/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * $URL$
 * $Id$

#ifndef _SCI_KERNEL_H_
#define _SCI_KERNEL_H_

#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/debug.h"

#include "sci/include/kdebug.h"
#include "sci/include/uinput.h"
#include "sci/include/event.h"
#include "sci/include/vm.h"
#include "sci/include/console.h" /* sciprintf() */

extern int _kdebug_cheap_event_hack;
extern int _kdebug_cheap_soundcue_hack;
extern int stop_on_event;

extern int _debug_seeking;
extern int _debug_step_running;

#define AVOIDPATH_DYNMEM_STRING "AvoidPath polyline"

typedef struct {
	int x, y, xend, yend;
} abs_rect_t;

/* Formerly, the heap macros were here; they have been deprecated, however. */

/******************** Selector functionality ********************/

#define GET_SEL32(_o_, _slc_) read_selector(s, _o_, s->selector_map._slc_, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define GET_SEL32V(_o_, _slc_) (GET_SEL32(_o_, _slc_).offset)
#define GET_SEL32SV(_o_, _slc_) ((gint16)(GET_SEL32(_o_, _slc_).offset))
/* Retrieves a selector from an object
** Parameters: (reg_t) object: The address of the object which the selector should be read from
**             (selector_name) selector: The selector to read
** Returns   : (gint16/guint16/reg_t) The selector value
** This macro halts on error. 'selector' must be a selector name registered in vm.h's
** selector_map_t and mapped in script.c.

#define PUT_SEL32(_o_, _slc_, _val_) write_selector(s, _o_, s->selector_map._slc_, _val_, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define PUT_SEL32V(_o_, _slc_, _val_) write_selector(s, _o_, s->selector_map._slc_, make_reg(0, _val_), __FILE__, __LINE__)
/* Writes a selector value to an object
** Parameters: (reg_t) object: The address of the object which the selector should be written to
**             (selector_name) selector: The selector to read
**             (gint16) value: The value to write
** Returns   : (void)
** This macro halts on error. 'selector' must be a selector name registered in vm.h's
** selector_map_t and mapped in script.c.

#define INV_SEL(_object_, _selector_, _noinvalid_) \
  s, _object_,  s->selector_map._selector_, _noinvalid_, funct_nr, argv, argc, __FILE__, __LINE__
/* Kludge for use with invoke_selector(). Used for compatibility with compilers that can't
** handle vararg macros.

read_selector(struct _state *s,  reg_t object, selector_t selector_id, const char *fname, int line);
write_selector(struct _state *s, reg_t object, selector_t selector_id, reg_t value,
               const char *fname, int line);
invoke_selector(struct _state *s, reg_t object, int selector_id, int noinvalid, int kfunct,
                stack_ptr_t k_argp, int k_argc, const char *fname, int line, int argc, ...);

/******************** Text functionality ********************/
char *
kernel_lookup_text(struct _state *s, reg_t address, int index);
/* Looks up text referenced by scripts
** Parameters: (state_t *s): The current state
**             (reg_t) address: The address to look up
**             (int) index: The relative index
** Returns   : (char *): The referenced text, or NULL on error.
** SCI uses two values to reference to text: An address, and an index. The address
** determines whether the text should be read from a resource file, or from the heap,
** while the index either refers to the number of the string in the specified source,
** or to a relative position inside the text.

