/*************************************************************************** sbtree.c Copyright (C) 2000 Christoph Reichenbach This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CR) ***************************************************************************/ /* Static binary lookup tree lookup */ #include "sci/include/sci_memory.h" #include "sci/include/sbtree.h" #include #include #define NOT_A_KEY -1 typedef struct { int key; void *value; } sbcell_t; int int_compar(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*((int *)a)) - (*((int *)b)); } void insert_interval(sbcell_t *data, int start, int stop, int *keys, int plus) { int center = start + ((stop - start) >> 1); data->key = keys[center]; if (start == stop) return; if (center > start) insert_interval(data + plus, start, center - 1, keys, plus << 1); if (center < stop) insert_interval(data + plus + 1, center + 1, stop, keys, ((plus << 1) + 1)); } sbtree_t * sbtree_new(int size, int *keys) { int table_size = 2; int levels = 0; sbcell_t *table; sbtree_t *tree; int i; if (size < 0) return NULL; while (table_size <= size) { table_size <<= 1; ++levels; } if (table_size > 1) --table_size; table = (sbcell_t*)sci_calloc(sizeof(sbcell_t), table_size); for (i = 0; i < table_size; i++) table[i].key = NOT_A_KEY; if (!table) { fprintf(stderr, "SBTree: Out of memory: Could not allocate %d cells\n", table_size); return NULL; } tree = (sbtree_t*)sci_malloc(sizeof(sbtree_t)); if (!tree) { fprintf(stderr, "SBTree: Could not allocate tree structure\n"); free(table); return NULL; } qsort(keys, size, sizeof(int), int_compar); insert_interval(table, 0, size - 1, keys, 1); tree->levels = levels; tree->entries_nr = size; if ((tree->min_entry = keys[0]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "SBTree: Error: Using negative keys\n"); free(table); free(tree); return NULL; } tree->max_entry = keys[size - 1]; tree->data = (void *) table; tree->alloced_entries = table_size; return tree; } void sbtree_free(sbtree_t *tree) { if (!tree) { fprintf(stderr, "SBTree: Attempt to free NULL sbtree\n"); return; } free(tree->data); free(tree); } void sbtree_foreach(sbtree_t *tree, void *args, void *(*operation)(sbtree_t *, const int, const void *, void *)) { int i; sbcell_t *cell = (sbcell_t *) tree->data; for (i = 0; i < tree->alloced_entries; i++) { if (cell->key != NOT_A_KEY) cell->value = operation(tree, cell->key, cell->value, args); cell = cell + 1; } } sbcell_t * locate(sbcell_t *start, int key, int level, int levels, int plus) { int comparison; if (level >= levels && (level != levels || start->key == NOT_A_KEY)) /* For large tables, the speed improvement caused by this comparison ** scheme is almost (cough) measurable... */ return NULL; comparison = key - start->key; if (!comparison) return start; return locate(start + plus + (comparison > 0), key, level + 1, levels, (plus << 1) + (comparison > 0)); } int sbtree_set(sbtree_t *tree, int key, void *value) { sbcell_t *cell = locate((sbcell_t *) tree->data, key, 0, tree->levels, 1); if (cell) cell->value = value; else return -1; return 0; } void * sbtree_get(sbtree_t *tree, int key) { sbcell_t *cell = locate((sbcell_t *) tree->data, key, 0, tree->levels, 1); if (cell) return cell->value; else return NULL; } #if 0 static void sbtree_print(sbtree_t *tree) { int l, i; sbcell_t *cells = (sbcell_t *) tree->data; fprintf(stderr, "\tTree:\n"); for (l = 0; l <= tree->levels; l++) { fprintf(stderr, "\t "); for (i = 0; i < (1 << l); i++) { if (cells->key == NOT_A_KEY) fprintf(stderr, "-- "); else { if (cells->value) fprintf(stderr, "%d+ ", cells->key); else fprintf(stderr, "%d ", cells->key); } cells = cells + 1; } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #endif /***************************** TEST CODE ********************************/ #ifdef SBTREE_DEBUG static int any_error; void * foreach_double_func(sbtree_t *tree, const int key, const void *value, void *args) { int *real_value = (int *) value; if (!real_value) fprintf(stderr, "foreach_double_func(): key %d mapped to non-value!\n", key); else *real_value *= 2; return real_value; } int * generate_linear_forward(int numbers) { int i; int *data = sci_malloc(sizeof(int) * numbers); for (i = 0; i < numbers; i++) data[i] = i + 1; return data; } int * generate_linear_backward(int numbers) { int i; int *data = sci_malloc(sizeof(int) * numbers); for (i = 0; i < numbers; i++) data[i] = numbers - i; return data; } int * generate_random(int numbers, int max) { int i; int *data = sci_malloc(sizeof(int) * numbers); for (i = 0; i < numbers; i++) data[i] = 1 + (int)((rand() * 1.0 * max) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); return data; } void insert_values(sbtree_t *tree, int nr, int *data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) if (sbtree_set(tree, data[i], (void *)(data + i))) { fprintf(stderr, "While