/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "common/config-manager.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/debug-channels.h" #include "common/endian.h" #include "common/error.h" #include "common/events.h" #include "common/file.h" #include "common/fs.h" #include "common/memstream.h" #include "common/savefile.h" #include "common/str.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "common/translation.h" #include "engines/util.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "graphics/surface.h" #include "graphics/screen.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "graphics/thumbnail.h" #include "gui/saveload.h" #include "supernova2/resman.h" #include "supernova2/screen.h" #include "supernova2/supernova2.h" #include "supernova2/state.h" namespace Supernova2 { ObjectType operator|(ObjectType a, ObjectType b) { return static_cast(+a | +b); } ObjectType operator&(ObjectType a, ObjectType b) { return static_cast(+a & +b); } ObjectType operator^(ObjectType a, ObjectType b) { return static_cast(+a ^ +b); } ObjectType &operator|=(ObjectType &a, ObjectType b) { return a = a | b; } ObjectType &operator&=(ObjectType &a, ObjectType b) { return a = a & b; } ObjectType &operator^=(ObjectType &a, ObjectType b) { return a = a ^ b; } Supernova2Engine::Supernova2Engine(OSystem *syst) : Engine(syst) , _console(nullptr) , _gm(nullptr) , _resMan(nullptr) , _screen(nullptr) , _allowLoadGame(true) , _allowSaveGame(true) , _sleepAutoSave(nullptr) , _sleepAuoSaveVersion(-1) , _delay(33) , _textSpeed(kTextSpeed[2]) { if (ConfMan.hasKey("textspeed")) _textSpeed = ConfMan.getInt("textspeed"); DebugMan.addDebugChannel(1 , "general", "Supernova 2 general debug channel"); } Supernova2Engine::~Supernova2Engine() { DebugMan.clearAllDebugChannels(); delete _console; delete _gm; delete _resMan; delete _screen; delete _sleepAutoSave; } Common::Error Supernova2Engine::run() { init(); while (!shouldQuit()) { uint32 start = _system->getMillis(); _gm->updateEvents(); _gm->executeRoom(); _console->onFrame(); _system->updateScreen(); int end = _delay - (_system->getMillis() - start); if (end > 0) _system->delayMillis(end); } return Common::kNoError; } void Supernova2Engine::init() { Graphics::ModeList modes; modes.push_back(Graphics::Mode(320, 200)); modes.push_back(Graphics::Mode(640, 480)); initGraphicsModes(modes); initGraphics(320, 200); Common::Error status = loadGameStrings(); if (status.getCode() != Common::kNoError) error("Failed reading game strings"); _resMan = new ResourceManager(); _gm = new GameManager(this); _screen = new Screen(this, _resMan); _console = new Console(this, _gm); setTotalPlayTime(0); int saveSlot = ConfMan.getInt("save_slot"); if (saveSlot >= 0) { if (loadGameState(saveSlot).getCode() != Common::kNoError) error("Failed to load save game from slot %i", saveSlot); } } bool Supernova2Engine::hasFeature(EngineFeature f) const { switch (f) { case kSupportsRTL: return true; case kSupportsLoadingDuringRuntime: return true; case kSupportsSavingDuringRuntime: return true; default: return false; } } Common::Error Supernova2Engine::loadGameStrings() { Common::String cur_lang = ConfMan.get("language"); Common::String string_id("TEXT"); // Note: we don't print any warning or errors here if we cannot find the file // or the format is not as expected. We will get those warning when reading the // strings anyway (actually the engine will even refuse to start). Common::File f; if (!f.open(SUPERNOVA2_DAT)) { GUIErrorMessageFormat(_("Unable to locate the '%s' engine data file."), SUPERNOVA2_DAT); return Common::kReadingFailed; } // Validate the data file header char id[5], lang[5]; id[4] = lang[4] = '\0'; f.read(id, 