/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "scumm/actor.h" #include "scumm/file.h" #include "scumm/imuse/imuse.h" #include "scumm/scumm.h" #include "scumm/sound.h" #include "scumm/util.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "sound/adpcm.h" #include "sound/audiocd.h" #include "sound/flac.h" #include "sound/mididrv.h" #include "sound/mixer.h" #include "sound/mp3.h" #include "sound/voc.h" #include "sound/vorbis.h" #include "sound/wave.h" namespace Scumm { void Sound::stopSoundChannel(int chan) { _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_heSoundChannels[chan]); _heChannel[chan].sound = 0; _heChannel[chan].priority = 0; _heChannel[chan].sbngBlock = 0; _heChannel[chan].codeOffs = 0; memset(_heChannel[chan].soundVars, 0, sizeof(_heChannel[chan].soundVars)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_soundQue2); i++) { if (_soundQue2[i].channel == chan) { _soundQue2[i].sound = 0; _soundQue2[i].offset = 0; _soundQue2[i].channel = 0; _soundQue2[i].flags = 0; } } } int Sound::findFreeSoundChannel() { int chan, min; min = _vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_RESERVED_SOUND_CHANNELS); if (min == 0) { _vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_RESERVED_SOUND_CHANNELS) = 8; return 1; } if (min < 8) { for (chan = min; chan < ARRAYSIZE(_heChannel); chan++) { if (_vm->_mixer->isSoundHandleActive(_heSoundChannels[chan]) == 0) return chan; } } else { return 1; } return min; } int Sound::isSoundCodeUsed(int sound) { int chan = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_heChannel); i ++) { if (_heChannel[i].sound == sound) chan = i; } if (chan != -1) { return _heChannel[chan].sbngBlock; } else { return 0; } } int Sound::getSoundPos(int sound) { int chan = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_heChannel); i ++) { if (_heChannel[i].sound == sound) chan = i; } if (chan != -1) { int time = _vm->getHETimer(chan + 4) * 11025 / 1000; return time; } else { return 0; } } int Sound::getSoundVar(int sound, int var) { if (_vm->_game.heversion >= 90 && var == 26) { return isSoundCodeUsed(sound); } checkRange(25, 0, var, "Illegal sound variable %d"); int chan = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_heChannel); i ++) { if (_heChannel[i].sound == sound) chan = i; } if (chan != -1) { debug(5, "getSoundVar: sound %d var %d result %d", sound, var, _heChannel[chan].soundVars[var]); return _heChannel[chan].soundVars[var]; } else { return 0; } } void Sound::setSoundVar(int sound, int var, int val) { checkRange(25, 0, var, "Illegal sound variable %d"); int chan = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_heChannel); i ++) { if (_heChannel[i].sound == sound) chan = i; } if (chan != -1) { debug(5, "setSoundVar: sound %d var %d val %d", sound, var, val); _heChannel[chan].soundVars[var] = val; } } void Sound::setOverrideFreq(int freq) { _overrideFreq = freq; } void Sound::setupHEMusicFile() { int i, total_size; char buf[32], buf1[128]; Common::File musicFile; sprintf(buf, "%s.he4", _vm->getBaseName()); if (_vm->_substResFileName.winName != 0) { _vm->generateSubstResFileName(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf1)); strcpy(buf, buf1); } if (musicFile.open(buf) == true) { musicFile.seek(4, SEEK_SET); total_size = musicFile.readUint32BE(); musicFile.seek(16, SEEK_SET); _heMusicTracks = musicFile.readUint32LE(); debug(5, "Total music tracks %d", _heMusicTracks); int musicStart = (_vm->_game.heversion >= 80) ? 56 : 20; musicFile.seek(musicStart, SEEK_SET); _heMusic = (HEMusic *)malloc((_heMusicTracks + 1) * sizeof(HEMusic)); for (i = 0; i < _heMusicTracks; i++) { _heMusic[i].id = musicFile.readUint32LE(); _heMusic[i].offset = musicFile.readUint32LE(); _heMusic[i].size = musicFile.readUint32LE(); if (_vm->_game.heversion >= 80) { musicFile.seek(+9, SEEK_CUR); } else { musicFile.seek(+13, SEEK_CUR); } } musicFile.close(); } } bool Sound::getHEMusicDetails(int id, int &musicOffs, int &musicSize) { int i; for (i = 0; i < _heMusicTracks; i++) { if (_heMusic[i].id == id) { musicOffs = _heMusic[i].offset; musicSize = _heMusic[i].size; return 1; } } return 0; } void Sound::processSoundCode() { byte *codePtr; int chan, tmr, size, time; for (chan = 0; chan < ARRAYSIZE(_heChannel); chan++) { if (_heChannel[chan].sound == 0) { continue; } if (_heChannel[chan].codeOffs == -1) { continue; } tmr = _vm->getHETimer(chan + 4) * 11025 / 1000; tmr += _vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_SOUNDCODE_TMR); if (tmr < 0) tmr = 0; if (_heChannel[chan].sound > _vm->_numSounds) { codePtr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSpoolBuffer, chan); } else { codePtr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, _heChannel[chan].sound); } assert(codePtr); codePtr += _heChannel[chan].codeOffs; while(1) { size = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); time = READ_LE_UINT32(codePtr + 2); if (size == 0) { _heChannel[chan].codeOffs = -1; break; } debug(5, "Channel %d Timer %d Time %d", chan, tmr, time); if (time >= tmr) break; processSoundOpcodes(_heChannel[chan].sound, codePtr + 6, _heChannel[chan].soundVars); codePtr += size; _heChannel[chan].codeOffs += size; } } } void Sound::processSoundOpcodes(int sound, byte *codePtr, int *soundVars) { int arg, opcode, var, val; while(READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr) != 0) { codePtr += 2; opcode = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; opcode = (opcode & 0xFFF) >> 4; arg = opcode & 3; opcode &= ~3; debug(5, "processSoundOpcodes: sound %d opcode %d", sound, opcode); switch (opcode) { case 0: // Continue break; case 16: // Set talk state val = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; setSoundVar(sound, 19, val); break; case 32: // Set var var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; if (arg == 2) { val = getSoundVar(sound, val); } setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; case 48: // Add var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; if (arg == 2) { val = getSoundVar(sound, val); } val = getSoundVar(sound, var) + val; setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; case 56: // Subtract var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; if (arg == 2) { val = getSoundVar(sound, val); } val = getSoundVar(sound, var) - val; setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; case 64: // Multiple var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; if (arg == 2) { val = getSoundVar(sound, val); } val = getSoundVar(sound, var) * val; setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; case 80: // Divide var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; if (arg == 2) { val = getSoundVar(sound, val); } val = getSoundVar(sound, var) / val; setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; case 96: // Increment var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = getSoundVar(sound, var) + 1; setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; case 104: // Decrement var = READ_LE_UINT16(codePtr); codePtr += 2; val = getSoundVar(sound, var) - 1; setSoundVar(sound, var, val); break; default: error("Illegal sound %d opcode %d", sound, opcode); } } } void Sound::playHESound(int soundID, int heOffset, int heChannel, int heFlags) { byte *ptr, *spoolPtr; int size = -1; int priority, rate; byte flags = Audio::Mixer::FLAG_UNSIGNED; Audio::Mixer::SoundType type = Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType; if (soundID > _vm->_numSounds) type = Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType; else if (soundID == 1) type = Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType; if (heChannel == -1) heChannel = (_vm->VAR_RESERVED_SOUND_CHANNELS != 0xFF) ? findFreeSoundChannel() : 1; debug(5,"playHESound: soundID %d heOffset %d heChannel %d heFlags %d", soundID, heOffset, heChannel, heFlags); if (soundID >= 10000) { // Special codes, used in pjgames return; } if (soundID > _vm->_numSounds) { int music_offs; char buf[32], buf1[128]; Common::File musicFile; sprintf(buf, "%s.he4", _vm->getBaseName()); if (_vm->_substResFileName.winName != 0) { _vm->generateSubstResFileName(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf1)); strcpy(buf, buf1); } if (musicFile.open(buf) == false) { warning("playSound: Can't open music file %s", buf); return; } if (!getHEMusicDetails(soundID, music_offs, size)) { debug(0, "playSound: musicID %d not found", soundID); return; } musicFile.seek(music_offs, SEEK_SET); _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_heSoundChannels[heChannel]); spoolPtr = _vm->res.createResource(rtSpoolBuffer, heChannel, size); assert(spoolPtr); musicFile.read(spoolPtr, size); musicFile.close(); if (_vm->_game.heversion == 70) { _vm->_mixer->playRaw(&_heSoundChannels[heChannel], spoolPtr, size, 11025, flags, soundID, 255, 0, 0,0, type); return; } } if (soundID > _vm->_numSounds) { ptr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSpoolBuffer, heChannel); } else { ptr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, soundID); } if (!ptr) { return; } // TODO: Extra sound