/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "sherlock/map.h" #include "sherlock/sherlock.h" namespace Sherlock { Map::Map(SherlockEngine *vm): _vm(vm), _topLine(SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, 12) { _mapCursors = nullptr; _shapes = nullptr; _iconShapes = nullptr; _point = 0; _placesShown = false; _charPoint = _oldCharPoint = -1; _cursorIndex = -1; _drawMap = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx) Common::fill(&_sequences[idx][0], &_sequences[idx][MAX_FRAME], 0); loadData(); } /** * Loads the list of points for locations on the map for each scene */ void Map::loadPoints(int count, const int *xList, const int *yList, const int *transList) { for (int idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx, ++xList, ++yList, ++transList) { _points.push_back(MapEntry(*xList, *yList, *transList)); } } /** * Load data needed for the map */ void Map::loadData() { // Load the list of location names Common::SeekableReadStream *txtStream = _vm->_res->load("chess.txt"); char c; while (txtStream->pos() < txtStream->size()) { Common::String line; while ((c = txtStream->readByte()) != '\0') line += c; _locationNames.push_back(line); } delete txtStream; // Load the path data Common::SeekableReadStream *pathStream = _vm->_res->load("chess.pth"); _paths.resize(31); for (uint idx = 0; idx < _paths.size(); ++idx) { _paths[idx].resize(_paths.size()); for (uint idx2 = 0; idx2 < _paths.size(); ++idx2) _paths[idx][idx2] = pathStream->readSint16LE(); } // Load in the path point information _pathPoints.resize(208); for (uint idx = 0; idx < _pathPoints.size(); ++idx) { _pathPoints[idx].x = pathStream->readSint16LE(); _pathPoints[idx].y = pathStream->readSint16LE(); } delete pathStream; } /** * Show the map */ int Map::show() { Events &events = *_vm->_events; People &people = *_vm->_people; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Common::Point lDrawn(-1, -1); bool changed = false, exitFlag = false; // Set font and custom cursor for the map int oldFont = screen.fontNumber(); screen.setFont(0); // Load the entire map ImageFile bigMap("bigmap.vgs"); // Load need sprites setupSprites(); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[1], Common::Point(-_bigPos.x, -_bigPos.y)); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[2], Common::Point(-_bigPos.x, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - _bigPos.y)); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[3], Common::Point(SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - _bigPos.x, -_bigPos.y)); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[4], Common::Point(SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - _bigPos.x, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - _bigPos.y)); _drawMap = true; _point = -1; people[AL]._position = _lDrawnPos = _overPos; // Show place icons showPlaces(); saveTopLine(); _placesShown = true; // Keep looping until either a location is picked, or the game is ended while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && !exitFlag) { events.pollEventsAndWait(); events.setButtonState(); // Keyboard handling if (events.kbHit()) { Common::KeyState keyState = events.getKey(); if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN || keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_SPACE) { // Both space and enter simulate a mouse release events._pressed = false; events._released = true; events._oldButtons = 0; } } // Ignore scrolling attempts until the screen is drawn if (!_drawMap) { Common::Point pt = events.mousePos(); // Check for vertical map scrolling if ((pt.y > (SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10) && _bigPos.y < 200) || (pt.y < 10 && _bigPos.y > 0)) { if (pt.y > (SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 10)) _bigPos.y += 10; else _bigPos.y -= 10; changed = true; } // Check for horizontal map scrolling if ((pt.x > (SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - 10) && _bigPos.x < 315) || (pt.x < 10 && _bigPos.x > 0)) { if (pt.x > (SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - 10)) _bigPos.x += 15; else _bigPos.x -= 15; changed = true; } } if (changed) { // Map has scrolled, so redraw new map