/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include "common/scummsys.h"
#include "common/rect.h"
#include "common/str-array.h"
#include "common/str.h"
#include "sherlock/image_file.h"
#include "sherlock/fixed_text.h"
#include "sherlock/saveload.h"

namespace Sherlock {

class SherlockEngine;

enum ObjectAllow {

enum SpriteType {
	CURSOR = 2,
	STATIC_BG_SHAPE = 3,		// Background shape that doesn't animate
	ACTIVE_BG_SHAPE = 4,		// Background shape that animates
	REMOVE = 5,					// Object should be removed next frame
	NO_SHAPE = 6,				// Background object with no shape
	HIDDEN = 7,					// Hidden backgruond object
	HIDE_SHAPE = 8,				// Object needs to be hidden

	// Rose Tattoo

enum AType {
	OBJECT		= 0,
	PERSON		= 1,
	SOLID		= 2,
	TALK		= 3,  // Standard talk zone
	FLAG_SET	= 4,
	DELTA		= 5,
	TALK_EVERY	= 7,  // Talk zone that turns on every room visit
	TALK_MOVE	= 8,  // Talk zone that only activates when Holmes moves
	PAL_CHANGE	= 9,  // Changes the palette down so that it gets darker
	PAL_CHANGE2	= 10, // Same as PAL_CHANGE, except that it goes up
	SCRIPT_ZONE	= 11, // If this is clicked in, it is activated
	BLANK_ZONE	= 12, // This masks out other objects when entered
	NOWALK_ZONE = 13  // Player cannot walk here

// Different levels for sprites to be at
enum {

#define MAX_FRAME 30

// code put into sequences to defines 1-10 type seqs
#define SEQ_TO_CODE 67
#define FLIP_CODE (64 + 128)
#define SOUND_CODE (34 + 128)
#define HIDE_CODE (7+128)		// Code for hiding/unhiding an object from a Sequence
#define CALL_TALK_CODE (8+128)	// Code for call a Talk File from a Sequence
#define TELEPORT_CODE (9+128)	// Code for setting Teleport Data (X,Y)
#define MOVE_CODE (10+128)		// Code for setting Movement Delta (X,Y)

#define GOTO_CODE 228
#define TALK_SEQ_CODE 252		// Code specifying start of talk sequence frames in a Sequence
#define TALK_LISTEN_CODE 251	// Code specifying start of talk listen frames in a Sequence
#define ALLOW_TALK_CODE 250 

#define UPPER_LIMIT 0
#define LEFT_LIMIT 0

class Point32 {
	int x;
	int y;

	Point32() : x(0), y(0) {}
	Point32(int x1, int y1) : x(x1), y(y1) {}
	Point32(const Common::Point &pt) : x(pt.x), y(pt.y) {}

	bool operator==(const Point32 &p) const { return x == p.x && y == p.y; }
	bool operator!=(const Point32 &p) const { return x != p.x || y != p.y; }
	Point32 operator+(const Point32 &delta) const { return Point32(x + delta.x, y + delta.y); }
	Point32 operator-(const Point32 &delta) const { return Point32(x - delta.x, y - delta.y); }
	operator Common::Point() { return Common::Point(x, y); }

	void operator+=(const Point32 &delta) { x += delta.x; y += delta.y; }
	void operator-=(const Point32 &delta) { x -= delta.x; y -= delta.y; }

class PositionFacing : public Point32 {
	int _facing;

	PositionFacing() : Point32(), _facing(0) {}
	PositionFacing(int xp, int yp, int theFacing) : Point32(xp, yp), _facing(theFacing) {}
	PositionFacing &operator=(const Point32 &pt) { 
		x = pt.x; y = pt.y;
		return *this;

struct WalkSequence {
	Common::String _vgsName;
	bool _horizFlip;
	Common::Array<byte> _sequences;

	WalkSequence() : _horizFlip(false) {}
	const byte &operator[](int idx) { return _sequences[idx]; }

	 * Load data for the sequence from a stream
	void load(Common::SeekableReadStream &s);

class WalkSequences : public Common::Array < WalkSequence > {
	WalkSequences &operator=(const WalkSequences &src);

enum { REVERSE_DIRECTION = 0x80 };
#define NAMES_COUNT 4

struct ActionType {
	int _cAnimNum;
	int _cAnimSpeed;
	Common::String _names[NAMES_COUNT];
	int _useFlag;					// Which flag USE will set (if any)


	 * Load the data for the action
	void load(Common::SeekableReadStream &s);

struct UseType: public ActionType {
	Common::String _target;
	Common::String _verb;


	 * Load the data for the UseType
	void load(Common::SeekableReadStream &s, bool isRoseTattoo);
	void load3DO(Common::SeekableReadStream &s);