flags if (heFlags & 1) { flags |= Audio::Mixer::FLAG_LOOP; } // Support for sound in later Backyard sports games if (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('RIFF') || READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('WSOU')) { uint16 compType; int blockAlign; char *sound; if (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('WSOU')) ptr += 8; size = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr + 4); Common::MemoryReadStream stream(ptr, size); if (!loadWAVFromStream(stream, size, rate, flags, &compType, &blockAlign)) { error("playSound: Not a valid WAV file"); } if (compType == 17) { AudioStream *voxStream = new ADPCMInputStream(&stream, size, kADPCMIma, (flags & Audio::Mixer::FLAG_STEREO) ? 2 : 1, blockAlign); sound = (char *)malloc(size * 4); size = voxStream->readBuffer((int16*)sound, size * 2); size *= 2; // 16bits. delete voxStream; } else { // Allocate a sound buffer, copy the data into it, and play sound = (char *)malloc(size); memcpy(sound, ptr + stream.pos(), size); } _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_heSoundChannels[heChannel]); _vm->_mixer->playRaw(&_heSoundChannels[heChannel], sound, size, rate, flags, soundID, 255, 0, 0,0, type); } // Support for sound in Humongous Entertainment games else if (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('DIGI') || READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('TALK')) { byte *sndPtr = ptr; priority = (soundID > _vm->_numSounds) ? 255 : *(ptr + 18); rate = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 22); ptr += 8 + READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 12); if (_vm->_mixer->isSoundHandleActive(_heSoundChannels[heChannel])) { int curSnd = _heChannel[heChannel].sound; if (curSnd == 1 && soundID != 1) return; if (curSnd != 0 && curSnd != 1 && soundID != 1 && _heChannel[heChannel].priority > priority) return; } int codeOffs = -1; if (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('SBNG')) { codeOffs = ptr - sndPtr + 8; ptr += READ_BE_UINT32(ptr + 4); } assert(READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('SDAT')); size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+4) - 8; if (heOffset < 0 || heOffset > size) { // Occurs when making fireworks in puttmoon debug(0, "playSound: Invalid sound offset (offset %d, size %d) in sound %d", heOffset, size, soundID); heOffset = 0; } size -= heOffset; if (_overrideFreq) { // Used by the piano in Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise rate = _overrideFreq; _overrideFreq = 0; } _vm->_mixer->stopHandle(_heSoundChannels[heChannel]); _vm->_mixer->playRaw(&_heSoundChannels[heChannel], ptr + heOffset + 8, size, rate, flags, soundID, 255, 0, 0,0, type); _vm->setHETimer(heChannel + 4); _heChannel[heChannel].sound = soundID; _heChannel[heChannel].priority = priority; _heChannel[heChannel].sbngBlock = (codeOffs != -1) ? 1 : 0; _heChannel[heChannel].codeOffs = codeOffs; memset(_heChannel[heChannel].soundVars, 0, sizeof(_heChannel[heChannel].soundVars)); } // Support for PCM music in 3DO versions of Humongous Entertainment games else if (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('MRAW')) { priority = *(ptr + 18); rate = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 22); ptr += 8 + READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+12); assert(READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('SDAT')); size = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr+4) - 8; flags = Audio::Mixer::FLAG_AUTOFREE; _vm->_mixer->stopID(_currentMusic); _currentMusic = soundID; _vm->_mixer->playRaw(NULL, ptr + 8, size, rate, flags, soundID, 255, 0, 0,0, Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType); } else if (READ_BE_UINT32(ptr) == MKID_BE('MIDI')) { if (_vm->_imuse) { _vm->_imuse->stopSound(_currentMusic); _currentMusic = soundID; _vm->_imuse->startSound(soundID); } } } void Sound::startHETalkSound(uint32 offset) { byte *ptr; int32 size; if (ConfMan.getBool("speech_mute")) return; if (!_sfxFile->isOpen()) { error("startHETalkSound: Speech file is not open"); return; } _sfxMode |= 2; _vm->res.nukeResource(rtSound, 1); _sfxFile->seek(offset + 4, SEEK_SET); size = _sfxFile->readUint32BE(); _sfxFile->seek(offset, SEEK_SET); _vm->res.createResource(rtSound, 1, size); ptr = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtSound, 1); _sfxFile->read(ptr, size); int channel = (_vm->VAR_TALK_CHANNEL != 0xFF) ? _vm->VAR(_vm->VAR_TALK_CHANNEL) : 0; addSoundToQueue2(1, 0, channel, 0); } } // End of namespace Scumm