLEX(); break; case Script_None: case Script_End: break; case Script_Invalid: default: sciprintf("opcode %02x: Invalid!", opcode); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; } switch (opnumber) { case 0x00: /* bnot */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(0xffff ^ /*acc*/); break; case 0x01: /* add */ r_temp = POP32(); if (r_temp.segment || s->r_acc.segment) { reg_t r_ptr; int offset; /* Pointer arithmetics! */ if (s->r_acc.segment) { if (r_temp.segment) { sciprintf("Error: Attempt to add two pointers, stack="PREG" and acc="PREG"!\n", PRINT_REG(r_temp), PRINT_REG(s->r_acc)); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; offset = 0; } else { r_ptr = s->r_acc; offset = r_temp.offset; } } else { r_ptr = r_temp; offset = s->r_acc.offset; } s->r_acc = pointer_add(s, r_ptr, offset); } else s->r_acc = make_reg(0, r_temp.offset + s->r_acc.offset); break; case 0x02: /* sub */ r_temp = POP32(); if (r_temp.segment || s->r_acc.segment) { reg_t r_ptr; int offset; /* Pointer arithmetics! */ if (s->r_acc.segment) { if (r_temp.segment) { sciprintf("Error: Attempt to subtract two pointers, stack="PREG" and acc="PREG"!\n", PRINT_REG(r_temp), PRINT_REG(s->r_acc)); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; offset = 0; } else { r_ptr = s->r_acc; offset = r_temp.offset; } } else { r_ptr = r_temp; offset = s->r_acc.offset; } s->r_acc = pointer_add(s, r_ptr, -offset); } else s->r_acc = make_reg(0, r_temp.offset - s->r_acc.offset); break; case 0x03: /* mul */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(((gint16)POP()) * (gint16)/*acc*/); break; case 0x04: /* div */ ACC_AUX_LOAD(); aux_acc = aux_acc != 0 ? ((gint16)POP()) / aux_acc : 0; ACC_AUX_STORE(); break; case 0x05: /* mod */ ACC_AUX_LOAD(); aux_acc = aux_acc != 0 ? ((gint16)POP()) % aux_acc : 0; ACC_AUX_STORE(); break; case 0x06: /* shr */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(((guint16) POP()) >> /*acc*/); break; case 0x07: /* shl */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(((guint16) POP()) << /*acc*/); break; case 0x08: /* xor */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(POP() ^ /*acc*/); break; case 0x09: /* and */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(POP() & /*acc*/); break; case 0x0a: /* or */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(POP() | /*acc*/); break; case 0x0b: /* neg */ s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(-/*acc*/); break; case 0x0c: /* not */ s->r_acc = make_reg(0, !(s->r_acc.offset || s->r_acc.segment)); /* Must allow pointers to be negated, as this is used for ** checking whether objects exist */ break; case 0x0d: /* eq? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; r_temp = POP32(); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, REG_EQ(r_temp, s->r_acc)); /* Explicitly allow pointers to be compared */ break; case 0x0e: /* ne? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; r_temp = POP32(); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, !REG_EQ(r_temp, s->r_acc)); /* Explicitly allow pointers to be compared */ break; case 0x0f: /* gt? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L((gint16)POP() > (gint16)/*acc*/); break; case 0x10: /* ge? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L((gint16)POP() >= (gint16)/*acc*/); break; case 0x11: /* lt? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L((gint16)POP() < (gint16)/*acc*/); break; case 0x12: /* le? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; s->r_acc = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L((gint16)POP() <= (gint16)/*acc*/); break; case 0x13: /* ugt? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; r_temp = POP32(); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, (r_temp.segment == s->r_acc.segment) && r_temp.offset > s->r_acc.offset); break; case 0x14: /* uge? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; r_temp = POP32(); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, (r_temp.segment == s->r_acc.segment) && r_temp.offset >= s->r_acc.offset); break; case 0x15: /* ult? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; r_temp = POP32(); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, (r_temp.segment == s->r_acc.segment) && r_temp.offset < s->r_acc.offset); break; case 0x16: /* ule? */ s->r_prev = s->r_acc; r_temp = POP32(); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, (r_temp.segment == s->r_acc.segment) && r_temp.offset <= s->r_acc.offset); break; case 0x17: /* bt */ if (s->r_acc.offset || s->r_acc.segment) xs->addr.pc.offset += opparams[0]; break; case 0x18: /* bnt */ if (!