/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "audio/audiostream.h"
#include "audio/decoders/raw.h"
#include "common/config-manager.h"

#include "sci/sci.h"
#include "sci/console.h"
#include "sci/resource.h"
#include "sci/engine/features.h"
#include "sci/engine/kernel.h"
#include "sci/engine/state.h"
#include "sci/sound/midiparser_sci.h"
#include "sci/sound/music.h"

//#define DEBUG_REMAP

namespace Sci {

SciMusic::SciMusic(SciVersion soundVersion, bool useDigitalSFX)
	: _soundVersion(soundVersion), _soundOn(true), _masterVolume(15), _globalReverb(0), _useDigitalSFX(useDigitalSFX) {

	// Reserve some space in the playlist, to avoid expensive insertion
	// operations

	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		_usedChannel[i] = 0;
		_channelRemap[i] = -1;
		_channelMap[i]._song = 0;
		_channelMap[i]._channel = -1;


SciMusic::~SciMusic() {
	if (_pMidiDrv) {
		delete _pMidiDrv;

void SciMusic::init() {
	// system init
	_pMixer = g_system->getMixer();
	// SCI sound init
	_dwTempo = 0;

	Common::Platform platform = g_sci->getPlatform();
	uint32 deviceFlags = MDT_PCSPK | MDT_PCJR | MDT_ADLIB | MDT_MIDI;

	// Default to MIDI for Windows versions of SCI1.1 games, as their
	// soundtrack is written for GM.
	if (g_sci->_features->useAltWinGMSound())
		deviceFlags |= MDT_PREFER_GM;

	// Currently our CMS implementation only supports SCI1(.1)
	if (getSciVersion() >= SCI_VERSION_1_EGA_ONLY && getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_1_1)
		deviceFlags |= MDT_CMS;

	if (g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) {
		if (getSciVersion() > SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY)
			deviceFlags = MDT_TOWNS;
			deviceFlags |= MDT_TOWNS;

	uint32 dev = MidiDriver::detectDevice(deviceFlags);
	_musicType = MidiDriver::getMusicType(dev);

	if (g_sci->_features->useAltWinGMSound() && _musicType != MT_GM) {
		warning("A Windows CD version with an alternate MIDI soundtrack has been chosen, "
				"but no MIDI music device has been selected. Reverting to the DOS soundtrack");

	switch (_musicType) {
	case MT_ADLIB:
		// FIXME: There's no Amiga sound option, so we hook it up to AdLib
		if (g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAmiga || platform == Common::kPlatformMacintosh)
			_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_AmigaMac_create(_soundVersion);
			_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_AdLib_create(_soundVersion);
	case MT_PCJR:
		_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_PCJr_create(_soundVersion);
	case MT_PCSPK:
		_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_PCSpeaker_create(_soundVersion);
	case MT_CMS:
		_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_CMS_create(_soundVersion);
	case MT_TOWNS:
		_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_FMTowns_create(_soundVersion);
		if (ConfMan.getBool("native_fb01"))
			_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_Fb01_create(_soundVersion);
			_pMidiDrv = MidiPlayer_Midi_create(_soundVersion);

	if (_pMidiDrv && !_pMidiDrv->open()) {
		_pMidiDrv->setTimerCallback(this, &miditimerCallback);
		_dwTempo = _pMidiDrv->getBaseTempo();
	} else {
		if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_FUNSEEKER ||
			(g_sci->getGameId() == GID_GK2 && g_sci->isDemo())) {
			// HACK: The Fun Seeker's Guide demo doesn't have patch 3 and the version
			// of the Adlib driver (adl.drv) that it includes is unsupported. That demo
			// doesn't have any sound anyway, so this shouldn't be fatal.
		} else if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_MOTHERGOOSEHIRES) {
			// HACK: Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe does not seem to use synthesized music,
			// so just set a default tempo (for fading)
			// TODO: Review this
			_dwTempo = 1000000 / 250;
			warning("Temporary music hack for MUMG Deluxe");
		} else {
			error("Failed to initialize sound driver");

	// Find out what the first possible channel is (used, when doing channel
	// remapping).
	_driverFirstChannel = _pMidiDrv->getFirstChannel();
	_driverLastChannel = _pMidiDrv->getLastChannel();
	if (getSciVersion() <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE)
		_globalReverb = _pMidiDrv->getReverb();	// Init global reverb for SCI0

	_currentlyPlayingSample = NULL;
	_timeCounter = 0;
	_needsRemap = false;

void SciMusic::miditimerCallback(void *p) {
	SciMusic *sciMusic = (SciMusic *)p;

	Common::StackLock lock(sciMusic->_mutex);

void SciMusic::onTimer() {
	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	// sending out queued commands that were "sent" via main thread

	// remap channels, if requested
	if (_needsRemap)
	_needsRemap = false;

