/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef STARTREK_AWAYMISSION_H #define STARTREK_AWAYMISSION_H // All variables here get cleared to 0 upon starting an away mission. struct AwayMission { // These timers count down automatically when nonzero. When they reach 0, // ACTION_TIMER_EXPIRED is invoked with the corresponding index (0-7). int16 timers[8]; // 0x00-0x0f int16 mouseX; // 0x10 int16 mouseY; // 0x12 int16 crewGetupTimers[4]; // 0x14 bool disableWalking; // 0x1c // 0 / false: input enabled // 1 / true: input disabled, turns back on after walking or beaming into a room // 2: input disabled, doesn't turn back on after walking or beaming into room byte disableInput; // 0x1d bool redshirtDead; // 0x1e byte activeAction; // 0x1f byte activeObject; // 0x20; The item that is going to be used on something byte passiveObject; // 0x21; The item that the active item is used on (or the item looked at, etc). // If this is true after calling room-specific RDF code, the game will continue to run // any "default" code for the event, if any. bool rdfStillDoDefaultAction; // 0x23 // If a bit in "crewDownBitset" is set, the corresponding timer in "crewGetupTimers" // begins counting down. When it reaches 0, they get up. byte crewDownBitset; // 0x24 int8 crewDirectionsAfterWalk[4]; // 0x25: Sets an object's direction after they finish walking somewhere? // Mission-specific variables union { // Demon World (TODO: label remaining generic variables) struct { bool wasRudeToPrelate; // 0x29 bool insultedStephen; // 0x2b bool field2d; // 0x2d bool beatKlingons; // 0x2f bool tookKlingonHand; // 0x31 bool talkedToPrelate; // 0x33 bool stephenWelcomedToStudy; // 0x34 bool prelateWelcomedCrew; // 0x35 bool askedPrelateAboutSightings; // 0x36 byte field37; // 0x37 bool mccoyMentionedFlora; // 0x38 byte numBouldersGone; // 0x39 byte enteredFrom; // 0x3a bool repairedHand; // 0x3b bool healedMiner; // 0x3c bool curedChub; // 0x3d bool field3e; // 0x3e bool knowAboutHypoDytoxin; // 0x3f bool minerDead; // 0x40 byte field41; // 0x41 bool foundMiner; // 0x43 bool field45; // 0x45 bool gaveSkullToNauian; // 0x47 bool warpsDisabled; // 0x48 bool boulder1Gone; // 0x49 bool boulder2Gone; // 0x4a bool boulder3Gone; // 0x4b bool boulder4Gone; // 0x4c bool doorOpened; // 0x4d bool solvedSunPuzzle; // 0x4e byte itemsTakenFromCase; // 0x4f bool gotBerries; // 0x50 bool madeHypoDytoxin; // 0x51 bool metNauian; // 0x53 bool gavePointsForDytoxin; // 0x54 bool lookedAtComputer; // 0x55 byte field56; // 0x56 bool foundAlienRoom; // 0x57 int16 missionScore; // 0x58 } demon; // Hijacked struct { int16 missionScore; // 0x29 int16 field2b; // 0x2b int16 field2d; // 0x2d bool engineerConscious; // 0x30 byte field35; // 0x35 bool gotWires; // 0x37 byte orbitalDecayCounter; // 0x3b bool bridgeElasiDrewPhasers; // 0x3d bool talkedToCereth; // 0x3e bool gotJunkPile; // 0x3f bool gotTransmogrifier; // 0x43 bool transporterRepaired; // 0x44 bool spockExaminedTransporter; // 0x45 bool usedTransmogrifierOnTransporter; // 0x46 bool bridgeForceFieldDown; // 0x47 bool savedPrisoners; // 0x48 bool haveBomb; // 0x49 bool brigElasiPhasersOnKill; // 0x4a byte field4b; // 0x4b byte guard1Status; // 0x4c byte guard2Status; // 0x4d byte field4e; // 0x4e byte crewmanKilled[4]; // 0x4f byte bridgeElasi1Status; // 0x53 byte bridgeElasi2Status; // 0x54 byte bridgeElasi3Status; // 0x55 byte bridgeElasi4Status; // 0x56 bool brigForceFieldDown; // 0x58 byte field59; // 0x59 byte field5b; // 0x5b bool elasiSurrendered; // 0x5c byte kirkPhaserDrawn; // 0x5d // 1: Decided to shoot them // 2: Talked, and they surrendered immediately // 3: They