/*************************************************************************** decompress1.c Copyright (C) 1999 The FreeSCI project This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CJR) [creichen@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] ***************************************************************************/ /* Reads data from a resource file and stores the result in memory */ #include "sci/include/sci_memory.h" #include "sci/include/sciresource.h" /* DEFLATE-DCL ** Refer to the FreeSCI docs for a full description. */ #define HUFFMAN_LEAF 0x40000000 struct bit_read_struct { int length; int bitpos; int bytepos; byte *data; }; #define BRANCH_SHIFT 12 #define BRANCH_NODE(pos, left, right) ((left << BRANCH_SHIFT) | (right)), #define LEAF_NODE(pos, value) ((value) | HUFFMAN_LEAF), static int length_tree[] = { #include "treedef.1" 0 /* We need something witout a comma at the end */ }; static int distance_tree[] = { #include "treedef.2" 0 /* We need something witout a comma at the end */ }; static int ascii_tree[] = { #include "treedef.3" 0 /* We need something witout a comma at the end */ }; #define CALLC(x) { if ((x) == -SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW) return -SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } static inline int getbits_msb_first(struct bit_read_struct *inp, int bits) { int morebytes = (bits + inp->bitpos - 1) >> 3; int result = 0; int i; if (inp->bytepos + morebytes >= inp->length) { fprintf(stderr, "read out-of-bounds with bytepos %d + morebytes %d >= length %d\n", inp->bytepos, morebytes, inp->length); return -SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } for (i = 0; i <= morebytes; i++) result |= (inp->data[inp->bytepos + i]) << (i << 3); result >>= inp->bitpos; result &= ~(~0 << bits); inp->bitpos += bits - (morebytes << 3); inp->bytepos += morebytes; return result; } static int DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE = 0; /* FIXME: Make this a define eventually */ static inline int getbits(struct bit_read_struct *inp, int bits) { int morebytes = (bits + inp->bitpos - 1) >> 3; int result = 0; int i; if (inp->bytepos + morebytes >= inp->length) { fprintf(stderr, "read out-of-bounds with bytepos %d + morebytes %d >= length %d\n", inp->bytepos, morebytes, inp->length); return -SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } for (i = 0; i <= morebytes; i++) result |= (inp->data[inp->bytepos + i]) << (i << 3); result >>= inp->bitpos; result &= ~((~0) << bits); inp->bitpos += bits - (morebytes << 3); inp->bytepos += morebytes; if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) fprintf(stderr, "(%d:%04x)", bits, result); return result; } static int huffman_lookup(struct bit_read_struct *inp, int *tree) { int pos = 0; int bit; while (!(tree[pos] & HUFFMAN_LEAF)) { CALLC(bit = getbits(inp, 1)); if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) fprintf(stderr, "[%d]:%d->", pos, bit); if (bit) pos = tree[pos] & ~(~0 << BRANCH_SHIFT); else pos = tree[pos] >> BRANCH_SHIFT; } if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) fprintf(stderr, "=%02x\n", tree[pos] & 0xffff); return tree[pos] & 0xffff; } #define VALUE_M(i) ((i == 0)? 7 : (VALUE_M(i - 1) + 2**i)); #define DCL_ASCII_MODE 1 static int decrypt4_hdyn(byte *dest, int length, struct bit_read_struct *reader) { int mode, length_param, value, val_length, val_distance; int write_pos = 0; int M[] = {0x07, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x16, 0x26, 0x46, 0x86, 0x106}; CALLC(mode = getbits(reader, 8)); CALLC(length_param = getbits(reader, 8)); if (mode == DCL_ASCII_MODE) { fprintf(stderr, "DCL-INFLATE: Warning: Decompressing ASCII mode (untested)\n"); /* DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE = 1; */ } else if (mode) { fprintf(stderr, "DCL-INFLATE: Error: Encountered mode %02x, expected 00 or 01\n", mode); return 1; } if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) { int i; for (i = 0; i < reader->length; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", reader->data[i]); if (!((i + 1) & 0x1f)) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "\n---\n"); } if (length_param < 3 || length_param > 6) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unexpected length_param value %d (expected in [3,6])\n", length_param); while (write_pos < length) { CALLC(value = getbits(reader, 1)); if (value) { /* (length,distance) pair */ CALLC(value = huffman_lookup(reader, length_tree)); if (value < 8) val_length = value + 2; else { int length_bonus; val_length = M[value - 7] + 2; CALLC(length_bonus = getbits(reader, value - 7)); val_length += length_bonus; } if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) fprintf(stderr, " | "); CALLC(value = huffman_lookup(reader, distance_tree)); if (val_length == 2) { val_distance = value << 2; CALLC(value = getbits(reader, 2)); val_distance |= value; } else { val_distance = value << length_param; CALLC(value = getbits(reader, length_param)); val_distance |= value; } ++val_distance; if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) fprintf(stderr, "\nCOPY(%d from %d)\n", val_length, val_distance); if (val_length + write_pos > length) { fprintf(stderr, "DCL-INFLATE Error: Write out of bounds while copying %d bytes\n", val_length); return -SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } if (write_pos < val_distance) { fprintf(stderr, "DCL-INFLATE Error: Attempt to copy from before beginning of input stream\n"); return -SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_INSANE; } while (val_length) { int copy_length = (val_length > val_distance) ? val_distance : val_length; memcpy(dest + write_pos, dest + write_pos - val_distance, copy_length); if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) { int