/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2001 Ludvig Strigeus * Copyright (C) 2001-2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/endian.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "simon/animation.h" #include "simon/intern.h" #include "simon/simon.h" #include "sound/audiostream.h" #include "sound/wave.h" #ifdef USE_ZLIB #include #endif namespace Simon { MoviePlayer::MoviePlayer(SimonEngine *vm, Audio::Mixer *mixer) : _vm(vm), _mixer(mixer) { _omniTV = false; _playing = false; _leftButtonDown = false; _rightButtonDown = false; _frameBuffer1 = 0; _frameBuffer2 = 0; _width = 0; _height = 0; _frameSize = 0; _framesCount = 0; _frameNum = 0; _framesPerSec = 0; _frameTicks = 0; _frameSkipped = 0; memset(baseName, 0, sizeof(baseName)); _sequenceNum = 0; _ticks = 0; } MoviePlayer::~MoviePlayer() { } bool MoviePlayer::load(const char *filename) { char videoName[20]; uint32 tag; int32 frameRate; uint i; int baseLen = strlen(filename) - 4; memset(baseName, 0, sizeof(baseName)); memcpy(baseName, filename, baseLen); // Change file extension to dxa sprintf(videoName, "%s.dxa", baseName); if (_fd.open(videoName) == false) { // Check short filename to work around // bug in a German Windows 2CD version. if (baseLen >= 8) { char shortName[20]; memset(shortName, 0, sizeof(shortName)); memcpy(shortName, filename, 6); sprintf(shortName, "%s~1.dxa", shortName); if (_fd.open(shortName) == false) { error("Failed to load video file %s or %s", videoName, shortName); } else { debug(0, "Playing video %s", shortName); } } else { error("Failed to load video file %s", videoName); } } else { debug(0, "Playing video %s", videoName); } CursorMan.showMouse(false); if ((_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformAmiga || _vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformMacintosh) && _vm->_language != Common::EN_ANY) { _sequenceNum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 90; i++) { if (!scumm_stricmp(videoName, _sequenceList[i])) _sequenceNum = i; } } tag = _fd.readUint32BE(); assert(tag == MKID_BE('DEXA')); _fd.readByte(); _framesCount = _fd.readUint16BE(); frameRate = _fd.readUint32BE(); if (frameRate > 0) _framesPerSec = 1000 / frameRate; else if (frameRate < 0) _framesPerSec = 100000 / (-frameRate); else _framesPerSec = 10; if (frameRate < 0) _frameTicks = -frameRate / 100; else _frameTicks = frameRate; _width = _fd.readUint16BE(); _height = _fd.readUint16BE(); debug(0, "frames_count %d width %d height %d rate %d ticks %d", _framesCount, _width, _height, _framesPerSec, _frameTicks); _frameSize = _width * _height; _frameBuffer1 = (uint8 *)malloc(_frameSize); _frameBuffer2 = (uint8 *)malloc(_frameSize); if (!_frameBuffer1 || !_frameBuffer2) { error("error allocating frame tables, size %d\n", _frameSize); } _frameNum = 0; _frameSkipped = 0; return true; } void MoviePlayer::playOmniTV() { // Load OmniTV video if (_fd.isOpen() == false) { _vm->_variableArray[254] = 6747; return; } else { _vm->setBitFlag(42, false); _omniTV = true; startSound(); return; } } void MoviePlayer::play() { // The OmniTV videos were not included with Amiga and Macintosh versions. if (_vm->getPlatform() == Common::kPlatformWindows && _vm->getBitFlag(40)) { playOmniTV(); return; } if (_fd.isOpen() == false) { return; } _leftButtonDown = false; _rightButtonDown = false; _mixer->stopAll(); // Resolution is smaller in Amiga verison so always clear screen if (_width == 384 && _height == 280) { memset(_vm->_frontBuf, 0, _vm->_screenHeight * _vm->_screenWidth); } _ticks = _vm->_system->getMillis(); startSound(); while (_frameNum < _framesCount) handleNextFrame(); close(); _vm->o_killAnimate(); if (_vm->getBitFlag(41)) { memcpy(_vm->_backBuf, _vm->_frontBuf, _frameSize); } else { uint8 palette[1024]; memset(palette, 0, sizeof(palette)); _vm->dx_clear_surfaces(480); _vm->_system->setPalette(palette, 0, 256); } _vm->_fastFadeOutFlag = true; } void MoviePlayer::close() { _fd.close(); free(_frameBuffer1); free(_frameBuffer2); } void MoviePlayer::startSound() { byte *buffer; uint32 offset, size, tag; tag = _fd.readUint32BE(); if (tag == MKID_BE('WAVE')) { size = _fd.readUint32BE(); if (_sequenceNum) { Common::File in; _fd.seek(size, SEEK_CUR); in.open((const char *)"audio.wav"); if (in.isOpen() == false) { error("Can't read offset file 'audio.wav'"); } in.seek(_sequenceNum * 8, SEEK_SET); offset = in.readUint32LE(); size = in.readUint32LE(); buffer = (byte *)malloc(size); in.seek(offset, SEEK_SET); in.read(buffer, size); in.close(); } else { buffer = (byte *)malloc(size); _fd.read(buffer, size); } Common::MemoryReadStream stream(buffer, size); _bgSoundStream = Audio::makeWAVStream(stream); _mixer->stopHandle(_bgSound); _mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_bgSound, _bgSoundStream); free(buffer); } else { _bgSoundStream = Audio::AudioStream::openStreamFile(baseName); if (_bgSoundStream != NULL) { _mixer->stopHandle(_bgSound); _mixer->playInputStream(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType, &_bgSound, _bgSoundStream); } } } void MoviePlayer::nextFrame() { if (!_omniTV) return; if (_vm->getBitFlag(42)) { _omniTV = false; close(); return; } if (_mixer->isSoundHandleActive(_bgSound) && (_mixer->getSoundElapsedTime(_bgSound) * _framesPerSec) / 1000 < _frameNum) { copyFrame(_vm->getBackBuf(), 465, 222); return; } if (_frameNum < _framesCount) { decodeFrame(); copyFrame(_vm->getBackBuf(), 465, 222); _frameNum++; } else { _omniTV = false; close(); _vm->_variableArray[254] = 6747; } } void MoviePlayer::handleNextFrame() { decodeFrame(); processFrame(); _vm->_system->updateScreen(); _frameNum++; OSystem::Event event; while (_vm->_system->pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case OSystem::EVENT_KEYDOWN: if (event.kbd.ascii == 27) { _leftButtonDown = true; _rightButtonDown = true; } break; case OSystem::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: _leftButtonDown = true; break; case OSystem::EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: _rightButtonDown = true; break; case OSystem::EVENT_LBUTTONUP: _leftButtonDown = false; break; case OSystem::EVENT_RBUTTONUP: _rightButtonDown = false; break; case OSystem::EVENT_QUIT: _vm->_system->quit(); break; default: break; } } if (_leftButtonDown && _rightButtonDown && !_vm->getBitFlag(41)) { _frameNum = _framesCount; } } void MoviePlayer::copyFrame(byte *dst, uint x, uint y) { uint h = _height; uint w = _width; dst += y * _vm->_screenWidth + x; byte *src = _frameBuffer1; do { memcpy(dst, src, w); dst += _vm->_screenWidth; src += _width; } while (--h); } void MoviePlayer::decodeZlib(uint8 *data, int size, int totalSize) { #ifdef USE_ZLIB uint8 *temp = (uint8 *)malloc(size); if (temp) { memcpy(temp, data, size); z_stream d_stream; d_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; d_stream.zfree = (free_func)0; d_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0; d_stream.next_in = temp; d_stream.avail_in = size; d_stream.total_in = size; d_stream.next_out = data; d_stream.avail_out = totalSize; inflateInit(&d_stream); inflate(&d_stream, Z_FINISH); inflateEnd(&d_stream); free(temp); } #endif } void MoviePlayer::decodeFrame() { uint32 tag; tag = _fd.readUint32BE(); if (tag == MKID_BE('CMAP')) { uint8 rgb[768]; byte palette[1024]; byte *p = palette; _fd.read(rgb, ARRAYSIZE(rgb)); for (int i = 0; i <= 256; i++) { *p++ = rgb[i * 3 + 0]; *p++ = rgb[i * 3 + 1]; *p++ = rgb[i * 3 + 2]; *p++ = 0; } _vm->_system->setPalette(palette, 0, 256); } tag = _fd.readUint32BE(); if (tag == MKID_BE('FRAM')) { uint8 type = _fd.readByte(); uint32 size = _fd.readUint32BE(); debug(5, "frame %d type %d size %d", _frameNum, type, size); _fd.read(_frameBuffer2, size); switch (type) { case 2: case 3: decodeZlib(_frameBuffer2, size, _frameSize); break; default: error("decodeFrame: Unknown compression type %d", type); } if (type == 2) { memcpy(_frameBuffer1, _frameBuffer2, _frameSize); } else { for (int j = 0; j < _height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < _width; ++i) { const int offs = j * _width + i; _frameBuffer1[offs] ^= _frameBuffer2[offs]; } } } } } void MoviePlayer::processFrame() { copyFrame(_vm->getFrontBuf(), (_vm->_screenWidth - _width) / 2, (_vm->_screenHeight - _height) / 2); _vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(_vm->getFrontBuf(), _vm->_screenWidth, 0, 0, _vm->_screenWidth, _vm->_screenHeight); if ((_bgSoundStream == NULL) || ((int)(_mixer->getSoundElapsedTime(_bgSound) * _framesPerSec) / 1000 < _frameNum + 1) || _frameSkipped > _framesPerSec) { if (_frameSkipped > _framesPerSec) { warning("force frame %i redraw", _frameNum); _frameSkipped = 0; } if (_bgSoundStream && _mixer->isSoundHandleActive(_bgSound)) { while (_mixer->isSoundHandleActive(_bgSound) && (_mixer->getSoundElapsedTime(_bgSound) * _framesPerSec) / 1000 < _frameNum) { _vm->_system->delayMillis(10); } // In case the background sound ends prematurely, update // _ticks so that we can still fall back on the no-sound // sync case for the subsequent frames. _ticks = _vm->_system->getMillis(); } else { _ticks += _frameTicks; while (_vm->_system->getMillis() < _ticks) _vm->_system->delayMillis(10); } } else { warning("dropped frame %i", _frameNum); _frameSkipped++; } } const char * MoviePlayer::_sequenceList[90] = { "agent32.dxa", "Airlock.dxa", "Badluck.dxa", "bentalk1.dxa", "bentalk2.dxa", "bentalk3.dxa", "BigFight.dxa", "BLOWLAB.dxa", "breakdown.dxa", "bridge.dxa", "button2.dxa", "cargo.dxa", "COACH.dxa", "Colatalk.dxa", "cygnus2.dxa", "dream.dxa", "escape2.dxa", "FASALL.dxa", "fbikewurb.dxa", "feebdel.dxa", "Feebohno.dxa", "feebpump.dxa", "feefone1.dxa", "feefone2.dxa", "founder2.dxa", "founder3.dxa", "founder4.dxa", "fxmadsam.dxa", "fxwakeup.dxa", "gate.dxa", "Get Car.dxa", "getaxe.dxa", "getlift.dxa", "icetrench.dxa", "intomb1.dxa", "intomb2.dxa", "Jackpot.dxa", "knockout.dxa", "labocto.dxa", "longfeeb.dxa", "Mainmin.dxa", "maznat.dxa", "meetsquid.dxa", "mflirt.dxa", "mfxHappy.dxa", "Mix_Feeb1.dxa", "Mix_Feeb2.dxa", "Mix_Feeb3.dxa", "Mix_Guardscn.dxa", "Mlights1.dxa", "MLights2.dxa", "MProtest.dxa", "mudman.dxa", "munlock.dxa", "MUS5P2.dxa", "MUSOSP1.dxa", "Omenter.dxa", "Omnicofe.dxa", "OUTMIN~1.dxa", "Readbook.dxa", "Rebelhq.dxa", "RebelHQ2.dxa", "Reedin.dxa", "rescue1.dxa", "rescue2.dxa", "samcar.dxa", "Samdead.dxa", "scanner.dxa", "Sleepy.dxa", "spitbrai.dxa", "statue1.dxa", "statue2.dxa", "sva1.dxa", "sva2.dxa", "Teeter.dxa", "Temple2.dxa", "Temple3.dxa", "Temple4.dxa", "Temple5.dxa", "Temple6.dxa", "Temple7.dxa", "Temple8.dxa", "Tic-tac2.dxa", "torture.dxa", "transmit.dxa", "Typey.dxa", "ventfall.dxa", "ventoff.dxa", "wasting.dxa", "wurbatak.dxa" }; } // End of namespace Simon