/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "startrek/filestream.h" #include "startrek/iwfile.h" #include "startrek/room.h" #include "startrek/startrek.h" #include "rooms/function_map.h" // TODO: Delete this macro, replacing it with the next one. // New "[roomName]NumActions" variables need to be made before that. #define ADD_ROOM_OLD(ROOM) {\ if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(#ROOM)) {\ _roomActionList = ROOM##ActionList;\ _numRoomActions = sizeof(ROOM##ActionList) / sizeof(RoomAction);\ }\ } #define ADD_ROOM(ROOM) {\ if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(#ROOM)) {\ _roomActionList = ROOM##ActionList;\ _numRoomActions = ROOM##NumActions;\ }\ } namespace StarTrek { Room::Room(StarTrekEngine *vm, const Common::String &name) : _vm(vm), _awayMission(&vm->_awayMission) { SharedPtr rdfFile = _vm->loadFile(name + ".RDF"); int size = rdfFile->size(); _rdfData = new byte[size]; rdfFile->read(_rdfData, size); _roomIndex = name.lastChar() - '0'; _roomActionList = nullptr; ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon0); ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon1); ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon2); ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon3); ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon4); ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon5); ADD_ROOM_OLD(demon6); ADD_ROOM_OLD(tug0); ADD_ROOM_OLD(tug1); ADD_ROOM_OLD(tug2); ADD_ROOM_OLD(tug3); ADD_ROOM_OLD(love0); ADD_ROOM_OLD(love1); ADD_ROOM_OLD(love2); ADD_ROOM_OLD(love3); ADD_ROOM_OLD(love4); ADD_ROOM_OLD(love5); ADD_ROOM_OLD(mudd0); ADD_ROOM_OLD(mudd1); ADD_ROOM_OLD(mudd2); ADD_ROOM_OLD(mudd3); ADD_ROOM_OLD(mudd4); ADD_ROOM_OLD(mudd5); ADD_ROOM_OLD(feather0); ADD_ROOM(feather1); ADD_ROOM(feather2); ADD_ROOM(feather3); ADD_ROOM(feather4); ADD_ROOM(feather5); ADD_ROOM(feather6); ADD_ROOM(feather7); ADD_ROOM(trial0); ADD_ROOM(trial1); ADD_ROOM(trial2); ADD_ROOM(trial3); ADD_ROOM(trial4); ADD_ROOM(trial5); ADD_ROOM(sins0); ADD_ROOM(sins1); ADD_ROOM(sins2); ADD_ROOM(sins3); ADD_ROOM(sins4); ADD_ROOM(sins5); if (_roomActionList == nullptr) { warning("Room \"%s\" unimplemented", name.c_str()); _numRoomActions = 0; } memset(&_roomVar, 0, sizeof(_roomVar)); } Room::~Room() { delete[] _rdfData; } uint16 Room::readRdfWord(int offset) { return _rdfData[offset] | (_rdfData[offset + 1] << 8); } bool Room::actionHasCode(const Action &action) { const RoomAction *roomActionPtr = _roomActionList; int n = _numRoomActions; while (n-- > 0) { if (action == roomActionPtr->action) return true; roomActionPtr++; } return false; } bool Room::actionHasCode(byte type, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) { const Action a = {type, b1, b2, b3}; return actionHasCode(a); } bool Room::handleAction(const Action &action) { const RoomAction *roomActionPtr = _roomActionList; int n = _numRoomActions; while (n-- > 0) { if (action == roomActionPtr->action) { _vm->_awayMission.rdfStillDoDefaultAction = false; (this->*(roomActionPtr->funcPtr))(); if (!_vm->_awayMission.rdfStillDoDefaultAction) return true; } roomActionPtr++; } return false; } bool Room::handleAction(byte type, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) { const Action a = {type, b1, b2, b3}; return handleAction(a); } bool Room::handleActionWithBitmask(const Action &action) { const RoomAction *roomActionPtr = _roomActionList; int n = _numRoomActions; while (n-- > 0) { uint32 bitmask = roomActionPtr->action.getBitmask(); if ((action.toUint32() & bitmask) == (roomActionPtr->action.toUint32() & bitmask)) { _vm->_awayMission.rdfStillDoDefaultAction = false; (this->*(roomActionPtr->funcPtr))(); if (!