/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "sherlock/sherlock.h" #include "sherlock/scalpel/settings.h" #include "sherlock/scalpel/scalpel_screen.h" #include "sherlock/scalpel/scalpel_user_interface.h" #include "sherlock/scalpel/scalpel_fixed_text.h" #include "sherlock/scalpel/scalpel.h" namespace Sherlock { namespace Scalpel { static const int SETUP_POINTS[12][4] = { { 4, 154, 101, 53 }, // Exit { 4, 165, 101, 53 }, // Music Toggle { 219, 165, 316, 268 }, // Voice Toggle { 103, 165, 217, 160 }, // Sound Effects Toggle { 219, 154, 316, 268 }, // Help Button Left/Right { 103, 154, 217, 160 }, // New Font Style { 4, 187, 101, 53 }, // Joystick Toggle { 103, 187, 217, 160 }, // Calibrate Joystick { 219, 176, 316, 268 }, // Fade Style { 103, 176, 217, 160 }, // Window Open Style { 4, 176, 101, 53 }, // Portraits Toggle { 219, 187, 316, 268 } // _key Pad Accel. Toggle }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void Settings::drawInterface(bool flag) { People &people = *_vm->_people; ScalpelScreen &screen = *(ScalpelScreen *)_vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Music &music = *_vm->_music; UserInterface &ui = *_vm->_ui; Common::String tempStr; if (!flag) { screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(0, CONTROLS_Y1, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, CONTROLS_Y1 + 1), BORDER_COLOR); screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(0, CONTROLS_Y1 + 1, 2, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT), BORDER_COLOR); screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, CONTROLS_Y1 + 1, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT), BORDER_COLOR); screen._backBuffer1.hLine(0, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, BORDER_COLOR); screen._backBuffer1.fillRect(Common::Rect(2, CONTROLS_Y1 + 1, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2), INV_BACKGROUND); } tempStr = FIXED(Settings_Exit); _hotkeyExit = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[0][0], SETUP_POINTS[0][1], SETUP_POINTS[0][2], SETUP_POINTS[0][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[0][3], tempStr); if (music._musicOn) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_MusicOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_MusicOff); } _hotkeyMusic = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[1][0], SETUP_POINTS[1][1], SETUP_POINTS[1][2], SETUP_POINTS[1][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[1][3], tempStr); if (people._portraitsOn) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_PortraitsOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_PortraitsOff); } _hotkeyPortraits = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[10][0], SETUP_POINTS[10][1], SETUP_POINTS[10][2], SETUP_POINTS[10][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[10][3], tempStr); // WORKAROUND: We don't support the joystick in ScummVM, so draw the next two buttons as disabled tempStr = FIXED(Settings_JoystickOff); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[6][0], SETUP_POINTS[6][1], SETUP_POINTS[6][2], SETUP_POINTS[6][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[6][3], tempStr); screen.buttonPrint(Common::Point(SETUP_POINTS[6][3], SETUP_POINTS[6][1]), COMMAND_NULL, false, tempStr); tempStr = FIXED(Settings_NewFontStyle); _hotkeyNewFontStyle = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[5][0], SETUP_POINTS[5][1], SETUP_POINTS[5][2], SETUP_POINTS[5][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[5][3], tempStr); if (sound._digitized) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_SoundEffectsOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_SoundEffectsOff); } _hotkeySoundEffects = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[3][0], SETUP_POINTS[3][1], SETUP_POINTS[3][2], SETUP_POINTS[3][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[3][3], tempStr); if (ui._slideWindows) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_WindowsSlide); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_WindowsAppear); } _hotkeyWindows = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[9][0], SETUP_POINTS[9][1], SETUP_POINTS[9][2], SETUP_POINTS[9][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[9][3], tempStr); tempStr = FIXED(Settings_CalibrateJoystick); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[7][0], SETUP_POINTS[7][1], SETUP_POINTS[7][2], SETUP_POINTS[7][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[7][3], tempStr); screen.buttonPrint(Common::Point(SETUP_POINTS[7][3], SETUP_POINTS[7][1]), COMMAND_NULL, false, tempStr); if (ui._helpStyle) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_AutoHelpRight); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_AutoHelpLeft); } _hotkeyAutoHelp = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[4][0], SETUP_POINTS[4][1], SETUP_POINTS[4][2], SETUP_POINTS[4][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[4][3], tempStr); if (sound._voices) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_VoicesOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_VoicesOff); } _hotkeyVoices = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[2][0], SETUP_POINTS[2][1], SETUP_POINTS[2][2], SETUP_POINTS[2][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[2][3], tempStr); if (screen._fadeStyle) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_FadeByPixel); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_FadeDirectly); } _hotkeyFade = toupper(tempStr.firstChar()); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[8][0], SETUP_POINTS[8][1], SETUP_POINTS[8][2], SETUP_POINTS[8][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[8][3], tempStr); tempStr = FIXED(Settings_KeyPadSlow); screen.makeButton(Common::Rect(SETUP_POINTS[11][0], SETUP_POINTS[11][1], SETUP_POINTS[11][2], SETUP_POINTS[11][1] + 10), SETUP_POINTS[11][3], tempStr); screen.buttonPrint(Common::Point(SETUP_POINTS[11][3], SETUP_POINTS[11][1]), COMMAND_NULL, false, tempStr); _hotkeysIndexed[0] = _hotkeyExit; _hotkeysIndexed[1] = _hotkeyMusic; _hotkeysIndexed[2] = _hotkeyVoices; _hotkeysIndexed[3] = _hotkeySoundEffects; _hotkeysIndexed[4] = _hotkeyAutoHelp; _hotkeysIndexed[5] = _hotkeyNewFontStyle; _hotkeysIndexed[8] = _hotkeyFade; _hotkeysIndexed[9] = _hotkeyWindows; _hotkeysIndexed[10] = _hotkeyPortraits; // Show