deorbited the ship (and perhps surrendered after) byte bridgeWinMethod; // 0x5e bool talkedToBrigCrewman; // 0x5f } tug; // Love's Labor Jeopardized struct { bool alreadyStartedMission; // 0x29 bool knowAboutVirus; // 0x2a bool romulansUnconsciousFromLaughingGas; // 0x2b bool releasedHumanLaughingGas; // 0x2c bool releasedRomulanLaughingGas; // 0x2d bool chamberHasCure; // 0x2e bool freezerOpen; // 0x2f bool chamberHasDish; // 0x30 byte bottleInNozzle; // 0x31 bool cabinetOpen; // 0x32 bool gasFeedOn; // 0x33 byte synthesizerBottleIndex; // 0x34 byte synthesizerContents; // 0x35 byte canister1; // 0x36 byte canister2; // 0x37 bool servicePanelOpen; // 0x38 bool gasTankUnscrewed; // 0x39 bool wrenchTaken; // 0x3a bool tookN2TankFromServicePanel; // 0x3b bool field3c; // 0x3c bool grateRemoved; // 0x3d bool insulationOnGround; // 0x3e bool visitedRoomWithRomulans; // 0x3f bool romulansCured; // 0x40 bool romulansUnconsciousFromVirus; // 0x41 bool freedMarcusAndCheever; // 0x42 bool preaxCured; // 0x43 byte spockInfectionCounter; // 0x45: When this reached 100, Spock dies. bool spockCured; // 0x46 bool contactedEnterpriseBeforeCure; // 0x47 bool contactedEnterpriseAfterCure; // 0x48 bool spockAccessedConsole; // 0x49 bool mccoyAccessedConsole; // 0x4a bool gotPolyberylcarbonate; // 0x4b bool gotTLDH; // 0x4c (Got romulan laughing gas) bool gotPointsForOpeningGrate; // 0x4d bool gotPointsForGassingRomulans; // 0x4e bool gotCure; // 0x4f bool gotPointsForHydratingPreax; // 0x50 bool gotPointsForHydratingRomulans; // 0x51 int16 missionScore; // 0x52 } love; struct { byte field29; // 0x29 bool torpedoLoaded; // 0x33 bool knowAboutTorpedo; // 0x34 bool discoveredBase3System; // 0x35 bool translatedAlienLanguage; // 0x36 bool databaseDestroyed; // 0x37 bool muddInDatabaseRoom; // 0x38 bool muddDroppedCapsule; // 0x39 bool computerDataErased; // 0x3a bool gaveMuddDatabaseAccess; // 0x3b // True if you've combined the lense + degrimer and fired it off, discovering // it's a weapon bool discoveredLenseAndDegrimerFunction; // 0x3c int16 torpedoStatus; // 0x3d bool muddCurrentlyInsane; // 0x3f (TODO: rename) bool muddVisitedDatabaseRoom; // 0x40 bool accessedAlienDatabase; // 0x41 bool tookRepairTool; // 0x42 bool gotPointsForDownloadingData; // 0x43 bool contactedEnterpriseFirstTime; // 0x44 bool viewScreenEnabled; // 0x45 bool lifeSupportMalfunctioning; // 0x46 byte numTimesEnteredRoom5; // 0x47 bool gotMemoryDisk; // 0x48 bool gotLense; // 0x49 bool gotDegrimer; // 0x4a bool putCapsuleInMedicalMachine; // 0x4c bool muddUnconscious; // 0x4d byte muddState; // 0x4e bool muddInhaledGas; // 0x4f int16 lifeSupportTimer; // 0x50 bool startedLifeSupportTimer; // 0x52 bool enteredRoom0ForFirstTime; // 0x54 bool gotPointsForLoadingTorpedo; // 0x55 bool gotPointsForPressingRedButton; // 0x56 bool gotPointsForEnablingViewscreen; // 0x57 bool enteredRoom1ForFirstTime; // 0x58 bool repairedLifeSupportGenerator; // 0x59 int16 missionScore; // 0x5a } mudd; }; }; // Size: 0x129 bytes // Bottle types for Love's Labor Jeopardized enum BottleTypes { BOTTLETYPE_NONE = 0, BOTTLETYPE_N2O = 1, BOTTLETYPE_NH3 = 2, BOTTLETYPE_H2O = 3, BOTTLETYPE_RLG = 4 // Romulan Laughing Gas }; // Canister types for Love's Labor Jeopardized enum CanisterTypes { CANTYPE_NONE = 0, CANTYPE_O2 = 1, CANTYPE_H2 = 2, CANTYPE_N2 = 3 }; // Synthesizer contents for Love's Labor Jeopardized (values for synthesizerContents) enum SynthesizerContent { SYNTHITEM_NONE = 0, SYNTHITEM_PBC = 1, SYNTHITEM_VIRUS_SAMPLE = 2, SYNTHITEM_CURE_SAMPLE = 3, SYNTHITEM_BOTTLE = 9 // Contents of bottle determined by "synthesizerBottleIndex" variable }; #endif