	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i)

void SciMusic::putMidiCommandInQueue(byte status, byte firstOp, byte secondOp) {
	putMidiCommandInQueue(status | ((uint32)firstOp << 8) | ((uint32)secondOp << 16));

void SciMusic::putMidiCommandInQueue(uint32 midi) {

// This sends the stored commands from queue to driver (is supposed to get
// called only during onTimer()). At least mt32 emulation doesn't like getting
// note-on commands from main thread (if we directly send, we would get a crash
// during piano scene in lsl5).
void SciMusic::sendMidiCommandsFromQueue() {
	uint curCommand = 0;
	uint commandCount = _queuedCommands.size();

	while (curCommand < commandCount) {

void SciMusic::clearPlayList() {
	// we must NOT lock our mutex here. Playlist is modified inside soundKill() which will lock the mutex
	//  during deletion. If we lock it here, a deadlock may occur within soundStop() because that one
	//  calls the mixer, which will also lock the mixer mutex and if the mixer thread is active during
	//  that time, we will get a deadlock.
	while (!_playList.empty()) {

void SciMusic::pauseAll(bool pause) {
	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
		// The entire DAC will have been paused by the caller;
		// do not pause the individual samples too
		if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_2_1_EARLY && (*i)->isSample) {
		soundToggle(*i, pause);

void SciMusic::stopAll() {
	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {

void SciMusic::soundSetSoundOn(bool soundOnFlag) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	_soundOn = soundOnFlag;

uint16 SciMusic::soundGetVoices() {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	return _pMidiDrv->getPolyphony();

MusicEntry *SciMusic::getSlot(reg_t obj) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
		if ((*i)->soundObj == obj)
			return *i;

	return NULL;

// We return the currently active music slot for SCI0
MusicEntry *SciMusic::getActiveSci0MusicSlot() {
	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	MusicEntry *highestPrioritySlot = NULL;
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
		MusicEntry *playSlot = *i;
		if (playSlot->pMidiParser) {
			if (playSlot->status == kSoundPlaying)
				return playSlot;
			if (playSlot->status == kSoundPaused) {
				if ((!highestPrioritySlot) || (highestPrioritySlot->priority < playSlot->priority))
					highestPrioritySlot = playSlot;
	return highestPrioritySlot;

void SciMusic::setGlobalReverb(int8 reverb) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);
	if (reverb != 127) {
		// Set global reverb normally
		_globalReverb = reverb;

		// Check the reverb of the active song...
		const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
		for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
			if ((*i)->status == kSoundPlaying) {
				if ((*i)->reverb == 127)			// Active song has no reverb
					_pMidiDrv->setReverb(reverb);	// Set the global reverb
	} else {
		// Set reverb of the active song
		const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
		for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
			if ((*i)->status == kSoundPlaying) {
				_pMidiDrv->setReverb((*i)->reverb);	// Set the song's reverb

byte SciMusic::getCurrentReverb() {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);
	return _pMidiDrv->getReverb();

// A larger priority value has higher priority. For equal priority values,
// songs that have been added later have higher priority.
static bool musicEntryCompare(const MusicEntry *l, const MusicEntry *r) {
	return (l->priority > r->priority) || (l->priority == r->priority && l->time > r->time);

void SciMusic::sortPlayList() {
	// Sort the play list in descending priority order
	Common::sort(_playList.begin(), _playList.end(), musicEntryCompare);

void SciMusic::soundInitSnd(MusicEntry *pSnd) {
	// Remove all currently mapped channels of this MusicEntry first,
	// since they will no longer be valid.
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		if (_channelMap[i]._song == pSnd) {
			_channelMap[i]._song = 0;
			_channelMap[i]._channel = -1;

	int channelFilterMask = 0;
	SoundResource::Track *track = pSnd->soundRes->getTrackByType(_pMidiDrv->getPlayId());

	// If MIDI device is selected but there is no digital track in sound
	// resource try to use Adlib's digital sample if possible. Also, if the
	// track couldn't be found, load the digital track, as some games depend on
	// this (e.g. the Longbow demo).
	if (!track || (_useDigitalSFX && track->digitalChannelNr == -1)) {
		SoundResource::Track *digital = pSnd->soundRes->getDigitalTrack();
		if (digital)
			track = digital;

	pSnd->time = ++_timeCounter;

