/*************************************************************************** gfx_resource.h Copyright (C) 2000 Christoph Reichenbach This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CR) ***************************************************************************/ /* SCI Resource library */ #ifndef _GFX_RESOURCE_H_ #define _GFX_RESOURCE_H_ #include "sci/include/gfx_system.h" #include "sci/include/gfx_driver.h" /*** Styles for pic0 drawing ***/ /* Dithering modes */ #define GFXR_DITHER_MODE_D16 0 /* Sierra SCI style */ #define GFXR_DITHER_MODE_F256 1 /* Flat color interpolation */ #define GFXR_DITHER_MODE_D256 2 /* 256 color dithering */ /* Dithering patterns */ #define GFXR_DITHER_PATTERN_SCALED 0 /* Dither per pixel on the 320x200 grid */ #define GFXR_DITHER_PATTERN_1 1 /* Dither per pixel on the target */ #define SCI_TITLEBAR_SIZE 10 #define DRAWPIC01_FLAG_FILL_NORMALLY 1 #define DRAWPIC01_FLAG_OVERLAID_PIC 2 #define GFXR_AUX_MAP_SIZE (320*200) #define GFX_SCI0_IMAGE_COLORS_NR 16 #define GFX_SCI0_PIC_COLORS_NR 256 #define GFX_SCI1_AMIGA_COLORS_NR 32 extern int sci0_palette; /* (gfx_pic_0.c) The 16 EGA base colors */ extern gfx_pixmap_color_t gfx_sci0_image_colors[][16]; /* (gfx_pic_0.c) The 256 interpolated colors (initialized when ** gfxr_init_pic() is called for the first time, or when gfxr_init_static_palette() is called) */ extern gfx_pixmap_color_t gfx_sci0_pic_colors[]; typedef struct { gfx_line_mode_t line_mode; /* one of GFX_LINE_MODE_* */ gfx_brush_mode_t brush_mode; rect_t pic_port_bounds; } gfxr_pic0_params_t; typedef struct { int ID; /* pic number (NOT resource ID, just number) */ gfx_mode_t *mode; gfx_pixmap_t *visual_map; gfx_pixmap_t *priority_map; gfx_pixmap_t *control_map; byte aux_map[GFXR_AUX_MAP_SIZE]; /* Auxiliary map details: ** Bit 0: Vis ** Bit 1: Pri ** Bit 2: Ctrl ** Bit 3-5: 'filled' (all three bits are set to 1) */ rect_t bounds; void *undithered_buffer; /* copies visual_map->index_data before dithering */ int undithered_buffer_size; void *internal; /* Interpreter information, or NULL. Will be freed ** automatically when the pic is freed! */ } gfxr_pic_t; typedef struct { int cels_nr; gfx_pixmap_t **cels; } gfxr_loop_t; typedef struct { int ID; int flags; int colors_nr; gfx_pixmap_color_t *colors; int loops_nr; gfxr_loop_t *loops; int translation[GFX_SCI0_IMAGE_COLORS_NR]; } gfxr_view_t; typedef enum { GFXR_FONT_SCALE_FILTER_NONE } gfxr_font_scale_filter_t; typedef struct { const char *offset; int length; } text_fragment_t; /* unscaled color index mode: Used in addition to a scaled mode ** to render the pic resource twice. See gfxr_remove_artifacts_pic0(). */ extern gfx_mode_t mode_1x1_color_index; void gfxr_init_static_palette(void); /* Initializes the static 256 color palette ** Parameters: (void) ** Returns : (void) */ gfxr_pic_t * gfxr_init_pic(gfx_mode_t *mode, int ID, int sci1); /* Initializes a gfxr_pic_t for a specific mode ** Parameters: (gfx_mode_t *) mode: The specific graphics mode ** (int) ID: The ID to assign to the resulting pixmaps ** Returns : (gfxr_pic_t *) The allocated pic resource, or NULL on error. ** This function allocates memory for use by resource drawer functions. */ void gfxr_free_pic(gfx_driver_t *driver, gfxr_pic_t *pic); /* Uninitializes a pic resource ** Parameters: (gfx_driver_t *) driver: The driver the pic should be removed from ** (gfxr_pic_t *) pic: The pic to free ** Returns : (void) */ void gfxr_free_view(gfx_driver_t *driver, gfxr_view_t *view); /* Frees all memory associated with a view ** Paremeters: (gfx_driver_t *) driver: The driver the view should be removed from ** (gfxr_view_t *) view: The view to free ** Returns : (void) */ /*******************/ /* Font operations */ /*******************/ /* SCI0, SCI01 and SCI1 all use the same font format. */ /* SQ3 uses a somewhat different scheme for calculating text sizes: it counts ** whitespace while calculating the text size. */ #define GFXR_FONT_FLAG_COUNT_WHITESPACE (1<<0) /* Don't give newline characters special semantics */ #define GFXR_FONT_FLAG_NO_NEWLINES (1<<1) /* Interpret CR LF sequences as a single newline, rather than two of them */ #define GFXR_FONT_FLAG_EAT_TRAILING_LF (1<<2) gfx_bitmap_font_t * gfxr_read_font(int id, byte *resource, int size); /* Geneartes a bitmap font data structure from a resource ** Parameters: (int) id: Resource ID of the resulting font ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource data ** (int) size: Size of the resource block ** Returns : (gfx_bitmap_font_t *) The resulting font structure, or ** NULL on error */ void gfxr_free_font(gfx_bitmap_font_t *font); /* Frees a previously allocated font structure ** Parameters: (gfx_bitmap_font_t *) font: The font to