/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/util.h" #include "common/stack.h" #include "graphics/primitives.h" #include "sci/sci.h" #include "sci/event.h" #include "sci/engine/state.h" #include "sci/engine/selector.h" #include "sci/graphics/gui.h" #include "sci/graphics/ports.h" #include "sci/graphics/paint16.h" #include "sci/graphics/animate.h" #include "sci/graphics/cursor.h" #include "sci/graphics/font.h" #include "sci/graphics/text16.h" #include "sci/graphics/screen.h" #include "sci/graphics/menu.h" namespace Sci { GfxMenu::GfxMenu(SciEvent *event, SegManager *segMan, SciGui *gui, GfxPorts *ports, GfxPaint16 *paint16, GfxText16 *text16, GfxScreen *screen, GfxCursor *cursor) : _event(event), _segMan(segMan), _gui(gui), _ports(ports), _paint16(paint16), _text16(text16), _screen(screen), _cursor(cursor) { _menuSaveHandle = NULL_REG; _barSaveHandle = NULL_REG; _oldPort = NULL; reset(); } GfxMenu::~GfxMenu() { // TODO: deallocate _list and _itemList reset(); } void GfxMenu::reset() { _list.clear(); _itemList.clear(); _listCount = 0; // We actually set active item in here and remember last selection of the user // sierra sci always defaulted to first item every time menu was called via ESC, we dont follow that logic _curMenuId = 1; _curItemId = 1; } void GfxMenu::kernelAddEntry(Common::String title, Common::String content, reg_t contentVmPtr) { GuiMenuEntry *menuEntry; uint16 itemCount = 0; GuiMenuItemEntry *itemEntry; int contentSize = content.size(); int separatorCount; int curPos, beginPos, endPos, tempPos; int tagPos, rightAlignedPos, functionPos, altPos, controlPos; const char *tempPtr; // Sierra SCI starts with id 1, so we do so as well _listCount++; menuEntry = new GuiMenuEntry(_listCount); menuEntry->text = title; _list.push_back(menuEntry); curPos = 0; do { itemCount++; itemEntry = new GuiMenuItemEntry(_listCount, itemCount); beginPos = curPos; // Now go through the content till we find end-marker and collect data about it // ':' is an end-marker for each item tagPos = 0; rightAlignedPos = 0; controlPos = 0; altPos = 0; functionPos = 0; while ((curPos < contentSize) && (content[curPos] != ':')) { switch (content[curPos]) { case '=': // Set tag // Special case for normal animation speed - they use right aligned "=" for that one, so we ignore it // as being recognized as tag marker if (rightAlignedPos == curPos - 1) break; if (tagPos) error("multiple tag markers within one menu-item"); tagPos = curPos; break; case '`': // Right-aligned if (rightAlignedPos) error("multiple right-aligned markers within one menu-item"); rightAlignedPos = curPos; break; case '^': // Ctrl-prefix if (controlPos) error("multiple control markers within one menu-item"); controlPos = curPos; break; case '@': // Alt-prefix if (altPos) error("multiple alt markers within one menu-item"); altPos = curPos; break; case '#': // Function-prefix if (functionPos) error("multiple function markers within one menu-item"); functionPos = curPos; break; } curPos++; } endPos = curPos; // Control/Alt/Function key mapping... if (controlPos) { content.setChar(SCI_MENU_REPLACE_ONCONTROL, controlPos); itemEntry->keyModifier = SCI_KEYMOD_CTRL; tempPos = controlPos + 1; if (tempPos >= contentSize) error("control marker at end of item"); itemEntry->keyPress = tolower(content[tempPos]); content.setChar(toupper(content[tempPos]), tempPos); } if (altPos) { content.setChar(SCI_MENU_REPLACE_ONALT, altPos); itemEntry->keyModifier = SCI_KEYMOD_ALT; tempPos = altPos + 1; if (tempPos >= contentSize) error("alt marker at end of item"); itemEntry->keyPress = tolower(content[tempPos]); content.setChar(toupper(content[tempPos]), tempPos); } if (functionPos) { content.setChar(SCI_MENU_REPLACE_ONFUNCTION, functionPos); tempPos = functionPos + 1; if (tempPos >= contentSize) error("function marker at end of item"); itemEntry->keyPress = content[tempPos]; switch (content[functionPos + 1]) { case '1': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F1; break; case '2': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F2; break; case '3': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F3; break; case '4': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F4; break; case '5': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F5; break; case '6': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F6; break; case '7': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F7; break; case '8': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F8; break; case '9': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F9; break; case '0': itemEntry->keyPress = SCI_KEY_F10; break; default: error("illegal function key specified"); } } // Now get all strings tempPos = endPos; if (rightAlignedPos) { tempPos = rightAlignedPos; } else if (tagPos) { tempPos = tagPos; } curPos = beginPos; separatorCount = 0; while (curPos < tempPos) { switch (content[curPos]) { case '!': case '-': case ' ': separatorCount++; break; case '%': // Some multilingual sci01 games use e.g. '--!%G--!' (which doesn't really make sense) separatorCount += 2; curPos++; } curPos++; } if (separatorCount == tempPos - beginPos) { itemEntry->separatorLine = true; } else { // we don't strSplit here, because multilingual SCI01 support language switching on the fly, so we have to do // this everytime the menu is called itemEntry->text = Common::String(content.c_str() + beginPos, tempPos - beginPos); // LSL6 uses "Ctrl-" prefix string instead of ^ like all the other games do tempPtr = itemEntry->text.c_str(); tempPtr = strstr(tempPtr, "Ctrl-"); if (tempPtr) { itemEntry->keyModifier = SCI_KEYMOD_CTRL; itemEntry->keyPress = tolower(tempPtr[5]); } } itemEntry->textVmPtr = contentVmPtr; itemEntry->textVmPtr.offset += beginPos; if (rightAlignedPos) { rightAlignedPos++; tempPos = endPos; // some games have tagPos in front of right rightAlignedPos // some have it the other way... (qfg1ega) if (tagPos && tagPos >= rightAlignedPos) tempPos = tagPos; itemEntry->textRightAligned = Common::String(content.c_str() + rightAlignedPos, tempPos - rightAlignedPos); // Remove ending space, if there is one. Strangely sometimes there are lone spaces at the end in some games if (itemEntry->textRightAligned.hasSuffix(" ")) itemEntry->textRightAligned.deleteLastChar(); // - and + are used sometimes for volume control/animation speed, = sometimes for animation speed if (itemEntry->textRightAligned == "-") { itemEntry->keyPress = '-'; } else if (itemEntry->textRightAligned == "+") { itemEntry->keyPress = '+'; } else if (itemEntry->textRightAligned == "=") { itemEntry->keyPress = '='; } } if (tagPos) { tempPos = functionPos + 1; if (tempPos >= contentSize) error("tag marker at end of item"); itemEntry->tag = atoi(content.c_str() + tempPos); } curPos = endPos + 1; _itemList.push_back(itemEntry); } while (curPos < contentSize); } GuiMenuItemEntry *GfxMenu::findItem(uint16 menuId, uint16 itemId) { GuiMenuItemList::iterator listIterator; GuiMenuItemList::iterator listEnd = _itemList.end(); GuiMenuItemEntry *listEntry; listIterator = _itemList.begin(); while (listIterator != listEnd) { listEntry = *listIterator; if ((listEntry->menuId == menuId) && (listEntry->id == itemId)) return listEntry; listIterator++; } return NULL; } void GfxMenu::kernelSetAttribute(uint16 menuId, uint16 itemId, uint16 attributeId, reg_t value) { GuiMenuItemEntry *itemEntry = findItem(menuId, itemId); if (!itemEntry) error("Tried to setAttribute() on non-existant menu-item %d:%d", menuId, itemId); switch (attributeId) { case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLED: itemEntry->enabled = value.isNull() ? false : true; break; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_SAID: itemEntry->saidVmPtr = value; break; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT: itemEntry->text = _segMan->getString(value); itemEntry->textVmPtr = value; // We assume here that no script ever creates a separatorLine dynamically break; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_KEYPRESS: itemEntry->keyPress = tolower(value.offset); itemEntry->keyModifier = 0; // TODO: Find out how modifier is handled printf("setAttr keypress %X %X\n", value.segment, value.offset); break; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TAG: itemEntry->tag = value.offset; break; default: // Happens when loading a game in LSL3 - attribute 1A warning("setAttribute() called with unsupported attributeId %X", attributeId); } } reg_t GfxMenu::kernelGetAttribute(uint16 menuId, uint16 itemId, uint16 attributeId) { GuiMenuItemEntry *itemEntry = findItem(menuId, itemId); if (!itemEntry) error("Tried to getAttribute() on non-existant menu-item %d:%d", menuId, itemId); switch (attributeId) { case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLED: if (itemEntry->enabled) return make_reg(0, 1); break; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_SAID: return itemEntry->saidVmPtr; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT: return itemEntry->textVmPtr; case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_KEYPRESS: // TODO: Find out how modifier is handled return make_reg(0, itemEntry->keyPress); case SCI_MENU_ATTRIBUTE_TAG: return make_reg(0, itemEntry->tag); default: error("getAttribute() called with unsupported attributeId %X", attributeId); } return NULL_REG; } void GfxMenu::drawBar() { GuiMenuEntry *listEntry; GuiMenuList::iterator listIterator; GuiMenuList::iterator listEnd = _list.end(); // Hardcoded black on white and a black line afterwards _paint16->fillRect(_ports->_menuBarRect, 1, _screen->getColorWhite()); _paint16->fillRect(_ports->_menuLine, 1, 0); _ports->penColor(0); _ports->moveTo(8, 1); listIterator = _list.begin(); while (listIterator != listEnd) { listEntry = *listIterator; _text16->Draw_String(listEntry->textSplit.c_str()); listIterator++; } } // This helper calculates all text widths for all menus/items void GfxMenu::calculateTextWidth() { GuiMenuList::iterator menuIterator; GuiMenuList::iterator menuEnd = _list.end(); GuiMenuEntry *menuEntry; GuiMenuItemList::iterator itemIterator; GuiMenuItemList::iterator itemEnd = _itemList.end(); GuiMenuItemEntry *itemEntry; int16 dummyHeight; menuIterator = _list.begin(); while (menuIterator != menuEnd) { menuEntry = *menuIterator; menuEntry->textSplit = g_sci->strSplit(menuEntry->text.c_str(), NULL); _text16->StringWidth(menuEntry->textSplit.c_str(), 0, menuEntry->textWidth, dummyHeight); menuIterator++; } itemIterator = _itemList.begin(); while (itemIterator != itemEnd) { itemEntry = *itemIterator; // Split the text now for multilingual SCI01 games itemEntry->textSplit = g_sci->strSplit(itemEntry->text.c_str(), NULL); _text16->StringWidth(itemEntry->textSplit.c_str(), 0, itemEntry->textWidth, dummyHeight); _text16->StringWidth(itemEntry->textRightAligned.c_str(), 0, itemEntry->textRightAlignedWidth, dummyHeight); itemIterator++; } } reg_t GfxMenu::kernelSelect(reg_t eventObject) { int16 eventType = GET_SEL32V(_segMan, eventObject, SELECTOR(type)); int16 keyPress, keyModifier; Common::Point