/*************************************************************************** gfx_operations.h Copyright (C) 2000,01 Christoph Reichenbach This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CR) ***************************************************************************/ /* Graphical operations, called from the widget state manager */ #ifndef _GFX_OPERATIONS_H_ #define _GFX_OPERATIONS_H_ #include "sci/include/gfx_resmgr.h" #include "sci/include/gfx_tools.h" #include "sci/include/gfx_options.h" #include "sci/include/gfx_system.h" #include "sci/include/uinput.h" #define GFXOP_NO_POINTER -1 /* Threshold in color index mode to differentiate between visible and non-visible stuff. ** GFXOP_ALPHA_THRESHOLD itself should be treated as non-visible. */ #define GFXOP_ALPHA_THRESHOLD 0xff typedef struct { char *text; /* Copy of the actual text */ int lines_nr; int line_height; text_fragment_t *lines; /* Text offsets */ gfx_bitmap_font_t *font; gfx_pixmap_t **text_pixmaps; int width, height; int priority, control; gfx_alignment_t halign, valign; } gfx_text_handle_t; /* Unless individually stated otherwise, the following applies: ** All operations herein apply to the standard 320x200 coordinate system. ** All operations perform clipping relative to state->clip_zone. */ typedef enum { GFX_BOX_SHADE_FLAT, GFX_BOX_SHADE_RIGHT, GFX_BOX_SHADE_LEFT, GFX_BOX_SHADE_DOWN, GFX_BOX_SHADE_UP #if 0 /* possible with alphaing, but there is no way to check for ** alpha capability of gfx_driver->draw_filled_rect() yet */ ,GFX_BOX_SHADE_RIGHT_DOWN, GFX_BOX_SHADE_LEFT_DOWN, GFX_BOX_SHADE_RIGHT_UP, GFX_BOX_SHADE_LEFT_UP #endif } gfx_box_shade_t; typedef struct _dirty_rect { rect_t rect; struct _dirty_rect *next; } gfx_dirty_rect_t; typedef struct _gfx_event { sci_event_t event; struct _gfx_event *next; } gfx_input_event_t; typedef struct { int version; /* Interpreter version */ gfx_options_t *options; point_t pointer_pos; /* Mouse pointer coordinates */ rect_t clip_zone_unscaled; /* The current UNSCALED clipping zone */ rect_t clip_zone; /* The current SCALED clipping zone; a cached scaled version of clip_zone_unscaled */ gfx_driver_t *driver; gfx_pixmap_color_t *static_palette; /* Null for dynamic palettes */ int static_palette_entries; int visible_map; gfx_resstate_t *resstate; /* Resource state */ gfx_pixmap_t *priority_map; /* back buffer priority map (unscaled) */ gfx_pixmap_t *static_priority_map; /* static buffer priority map (unscaled) */ gfx_pixmap_t *control_map; /* back buffer control map (only exists unscaled in the first place) */ int mouse_pointer_visible; /* Whether the pointer is drawn right now */ point_t old_pointer_draw_pos; /* Mouse pointer draw coordinates */ rect_t pointer_bg_zone; /* old-pointer-draw-pos relative zone inside the pointer ** pixmap that was drawn */ int mouse_pointer_in_hw; /* Current pointer is being handled in hardware */ gfx_pixmap_t *mouse_pointer; /* Only set when drawing the mouse manually */ gfx_pixmap_t *mouse_pointer_bg; /* Background under the pointer */ int tag_mode; /* Set to 1 after a new pic is drawn and the resource manager ** has tagged all resources. Reset after the next front buffer ** update is done, when all resources that are still tagged are ** flushed. */ int disable_dirty; /* Set to 1 to disable dirty rect accounting */ int pic_nr; /* Number of the current pic */ int palette_nr; /* Palette number of the current pic */ gfx_input_event_t *events; gfx_pixmap_t *fullscreen_override; /* An optional override picture which must have unscaled ** full-screen size, which overrides all other visibility, and ** which is generally slow */ gfxr_pic_t *pic, *pic_unscaled; /* The background picture and its unscaled equivalent */ struct _dirty_rect *dirty_rects; /* Dirty rectangles */ void *internal_state; /* Internal interpreter information */ } gfx_state_t; /**************************/ /* Fundamental operations */ /**************************/ int gfxop_init_default(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_options_t *options, void *misc_info); /* Initializes a graphics mode suggested by the graphics driver ** Parameters: (gfx_state_ t *) state: The state to initialize in that mode ** (gfx_options_t *) options: Rendering options ** (void *) misc_info: Additional information for the interpreter ** part of the resource loader ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK on success, GFX_FATAL otherwise */ int gfxop_init(gfx_state_t *state, int xfact, int yfact, gfx_color_mode_t bpp, gfx_options_t *options, void *misc_info); /* Initializes a custom graphics mode ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to initialize ** (int x int) xfact, yfact: Horizontal and vertical scale factors ** (gfx_color_mode_t) bpp: Bytes per pixel to initialize with, or ** 0 (GFX_COLOR_MODE_AUTO) to auto-detect ** (gfx_options_t *) options: Rendering options ** (void *) misc_info: Additional information for the interpreter ** part of the resource loader ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK on success, GFX_ERROR if that particular mode is ** unavailable, or GFX_FATAL if the graphics driver is unable ** to provide any useful graphics support */ int gfxop_set_parameter(gfx_state_t *state, char *attribute, char *value); /* Sets a driver-specific parameter ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state, encapsulating the driver object to manipulate ** (char *) attribute: The attribute to set ** (char *) value: The value the attribute should be set to ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK on success, GFX_FATAL on fatal error