	if (track) {
		// Play digital sample
		if (track->digitalChannelNr != -1) {
			const SciSpan<const byte> &channelData = track->channels[track->digitalChannelNr].data;
			delete pSnd->pStreamAud;
			byte flags = Audio::FLAG_UNSIGNED;
			// Amiga SCI1 games had signed sound data
			if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY && g_sci->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAmiga)
				flags = 0;
			int endPart = track->digitalSampleEnd > 0 ? (track->digitalSampleSize - track->digitalSampleEnd) : 0;
			const uint size = track->digitalSampleSize - track->digitalSampleStart - endPart;
			pSnd->pStreamAud = Audio::makeRawStream(channelData.getUnsafeDataAt(track->digitalSampleStart),
								size, track->digitalSampleRate, flags, DisposeAfterUse::NO);
			delete pSnd->pLoopStream;
			pSnd->pLoopStream = 0;
			pSnd->soundType = Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType;
			pSnd->hCurrentAud = Audio::SoundHandle();
			pSnd->playBed = false;
			pSnd->overridePriority = false;
			pSnd->isSample = true;
		} else {
			// play MIDI track
			Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);
			pSnd->soundType = Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType;
			if (pSnd->pMidiParser == NULL) {
				pSnd->pMidiParser = new MidiParser_SCI(_soundVersion, this);

			pSnd->pauseCounter = 0;

			// Find out what channels to filter for SCI0
			channelFilterMask = pSnd->soundRes->getChannelFilterMask(_pMidiDrv->getPlayId(), _pMidiDrv->hasRhythmChannel());

			for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
				pSnd->_usedChannels[i] = 0xFF;
			for (int i = 0; i < track->channelCount; ++i) {
				SoundResource::Channel &chan = track->channels[i];

				pSnd->_usedChannels[i] = chan.number;
				pSnd->_chan[chan.number]._dontRemap = (chan.flags & 2);
				pSnd->_chan[chan.number]._prio = chan.prio;
				pSnd->_chan[chan.number]._voices = chan.poly;

				// CHECKME: Some SCI versions use chan.flags & 1 for this:
				pSnd->_chan[chan.number]._dontMap = false;

				// FIXME: Most MIDI tracks use the first 10 bytes for
				// fixed MIDI commands. SSCI skips those the first iteration,
				// but _does_ update channel state (including volume) with
				// them. Specifically, prio/voices, patch, volume, pan.
				// This should probably be implemented in
				// MidiParser_SCI::loadMusic.

			// loadMusic() below calls jumpToTick.
			// Disable sound looping and hold before jumpToTick is called,
			// otherwise the song may keep looping forever when it ends in
			// jumpToTick (e.g. LSL3, when going left from room 210).
			uint16 prevLoop = pSnd->loop;
			int16 prevHold = pSnd->hold;
			pSnd->loop = 0;
			pSnd->hold = -1;
			pSnd->playBed = false;
			pSnd->overridePriority = false;

			pSnd->pMidiParser->loadMusic(track, pSnd, channelFilterMask, _soundVersion);
			pSnd->reverb = pSnd->pMidiParser->getSongReverb();

			// Restore looping and hold
			pSnd->loop = prevLoop;
			pSnd->hold = prevHold;

void SciMusic::soundPlay(MusicEntry *pSnd) {

	if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY && pSnd->playBed) {
		// If pSnd->playBed, and version <= SCI1_EARLY, then kill
		// existing sounds with playBed enabled.

		uint playListCount = _playList.size();
		for (uint i = 0; i < playListCount; i++) {
			if (_playList[i] != pSnd && _playList[i]->playBed) {
				debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "Automatically stopping old playBed song from soundPlay");
				MusicEntry *old = _playList[i];

	uint playListCount = _playList.size();
	uint playListNo = playListCount;
	MusicEntry *alreadyPlaying = NULL;

	// searching if sound is already in _playList
	for (uint i = 0; i < playListCount; i++) {
		if (_playList[i] == pSnd)
			playListNo = i;
		if ((_playList[i]->status == kSoundPlaying) && (_playList[i]->pMidiParser))
			alreadyPlaying = _playList[i];
	if (playListNo == playListCount) { // not found

	pSnd->time = ++_timeCounter;

	_mutex.unlock();	// unlock to perform mixer-related calls

	if (pSnd->pMidiParser) {
		if ((_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) && (alreadyPlaying)) {
			// Music already playing in SCI0?
			if (pSnd->priority > alreadyPlaying->priority) {
				// And new priority higher? pause previous music and play new one immediately.
				// Example of such case: lsl3, when getting points (jingle is played then)
				alreadyPlaying->isQueued = true;
			} else {
				// And new priority equal or lower? queue up music and play it afterwards done by
				//  SoundCommandParser::updateSci0Cues()
				// Example of such case: iceman room 14
				pSnd->isQueued = true;
				pSnd->status = kSoundPaused;

	if (pSnd->isSample) {
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
		if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_2_1_EARLY) {
			g_sci->_audio32->stop(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), pSnd->soundObj);

			g_sci->_audio32->play(kNoExistingChannel, ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), true, pSnd->loop != 0 && pSnd->loop != 1, pSnd->volume, pSnd->soundObj, false);