the window immediately, or slide it on-screen if (!flag) { if (!ui._slideWindows) { screen.slamRect(Common::Rect(0, CONTROLS_Y1, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT)); } else { ui.summonWindow(true, CONTROLS_Y1); } ui._windowOpen = true; } else { screen.slamRect(Common::Rect(0, CONTROLS_Y1, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT)); } } int Settings::drawButtons(const Common::Point &pt, int _key) { Events &events = *_vm->_events; People &people = *_vm->_people; ScalpelScreen &screen = *(ScalpelScreen *)_vm->_screen; Music &music = *_vm->_music; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; UserInterface &ui = *_vm->_ui; int found = -1; byte color; Common::String tempStr; for (int idx = 0; idx < 12; ++idx) { if ((pt.x > SETUP_POINTS[idx][0] && pt.x < SETUP_POINTS[idx][2] && pt.y > SETUP_POINTS[idx][1] && pt.y < (SETUP_POINTS[idx][1] + 10) && (events._pressed || events._released)) || (_key == toupper(_hotkeysIndexed[idx]))) { found = idx; color = COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED; } else { color = COMMAND_FOREGROUND; } // Print the button text switch (idx) { case 0: tempStr = FIXED(Settings_Exit); break; case 1: if (music._musicOn) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_MusicOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_MusicOff); } break; case 2: if (sound._voices) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_VoicesOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_VoicesOff); } break; case 3: if (sound._digitized) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_SoundEffectsOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_SoundEffectsOff); } break; case 4: if (ui._helpStyle) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_AutoHelpRight); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_AutoHelpLeft); } break; case 5: tempStr = FIXED(Settings_NewFontStyle); break; case 6: // Joystick Off - disabled in ScummVM continue; case 7: // Calibrate Joystick - disabled in ScummVM continue; case 8: if (screen._fadeStyle) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_FadeByPixel); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_FadeDirectly); } break; case 9: if (ui._slideWindows) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_WindowsSlide); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_WindowsAppear); } break; case 10: if (people._portraitsOn) { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_PortraitsOn); } else { tempStr = FIXED(Settings_PortraitsOff); } break; case 11: // Key Pad Slow - disabled in ScummVM continue; default: continue; } screen.buttonPrint(Common::Point(SETUP_POINTS[idx][3], SETUP_POINTS[idx][1]), color, true, tempStr); } return found; } void Settings::show(SherlockEngine *vm) { Events &events = *vm->_events; People &people = *vm->_people; Scene &scene = *vm->_scene; Screen &screen = *vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *vm->_sound; Music &music = *vm->_music; Talk &talk = *vm->_talk; ScalpelUserInterface &ui = *(ScalpelUserInterface *)vm->_ui; bool updateConfig = false; assert(vm->getGameID() == GType_SerratedScalpel); Settings settings(vm); settings.drawInterface(false); do { if (ui._menuCounter) ui.whileMenuCounter(); int found = -1; ui._key = -1; scene.doBgAnim(); if (talk._talkToAbort) return; events.setButtonState(); Common::Point pt = events.mousePos(); if (events._pressed || events._released || events.kbHit()) { ui.clearInfo(); ui._key = -1; if (events.kbHit()) { Common::KeyState keyState = events.getKey(); ui._key = toupper(keyState.ascii); if (ui._key == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN || ui._key == Common::KEYCODE_SPACE) { events._pressed = false; events._oldButtons = 0; ui._keyPress = '\0'; events._released = true; } } // Handle highlighting button under mouse found = settings.drawButtons(pt, ui._key); } if ((found == 0 && events._released) || (ui._key == settings._hotkeyExit || ui._key == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE)) // Exit break; if ((found == 1 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyMusic) { // Toggle music music._musicOn = !music._musicOn; if (!music._musicOn) music.stopMusic(); else music.startSong(); updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 2 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyVoices) { sound._voices = !sound._voices; updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 3 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeySoundEffects) { // Toggle sound effects sound._digitized = !sound._digitized; updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 4 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyAutoHelp) { // Help button style ui._helpStyle = !ui._helpStyle; updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 5 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyNewFontStyle) { // New font style int fontNum = screen.fontNumber() + 1; if (fontNum == 3) fontNum = 0; screen.setFont(fontNum); updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 8 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyFade) { // Toggle fade style screen._fadeStyle = !screen._fadeStyle; updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 9 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyWindows) { // Window style ui._slideWindows = !ui._slideWindows; updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } if ((found == 10 && events._released) || ui._key == settings._hotkeyPortraits) { // Toggle portraits being shown people._portraitsOn = !people._portraitsOn; updateConfig = true; settings.drawInterface(true); } } while (!vm->shouldQuit()); ui.banishWindow(); if (updateConfig) vm->saveConfig(); ui._keyPress = '\0'; ui._keyboardInput = false; ui._windowBounds.top = CONTROLS_Y1; ui._key = -1; } } // End of namespace Scalpel } // End of namespace Sherlock