_vm->_awayMission.rdfStillDoDefaultAction) return true; } roomActionPtr++; } return false; } bool Room::handleActionWithBitmask(byte type, byte b1, byte b2, byte b3) { Action a = {type, b1, b2, b3}; return handleActionWithBitmask(a); } Common::Point Room::getBeamInPosition(int crewmanIndex) { int base = RDF_BEAM_IN_POSITIONS + crewmanIndex * 4; return Common::Point(readRdfWord(base), readRdfWord(base + 2)); } Common::Point Room::getSpawnPosition(int crewmanIndex) { int base = RDF_SPAWN_POSITIONS + crewmanIndex * 4; return Common::Point(readRdfWord(base), readRdfWord(base + 2)); } // For actions of type ACTION_FINISHED_ANIMATION or ACTION_FINISHED_WALKING, this takes // a function pointer and returns the index corresponding to that callback. // Creates a fatal error on failure. int Room::findFunctionPointer(int action, void (Room::*funcPtr)()) { assert(action == ACTION_FINISHED_ANIMATION || action == ACTION_FINISHED_WALKING); for (int i = 0; i < _numRoomActions; i++) { if (_roomActionList[i].action.type == action && _roomActionList[i].funcPtr == funcPtr) return _roomActionList[i].action.b1; } if (action == ACTION_FINISHED_ANIMATION) error("Couldn't find FINISHED_ANIMATION function pointer"); else error("Couldn't find FINISHED_WALKING function pointer"); } // Interface for room-specific code void Room::loadActorAnim(int actorIndex, Common::String anim, int16 x, int16 y, uint16 finishedAnimActionParam) { Actor *actor = &_vm->_actorList[actorIndex]; if (x == -1 || y == -1) { x = actor->sprite.pos.x; y = actor->sprite.pos.y; } if (actorIndex >= 0 && actorIndex < SCALED_ACTORS_END) _vm->loadActorAnimWithRoomScaling(actorIndex, anim, x, y); else _vm->loadActorAnim(actorIndex, anim, x, y, 1.0); if (finishedAnimActionParam != 0) { actor->triggerActionWhenAnimFinished = true; actor->finishedAnimActionParam = finishedAnimActionParam; } } // Same as above, but accepts a callback for when the animation finished (instead of an // integer for an action) void Room::loadActorAnimC(int actorIndex, Common::String anim, int16 x, int16 y, void (Room::*funcPtr)()) { Actor *actor = &_vm->_actorList[actorIndex]; if (x == -1 || y == -1) { x = actor->sprite.pos.x; y = actor->sprite.pos.y; } if (actorIndex >= 0 && actorIndex < SCALED_ACTORS_END) _vm->loadActorAnimWithRoomScaling(actorIndex, anim, x, y); else _vm->loadActorAnim(actorIndex, anim, x, y, 1.0); if (funcPtr != nullptr) { actor->triggerActionWhenAnimFinished = true; actor->finishedAnimActionParam = findFunctionPointer(ACTION_FINISHED_ANIMATION, funcPtr); } } void Room::loadActorStandAnim(int actorIndex) { if (_vm->_awayMission.redshirtDead && actorIndex == OBJECT_REDSHIRT) _vm->removeActorFromScreen(actorIndex); else { Actor *actor = &_vm->_actorList[actorIndex]; if (actor->animationString[0] == '\0') _vm->removeActorFromScreen(actorIndex); else _vm->initStandAnim(actorIndex); } } void Room::loadActorAnim2(int actorIndex, Common::String anim, int16 x, int16 y, uint16 finishedAnimActionParam) { loadActorAnim(actorIndex, anim, x, y, finishedAnimActionParam); } int Room::showRoomSpecificText(const char **array) { Common::String speaker; byte textColor; if (array[0] != nullptr && array[0][0] != '\0') { speaker = Common::String(array[0]); if (speaker.equalsIgnoreCase("Capt. Kirk")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW; else if (speaker.equalsIgnoreCase("Mr. Spock")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_BLUE; else if (speaker.equalsIgnoreCase("Dr. McCoy")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_BLUE; else if (speaker.equalsIgnoreCase("Mr. Chekov")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW; else if (speaker.equalsIgnoreCase("Mr. Scott")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_RED; else