inserting: %d incorrectly deemed invalid\n", data[i]); any_error = 1; } } #define MODE_LINEAR 0 #define MODE_LINEAR_MAP 1 #define MODE_RANDOM 2 #define MODE_LINEAR_DOUBLE 3 void test_value(sbtree_t *tree, int times, int max, int numbers, int *data, int mode) { int i; int failed = 0; for (i = 0; i < times; i++) { int key = (mode == MODE_LINEAR || mode == MODE_LINEAR_DOUBLE) ? i : (mode == MODE_LINEAR_MAP) ? data[i % numbers] : (int)((rand() * 1.0 * max) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); int *value = (int *) sbtree_get(tree, (mode == MODE_LINEAR_DOUBLE) ? key >> 1 : key); int found = 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < numbers && !found; j++) if (data[j] == key) found = 1; if (found && !value) { fprintf(stderr, "!%d ", key); ++failed; } else if (!found && found) { fprintf(stderr, "?[%d]=%d ", key, *value); ++failed; } } if (failed) fprintf(stderr, "(%d/%d errors)\n", any_error = failed, times); else fprintf(stderr, "OK\n"); } void test_boundary(sbtree_t *tree, int max, int random) { int *value_too_low = sbtree_get(tree, 0); int *value_too_high = sbtree_get(tree, max + 1); int *value_low = sbtree_get(tree, 1); int *value_high = sbtree_get(tree, max); int failure = (value_too_low || value_too_high || (!random && (!value_low || !value_high))); if (!failure) fprintf(stderr, "OK\n"); else { any_error = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Errors: "); if (value_too_low) fprintf(stderr, "too-low=%d ", *value_too_low); if (value_too_high) fprintf(stderr, "too-high=%d ", *value_too_high); if (!random) { if (!value_low) fprintf(stderr, "!low "); if (!value_high) fprintf(stderr, "!high "); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } void test_empty(sbtree_t *tree, int count, int max) { int i; int errors = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { int key = 1 + (int)((rand() * 1.0 * max) / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); int *value; if ((value = (int *) sbtree_get(tree, key))) { fprintf(stderr, "?[%d]=%d\n", key, *value); ++errors; } } if (errors) fprintf(stderr, " (%d/%d errors)\n", any_error = errors, count); else fprintf(stderr, "OK\n"); } void run_test(sbtree_t *tree, int entries, int *data, int random, int max_value) { char *tests[] = {"\tLinear reference test: \t\t", "\tKey map reference test: \t", "\tRandom access test: \t\t"}; int i; any_error = 0; fprintf(stderr, "\tEmpty test: \t\t\t"); test_empty(tree, entries * 2, entries + 1); insert_values(tree, entries, data); fprintf(stderr, "\tBoundary test: \t\t\t"); test_boundary(tree, max_value, random); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fprintf(stderr, tests[i]); test_value(tree, entries * 2, entries * 2, entries, data, i); } if (!random) { i = data[0]; sbtree_foreach(tree, NULL, foreach_double_func); fprintf(stderr, "\tForeach test: \t\t\t"); if (i * 2 != data[0]) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: No effect: %d * 2 != %d\n", i, data[0]); any_error = 1; } else test_value(tree, entries * 2, entries * 2, entries, data, MODE_LINEAR_DOUBLE); } if (any_error) sbtree_print(tree); free(data); sbtree_free(tree); } #define TESTS_NR 11 int main(int argc, char **argv) { int tests_nr = TESTS_NR; int test_sizes[TESTS_NR] = {1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 1000, 16383, 16384, 16385, 1000000}; int i; fprintf(stderr, "sbtree.c Copyright (C) 2000 Christoph Reichenbach \n" "This program is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind\n" "Please refer to the file COPYING that should have come with this program\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Static Binary Tree testing facility\n"); free(malloc(42)); /* Make sure libefence's Copyright message is print here if we're using it */ fprintf(stderr, "\nsbtree.c: Running %d tests.\n", tests_nr); for (i = 0; i < tests_nr; i++) { int entries = test_sizes[i]; sbtree_t *tree; int *data; fprintf(stderr, "Test #%d: %d entries\n", i + 1, entries); fprintf(stderr, "\t%da: Linear values\n", i + 1); data = generate_linear_forward(entries); tree = sbtree_new(entries, data); run_test(tree, entries, data, 0, entries); fprintf(stderr, "\t%db: Reverse linear values\n", i + 1); data = generate_linear_backward(entries); tree = sbtree_new(entries, data); run_test(tree, entries, data, 0, entries); fprintf(stderr, "\t%dc: Dense random values\n", i + 1); data = generate_random(entries, 1 + (entries >> 2)); tree = sbtree_new(entries, data); run_test(tree, entries, data, 1, 1 + (entries >> 2)); fprintf(stderr, "\t%dc: Sparse random values\n", i + 1); data = generate_random(entries, (entries << 2)); tree = sbtree_new(entries, data); run_test(tree, entries, data, 1, entries << 2); fprintf(stderr, "Test #%d completed.\n\n", i + 1); } fprintf(stderr, "Test suite completed.\n"); return 0; } #endif /* SBTREE_DEBUG */