/******************** Debug functionality ********************/
#define KERNEL_OOPS(reason) kernel_oops(s, __FILE__, __LINE__, reason)


#define CHECK_THIS_KERNEL_FUNCTION if (s->debug_mode & (1 << SCIkFUNCCHK_NR)) {\
  int i;\
  sciprintf("Kernel CHECK: %s[%x](", s->kernel_names[funct_nr], funct_nr); \
  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { \
    sciprintf("%04x", 0xffff & UKPV(i)); \
    if (i+1 < argc) sciprintf(", "); \
  } \
  sciprintf(")\n"); \
} \
#else /* !SCI_KERNEL_DEBUG */


#endif /* !SCI_KERNEL_DEBUG */

listp(struct _state *s, reg_t address);
/* Determines whether the object at <address> is a list
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to use
**             (reg_t) address: The address to check
** Returns   : (int) 0 if not, non-zero if it is a list.

is_object(struct _state *s, reg_t obj);
/* Checks whether a heap address contains an object
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The current state
**             (reg_t) obj: The address to check
** Returns   : (int) 1 if it is an object, 0 otherwise

/* Functions for internal macro use */
_SCIkvprintf(FILE *file, const char *format, va_list args);
_SCIkprintf(FILE *file, const char *format, ...);

/******************** Kernel function parameter macros ********************/

/* Returns the parameter value or (alt) if not enough parameters were supplied */

#define KP_ALT(x, alt) ((x < argc)? argv[x] : (alt))
#define KP_UINT(x) ((guint16) x.offset)
#define KP_SINT(x) ((gint16) x.offset)

#define SKPV(x) KP_SINT(argv[x])
#define UKPV(x) KP_UINT(argv[x])
#define SKPV_OR_ALT(x,a) KP_SINT(KP_ALT(x, make_reg(0, a)))
#define UKPV_OR_ALT(x,a) KP_UINT(KP_ALT(x, make_reg(0, a)))

reg_t *
kernel_dereference_reg_pointer(struct _state *s, reg_t pointer, int entries);
byte *
kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(struct _state *s, reg_t pointer, int entries);
#define kernel_dereference_char_pointer(state, pointer, entries) (char*)kernel_dereference_bulk_pointer(state, pointer, entries)
/* Dereferences a heap pointer
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to operate on
**             (reg_t ) pointer: The pointer to dereference
**             (int) entries: The number of values expected (for checking)
**                            (use 0 for strings)
** Returns   : (reg_t/char *): A physical reference to the address pointed
**                        to, or NULL on error or if not enugh entries
**                        were available
** reg_t dereferenciation also assures alignedness of data.

/******************** Resource Macros ********************/

/* Returns the composite resource ID: */
#define RESOURCE_ID(type, number) (number) | ((type) << 11)
#define RESOURCE_NUMBER(resid) ((resid) & 0x7ff)
#define RESOURCE_TYPE(resid) ((resid) >> 11)

kernel_oops(struct _state *s, const char *file, int line, const char *reason);
/* Halts script execution and informs the user about an internal kernel error or failed assertion
** Paramters: (state_t *) s: The state to use
**            (const char *) file: The file the oops occured in
**            (int) line: The line the oops occured in
**            (const char *) reason: Reason for the kernel oops

/******************** Priority macros/functions ********************/

struct _state;

extern int sci01_priority_table_flags; /* 1: delete, 2: print */

_find_priority_band(struct _state *s, int band);
/* Finds the position of the priority band specified
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: State to search in
**             (int) band: Band to look for
** Returns   : (int) Offset at which the band starts

_find_view_priority(struct _state *s, int y);
/* Does the opposite of _find_priority_band
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: State
**             (int) y: Coordinate to check
** Returns   : (int) The priority band y belongs to

#define SCI0_VIEW_PRIORITY_14_ZONES(y) (((y) < s->priority_first)? 0 : (((y) >= s->priority_last)? 14 : 1\
	+ ((((y) - s->priority_first) * 14) / (s->priority_last - s->priority_first))))

#define SCI0_PRIORITY_BAND_FIRST_14_ZONES(nr) ((((nr) == 0)? 0 :  \
        ((s->priority_first) + (((nr)-1) * (s->priority_last - s->priority_first)) / 14)))

#define SCI0_VIEW_PRIORITY(y) (((y) < s->priority_first)? 0 : (((y) >= s->priority_last)? 14 : 1\
	+ ((((y) - s->priority_first) * 15) / (s->priority_last - s->priority_first))))