(s->r_acc.offset || s->r_acc.segment)) xs->addr.pc.offset += opparams[0]; break; case 0x19: /* jmp */ xs->addr.pc.offset += opparams[0]; break; case 0x1a: /* ldi */ s->r_acc = make_reg(0, opparams[0]); break; case 0x1b: /* push */ PUSH32(s->r_acc); break; case 0x1c: /* pushi */ PUSH(opparams[0]); break; case 0x1d: /* toss */ xs->sp--; break; case 0x1e: /* dup */ r_temp = xs->sp[-1]; PUSH32(r_temp); break; case 0x1f: { /* link */ int i; for (i = 0; i < opparams[0]; i++) xs->sp[i] = NULL_REG; xs->sp += opparams[0]; break; } case 0x20: { /* call */ int argc = (opparams[1] >> 1) /* Given as offset, but we need count */ + 1 + restadjust; stack_ptr_t call_base = xs->sp - argc; xs->sp[1].offset += restadjust; xs_new = add_exec_stack_entry(s, make_reg(xs->addr.pc.segment, xs->addr.pc.offset + opparams[0]), xs->sp, xs->objp, (validate_arithmetic(*call_base)) + restadjust, call_base, NULL_SELECTOR, xs->objp, s->execution_stack_pos, xs->local_segment); restadjust = 0; /* Used up the &rest adjustment */ xs->sp = call_base; s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; break; } case 0x21: /* callk */ gc_countdown(s); xs->sp -= (opparams[1] >> 1) + 1; if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) { xs->sp -= restadjust; s->r_amp_rest = 0; /* We just used up the restadjust, remember? */ } if (opparams[0] >= s->kfunct_nr) { sciprintf("Invalid kernel function 0x%x requested\n", opparams[0]); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; } else { int argc = ASSERT_ARITHMETIC(xs->sp[0]); if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) argc += restadjust; if (s->kfunct_table[opparams[0]].signature && !kernel_matches_signature(s, s->kfunct_table[opparams[0]] .signature, argc, xs->sp + 1)) { sciprintf("[VM] Invalid arguments to kernel call %x\n", opparams[0]); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; } else { s->r_acc = s->kfunct_table[opparams[0]] .fun(s, opparams[0], argc, xs->sp + 1); } /* Call kernel function */ /* Calculate xs again: The kernel function might ** have spawned a new VM */ xs_new = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) restadjust = s->r_amp_rest; } break; case 0x22: /* callb */ temp = ((opparams[1] >> 1) + restadjust + 1); s_temp = xs->sp; xs->sp -= temp; xs->sp[0].offset += restadjust; xs_new = execute_method(s, 0, opparams[0], s_temp, xs->objp, xs->sp[0].offset, xs->sp); restadjust = 0; /* Used up the &rest adjustment */ if (xs_new) /* in case of error, keep old stack */ s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; break; case 0x23: /* calle */ temp = ((opparams[2] >> 1) + restadjust + 1); s_temp = xs->sp; xs->sp -= temp; xs->sp[0].offset += restadjust; xs_new = execute_method(s, opparams[0], opparams[1], s_temp, xs->objp, xs->sp[0].offset, xs->sp); restadjust = 0; /* Used up the &rest adjustment */ if (xs_new) /* in case of error, keep old stack */ s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; break; case 0x24: /* ret */ do { stack_ptr_t old_sp = xs->sp; stack_ptr_t old_fp = xs->fp; exec_stack_t *old_xs = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; if (s->execution_stack_pos == s->execution_stack_base) { /* Have we reached the base? */ s->execution_stack_base = old_execution_stack_base; /* Restore stack base */ --(s->execution_stack_pos); s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; s->r_amp_rest = restadjust; /* Update &rest */ return; /* "Hard" return */ } if (old_xs->type == EXEC_STACK_TYPE_VARSELECTOR) { /* varselector access? */ if (old_xs->argc) /* write? */ *(old_xs->addr.varp) = old_xs->variables_argp[1]; else /* No, read */ s->r_acc = *(old_xs->addr.varp); } /* Not reached the base, so let's do a soft return */ --(s->execution_stack_pos); xs = old_xs - 1; s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; xs = s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos; if (xs->sp == CALL_SP_CARRY /* Used in sends to 'carry' the stack pointer */ || xs->type != EXEC_STACK_TYPE_CALL) { xs->sp = old_sp; xs->fp = old_fp; } } while (xs->type == EXEC_STACK_TYPE_VARSELECTOR); /* Iterate over all varselector accesses */ s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; xs_new = xs; break; case 0x25: /* send */ s_temp = xs->sp; xs->sp -= ((opparams[0] >> 1) + restadjust); /* Adjust stack */ xs->sp[1].offset += restadjust; xs_new = send_selector(s, s->r_acc, s->r_acc, s_temp, (int)(opparams[0] >> 1) + (word)restadjust, xs->sp); if (xs_new && xs_new != xs) s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; restadjust = 0; break; case 0x28: /* class */ s->r_acc = get_class_address(s, (unsigned) opparams[0], SCRIPT_GET_LOCK, xs->addr.pc); break; case 0x2a: /* self */ s_temp = xs->sp; xs->sp -= ((opparams[0] >> 1) + restadjust); /* Adjust stack */ xs->sp[1].offset += restadjust; xs_new = send_selector(s, xs->objp, xs->objp, s_temp, (int)(opparams[0] >> 1) + (word)restadjust, xs->sp); if (xs_new && xs_new != xs) s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; restadjust = 0; break; case 0x2b: /* super */ r_temp = get_class_address(s, opparams[0], SCRIPT_GET_LOAD, xs->addr.pc); if (!r_temp.segment) CORE_ERROR("VM", "Invalid superclass in object"); else { s_temp = xs->sp; xs->sp -= ((opparams[1] >> 1) + restadjust); /* Adjust stack */ xs->sp[1].offset += restadjust; xs_new = send_selector(s, r_temp, xs->objp, s_temp, (int)(opparams[1] >> 1) + (word)restadjust, xs->sp); if (xs_new && xs_new != xs) s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 1; restadjust = 0; } break; case 0x2c: /* &rest */ temp = (guint16) opparams[0]; /* First argument */ restadjust = xs->argc - temp + 1; /* +1 because temp counts the paramcount while argc doesn't */ if (restadjust < 0) restadjust = 0; for (; temp <= xs->argc; temp++) PUSH32(xs->variables_argp[temp]); break; case 0x2d: /* lea */ temp = (guint16) opparams[0] >> 1; var_number = temp & 0x03; /* Get variable type */ /* Get variable block offset */ r_temp.segment = variables_seg[var_number]; r_temp.offset = variables[var_number] - variables_base[var_number]; if (temp & 0x08) /* Add accumulator offset if requested */ r_temp.offset += signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); r_temp.offset += opparams[1]; /* Add index */ r_temp.offset *= sizeof(reg_t); /* That's the immediate address now */ s->r_acc = r_temp; break; case 0x2e: /* selfID */ s->r_acc = xs->objp; break; case 0x30: /* pprev */ PUSH32(s->r_prev); break; case 0x31: /* pToa */ s->r_acc = OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)); break; case 0x32: /* aTop */ OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)) = s->r_acc; break; case 0x33: /* pTos */ PUSH32(OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, opparams[0] >> 1)); break; case 0x34: /* sTop */ OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)) = POP32(); break; case 0x35: /* ipToa */ s->r_acc = OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)); s->r_acc = OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)) = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(1 + /*acc*/); break; case 0x36: /* dpToa */ s->r_acc = OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)); s->r_acc = OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)) = ACC_ARITHMETIC_L(-1 + /*acc*/); break; case 0x37: /* ipTos */ ASSERT_ARITHMETIC(OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1))); temp = ++OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)).offset; PUSH(temp); break; case 0x38: /* dpTos */ ASSERT_ARITHMETIC(OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1))); temp = --OBJ_PROPERTY(obj, (opparams[0] >> 1)).offset; PUSH(temp); break; case 0x39: /* lofsa */ s->r_acc.segment = xs->addr.pc.segment; if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) s->r_acc.offset = opparams[0] + local_script->script_size; else if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION_FTU_LOFS_ABSOLUTE) s->r_acc.offset = opparams[0]; else s->r_acc.offset = xs->addr.pc.offset + opparams[0]; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (s->r_acc.offset >= code_buf_size) { sciprintf("VM: lofsa operation overflowed: "PREG" beyond end" " of script (at %04x)\n", PRINT_REG(s->r_acc), code_buf_size); script_error_flag = script_debug_flag = 1; } #endif break; case 0x3a: /* lofss */ r_temp.segment = xs->addr.pc.segment; if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION_FTU_LOFS_ABSOLUTE) r_temp.offset = opparams[0]; else r_temp.offset = xs->addr.pc.offset + opparams[0]; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (r_temp.offset >= code_buf_size) { sciprintf("VM: lofss operation overflowed: "PREG" beyond end" " of script (at %04x)\n", PRINT_REG(r_temp), code_buf_size); script_error_flag = script_debug_flag = 1; } #endif PUSH32(r_temp); break; case 0x3b: /* push0 */ PUSH(0); break; case 0x3c: /* push1 */ PUSH(1); break; case 0x3d: /* push2 */ PUSH(2); break; case 0x3e: /* pushSelf */ PUSH32(xs->objp); break; case 0x40: /* lag */ case 0x41: /* lal */ case 0x42: /* lat */ case 0x43: /* lap */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; s->r_acc = READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x44: /* lsg */ case 0x45: /* lsl */ case 0x46: /* lst */ case 0x47: /* lsp */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; PUSH32(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc)); break; case 0x48: /* lagi */ case 0x49: /* lali */ case 0x4a: /* lati */ case 0x4b: /* lapi */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); s->r_acc = READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x4c: /* lsgi */ case 0x4d: /* lsli */ case 0x4e: /* lsti */ case 0x4f: /* lspi */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); PUSH32(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc)); break; case 0x50: /* sag */ case 0x51: /* sal */ case 0x52: /* sat */ case 0x53: /* sap */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x54: /* ssg */ case 0x55: /* ssl */ case 0x56: /* sst */ case 0x57: /* ssp */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, POP32()); break; case 0x58: /* sagi */ case 0x59: /* sali */ case 0x5a: /* sati */ case 0x5b: /* sapi */ /* Special semantics because it wouldn't really make a whole lot ** of sense otherwise, with acc being used for two things ** simultaneously... */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc = POP32()); break; case 0x5c: /* ssgi */ case 0x5d: /* ssli */ case 0x5e: /* ssti */ case 0x5f: /* sspi */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, POP32()); break; case 0x60: /* +ag */ case 0x61: /* +al */ case 0x62: /* +at */ case 0x63: /* +ap */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x64: /* +sg */ case 0x65: /* +sl */ case 0x66: /* +st */ case 0x67: /* +sp */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; r_temp = make_reg(0, 1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); PUSH32(r_temp); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, r_temp); break; case 0x68: /* +agi */ case 0x69: /* +ali */ case 0x6a: /* +ati */ case 0x6b: /* +api */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, 1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x6c: /* +sgi */ case 0x6d: /* +sli */ case 0x6e: /* +sti */ case 0x6f: /* +spi */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); r_temp = make_reg(0, 1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); PUSH32(r_temp); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, r_temp); break; case 0x70: /* -ag */ case 0x71: /* -al */ case 0x72: /* -at */ case 0x73: /* -ap */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; s->r_acc = make_reg(0, -1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x74: /* -sg */ case 0x75: /* -sl */ case 0x76: /* -st */ case 0x77: /* -sp */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0]; r_temp = make_reg(0, -1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); PUSH32(r_temp); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, r_temp); break; case 0x78: /* -agi */ case 0x79: /* -ali */ case 0x7a: /* -ati */ case 0x7b: /* -api */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); s->r_acc = make_reg(0, -1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc); break; case 0x7c: /* -sgi */ case 0x7d: /* -sli */ case 0x7e: /* -sti */ case 0x7f: /* -spi */ var_type = (opcode >> 1) & 0x3; /* Gets the variable type: g, l, t or p */ var_number = opparams[0] + signed_validate_arithmetic(s->r_acc); r_temp = make_reg(0, -1 + validate_arithmetic(READ_VAR(var_type, var_number, s->r_acc))); PUSH32(r_temp); WRITE_VAR(var_type, var_number, r_temp); break; default: script_error(s, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Illegal opcode"); } /* switch(opcode >> 1) */ if (s->execution_stack_pos_changed) /* Force initialization */ xs = xs_new; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (xs != s->execution_stack + s->execution_stack_pos) { sciprintf("Error: xs is stale (%d vs %d); last command was %02x\n", xs - s->execution_stack, s->execution_stack_pos, opnumber); } #endif if (script_error_flag) { _debug_step_running = 0; /* Stop multiple execution */ _debug_seeking = 0; /* Stop special seeks */ xs->addr.pc.offset = old_pc_offset; xs->sp = old_sp; } else ++script_step_counter; } } static inline int _obj_locate_varselector(state_t *s, object_t *obj, selector_t slc) { /* Determines if obj explicitly defines slc as a varselector */ /* Returns -1 if not found */ if (s->version < SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) { int varnum = obj->variable_names_nr; int selector_name_offset = varnum * 2 + SCRIPT_SELECTOR_OFFSET; int i; byte *buf = obj->base_obj + selector_name_offset; obj->base_vars = (guint16 *) buf; for (i = 0; i < varnum; i++) if (getUInt16(buf + (i << 1)) == slc) /* Found it? */ return i; /* report success */ return -1; /* Failed */ } else { byte *buf = (byte *) obj->base_vars; int i; int varnum = obj->variables[1].offset; if (!