if (speaker.hasPrefixIgnoreCase("Lt")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_RED; else if (speaker.hasPrefixIgnoreCase("Ensign")) textColor = TEXTCOLOR_RED; else textColor = TEXTCOLOR_GREY; } else textColor = TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW; return _vm->showText(&StarTrekEngine::readTextFromArrayWithChoices, (uintptr)array, 20, 20, textColor, true, false, false); } int Room::showText(const TextRef *textIDs) { int numIDs = 0; while (textIDs[numIDs] != TX_BLANK) numIDs++; const char **text = (const char **)malloc(sizeof(const char *) * (numIDs + 1)); for (int i = 0; i <= numIDs; i++) text[i] = g_gameStrings[textIDs[i]]; int retval = showRoomSpecificText(text); free(text); return retval; } int Room::showText(TextRef speaker, TextRef text) { int textIDs[3]; textIDs[0] = speaker; textIDs[1] = text; textIDs[2] = TX_BLANK; return showText(textIDs); } int Room::showText(TextRef text) { return showText(TX_NULL, text); } void Room::giveItem(int item) { assert(item >= ITEMS_START && item < ITEMS_END); _vm->_itemList[item - ITEMS_START].have = true; } void Room::loadRoomIndex(int roomIndex, int spawnIndex) { if (_vm->_awayMission.crewDownBitset != 0) return; _vm->_missionToLoad = _vm->_missionName; _vm->_roomIndexToLoad = roomIndex; _vm->_spawnIndexToLoad = spawnIndex; // WORKAROUND: original game manipulates the stack to return directly to the start of // "runAwayMission". Instead, we set some variables and the room will be changed // later. (We wouldn't want to delete the room we're currently in...) } void Room::loseItem(int item) { assert(item >= ITEMS_START && item < ITEMS_END); _vm->_itemList[item - ITEMS_START].have = false; if (_vm->_awayMission.activeAction == ACTION_USE && _vm->_awayMission.activeObject == item) { _vm->_awayMission.activeAction = ACTION_WALK; _vm->chooseMouseBitmapForAction(ACTION_WALK, false); _vm->hideInventoryIcons(); } } void Room::walkCrewman(int actorIndex, int16 destX, int16 destY, uint16 finishedAnimActionParam) { if (!(actorIndex >= OBJECT_KIRK && actorIndex <= OBJECT_REDSHIRT)) error("Tried to walk a non PC"); Actor *actor = &_vm->_actorList[actorIndex]; Common::String anim = _vm->getCrewmanAnimFilename(actorIndex, "walk"); bool success = _vm->actorWalkToPosition(actorIndex, anim, actor->pos.x, actor->pos.y, destX, destY); if (success && finishedAnimActionParam != 0) { actor->triggerActionWhenAnimFinished = true; actor->finishedAnimActionParam = finishedAnimActionParam; } } // Same as above, but with a function callback instead of an integer value to generate an // action void Room::walkCrewmanC(int actorIndex, int16 destX, int16 destY, void (Room::*funcPtr)()) { if (!(actorIndex >= OBJECT_KIRK && actorIndex <= OBJECT_REDSHIRT)) error("Tried to walk a non PC"); Actor *actor = &_vm->_actorList[actorIndex]; Common::String anim = _vm->getCrewmanAnimFilename(actorIndex, "walk"); bool success = _vm->actorWalkToPosition(actorIndex, anim, actor->pos.x, actor->pos.y, destX, destY); if (success && funcPtr != nullptr) { actor->triggerActionWhenAnimFinished = true; actor->finishedAnimActionParam = 0; actor->finishedAnimActionParam = findFunctionPointer(ACTION_FINISHED_WALKING, funcPtr); } } void Room::loadMapFile(const Common::String &name) { _vm->_mapFilename = name; _vm->_iwFile.reset(); _vm->_mapFile.reset(); _vm->_iwFile = SharedPtr(new IWFile(_vm, name + ".iw")); _vm->_mapFile = _vm->loadFile(name + ".map"); } void Room::showBitmapFor5Ticks(const Common::String &bmpName, int priority) { if (priority < 0 || priority > 15) priority = 5; Sprite sprite; _vm->_gfx->addSprite(&sprite); sprite.setXYAndPriority(0, 0, priority); sprite.setBitmap(_vm->_gfx->loadBitmap(bmpName)); _vm->_gfx->drawAllSprites(); TrekEvent event; int ticks = 0; while (ticks < 5) { while (!