/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/events.h" #include "common/stream.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "startrek/graphics.h" #include "startrek/room.h" namespace StarTrek { const char *StarTrekEngine::getNextTextLine(const char *text, char *lineOutput, int lineWidth) { *lineOutput = '\0'; if (*text == '\0') return nullptr; const char *lastSpaceInput = nullptr; char *lastSpaceOutput = nullptr; int charIndex = 0; while (charIndex != lineWidth && *text != '\0') { char c = *text; if (c == '\n') { *lineOutput = '\0'; return text + 1; } if (c == ' ') { lastSpaceInput = text; lastSpaceOutput = lineOutput; } if (c == '\r') { text++; charIndex--; } else { text++; *(lineOutput++) = c; } charIndex++; } if (*text == '\0') { *lineOutput = '\0'; return text; } if (*text == ' ') { *lineOutput = '\0'; return text + 1; } if (lastSpaceOutput == nullptr) { // Long word couldn't fit on line *lineOutput = '\0'; return text; } // In the middle of a word; must go back to the start of it *lastSpaceOutput = '\0'; return lastSpaceInput + 1; } void StarTrekEngine::drawTextLineToBitmap(const char *text, int textLen, int x, int y, Bitmap *bitmap) { const int charWidth = 8; int textOffset = 0; while (textOffset < textLen) { Common::Rect destRect(x, y, x + 8, y + 8); Common::Rect bitmapRect(bitmap->width, bitmap->height); if (destRect.intersects(bitmapRect)) { // drawRect = the rectangle within the 8x8 font character that will be drawn // (part of it may be clipped) Common::Rect drawRect; drawRect.left = bitmapRect.left - destRect.left; if (drawRect.left < destRect.left - destRect.left) drawRect.left = destRect.left - destRect.left; drawRect.right = bitmapRect.right - destRect.left; if (drawRect.right > destRect.right - destRect.left) drawRect.right = destRect.right - destRect.left; drawRect.top = bitmapRect.top - destRect.top; if (drawRect.top < destRect.top - destRect.top) drawRect.top = destRect.top - destRect.top; drawRect.bottom = bitmapRect.bottom - destRect.top; if (drawRect.bottom > destRect.bottom - destRect.top) drawRect.bottom = destRect.bottom - destRect.top; int16 destX = destRect.left - bitmapRect.left; if (destX < bitmapRect.right - bitmapRect.right) destX = bitmapRect.right - bitmapRect.right; int16 destY = destRect.top - bitmapRect.top; if (destY < bitmapRect.top - bitmapRect.top) destY = bitmapRect.top - bitmapRect.top; int16 srcRowDiff = charWidth - drawRect.width(); int16 destRowDiff = bitmapRect.width() - drawRect.width(); byte *srcPixels = _gfx->getFontGfx(text[textOffset]) + drawRect.top * charWidth + drawRect.left; byte *destPixels = bitmap->pixels + destY * bitmapRect.width() + destX; for (int i = 0; i < drawRect.height(); i++) { memcpy(destPixels, srcPixels, drawRect.width()); destPixels += destRowDiff + drawRect.width(); srcPixels += srcRowDiff + drawRect.width(); } } x += charWidth; textOffset++; } } String StarTrekEngine::centerTextboxHeader(String headerText) { char text[TEXT_CHARS_PER_LINE + 1]; memset(text, ' ', sizeof(text)); text[TEXT_CHARS_PER_LINE] = '\0'; int strlen = headerText.size(); strlen = MIN(strlen, TEXT_CHARS_PER_LINE); memcpy(text + (TEXT_CHARS_PER_LINE - strlen) / 2, headerText.c_str(), strlen); return Common::String(text); } void StarTrekEngine::getTextboxHeader(String *headerTextOutput, String speakerText, int choiceIndex) { String header = speakerText; if (choiceIndex != 0) header += String::format(" choice %d", choiceIndex); *headerTextOutput = centerTextboxHeader(header); } String StarTrekEngine::readTextFromRdf(int choiceIndex, uintptr data, String *headerTextOutput) { Room *room = getRoom(); int rdfVar = (size_t)data; uint16 textOffset = room->readRdfWord(rdfVar + (choiceIndex + 1) * 2); if (textOffset == 0) return ""; if (headerTextOutput != nullptr) { uint16 speakerOffset = room->readRdfWord(rdfVar); if (speakerOffset == 0 || room->_rdfData[speakerOffset] == '\0') *headerTextOutput = ""; else { char *speakerText = (char *)&room->_rdfData[speakerOffset]; if (room->readRdfWord(rdfVar + 4) != 0) // Check if there's more than one option getTextboxHeader(headerTextOutput, speakerText, choiceIndex + 1); else getTextboxHeader(headerTextOutput, speakerText, 0); } } return (char *)&room->_rdfData[textOffset]; } void StarTrekEngine::showTextbox(String headerText, const String &mainText, int xoffset, int yoffset, byte textColor, int maxTextLines) { if (!headerText.empty()) headerText = centerTextboxHeader(headerText); int actionParam = (maxTextLines < 0 ? 