(obj->variables[SCRIPT_INFO_SELECTOR].offset & SCRIPT_INFO_CLASS)) buf = ((byte *) obj_get(s, obj->variables[SCRIPT_SUPERCLASS_SELECTOR])->base_vars); for (i = 0; i < varnum; i++) if (getUInt16(buf + (i << 1)) == slc) /* Found it? */ return i; /* report success */ return -1; /* Failed */ } } static inline int _class_locate_funcselector(state_t *s, object_t *obj, selector_t slc) { /* Determines if obj is a class and explicitly defines slc as a funcselector */ /* Does NOT say anything about obj's superclasses, i.e. failure may be ** returned even if one of the superclasses defines the funcselector. */ int funcnum = obj->methods_nr; int i; for (i = 0; i < funcnum; i++) if (VM_OBJECT_GET_FUNCSELECTOR(obj, i) == slc) /* Found it? */ return i; /* report success */ return -1; /* Failed */ } static inline int _lookup_selector_function(state_t *s, int seg_id, object_t *obj, selector_t selector_id, reg_t *fptr) { int index; /* "recursive" lookup */ while (obj) { index = _class_locate_funcselector(s, obj, selector_id); if (index >= 0) { if (fptr) { if (s->version < SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) *fptr = make_reg(obj->pos.segment, getUInt16((byte *) (obj->base_method + index + obj->methods_nr + 1))); else *fptr = make_reg(obj->pos.segment, getUInt16((byte *) (obj->base_method + index * 2 + 2))); } return SELECTOR_METHOD; } else { seg_id = obj->variables[SCRIPT_SUPERCLASS_SELECTOR].segment; obj = obj_get(s, obj->variables[SCRIPT_SUPERCLASS_SELECTOR]); } } return SELECTOR_NONE; } int lookup_selector(state_t *s, reg_t obj_location, selector_t selector_id, reg_t **vptr, reg_t *fptr) { object_t *obj = obj_get(s, obj_location); object_t *species; int index; /* Early SCI versions used the LSB in the selector ID as a read/write ** toggle, meaning that we must remove it for selector lookup. */ if (s->version < SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) selector_id &= ~1; if (!obj) { CORE_ERROR("SLC-LU", "Attempt to send to non-object or invalid script"); sciprintf("Address was "PREG"\n", PRINT_REG(obj_location)); return SELECTOR_NONE; } if (IS_CLASS(obj)) species = obj; else species = obj_get(s, obj->variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR]); if (!obj) { CORE_ERROR("SLC-LU", "Error while looking up Species class"); sciprintf("Original address was "PREG"\n", PRINT_REG(obj_location)); sciprintf("Species address was "PREG"\n", PRINT_REG(obj->variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR])); return SELECTOR_NONE; } index = _obj_locate_varselector(s, obj, selector_id); if (index >= 0) { /* Found it as a variable */ if (vptr) *vptr = obj->variables + index; return SELECTOR_VARIABLE; } return _lookup_selector_function(s, obj_location.segment, obj, selector_id, fptr); } /* Detects SCI versions by their different script header */ void script_detect_versions(state_t *s) { int c; resource_t *script = {0}; if (scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_heap, 0, 0)) { version_require_later_than(s, SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)); return; } for (c = 0; c < 1000; c++) { if ((script = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_script, c, 0))) { int id = getInt16(script->data); if (id > 15) { version_require_earlier_than(s, SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER); return; } } } } seg_id_t script_get_segment(state_t *s, int script_nr, int load) { seg_id_t segment; if ((load & SCRIPT_GET_LOAD) == SCRIPT_GET_LOAD) script_instantiate(s, script_nr); segment = sm_seg_get(&s->seg_manager, script_nr); if (segment > 0) { if ((load & SCRIPT_GET_LOCK) == SCRIPT_GET_LOCK) sm_increment_lockers(&s->seg_manager, segment, SEG_ID); return segment; } else return 0; } reg_t script_lookup_export(state_t *s, int script_nr, int export_index) { seg_id_t seg = script_get_segment(s, script_nr, SCRIPT_GET_DONT_LOAD); mem_obj_t *memobj; script_t *script = NULL; #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (!seg) { CORE_ERROR("EXPORTS", "Script invalid or not loaded"); sciprintf("Script was script.03d (0x%x)\n", script_nr, script_nr); return NULL_REG; } #endif memobj = GET_SEGMENT(s->seg_manager, seg, MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT); if (memobj) script = &(memobj->data.script); #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS if (script && export_index < script->exports_nr && export_index >= 0) #endif return make_reg(seg, getUInt16((byte *)(script->export_table + export_index))); #ifndef DISABLE_VALIDATIONS else { CORE_ERROR("EXPORTS", "Export invalid or script missing "); if (!script) sciprintf("(script.%03d missing)\n", script_nr); else sciprintf("(script.%03d: Sought export %d/%d)\n", script_nr, export_index, script->exports_nr); return NULL_REG; } #endif } #define INST_LOOKUP_CLASS(id) ((id == 0xffff)? NULL_REG : get_class_address(s, id, SCRIPT_GET_LOCK, reg)) int sm_script_marked_deleted(seg_manager_t* self, int script_nr); int sm_initialise_script(mem_obj_t *mem, struct _state *s, int script_nr); int script_instantiate_common(state_t *s, int script_nr, resource_t **script, resource_t **heap, int *was_new) { int seg; int seg_id; int marked_for_deletion; mem_obj_t *mem; reg_t reg; *was_new = 1; *script = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_script, script_nr, 0); if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) *heap = scir_find_resource(s->resmgr, sci_heap, script_nr, 0); if (!