		} else
		if (!_pMixer->isSoundHandleActive(pSnd->hCurrentAud)) {
			if ((_currentlyPlayingSample) && (_pMixer->isSoundHandleActive(_currentlyPlayingSample->hCurrentAud))) {
				// Another sample is already playing, we have to stop that one
				// SSCI is only able to play 1 sample at a time
				// In Space Quest 5 room 250 the player is able to open the air-hatch and kill himself.
				//  In that situation the scripts are playing 2 samples at the same time and the first sample
				//  is not supposed to play.
				// TODO: SSCI actually calls kDoAudio(play) internally, which stops other samples from being played
				//        but such a change isn't trivial, because we also handle Sound resources in here, that contain samples
				warning("kDoSound: sample already playing, old resource %d, new resource %d", _currentlyPlayingSample->resourceId, pSnd->resourceId);
			// Sierra SCI ignores volume set when playing samples via kDoSound
			//  At least freddy pharkas/CD has a script bug that sets volume to 0
			//  when playing the "score" sample
			if (pSnd->loop > 1) {
				pSnd->pLoopStream = new Audio::LoopingAudioStream(pSnd->pStreamAud,
																pSnd->loop, DisposeAfterUse::NO);
				_pMixer->playStream(pSnd->soundType, &pSnd->hCurrentAud,
										pSnd->pLoopStream, -1, _pMixer->kMaxChannelVolume, 0,
			} else {
				// Rewind in case we play the same sample multiple times
				// (non-looped) like in pharkas right at the start
				_pMixer->playStream(pSnd->soundType, &pSnd->hCurrentAud,
										pSnd->pStreamAud, -1, _pMixer->kMaxChannelVolume, 0,
			// Remember the sample, that is now playing
			_currentlyPlayingSample = pSnd;
	} else {
		if (pSnd->pMidiParser) {
			Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

			if (pSnd->status != kSoundPaused)

			// Disable sound looping and hold before jumpToTick is called,
			// otherwise the song may keep looping forever when it ends in jumpToTick.
			// This is needed when loading saved games, or when a game
			// stops the same sound twice (e.g. LSL3 Amiga, going left from
			// room 210 to talk with Kalalau). Fixes bugs #3083151 and #3106107.
			uint16 prevLoop = pSnd->loop;
			int16 prevHold = pSnd->hold;
			pSnd->loop = 0;
			pSnd->hold = -1;

			if (pSnd->status == kSoundStopped)
			else {
				// Fast forward to the last position and perform associated events when loading
				pSnd->pMidiParser->jumpToTick(pSnd->ticker, true, true, true);

			// Restore looping and hold
			pSnd->loop = prevLoop;
			pSnd->hold = prevHold;

	pSnd->status = kSoundPlaying;


void SciMusic::soundStop(MusicEntry *pSnd) {
	SoundStatus previousStatus = pSnd->status;
	pSnd->status = kSoundStopped;
	if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE)
		pSnd->isQueued = false;
	if (pSnd->isSample) {
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
		if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_2_1_EARLY) {
			g_sci->_audio32->stop(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), pSnd->soundObj);
		} else {
			if (_currentlyPlayingSample == pSnd)
				_currentlyPlayingSample = NULL;
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32

	if (pSnd->pMidiParser) {
		Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);
		// We shouldn't call stop in case it's paused, otherwise we would send
		// allNotesOff() again
		if (previousStatus == kSoundPlaying)

	pSnd->fadeStep = 0; // end fading, if fading was in progress

void SciMusic::soundSetVolume(MusicEntry *pSnd, byte volume) {
	assert(volume <= MUSIC_VOLUME_MAX);
	if (pSnd->isSample) {
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
		if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_2_1_EARLY) {
			g_sci->_audio32->setVolume(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), pSnd->soundObj, volume);
	} else if (pSnd->pMidiParser) {
		Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

// this is used to set volume of the sample, used for fading only!
void SciMusic::soundSetSampleVolume(MusicEntry *pSnd, byte volume) {
	assert(volume <= MUSIC_VOLUME_MAX);
	_pMixer->setChannelVolume(pSnd->hCurrentAud, volume * 2); // Mixer is 0-255, SCI is 0-127

void SciMusic::soundSetPriority(MusicEntry *pSnd, byte prio) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	pSnd->priority = prio;
	pSnd->time = ++_timeCounter;

void SciMusic::soundKill(MusicEntry *pSnd) {
	pSnd->status = kSoundStopped;


	if (pSnd->pMidiParser) {
		delete pSnd->pMidiParser;
		pSnd->pMidiParser = NULL;