3); if (strncmp(id, "MS2", 3) != 0) { GUIErrorMessageFormat(_("The '%s' engine data file is corrupt."), SUPERNOVA2_DAT); return Common::kReadingFailed; } int version = f.readByte(); if (version != SUPERNOVA2_DAT_VERSION) { GUIErrorMessageFormat( _("Incorrect version of the '%s' engine data file found. Expected %d but got %d."), SUPERNOVA2_DAT, SUPERNOVA2_DAT_VERSION, version); return Common::kReadingFailed; } while (!f.eos()) { f.read(id, 4); f.read(lang, 4); uint32 size = f.readUint32LE(); if (f.eos()) break; if (string_id == id && cur_lang == lang) { while (size > 0) { Common::String s; char ch; while ((ch = (char)f.readByte()) != '\0') s += ch; _gameStrings.push_back(s); size -= s.size() + 1; } return Common::kNoError; } else f.skip(size); } Common::Language l = Common::parseLanguage(cur_lang); GUIErrorMessageFormat(_("Unable to locate the text for %s language in '%s' engine data file."), Common::getLanguageDescription(l), SUPERNOVA2_DAT); return Common::kReadingFailed; } const Common::String &Supernova2Engine::getGameString(int idx) const { if (idx < 0 || idx >= (int)_gameStrings.size()) return _nullString; return _gameStrings[idx]; } void Supernova2Engine::setGameString(int idx, const Common::String &string) { if (idx < 0) return; while ((int)_gameStrings.size() <= idx) _gameStrings.push_back(Common::String()); _gameStrings[idx] = string; } void Supernova2Engine::renderImage(int section) { if (section > 128) _gm->_currentRoom->setSectionVisible(section - 128, false); else _gm->_currentRoom->setSectionVisible(section, true); _screen->renderImage(section); } void Supernova2Engine::renderImage(ImageId id, bool removeImage) { _gm->_currentRoom->setSectionVisible(_screen->getImageInfo(id)->section, !removeImage); _screen->renderImage(id, removeImage); } bool Supernova2Engine::setCurrentImage(int filenumber) { return _screen->setCurrentImage(filenumber); } void Supernova2Engine::saveScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height) { _screen->saveScreen(x, y, width, height); } void Supernova2Engine::saveScreen(const GuiElement &guiElement) { _screen->saveScreen(guiElement); } void Supernova2Engine::restoreScreen() { _screen->restoreScreen(); } void Supernova2Engine::renderRoom(Room &room) { _screen->renderRoom(room); } void Supernova2Engine::renderMessage(const char *text, MessagePosition position) { _gm->_messageDuration = (Common::strnlen(text, 512) + 20) * _textSpeed / 10; _screen->renderMessage(text, position); } void Supernova2Engine::renderMessage(const Common::String &text, MessagePosition position) { _gm->_messageDuration = (text.size() + 20) * _textSpeed / 10; _screen->renderMessage(text, position); } void Supernova2Engine::renderMessage(StringId stringId, MessagePosition position, Common::String var1, Common::String var2) { _gm->_messageDuration = (getGameString(stringId).size() + 20) * _textSpeed / 10; _screen->renderMessage(stringId, position, var1, var2); } void Supernova2Engine::removeMessage() { _screen->removeMessage(); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const uint16 character) { _screen->renderText(character); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const char *text) { _screen->renderText(text); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const Common::String &text) { _screen->renderText(text); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(StringId stringId) { _screen->renderText(stringId); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const GuiElement &guiElement) { _screen->renderText(guiElement); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const uint16 character, int x, int y, byte color) { _screen->renderText(character, x, y, color); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const