free ** Returns : (void) */ gfx_bitmap_font_t * gfxr_scale_font(gfx_bitmap_font_t *font, gfx_mode_t *mode, gfxr_font_scale_filter_t filter); /* Scales a font resource ** Parameters: (gfx_bitmap_font_t *) font: The font to scale ** (gfx_mode_t *) mode: The graphics mode to scale it for ** (gfxr_font_scale_filter_t) filter: A filter to use ** Returns : (gfx_bitmap_font_t *) A scaled font, or NULL on error */ text_fragment_t * gfxr_font_calculate_size(gfx_bitmap_font_t *font, int max_width, const char *text, int *width, int *height, int *lines, int *line_height, int *last_offset, int flags); /* Calculates the size that would be occupied by drawing a specified text ** Parameters: (gfx_bitmap_font_t *) font: The font to calculate with ** (int) max_width: Maximum pixel width allowed for the output ** (const char *) text: The text to calculate for ** (int) flags: Any text formatting flags ** Returns : (text_fragment *) a newly allocated array of text_fragments, ** containing the start and size of each string ** segment ** (int) *width: The resulting width ** (int) *height: The resulting height ** (int) *lines: Number of lines used ** (int) *line_height: Pixel height of a single line of text ** (int) *last_offset: Pixel offset after the last drawn line ** This function assumes 320x200 mode. */ gfx_pixmap_t * gfxr_draw_font(gfx_bitmap_font_t *font, const char *text, int characters, gfx_pixmap_color_t *fg0, gfx_pixmap_color_t *fg1, gfx_pixmap_color_t *bg); /* Draws text in a specific font to a pixmap ** Parameters: (gfx_bitmap_font_t *) font: The font to use for drawing ** (char *) text: The start of the text to draw ** (int) characters: The number of characters to draw ** (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) fg0: The first foreground color ** (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) fg1: The second foreground color ** (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) bg: The background color ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_t *) The result pixmap, or NULL on error ** The results are written to the pixmap's index buffer. Contents of the ** foreground and background fields are copied into a newly allocated font ** structure, so that the pixmap may be translated directly. ** If any of the colors is null, it will be assumed to be transparent. ** In color index mode, the specified colors have to be preallocated. */ /*********************/ /* SCI0 operations */ /*********************/ void gfxr_clear_pic0(gfxr_pic_t *pic, int sci_titlebar_size); /* Clears all pic buffers of one pic ** Parameters: (gfxr_pic_t) pic: The picture to clear ** (int) sci_titlebar_size: How much space to reserve for the title bar ** Returns : (void) ** This function should be called before gfxr_draw_pic0, unless cumulative ** drawing is intended */ void gfxr_draw_pic01(gfxr_pic_t *pic, int fill_normally, int default_palette, int size, byte *resource, gfxr_pic0_params_t *style, int resid, int sci1, gfx_pixmap_color_t *static_pal, int static_pal_nr); /* Draws a pic resource (all formats prior to SCI1.1) ** Parameters: (gfxr_pic_t *) pic: The pic to draw to ** (int) fill_normally: If 1, the pic is drawn normally; if 0, all ** fill operations will fill with black ** (int) default_palette: The default palette to use for drawing ** (int) size: Resource size ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource data ** (gfxr_pic0_params_t *) style: The drawing style ** (int) resid: The resource ID ** (int) sci1: Nonzero if SCI1 ** (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) static_pal: The static palette ** (int) static_pal_nr: Number of entries in static palette ** Returns : (void) ** The result is stored in gfxr_visual_map, gfxr_priority_map, and gfxr_control_map. ** The palette entry of gfxr_visual_map is never used. ** Note that the picture will not be drawn dithered; use gfxr_dither_pic0 for that. */ void gfxr_draw_pic11(gfxr_pic_t *pic, int fill_normally, int default_palette, int size, byte *resource, gfxr_pic0_params_t *style, int resid, gfx_pixmap_color_t *static_pal, int static_pal_nr); /* Draws a pic resource (SCI1.1) ** Parameters: (gfxr_pic_t *) pic: The pic to draw to ** (int) fill_normally: If 1, the pic is drawn normally; if 0, all ** fill operations will fill with black ** (int) default_palette: The default palette to use for drawing ** (int) size: Resource size ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource data ** (gfxr_pic0_params_t *) style: The drawing style ** (int) resid: The resource ID ** (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) static_pal: The static palette ** (int) static_pal_nr: Number of entries in static palette ** Returns : (void) ** The result is