/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "sherlock/tattoo/widget_options.h" #include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo.h" #include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h" #include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.h" #include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_user_interface.h" namespace Sherlock { namespace Tattoo { WidgetOptions::WidgetOptions(SherlockEngine *vm) : WidgetBase(vm) { _midiSliderX = _digiSliderX = 0; _selector = _oldSelector = -1; } void WidgetOptions::load() { Events &events = *_vm->_events; TattooUserInterface &ui = *(TattooUserInterface *)_vm->_ui; _centerPos = events.mousePos(); render(); summonWindow(); ui._menuMode = OPTION_MODE; } void WidgetOptions::handleEvents() { TattooEngine &vm = *(TattooEngine *)_vm; Events &events = *_vm->_events; Music &music = *_vm->_music; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Talk &talk = *_vm->_talk; TattooUserInterface &ui = *(TattooUserInterface *)_vm->_ui; Common::Point mousePos = events.mousePos(); if (talk._talkToAbort) { sound.stopSound(); return; } // Flag if they started pressing outside the window if (events._firstPress && !_bounds.contains(mousePos)) _outsideMenu = true; if (events.kbHit()) { ui._keyState = events.getKey(); // Emulate a mouse release if Enter or Space Bar is pressed if (ui._keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN || ui._keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_SPACE) { events._pressed = events._oldButtons = false; events._released = true; } else if (ui._keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) { close(); return; } else { checkTabbingKeys(11); } } // Check highlighting the various controls if (_bounds.contains(mousePos)) { _selector = (mousePos.y - _bounds.top) / (_surface.fontHeight() + 7); // If one of the sliders has been selected, & the mouse is not pressed, reset the selector to -1 if ((_selector == 3 || _selector == 6) && !events._pressed) _selector = -1; } else { _selector = -1; if (_outsideMenu && (events._released || events._rightReleased)) { events.clearEvents(); close(); return; } } // If the selected control has changed, redraw the dialog contents if (_selector != _oldSelector) render(OP_CONTENTS); _oldSelector = _selector; // Adjust the Volume Sliders (if neccessary) here switch (_selector) { case 3: { // Set Music Volume _midiSliderX = mousePos.x - _bounds.left; if (_midiSliderX < _surface.widestChar()) _midiSliderX = _surface.widestChar(); else if (_midiSliderX > _bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar()) _midiSliderX = _bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar(); int temp = music._musicVolume; music._musicVolume = (_midiSliderX - _surface.widestChar()) * 255 / (_bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar() * 2); if (music._musicVolume != temp) { music.setMIDIVolume(music._musicVolume); vm.saveConfig(); } render(OP_NAMES); break; } case 6: { // Set Digitized Volume _digiSliderX = mousePos.x - _bounds.left; if (_digiSliderX < _surface.widestChar()) _digiSliderX = _surface.widestChar(); else if (_digiSliderX > _bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar()) _digiSliderX = _bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar(); int temp = sound._soundVolume; sound._soundVolume = (_digiSliderX - _surface.widestChar()) * 255 / (_bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar() * 2); if (sound._soundVolume != temp) { sound.setVolume(sound._soundVolume); vm.saveConfig(); } render(OP_NAMES); break; } default: break; } // Option selected if (events._released || events._rightReleased) { events.clearEvents(); _outsideMenu = false; int temp = _selector; _selector = -1; switch (temp) { case 0: // Load Game close(); ui.loadGame(); break; case 1: // Save Game close(); ui.saveGame(); break; case 2: // Toggle Music music._musicOn = !music._musicOn; if (!music._musicOn) music.stopMusic(); else music.startSong(); render(OP_NAMES); vm.saveConfig(); break; case 4: // Toggle Sound Effects sound.stopSound(); sound._digitized = !sound._digitized; render(OP_NAMES); vm.saveConfig(); break; case 5: // Toggle Voices sound._voices = !sound._voices; render(OP_NAMES); vm.saveConfig(); break; case 7: // Toggle Text Windows vm._textWindowsOn = !vm._textWindowsOn; render(OP_NAMES); vm.saveConfig(); break; case 8: { // New Font Style int fontNumber = screen.fontNumber() + 1; if (fontNumber == 7) fontNumber = 0; screen.setFont(fontNumber); render(OP_ALL); vm.saveConfig(); break; } case 9: // Toggle Transparent Menus vm._transparentMenus = !vm._transparentMenus; render(OP_NAMES); vm.saveConfig(); break; case 10: // Quit banishWindow(); ui.doQuitMenu(); break; default: break; } _oldSelector = -1; } } void WidgetOptions::render(OptionRenderMode mode) { TattooEngine &vm = *(TattooEngine *)_vm; Events &events = *_vm->_events; Music &music = *_vm->_music; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; TattooUserInterface &ui = *(TattooUserInterface *)_vm->_ui; Common::Point mousePos = events.mousePos(); ImageFile &images = *ui._interfaceImages; const char *const OFF_ON[2] = { FIXED(Off), FIXED(On) }; // Draw the border if necessary if (mode == OP_ALL) { // Set bounds for the dialog Common::String widestString = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(TransparentMenus), FIXED(Off)); _bounds = Common::Rect(_surface.stringWidth(widestString) + _surface.widestChar() * 