#define SCI0_PRIORITY_BAND_FIRST(nr) ((((nr) == 0)? 0 :  \
        ((s->priority_first) + (((nr)-1) * (s->priority_last - s->priority_first)) / 15)))

#define VIEW_PRIORITY(y) _find_view_priority(s, y)
#define PRIORITY_BAND_FIRST(nr) _find_priority_band(s, nr)

/******************** Dynamic view list functions ********************/

set_base(struct _state *s, reg_t object);
/* Determines the base rectangle of the specified view object
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to use
**             (reg_t) object: The object to set
** Returns   : (abs_rect) The absolute base rectangle

extern abs_rect_t
	get_nsrect(struct _state *s, reg_t object, byte clip);
/* Determines the now-seen rectangle of a view object
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to use
**             (reg_t) object: The object to check
**             (byte) clip: Flag to determine wheter priority band
**                          clipping should be performed
** Returns   : (abs_rect) The absolute rectangle describing the
** now-seen area.

_k_dyn_view_list_prepare_change(struct _state *s);
/* Removes all views in anticipation of a new window or text */
_k_dyn_view_list_accept_change(struct _state *s);
/* Redraws all views after a new window or text was added */

/******************** Misc functions ********************/

process_sound_events(struct _state *s); /* Get all sound events, apply their changes to the heap */

#define LOOKUP_NODE(addr) lookup_node(s, (addr), __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define LOOKUP_LIST(addr) lookup_list(s, addr, __FILE__, __LINE__)

node_t *
lookup_node(struct _state *s, reg_t addr, const char *file, int line);
/* Resolves an address into a list node
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to operate on
**             (reg_t) addr: The address to resolve
**             (const char *) file: The file the function was called from
**             (int) line: The line number the function was called from
** Returns   : (node_t *) The list node referenced, or NULL on error

list_t *
lookup_list(struct _state *s, reg_t addr, const char *file, int line);
/* Resolves a list pointer to a list
** Parameters: (state_t *) s: The state to operate on
**             (reg_t) addr: The address to resolve
**             (const char *) file: The file the function was called from
**             (int) line: The line number the function was called from
** Returns   : (list_t *) The list referenced, or NULL on error

/******************** Constants ********************/

/* Maximum length of a savegame name (including terminator character) */

/* Flags for the signal selector */
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_STOP_UPDATE    0x0001
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_UPDATED        0x0002
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_NO_UPDATE      0x0004
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_HIDDEN         0x0008
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_FIX_PRI_ON     0x0010
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_FORCE_UPDATE   0x0040
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_REMOVE         0x0080
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_FROZEN         0x0100
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_IS_EXTRA       0x0200
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_HIT_OBSTACLE   0x0400
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_DOESNT_TURN    0x0800
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_NO_CYCLER      0x1000
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_IGNORE_ACTOR   0x4000
#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_DISPOSE_ME     0x8000

#define _K_VIEW_SIG_FLAG_FREESCI_STOPUPD 0x20000000 /* View has been stop-updated */

/* Sound status */

/* Kernel optimization flags */

/******************** Kernel functions ********************/

/* Generic description: */
typedef reg_t kfunct(struct _state *s, int funct_nr, int argc, reg_t *argv);


typedef struct {
	kfunct *fun; /* The actual function */
	const char *signature;  /* kfunct signature */
	const char *orig_name; /* Original name, in case we couldn't map it */
} kfunct_sig_pair_t;

#define KF_OLD 0
#define KF_NEW 1
#define KF_NONE -1 /* No mapping, but name is known */
#define KF_TERMINATOR -42 /* terminates kfunct_mappers */

typedef struct {
	int type; /* KF_* */
	const char *name;
	kfunct_sig_pair_t sig_pair;
} sci_kernel_function_t;

extern sci_kernel_function_t kfunct_mappers[];

#endif /* _SCI_KERNEL_H_ */