	if (pSnd->isSample) {
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
		if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_2_1_EARLY) {
			g_sci->_audio32->stop(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), pSnd->soundObj);
		} else {
			if (_currentlyPlayingSample == pSnd) {
				// Forget about this sound, in case it was currently playing
				_currentlyPlayingSample = NULL;
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
		delete pSnd->pStreamAud;
		pSnd->pStreamAud = NULL;
		delete pSnd->pLoopStream;
		pSnd->pLoopStream = 0;
		pSnd->isSample = false;

	uint sz = _playList.size(), i;
	// Remove sound from playlist
	for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
		if (_playList[i] == pSnd) {
			delete _playList[i]->soundRes;
			delete _playList[i];

void SciMusic::soundPause(MusicEntry *pSnd) {
	// SCI seems not to be pausing samples played back by kDoSound at all
	//  It only stops looping samples (actually doesn't loop them again before they are unpaused)
	//  Examples: Space Quest 1 death by acid drops (pause is called even specifically for the sample, see bug #3038048)
	//             Eco Quest 1 during the intro when going to the abort-menu
	//             In both cases sierra sci keeps playing
	//            Leisure Suit Larry 1 doll scene - it seems that pausing here actually just stops
	//             further looping from happening
	//  This is a somewhat bigger change, I'm leaving in the old code in here just in case
	//  I'm currently pausing looped sounds directly, non-looped sounds won't get paused
	if ((pSnd->pStreamAud) && (!pSnd->pLoopStream))
	if (pSnd->status != kSoundPlaying)
	pSnd->status = kSoundPaused;
	if (pSnd->pStreamAud) {
		_pMixer->pauseHandle(pSnd->hCurrentAud, true);
	} else {
		if (pSnd->pMidiParser) {
			Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

void SciMusic::soundResume(MusicEntry *pSnd) {
	if (pSnd->pauseCounter > 0)
	if (pSnd->pauseCounter != 0)
	if (pSnd->status != kSoundPaused)
	if (pSnd->pStreamAud) {
		_pMixer->pauseHandle(pSnd->hCurrentAud, false);
		pSnd->status = kSoundPlaying;
	} else {

void SciMusic::soundToggle(MusicEntry *pSnd, bool pause) {
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
	if (_soundVersion >= SCI_VERSION_2_1_EARLY && pSnd->isSample) {
		if (pause) {
			g_sci->_audio32->pause(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), pSnd->soundObj);
		} else {
			g_sci->_audio32->resume(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, pSnd->resourceId), pSnd->soundObj);


	if (pause)

uint16 SciMusic::soundGetMasterVolume() {
	return _masterVolume;

void SciMusic::soundSetMasterVolume(uint16 vol) {
	_masterVolume = vol;

	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
		if ((*i)->pMidiParser)

void SciMusic::sendMidiCommand(uint32 cmd) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

void SciMusic::sendMidiCommand(MusicEntry *pSnd, uint32 cmd) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);
	if (!pSnd->pMidiParser)
		error("tried to cmdSendMidi on non midi slot (%04x:%04x)", PRINT_REG(pSnd->soundObj));


void SciMusic::printPlayList(Console *con) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	const char *musicStatus[] = { "Stopped", "Initialized", "Paused", "Playing" };

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < _playList.size(); i++) {
		MusicEntry *song = _playList[i];
		con->debugPrintf("%d: %04x:%04x (%s), resource id: %d, status: %s, %s type\n",
						i, PRINT_REG(song->soundObj),
						song->resourceId, musicStatus[song->status],
						song->pMidiParser ? "MIDI" : "digital audio");

void SciMusic::printSongInfo(reg_t obj, Console *con) {
	Common::StackLock lock(_mutex);

	const char *musicStatus[] = { "Stopped", "Initialized", "Paused", "Playing" };

	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
		MusicEntry *song = *i;
		if (song->soundObj == obj) {
			con->debugPrintf("Resource id: %d, status: %s\n", song->resourceId, musicStatus[song->status]);
			con->debugPrintf("dataInc: %d, hold: %d, loop: %d\n", song->dataInc, song->hold, song->loop);
			con->debugPrintf("signal: %d, priority: %d\n", song->signal, song->priority);
			con->debugPrintf("ticker: %d, volume: %d\n", song->ticker, song->volume);

			if (song->pMidiParser) {
				con->debugPrintf("Type: MIDI\n");
				if (song->soundRes) {
					SoundResource::Track *track = song->soundRes->getTrackByType(_pMidiDrv->getPlayId());
					con->debugPrintf("Channels: %d\n", track->channelCount);
			} else if (song->pStreamAud || song->pLoopStream) {
				con->debugPrintf("Type: digital audio (%s), sound active: %s\n",
					song->pStreamAud ? "non looping" : "looping",
					_pMixer->isSoundHandleActive(song->hCurrentAud) ? "yes" : "no");
				if (song->soundRes) {
					con->debugPrintf("Sound resource information:\n");
					SoundResource::Track *track = song->soundRes->getTrackByType(_pMidiDrv->getPlayId());
					if (track && track->digitalChannelNr != -1) {
						con->debugPrintf("Sample size: %d, sample rate: %d, channels: %d, digital channel number: %d\n",
							track->digitalSampleSize, track->digitalSampleRate, track->channelCount, track->digitalChannelNr);


	con->debugPrintf("Song object not found in playlist");