	 * Synchronize the data for a savegame
	void synchronize(Serializer &s);

class BaseObject {
	static SherlockEngine *_vm;
	* This will check to see if the object has reached the end of a sequence.
	* If it has, it switch to whichever next sequence should be started.
	* @returns		true if the end of a sequence was reached
	bool checkEndOfSequence();

	 * Scans through the sequences array and finds the designated sequence.
	 * It then sets the frame number of the start of that sequence
	void setObjSequence(int seq, bool wait);
	static bool _countCAnimFrames;
	SpriteType _type;				// Type of object/sprite
	Common::String _description;	// Description lines
	byte *_sequences;				// Holds animation sequences
	ImageFile *_images;				// Sprite images
	ImageFrame *_imageFrame;		// Pointer to shape in the images
	int _sequenceNumber;			// Sequence being used
	int _startSeq;					// Frame sequence starts at
	int _walkCount;					// Walk counter
	int _allow;						// Allowed UI commands
	int _frameNumber;				// Frame number in rame sequence to draw
	Point32 _position;				// Current position
	Point32 _delta;					// Momvement amount
	Common::Point _oldPosition;		// Old position
	Common::Point _oldSize;			// Image's old size
	Point32 _goto;					// Walk destination

	int _lookFlag;					// Which flag LOOK   will set (if any)
	int _requiredFlag[2];			// Object will be hidden if not set
	Common::Point _noShapeSize;		// Size of a NO_SHAPE
	int _status;					// Status (open/closed, moved/not)
	int8 _misc;						// Misc field -- use varies with type
	int _maxFrames;					// Number of frames
	int _flags;						// Tells if object can be walked behind
	AType _aType;					// Tells if this is an object, person, talk, etc.
	int _lookFrames;				// How many frames to play of the look anim before pausing
	int _seqCounter;				// How many times this sequence has been executed
	PositionFacing _lookPosition;	// Where to walk when examining object
	int _lookcAnim;
	int _seqStack;					// Allows gosubs to return to calling frame
	int _seqTo;						// Allows 1-5, 8-3 type sequences encoded in 2 bytes
	uint _descOffset;					// Tells where description starts in DescText
	int _seqCounter2;				// Counter of calling frame sequence
	uint _seqSize;					// Tells where description starts
	UseType _use[6];				// Serrated Scalpel uses 4, Rose Tattoo 6
	int _quickDraw;					// Flag telling whether to use quick draw routine or not
	int _scaleVal;					// Tells how to scale the sprite
	int _gotoSeq;					// Used by Talk to tell which sequence to goto when able
	int _talkSeq;					// Tells which talk sequence currently in use (Talk or Listen)
	int _restoreSlot;				// Used when talk returns to the previous sequence
	virtual ~BaseObject() {}
	static void setVm(SherlockEngine *vm);

	 * Returns true if the the object has an Allow Talk Code in the sequence that it's
	 * currently running, specified by the _talkSeq field of the object. If it's 0,
	 * then it's a regular sequence. If it's not 0 but below 128, then it's a Talk Sequence.
	 * If it's above 128, then it's one of the Listen sequences.
	bool hasAborts() const;

	 * Check the state of the object
	void checkObject();

	 * Checks for codes
	 * @param name		The name to check for codes
	 * @param messages	Provides a lookup list of messages that can be printed
	 * @returns		0 if no codes are found, 1 if codes were found
	int checkNameForCodes(const Common::String &name, FixedTextActionId fixedTextActionId = kFixedTextAction_Invalid);

	 * Adjusts the frame and sequence variables of a sprite that corresponds to the current speaker
	 * so that it points to the beginning of the sequence number's talk sequence in the object's
	 * sequence buffer
	 * @param seq	Which sequence to use (if there's more than 1)
	 * @remarks		1: First talk seq, 2: second talk seq, etc.
	virtual void setObjTalkSequence(int seq) {}

class Sprite: public BaseObject {
	Common::String _name;
	Common::String _examine;			// Examine in-depth description
	Common::String _pickUp;				// Message for if you can't pick up object

	WalkSequences _walkSequences;		// Holds animation sequences
	Common::Point _noShapeSize;			// Size of a NO_SHAPE
	int _status;						// Status: open/closed, moved/not moved
	int8 _misc;							// Miscellaneous use

	// Rose Tattoo fields
	ImageFrame *_stopFrames[8];			// Stop/rest frame for each direction
	ImageFile *_altImages;				// Images used for alternate NPC sequences
	int _altSeq;						// Which of the sequences the alt graphics apply to (0: main, 1=NPC seq)
	int _centerWalk;					// Flag telling the walk code to offset the walk destination
	Common::Point _adjust;				// Fine tuning adjustment to position when drawn
	int _oldWalkSequence;
	Sprite(): BaseObject() { clear(); }
	virtual ~Sprite() {}

	static void setVm(SherlockEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; }