*script || (s->version >= SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000) && !heap)) { sciprintf("Script 0x%x requested but not found\n", script_nr); /* script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; */ if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) { if (*heap) sciprintf("Inconsistency: heap resource WAS found\n"); else if (*script) sciprintf("Inconsistency: script resource WAS found\n"); } return 0; } if (NULL == s) { sciprintf("vm.c: script_instantiate(): NULL passed for \"s\"\n"); return 0; } seg = sm_seg_get(&s->seg_manager, script_nr); if (sm_script_is_loaded(&s->seg_manager, script_nr, SCRIPT_ID)) { marked_for_deletion = sm_script_marked_deleted(&s->seg_manager, script_nr); if (!marked_for_deletion) { sm_increment_lockers(&s->seg_manager, seg, SEG_ID); return seg; } else { seg_id = seg; mem = s->seg_manager.heap[seg]; sm_free_script(mem); } } else if (!(mem = sm_allocate_script(&s->seg_manager, s, script_nr, &seg_id))) { /* ALL YOUR SCRIPT BASE ARE BELONG TO US */ sciprintf("Not enough heap space for script size 0x%x of script 0x%x," " should this happen?`\n", (*script)->size, script_nr); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; return 0; } sm_initialise_script(mem, s, script_nr); reg.segment = seg_id; reg.offset = 0; /* Set heap position (beyond the size word) */ sm_set_lockers(&s->seg_manager, 1, reg.segment, SEG_ID); sm_set_export_table_offset(&s->seg_manager, 0, reg.segment, SEG_ID); sm_set_synonyms_offset(&s->seg_manager, 0, reg.segment, SEG_ID); sm_set_synonyms_nr(&s->seg_manager, 0, reg.segment, SEG_ID); *was_new = 0; return seg_id; } int script_instantiate_sci0(state_t *s, int script_nr) { int objtype; unsigned int objlength; reg_t reg, reg_tmp; int seg_id; int relocation = -1; int magic_pos_adder; /* Usually 0; 2 for older SCI versions */ resource_t *script; int was_new; seg_id = script_instantiate_common(s, script_nr, &script, NULL, &was_new); if (was_new) return seg_id; reg.segment = seg_id; reg.offset = 0; if (s->version < SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) { /* int locals_size = getUInt16(script->data)*2; int locals = (locals_size)? script->size : 0; */ int locals_nr = getUInt16(script->data); /* Old script block */ /* There won't be a localvar block in this case */ /* Instead, the script starts with a 16 bit int specifying the ** number of locals we need; these are then allocated and zeroed. */ sm_mcpy_in_out(&s->seg_manager, 0, script->data, script->size, reg.segment, SEG_ID); magic_pos_adder = 2; /* Step over the funny prefix */ if (locals_nr) sm_script_initialise_locals_zero(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment, locals_nr); } else { sm_mcpy_in_out(&s->seg_manager, 0, script->data, script->size, reg.segment, SEG_ID); magic_pos_adder = 0; } /* Now do a first pass through the script objects to find the ** export table and local variable block */ objlength = 0; reg_tmp = reg; reg.offset = magic_pos_adder; do { reg_t data_base; reg_t addr; reg.offset += objlength; /* Step over the last checked object */ objtype = SEG_GET_HEAP(s, reg); if (!objtype) break; objlength = SEG_GET_HEAP(s, make_reg(reg.segment, reg.offset + 2)); data_base = reg; data_base.offset += 4; addr = data_base; switch (objtype) { case sci_obj_exports: { sm_set_export_table_offset(&s->seg_manager, data_base.offset, reg.segment, SEG_ID); } break; case sci_obj_synonyms: sm_set_synonyms_offset(&s->seg_manager, addr.offset, reg.segment, SEG_ID); /* +4 is to step over the header */ sm_set_synonyms_nr(&s->seg_manager, (objlength) / 4, reg.segment, SEG_ID); break; case sci_obj_localvars: sm_script_initialise_locals(&s->seg_manager, data_base); break; case sci_obj_class: { int classpos = addr.offset - SCRIPT_OBJECT_MAGIC_OFFSET; int species; reg_tmp.offset = addr.offset - SCRIPT_OBJECT_MAGIC_OFFSET; species = OBJ_SPECIES(s, reg_tmp); if (species < 0 || species >= s->classtable_size) { sciprintf("Invalid species %d(0x%x) not in interval " "[0,%d) while instantiating script %d\n", species, species, s->classtable_size, script_nr); script_debug_flag = script_error_flag = 1; return 1; } s->classtable[species].script = script_nr; s->classtable[species].reg = addr; s->classtable[species].reg.offset = classpos; /* Set technical class position-- into the block allocated for it */ } break; default: break; } } while (objtype != 0); /* And now a second pass to adjust objects and class pointers, and the general pointers */ objlength = 0; reg.offset = magic_pos_adder; /* Reset counter */ do { reg_t addr; reg.offset += objlength; /* Step over the last checked object */ objtype = SEG_GET_HEAP(s, reg); if (!objtype) break; objlength = SEG_GET_HEAP(s, make_reg(reg.segment, reg.offset + 2)); reg.offset += 4; /* Step over header */ addr = reg; switch (objtype) { case sci_obj_code: sm_script_add_code_block(&s->seg_manager, addr); break; case sci_obj_object: case sci_obj_class: { /* object or class? */ object_t *obj = sm_script_obj_init(&s->seg_manager, s, addr); object_t *base_obj; /* Instantiate the superclass, if neccessary */ obj->variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR] = INST_LOOKUP_CLASS(obj->variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR].offset); base_obj = obj_get(s, obj->variables[SCRIPT_SPECIES_SELECTOR]); obj->variable_names_nr = base_obj->variables_nr; obj->base_obj = base_obj->base_obj; /* Copy base from species class, as we need its selector IDs */ obj->variables[SCRIPT_SUPERCLASS_SELECTOR] = INST_LOOKUP_CLASS(obj->variables[SCRIPT_SUPERCLASS_SELECTOR].offset); } /* if object or class */ break; case sci_obj_pointers: /* A relocation table */ relocation = addr.offset; break; default: break; } reg.offset -= 4; /* Step back on header */ } while ((objtype != 0) && (((unsigned)reg.offset) < script->size - 2)); if (relocation >= 0) sm_script_relocate(&s->seg_manager, make_reg(reg.segment, relocation)); sm_script_free_unused_objects(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment); return reg.segment; /* instantiation successful */ } void sm_script_relocate_exports_sci11(seg_manager_t *self, int seg); void sm_script_initialise_objects_sci11(seg_manager_t *self, state_t *s, int seg); void sm_heap_relocate(seg_manager_t *self, state_t *s, reg_t block); int script_instantiate_sci11(state_t *s, int script_nr) { resource_t *script, *heap; int seg_id; int heap_start; reg_t reg; int was_new; seg_id = script_instantiate_common(s, script_nr, &script, &heap, &was_new); if (was_new) return seg_id; heap_start = script->size; if (script->size & 2) heap_start ++; sm_mcpy_in_out(&s->seg_manager, 0, script->data, script->size, seg_id, SEG_ID); sm_mcpy_in_out(&s->seg_manager, heap_start, heap->data, heap->size, seg_id, SEG_ID); if (getUInt16(script->data + 6) > 0) sm_set_export_table_offset(&s->seg_manager, 6, seg_id, SEG_ID); reg.segment = seg_id; reg.offset = heap_start + 4; sm_script_initialise_locals(&s->seg_manager, reg); sm_script_relocate_exports_sci11(&s->seg_manager, seg_id); sm_script_initialise_objects_sci11(&s->seg_manager, s, seg_id); reg.offset = getUInt16(heap->data); sm_heap_relocate(&s->seg_manager, s, reg); return seg_id; } int script_instantiate(state_t *s, int script_nr) { if (s->version >= SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) return script_instantiate_sci11(s, script_nr); else return script_instantiate_sci0(s, script_nr); } void sm_mark_script_deleted(seg_manager_t* self, int script_nr); void script_uninstantiate_sci0(state_t *s, int script_nr, seg_id_t seg) { reg_t reg = make_reg(seg, (s->version < SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) ? 2 : 0); int objtype, objlength; /* Make a pass over the object in order uninstantiate all superclasses */ objlength = 0; do { reg.offset += objlength; /* Step over the last checked object */ objtype = SEG_GET_HEAP(s, reg); if (!objtype) break; objlength = SEG_GET_HEAP(s, make_reg(reg.segment, reg.offset + 2)); /* use SEG_UGET_HEAP ?? */ reg.offset += 4; /* Step over header */ if ((objtype == sci_obj_object) || (objtype == sci_obj_class)) { /* object or class? */ int superclass; reg.offset -= SCRIPT_OBJECT_MAGIC_OFFSET; superclass = OBJ_SUPERCLASS(s, reg); /* Get superclass... */ if (superclass >= 0) { int superclass_script = s->classtable[superclass].script; if (superclass_script == script_nr) { if (sm_get_lockers(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment, SEG_ID)) sm_decrement_lockers(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment, SEG_ID); /* Decrease lockers if this is us ourselves */ } else script_uninstantiate(s, superclass_script); /* Recurse to assure that the superclass lockers number gets decreased */ } reg.offset += SCRIPT_OBJECT_MAGIC_OFFSET; } /* if object or class */ reg.offset -= 4; /* Step back on header */ } while (objtype != 0); } void script_uninstantiate(state_t *s, int script_nr) { reg_t reg = make_reg(0, (s->version < SCI_VERSION_FTU_NEW_SCRIPT_HEADER) ? 