view changed = false; screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[1], Common::Point(-_bigPos.x, -_bigPos.y)); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[2], Common::Point(-_bigPos.x, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - _bigPos.y)); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[3], Common::Point(SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - _bigPos.x, -_bigPos.y)); screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(bigMap[4], Common::Point(SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - _bigPos.x, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - _bigPos.y)); showPlaces(); _placesShown = false; saveTopLine(); _savedPos.x = -1; updateMap(true); } else if (!_drawMap) { if (!_placesShown) { showPlaces(); _placesShown = true; } updateMap(false); } if ((events._released || events._rightReleased) && _point != -1) { if (people[AL]._walkCount == 0) { _charPoint = _point; walkTheStreets(); _cursorIndex = 1; events.setCursor((*_mapCursors)[_cursorIndex]); } } // Check if a scene has beeen selected and we've finished "moving" to it if (people[AL]._walkCount == 0) { if (_charPoint >= 1 && _charPoint < (int)_points.size()) exitFlag = true; } if (_drawMap) { _drawMap = false; if (screen._fadeStyle) screen.randomTransition(); else screen.slamArea(0, 0, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT); } // Wait for a frame events.wait(1); } freeSprites(); _overPos = people[AL]._position; // Reset font and cursor screen.setFont(oldFont); events.setCursor(ARROW); return _charPoint; } /** * Load and initialize all the sprites that are needed for the map display */ void Map::setupSprites() { Events &events = *_vm->_events; People &people = *_vm->_people; Scene &scene = *_vm->_scene; typedef byte Sequences[16][MAX_FRAME]; _savedPos.x = -1; _mapCursors = new ImageFile("omouse.vgs"); _cursorIndex = 0; events.setCursor((*_mapCursors)[_cursorIndex]); _shapes = new ImageFile("mapicon.vgs"); _iconShapes = new ImageFile("overicon.vgs"); Person &p = people[AL]; p._description = " "; p._type = CHARACTER; p._position = Common::Point(12400, 5000); p._sequenceNumber = 0; p._sequences = (Sequences *)&_sequences; p._images = _shapes; p._imageFrame = nullptr; p._frameNumber = 0; p._delta = Common::Point(0, 0); p._oldSize = Common::Point(0, 0); p._oldSize = Common::Point(0, 0); p._misc = 0; p._walkCount = 0; p._allow = 0; p._noShapeSize = Common::Point(0, 0); p._goto = Common::Point(28000, 15000); p._status = 0; p.setImageFrame(); scene._bgShapes.clear(); } /** * Free the sprites and data used by the map */ void Map::freeSprites() { delete _mapCursors; delete _shapes; delete _iconShapes; } /** * Draws an icon for every place that's currently known */ void Map::showPlaces() { Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; for (uint idx = 0; idx < _points.size(); ++idx) { const Common::Point &pt = _points[idx]; if (pt.x != 0 && pt.y != 0) { if (pt.x >= _bigPos.x && (pt.x - _bigPos.x) < SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH && pt.y >= _bigPos.y && (pt.y - _bigPos.y) < SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT) { if (_vm->readFlags(idx)) { screen._backBuffer1.transBlitFrom((*_iconShapes)[idx], Common::Point(pt.x - _bigPos.x - 6, pt.y - _bigPos.y - 12)); } } } } } /** * Makes a copy of the top rows of the screen that are used to display location names */ void Map::saveTopLine() { _topLine.blitFrom(_vm->_screen->_backBuffer1, Common::Point(0, 0), Common::Rect(0, 0, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, 12)); } /** * Erases anything shown in the top line by restoring the previously saved original map background */ void Map::eraseTopLine() { Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; screen.blitFrom(_topLine, Common::Point(0, 0)); } /** * Update all on-screen sprites to account for any scrolling of the map */ void Map::updateMap(bool flushScreen) { Events &events = *_vm->_events; People &people = *_vm->_people; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Common::Point osPos = _savedPos; Common::Point osSize = _savedSize; Common::Point hPos; if (_cursorIndex >= 1) { if (++_cursorIndex > (1 + 8)) _cursorIndex = 1; events.setCursor((*_mapCursors)[_cursorIndex]); } if (!