MusicEntry::MusicEntry() {
	soundObj = NULL_REG;

	soundRes = 0;
	resourceId = 0;

	isQueued = false;

	dataInc = 0;
	ticker = 0;
	signal = 0;
	priority = 0;
	loop = 0;
	hold = -1;
	reverb = -1;

	pauseCounter = 0;
	sampleLoopCounter = 0;

	fadeTo = 0;
	fadeStep = 0;
	fadeTicker = 0;
	fadeTickerStep = 0;
	fadeSetVolume = false;
	fadeCompleted = false;
	stopAfterFading = false;

	status = kSoundStopped;

	soundType = Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType;

	pStreamAud = 0;
	pLoopStream = 0;
	pMidiParser = 0;
	isSample = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		_usedChannels[i] = 0xFF;
		_chan[i]._prio = 127;
		_chan[i]._voices = 0;
		_chan[i]._dontRemap = false;
		_chan[i]._mute = false;

MusicEntry::~MusicEntry() {

void MusicEntry::onTimer() {
	if (!signal) {
		if (!signalQueue.empty()) {
			// no signal set, but signal in queue, set that one
			signal = signalQueue[0];

	if (status != kSoundPlaying)

	// Fade MIDI and digital sound effects
	if (fadeStep)

	// Only process MIDI streams in this thread, not digital sound effects
	if (pMidiParser) {
		ticker = (uint16)pMidiParser->getTick();

void MusicEntry::doFade() {
	if (fadeTicker)
	else {
		fadeTicker = fadeTickerStep;
		volume += fadeStep;
		if (((fadeStep > 0) && (volume >= fadeTo)) || ((fadeStep < 0) && (volume <= fadeTo))) {
			volume = fadeTo;
			fadeStep = 0;
			fadeCompleted = true;

		// Only process MIDI streams in this thread, not digital sound effects
		if (pMidiParser) {

		fadeSetVolume = true; // set flag so that SoundCommandParser::cmdUpdateCues will set the volume of the stream

void MusicEntry::setSignal(int newSignal) {
	// For SCI0, we cache the signals to set, as some songs might
	// update their signal faster than kGetEvent is called (which is where
	// we manually invoke kDoSoundUpdateCues for SCI0 games). SCI01 and
	// newer handle signalling inside kDoSoundUpdateCues. Refer to bug #3042981
	if (g_sci->_features->detectDoSoundType() <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE) {
		if (!signal) {
			signal = newSignal;
		} else {
			// signal already set and waiting for getting to scripts, queue new one
	} else {
		// Set the signal directly for newer games, otherwise the sound
		// object might be deleted already later on (refer to bug #3045913)
		signal = newSignal;

void ChannelRemapping::swap(int i, int j) {
	DeviceChannelUsage t1;
	int t2;
	bool t3;

	t1 = _map[i]; _map[i] = _map[j]; _map[j] = t1;
	t2 = _prio[i]; _prio[i] = _prio[j]; _prio[j] = t2;
	t2 = _voices[i]; _voices[i] = _voices[j]; _voices[j] = t2;
	t3 = _dontRemap[i]; _dontRemap[i] = _dontRemap[j]; _dontRemap[j] = t3;

void ChannelRemapping::evict(int i) {
	_freeVoices += _voices[i];

	_map[i]._song = 0;
	_map[i]._channel = -1;
	_prio[i] = 0;
	_voices[i] = 0;
	_dontRemap[i] = false;

void ChannelRemapping::clear() {
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		_map[i]._song = 0;
		_map[i]._channel = -1;
		_prio[i] = 0;
		_voices[i] = 0;
		_dontRemap[i] = false;

ChannelRemapping& ChannelRemapping::operator=(ChannelRemapping& other) {
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		_map[i] = other._map[i];
		_prio[i] = other._prio[i];
		_voices[i] = other._voices[i];
		_dontRemap[i] = other._dontRemap[i];
	_freeVoices = other._freeVoices;

	return *this;

int ChannelRemapping::lowestPrio() const {
	int max = 0;
	int channel = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		if (_prio[i] > max) {
			max = _prio[i];
			channel = i;
	return channel;

void SciMusic::remapChannels(bool mainThread) {
	if (_soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_0_LATE)

	// NB: This function should only be called with _mutex locked
	// Make sure to set the mainThread argument correctly.

