/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "common/fs.h" #include "common/md5.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "gui/message.h" #include "gui/newgui.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "scumm/akos.h" #include "scumm/charset.h" #include "scumm/costume.h" #include "scumm/debugger.h" #include "scumm/dialogs.h" #include "scumm/file.h" #include "scumm/imuse/imuse.h" #include "scumm/imuse_digi/dimuse.h" #include "scumm/smush/smush_mixer.h" #include "scumm/smush/smush_player.h" #include "scumm/insane/insane.h" #include "scumm/intern.h" #include "scumm/he/animation_he.h" #include "scumm/he/intern_he.h" #include "scumm/he/logic_he.h" #include "scumm/he/sound_he.h" #include "scumm/object.h" #include "scumm/player_nes.h" #include "scumm/player_v1.h" #include "scumm/player_v2.h" #include "scumm/player_v2a.h" #include "scumm/player_v3a.h" #include "scumm/he/resource_he.h" #include "scumm/scumm.h" #include "scumm/sound.h" #include "scumm/imuse/sysex.h" #include "scumm/he/sprite_he.h" #include "scumm/util.h" #include "scumm/verbs.h" #include "sound/mixer.h" #if (defined(PALMOS_ARM) || defined(PALMOS_DEBUG) || defined(__GP32__)) namespace Graphics { extern void initfonts(); } #endif using Common::File; namespace Scumm { // Use g_scumm from error() ONLY ScummEngine *g_scumm = 0; ScummEngine::ScummEngine(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : Engine(syst), _game(dr.game), _filenamePattern(dr.fp), _language(dr.language), _debugger(0), _currentScript(0xFF), // Let debug() work on init stage _pauseDialog(0), _mainMenuDialog(0), _versionDialog(0) { if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { _gdi = new GdiNES(this); } else if (_game.version <= 1) { _gdi = new GdiV1(this); } else if (_game.version == 2) { _gdi = new GdiV2(this); } else { _gdi = new Gdi(this); } _res = new ResourceManager(this); // Copy MD5 checksum memcpy(_gameMD5, dr.md5sum, 16); _fileHandle = 0; // Init all vars _imuse = NULL; _imuseDigital = NULL; _musicEngine = NULL; _verbs = NULL; _objs = NULL; _debugFlags = 0; _sound = NULL; memset(&vm, 0, sizeof(vm)); _quit = false; _pauseDialog = NULL; _mainMenuDialog = NULL; _versionDialog = NULL; _fastMode = 0; _actors = NULL; _arraySlot = NULL; _inventory = NULL; _newNames = NULL; _scummVars = NULL; _roomVars = NULL; _varwatch = 0; _bitVars = NULL; _numVariables = 0; _numBitVariables = 0; _numRoomVariables = 0; _numLocalObjects = 0; _numGlobalObjects = 0; _numArray = 0; _numVerbs = 0; _numFlObject = 0; _numInventory = 0; _numRooms = 0; _numScripts = 0; _numSounds = 0; _numCharsets = 0; _numNewNames = 0; _numGlobalScripts = 0; _numCostumes = 0; _numImages = 0; _numLocalScripts = 60; _numSprites = 0; _numTalkies = 0; _numPalettes = 0; _numUnk = 0; _curActor = 0; _curVerb = 0; _curVerbSlot = 0; _curPalIndex = 0; _currentRoom = 0; _egoPositioned = false; _keyPressed = 0; _mouseAndKeyboardStat = 0; _leftBtnPressed = 0; _rightBtnPressed = 0; _bootParam = 0; _dumpScripts = false; _debugMode = 0; _heV7DiskOffsets = NULL; _heV7RoomIntOffsets = NULL; _objectOwnerTable = NULL; _objectRoomTable = NULL; _objectStateTable = NULL; _numObjectsInRoom = 0; _userPut = 0; _userState = 0; _activeInventory = 0; _activeObject = 0; _activeVerb = 0; _resourceHeaderSize = 8; _saveLoadFlag = 0; _saveLoadSlot = 0; _lastSaveTime = 0; _saveTemporaryState = false; memset(_saveLoadName, 0, sizeof(_saveLoadName)); memset(_localScriptOffsets, 0, sizeof(_localScriptOffsets)); _scriptPointer = NULL; _scriptOrgPointer = NULL; _opcode = 0; vm.numNestedScripts = 0; _lastCodePtr = NULL; _resultVarNumber = 0; _scummStackPos = 0; memset(_vmStack, 0, sizeof(_vmStack)); _fileOffset = 0; memset(_resourceMapper, 0, sizeof(_resourceMapper)); _lastLoadedRoom = 0; _roomResource = 0; OF_OWNER_ROOM = 0; _verbMouseOver = 0; _inventoryOffset = 0; _classData = NULL; _actorToPrintStrFor = 0; _sentenceNum = 0; memset(_sentence, 0, sizeof(_sentence)); memset(_string, 0, sizeof(_string)); _screenB = 0; _screenH = 0; _roomHeight = 0; _roomWidth = 0; _screenHeight = 0; _screenWidth = 0; memset(virtscr, 0, sizeof(virtscr)); memset(&camera, 0, sizeof(CameraData)); memset(_colorCycle, 0, sizeof(_colorCycle)); memset(_colorUsedByCycle, 0, sizeof(_colorUsedByCycle)); _ENCD_offs = 0; _EXCD_offs = 0; _CLUT_offs = 0; _EPAL_offs = 0; _IM00_offs = 0; _PALS_offs = 0; _fullRedraw = false; _bgNeedsRedraw = false; _screenEffectFlag = false; _completeScreenRedraw = false; _disableFadeInEffect = false; memset(&_cursor, 0, sizeof(_cursor)); memset(_grabbedCursor, 0, sizeof(_grabbedCursor)); _currentCursor = 0; _newEffect = 0; _switchRoomEffect2 = 0; _switchRoomEffect = 0; _doEffect = false; _currentLights = 0; _bompActorPalettePtr = NULL; _shakeEnabled = false; _shakeFrame = 0; _screenStartStrip = 0; _screenEndStrip = 0; _screenTop = 0; _drawObjectQueNr = 0; memset(_drawObjectQue, 0, sizeof(_drawObjectQue)); _palManipStart = 0; _palManipEnd = 0; _palManipCounter = 0; _palManipPalette = NULL; _palManipIntermediatePal = NULL; memset(gfxUsageBits, 0, sizeof(gfxUsageBits)); _hePalettes = NULL; _shadowPalette = NULL; _shadowPaletteSize = 0; memset(_currentPalette, 0, sizeof(_currentPalette)); memset(_darkenPalette, 0, sizeof(_darkenPalette)); memset(_HEV7ActorPalette, 0, sizeof(_HEV7ActorPalette)); _palDirtyMin = 0; _palDirtyMax = 0; _haveMsg = 0; _haveActorSpeechMsg = false; _useTalkAnims = false; _defaultTalkDelay = 0; _musicType = MDT_NONE; _tempMusic = 0; _saveSound = 0; memset(_extraBoxFlags, 0, sizeof(_extraBoxFlags)); memset(_scaleSlots, 0, sizeof(_scaleSlots)); _charset = NULL; _charsetColor = 0; memset(_charsetColorMap, 0, sizeof(_charsetColorMap)); memset(_charsetData, 0, sizeof(_charsetData)); _charsetBufPos = 0; memset(_charsetBuffer, 0, sizeof(_charsetBuffer)); _copyProtection = false; _confirmExit = false; _voiceMode = 0; _talkDelay = 0; _NES_lastTalkingActor = 0; _NES_talkColor = 0; _keepText = false; _costumeLoader = NULL; _costumeRenderer = NULL; _2byteFontPtr = 0; _V1TalkingActor = 0; _NESStartStrip = 0; _actorClipOverride.top = 0; _actorClipOverride.bottom = 480; _actorClipOverride.left = 0; _actorClipOverride.right = 640; _skipDrawObject = 0; // // Init all VARS to 0xFF // VAR_KEYPRESS = 0xFF; VAR_SYNC = 0xFF; VAR_EGO = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_POS_X = 0xFF; VAR_HAVE_MSG = 0xFF; VAR_ROOM = 0xFF; VAR_OVERRIDE = 0xFF; VAR_MACHINE_SPEED = 0xFF; VAR_ME = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_ACTOR = 0xFF; VAR_CURRENT_LIGHTS = 0xFF; VAR_CURRENTDRIVE = 0xFF; // How about merging this with VAR_CURRENTDISK? VAR_CURRENTDISK = 0xFF; VAR_TMR_1 = 0xFF; VAR_TMR_2 = 0xFF; VAR_TMR_3 = 0xFF; VAR_MUSIC_TIMER = 0xFF; VAR_ACTOR_RANGE_MIN = 0xFF; VAR_ACTOR_RANGE_MAX = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_MIN_X = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_MAX_X = 0xFF; VAR_TIMER_NEXT = 0xFF; VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X = 0xFF; VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_Y = 0xFF; VAR_ROOM_RESOURCE = 0xFF; VAR_LAST_SOUND = 0xFF; VAR_CUTSCENEEXIT_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_OPTIONS_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_TALK_ACTOR = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_FAST_X = 0xFF; VAR_SCROLL_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_ENTRY_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_ENTRY_SCRIPT2 = 0xFF; VAR_EXIT_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_EXIT_SCRIPT2 = 0xFF; VAR_VERB_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_SENTENCE_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_INVENTORY_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_CUTSCENE_START_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_CUTSCENE_END_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_CHARINC = 0xFF; VAR_CHARCOUNT = 0xFF; VAR_WALKTO_OBJ = 0xFF; VAR_DEBUGMODE = 0xFF; VAR_HEAPSPACE = 0xFF; VAR_RESTART_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_PAUSE_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_MOUSE_X = 0xFF; VAR_MOUSE_Y = 0xFF; VAR_TIMER = 0xFF; VAR_TMR_4 = 0xFF; VAR_SOUNDCARD = 0xFF; VAR_VIDEOMODE = 0xFF; VAR_MAINMENU_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_FIXEDDISK = 0xFF; VAR_CURSORSTATE = 0xFF; VAR_USERPUT = 0xFF; VAR_SOUNDRESULT = 0xFF; VAR_TALKSTOP_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_FADE_DELAY = 0xFF; VAR_NOSUBTITLES = 0xFF; VAR_SOUNDPARAM = 0xFF; VAR_SOUNDPARAM2 = 0xFF; VAR_SOUNDPARAM3 = 0xFF; VAR_INPUTMODE = 0xFF; VAR_MEMORY_PERFORMANCE = 0xFF; VAR_VIDEO_PERFORMANCE = 0xFF; VAR_ROOM_FLAG = 0xFF; VAR_GAME_LOADED = 0xFF; VAR_NEW_ROOM = 0xFF; VAR_VERSION_KEY = 0xFF; VAR_V5_TALK_STRING_Y = 0xFF; VAR_ROOM_WIDTH = 0xFF; VAR_ROOM_HEIGHT = 0xFF; VAR_SUBTITLES = 0xFF; VAR_V6_EMSSPACE = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_POS_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_MIN_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_MAX_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_THRESHOLD_X = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_THRESHOLD_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_SPEED_X = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_SPEED_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_ACCEL_X = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_ACCEL_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_DEST_X = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_DEST_Y = 0xFF; VAR_CAMERA_FOLLOWED_ACTOR = 0xFF; VAR_LEFTBTN_DOWN = 0xFF; VAR_RIGHTBTN_DOWN = 0xFF; VAR_LEFTBTN_HOLD = 0xFF; VAR_RIGHTBTN_HOLD = 0xFF; VAR_SAVELOAD_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_SAVELOAD_SCRIPT2 = 0xFF; VAR_DEFAULT_TALK_DELAY = 0xFF; VAR_CHARSET_MASK = 0xFF; VAR_CUSTOMSCALETABLE = 0xFF; VAR_V6_SOUNDMODE = 0xFF; VAR_ACTIVE_VERB = 0xFF; VAR_ACTIVE_OBJECT1 = 0xFF; VAR_ACTIVE_OBJECT2 = 0xFF; VAR_VERB_ALLOWED = 0xFF; VAR_BLAST_ABOVE_TEXT = 0xFF; VAR_VOICE_MODE = 0xFF; VAR_MUSIC_BUNDLE_LOADED = 0xFF; VAR_VOICE_BUNDLE_LOADED = 0xFF; VAR_REDRAW_ALL_ACTORS = 0xFF; VAR_SKIP_RESET_TALK_ACTOR = 0xFF; VAR_SOUND_CHANNEL = 0xFF; VAR_TALK_CHANNEL = 0xFF; VAR_SOUNDCODE_TMR = 0xFF; VAR_RESERVED_SOUND_CHANNELS = 0xFF; VAR_MAIN_SCRIPT = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_SCRIPT_CYCLES = 0xFF; VAR_SCRIPT_CYCLE = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_GLOBAL_OBJS = 0xFF; VAR_KEY_STATE = 0xFF; VAR_MOUSE_STATE = 0xFF; // Use g_scumm from error() ONLY g_scumm = this; // Read settings from the detector & config manager _debugMode = (gDebugLevel >= 0); _dumpScripts = ConfMan.getBool("dump_scripts"); _bootParam = ConfMan.getInt("boot_param"); // Boot params often need debugging switched on to work if (_bootParam) _debugMode = true; _copyProtection = ConfMan.getBool("copy_protection"); if (ConfMan.getBool("demo_mode")) _game.features |= GF_DEMO; if (ConfMan.hasKey("nosubtitles")) { printf("Configuration key 'nosubtitles' is deprecated. Use 'subtitles' instead\n"); if (!ConfMan.hasKey("subtitles")) ConfMan.setBool("subtitles", !ConfMan.getBool("nosubtitles")); } // Make sure that at least subtitles are enabled if (ConfMan.getBool("speech_mute") && !ConfMan.getBool("subtitles")) ConfMan.setBool("subtitles", true); // TODO Detect subtitle only versions of scumm6 games if (ConfMan.getBool("speech_mute")) _voiceMode = 2; else _voiceMode = ConfMan.getBool("subtitles"); _confirmExit = ConfMan.getBool("confirm_exit"); if (ConfMan.hasKey("render_mode")) { _renderMode = Common::parseRenderMode(ConfMan.get("render_mode").c_str()); } else { _renderMode = Common::kRenderDefault; } // Do some render mode restirctions if (_game.version <= 1) _renderMode = Common::kRenderDefault; switch (_renderMode) { case Common::kRenderHercA: case Common::kRenderHercG: if (_game.version > 2 && _game.id != GID_MONKEY_EGA) _renderMode = Common::kRenderDefault; break; case Common::kRenderCGA: case Common::kRenderEGA: case Common::kRenderAmiga: if (!(_game.features & GF_16COLOR)) _renderMode = Common::kRenderDefault; break; default: break; } _hexdumpScripts = false; _showStack = false; if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns && _game.version == 3) { // FM-TOWNS V3 games use 320x240 _screenWidth = 320; _screenHeight = 240; } else if (_game.version == 8 || _game.heversion >= 71) { // COMI uses 640x480. Likewise starting from version 7.1, HE games use // 640x480, too. _screenWidth = 640; _screenHeight = 480; } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { _screenWidth = 256; _screenHeight = 240; } else { _screenWidth = 320; _screenHeight = 200; } _compositeBuf = (byte *)malloc(_screenWidth * _screenHeight); _herculesBuf = 0; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderHercA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderHercG) { _herculesBuf = (byte *)malloc(Common::kHercW * Common::kHercH); } } ScummEngine::~ScummEngine() { if (_musicEngine) { _musicEngine->terminate(); delete _musicEngine; } _mixer->stopAll(); delete [] _actors; delete [] _sortedActors; delete _2byteFontPtr; delete _charset; delete _pauseDialog; delete _mainMenuDialog; delete _versionDialog; delete _fileHandle; delete _sound; delete _costumeLoader; delete _costumeRenderer; free(_shadowPalette); free(_palManipPalette); free(_palManipIntermediatePal); free(_objectStateTable); free(_objectRoomTable); free(_objectOwnerTable); free(_inventory); free(_verbs); free(_objs); free(_roomVars); free(_scummVars); free(_bitVars); free(_newNames); free(_classData); free(_arraySlot); free(_compositeBuf); free(_herculesBuf); delete _debugger; delete _res; delete _gdi; } ScummEngine_v5::ScummEngine_v5(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine(syst, dr) { static