/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ /* Graphical state management */ #ifndef SCI_GFX_GFX_WIDGETS_H #define SCI_GFX_GFX_WIDGETS_H #include "common/rect.h" #include "sci/gfx/gfx_system.h" #include "sci/gfx/operations.h" namespace Sci { struct GfxState; struct GfxBox; struct GfxDynView; struct GfxContainer; struct GfxList; struct GfxPort; struct GfxPrimitive; struct gfxw_snapshot_t; struct GfxText; struct GfxView; struct GfxVisual; struct GfxWidget; /* Enable the next line to keep a list of pointers to all widgets, with up to the specified amount ** of members (/SLOW/) */ //#define GFXW_DEBUG_WIDGETS 2048 /* Our strategy for dirty rectangle management */ #define GFXW_DIRTY_STRATEGY GFXOP_DIRTY_FRAMES_CLUSTERS /* Terminology ** ** Two special terms are used in here: /equivalent/ and /clear/. Their meanings ** in this context are as follows: ** ** /clear/: Clearing a widget means overwriting the space it occupies in the back ** buffer with data from the static buffer. This affects both the visual and the ** priority buffer, the static buffer (and any effect the widget may have had on ** it) is not touched. ** ** /equivalent/: Two Widgets A and B are equivalent if and only if either of the ** following conditions is met: ** a) Both A and B are text widgets, and they occupy the same bounding rectangle. ** b) Both A and B are dynview widgets, and they have the same unique ID ** Note that /equivalent/ is not really an equivalence relation- while it is ob- ** viously transitive and symmetrical, it is not reflexive (e.g. a box widget ** is not /equivalent/ to itself), although this might be a nice addition for the ** future. */ /*********************************/ /* Fundamental widget operations */ /*********************************/ /* gfxw_point_zero is declared in gfx/widgets.cpp */ extern Common::Point gfxw_point_zero; /*********************/ /* Widget operations */ /*********************/ /* These are for documentation purposes only. The actual declarations are in ** gfx_state_internal.h. ** ** ** ************************** ** ** Container operations ** ** ************************** ** ** ** -- free_tagged(GfxContainer *self) ** Frees all tagged resources in the container ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) self: self reference ** Returns : (int) 0 ** The container itself is never freed in this way. ** ** ** -- free_contents(GfxContainer *self) ** Frees all resources contained in the container ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) self: self reference ** Returns : (int) 0 ** ** ** -- add_dirty_abs(GfxContainer *self, rect_t dirty, int propagate) ** Adds a dirty rectangle to the container's list of dirty rects ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) self: self reference ** (rect_t) dirty: The rectangular screen area that is to be flagged ** as dirty, absolute to the screen ** (int) propagate: Whether the dirty rect should be propagated to the ** widget's parents ** Returns : (int) 0 ** Transparent containers will usually pass this value to their next ancestor, ** because areas below them might have to be redrawn. ** The dirty rectangle management strategy is defined in this file in ** GFXW_DIRTY_STRATEGY. ** ** ** -- add_dirty_rel(GfxContainer *self, rect_t dirty, int propagate) ** Adds a dirty rectangle to the container's list of dirty rects ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) self: self reference ** (rect_t) dirty: The rectangular screen area that is to be flagged ** as dirty, relative to the widget ** (int) propagate: Whether the dirty rect should be propagated to the ** widget's parents ** Returns : (int) 0 ** Transparent containers will usually pass this value to their next ancestor, ** because areas below them might have to be redrawn. ** The dirty rectangle management strategy is defined in this file in ** GFXW_DIRTY_STRATEGY. ** ** ** -- add(GfxContainer *self, GfxWidget *widget) ** Adds a widget to the list of contained widgets ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) self: self reference ** (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to add ** Returns : (int) 0 ** Sorted lists sort their content into the list rather than adding it to the ** end. */ /***************************/ /* Basic widget generation */ /***************************/ /*-- Primitive types --*/ GfxBox *gfxw_new_box(GfxState *state, rect_t area, gfx_color_t color1, gfx_color_t color2, gfx_box_shade_t shade_type); /* Creates a new box ** Parameters: (GfxState *) state: The (optional) state ** (rect_t) area: The box's dimensions, relative to its container widget ** (gfx_color_t) color1: The primary color ** (gfx_color_t) color1: The secondary color (ignored if shading is disabled) ** (gfx_box_shade_t) shade_type: The shade type for the box ** Returns : (GfxBox *) The resulting box widget ** The graphics state- if non-NULL- is used here for some optimizations. */ GfxPrimitive *gfxw_new_rect(rect_t rect, gfx_color_t color, gfx_line_mode_t line_mode, gfx_line_style_t line_style); /* Creates a new rectangle ** Parameters: (rect_t) rect: The rectangle area ** (gfx_color_t) color: The rectangle's color ** (gfx_line_mode_t) line_mode: The line mode for the lines that make up the rectangle ** (gfx_line_style_t) line_style: The rectangle's lines' style ** Returns : (GfxPrimitive *) The newly allocated rectangle widget (a Primitive) */ GfxPrimitive *gfxw_new_line(Common::Point start, Common::Point end, gfx_color_t color, gfx_line_mode_t line_mode, gfx_line_style_t line_style); /* Creates a new line ** Parameters: (Common::Point * Common::Point) (start, line): The line origin and end point ** (gfx_color_t) color: The line's color ** (gfx_line_mode_t) line_mode: The line mode to use for drawing ** (gfx_line_style_t) line_style: The line style ** Returns : (GfxPrimitive *) The newly allocated line widget (a Primitive) */ /* Whether the view should be static */ #define GFXW_VIEW_FLAG_STATIC (1 << 0) /* Whether the view should _not_ apply its x/y offset modifyers */ #define GFXW_VIEW_FLAG_DONT_MODIFY_OFFSET (1 << 1) GfxView *gfxw_new_view(GfxState *state, Common::Point pos, int view, int loop, int cel, int palette, int priority, int control, gfx_alignment_t halign, gfx_alignment_t valign, int flags); /* Creates a new view (a cel, actually) ** Parameters: (GfxState *) state: The graphics state ** (Common::Point) pos: The position to place the view at ** (int x int x int) view, loop, cel: The global cel ID ** (int) priority: The priority to use for drawing, or -1 for none ** (int) control: The value to write to the control map, or -1 for none ** (gfx_alignment_t x gfx_alignment_t) halign, valign: Horizontal and vertical ** cel alignment ** (int) flags: Any combination of GFXW_VIEW_FLAGs ** Returns : (gfxw_cel_t *) A newly allocated cel according to the specs */ GfxDynView *gfxw_new_dyn_view(GfxState *state, Common::Point pos, int z, int view, int loop, int cel, int palette, int priority, int control, gfx_alignment_t halign, gfx_alignment_t valign, int sequence); /* Creates a new dyn view ** Parameters: (GfxState *) state: The graphics state ** (Common::Point) pos: The position to place the dynamic view at ** (int) z: The z coordinate ** (int x int x int) view, loop, cel: The global cel ID ** (int) priority: The priority to use for drawing, or -1 for none ** (int) control: The value to write to the control map, or -1 for none ** (gfx_alignment_t x gfx_alignment_t) halign, valign: Horizontal and vertical ** cel alignment ** (int) sequence: Sequence number: When sorting dynviews, this number is ** considered last for sorting (ascending order) ** Returns : (gfxw_cel_t *) A newly allocated cel according to the specs ** Dynamic views are non-pic views with a unique global identifyer. This allows for drawing ** optimizations when they move or change shape. */ GfxText *gfxw_new_text(GfxState *state, rect_t area, int font, const char *text, gfx_alignment_t halign, gfx_alignment_t valign, gfx_color_t color1, gfx_color_t color2, gfx_color_t bgcolor, int flags); /* Creates a new text widget ** Parameters: (GfxState *) state: The state the text is to be calculated from ** (rect_t) area: The area the text is to be confined to (the yl value is only ** relevant for text aligment, though) ** (int) font: The number of the font to use ** (gfx_alignment_t x gfx_alignment_t) halign, valign: Horizontal and ** vertical text alignment ** (gfx_color_t x gfx_color_t) color1, color2: Text foreground colors (if not equal, ** The foreground is dithered between them) ** (gfx_color_t) bgcolor: Text background color ** (int) flags: GFXR_FONT_FLAGs, orred together (see gfx_resource.h) ** Returns : (GfxText *) The resulting text widget */ void gfxw_text_info(GfxState *state, GfxText *text, int *lines_nr, int *lineheight, int *offset); /* Determines text widget meta-information ** Parameters: (GfxState *) state: The state to operate on ** (gfx_text_t *) text: The widget to query ** Returns : (int) lines_nr: Number of lines used in the text ** (int) lineheight: Pixel height (SCI scale) of each text line ** (int) offset: Pixel offset (SCI scale) of the space after the ** last character in the last line */ GfxWidget *gfxw_set_id(GfxWidget *widget, int ID, int subID); /* Sets a widget's ID ** Parmaeters: (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget whose ID should be set ** (int x int) ID, subID: The ID to set ** Returns : (GfxWidget *) widget ** A widget ID is unique within the container it is stored in, if and only if it was ** added to that container with gfxw_add(). ** This function handles widget = NULL gracefully (by doing nothing and returning NULL). */ GfxWidget *gfxw_remove_id(GfxContainer *container, int ID, int subID); /* Finds a widget with a specific ID in a container and removes it from there ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) container: The container to search in ** (int) ID: The ID to look for ** (int) subID: The subID to look for, or GFXW_NO_ID for any ** Returns : (GfxWidget *) The resulting widget or NULL if no match was found ** Search is non-recursive; widgets with IDs hidden in subcontainers will not be found. */ GfxDynView *gfxw_dyn_view_set_params(GfxDynView *widget, int under_bits, const ObjVarRef& under_bitsp, int signal, const ObjVarRef& signalp); /* Initializes a dyn view's interpreter attributes ** Parameters: (GfxDynView *) widget: The widget affected ** (int x void * x int x void *) under_bits, inder_bitsp, signal, signalp: Interpreter-dependant data ** Returns : (GfxDynView *) widget */ GfxWidget *gfxw_hide_widget(GfxWidget *widget); /* Makes a widget invisible without removing it from the list of widgets ** Parameters: (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to invisibilize ** Returns : (GfxWidget *) widget ** Has no effect on invisible widgets */ GfxWidget *gfxw_show_widget(GfxWidget *widget); /* Makes an invisible widget reappear ** Parameters: (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to show again ** Returns : (GfxWidget *) widget ** Does not affect visible widgets */ GfxWidget *gfxw_abandon_widget(GfxWidget *widget); /* Marks a widget as "abandoned" ** Parameters: (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to abandon ** Returns : (GfxWidget *) widget */ /*-- Container types --*/ #define GFXW_LIST_UNSORTED 0 #define GFXW_LIST_SORTED 1 GfxList *gfxw_new_list(rect_t area, int sorted); /* Creates a new list widget ** Parameters: (rect_t) area: The area covered by the list (absolute position) ** (int) sorted: Whether the list should be a sorted list ** Returns : (GfxList *) A newly allocated list widget ** List widgets are also referred to as Display Lists. */ GfxPort *gfxw_find_default_port(GfxVisual *visual); /* Retrieves the default port from a visual ** Parameters: (GfxVisual *) visual: The visual the port should be retrieved from ** Returns : (GfxPort *) The default port, or NULL if no port is present ** The 'default port' is the last port to be instantiated; usually the topmost ** or highest-ranking port. */ void gfxw_port_set_auto_restore(GfxVisual *visual, GfxPort *window, rect_t auto_rect); /* Sets rectangle to be restored upon port removal ** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to operate on ** (GfxPort *) window: The affected window ** (rect_t) auto_rect: The area to restore ** Returns : (void) */ GfxPort *gfxw_remove_port(GfxVisual *visual, GfxPort *port); /* Removes a port from a visual ** Parameters: (GfxVisual *) visual: The visual the port should be removed from ** (GfxPort *) port: The port to remove ** Returns : (GfxPort *) port's parent port, or NULL if it had none */ void gfxw_remove_widget_from_container(GfxContainer *container, GfxWidget *widget); /* Removes the widget from the specified port ** Parameters: (GfxContainer *) container: The container it should be removed from ** (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to remove ** Returns : (void) */ gfxw_snapshot_t *gfxw_make_snapshot(GfxVisual *visual, rect_t area); /* Makes a "snapshot" of a visual ** Parameters: (GfxVisual *) visual: The visual a snapshot is to be taken of ** (rect_t) area: The area a snapshot should be taken of ** Returns : (gfxw_snapshot_t *) The resulting, newly allocated snapshot ** It's not really a full qualified snaphot, though. See gfxw_restore_snapshot ** for a full discussion. ** This operation also increases the global serial number counter by one. */ int gfxw_widget_matches_snapshot(gfxw_snapshot_t *snapshot, GfxWidget *widget); /* Predicate to test whether a widget would be destroyed by applying a snapshot ** Parameters: (gfxw_snapshot_t *) snapshot: The snapshot to test against ** (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to test ** Retunrrs : (int) An appropriate boolean value */ gfxw_snapshot_t *gfxw_restore_snapshot(GfxVisual *visual, gfxw_snapshot_t *snapshot); /* Restores a snapshot to a visual ** Parameters: (GfxVisual *) visual: The visual to operate on ** (gfxw_snapshot_t *) snapshot: The snapshot to restore ** Returns : (gfxw_snapshot_t *) snapshot (still needs to be freed) ** The snapshot is not really restored; only more recent widgets touching ** the snapshotted area are destroyed. */ void gfxw_annihilate(GfxWidget *widget); /* As widget->widfree(widget), but destroys all overlapping widgets ** Parameters: (GfxWidget *) widget: The widget to use ** Returns : (void) ** This operation calls widget->widfree(widget), but it also destroys ** all widgets with a higher or equal priority drawn after this widget. */ GfxDynView *gfxw_picviewize_dynview(GfxDynView *dynview); /* Turns a dynview into a picview ** Parameters: (GfxDynView *) dynview: The victim ** Returns : (GfxDynView *) The victim, after his transformation ** The only changes are in function and type variables, actually. */ void gfxw_port_auto_restore_background(GfxVisual *visual, GfxPort *window, rect_t auto_rect); /* Tags a window widget as automatically restoring the visual background upon removal ** Parameters: (gfx_visual_t *) visual: The base visual ** (GfxPort *) window: The window to tag ** (rect_t) auto_rect: The background to remember ** Also records the specified background rectangle, for later recovery */ } // End of namespace Sci #endif // SCI_GFX_GFX_WIDGETS_H