Engine ---------- MouseFields [0;256[ - Viewport [256;512[ - Command Row [512;768[ - Inventory [768;769] - Inventory Arrows Dimensions Viewport: (0,0) (320, 150) Command Row: (0, 150) (320, 159) Inventory: (0, 161) (270, 200) Inventory Arrows: (271, 161) (279, 200) Exit Maps: (283, 163) (317, 197) Text ------- AE - 216 ae - 204 OE - 231 oe - 224 UE - 232 ue - 201 SZ - 341 Ingame Bugs ------------ In Cabin_R3 (starting room) you can take the discman from your locker without opening it first. Improvements ------------- Incidate in inventory (?) what parts of your space suit you are wearing