char *text, int x, int y, byte color) { _screen->renderText(text, x, y, color); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(const Common::String &text, int x, int y, byte color) { _screen->renderText(text, x, y, color); } void Supernova2Engine::renderText(StringId stringId, int x, int y, byte color) { _screen->renderText(stringId, x, y, color); } void Supernova2Engine::renderBox(int x, int y, int width, int height, byte color) { _screen->renderBox(x, y, width, height, color); } void Supernova2Engine::renderBox(const GuiElement &guiElement) { _screen->renderBox(guiElement); } void Supernova2Engine::paletteBrightness() { _screen->paletteBrightness(); } void Supernova2Engine::paletteFadeOut() { _screen->paletteFadeOut(); } void Supernova2Engine::paletteFadeIn() { _screen->paletteFadeIn(255); } void Supernova2Engine::setColor63(byte value) { _screen->setColor63(value); } /*void Supernova2Engine::setTextSpeed() { const Common::String &textSpeedString = getGameString(kStringTextSpeed); int stringWidth = Screen::textWidth(textSpeedString); int textX = (kScreenWidth - stringWidth) / 2; int textY = 100; stringWidth += 4; int boxX = stringWidth > 110 ? (kScreenWidth - stringWidth) / 2 : 105; int boxY = 97; int boxWidth = stringWidth > 110 ? stringWidth : 110; int boxHeight = 27; _gm->animationOff(); _gm->saveTime(); saveScreen(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight); renderBox(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, kColorBlue); renderText(textSpeedString, textX, textY, kColorWhite99); // Text speed // Find the closest index in kTextSpeed for the current _textSpeed. // Important note: values in kTextSpeed decrease with the index. int speedIndex = 0; while (speedIndex < 4 && _textSpeed < (kTextSpeed[speedIndex] + kTextSpeed[speedIndex+1]) / 2) ++speedIndex; char nbString[2]; nbString[1] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { byte color = i == speedIndex ? kColorWhite63 : kColorWhite35; renderBox(110 + 21 * i, 111, 16, 10, color); nbString[0] = '1' + i; renderText(nbString, 115 + 21 * i, 112, kColorWhite99); } do { _gm->getInput(); int key = _gm->_keyPressed ? _gm->_key.keycode : Common::KEYCODE_INVALID; if (!_gm->_keyPressed && _gm->_mouseClicked && _gm->_mouseY >= 111 && _gm->_mouseY < 121 && (_gm->_mouseX + 16) % 21 < 16) key = Common::KEYCODE_0 - 5 + (_gm->_mouseX + 16) / 21; if (key == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) break; else if (key >= Common::KEYCODE_1 && key <= Common::KEYCODE_5) { speedIndex = key - Common::KEYCODE_1; _textSpeed = kTextSpeed[speedIndex]; ConfMan.setInt("textspeed", _textSpeed); break; } } while (!shouldQuit()); _gm->resetInputState(); restoreScreen(); _gm->loadTime(); _gm->animationOn(); }*/ /*bool Supernova2Engine::quitGameDialog() { bool quit = false; GuiElement guiQuitBox; guiQuitBox.setColor(kColorRed, kColorWhite99, kColorRed, kColorWhite99); guiQuitBox.setSize(112, 97, 112 + 96, 97 + 27); guiQuitBox.setText(getGameString(kStringLeaveGame).c_str()); guiQuitBox.setTextPosition(guiQuitBox.left + 3, guiQuitBox.top + 3); GuiElement guiQuitYes; guiQuitYes.setColor(kColorWhite35, kColorWhite99, kColorWhite35, kColorWhite99); guiQuitYes.setSize(115, 111, 158, 121); guiQuitYes.setText(getGameString(kStringYes).c_str()); guiQuitYes.setTextPosition(132, 112); GuiElement guiQuitNo; guiQuitNo.setColor(kColorWhite35, kColorWhite99, kColorWhite35, kColorWhite99); guiQuitNo.setSize(162, 111, 205, 121); guiQuitNo.setText(getGameString(kStringNo).c_str()); guiQuitNo.setTextPosition(173, 112); _gm->animationOff(); _gm->saveTime(); saveScreen(guiQuitBox); renderBox(guiQuitBox); renderText(guiQuitBox); renderBox(guiQuitYes); renderText(guiQuitYes); renderBox(guiQuitNo); renderText(guiQuitNo); do { _gm->getInput(); if (_gm->_keyPressed) { if (_gm->_key.