_vm->popNextEvent(&event)); if (event.type == TREKEVENT_TICK) ticks++; } sprite.dontDrawNextFrame(); _vm->_gfx->drawAllSprites(); _vm->_gfx->delSprite(&sprite); } bool Room::haveItem(int item) { return _vm->_itemList[item - 0x40].have; } Common::Point Room::getActorPos(int actorIndex) { return _vm->_actorList[actorIndex].pos; } int16 Room::getRandomWordInRange(int start, int end) { return _vm->getRandomWord() % (end - start + 1) + start; } void Room::playSoundEffectIndex(int soundEffect) { _vm->playSoundEffectIndex(soundEffect); } void Room::playMidiMusicTracks(int startTrack, int loopTrack) { _vm->playMidiMusicTracks(startTrack, loopTrack); } void Room::endMission(int16 score, int16 arg1, int16 arg2) { _vm->_awayMission.disableInput = true; for (int i = 0; i < (_vm->_awayMission.redshirtDead ? 3 : 4); i++) { Actor *actor = &_vm->_actorList[i]; Common::String anim = _vm->getCrewmanAnimFilename(i, "teled"); _vm->loadActorAnimWithRoomScaling(i, anim, actor->sprite.pos.x, actor->sprite.pos.y); } _vm->_kirkActor->animationString[0] = '\0'; _vm->_spockActor->animationString[0] = '\0'; _vm->_mccoyActor->animationString[0] = '\0'; _vm->_redshirtActor->animationString[0] = '\0'; playSoundEffectIndex(8); while (_vm->_kirkActor->spriteDrawn) _vm->handleAwayMissionEvents(); _vm->_awayMission.disableInput = false; // TODO: This is a stopgap measure (loading the next away mission immediately). // Replace this with the proper code later. _vm->_gameMode = GAMEMODE_BEAMDOWN; if (_vm->_missionName == "DEMON") _vm->_missionToLoad = "TUG"; if (_vm->_missionName == "TUG") _vm->_missionToLoad = "LOVE"; if (_vm->_missionName == "LOVE") _vm->_missionToLoad = "MUDD"; if (_vm->_missionName == "MUDD") _vm->_missionToLoad = "FEATHER"; if (_vm->_missionName == "FEATHER") _vm->_missionToLoad = "TRIAL"; if (_vm->_missionName == "TRIAL") _vm->_missionToLoad = "SINS"; if (_vm->_missionName == "SINS") _vm->_missionToLoad = "VENG"; _vm->_roomIndexToLoad = 0; } void Room::showGameOverMenu() { // TODO: takes an optional parameter? _vm->showGameOverMenu(); // TODO: finish. Shouldn't do this within a room due to deletion of current room? } int Room::showCodeInputBox(const char * const *codes) { Common::String inputString = _vm->showCodeInputBox(); // ENHANCEMENT: Extra condition for "nothing entered" if (inputString.empty()) return -1; int retval = 0; int code = 0; while (codes[code] != nullptr) { if (strcmp(codes[code], inputString.c_str()) == 0) retval = code + 1; code++; } return retval; } void Room::playVoc(Common::String filename) { _vm->_sound->playVoc(filename); } void Room::stopAllVocSounds() { _vm->_sound->stopAllVocSounds(); } Common::String Room::getCrewmanAnimFilename(int object, const Common::String &str) { return _vm->getCrewmanAnimFilename(object, str); } void Room::spockScan(int direction, TextRef text, bool changeDirection) { const char *dirs = "nsew"; Common::String anim = "sscan_"; anim.setChar(dirs[direction], 5); if (changeDirection) // Check whether he should turn back to original direction after scanning _vm->_awayMission.crewDirectionsAfterWalk[OBJECT_SPOCK] = direction; loadActorAnim2(OBJECT_SPOCK, anim, -1, -1, 0); playSoundEffectIndex(SND_TRICORDER); if (text != -1) showText(TX_SPEAKER_SPOCK, text); } void Room::mccoyScan(int direction, TextRef text, bool changeDirection) { const char *dirs = "nsew"; Common::String anim = "mscan_"; anim.setChar(dirs[direction], 5); if (changeDirection) _vm->_awayMission.crewDirectionsAfterWalk[OBJECT_MCCOY] = direction; loadActorAnim2(OBJECT_MCCOY, anim, -1, -1, 0); playSoundEffectIndex(SND_TRICORDER); if (text != -1) showText(TX_SPEAKER_MCCOY, text); } }