conditions triggered ** by the command */ int gfxop_exit(gfx_state_t *state); /* Deinitializes a currently active driver ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state encapsulating the driver in question ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK */ int gfxop_scan_bitmask(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t area, gfx_map_mask_t map); /* Calculates a bit mask calculated from some pixels on the specified map ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state containing the pixels to scan ** (rect_t) area: The area to check ** (gfx_map_mask_t) map: The GFX_MASKed map(s) to test ** Returns : (int) An integer value where, for each 0<=i<=15, bit #i is set ** iff there exists a map for which the corresponding bit was set ** in the 'map' parameter and for which there exists a pixel within ** the specified area so that the pixel's lower 4 bits, interpreted ** as an integer value, equal i. ** (Short version: This is an implementation of "on_control()"). */ int gfxop_set_visible_map(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_map_mask_t map); /* Sets the currently visible map ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to modify ** (gfx_map_mask_t) map: The GFX_MASK to set ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK, or GFX_ERROR if map was invalid ** 'visible_map' can be any of GFX_MASK_VISUAL, GFX_MASK_PRIORITY and GFX_MASK_CONTROL; the appropriate ** map (as far as its contents are known to the graphics subsystem) is then subsequently drawn to the ** screen at each update. If this is set to anything other than GFX_MASK_VISUAL, slow full-screen updates ** are performed. Mostly useful for debugging. ** The screen needs to be updated for the changes to take effect. */ int gfxop_set_clip_zone(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t zone); /* Sets a new clipping zone ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (rect_t) zone: The new clipping zone ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK */ int gfxop_have_mouse(gfx_state_t *state); /* Determines whether a pointing device is attached ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to inspect ** Returns : (int) zero iff no pointing device is attached */ /******************************/ /* Generic drawing operations */ /******************************/ int gfxop_draw_line(gfx_state_t *state, point_t start, point_t end, gfx_color_t color, gfx_line_mode_t line_mode, gfx_line_style_t line_style); /* Renders a clipped line to the back buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state affected ** (point_t) start: Starting point of the line ** (point_t) end: End point of the line ** (gfx_color_t) color: The color to use for drawing ** (gfx_line_mode_t) line_mode: Any valid line mode to use ** (gfx_line_style_t) line_style: The line style to use ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL */ int gfxop_draw_rectangle(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t rect, gfx_color_t color, gfx_line_mode_t line_mode, gfx_line_style_t line_style); /* Draws a non-filled rectangular box to the back buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (rect_t) rect: The rectangular area the box is drawn to ** (gfx_color_t) color: The color the box is to be drawn in ** (gfx_line_mode_t) line_mode: The line mode to use ** (gfx_line_style_t) line_style: The line style to use for the box ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** Boxes drawn in thin lines will surround the minimal area described by rect. */ int gfxop_draw_box(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t box, gfx_color_t color1, gfx_color_t color2, gfx_box_shade_t shade_type); /* Draws a filled box to the back buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (rect_t) box: The area to draw to ** (gfx_color_t) color1: The primary color to use for drawing ** (gfx_color_t) color2: The secondary color to draw in ** (gfx_box_shade_t) shade_type: The shading system to use ** (e.g. GFX_BOX_SHADE_FLAT) ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** The draw mask, control, and priority values are derived from color1. */ int gfxop_fill_box(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t box, gfx_color_t color); /* Fills a box in the back buffer with a specific color ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to draw to ** (rect_t) box: The box to fill ** (gfx_color_t) color: The color to use for filling ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** This is a simple wrapper function for gfxop_draw_box */ int gfxop_clear_box(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t box); /* Copies a box from the static buffer to the back buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (rect_t) box: The box to propagate from the static buffer ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL */ int gfxop_update(gfx_state_t *state); /* Updates all dirty rectangles ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t) *state: The relevant state ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL if reported by the driver ** In order to track dirty rectangles, they must be enabled in the options. ** This function instructs the resource manager to free all tagged data ** on certain occasions (see gfxop_new_pic). */ int gfxop_update_box(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t box); /* Propagates a box from the back buffer to the front (visible) buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (rect_t) box: The box to propagate to the front buffer ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** This function instructs the resource manager to free all tagged data ** on certain occasions (see gfxop_new_pic). ** When called with dirty rectangle management enabled, it will automatically ** propagate all dirty rectangles as well, UNLESS dirty frame accounting has ** been disabled explicitly. */ int gfxop_enable_dirty_frames(gfx_state_t *state); /* Enables dirty frame accounting ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state dirty frame accounting is to be enabled in ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if state was invalid ** Dirty frame accounting is enabled by default. */ int gfxop_disable_dirty_frames(gfx_state_t *state); /* Disables dirty frame accounting ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state dirty frame accounting is to be disabled in ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if state was invalid */ /********************/ /* Color operations */ /********************/ int gfxop_set_color(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_color_t *color, int r, int g, int b, int a, int priority, int control); /* Maps an r/g/b value to a color and sets a gfx_color_t structure ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The current state ** (gfx_color_t *) color: Pointer to the structure to write to ** (int x int x int) r,g,b: The red/green/blue color intensity values ** of the result color (0x00 (minimum) to 0xff (max)) ** If any of these values is less than zero, the ** resulting color will not affect the visual map when ** used for drawing ** (int) a: The alpha (transparency) value, with 0x00 meaning absolutely ** opaque and 0xff meaning fully transparent. Alpha blending support ** is optional for drivers, so these are the only two values that ** are guaranteed to work as intended. Any value in between them ** must guarantee the following opaqueness: ** opaqueness(x-1) >= opaqueness(x) >= opaqueness (x+1) ** (i.e. ([0,255], less-transparent-than) must define a partial order) ** (int) priority: The priority to use for drawing, or -1 for none ** (int) control: The control to use for drawing, or -1 to disable drawing to the ** control map ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if state is invalid ** In palette mode, this may allocate a new color. Use gfxop_free_color() described below to ** free that color. */ int gfxop_set_system_color(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_color_t *color); /* Designates a color as a 'system color' ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (gfx_color_t *) color: The color to designate as a system color ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if state is invalid ** System colors are permanent colors that cannot be deallocated. As such, they must be used ** with caution. */ int gfxop_free_color(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_color_t *color); /* Frees a color allocated by gfxop_set_color() ** Parmaeters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state affected ** (gfx_color_t *) color: The color to de-allocate ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if state is invalid ** This function is a no-op in non-index mode, or if color is a system color. */ /**********************/ /* Pointer and IO ops */ /**********************/ int gfxop_usleep(gfx_state_t *state, long usecs); /* Suspends program execution for the specified amount of microseconds ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state affected ** (long) usecs: The amount of microseconds to wait ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR ** The mouse pointer will be redrawn continually, if applicable */ int gfxop_set_pointer_cursor(gfx_state_t *state, int nr); /* Sets the mouse pointer to a cursor resource ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (int) nr: Number of the cursor resource to use ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK, GFX_ERROR if the resource did not ** exist and was not GFXOP_NO_POINTER, or GFX_FATAL on ** fatal error conditions. ** Use nr = GFX_NO_POINTER to disable the mouse pointer (default). */ int gfxop_set_pointer_view(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int loop, int cel, point_t *hotspot); /* Sets the mouse pointer to a view resource ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (int) nr: Number of the view resource to use ** (int) loop: View loop to use ** (int) cel: View cel to use ** (point_t *) hotspot: Manually set hotspot to use, or NULL for default. ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** Use gfxop_set_pointer_cursor(state, GFXOP_NO_POINTER) to disable the ** pointer. */ int gfxop_set_pointer_position(gfx_state_t *state, point_t pos); /* Teleports the mouse pointer to a specific position ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state the pointer is in ** (point_t) pos: The position to teleport it to ** Returns : (int) Any error code or GFX_OK ** Depending on the graphics driver, this operation may be without ** any effect */ sci_event_t gfxop_get_event(gfx_state_t *state, unsigned int mask); /* Retreives the next input event from the driver ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (int) mask: The event mask to poll from (see uinput.h) ** Returns : (sci_event_t) The next event in the driver's event queue, or ** a NONE event if no event matching the mask was found. */ /*******************/ /* View operations */ /*******************/ int gfxop_lookup_view_get_loops(gfx_state_t *state, int nr); /* Determines the number of loops associated with a view ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (int) nr: Number of the view to investigate ** Returns : (int) The number of loops, or GFX_ERROR if the view didn't exist */ int gfxop_lookup_view_get_cels(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int loop); /* Determines the number of cels associated stored in a loop ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to look up in ** (int) nr: Number of the view to look up in ** (int) loop: Number of the loop the number of cels of ** are to be investigated ** Returns : (int) The number of cels in that loop, or GFX_ERROR if either ** the view or the loop didn't exist */ int gfxop_check_cel(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int *loop, int *cel); /* Clips the view/loop/cel position of a cel ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (int) nr: Number of the view to use ** (int *) loop: Pointer to the variable storing the loop ** number to verify ** (int *) cel: Pointer to the variable storing the cel ** number to check ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if the view didn't exist ** *loop is clipped first, then *cel. The resulting setup will be a valid ** view configuration. */ int gfxop_overflow_cel(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int *loop, int *cel); /* Resets loop/cel values to zero if they have become invalid ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (int) nr: Number of the view to use ** (int *) loop: Pointer to the variable storing the loop ** number to verify ** (int *) cel: Pointer to the variable storing the cel ** number to check ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if the view didn't exist ** *loop is clipped first, then *cel. The resulting setup will be a valid ** view configuration. */ int gfxop_get_cel_parameters(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int loop, int cel, int *width, int *height, point_t *offset); /* Retreives the width and height of a cel ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (int) nr: Number of the view ** (int) loop: Loop number to examine ** (int) cel: The cel (inside the loop) to look up ** (int *) width: The variable the width will be stored in ** (int *) height: The variable the height will be stored in ** (point_t *) offset: The variable the cel's x/y offset will be stored in ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK if the lookup succeeded, GFX_ERROR if the nr/loop/cel ** combination was invalid */ int gfxop_draw_cel(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int loop, int cel, point_t pos, gfx_color_t color, int palette); /* Draws (part of) a cel to the back buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state encapsulating the driver to draw with ** (int) nr: Number of the view to draw ** (int) loop: Loop of the cel to draw ** (int) cel: The cel number of the cel to draw ** (point_t) pos: The positino the cel is to be drawn to ** (gfx_color_t color): The priority and control values to use for drawing ** (int) palette: The palette to use ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL */ int gfxop_draw_cel_static(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int loop, int cel, point_t pos, gfx_color_t color, int palette); /* Draws a cel to the static buffer; no clipping is performed ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state encapsulating the driver to draw with ** (int) nr: Number of the view to draw ** (int) loop: Loop of the cel to draw ** (int) cel: The cel number of the cel to draw ** (point_t) pos: The positino the cel is to be drawn to ** (gfx_color_t color): The priority and control values to use for drawing ** (int) palette: The palette to use ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** Let me repeat, no clipping (except for the display borders) is performed. */ int gfxop_draw_cel_static_clipped(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int loop, int cel, point_t pos, gfx_color_t color, int palette); /* Draws (part of) a clipped cel to the static buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state encapsulating the driver to draw with ** (int) nr: Number of the view to draw ** (int) loop: Loop of the cel to draw ** (int) cel: The cel number of the cel to draw ** (point_t) pos: The positino the cel is to be drawn to ** (gfx_color_t color): The priority and control values to use for drawing ** (int) palette: The palette to use ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** This function does clip. */ /******************/ /* Pic operations */ /******************/ /* These operations are exempt from clipping */ int gfxop_new_pic(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int flags, int default_palette); /* Draws a pic and writes it over the static buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state affected ** (int) nr: Number of the pic to draw ** (int) flags: Interpreter-dependant flags to use for drawing ** (int) default_palette: The default palette for drawing ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL ** This function instructs the resource manager to tag all data as "unused". ** See the resource manager tag functions for a full description. */ void * gfxop_get_pic_metainfo(gfx_state_t *state); /* Retreives all meta-information assigned to the current pic ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state affected ** Returns : (void *) NULL if the pic doesn't exist or has no meta-information, ** the meta-info otherwise ** This meta-information is referred to as 'internal data' in the pic code */ int gfxop_add_to_pic(gfx_state_t *state, int nr, int flags, int default_palette); /* Adds a pic to the static buffer ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state affected ** (int) nr: Number of the pic to add ** (int) flags: Interpreter-dependant flags to use for drawing ** (int) default_palette: The default palette for drawing ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL */ /*******************/ /* Text operations */ /*******************/ int gfxop_get_font_height(gfx_state_t *state, int font_nr); /* Returns the fixed line height for one specified font ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to work on ** (int) font_nr: Number of the font to inspect ** Returns : (int) GFX_ERROR, GFX_FATAL, or the font line height */ int gfxop_get_text_params(gfx_state_t *state, int font_nr, const char *text, int maxwidth, int *width, int *height, int flags, int *lines_nr, int *lineheight, int *lastline_width); /* Calculates the width and height of a specified text in a specified font ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (int) font_nr: Font number to use for the calculation ** (const char *) text: The text to examine ** (int) flags: ORred GFXR_FONT_FLAGs ** (int) maxwidth: The maximum pixel width to allow for the text ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_ERROR if the font didn't exist ** (int) *width: The resulting width ** (int) *height: The resulting height ** (int) *lines_nr: Number of lines used in the text ** (int) *lineheight: Pixel height (SCI scale) of each text line ** (int) *lastline_wdith: Pixel offset (SCI scale) of the space ** after the last character in the last line */ gfx_text_handle_t * gfxop_new_text(gfx_state_t *state, int font_nr, char *text, int maxwidth, gfx_alignment_t halign, gfx_alignment_t valign, gfx_color_t color1, gfx_color_t color2, gfx_color_t bg_color, int flags); /* Generates a new text handle that can be used to draw any text ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (int) font_nr: Font number to use for the calculation ** (char *) text: The text to examine ** (int) maxwidth: The maximum pixel width to allow for the text ** (gfx_alignment_t) halign: The horizontal text alignment ** (gfx_alignment_t) valign: The vertical text alignment ** (gfx_color_t x gfx_color_t) color1, color2: The text's foreground colors ** (the function will dither between those two) ** (gfx_color_t) bg_color: The background color ** (int) flags: ORred GFXR_FONT_FLAGs ** Returns : (gfx_text_handle_t *) A newly allocated gfx_text_handle_t, or ** NULL if font_nr was invalid ** The control and priority values for the text will be extracted from color1. ** Note that the colors must have been allocated properly, or the text may display in ** incorrect colors. */ int gfxop_free_text(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_text_handle_t *handle); /* Frees a previously allocated text handle and all related resources ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The state to use ** (gfx_text_handle_t *) handle: The handle to free ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK */ int gfxop_draw_text(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_text_handle_t *handle, rect_t zone); /* Draws text stored in a text handle ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The target state ** (gfx_text_handle_t *) handle: The text handle to use for drawing ** (rect_t) zone: The rectangular box to draw to. In combination with ** halign and valign, this defines where the text is ** drawn to. ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or GFX_FATAL */ /****************************/ /* Manual pixmap operations */ /****************************/ gfx_pixmap_t * gfxop_grab_pixmap(gfx_state_t *state, rect_t area); /* Grabs a screen section from the back buffer and stores it in a pixmap ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (rect_t) area: The area to grab ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_t *) A result pixmap, or NULL on error ** Obviously, this only affects the visual map */ int gfxop_draw_pixmap(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_pixmap_t *pxm, rect_t zone, point_t pos); /* Draws part of a pixmap to the screen ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (gfx_pixmap_t *) pxm: The pixmap to draw ** (rect_t) zone: The segment of the pixmap to draw ** (point_t) pos: The position the pixmap should be drawn to ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK or any error code */ int gfxop_free_pixmap(gfx_state_t *state, gfx_pixmap_t *pxm); /* Frees a pixmap returned by gfxop_grab_pixmap() ** Parameters: (gfx_state_t *) state: The affected state ** (gfx_pixmap_t *) pxm: The pixmap to free ** Returns : (int) GFX_OK, or GFX_ERROR if the state was invalid */ /******************************/ /* Dirty rectangle operations */ /******************************/ gfx_dirty_rect_t * gfxdr_add_dirty(gfx_dirty_rect_t *base, rect_t box, int strategy); /* Adds a dirty rectangle to 'base' according to a strategy ** Parameters: (gfx_dirty_rect_t *) base: The base rectangle to add to, or NULL ** (rect_t) box: The dirty frame to add ** (int) strategy: The dirty frame heuristic to use (see gfx_options.h) ** Returns : (gfx_dirty_rect_t *) an appropriate singly-linked dirty rectangle ** result cluster */ int _gfxop_clip(rect_t *rect, rect_t clipzone); /* Clips a rectangle against another one ** Parameters: (rect_t *) rect: The rectangle to clip ** (rect_t) clipzone: The outer bounds rect must be in ** Reuturns : (int) 1 if rect is empty now, 0 otherwise */ #endif /* !_GFX_OPERATIONS_H_ */