	ChannelRemapping *map = determineChannelMap();

	DeviceChannelUsage currentMap[16];

	debug("Remap results:");

	// Save current map, and then start from an empty map
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
		currentMap[i] = _channelMap[i];
		_channelMap[i]._song = 0;
		_channelMap[i]._channel = -1;

	// Inform MidiParsers of any unmapped channels
	const MusicList::iterator end = _playList.end();
	int songIndex = -1;
	for (MusicList::iterator i = _playList.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
		MusicEntry *song = *i;

		if (!song || !song->pMidiParser)

		bool channelMapped[16];
		bool channelUsed[16];
		for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
			channelMapped[j] = false;
			channelUsed[j] = false;

		for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
			if (map->_map[j]._song == song) {
				int channel = map->_map[j]._channel;
				assert(channel >= 0 && channel <= 0x0F);
				channelMapped[channel] = true;
			if (song->_usedChannels[j] <= 0x0F)
				channelUsed[song->_usedChannels[j]] = true;

		for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
			if (!channelMapped[j]) {
				if (mainThread) song->pMidiParser->mainThreadBegin();
				song->pMidiParser->remapChannel(j, -1);
				if (mainThread) song->pMidiParser->mainThreadEnd();
				if (channelUsed[j])
					debug(" Unmapping song %d, channel %d", songIndex, j);

	// Now reshuffle the channels on the device.

	// First, set up any dontRemap channels
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {

		if (!map->_map[i]._song || !map->_map[i]._song->pMidiParser || !map->_dontRemap[i])

		songIndex = -1;
		for (MusicList::iterator iter = _playList.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
			if (map->_map[i]._song == *iter)

		_channelMap[i] = map->_map[i];
		map->_map[i]._song = 0; // mark as done

		// If this channel was not yet mapped to the device, reset it
		if (currentMap[i] != _channelMap[i]) {
			debug(" Mapping (dontRemap) song %d, channel %d to device channel %d", songIndex, _channelMap[i]._channel, i);
			if (mainThread) _channelMap[i]._song->pMidiParser->mainThreadBegin();
			_channelMap[i]._song->pMidiParser->remapChannel(_channelMap[i]._channel, i);
			if (mainThread) _channelMap[i]._song->pMidiParser->mainThreadEnd();


	// Next, we look for channels which were already playing.
	// We keep those on the same device channel as before.
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {

		if (!map->_map[i]._song)

		songIndex = -1;
		for (MusicList::iterator iter = _playList.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
			if (map->_map[i]._song == *iter)

		for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
			if (map->_map[i] == currentMap[j]) {
				// found it
				_channelMap[j] = map->_map[i];
				map->_map[i]._song = 0; // mark as done
				debug(" Keeping song %d, channel %d on device channel %d", songIndex, _channelMap[j]._channel, j);

	// Then, remap the rest.
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {

		if (!map->_map[i]._song || !map->_map[i]._song->pMidiParser)

		songIndex = -1;
		for (MusicList::iterator iter = _playList.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
			if (map->_map[i]._song == *iter)

		for (int j = _driverLastChannel; j >= _driverFirstChannel; --j) {
			if (_channelMap[j]._song == 0) {
				_channelMap[j] = map->_map[i];
				map->_map[i]._song = 0;
				debug(" Mapping song %d, channel %d to device channel %d", songIndex, _channelMap[j]._channel, j);
				if (mainThread) _channelMap[j]._song->pMidiParser->mainThreadBegin();
				_channelMap[j]._song->pMidiParser->remapChannel(_channelMap[j]._channel, j);
				if (mainThread) _channelMap[j]._song->pMidiParser->mainThreadEnd();


	// And finally, stop any empty channels
	for (int i = _driverLastChannel; i >= _driverFirstChannel; --i) {
		if (!_channelMap[i]._song && currentMap[i]._song)
			resetDeviceChannel(i, mainThread);

	delete map;

ChannelRemapping *SciMusic::determineChannelMap() {
	debug("Remap: avail chans: %d-%d", _driverFirstChannel, _driverLastChannel);

	ChannelRemapping *map = new ChannelRemapping;
	ChannelRemapping backupMap;
	map->_freeVoices = _pMidiDrv->getPolyphony();

	if (_playList.empty())
		return map;

	// TODO: set reverb, either from first song, or from global???