	* Reset the data for the sprite
	void clear();

	* Updates the image frame poiner for the sprite
	void setImageFrame();

	* Checks the sprite's position to see if it's collided with any special objects
	void checkSprite();

	 * Adjusts the frame and sequence variables of a sprite that corresponds to the current speaker
	 * so that it points to the beginning of the sequence number's talk sequence in the object's
	 * sequence buffer
	 * @param seq	Which sequence to use (if there's more than 1)
	 * @remarks		1: First talk seq, 2: second talk seq, etc.
	virtual void setObjTalkSequence(int seq) {}

	* Return frame width
	int frameWidth() const { return _imageFrame ? _imageFrame->_frame.w : 0; }

	* Return frame height
	int frameHeight() const { return _imageFrame ? _imageFrame->_frame.h : 0; }

	 * Returns the old bounsd for the sprite from the previous frame
	const Common::Rect getOldBounds() const;

	 * This adjusts the sprites position, as well as it's animation sequence:
	virtual void adjustSprite() = 0;

	 * Bring a moving character using the sprite to a standing position
	virtual void gotoStand() = 0;

	 * Set the variables for moving a character from one poisition to another
	 * in a straight line
	virtual void setWalking() = 0;

enum { OBJ_BEHIND = 1, OBJ_FLIPPED = 2, OBJ_FORWARD = 4, TURNON_OBJ = 0x20, TURNOFF_OBJ = 0x40 };
#define USE_COUNT 4

class Object: public BaseObject {
	Common::String _name;			// Name
	Common::String _examine;		// Examine in-depth description
	int _sequenceOffset;
	int _pickup;
	int _defaultCommand;			// Default right-click command

	// Serrated Scalpel fields
	int _pickupFlag;				// Which flag PICKUP will set (if any)
	ActionType _aOpen;				// Holds data for moving object
	ActionType _aClose;
	ActionType _aMove;

	virtual ~Object() {}

	 * Load the data for the object
	void load(Common::SeekableReadStream &s, bool isRoseTattoo);
	void load3DO(Common::SeekableReadStream &s);

	 * Toggle the type of an object between hidden and active
	void toggleHidden();

	 * Handle setting any flags associated with the object
	void setFlagsAndToggles();

	 * Adjusts the sprite's position and animation sequence, advancing by 1 frame.
	 * If the end of the sequence is reached, the appropriate action is taken.
	void adjustObject();

	 * Handles trying to pick up an object. If allowed, plays an y necessary animation for picking
	 * up the item, and then adds it to the player's inventory
	int pickUpObject(FixedTextActionId fixedTextActionId = kFixedTextAction_Invalid);

	 * Return the frame width
	int frameWidth() const { return _imageFrame ? _imageFrame->_frame.w : 0; }

	 * Return the frame height
	int frameHeight() const { return _imageFrame ? _imageFrame->_frame.h : 0; }

	 * Returns the current bounds for the sprite
	const Common::Rect getNewBounds() const;

	 * Returns the bounds for a sprite without a shape
	const Common::Rect getNoShapeBounds() const;

	 * Returns the old bounsd for the sprite from the previous frame
	const Common::Rect getOldBounds() const;

	 * Adjusts the frame and sequence variables of a sprite that corresponds to the current speaker
	 * so that it points to the beginning of the sequence number's talk sequence in the object's
	 * sequence buffer
	 * @param seq	Which sequence to use (if there's more than 1)
	 * @remarks		1: First talk seq, 2: second talk seq, etc.
	virtual void setObjTalkSequence(int seq);

struct CAnim {
	Common::String _name;			// Name
	Common::Point _position;		// Position
	int _dataSize;					// Size of uncompressed animation data
	uint32 _dataOffset;				// offset within room file of animation data
	int _flags;						// Tells if can be walked behind
	PositionFacing _goto[2];		// Position Holmes (and NPC in Rose Tattoo) should walk to before anim starts
	PositionFacing _teleport[2];	// Location Holmes (and NPC) shoul teleport to after playing canim

	// Scalpel specific
	byte _sequences[MAX_FRAME];		// Animation sequences
	SpriteType _type;

	// Rose Tattoo specific
	int _scaleVal;					// How much the canim is scaled

	 * Load the data for the animation
	void load(Common::SeekableReadStream &s, bool isRoseTattoo, uint32 dataOffset);
	void load3DO(Common::SeekableReadStream &s, uint32 dataOffset);

struct SceneImage {
	ImageFile *_images;				// Object images
	int _maxFrames;					// How many frames in object
	int _filesize;					// File size

} ;

} // End of namespace Sherlock