0 : maxTextLines); if (maxTextLines < 0) maxTextLines = -maxTextLines; const char *strings[3]; if (headerText.empty()) strings[0] = nullptr; else strings[0] = headerText.c_str(); strings[1] = mainText.c_str(); strings[2] = ""; showText(&StarTrekEngine::readTextFromArray, (uintptr)strings, xoffset, yoffset, textColor, false, maxTextLines, false); if (actionParam != 0) addAction(ACTION_TALK, actionParam, 0, 0); } String StarTrekEngine::skipTextAudioPrompt(const String &str) { const char *text = str.c_str(); if (*text != '#') return str; text++; while (*text != '#') { if (*text == '\0') return str; text++; } return String(text + 1); } String StarTrekEngine::playTextAudio(const String &str) { const char *text = str.c_str(); char soundFile[0x100]; if (*text != '#') return str; int len = 0; text++; while (*text != '#') { if (*text == '\0' || len > 0xfa) return str; soundFile[len++] = *text++; } soundFile[len] = '\0'; _sound->playSpeech(soundFile); return String(text + 1); } int StarTrekEngine::showText(TextGetterFunc textGetter, uintptr var, int xoffset, int yoffset, int textColor, bool loopChoices, int maxTextLines, bool rclickCancelsChoice) { int16 tmpTextDisplayMode = _textDisplayMode; uint32 ticksUntilClickingEnabled = 8; if (_frameIndex > _textboxVar2 + 1) { ticksUntilClickingEnabled = 0x10; } int numChoicesWithNames = 0; int numTextboxLines = 0; int numChoices = 0; String speakerText; while (true) { String choiceText = (this->*textGetter)(numChoices, var, &speakerText); if (choiceText.empty()) break; int lines = getNumTextboxLines(skipTextAudioPrompt(choiceText)); if (lines > numTextboxLines) numTextboxLines = lines; if (!speakerText.empty()) // FIXME: Technically should check for nullptr numChoicesWithNames++; numChoices++; } if (maxTextLines == 0 || maxTextLines > MAX_TEXTBOX_LINES) maxTextLines = MAX_TEXTBOX_LINES; if (numTextboxLines > maxTextLines) numTextboxLines = maxTextLines; if (numChoicesWithNames != 0 && numChoices != numChoicesWithNames) error("showText: Not all choices have titles."); Sprite textboxSprite; TextBitmap *textBitmap = initTextSprite(&xoffset, &yoffset, textColor, numTextboxLines, numChoicesWithNames, &textboxSprite); int choiceIndex = 0; int scrollOffset = 0; if (tmpTextDisplayMode != TEXTDISPLAY_WAIT && tmpTextDisplayMode != TEXTDISPLAY_SUBTITLES && numChoices == 1 && _sfxEnabled && !_sfxWorking) _textboxHasMultipleChoices = false; else _textboxHasMultipleChoices = true; if (tmpTextDisplayMode >= TEXTDISPLAY_WAIT && tmpTextDisplayMode <= TEXTDISPLAY_NONE && _sfxEnabled && !_sfxWorking) _textboxVar6 = true; else _textboxVar6 = false; int numTextLines; String lineFormattedText = readLineFormattedText(textGetter, var, choiceIndex, textBitmap, numTextboxLines, &numTextLines); if (lineFormattedText.empty()) { // Technically should check for nullptr _gfx->delSprite(&textboxSprite); // TODO } else { loadMenuButtons("textbtns", xoffset + 0x96, yoffset - 0x11); Common::Point oldMousePos = _gfx->getMousePos(); _gfx->warpMouse(xoffset + 0xde, yoffset - 0x08); _gfx->setMouseBitmap("pushbtn"); bool tmpMouseControllingShip = _mouseControllingShip; _mouseControllingShip = false; // Decide which buttons to show uint32 visibleButtons = (1 << TEXTBUTTON_CONFIRM); if (numChoices > 1) visibleButtons |= (1 << TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_NEXTCHOICE); if (numTextLines > numTextboxLines) visibleButtons |= (1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN); setVisibleMenuButtons(visibleButtons); disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP); // Disable scroll up if (ticksUntilClickingEnabled != 0) // Disable done button disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_CONFIRM); if (!loopChoices) // Disable prev button disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE); bool doneShowingText = false; // Loop