const uint16 default_cursor_images[4][16] = { /* cross-hair */ { 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0000, 0x7e3f, 0x0000, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0080, 0x0000 }, /* hourglass */ { 0x0000, 0x7ffe, 0x6006, 0x300c, 0x1818, 0x0c30, 0x0660, 0x03c0, 0x0660, 0x0c30, 0x1998, 0x33cc, 0x67e6, 0x7ffe, 0x0000, 0x0000 }, /* arrow */ { 0x0000, 0x4000, 0x6000, 0x7000, 0x7800, 0x7c00, 0x7e00, 0x7f00, 0x7f80, 0x78c0, 0x7c00, 0x4600, 0x0600, 0x0300, 0x0300, 0x0180 }, /* hand */ { 0x1e00, 0x1200, 0x1200, 0x1200, 0x1200, 0x13ff, 0x1249, 0x1249, 0xf249, 0x9001, 0x9001, 0x9001, 0x8001, 0x8001, 0x8001, 0xffff }, }; static const byte default_cursor_hotspots[10] = { 8, 7, 8, 7, 1, 1, 5, 0, 8, 7, //zak256 }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { memcpy(_cursorImages[i], default_cursor_images[i], 32); } memcpy(_cursorHotspots, default_cursor_hotspots, 8); // Setup flashlight memset(&_flashlight, 0, sizeof(_flashlight)); _flashlight.xStrips = 7; _flashlight.yStrips = 7; _flashlight.buffer = NULL; } ScummEngine_v4::ScummEngine_v4(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v5(syst, dr) { _resourceHeaderSize = 6; } ScummEngine_v3::ScummEngine_v3(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v4(syst, dr) { } ScummEngine_v3old::ScummEngine_v3old(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v3(syst, dr) { _resourceHeaderSize = 4; } ScummEngine_v2::ScummEngine_v2(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v3old(syst, dr) { VAR_SENTENCE_VERB = 0xFF; VAR_SENTENCE_OBJECT1 = 0xFF; VAR_SENTENCE_OBJECT2 = 0xFF; VAR_SENTENCE_PREPOSITION = 0xFF; VAR_BACKUP_VERB = 0xFF; VAR_CLICK_AREA = 0xFF; VAR_CLICK_VERB = 0xFF; VAR_CLICK_OBJECT = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_c64::ScummEngine_c64(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v2(syst, dr) { _currentMode = 0; } ScummEngine_v6::ScummEngine_v6(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine(syst, dr) { _blastObjectQueuePos = 0; memset(_blastObjectQueue, 0, sizeof(_blastObjectQueue)); _blastTextQueuePos = 0; memset(_blastTextQueue, 0, sizeof(_blastTextQueue)); memset(_akosQueue, 0, sizeof(_akosQueue)); _akosQueuePos = 0; VAR_VIDEONAME = 0xFF; VAR_RANDOM_NR = 0xFF; VAR_STRING2DRAW = 0xFF; VAR_TIMEDATE_YEAR = 0xFF; VAR_TIMEDATE_MONTH = 0xFF; VAR_TIMEDATE_DAY = 0xFF; VAR_TIMEDATE_HOUR = 0xFF; VAR_TIMEDATE_MINUTE = 0xFF; VAR_TIMEDATE_SECOND = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_v60he::ScummEngine_v60he(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v6(syst, dr) { memset(_hInFileTable, 0, sizeof(_hInFileTable)); memset(_hOutFileTable, 0, sizeof(_hOutFileTable)); memset(_heTimers, 0, sizeof(_heTimers)); } ScummEngine_v60he::~ScummEngine_v60he() { for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) { delete _hInFileTable[i]; delete _hOutFileTable[i]; } } #ifndef DISABLE_HE ScummEngine_v70he::ScummEngine_v70he(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v60he(syst, dr) { if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformMacintosh && (_game.heversion >= 72 && _game.heversion <= 73)) _resExtractor = new MacResExtractor(this); else _resExtractor = new Win32ResExtractor(this); _wiz = new Wiz(this); _heV7RoomOffsets = NULL; _heSndSoundId = 0; _heSndOffset = 0; _heSndChannel = 0; _heSndFlags = 0; _heSndSoundFreq = 0; _skipProcessActors = 0; _numStoredFlObjects = 0; _storedFlObjects = (ObjectData *)calloc(100, sizeof(ObjectData)); VAR_NUM_SOUND_CHANNELS = 0xFF; VAR_WIZ_TCOLOR = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_v70he::~ScummEngine_v70he() { delete _resExtractor; delete _wiz; free(_heV7DiskOffsets); free(_heV7RoomIntOffsets); free(_heV7RoomOffsets); free(_storedFlObjects); } ScummEngine_v71he::ScummEngine_v71he(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v70he(syst, dr) { _auxBlocksNum = 0; memset(_auxBlocks, 0, sizeof(_auxBlocks)); _auxEntriesNum = 0; memset(_auxEntries, 0, sizeof(_auxEntries)); } ScummEngine_v72he::ScummEngine_v72he(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v71he(syst, dr) { VAR_NUM_ROOMS = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_SCRIPTS = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_SOUNDS = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_COSTUMES = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_IMAGES = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_CHARSETS = 0xFF; VAR_POLYGONS_ONLY = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_v80he::ScummEngine_v80he(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v72he(syst, dr) { _heSndResId = 0; _curSndId = 0; _sndPtrOffs = 0; _sndTmrOffs = 0; VAR_PLATFORM = 0xFF; VAR_PLATFORM_VERSION = 0xFF; VAR_CURRENT_CHARSET = 0xFF; VAR_COLOR_DEPTH = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_v90he::ScummEngine_v90he(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v80he(syst, dr) { _moviePlay = new MoviePlayer(this); _sprite = new Sprite(this); memset(_videoParams.filename, 0, sizeof(_videoParams.filename)); _videoParams.status = 0; _videoParams.flags = 0; _videoParams.unk2 = 0; _videoParams.wizResNum = 0; VAR_NUM_SPRITE_GROUPS = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_SPRITES = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_PALETTES = 0xFF; VAR_NUM_UNK = 0xFF; VAR_U32_VERSION = 0xFF; VAR_U32_ARRAY_UNK = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_v90he::~ScummEngine_v90he() { delete _moviePlay; delete _sprite; if (_game.heversion >= 98) { delete _logicHE; } if (_game.heversion >= 99) { free(_hePalettes); } } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 ScummEngine_v7::ScummEngine_v7(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v6(syst, dr) { _verbCharset = 0; _verbLineSpacing = 10; _smushFrameRate = 0; _smushVideoShouldFinish = false; _smushPaused = false; _smushActive = false; _insaneRunning = false; _smixer = NULL; _splayer = NULL; _existLanguageFile = false; _languageBuffer = NULL; _languageIndex = NULL; clearSubtitleQueue(); } ScummEngine_v7::~ScummEngine_v7() { if (_smixer) { _smixer->stop(); delete _smixer; } if (_splayer) { _splayer->release(); delete _splayer; } free(_languageBuffer); free(_languageIndex); } ScummEngine_v8::ScummEngine_v8(OSystem *syst, const DetectorResult &dr) : ScummEngine_v7(syst, dr) { _objectIDMap = 0; _keyScriptKey = 0; _keyScriptNo = 0; VAR_LANGUAGE = 0xFF; } ScummEngine_v8::~ScummEngine_v8() { delete [] _objectIDMap; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark --- Initialization --- #pragma mark - int ScummEngine::init() { // Add default file directories. if (((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) || (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformAtariST)) && (_game.version <= 4)) { // This is for the Amiga version of Indy3/Loom/Maniac/Zak