2 : 0); int i; reg.segment = sm_seg_get(&s->seg_manager, script_nr); if (!sm_script_is_loaded(&s->seg_manager, script_nr, SCRIPT_ID) || reg.segment <= 0) { /* Is it already loaded? */ /* sciprintf("Warning: unloading script 0x%x requested although not loaded\n", script_nr); */ /* This is perfectly valid SCI behaviour */ return; } sm_decrement_lockers(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment, SEG_ID); /* One less locker */ if (sm_get_lockers(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment, SEG_ID) > 0) return; /* Free all classtable references to this script */ for (i = 0; i < s->classtable_size; i++) if (s->classtable[i].reg.segment == reg.segment) s->classtable[i].reg = NULL_REG; if (s->version < SCI_VERSION(1, 001, 000)) script_uninstantiate_sci0(s, script_nr, reg.segment); else sciprintf("FIXME: Add proper script uninstantiation for SCI 1.1\n"); if (sm_get_lockers(&s->seg_manager, reg.segment, SEG_ID)) return; /* if xxx.lockers > 0 */ /* Otherwise unload it completely */ /* Explanation: I'm starting to believe that this work is done by SCI itself. */ sm_mark_script_deleted(&s->seg_manager, script_nr); if (script_checkloads_flag) sciprintf("Unloaded script 0x%x.\n", script_nr); return; } static void _init_stack_base_with_selector(state_t *s, selector_t selector) { s->stack_base[0] = make_reg(0, (word) selector); s->stack_base[1] = NULL_REG; } static state_t * _game_run(state_t *s, int restoring) { state_t *successor = NULL; int game_is_finished = 0; do { s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 0; run_vm(s, (successor || restoring) ? 1 : 0); if (s->restarting_flags & SCI_GAME_IS_RESTARTING_NOW) { /* Restart was requested? */ sci_free(s->execution_stack); s->execution_stack = NULL; s->execution_stack_pos = -1; s->execution_stack_pos_changed = 0; game_exit(s); script_free_engine(s); script_init_engine(s, s->version); game_init(s); sfx_reset_player(); _init_stack_base_with_selector(s, s->selector_map.play); /* Call the play selector */ send_selector(s, s->game_obj, s->game_obj, s->stack_base, 2, s->stack_base); script_abort_flag = 0; s->restarting_flags = SCI_GAME_WAS_RESTARTED | SCI_GAME_WAS_RESTARTED_AT_LEAST_ONCE; } else { successor = s->successor; if (successor) { game_exit(s); script_free_vm_memory(s); sci_free(s); s = successor; if (!send_calls_allocated) send_calls = (calls_struct_t*)sci_calloc(sizeof(calls_struct_t), send_calls_allocated = 16); if (script_abort_flag == SCRIPT_ABORT_WITH_REPLAY) { sciprintf("Restarting with replay()\n"); s->execution_stack_pos = -1; /* Resatart with replay */ _init_stack_base_with_selector(s, s->selector_map.replay); /* Call the replay selector */ send_selector(s, s->game_obj, s->game_obj, s->stack_base, 2, s->stack_base); } script_abort_flag = 0; } else game_is_finished = 1; } } while (!game_is_finished); return s; } int objinfo(state_t *s, reg_t pos); int game_run(state_t **_s) { state_t *s = *_s; sciprintf(" Calling %s::play()\n", s->game_name); _init_stack_base_with_selector(s, s->selector_map.play); /* Call the play selector */ /* Now: Register the first element on the execution stack- */ if (!send_selector(s, s->game_obj, s->game_obj, s->stack_base, 2, s->stack_base) || script_error_flag) { objinfo(s, s->game_obj); sciprintf("Failed to run the game! Aborting...\n"); return 1; } /* and ENGAGE! */ *_s = s = _game_run(s, 0); sciprintf(" Game::play() finished.\n"); return 0; } int game_restore(state_t **_s, char *game_name) { state_t *s; int debug_state = _debugstate_valid; sciprintf("Restoring savegame '%s'...\n", game_name); s = gamestate_restore(*_s, game_name); if (!s) { sciprintf("Restoring gamestate '%s' failed.\n", game_name); return 1; } _debugstate_valid = debug_state; script_abort_flag = 0; s->restarting_flags = 0; s->execution_stack_pos = -1; /* Resatart with replay */ _init_stack_base_with_selector(s, s->selector_map.replay); /* Call the replay selector */ send_selector(s, s->game_obj, s->game_obj, s->stack_base, 2, s->stack_base); *_s = s = _game_run(s, 1); sciprintf(" Game::play() finished.\n"); return 0; } object_t * obj_get(state_t *s, reg_t offset) { mem_obj_t *memobj = GET_OBJECT_SEGMENT(s->seg_manager, offset.segment); object_t *obj = NULL; int idx; if (memobj != NULL) { if (memobj->type == MEM_OBJ_CLONES && ENTRY_IS_VALID(&memobj->data.clones, offset.offset)) obj = &(memobj->data.clones.table[offset.offset].entry); else if (memobj->type == MEM_OBJ_SCRIPT) { if (offset.offset <= memobj->data.script.buf_size && offset.offset >= -SCRIPT_OBJECT_MAGIC_OFFSET && RAW_IS_OBJECT(memobj->data.script.buf + offset.offset)) { idx = RAW_GET_CLASS_INDEX(&(memobj->data.script), offset); if (idx >= 0 && idx < memobj->data.script.objects_nr) obj = memobj->data.script.objects + idx; } } } return obj; } const char * obj_get_name(struct _state *s, reg_t pos) { object_t *obj = obj_get(s, pos); if (!obj) return ""; return (const char*)(obj->base + obj->variables[SCRIPT_NAME_SELECTOR].offset); } void quit_vm() { script_abort_flag = 1; /* Terminate VM */ _debugstate_valid = 0; _debug_seeking = 0; _debug_step_running = 0; }