until text is done being displayed while (!doneShowingText) { int textboxReturnCode = handleMenuEvents(ticksUntilClickingEnabled, true); if (ticksUntilClickingEnabled != 0) enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_CONFIRM); switch (textboxReturnCode) { case MENUEVENT_RCLICK_OFFBUTTON: case MENUEVENT_RCLICK_ONBUTTON: if (ticksUntilClickingEnabled == 0) { doneShowingText = true; if (rclickCancelsChoice) choiceIndex = -1; } break; case TEXTBUTTON_CONFIRM: doneShowingText = true; break; case TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP: case TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP_ONELINE: scrollOffset -= (textboxReturnCode == TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP ? numTextboxLines : 1); if (scrollOffset < 0) scrollOffset = 0; if (scrollOffset == 0) disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP); enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN); goto readjustScroll; case TEXTBUTTON_GOTO_TOP: scrollOffset = 0; disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP); enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN); goto readjustScroll; case TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN: case TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN_ONELINE: scrollOffset += (textboxReturnCode == TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN ? numTextboxLines : 1); enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP); if (scrollOffset >= numTextLines) scrollOffset -= numTextboxLines; if (scrollOffset > numTextLines - 1) scrollOffset = numTextLines - 1; if (scrollOffset + numTextboxLines >= numTextLines) disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN); goto readjustScroll; case TEXTBUTTON_GOTO_BOTTOM: scrollOffset = numTextLines - numTextboxLines; enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP); disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN); goto readjustScroll; readjustScroll: textboxSprite.bitmapChanged = true; drawMainText( textBitmap, numTextLines - scrollOffset, numTextboxLines, lineFormattedText.c_str() + scrollOffset * (TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2), numChoicesWithNames != 0); break; case TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE: case TEXTBUTTON_NEXTCHOICE: if (textboxReturnCode == TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE) { choiceIndex--; if (!loopChoices && choiceIndex == 0) { disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE); } else { if (choiceIndex < 0) choiceIndex = numChoices - 1; } enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_NEXTCHOICE); } else { enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE); choiceIndex++; if (!loopChoices && choiceIndex == numChoices - 1) { disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_NEXTCHOICE); } else { choiceIndex %= numChoices; } } scrollOffset = 0; lineFormattedText = readLineFormattedText(textGetter, var, choiceIndex, textBitmap, numTextboxLines, &numTextLines); if (numTextLines <= numTextboxLines) { setVisibleMenuButtons((1 << TEXTBUTTON_CONFIRM) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_NEXTCHOICE)); } else { setVisibleMenuButtons((1 << TEXTBUTTON_CONFIRM) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_PREVCHOICE) | (1 << TEXTBUTTON_NEXTCHOICE)); } enableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLDOWN); disableMenuButtons(1 << TEXTBUTTON_SCROLLUP); textboxSprite.bitmapChanged = true; break; case TEXTBUTTON_SPEECH_DONE: if (numChoices == 1) doneShowingText = true; break; case MENUEVENT_ENABLEINPUT: case MENUEVENT_LCLICK_OFFBUTTON: default: break; } ticksUntilClickingEnabled = 0; } _gfx->popMouseBitmap(); _gfx->warpMouse(oldMousePos.x, oldMousePos.y); _mouseControllingShip = tmpMouseControllingShip; unloadMenuButtons(); textboxSprite.dontDrawNextFrame(); _gfx->drawAllSprites(); //delete textBitmap; textboxSprite.bitmap.reset(); _gfx->delSprite(&textboxSprite); } _textboxVar2 = _frameIndex; _sound->stopPlayingSpeech(); return choiceIndex; } int StarTrekEngine::getNumTextboxLines(const String &str) { const char *text = str.c_str(); char line[TEXTBOX_WIDTH]; int lines = 0; while (text != nullptr) { text = getNextTextLine(text, line, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); lines++; } return lines - 1; } String StarTrekEngine::putTextIntoLines(const String &_text) { char line[TEXTBOX_WIDTH]; const char *text = _text.c_str(); String output; text = getNextTextLine(text, line, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); while (text != nullptr) { int len = strlen(line); while (len != TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2) { line[len++] = ' '; line[len] = '\0'; } output += line; text = getNextTextLine(text, line, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); } return output; } TextBitmap *StarTrekEngine::initTextSprite(int *xoffsetPtr, int *yoffsetPtr, byte textColor, int numTextLines, bool withHeader, Sprite *sprite) { int linesBeforeTextStart = 2; if (withHeader) linesBeforeTextStart = 4; int xoffset = *xoffsetPtr; int yoffset = *yoffsetPtr; int textHeight = numTextLines + linesBeforeTextStart; TextBitmap *bitmap = new TextBitmap(TEXTBOX_WIDTH * 8, textHeight * 8); *sprite = Sprite(); sprite->drawPriority = 15; sprite->drawPriority2 = 8; sprite->bitmap = SharedPtr(bitmap); // This is deallocated explicitly at the end of showText() sprite->textColor = textColor; memset(bitmap->pixels, ' ', textHeight * TEXTBOX_WIDTH); int varC = SCREEN_WIDTH - 1 - xoffset - (bitmap->width + 0x1d) / 2; if (varC < 0) xoffset += varC; varC = xoffset - (bitmap->width + 0x1d) / 2; if (varC < 1) xoffset -= varC - 1; varC = yoffset - (bitmap->height + 0x11) - 20; if (varC < 0) yoffset -= varC; xoffset -= (bitmap->width + 0x1d) / 2; yoffset -= bitmap->height; bitmap->pixels[0] = 0x10; memset(&bitmap->pixels[1], 0x11, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); bitmap->pixels[TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 1] = 0x12; byte *textAddr = bitmap->pixels + TEXTBOX_WIDTH; if (withHeader) { textAddr[0] = 0x13; textAddr[TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 1] = 0x14; textAddr += TEXTBOX_WIDTH; textAddr[0] = 0x13; memset(&textAddr[1], 0x19, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); textAddr[TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 1] = 0x14; textAddr += TEXTBOX_WIDTH; } for (int line = 0; line < numTextLines; line++) { textAddr[0] = 0x13; textAddr[TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 1] = 0x14; textAddr += TEXTBOX_WIDTH; } textAddr[0] = 0x15; memset(&textAddr[1], 0x16, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); textAddr[TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 1] = 0x17; _gfx->addSprite(sprite); sprite->drawMode = 3; sprite->pos.x = xoffset; sprite->pos.y = yoffset; sprite->drawPriority = 15; *xoffsetPtr = xoffset; *yoffsetPtr = yoffset; return bitmap; } void StarTrekEngine::drawMainText(TextBitmap *bitmap, int numTextLines, int numTextboxLines, const String &_text, bool withHeader) { byte *dest = bitmap->pixels + TEXTBOX_WIDTH + 1; // Start of 2nd row const char *text = _text.c_str(); if (numTextLines >= numTextboxLines) numTextLines = numTextboxLines; if (withHeader) dest += TEXTBOX_WIDTH * 2; // Start of 4th row int lineIndex = 0; while (lineIndex != numTextLines) { memcpy(dest, text, TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); text += TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2; dest += TEXTBOX_WIDTH; lineIndex++; } // Fill all remaining blank lines while (lineIndex != numTextboxLines) { memset(dest, ' ', TEXTBOX_WIDTH - 2); dest += TEXTBOX_WIDTH; lineIndex++; } } String StarTrekEngine::readLineFormattedText(TextGetterFunc textGetter, uintptr var, int choiceIndex, TextBitmap *textBitmap, int numTextboxLines, int *numTextLines) { String headerText; String text = (this->*textGetter)(choiceIndex, var, &headerText); if (_textDisplayMode == TEXTDISPLAY_NONE && _sfxEnabled && _sfxWorking) { uint32 oldSize = text.size(); text = playTextAudio(text); if (oldSize != text.size()) _textboxHasMultipleChoices = true; } else if ((_textDisplayMode == TEXTDISPLAY_WAIT || _textDisplayMode == TEXTDISPLAY_SUBTITLES) && _sfxEnabled && _sfxWorking) { text = playTextAudio(text); } else { text = skipTextAudioPrompt(text); } if (_textboxHasMultipleChoices) { *numTextLines = getNumTextboxLines(text); bool hasHeader = !headerText.empty(); String lineFormattedText = putTextIntoLines(text); drawMainText(textBitmap, *numTextLines, numTextboxLines, lineFormattedText, hasHeader); memcpy(textBitmap->pixels + TEXTBOX_WIDTH + 1, headerText.c_str(), headerText.size()); return lineFormattedText; } else return NULL; } String StarTrekEngine::readTextFromArray(int choiceIndex, uintptr data, String *headerTextOutput) { const char **textArray = (const char **)data; const char *headerText = textArray[0]; const char *mainText = textArray[choiceIndex + 1]; if (*mainText == '\0') return Common::String(); // Technically should be nullptr... if (headerText == nullptr) *headerTextOutput = ""; else *headerTextOutput = centerTextboxHeader(headerText); return String(mainText); } String StarTrekEngine::readTextFromArrayWithChoices(int choiceIndex, uintptr data, String *headerTextOutput) { const char **textArray = (const char **)data; const char *headerText = textArray[0]; const char *mainText = textArray[choiceIndex + 1]; if (mainText == nullptr || *mainText == '\0') return Common::String(); // Technically should be nullptr... if (headerTextOutput != nullptr) { if (headerText == nullptr || headerText[0] == '\0') *headerTextOutput = ""; else { if (textArray[2] != nullptr && textArray[2][0] != '\0') // More than one choice getTextboxHeader(headerTextOutput, headerText, choiceIndex + 1); else getTextboxHeader(headerTextOutput, headerText, 0); } } return String(mainText); } Common::String StarTrekEngine::showCodeInputBox() { memset(_textInputBuffer, 0, TEXT_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); return showTextInputBox(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2, "Code:\n "); } void StarTrekEngine::redrawTextInput() { char buf[MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN * 2 + 2]; memset(buf, 0, MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN * 2); strcpy(buf, _textInputBuffer); if (_textInputCursorChar != 0) buf[_textInputCursorPos] = _textInputCursorChar; memcpy(_textInputBitmap->pixels, _textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels, _textInputBitmapSkeleton->width * _textInputBitmapSkeleton->height); drawTextLineToBitmap(buf, MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN, 4, 12, _textInputBitmap); _textInputSprite.bitmapChanged = true; _gfx->drawAllSprites(); } void StarTrekEngine::addCharToTextInputBuffer(char c) { Common::String str(_textInputBuffer); while ((int)str.size() < _textInputCursorPos) { str += " "; } str.insertChar(c, _textInputCursorPos); strncpy(_textInputBuffer, str.c_str(), MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN); _textInputBuffer[MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN] = '\0'; } Common::String StarTrekEngine::showTextInputBox(int16 x, int16 y, const Common::String &headerText) { bool validInput = false; _keyboardControlsMouse = false; _textInputCursorPos = 0; initTextInputSprite(x, y, headerText); bool loop = true; while (loop) { TrekEvent event; if (!popNextEvent(&event)) continue; switch (event.type) { case TREKEVENT_TICK: _gfx->incPaletteFadeLevel(); _frameIndex++; _textInputCursorChar = ((_frameIndex & 2) ? 1 : 0); redrawTextInput(); break; case TREKEVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: redrawTextInput(); validInput = true; loop = false; break; case TREKEVENT_RBUTTONDOWN: loop = false; break; case TREKEVENT_KEYDOWN: switch (event.kbd.keycode) { case Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE: if (_textInputCursorPos > 0) { _textInputCursorPos--; Common::String str(_textInputBuffer); str.deleteChar(_textInputCursorPos); strcpy(_textInputBuffer, str.c_str()); } redrawTextInput(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_DELETE: { // ENHANCEMENT: Support delete key Common::String str(_textInputBuffer); if (_textInputCursorPos < (int)str.size()) { str.deleteChar(_textInputCursorPos); strcpy(_textInputBuffer, str.c_str()); redrawTextInput(); } break; } case Common::KEYCODE_RETURN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER: case Common::KEYCODE_F1: redrawTextInput(); loop = false; validInput = true; break; case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE: case Common::KEYCODE_F2: loop = false; break; case Common::KEYCODE_HOME: case Common::KEYCODE_KP7: _textInputCursorPos = 0; break; case Common::KEYCODE_LEFT: case Common::KEYCODE_KP4: if (_textInputCursorPos > 0) _textInputCursorPos--; redrawTextInput(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_RIGHT: case Common::KEYCODE_KP6: if (_textInputCursorPos < MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN - 1) _textInputCursorPos++; redrawTextInput(); break; case Common::KEYCODE_END: case Common::KEYCODE_KP1: _textInputCursorPos = strlen(_textInputBuffer); // BUGFIX: Check that it doesn't exceed the buffer length. // Original game had a bug where you could crash the game by pressing // "end", writing a character, pressing "end" again, etc. if (_textInputCursorPos >= MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN) _textInputCursorPos = MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN - 1; break; default: // Typed any other character if (_gfx->_font->isDisplayableCharacter(event.kbd.ascii)) { addCharToTextInputBuffer(event.kbd.ascii); if (_textInputCursorPos < MAX_TEXT_INPUT_LEN - 1) _textInputCursorPos++; redrawTextInput(); } break; } break; default: break; } } cleanupTextInputSprite(); _keyboardControlsMouse = true; if (validInput) return _textInputBuffer; else return ""; } void StarTrekEngine::initTextInputSprite(int16 textboxX, int16 textboxY, const Common::String &headerText) { int headerLen = headerText.size(); if (headerLen > 25) headerLen = 25; char textBuf[TEXTBOX_WIDTH * 11 + 1]; const char *headerPos = headerText.c_str(); int row = 0; /* // TODO: investigate this (might be unused...) if (word_53100 != 0) { // ... } */ do { headerPos = getNextTextLine(headerPos, textBuf + row * TEXTBOX_WIDTH, headerLen); row++; } while (headerPos != 0 && row < 11); int16 width = headerLen * 8 + 8; int16 height = row * 8 + 8; _textInputBitmapSkeleton = new Bitmap(width, height); _textInputBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); _textInputBitmapSkeleton->xoffset = width / 2; if (textboxX + width / 2 >= SCREEN_WIDTH) _textInputBitmapSkeleton->xoffset += width / 2 + textboxX - (SCREEN_WIDTH - 1); if (textboxX - width / 2 < 0) _textInputBitmapSkeleton->xoffset -= 0 - (textboxX - width / 2); _textInputBitmapSkeleton->yoffset = height + 20; memset(_textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels, 0, width * height); // Top border int16 xPos = 1; int16 yPos = 1; while (xPos < width - 1) { _textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels[yPos * width + xPos] = 0x78; xPos++; } // Bottom border xPos = 1; yPos = height - 2; while (xPos < width - 1) { _textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels[yPos * width + xPos] = 0x78; xPos++; } // Left border xPos = 1; yPos = 1; while (yPos < height - 1) { _textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels[yPos * width + xPos] = 0x78; yPos++; } // Right border xPos = width - 2; yPos = 1; while (yPos < height - 1) { _textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels[yPos * width + xPos] = 0x78; yPos++; } // Draw header text for (int r = 0; r < row; r++) { char *text = textBuf + r * TEXTBOX_WIDTH; drawTextLineToBitmap(text, strlen(text), 4, r * 8 + 4, _textInputBitmapSkeleton); } // Copy skeleton bitmap to actual used bitmap _textInputBitmap->xoffset = _textInputBitmapSkeleton->xoffset; _textInputBitmap->yoffset = _textInputBitmapSkeleton->yoffset; memcpy(_textInputBitmap->pixels, _textInputBitmapSkeleton->pixels, width * height); _gfx->addSprite(&_textInputSprite); _textInputSprite.drawMode = 2; _textInputSprite.field8 = "System"; _textInputSprite.bitmap = SharedPtr(_textInputBitmap); _textInputSprite.setXYAndPriority(textboxX, textboxY, 15); _textInputSprite.drawPriority2 = 8; _gfx->drawAllSprites(); } void StarTrekEngine::cleanupTextInputSprite() { _textInputSprite.dontDrawNextFrame(); _gfx->drawAllSprites(); _gfx->delSprite(&_textInputSprite); _textInputSprite.bitmap.reset(); delete _textInputBitmapSkeleton; delete _textInputBitmap; } } // End of namespace StarTrek