File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "ROOMS/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "rooms/"); } if ((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformMacintosh) && (_game.version == 3)) { // This is for the Mac version of Indy3/Loom File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "Rooms 1/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "Rooms 2/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "Rooms 3/"); } #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 #ifdef MACOSX if (_game.version == 8 && !memcmp(_gameDataPath.c_str(), "/Volumes/MONKEY3_", 17)) { // Special case for COMI on Mac OS X. The mount points on OS X depend // on the volume name. Hence if playing from CD, we'd get a problem. // So if loading of a resource file fails, we fall back to the (fixed) // CD mount points (/Volumes/MONKEY3_1 and /Volumes/MONKEY3_2). // // This check for whether we play from CD is very crude, though. File::addDefaultDirectory("/Volumes/MONKEY3_1/RESOURCE/"); File::addDefaultDirectory("/Volumes/MONKEY3_1/resource/"); File::addDefaultDirectory("/Volumes/MONKEY3_2/"); File::addDefaultDirectory("/Volumes/MONKEY3_2/RESOURCE/"); File::addDefaultDirectory("/Volumes/MONKEY3_2/resource/"); } else #endif if (_game.version == 8) { // This is for COMI File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "RESOURCE/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "resource/"); } if (_game.version == 7) { // This is for Full Throttle & The Dig File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "VIDEO/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "video/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "DATA/"); File::addDefaultDirectory(_gameDataPath + "data/"); } #endif // The kGenAsIs method is only used for 'container files', i.e. files // that contain the real game files bundled together in an archive format. // This is the case of the NES, C64 and Mac versions of certain games. // Note: All of these can also occur in 'extracted' form, in which case they // are treated like any other SCUMM game. if (_filenamePattern.genMethod == kGenUnchanged) { if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { // We read data directly from NES ROM instead of extracting it with // external tool assert(_game.id == GID_MANIAC); _fileHandle = new ScummNESFile(); _containerFile = _filenamePattern.pattern; _filenamePattern.pattern = "%.2d.LFL"; _filenamePattern.genMethod = kGenRoomNum; } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformC64) { // Read data from C64 disk images. const char *tmpBuf1, *tmpBuf2; assert(_game.id == GID_MANIAC || _game.id == GID_ZAK); if (_game.id == GID_MANIAC) { tmpBuf1 = "maniac1.d64"; tmpBuf2 = "maniac2.d64"; } else { tmpBuf1 = "zak1.d64"; tmpBuf2 = "zak2.d64"; } _fileHandle = new ScummC64File(tmpBuf1, tmpBuf2, _game.id == GID_MANIAC); _containerFile = tmpBuf1; _filenamePattern.pattern = "%.2d.LFL"; _filenamePattern.genMethod = kGenRoomNum; } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformMacintosh) { // The mac versions of Indy4, Sam&Max, DOTT, FT and The Dig used a // special meta (container) file format to store the actual SCUMM data // files. The rescumm utility used to be used to extract those files. // While that is still possible, we now support reading those files // directly. The first step is to check whether one of them is present // (we do that here); the rest is handled by the ScummFile class and // code in openResourceFile() (and in the Sound class, for MONSTER.SOU // handling). assert(_game.version >= 5 && _game.heversion == 0); _fileHandle = new ScummFile(); _containerFile = _filenamePattern.pattern; // We now have to determine the correct _filenamePattern. To do this // we simply hardcode the possibilites. const char *p1 = 0, *p2 = 0; switch (_game.id) { case GID_INDY4: p1 = "atlantis.%03d"; break; case GID_TENTACLE: p1 = "tentacle.%03d"; p2 = "dottdemo.%03d"; break; case GID_SAMNMAX: p1 = "samnmax.%03d"; p2 = "samdemo.%03d"; break; case GID_FT: p1 = "ft.la%d"; p2 = "ftdemo.la%d"; break; case GID_DIG: p1 = "dig.la%d"; break; default: break; } // Test which file name to use _filenamePattern.genMethod = kGenDiskNum; if (!_fileHandle->open(_containerFile)) error("Couldn't open container file '%s'", _containerFile.c_str()); if ((_filenamePattern.pattern = p1) && _fileHandle->openSubFile(generateFilename(0))) { // Found regular version } else if ((_filenamePattern.pattern = p2) && _fileHandle->openSubFile(generateFilename(0))) { // Found demo _game.features |= GF_DEMO; } else error("Couldn't find known subfile inside container file '%s'", _containerFile.c_str()); _fileHandle->close(); } else { error("kGenAsIs used with unsupported platform"); } } else { // Regular access, no container file involved _fileHandle = new ScummFile(); } // Initialize backend _system->beginGFXTransaction(); bool defaultTo1XScaler = false; if (_renderMode == Common::kRenderHercA || _renderMode == Common::kRenderHercG) { _system->initSize(Common::kHercW, Common::kHercH); defaultTo1XScaler = true; } else { _system->initSize(_screenWidth, _screenHeight); defaultTo1XScaler = (_screenWidth > 320); } initCommonGFX(defaultTo1XScaler); _system->endGFXTransaction(); setupScumm(); readIndexFile(); // Create the debugger now that _numVariables has been set _debugger = new ScummDebugger(this); resetScumm(); resetScummVars(); if (_imuse) { _imuse->setBase(_res->address[rtSound]); } if (_game.version >= 5) _sound->setupSound(); updateSoundSettings(); return 0; } void ScummEngine::setupScumm() { // On some systems it's not safe to run CD audio games from the CD. if (_game.features & GF_AUDIOTRACKS) { checkCD(); int cd_num = ConfMan.getInt("cdrom"); if (cd_num >= 0) _system->openCD(cd_num); } // Create the sound manager if (_game.heversion > 0) _sound = new SoundHE(this); else _sound = new Sound(this); // Setup the music engine setupMusic(_game.midi); // Load localization data, if present loadLanguageBundle(); // Load CJK font, if present loadCJKFont(); // Create the charset renderer setupCharsetRenderer(); // Create the costume renderer setupCostumeRenderer(); // Load game from specified slot, if any if (ConfMan.hasKey("save_slot")) { requestLoad(ConfMan.getInt("save_slot")); } _res->allocResTypeData(rtBuffer, 0, 10, "buffer", 0); setupScummVars(); setupOpcodes(); if (_game.version == 8) _numActors = 80; else if (_game.version == 7) _numActors = 30; else if (_game.id == GID_SAMNMAX) _numActors = 30; else if (_game.id == GID_MANIAC) _numActors = 25; else if (_game.heversion >= 80) _numActors = 62; else if (_game.heversion >= 72) _numActors = 30; else _numActors = 13; if (_game.version >= 7) OF_OWNER_ROOM = 0xFF; else OF_OWNER_ROOM = 0x0F; // if (_game.id==GID_MONKEY2 && _bootParam == 0) // _bootParam = 10001; if (!_copyProtection && _game.id == GID_INDY4 && _bootParam == 0) { _bootParam = -7873; } if (!