i; for (i = 0; i < copy_length; i++) fprintf(stderr, "\33[32;31m%02x\33[37;37m ", dest[write_pos + i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } val_length -= copy_length; val_distance += copy_length; write_pos += copy_length; } } else { /* Copy byte verbatim */ if (mode == DCL_ASCII_MODE) { CALLC(value = huffman_lookup(reader, ascii_tree)); } else { CALLC(value = getbits(reader, 8)); } dest[write_pos++] = value; if (DEBUG_DCL_INFLATE) fprintf(stderr, "\33[32;31m%02x \33[37;37m", value); } } return 0; } int decrypt4(guint8* dest, guint8* src, int length, int complength) { struct bit_read_struct reader; reader.length = complength; reader.bitpos = 0; reader.bytepos = 0; reader.data = src; return -decrypt4_hdyn(dest, length, &reader); } void decryptinit3(void); int decrypt3(guint8* dest, guint8* src, int length, int complength); int decompress1(resource_t *result, int resh, int early); int decompress1(resource_t *result, int resh, int sci_version) { guint16 compressedLength; guint16 compressionMethod, result_size; guint8 *buffer; guint8 tempid; if (sci_version == SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY) { if (read(resh, &(result->id), 2) != 2) return SCI_ERROR_IO_ERROR; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN result->id = GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(result->id); #endif result->number = result->id & 0x07ff; result->type = result->id >> 11; if ((result->number >= sci_max_resource_nr[SCI_VERSION_1_LATE]) || (result->type > sci_invalid_resource)) return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_INSANE; } else { if (read(resh, &tempid, 1) != 1) return SCI_ERROR_IO_ERROR; result->id = tempid; result->type = result->id & 0x7f; if (read(resh, &(result->number), 2) != 2) return SCI_ERROR_IO_ERROR; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN result->number = GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(result->number); #endif /* WORDS_BIGENDIAN */ if ((result->number >= sci_max_resource_nr[SCI_VERSION_1_LATE]) || (result->type > sci_invalid_resource)) return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_INSANE; } if ((read(resh, &compressedLength, 2) != 2) || (read(resh, &result_size, 2) != 2) || (read(resh, &compressionMethod, 2) != 2)) return SCI_ERROR_IO_ERROR; #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN compressedLength = GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(compressedLength); result_size = GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(result_size); compressionMethod = GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(compressionMethod); #endif result->size = result_size; if ((result->size > SCI_MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE) || (compressedLength > SCI_MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE)) return SCI_ERROR_RESOURCE_TOO_BIG; if (compressedLength > 4) compressedLength -= 4; else { /* Object has size zero (e.g. view.000 in sq3) (does this really exist?) */ result->data = 0; result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; return SCI_ERROR_EMPTY_OBJECT; } buffer = (guint8*)sci_malloc(compressedLength); result->data = (unsigned char*)sci_malloc(result->size); if (read(resh, buffer, compressedLength) != compressedLength) { free(result->data); free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_IO_ERROR; }; #ifdef _SCI_DECOMPRESS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Resource %i.%s encrypted with method SCI1%c/%hi at %.2f%%" " ratio\n", result->number, sci_resource_type_suffixes[result->type], early ? 'e' : 'l', compressionMethod, (result->size == 0) ? -1.0 : (100.0 * compressedLength / result->size)); fprintf(stderr, " compressedLength = 0x%hx, actualLength=0x%hx\n", compressedLength, result->size); #endif switch (compressionMethod) { case 0: /* no compression */ if (result->size != compressedLength) { free(result->data); result->data = NULL; result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } memcpy(result->data, buffer, compressedLength); result->status = SCI_STATUS_ALLOCATED; break; case 1: /* LZW */ if (decrypt2(result->data, buffer, result->size, compressedLength)) { free(result->data); result->data = 0; /* So that we know that it didn't work */ result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } result->status = SCI_STATUS_ALLOCATED; break; case 2: /* ??? */ decryptinit3(); if (decrypt3(result->data, buffer, result->size, compressedLength)) { free(result->data); result->data = 0; /* So that we know that it didn't work */ result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } result->status = SCI_STATUS_ALLOCATED; break; case 3: decryptinit3(); if (decrypt3(result->data, buffer, result->size, compressedLength)) { free(result->data); result->data = 0; /* So that we know that it didn't work */ result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } result->data = view_reorder(result->data, result->size); result->status = SCI_STATUS_ALLOCATED; break; case 4: decryptinit3(); if (decrypt3(result->data, buffer, result->size, compressedLength)) { free(result->data); result->data = 0; /* So that we know that it didn't work */ result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_DECOMPRESSION_OVERFLOW; } result->data = pic_reorder(result->data, result->size); result->status = SCI_STATUS_ALLOCATED; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Resource %s.%03hi: Compression method SCI1/%hi not " "supported!\n", sci_resource_types[result->type], result->number, compressionMethod); free(result->data); result->data = 0; /* So that we know that it didn't work */ result->status = SCI_STATUS_NOMALLOC; free(buffer); return SCI_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION; } free(buffer); return 0; }