mousePosition; GuiMenuItemList::iterator itemIterator = _itemList.begin(); GuiMenuItemList::iterator itemEnd = _itemList.end(); GuiMenuItemEntry *itemEntry = NULL; bool forceClaimed = false; EngineState *s; byte saidSpec[64]; switch (eventType) { case SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD: keyPress = GET_SEL32V(_segMan, eventObject, SELECTOR(message)); keyModifier = GET_SEL32V(_segMan, eventObject, SELECTOR(modifiers)); switch (keyPress) { case 0: break; case SCI_KEY_ESC: interactiveShowMouse(); itemEntry = interactiveWithKeyboard(); interactiveRestoreMouse(); forceClaimed = true; break; default: while (itemIterator != itemEnd) { itemEntry = *itemIterator; if ((itemEntry->keyPress == keyPress) && (itemEntry->keyModifier == keyModifier)) break; itemIterator++; } if (itemIterator == itemEnd) itemEntry = NULL; } break; case SCI_EVENT_SAID: // HACK: should be removed as soon as said() is cleaned up s = g_sci->getEngineState(); while (itemIterator != itemEnd) { itemEntry = *itemIterator; if (!itemEntry->saidVmPtr.isNull()) { // TODO: get a pointer to saidVmPtr or make said() work on VmPtrs _segMan->memcpy(saidSpec, itemEntry->saidVmPtr, 64); if (said(s, saidSpec, 0) != SAID_NO_MATCH) break; } itemIterator++; } if (itemIterator == itemEnd) itemEntry = NULL; break; case SCI_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS: mousePosition = _cursor->getPosition(); if (mousePosition.y < 10) { interactiveShowMouse(); itemEntry = interactiveWithMouse(); interactiveRestoreMouse(); forceClaimed = true; } break; } if (!_menuSaveHandle.isNull()) { _paint16->bitsRestore(_menuSaveHandle); // Display line inbetween menubar and actual menu Common::Rect menuLine = _menuRect; menuLine.bottom = menuLine.top + 1; _paint16->bitsShow(menuLine); _paint16->kernelGraphRedrawBox(_menuRect); _menuSaveHandle = NULL_REG; } if (!_barSaveHandle.isNull()) { _paint16->bitsRestore(_barSaveHandle); _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuRect); _barSaveHandle = NULL_REG; } if (_oldPort) _ports->setPort(_oldPort); if ((itemEntry) || (forceClaimed)) PUT_SEL32(_segMan, eventObject, SELECTOR(claimed), make_reg(0, 1)); if (itemEntry) return make_reg(0, (itemEntry->menuId << 8) | (itemEntry->id)); return NULL_REG; } GuiMenuItemEntry *GfxMenu::interactiveGetItem(uint16 menuId, uint16 itemId, bool menuChanged) { GuiMenuItemList::iterator itemIterator = _itemList.begin(); GuiMenuItemList::iterator itemEnd = _itemList.end(); GuiMenuItemEntry *itemEntry; GuiMenuItemEntry *firstItemEntry = NULL; GuiMenuItemEntry *lastItemEntry = NULL; // Fixup menuId if needed if (menuId > _listCount) menuId = 1; if (menuId == 0) menuId = _listCount; while (itemIterator != itemEnd) { itemEntry = *itemIterator; if (itemEntry->menuId == menuId) { if (itemEntry->id == itemId) return itemEntry; if (!firstItemEntry) firstItemEntry = itemEntry; if ((!lastItemEntry) || (itemEntry->id > lastItemEntry->id)) lastItemEntry = itemEntry; } itemIterator++; } if ((itemId == 0) || (menuChanged)) return lastItemEntry; return firstItemEntry; } void GfxMenu::drawMenu(uint16 oldMenuId, uint16 newMenuId) { GuiMenuEntry *listEntry; GuiMenuList::iterator listIterator; GuiMenuList::iterator listEnd = _list.end(); GuiMenuItemEntry *listItemEntry; GuiMenuItemList::iterator listItemIterator; GuiMenuItemList::iterator listItemEnd = _itemList.end(); Common::Rect menuTextRect; uint16 listNr = 0; int16 maxTextWidth = 0, maxTextRightAlignedWidth = 0; int16 topPos; Common::Point pixelPos; // Remove menu, if one is displayed if (!