/*************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2008 Christoph Reichenbach This program may be modified and copied freely according to the terms of the GNU general public license (GPL), as long as the above copyright notice and the licensing information contained herein are preserved. Please refer to www.gnu.org for licensing details. This work is provided AS IS, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, and fitness for a specific purpose. The author will not be held liable for any damage caused by this work or derivatives of it. By using this source code, you agree to the licensing terms as stated above. Please contact the maintainer for bug reports or inquiries. Current Maintainer: Christoph Reichenbach (CR) ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "sfx_iterator_internal.h" #include #include #define ASSERT_S(x) if (!(x)) { error("Failed assertion in L%d: " #x "\n", __LINE__); return; } #define ASSERT(x) ASSERT_S(x) /* Tests the song iterators */ int errors = 0; void error(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] "); va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); ++errors; } /* The simple iterator will finish after a fixed amount of time. Before that, ** it emits (absolute) cues in ascending order. */ struct simple_it_struct { INHERITS_SONG_ITERATOR; int lifetime_remaining; char *cues; int cue_counter; int cue_progress; int cues_nr; } simple_iterator; int simple_it_next(song_iterator_t *_self, unsigned char *buf, int *result) { struct simple_it_struct *self = (struct simple_it_struct *) _self; if (self->lifetime_remaining == -1) { error("Song iterator called post mortem"); return SI_FINISHED; } if (self->lifetime_remaining) { if (self->cue_counter < self->cues_nr) { int time_to_cue = self->cues[self->cue_counter]; if (self->cue_progress == time_to_cue) { ++self->cue_counter; self->cue_progress = 0; *result = self->cue_counter; return SI_ABSOLUTE_CUE; } else { int retval = time_to_cue - self->cue_progress; self->cue_progress = time_to_cue; if (retval > self->lifetime_remaining) { retval = self->lifetime_remaining; self->lifetime_remaining = 0; self->cue_progress = retval; return retval; } self->lifetime_remaining -= retval; return retval; } } else { int retval = self->lifetime_remaining; self->lifetime_remaining = 0; return retval; } } else { self->lifetime_remaining = -1; return SI_FINISHED; } } sfx_pcm_feed_t * simple_it_pcm_feed(song_iterator_t *_self) { error("No PCM feed!\n"); return NULL; } void simple_it_init(song_iterator_t *_self) { } song_iterator_t * simple_it_handle_message(song_iterator_t *_self, song_iterator_message_t msg) { return NULL; } void simple_it_cleanup(song_iterator_t *_self) { } /* Initialises the simple iterator. ** Parameters: (int) delay: Number of ticks until the iterator finishes ** (int *) cues: An array of cue delays (cue values are [1,2...]) ** (int) cues_nr: Number of cues in ``cues'' ** The first cue is emitted after cues[0] ticks, and it is 1. After cues[1] additional ticks ** the next cue is emitted, and so on. */ song_iterator_t * setup_simple_iterator(int delay, char *cues, int cues_nr) { simple_iterator.lifetime_remaining = delay; simple_iterator.cues = cues; simple_iterator.cue_counter = 0; simple_iterator.cues_nr = cues_nr; simple_iterator.cue_progress = 0; simple_iterator.ID = 42; simple_iterator.channel_mask = 0x004f; simple_iterator.flags = 0; simple_iterator.priority = 1; simple_iterator.death_listeners_nr = 0; simple_iterator.cleanup = simple_it_cleanup; simple_iterator.init = simple_it_init; simple_iterator.handle_message = simple_it_handle_message; simple_iterator.get_pcm_feed = simple_it_pcm_feed; simple_iterator.next = simple_it_next; return (song_iterator_t *) &simple_iterator; } #define ASSERT_SIT ASSERT(it == simple_it) #define ASSERT_FFIT ASSERT(it == ff_it) #define ASSERT_NEXT(n) ASSERT(songit_next(&it, data, &result, IT_READER_MASK_ALL) == n) #define ASSERT_RESULT(n) ASSERT(result == n) #define ASSERT_CUE(n) ASSERT_NEXT(SI_ABSOLUTE_CUE); ASSERT_RESULT(n) void test_simple_it() { song_iterator_t *it; song_iterator_t *simple_it = (song_iterator_t *) & simple_iterator; unsigned char data[4]; int result; puts("[TEST] simple iterator (test artifact)"); it = setup_simple_iterator(42, NULL, 0); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(42); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; it = setup_simple_iterator(42, "\003\004", 2); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(3); ASSERT_CUE(1); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(4); ASSERT_CUE(2); ASSERT_SIT; // fprintf(stderr, "XXX => %d\n", songit_next(&it, data, &result, IT_READER_MASK_ALL)); ASSERT_NEXT(35); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; puts("[TEST] Test OK."); } void test_fastforward() { song_iterator_t *it; song_iterator_t *simple_it = (song_iterator_t *) & simple_iterator; song_iterator_t *ff_it; unsigned char data[4]; int result; puts("[TEST] fast-forward iterator"); it = setup_simple_iterator(42, NULL, 0); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 0); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_NEXT(42); ASSERT_SIT; /* Must have morphed back */ ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; it = setup_simple_iterator(42, NULL, 0); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 1); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_NEXT(41); /* May or may not have morphed back here */ ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; it = setup_simple_iterator(42, NULL, 0); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 41); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_NEXT(1); /* May or may not have morphed back here */ ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; it = setup_simple_iterator(42, NULL, 0); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 42); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); /* May or may not have morphed back here */ it = setup_simple_iterator(42, NULL, 0); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 10000); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); /* May or may not have morphed back here */ it = setup_simple_iterator(42, "\003\004", 2); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 2); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_NEXT(1); ASSERT_CUE(1); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(4); ASSERT_CUE(2); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(35); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; it = setup_simple_iterator(42, "\003\004", 2); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 5); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_CUE(1); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_CUE(2); ASSERT_SIT; ASSERT_NEXT(35); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; it = setup_simple_iterator(42, "\003\004", 2); ff_it = it = new_fast_forward_iterator(it, 41); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_CUE(1); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_CUE(2); ASSERT_FFIT; ASSERT_NEXT(1); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); ASSERT_SIT; puts("[TEST] Test OK."); } #define SIMPLE_SONG_SIZE 50 static unsigned char simple_song[SIMPLE_SONG_SIZE] = { 0x00, /* Regular song */ /* Only use channel 0 for all devices */ 0x02, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Song begins here */ 42, 0x90, 60, 0x7f, /* Play C after 42 ticks */ 02, 64, 0x42, /* Play E after 2 more ticks, using running status mode */ 0xf8, 10, 0x80, 60, 0x02, /* Stop C after 250 ticks */ 0, 64, 0x00, /* Stop E immediately */ 00, 0xfc /* Stop song */ }; #define ASSERT_MIDI3(cmd, arg0, arg1) \ ASSERT(data[0] == cmd); \ ASSERT(data[1] == arg0); \ ASSERT(data[2] == arg1); void test_iterator_sci0() { song_iterator_t *it = songit_new(simple_song, SIMPLE_SONG_SIZE, SCI_SONG_ITERATOR_TYPE_SCI0, 0l); unsigned char data[4]; int result; SIMSG_SEND(it, SIMSG_SET_PLAYMASK(0x0001)); /* Initialise song, enabling channel 0 */ puts("[TEST] SCI0-style song"); ASSERT_NEXT(42); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 60, 0x7f); ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 64, 0x42); ASSERT_NEXT(250); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 60, 0x02); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 64, 0x00); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); puts("[TEST] Test OK."); } void test_iterator_sci0_loop() { song_iterator_t *it = songit_new(simple_song, SIMPLE_SONG_SIZE, SCI_SONG_ITERATOR_TYPE_SCI0, 0l); unsigned char data[4]; int result; SIMSG_SEND(it, SIMSG_SET_PLAYMASK(0x0001)); /* Initialise song, enabling channel 0 */ SIMSG_SEND(it, SIMSG_SET_LOOPS(2)); /* Loop one additional time */ puts("[TEST] SCI0-style song with looping"); ASSERT_NEXT(42); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 60, 0x7f); ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 64, 0x42); ASSERT_NEXT(250); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 60, 0x02); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 64, 0x00); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_LOOP); ASSERT_NEXT(42); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 60, 0x7f); ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 64, 0x42); ASSERT_NEXT(250); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 60, 0x02); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 64, 0x00); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); puts("[TEST] Test OK."); } #define LOOP_SONG_SIZE 54 unsigned char loop_song[LOOP_SONG_SIZE] = { 0x00, /* Regular song song */ /* Only use channel 0 for all devices */ 0x02, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Song begins here */ 42, 0x90, 60, 0x7f, /* Play C after 42 ticks */ 13, 0x80, 60, 0x00, /* Stop C after 13 ticks */ 00, 0xCF, 0x7f, /* Set loop point */ 02, 0x90, 64, 0x42, /* Play E after 2 more ticks, using running status mode */ 03, 0x80, 64, 0x00, /* Stop E after 3 ticks */ 00, 0xfc /* Stop song/loop */ }; void test_iterator_sci0_mark_loop() { song_iterator_t *it = songit_new(loop_song, LOOP_SONG_SIZE, SCI_SONG_ITERATOR_TYPE_SCI0, 0l); unsigned char data[4]; int result; SIMSG_SEND(it, SIMSG_SET_PLAYMASK(0x0001)); /* Initialise song, enabling channel 0 */ SIMSG_SEND(it, SIMSG_SET_LOOPS(3)); /* Loop once more */ puts("[TEST] SCI0-style song with loop mark, looping"); ASSERT_NEXT(42); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 60, 0x7f); ASSERT_NEXT(13); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 60, 0x00); /* Loop point here: we don't observe that in the iterator interface yet, though */ ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 64, 0x42); ASSERT_NEXT(3); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 64, 0x00); /* Now we loop back to the loop pont */ ASSERT_NEXT(SI_LOOP); ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 64, 0x42); ASSERT_NEXT(3); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 64, 0x00); /* ...and one final time */ ASSERT_NEXT(SI_LOOP); ASSERT_NEXT(2); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x90, 64, 0x42); ASSERT_NEXT(3); ASSERT_NEXT(0); ASSERT_MIDI3(0x80, 64, 0x00); ASSERT_NEXT(SI_FINISHED); puts("[TEST] Test OK."); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { test_simple_it(); test_fastforward(); test_iterator_sci0(); test_iterator_sci0_loop(); test_iterator_sci0_mark_loop(); if (errors != 0) fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] %d errors total.\n", errors); return (errors != 0); }