_copyProtection && _game.id == GID_SAMNMAX && _bootParam == 0) { _bootParam = -1; } int maxHeapThreshold = -1; #ifdef PALMOS_68K if (_game.features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) maxHeapThreshold = gVars->memory[kMemScummNewCostGames]; else maxHeapThreshold = gVars->memory[kMemScummOldCostGames]; #else if (_game.features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) { // Since the new costumes are very big, we increase the heap limit, to avoid having // to constantly reload stuff from the data files. maxHeapThreshold = 6 * 1024 * 1024; } else { maxHeapThreshold = 550000; } #endif _res->setHeapThreshold(400000, maxHeapThreshold); #if (defined(PALMOS_ARM) || defined(PALMOS_DEBUG) || defined(__GP32__)) Graphics::initfonts(); #endif } #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 void ScummEngine_v7::setupScumm() { if (_game.features & GF_DIGI_IMUSE) { #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 _musicEngine = _imuseDigital = new IMuseDigital(this, 10); #endif } ScummEngine::setupScumm(); // Create FT INSANE object if (_game.id == GID_FT) _insane = new Insane((ScummEngine_v7 *)this); else _insane = 0; _smixer = new SmushMixer(_mixer); _splayer = new SmushPlayer(this); } #endif void ScummEngine::setupCharsetRenderer() { if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) _charset = new CharsetRendererNES(this); else if (_game.version <= 2) _charset = new CharsetRendererV2(this, _language); else if (_game.version == 3) _charset = new CharsetRendererV3(this); #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 else if (_game.version == 8) _charset = new CharsetRendererNut(this); #endif else _charset = new CharsetRendererClassic(this); } void ScummEngine::setupCostumeRenderer() { if (_game.features & GF_NEW_COSTUMES) { _costumeRenderer = new AkosRenderer(this); _costumeLoader = new AkosCostumeLoader(this); } else if (_game.version == 0) { _costumeRenderer = new C64CostumeRenderer(this); _costumeLoader = new C64CostumeLoader(this); } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { _costumeRenderer = new NESCostumeRenderer(this); _costumeLoader = new NESCostumeLoader(this); } else { _costumeRenderer = new ClassicCostumeRenderer(this); _costumeLoader = new ClassicCostumeLoader(this); } } void ScummEngine::resetScumm() { int i; _tempMusic = 0; debug(9, "resetScumm"); if (_game.version == 0) { initScreens(8, 144); } else if ((_game.id == GID_MANIAC) && (_game.version <= 1) && !(_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES)) { initScreens(16, 152); } else if (_game.version >= 7 || _game.heversion >= 71) { initScreens(0, _screenHeight); } else { initScreens(16, 144); } _palManipCounter = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) _roomPalette[i] = i; resetPalette(); if (_game.version == 1) { } else if (_game.features & GF_16COLOR) { for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) _shadowPalette[i] = i; } if (_game.version >= 4 && _game.version <= 7) loadCharset(1); if (_game.features & GF_OLD_BUNDLE) loadCharset(0); setShake(0); _cursor.animate = 1; // Allocate and Initialize actors Actor::initActorClass(this); _actors = new Actor[_numActors]; _sortedActors = new Actor * [_numActors]; for (i = 0; i < _numActors; i++) { _actors[i]._number = i; _actors[i].initActor(1); // this is from IDB if ((_game.version <= 1) || (_game.id == GID_MANIAC && (_game.features & GF_DEMO))) _actors[i].setActorCostume(i); } if (_game.id == GID_MANIAC && _game.version <= 1) { resetV1ActorTalkColor(); } else if (_game.id == GID_MANIAC && _game.version == 2 && (_game.features & GF_DEMO)) { // HACK Some palette changes needed for demo script // in Maniac Mansion (Enhanced) _actors[3].setPalette(3, 1); _actors[9]._talkColor = 15; _actors[10]._talkColor = 7; _actors[11]._talkColor = 2; _actors[13]._talkColor = 5; _actors[23]._talkColor = 14; } vm.numNestedScripts = 0; vm.cutSceneStackPointer = 0; memset(vm.cutScenePtr, 0, sizeof(vm.cutScenePtr)); memset(vm.cutSceneData, 0, sizeof(vm.cutSceneData)); for (i = 0; i < _numVerbs; i++) { _verbs[i].verbid = 0; _verbs[i].curRect.right = _screenWidth - 1; _verbs[i].oldRect.left = -1; _verbs[i].type = 0; _verbs[i].color = 2; _verbs[i].hicolor = 0; _verbs[i].charset_nr = 1; _verbs[i].curmode = 0; _verbs[i].saveid = 0; _verbs[i].center = 0; _verbs[i].key = 0; } if (_game.features & GF_NEW_CAMERA) { VAR(VAR_CAMERA_THRESHOLD_X) = 100; VAR(VAR_CAMERA_THRESHOLD_Y) = 70; VAR(VAR_CAMERA_ACCEL_X) = 100; VAR(VAR_CAMERA_ACCEL_Y) = 100; } else { if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { camera._leftTrigger = 6; // 6 camera._rightTrigger = 21; // 25 } else { camera._leftTrigger = 10; camera._rightTrigger = (_game.heversion >= 71) ? 70 : 30; } camera._mode = 0; } camera._follows = 0; virtscr[0].xstart = 0; _mouse.x = 104; _mouse.y = 56; _ENCD_offs = 0; _EXCD_offs = 0; _currentScript = 0xFF; _sentenceNum = 0; _currentRoom = 0; _numObjectsInRoom = 0; _actorToPrintStrFor = 0; _charsetBufPos = 0; _haveMsg = 0; _haveActorSpeechMsg = false; _varwatch = -1; _screenStartStrip = 0; _defaultTalkDelay = 3; _talkDelay = 0; _keepText = false; _currentCursor = 0; _cursor.state = 0; _userPut = 0; _newEffect = 129; _fullRedraw = true; clearDrawObjectQueue(); if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) decodeNESBaseTiles(); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (_game.version == 3) { // FIXME - what is this? _string[i]._default.xpos = 0; _string[i]._default.ypos = 0; } else { _string[i]._default.xpos = 2; _string[i]._default.ypos = 5; } _string[i]._default.right = _screenWidth - 1; _string[i]._default.height = 0; _string[i]._default.color = 0xF; _string[i]._default.center = 0; _string[i]._default.charset = 0; } // all keys are released for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) _keyDownMap[i] = false; _lastSaveTime = _system->getMillis(); } void ScummEngine_c64::resetScumm() { ScummEngine_v2::resetScumm(); initC64Verbs(); } void ScummEngine_v2::resetScumm() { ScummEngine::resetScumm(); if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { initNESMouseOver(); _switchRoomEffect2 = _switchRoomEffect = 6; } else { initV2MouseOver(); // Seems in V2 there was only a single room effect (iris), // so we set that here. _switchRoomEffect2 = 1; _switchRoomEffect = 5; } _inventoryOffset = 0; } void ScummEngine_v4::resetScumm() { ScummEngine::resetScumm(); // WORKAROUND for bug in boot script of Loom (CD) // The boot script sets the characters of string 21, // before creating the string.resource. if (_game.id == GID_LOOM) { _res->createResource(rtString, 21, 12); } } void ScummEngine_v6::resetScumm() { ScummEngine::resetScumm(); setDefaultCursor(); } void ScummEngine_v60he::resetScumm() { ScummEngine_v6::resetScumm(); // HACK cursor hotspot is wrong // Original games used // setCursorHotspot(8, 7); if (_game.id == GID_FUNPACK) setCursorHotspot(16, 16); } #ifndef DISABLE_HE void ScummEngine_v72he::resetScumm() { ScummEngine_v60he::resetScumm(); _stringLength = 1; memset(_stringBuffer, 0, sizeof(_stringBuffer)); } void ScummEngine_v90he::resetScumm() { ScummEngine_v72he::resetScumm(); _heObject = 0; _heObjectNum = 0; _hePaletteNum = 0; _sprite->resetTables(0); memset(&_wizParams, 0, sizeof(_wizParams)); if (_game.heversion >= 98) { switch (_game.id) { case GID_PUTTRACE: _logicHE = new LogicHErace(this); break; case GID_FUNSHOP: _logicHE = new LogicHEfunshop(this); break; case GID_FOOTBALL: _logicHE = new LogicHEfootball(this); break; case GID_SOCCER: _logicHE = new LogicHEsoccer(this); break; default: _logicHE = new LogicHE(this); break; } } } void ScummEngine_v99he::resetScumm() { ScummEngine_v90he::resetScumm(); _hePalettes = (uint8 *)malloc((_numPalettes + 1) * 1024); memset(_hePalettes, 0, (_numPalettes + 1) * 1024); // Array 129 is set to base name int len = strlen(_filenamePattern.pattern); ArrayHeader *ah = defineArray(129, kStringArray, 0, 0, 0, len); memcpy(ah->data, _filenamePattern.pattern, len); } #endif void ScummEngine::setupMusic(int midi) { int midiDriver = MidiDriver::detectMusicDriver(midi); _native_mt32 = ((midiDriver == MD_MT32) || ConfMan.getBool("native_mt32")); switch (midiDriver) { case MD_NULL: _musicType = MDT_NONE; break; case MD_PCSPK: case MD_PCJR: _musicType = MDT_PCSPK; break; case MD_TOWNS: _musicType = MDT_TOWNS; break; case MD_ADLIB: _musicType = MDT_ADLIB; break; default: _musicType = MDT_MIDI; break; } // FIXME: MD_TOWNS should not be _midi_native in the first place!! iMuse code needs to be restructured. if ((_game.id == GID_TENTACLE) || (_game.id == GID_SAMNMAX) || (midiDriver == MD_TOWNS)) _enable_gs = false; else _enable_gs = ConfMan.getBool("enable_gs"); /* Bind the mixer to the system => mixer will be invoked * automatically when samples need to be generated */ if (!_mixer->isReady()) { warning("Sound mixer initialization failed\n"); if (_musicType == MDT_ADLIB || _musicType == MDT_PCSPK) { midiDriver = MD_NULL; _musicType = MDT_NONE; warning("MIDI driver depends on sound mixer, switching to null MIDI driver\n"); } } // Init iMuse if (_game.features & GF_DIGI_IMUSE) { // Setup for digital iMuse is performed in another place } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformC64) { // TODO _musicEngine = NULL; } else if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES) { _musicEngine = new Player_NES(this); } else if ((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) && (_game.version == 2)) { _musicEngine = new Player_V2A(this); } else if ((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) && (_game.version == 3)) { _musicEngine = new Player_V3A(this); } else if ((_game.platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) && (_game.version <= 4)) { _musicEngine = NULL; } else if (_game.id == GID_MANIAC && (_game.version == 1)) { _musicEngine = new Player_V1(this, midiDriver != MD_PCSPK); } else if (_game.version <= 2) { _musicEngine = new Player_V2(this, midiDriver != MD_PCSPK); } else if ((_musicType == MDT_PCSPK) && ((_game.version > 2) && (_game.version <= 4))) { _musicEngine = new Player_V2(this, midiDriver != MD_PCSPK); } else if (_game.version >= 3 && _game.heversion <= 61 && _game.platform != Common::kPlatform3DO) { MidiDriver *nativeMidiDriver = 0; MidiDriver *adlibMidiDriver = 0; if (_musicType != MDT_ADLIB) nativeMidiDriver = MidiDriver::createMidi(midiDriver); if (nativeMidiDriver != NULL && _native_mt32) nativeMidiDriver->property(MidiDriver::PROP_CHANNEL_MASK, 0x03FE); bool multi_midi = ConfMan.getBool("multi_midi") && _musicType != MDT_NONE && (midi & MDT_ADLIB); if (_musicType == MDT_ADLIB || multi_midi) { adlibMidiDriver = MidiDriver_ADLIB_create(_mixer); adlibMidiDriver->property(MidiDriver::PROP_OLD_ADLIB, (_game.features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) ? 1 : 0); } _musicEngine = _imuse = IMuse::create(_system, nativeMidiDriver, adlibMidiDriver); if (_imuse) { _imuse->addSysexHandler (/*IMUSE_SYSEX_ID*/ 0x7D, (_game.id == GID_SAMNMAX) ? sysexHandler_SamNMax : sysexHandler_Scumm); _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_GAME_ID, _game.id); if (ConfMan.hasKey("tempo")) _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_TEMPO_BASE, ConfMan.getInt("tempo")); _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_NATIVE_MT32, _native_mt32); _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_GS, _enable_gs); if (_game.heversion >= 60 || midi == MDT_TOWNS) { _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_LIMIT_PLAYERS, 1); _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_RECYCLE_PLAYERS, 1); } if (midi == MDT_TOWNS) _imuse->property(IMuse::PROP_DIRECT_PASSTHROUGH, 1); } } } void ScummEngine::updateSoundSettings() { // Sync the engine with the config manager int soundVolumeMusic = ConfMan.getInt("music_volume"); int soundVolumeSfx = ConfMan.getInt("sfx_volume"); int soundVolumeSpeech = ConfMan.getInt("speech_volume"); if (_musicEngine) { _musicEngine->setMusicVolume(soundVolumeMusic); } _mixer->setVolumeForSoundType(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, soundVolumeSfx); _mixer->setVolumeForSoundType(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType, soundVolumeMusic); _mixer->setVolumeForSoundType(Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType, soundVolumeSpeech); if (ConfMan.getBool("speech_mute")) _voiceMode = 2; else _voiceMode = ConfMan.getBool("subtitles"); if (VAR_VOICE_MODE != 0xFF) VAR(VAR_VOICE_MODE) = _voiceMode; _defaultTalkDelay = getTalkspeed(); if (VAR_CHARINC != 0xFF) VAR(VAR_CHARINC) = _defaultTalkDelay; } void ScummEngine::setTalkspeed(int talkspeed) { ConfMan.setInt("talkspeed", (talkspeed * 255 + 9 / 2) / 9); } int ScummEngine::getTalkspeed() { return (ConfMan.getInt("talkspeed") * 9 + 255 / 2) / 255; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark --- Main loop --- #pragma mark - int ScummEngine::go() { _engineStartTime = _system->getMillis() / 1000; // If requested, load a save game instead of running the boot script if (_saveLoadFlag != 2 || !loadState(_saveLoadSlot, _saveTemporaryState)) { _saveLoadFlag = 0; runBootscript(); } else { _saveLoadFlag = 0; } int delta = 0; int diff = _system->getMillis(); while (!_quit) { if (_debugger->isAttached()) _debugger->onFrame(); // Randomize the PRNG by calling it at regular intervals. This ensures // that it will be in a different state each time you run the program. _rnd.getRandomNumber(2); diff -= _system->getMillis(); waitForTimer(delta * 15 + diff); diff = _system->getMillis(); delta = scummLoop(delta); if (delta < 1) // Ensure we don't get into an endless loop delta = 1; // by not decreasing sleepers. if (_quit) { // TODO: Maybe perform an autosave on exit? } } return 0; } void ScummEngine::waitForTimer(int msec_delay) { uint32 start_time; if (_fastMode & 2) msec_delay = 0; else if (_fastMode & 1) msec_delay = 10; start_time = _system->getMillis(); while (!