_menuSaveHandle.isNull()) { _paint16->bitsRestore(_menuSaveHandle); // Display line inbetween menubar and actual menu Common::Rect menuLine = _menuRect; menuLine.bottom = menuLine.top + 1; _paint16->bitsShow(menuLine); _paint16->kernelGraphRedrawBox(_menuRect); } // First calculate rect of menu and also invert old and new menu text _menuRect.top = _ports->_menuBarRect.bottom; menuTextRect.top = _ports->_menuBarRect.top; menuTextRect.bottom = _ports->_menuBarRect.bottom; menuTextRect.left = menuTextRect.right = 7; listIterator = _list.begin(); while (listIterator != listEnd) { listEntry = *listIterator; listNr++; menuTextRect.left = menuTextRect.right; menuTextRect.right += listEntry->textWidth; if (listNr == newMenuId) _menuRect.left = menuTextRect.left; if ((listNr == newMenuId) || (listNr == oldMenuId)) { menuTextRect.translate(1, 0); _paint16->invertRect(menuTextRect); menuTextRect.translate(-1, 0); } listIterator++; } _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuBarRect); _menuRect.bottom = _menuRect.top + 2; listItemIterator = _itemList.begin(); while (listItemIterator != listItemEnd) { listItemEntry = *listItemIterator; if (listItemEntry->menuId == newMenuId) { _menuRect.bottom += _ports->_curPort->fontHeight; maxTextWidth = MAX(maxTextWidth, listItemEntry->textWidth); maxTextRightAlignedWidth = MAX(maxTextRightAlignedWidth, listItemEntry->textRightAlignedWidth); } listItemIterator++; } _menuRect.right = _menuRect.left + 16 + 4 + 2; _menuRect.right += maxTextWidth + maxTextRightAlignedWidth; if (!maxTextRightAlignedWidth) _menuRect.right -= 5; // if part of menu window is outside the screen, move it into the screen (this happens in multilingual sq3 and lsl3) if (_menuRect.right > _screen->getWidth()) { _menuRect.translate(-(_menuRect.right - _screen->getWidth()), 0); } // Save background _menuSaveHandle = _paint16->bitsSave(_menuRect, SCI_SCREEN_MASK_VISUAL); // Do the drawing _paint16->fillRect(_menuRect, SCI_SCREEN_MASK_VISUAL, 0); _menuRect.left++; _menuRect.right--; _menuRect.bottom--; _paint16->fillRect(_menuRect, SCI_SCREEN_MASK_VISUAL, _screen->getColorWhite()); _menuRect.left += 8; topPos = _menuRect.top + 1; listItemIterator = _itemList.begin(); while (listItemIterator != listItemEnd) { listItemEntry = *listItemIterator; if (listItemEntry->menuId == newMenuId) { if (!listItemEntry->separatorLine) { _ports->textGreyedOutput(listItemEntry->enabled ? false : true); _ports->moveTo(_menuRect.left, topPos); _text16->Draw_String(listItemEntry->textSplit.c_str()); _ports->moveTo(_menuRect.right - listItemEntry->textRightAlignedWidth - 5, topPos); _text16->Draw_String(listItemEntry->textRightAligned.c_str()); } else { // We dont 100% follow sierra here, we draw the line from left to right. Looks better // BTW. SCI1.1 seems to put 2 pixels and then skip one, we don't do this at all (lsl6) pixelPos.y = topPos + (_ports->_curPort->fontHeight >> 1) - 1; pixelPos.x = _menuRect.left - 7; while (pixelPos.x < (_menuRect.right - 1)) { _screen->putPixel(pixelPos.x, pixelPos.y, SCI_SCREEN_MASK_VISUAL, 0, 0, 0); pixelPos.x += 2; } } topPos += _ports->_curPort->fontHeight; } listItemIterator++; } _ports->textGreyedOutput(false); // Draw the black line again _paint16->fillRect(_ports->_menuLine, 1, 0); _menuRect.left -= 8; _menuRect.left--; _menuRect.right++; _menuRect.bottom++; _paint16->bitsShow(_menuRect); } void GfxMenu::invertMenuSelection(uint16 itemId) { Common::Rect itemRect = _menuRect; if (itemId == 0) return; itemRect.top += (itemId - 1) * _ports->_curPort->fontHeight + 1; itemRect.bottom = itemRect.top + _ports->_curPort->fontHeight; itemRect.left++; itemRect.right--; _paint16->invertRect(itemRect); _paint16->bitsShow(itemRect); } void GfxMenu::interactiveShowMouse() { _mouseOldState = _cursor->isVisible(); _cursor->kernelShow(); } void GfxMenu::interactiveRestoreMouse() { if (!