	MusicList::iterator songIter;
	int songIndex = -1;
	for (songIter = _playList.begin(); songIter != _playList.end(); ++songIter) {
		MusicEntry *song = *songIter;
		if (song->status != kSoundPlaying)

		// If song is digital, skip.
		// CHECKME: Is this condition correct?
		if (!song->pMidiParser) {
			debug(" Song %d (%p), digital?", songIndex, (void*)song);

		const char* name = g_sci->getEngineState()->_segMan->getObjectName(song->soundObj);
		debug(" Song %d (%p) [%s], prio %d%s", songIndex, (void*)song, name, song->priority, song->playBed ? ", bed" : "");

		// Store backup. If we fail to map this song, we will revert to this.
		backupMap = *map;

		bool songMapped = true;

		for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
			int c = song->_usedChannels[i];
			if (c == 0xFF || c == 0xFE || c == 0x0F)
			const MusicEntryChannel &channel = song->_chan[c];
			if (channel._dontMap) {
				debug("  Channel %d dontMap, skipping", c);
			if (channel._mute) {
				debug("  Channel %d muted, skipping", c);

			bool dontRemap = channel._dontRemap || song->playBed;

			debug("  Channel %d: prio %d, %d voice%s%s", c, channel._prio, channel._voices, channel._voices == 1 ? "" : "s", dontRemap ? ", dontRemap" : "" );

			DeviceChannelUsage dc = { song, c };

			// our target
			int devChannel = -1;

			if (dontRemap && map->_map[c]._song == 0) {
				// unremappable channel, with channel still free
				devChannel = c;

			// try to find a free channel
			if (devChannel == -1) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
					if (map->_map[j] == dc) {
						// already mapped?! (Can this happen?)
						devChannel = j;
					if (map->_map[j]._song)

					if (j >= _driverFirstChannel && j <= _driverLastChannel)
						devChannel = j;

			int prio = channel._prio;
			if (prio > 0) {
				// prio > 0 means non-essential
				prio = (16 - prio) + 16*songIndex;

			if (devChannel == -1 && prio > 0) {
				// no empty channel, but this isn't an essential channel,
				// so we just skip it.
				debug("   skipping non-essential");

			// try to empty a previous channel if this is an essential channel
			if (devChannel == -1) {
				devChannel = map->lowestPrio();
				if (devChannel != -1)

			if (devChannel == -1) {
				// failed to map this song.
				debug("   no free (or lower priority) channel found");
				songMapped = false;

			if (map->_map[devChannel] == dc) {
				// already mapped?! (Can this happen?)

			int neededVoices = channel._voices;
			// do we have enough free voices?
			if (map->_freeVoices < neededVoices) {
				// We only care for essential channels.
				// Note: In early SCI1 interpreters, a song started by 'playBed'
				// would not be skipped even if some channels couldn't be
				// mapped due to voice limits. So, we treat all channels as
				// non-essential here for playBed songs.
				if (prio > 0 || (song->playBed && _soundVersion <= SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY)) {
					debug("   not enough voices; need %d, have %d. Skipping this channel.", neededVoices, map->_freeVoices);
				do {
					int j = map->lowestPrio();
					if (j == -1) {
						debug("   not enough voices; need %d, have %d", neededVoices, map->_freeVoices);
						// failed to free enough voices.
						songMapped = false;
					debug("   creating room for voices; evict %d", j);
				} while (map->_freeVoices < neededVoices);

				if (!songMapped) {
					// failed to map this song.

			// We have a channel and enough free voices now.
			debug("   trying to map to %d", devChannel);

			map->_map[devChannel] = dc;
			map->_voices[devChannel] = neededVoices;
			map->_prio[devChannel] = prio;
			map->_dontRemap[devChannel] = dontRemap;
			map->_freeVoices -= neededVoices;

			if (!dontRemap || devChannel == c) {
				// If this channel fits here, we're done.
				debug("    OK");

			// If this channel can't be remapped, we need to move it or fail.

			if (!map->_dontRemap[c]) {
				// Target channel can be remapped, so just swap
				map->swap(devChannel, c);
			debug("    but %d is already dontRemap", c);

			if (prio > 0) {
				// Channel collision, but this channel is non-essential,
				// so drop it.
				// TODO: Maybe we should have checked this before making room?

			if (map->_prio[c] > 0) {
				// Channel collision, but the other channel is non-essential,
				// so we take its place.
				map->swap(devChannel, c);

			// Otherwise, we have two essential channels claiming the same
			// device channel.
			songMapped = false;

		if (!songMapped) {
			// We failed to map this song, so unmap all its channels.
			debug(" Failed song");
			*map = backupMap;

	return map;

void SciMusic::resetDeviceChannel(int devChannel, bool mainThread) {
	assert(devChannel >= 0 && devChannel <= 0x0F);

	if (mainThread) {
		putMidiCommandInQueue(0x0040B0 | devChannel); // sustain off
		putMidiCommandInQueue(0x007BB0 | devChannel); // notes off
		putMidiCommandInQueue(0x004BB0 | devChannel); // release voices
	} else {
		_pMidiDrv->send(0x0040B0 | devChannel); // sustain off
		_pMidiDrv->send(0x007BB0 | devChannel); // notes off
		_pMidiDrv->send(0x004BB0 | devChannel); // release voices

} // End of namespace Sci