_quit) { _sound->updateCD(); // Loop CD Audio if needed parseEvents(); _system->updateScreen(); if (_system->getMillis() >= start_time + msec_delay) break; _system->delayMillis(10); } } int ScummEngine::scummLoop(int delta) { if (_game.version >= 3) { VAR(VAR_TMR_1) += delta; VAR(VAR_TMR_2) += delta; VAR(VAR_TMR_3) += delta; if ((_game.id == GID_INDY3 && _game.platform != Common::kPlatformMacintosh) || _game.id == GID_ZAK) { // Amiga/PC versions of Indy3 set three extra timers // FM-TOWNS version of Zak sets three extra timers VAR(39) += delta; VAR(40) += delta; VAR(41) += delta; } } if (VAR_TMR_4 != 0xFF) VAR(VAR_TMR_4) += delta; if (delta > 15) delta = 15; decreaseScriptDelay(delta); _talkDelay -= delta; if (_talkDelay < 0) _talkDelay = 0; // Record the current ego actor before any scripts (including input scripts) // get a chance to run. int oldEgo = 0; if (VAR_EGO != 0xFF) oldEgo = VAR(VAR_EGO); // In V1-V3 games, CHARSET_1 is called much earlier than in newer games. // See also bug #770042 for a case were this makes a difference. if (_game.version <= 3) CHARSET_1(); processInput(); scummLoop_updateScummVars(); if (_game.features & GF_AUDIOTRACKS) { // Covered automatically by the Sound class } else if (VAR_MUSIC_TIMER != 0xFF) { if (_musicEngine) { // The music engine generates the timer data for us. VAR(VAR_MUSIC_TIMER) = _musicEngine->getMusicTimer(); } else { // Used for Money Island 1 (Amiga) // TODO: The music delay (given in milliseconds) might have to be tuned a little // to get it correct for all games. Without the ability to watch/listen to the // original games, I can't do that myself. const int MUSIC_DELAY = 350; _tempMusic += delta * 15; // Convert delta to milliseconds if (_tempMusic >= MUSIC_DELAY) { _tempMusic -= MUSIC_DELAY; VAR(VAR_MUSIC_TIMER) += 1; } } } // Trigger autosave if necessary. if (!_saveLoadFlag && shouldPerformAutoSave(_lastSaveTime)) { _saveLoadSlot = 0; sprintf(_saveLoadName, "Autosave %d", _saveLoadSlot); _saveLoadFlag = 1; _saveTemporaryState = false; } if (VAR_GAME_LOADED != 0xFF) VAR(VAR_GAME_LOADED) = 0; load_game: scummLoop_handleSaveLoad(); if (_completeScreenRedraw) { _charset->clearCharsetMask(); _charset->_hasMask = false; // HACK as in game save stuff isn't supported currently if (_game.id == GID_LOOM) { int args[16]; uint var; memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); args[0] = 2; if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformMacintosh) var = 105; else if (_game.version == 4) // 256 color CD version var = 150; else var = 100; byte restoreScript = (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) ? 17 : 18; // if verbs should be shown restore them if (VAR(var) == 2) runScript(restoreScript, 0, 0, args); } else if (_game.version > 3) { for (int i = 0; i < _numVerbs; i++) drawVerb(i, 0); } else { redrawVerbs(); } handleMouseOver(false); _completeScreenRedraw = false; _fullRedraw = true; } if (_game.heversion >= 80) { ((SoundHE *)_sound)->processSoundCode(); } runAllScripts(); checkExecVerbs(); checkAndRunSentenceScript(); if (_quit) return 0; // HACK: If a load was requested, immediately perform it. This avoids // drawing the current room right after the load is request but before // it is performed. That was annoying esp. if you loaded while a SMUSH // cutscene was playing. if (_saveLoadFlag && _saveLoadFlag != 1) { goto load_game; } if (_currentRoom == 0) { if (_game.version > 3) CHARSET_1(); drawDirtyScreenParts(); } else { walkActors(); moveCamera(); updateObjectStates(); if (_game.version > 3) CHARSET_1(); scummLoop_handleDrawing(); scummLoop_handleActors(); _fullRedraw = false; scummLoop_handleEffects(); if (VAR_MAIN_SCRIPT != 0xFF && VAR(VAR_MAIN_SCRIPT) != 0) { runScript(VAR(VAR_MAIN_SCRIPT), 0, 0, 0); } // Handle mouse over effects (for verbs). handleMouseOver(oldEgo != VAR(VAR_EGO)); // Render everything to the screen. updatePalette(); drawDirtyScreenParts(); // FIXME / TODO: Try to move the following to scummLoop_handleSound or // scummLoop_handleActors (but watch out for regressions!) if (_game.version <= 5) playActorSounds(); } scummLoop_handleSound(); camera._last = camera._cur; _res->increaseExpireCounter(); animateCursor(); /* show or hide mouse */ CursorMan.showMouse(_cursor.state > 0); if (VAR_TIMER != 0xFF) VAR(VAR_TIMER) = 0; return (VAR_TIMER_NEXT != 0xFF) ? VAR(VAR_TIMER_NEXT) : 4; } #ifndef DISABLE_HE int ScummEngine_v90he::scummLoop(int delta) { _moviePlay->handleNextFrame(); if (_game.heversion >= 98) { _logicHE->startOfFrame(); } int ret = ScummEngine::scummLoop(delta); _sprite->updateImages(); if (_game.heversion >= 98) { _logicHE->endOfFrame(); } return ret; } #endif void ScummEngine::scummLoop_updateScummVars() { if (_game.features & GF_NEW_CAMERA) { VAR(VAR_CAMERA_POS_X) = camera._cur.x; VAR(VAR_CAMERA_POS_Y) = camera._cur.y; } else if (_game.version <= 2) { VAR(VAR_CAMERA_POS_X) = camera._cur.x / 8; } else { VAR(VAR_CAMERA_POS_X) = camera._cur.x; } if (_game.version <= 7) VAR(VAR_HAVE_MSG) = _haveMsg; if (_game.version >= 3) { VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X) = _virtualMouse.x; VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_Y) = _virtualMouse.y; VAR(VAR_MOUSE_X) = _mouse.x; VAR(VAR_MOUSE_Y) = _mouse.y; if (VAR_DEBUGMODE != 0xFF) { // This is NOT for the Mac version of Indy3/Loom VAR(VAR_DEBUGMODE) = _debugMode; } } else if (_game.version >= 1) { VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X) = _virtualMouse.x / 8; VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_Y) = _virtualMouse.y / 2; // Adjust mouse coordinates as narrow rooms in NES are centered if (_game.platform == Common::kPlatformNES && _NESStartStrip > 0) { VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X) -= 2; if (VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X) < 0) VAR(VAR_VIRT_MOUSE_X) = 0; } } } void ScummEngine::scummLoop_handleSaveLoad() { if (_saveLoadFlag) { bool success; const char *errMsg = 0; char filename[256]; if (_saveLoadFlag == 1) { success = saveState(_saveLoadSlot, _saveTemporaryState); if (!success) errMsg = "Failed to save game state to file:\n\n%s"; // Ender: Disabled for small_header games, as can overwrite game // variables (eg, Zak256 cashcard values). Temp disabled for V8 // because of odd timing issue with scripts and the variable reset if (success && _saveTemporaryState && !(_game.features & GF_SMALL_HEADER) && _game.version < 8) VAR(VAR_GAME_LOADED) = 201; } else { success = loadState(_saveLoadSlot, _saveTemporaryState); if (!success) errMsg = "Failed to load game state from file:\n\n%s"; // Ender: Disabled for small_header games, as can overwrite game // variables (eg, Zak256 cashcard values). if (success && _saveTemporaryState && !