_mouseOldState) _cursor->kernelHide(); } uint16 GfxMenu::mouseFindMenuSelection(Common::Point mousePosition) { GuiMenuEntry *listEntry; GuiMenuList::iterator listIterator; GuiMenuList::iterator listEnd = _list.end(); uint16 curXstart = 8; listIterator = _list.begin(); while (listIterator != listEnd) { listEntry = *listIterator; if (mousePosition.x >= curXstart && mousePosition.x < curXstart + listEntry->textWidth) { return listEntry->id; } curXstart += listEntry->textWidth; listIterator++; } return 0; } uint16 GfxMenu::mouseFindMenuItemSelection(Common::Point mousePosition, uint16 menuId) { GuiMenuItemEntry *listItemEntry; GuiMenuItemList::iterator listItemIterator; GuiMenuItemList::iterator listItemEnd = _itemList.end(); uint16 curYstart = 10; uint16 itemId = 0; if (!menuId) return 0; if ((mousePosition.x < _menuRect.left) || (mousePosition.x >= _menuRect.right)) return 0; listItemIterator = _itemList.begin(); while (listItemIterator != listItemEnd) { listItemEntry = *listItemIterator; if (listItemEntry->menuId == menuId) { curYstart += _ports->_curPort->fontHeight; // Found it if ((!itemId) && (curYstart > mousePosition.y)) itemId = listItemEntry->id; } listItemIterator++; } return itemId; } GuiMenuItemEntry *GfxMenu::interactiveWithKeyboard() { sciEvent curEvent; uint16 newMenuId = _curMenuId; uint16 newItemId = _curItemId; GuiMenuItemEntry *curItemEntry = findItem(_curMenuId, _curItemId); GuiMenuItemEntry *newItemEntry = curItemEntry; Common::Point mousePosition; // We don't 100% follow sierra here: we select last item instead of selecting first item of first menu everytime // Also sierra sci didnt allow mouse interaction, when menu was activated via keyboard calculateTextWidth(); _oldPort = _ports->setPort(_ports->_menuPort); _barSaveHandle = _paint16->bitsSave(_ports->_menuRect, SCI_SCREEN_MASK_VISUAL); _ports->penColor(0); _ports->backColor(_screen->getColorWhite()); drawBar(); drawMenu(0, curItemEntry->menuId); invertMenuSelection(curItemEntry->id); _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuRect); _paint16->bitsShow(_menuRect); while (true) { curEvent = _event->get(SCI_EVENT_ANY); switch (curEvent.type) { case SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD: // We don't 100% follow sierra here: - sierra didn't wrap around when changing item id // - sierra allowed item id to be 0, which didnt make any sense do { switch (curEvent.data) { case SCI_KEY_ESC: _curMenuId = curItemEntry->menuId; _curItemId = curItemEntry->id; return NULL; case SCI_KEY_ENTER: if (curItemEntry->enabled) { _curMenuId = curItemEntry->menuId; _curItemId = curItemEntry->id; return curItemEntry; } break; case SCI_KEY_LEFT: newMenuId--; newItemId = 1; break; case SCI_KEY_RIGHT: newMenuId++; newItemId = 1; break; case SCI_KEY_UP: newItemId--; break; case SCI_KEY_DOWN: newItemId++; break; } if ((newMenuId != curItemEntry->menuId) || (newItemId != curItemEntry->id)) { // Selection changed, fix up new selection if required newItemEntry = interactiveGetItem(newMenuId, newItemId, newMenuId != curItemEntry->menuId); newMenuId = newItemEntry->menuId; newItemId = newItemEntry->id; // if we do this step again because of a separator line -> don't repeat left/right, but go down switch (curEvent.data) { case SCI_KEY_LEFT: case SCI_KEY_RIGHT: curEvent.data = SCI_KEY_DOWN; } } } while (newItemEntry->separatorLine); if ((newMenuId != curItemEntry->menuId) || (newItemId != curItemEntry->id)) { // paint old and new if (newMenuId != curItemEntry->menuId) { // Menu changed, remove cur menu and paint new menu drawMenu(curItemEntry->menuId, newMenuId); } else { invertMenuSelection(curItemEntry->id); } invertMenuSelection(newItemId); curItemEntry = newItemEntry; } break; case SCI_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS: mousePosition = _cursor->getPosition(); if (_cursor->getPosition().y < 10) { // Somewhere on the menubar newMenuId = mouseFindMenuSelection(mousePosition); if (newMenuId) { newItemId = 1; newItemEntry = interactiveGetItem(newMenuId, newItemId, newMenuId != curItemEntry->menuId); if (newMenuId != curItemEntry->menuId) { drawMenu(curItemEntry->menuId, newMenuId); } else { invertMenuSelection(curItemEntry->id); } invertMenuSelection(newItemId); curItemEntry = newItemEntry; } else { newMenuId = curItemEntry->menuId; } } else { // Somewhere below menubar newItemId = mouseFindMenuItemSelection(mousePosition, newMenuId); if (newItemId) { newItemEntry = interactiveGetItem(newMenuId, newItemId, false); if ((newItemEntry->enabled) && (!newItemEntry->separatorLine)) { _curMenuId = newItemEntry->menuId; _curItemId = newItemEntry->id; return newItemEntry; } newItemEntry = curItemEntry; } newItemId = curItemEntry->id; } break; case SCI_EVENT_NONE: _event->sleep(2500 / 1000); break; } } } // Mouse button is currently pressed - we are now interpreting mouse coordinates till mouse button is released // The menu item that is selected at that time is chosen. If no menu item is selected we cancel // No keyboard interaction is allowed, cause that wouldnt make any sense at all GuiMenuItemEntry *GfxMenu::interactiveWithMouse() { sciEvent curEvent; uint16 newMenuId = 0, newItemId = 0; uint16 curMenuId = 0, curItemId = 0; Common::Point mousePosition = _cursor->getPosition(); bool firstMenuChange = true; GuiMenuItemEntry *curItemEntry = NULL; calculateTextWidth(); _oldPort = _ports->setPort(_ports->_menuPort); _barSaveHandle = _paint16->bitsSave(_ports->_menuRect, SCI_SCREEN_MASK_VISUAL); _ports->penColor(0); _ports->backColor(_screen->getColorWhite()); drawBar(); _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuRect); while (true) { curEvent = _event->get(SCI_EVENT_ANY); switch (curEvent.type) { case SCI_EVENT_MOUSE_RELEASE: if ((curMenuId == 0) || (curItemId == 0)) return NULL; if ((!curItemEntry->enabled) || (curItemEntry->separatorLine)) return NULL; return curItemEntry; case SCI_EVENT_NONE: _event->sleep(2500 / 1000); break; } // Find out where mouse is currently pointing to mousePosition = _cursor->getPosition(); if (mousePosition.y < 10) { // Somewhere on the menubar newMenuId = mouseFindMenuSelection(mousePosition); newItemId = 0; } else { // Somewhere below menubar newItemId = mouseFindMenuItemSelection(mousePosition, newMenuId); curItemEntry = interactiveGetItem(curMenuId, newItemId, false); } if (newMenuId != curMenuId) { // Menu changed, remove cur menu and paint new menu drawMenu(curMenuId, newMenuId); if (firstMenuChange) { _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuBarRect); firstMenuChange = false; } curMenuId = newMenuId; } else { if (newItemId != curItemId) { // Item changed invertMenuSelection(curItemId); invertMenuSelection(newItemId); curItemId = newItemId; } } } return NULL; } void GfxMenu::kernelDrawStatus(const char *text, int16 colorPen, int16 colorBack) { Port *oldPort = _ports->setPort(_ports->_menuPort); _paint16->fillRect(_ports->_menuBarRect, 1, colorBack); _ports->penColor(colorPen); _ports->moveTo(0, 1); _text16->Draw_String(text); _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuBarRect); _ports->setPort(oldPort); } void GfxMenu::kernelDrawMenuBar(bool clear) { if (!clear) { Port *oldPort = _ports->setPort(_ports->_menuPort); drawBar(); _paint16->bitsShow(_ports->_menuBarRect); _ports->setPort(oldPort); } else { kernelDrawStatus("", 0, 0); } } } // End of namespace Sci