_drawMap && !flushScreen) restoreIcon(); else _savedPos.x = -1; people[AL].adjustSprite(); _lDrawnPos.x = hPos.x = people[AL]._position.x / 100 - _bigPos.x; _lDrawnPos.y = hPos.y = people[AL]._position.y / 100 - people[AL].frameHeight() - _bigPos.y; // Draw the person icon saveIcon(people[AL]._imageFrame, hPos); if (people[AL]._sequenceNumber == MAP_DOWNLEFT || people[AL]._sequenceNumber == MAP_LEFT || people[AL]._sequenceNumber == MAP_UPLEFT) screen._backBuffer1.transBlitFrom(people[AL]._imageFrame->_frame, hPos, true); else screen._backBuffer1.transBlitFrom(people[AL]._imageFrame->_frame, hPos, false); if (flushScreen) { screen.slamArea(0, 0, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT); } else if (!_drawMap) { if (hPos.x > 0 && hPos.y >= 0 && hPos.x < SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH && hPos.y < SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT) screen.flushImage(people[AL]._imageFrame, Common::Point(people[AL]._position.x / 100 - _bigPos.x, people[AL]._position.y / 100 - people[AL].frameHeight() - _bigPos.y), &people[AL]._oldPosition.x, &people[AL]._oldPosition.y, &people[AL]._oldSize.x, &people[AL]._oldSize.y); if (osPos.x != -1) screen.slamArea(osPos.x, osPos.y, osSize.x, osSize.y); } } /** * Handle moving icon for player from their previous location on the map to a destination location */ void Map::walkTheStreets() { People &people = *_vm->_people; bool reversePath = false; Common::Array tempPath; // Get indexes into the path lists for the start and destination scenes int start = _points[_oldCharPoint]._translate; int dest = _points[_charPoint]._translate; // Get pointer to start of path const int *ptr = &_paths[start][dest]; // Check for any intermediate points between the two locations if (*ptr || _charPoint > 50 || _oldCharPoint > 50) { people[AL]._sequenceNumber = -1; if (_charPoint == 51 || _oldCharPoint == 51) { people.setWalking(); } else { // Check for moving the path backwards or forwards if (*ptr == 255) { reversePath = true; SWAP(start, dest); ptr = &_paths[start][dest]; } do { int idx = *ptr++; tempPath.push_back(_pathPoints[idx - 1] + Common::Point(4, 4)); } while (*ptr != 254); // Load up the path to use people._walkTo.clear(); if (!reversePath) { for (int idx = 0; idx < (int)tempPath.size(); ++idx) people._walkTo.push(tempPath[idx]); people._walkDest = tempPath.front(); } else { for (int idx = 0; idx < ((int)tempPath.size() - 1); ++idx) people._walkTo.push(tempPath[idx]); people._walkDest = tempPath[tempPath.size() - 1]; } people._walkDest.x += 12; people._walkDest.y += 6; people.setWalking(); } } else { people[AL]._walkCount = 0; } } /** * Save the area under the player's icon */ void Map::saveIcon(ImageFrame *src, const Common::Point &pt) { Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Common::Point size(src->_width, src->_height); Common::Point pos = pt; if (pos.x < 0) { size.x += pos.x; pos.x = 0; } if (pos.y < 0) { size.y += pos.y; pos.y = 0; } if ((pos.x + size.x) > SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH) size.x -= (pos.x + size.x) - SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH; if ((pos.y + size.y) > SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT) size.y -= (pos.y + size.y) - SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT; if (size.x < 1 || size.y < 1 || pos.x >= SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH || pos.y >= SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT || _drawMap) { // Flag as the area not needing to be saved _savedPos.x = -1; return; } _iconSave.create(size.x, size.y); _iconSave.blitFrom(screen._backBuffer1, Common::Point(0, 0), Common::Rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size.x, pos.y + size.y)); } /** * Restore the area under the player's icon */ void Map::restoreIcon() { Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; if (_savedPos.x >= 0 && _savedPos.y >= 0 && _savedPos.x <= SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH && _savedPos.y < SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT) screen._backBuffer1.blitFrom(_iconSave, _savedPos); } } // End of namespace Sherlock