(_game.features & GF_SMALL_HEADER)) VAR(VAR_GAME_LOADED) = 203; } makeSavegameName(filename, _saveLoadSlot, _saveTemporaryState); if (!success) { displayMessage(0, errMsg, filename); } else if (_saveLoadFlag == 1 && _saveLoadSlot != 0 && !_saveTemporaryState) { // Display "Save successful" message, except for auto saves char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Successfully saved game state in file:\n\n%s", filename); GUI::TimedMessageDialog dialog(buf, 1500); runDialog(dialog); } if (success && _saveLoadFlag != 1) clearClickedStatus(); _saveLoadFlag = 0; _lastSaveTime = _system->getMillis(); } } void ScummEngine::scummLoop_handleDrawing() { if (camera._cur != camera._last || _bgNeedsRedraw || _fullRedraw) { redrawBGAreas(); } processDrawQue(); } #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 void ScummEngine_v7::scummLoop_handleDrawing() { ScummEngine_v6::scummLoop_handleDrawing(); // Full Throttle always redraws verbs and draws verbs before actors if (_game.version >= 7) redrawVerbs(); } #endif #ifndef DISABLE_HE void ScummEngine_v90he::scummLoop_handleDrawing() { ScummEngine_v80he::scummLoop_handleDrawing(); if (_game.heversion >= 99) _fullRedraw = false; if (_game.heversion >= 90) { _sprite->resetBackground(); _sprite->sortActiveSprites(); } } #endif void ScummEngine_v6::scummLoop_handleActors() { setActorRedrawFlags(); resetActorBgs(); processActors(); } void ScummEngine_v5::scummLoop_handleActors() { setActorRedrawFlags(); resetActorBgs(); if (!(getCurrentLights() & LIGHTMODE_room_lights_on) && getCurrentLights() & LIGHTMODE_flashlight_on) { drawFlashlight(); setActorRedrawFlags(); } processActors(); } void ScummEngine::scummLoop_handleEffects() { if (_game.version >= 4 && _game.heversion <= 61) cyclePalette(); palManipulate(); if (_doEffect) { _doEffect = false; fadeIn(_newEffect); clearClickedStatus(); } } void ScummEngine::scummLoop_handleSound() { _sound->processSound(); } #ifndef DISABLE_SCUMM_7_8 void ScummEngine_v7::scummLoop_handleSound() { ScummEngine_v6::scummLoop_handleSound(); if (_imuseDigital) { _imuseDigital->flushTracks(); if ( ((_game.id == GID_DIG) && (!(_game.features & GF_DEMO))) || (_game.id == GID_CMI) ) _imuseDigital->refreshScripts(); } if (_smixer) { _smixer->flush(); } } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark --- SCUMM --- #pragma mark - int ScummEngine_v60he::getHETimer(int timer) { assertRange(1, timer, 15, "getHETimer: Timer"); int time = _system->getMillis() - _heTimers[timer]; return time; } void ScummEngine_v60he::setHETimer(int timer) { assertRange(1, timer, 15, "setHETimer: Timer"); _heTimers[timer] = _system->getMillis(); } void ScummEngine::pauseGame() { pauseDialog(); } void ScummEngine::shutDown() { _quit = true; } void ScummEngine::restart() { // TODO: Check this function - we should probably be reinitting a lot more stuff, and I suspect // this leaks memory like a sieve // Fingolfing seez: An alternate way to implement restarting would be to create // a save state right after startup ... to this end we could introduce a SaveFile // subclass which is implemented using a memory buffer (i.e. no actual file is // created). Then to restart we just have to load that pseudo save state. int i; // Reset some stuff _currentRoom = 0; _currentScript = 0xFF; killAllScriptsExceptCurrent(); setShake(0); _sound->stopAllSounds(); // Clear the script variables for (i = 0; i < _numVariables; i++) _scummVars[i] = 0; // Empty inventory for (i = 0; i < _numGlobalObjects; i++) clearOwnerOf(i); // Reallocate arrays // FIXME: This should already be called by readIndexFile. // FIXME: regardless of that, allocateArrays and allocResTypeData leaks // heavily, which should be fixed. allocateArrays(); // Reread index (reset objectstate etc) readIndexFile(); // Reinit scumm variables resetScumm(); resetScummVars(); if (_imuse) { _imuse->setBase(_res->address[rtSound]); } // Reinit sound engine if (_game.version >= 5) _sound->setupSound(); // Re-run bootscript runBootscript(); } void ScummEngine::runBootscript() { int args[16]; memset(args, 0, sizeof(args)); args[0] = _bootParam; if (_game.id == GID_MANIAC && (_game.features & GF_DEMO)) runScript(9, 0, 0, args); else runScript(1, 0, 0, args); } #ifndef DISABLE_HE void ScummEngine_v90he::runBootscript() { if (_game.heversion >= 98) { _logicHE->initOnce(); _logicHE->beforeBootScript(); } ScummEngine::runBootscript(); } #endif void ScummEngine::startManiac() { debug(0, "stub startManiac()"); displayMessage(0, "Usually, Maniac Mansion would start now. But ScummVM doesn't do that yet. To play it, go to 'Add Game' in the ScummVM start menu and select the 'Maniac' directory inside the Tentacle game directory."); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark --- GUI --- #pragma mark - int ScummEngine::runDialog(Dialog &dialog) { _dialogStartTime = _system->getMillis() / 1000; // Pause sound & video bool old_soundsPaused = _sound->_soundsPaused; _sound->pauseSounds(true); // Open & run the dialog int result = dialog.runModal(); // Restore old cursor updateCursor(); // Resume sound & video _sound->pauseSounds(old_soundsPaused); _engineStartTime += (_system->getMillis() / 1000) - _dialogStartTime; _dialogStartTime = 0; // Return the result return result; } int ScummEngine_v7::runDialog(Dialog &dialog) { bool oldSmushPaused = _smushPaused; _smushPaused = true; int result = ScummEngine::runDialog(dialog); _smushPaused = oldSmushPaused; return result; } void ScummEngine::pauseDialog() { if (!_pauseDialog) _pauseDialog = new PauseDialog(this, 4); runDialog(*_pauseDialog); } void ScummEngine::versionDialog() { if (!_versionDialog) _versionDialog = new PauseDialog(this, 1); runDialog(*_versionDialog); } void ScummEngine::mainMenuDialog() { if (!_mainMenuDialog) _mainMenuDialog = new MainMenuDialog(this); runDialog(*_mainMenuDialog); updateSoundSettings(); } void ScummEngine::confirmExitDialog() { ConfirmDialog d(this, 6); if (runDialog(d)) { _quit = true; } } void ScummEngine::confirmRestartDialog() { ConfirmDialog d(this, 5); if (runDialog(d)) { restart(); } } char ScummEngine::displayMessage(const char *altButton, const char *message, ...) { char buf[STRINGBUFLEN]; va_list va; va_start(va, message); vsnprintf(buf, STRINGBUFLEN, message, va); va_end(va); GUI::MessageDialog dialog(buf, "OK", altButton); return runDialog(dialog); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark --- Miscellaneous --- #pragma mark - GUI::Debugger *ScummEngine::getDebugger() { return _debugger; } void ScummEngine::errorString(const char *buf1, char *buf2) { if (_currentScript != 0xFF) { ScriptSlot *ss = &vm.slot[_currentScript]; sprintf(buf2, "(%d:%d:0x%lX): %s", _roomResource, ss->number, (long)(_scriptPointer - _scriptOrgPointer), buf1); } else { strcpy(buf2, buf1); } } } // End of namespace Scumm