2 + 6, (_surface.fontHeight() + 7) * 11 + 3); _bounds.moveTo(_centerPos.x - _bounds.width() / 2, _centerPos.y - _bounds.height() / 2); // Get slider positions _midiSliderX = music._musicVolume * (_bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar() * 2) / 255 + _surface.widestChar(); _digiSliderX = sound._soundVolume * (_bounds.width() - _surface.widestChar() * 2) / 255 + _surface.widestChar(); // Setup the dialog _surface.create(_bounds.width(), _bounds.height()); _surface.fill(TRANSPARENCY); makeInfoArea(); // Draw the lines separating options in the dialog int yp = _surface.fontHeight() + 7; for (int idx = 0; idx < 7; ++idx) { _surface.transBlitFrom(images[4], Common::Point(0, yp - 1)); _surface.transBlitFrom(images[5], Common::Point(_surface.w() - images[5]._width, yp - 1)); _surface.hLine(3, yp, _surface.w() - 4, INFO_TOP); _surface.hLine(3, yp + 1, _surface.w() - 4, INFO_MIDDLE); _surface.hLine(3, yp + 2, _surface.w() - 4, INFO_BOTTOM); yp += _surface.fontHeight() + 7; if (idx == 1) yp += _surface.fontHeight() + 7; else if (idx == 2) yp += (_surface.fontHeight() + 7) * 2; } } // Now go through and display all the items that can be highlighted for (int idx = 0, yp = 5; idx < 11; ++idx, yp += _surface.fontHeight() + 7) { if (mode == OP_ALL || idx == _selector || idx == _oldSelector) { if (mode == OP_NAMES) _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(4, yp, _surface.w() - 5, yp + _surface.fontHeight() - 1), TRANSPARENCY); byte color = (idx == _selector) ? COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED : INFO_TOP; Common::String str; switch (idx) { case 0: str = FIXED(LoadGame); break; case 1: str = FIXED(SaveGame); break; case 2: str = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(Music), OFF_ON[music._musicOn]); break; case 3: { int num = (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) & 0xfe; int sliderY = yp + num / 2 - 8; _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(4, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2, _surface.w() - 5, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + num - 1), TRANSPARENCY); _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_surface.widestChar(), sliderY + 2, _surface.w() - _surface.widestChar() - 1, sliderY + 3), INFO_MIDDLE); drawDialogRect(Common::Rect(_surface.widestChar(), sliderY, _surface.w() - _surface.widestChar(), sliderY + 6)); _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_midiSliderX - 1, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + 2, _midiSliderX + 1, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + num - 3), INFO_MIDDLE); drawDialogRect(Common::Rect(_midiSliderX - 3, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2, _midiSliderX + 4, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + num)); if (_midiSliderX - 4 > _surface.widestChar()) _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_midiSliderX - 4, sliderY, _midiSliderX - 4, sliderY + 4), INFO_BOTTOM); if (_midiSliderX + 4 < _surface.w() - _surface.widestChar()) _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_midiSliderX + 4, sliderY, _midiSliderX + 4, sliderY + 4), INFO_BOTTOM); break; } case 4: str = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(SoundEffects), OFF_ON[sound._digitized]); break; case 5: str = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(Voices), OFF_ON[sound._voices]); break; case 6: { int num = (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) & 0xfe; int sliderY = yp + num / 2 - 8; _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(4, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2, _surface.w() - 5, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + num - 1), TRANSPARENCY); _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_surface.widestChar(), sliderY + 2, _surface.w() - _surface.widestChar() - 1, sliderY + 3), INFO_MIDDLE); drawDialogRect(Common::Rect(_surface.widestChar(), sliderY, _surface.w() - _surface.widestChar(), sliderY + 6)); _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_digiSliderX - 1, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + 2, _digiSliderX + 1, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + num - 3), INFO_MIDDLE); drawDialogRect(Common::Rect(_digiSliderX - 3, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2, _digiSliderX + 4, sliderY - (num - 6) / 2 + num)); if (_digiSliderX - 4 > _surface.widestChar()) _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_digiSliderX - 4, sliderY, _digiSliderX - 4, sliderY + 4), INFO_BOTTOM); if (_digiSliderX + 4 < _surface.w() - _surface.widestChar()) _surface.fillRect(Common::Rect(_digiSliderX + 4, sliderY, _digiSliderX + 4, sliderY + 4), INFO_BOTTOM); break; } case 7: if (!sound._voices) { color = INFO_BOTTOM; str = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(TextWindows), FIXED(On)); } else { str = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(TextWindows), OFF_ON[vm._textWindowsOn]); } break; case 8: str = FIXED(ChangeFont); break; case 9: str = Common::String::format("%s %s", FIXED(TransparentMenus), OFF_ON[vm._transparentMenus]); break; case 10: str = FIXED(Quit); break; default: break; } // Unless we're doing one of the Slider Controls, print the text for the line if (idx != 3 && idx != 6) { int xp = (_surface.w() - _surface.stringWidth(str)) / 2; _surface.writeString(str, Common::Point(xp, yp), color); } } } } } // End of namespace Tattoo } // End of namespace Sherlock