stored in gfxr_visual_map, gfxr_priority_map, and gfxr_control_map. ** The palette entry of gfxr_visual_map is never used. ** Note that the picture will not be drawn dithered; use gfxr_dither_pic0 for that. */ void gfxr_remove_artifacts_pic0(gfxr_pic_t *dest, gfxr_pic_t *src); /* Removes artifacts from a scaled pic ** Parameters: (gfxr_pic_t *) dest: The scaled pic ** (gfxr_pic_t *) src: An unscaled pic ** Returns : (void) ** Using information from the (correctly rendered) src pic, this function implements ** some heuristics to remove artifacts from dest. Must be used before dither_pic0 is ** called, because it operates on the index buffer. */ void gfxr_dither_pic0(gfxr_pic_t *pic, int mode, int pattern); /* Dithers a gfxr_visual_map ** Parameters: (gfxr_pic_t *) pic: The pic to dither ** (int) mode: One of GFXR_DITHER_MODE ** (int) pattern: One of GFXR_DITHER_PATTERN ** Returns : (void) */ gfxr_view_t * gfxr_draw_view0(int id, byte *resource, int size, int palette); /* Calculates an SCI0 view ** Parameters: (int) id: Resource ID of the view ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource to read ** (int) size: Size of the resource ** (int) palette: The palette to use ** Returns : (gfxr_view_t *) The resulting view */ gfx_pixmap_t * gfxr_draw_cursor0(int id, byte *resource, int size); /* Calculates an SCI0 cursor ** Parameters: (int) id: The cursor's resource ID ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource data ** (int) size: Resource size ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_t *) A newly allocated pixmap storing the cursor */ /**********************/ /* SCI01 operations */ /**********************/ gfx_pixmap_t * gfxr_draw_cursor01(int id, byte *resource, int size); /* Calculates an SCI01 cursor ** Parameters: (int) id: The cursor's resource ID ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource data ** (int) size: Resource size ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_t *) A newly allocated pixmap containing an index ** color representation of the cursor */ /*********************/ /* SCI1 operations */ /*********************/ gfx_pixmap_color_t * gfxr_read_pal1(int id, int *colors_nr, byte *resource, int size); /* Reads an SCI1 palette ** Parameters: (int) id: Resource ID for the palette (or the view it was found in) ** (int *) colors_nr: Pointer to the variable the number of colors ** will be stored in ** (byte *) resource: Source data ** (int) size: Size of the memory block pointed to by resource ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) *colors_nr color_t entries with the colors */ gfx_pixmap_color_t * gfxr_read_pal1_amiga(int *colors_nr, FILE *f); /* Reads an SCI1 palette ** Parameters: (int *) colors_nr: Pointer to the variable the number of colors ** will be stored in ** (FILE *) f: Palette file ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) *colors_nr color_t entries with the colors */ gfx_pixmap_color_t * gfxr_read_pal11(int id, int *colors_nr, byte *resource, int size); /* Reads an SCI1.1 palette ** Parameters: (int) id: Resource ID for the palette (or the view it was found in) ** (int *) colors_nr: Pointer to the variable the number of colors ** will be stored in ** (byte *) resource: Source data ** (int) size: Size of the memory block pointed to by resource ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) *colors_nr color_t entries with the colors */ gfxr_view_t * gfxr_draw_view1(int id, byte *resource, int size, gfx_pixmap_color_t *static_pal, int static_pal_nr); /* Calculates an SCI1 view ** Parameters: (int) id: Resource ID of the view ** (byte *) resource: Pointer to the resource to read ** (int) size: Size of the resource ** (gfx_pixmap_color_t *) static_pal: The static palette ** (int) static_pal_nr: Number of entries in static palette ** Returns : (gfxr_view_t *) The resulting view */ gfx_pixmap_t * gfxr_draw_cel11(int id, int loop, int cel, int mirrored, byte *resource_base, byte *cel_base, int size, gfxr_view_t *view); gfx_pixmap_t * gfxr_endianness_adjust(gfx_pixmap_t *pixmap, gfx_mode_t *mode); /* Endianness-adjusts a pixmap, if neccessary ** Parameters: (gfx_pixmap_t *) pixmap: The pixmap to adjust ** (gfx_mode_t *) mode: The mode to adjust it for ** Returns : (gfx_pixmap_t *) pixmap, or NULL on error ** The pixmap is adjusted iff the mode signals that this is ** required (by means of setting the appropriate flag), and ** the mode has a byte depth of more than 1. */ static inline int get_uint_16(const byte *offset) { return ((unsigned int) offset[0] | (((unsigned int) offset[1]) << 8)); } static inline int get_int_16(const byte *offset) { return ((int) offset[0] | (((int) offset[1]) << 8)); } #endif /* !_GFX_RESOURCE_H_ */