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_j) { quit = true; break; } else if (_gm->_key.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_n) { quit = false; break; } } if (_gm->_mouseClicked) { if (guiQuitYes.contains(_gm->_mouseX, _gm->_mouseY)) { quit = true; break; } else if (guiQuitNo.contains(_gm->_mouseX, _gm->_mouseY)) { quit = false; break; } } } while (true); _gm->resetInputState(); restoreScreen(); _gm->loadTime(); _gm->animationOn(); return quit; }*/ bool Supernova2Engine::canLoadGameStateCurrently() { return _allowLoadGame; } Common::Error Supernova2Engine::loadGameState(int slot) { return (loadGame(slot) ? Common::kNoError : Common::kReadingFailed); } bool Supernova2Engine::canSaveGameStateCurrently() { // Do not allow saving when either _allowSaveGame, _animationEnabled or _guiEnabled is false return _allowSaveGame && _gm->_animationEnabled && _gm->_guiEnabled; } Common::Error Supernova2Engine::saveGameState(int slot, const Common::String &desc) { return (saveGame(slot, desc) ? Common::kNoError : Common::kWritingFailed); } bool Supernova2Engine::serialize(Common::WriteStream *out) { if (!_gm->serialize(out)) return false; out->writeByte(_screen->getGuiBrightness()); out->writeByte(_screen->getViewportBrightness()); return true; } bool Supernova2Engine::deserialize(Common::ReadStream *in, int version) { if (!_gm->deserialize(in, version)) return false; if (version >= 5) { _screen->setGuiBrightness(in->readByte()); _screen->setViewportBrightness(in->readByte()); } else { _screen->setGuiBrightness(255); _screen->setViewportBrightness(255); } return true; } bool Supernova2Engine::loadGame(int slot) { if (slot < 0) return false; // Make sure no message is displayed as this would otherwise delay the // switch to the new location until a mouse click. removeMessage(); if (slot == kSleepAutosaveSlot) { if (_sleepAutoSave != nullptr && deserialize(_sleepAutoSave, _sleepAuoSaveVersion)) { // We no longer need the sleep autosave delete _sleepAutoSave; _sleepAutoSave = nullptr; return true; } // Old version used to save it literally in the kSleepAutosaveSlot, so // continue to try to load it from there. } Common::String filename = Common::String::format("ms2_save.%03d", slot); Common::InSaveFile *savefile = _saveFileMan->openForLoading(filename); if (!savefile) return false; uint saveHeader = savefile->readUint32LE(); if (saveHeader != SAVEGAME_HEADER) { warning("No header found in '%s'", filename.c_str()); delete savefile; return false; //Common::kUnknownError } byte saveVersion = savefile->readByte(); if (saveVersion > SAVEGAME_VERSION) { warning("Save game version %i not supported", saveVersion); delete savefile; return false; //Common::kUnknownError; } int descriptionSize = savefile->readSint16LE(); savefile->skip(descriptionSize); savefile->skip(6); setTotalPlayTime(savefile->readUint32LE() * 1000); Graphics::skipThumbnail(*savefile); if (!deserialize(savefile, saveVersion)) { delete savefile; return false; }; // With version 9 onward the sleep auto-save is save at the end of a normal save. delete _sleepAutoSave; _sleepAutoSave = nullptr; if (saveVersion >= 9) { _sleepAuoSaveVersion = saveVersion; byte hasAutoSave = savefile->readByte(); if (hasAutoSave) { _sleepAutoSave = new Common::MemoryReadWriteStream(DisposeAfterUse::YES); uint nb; char buf[4096]; while ((nb = savefile->read(buf, 4096)) > 0) _sleepAutoSave->write(buf, nb); } } delete savefile; return true; } bool Supernova2Engine::saveGame(int slot, const Common::String &description) { if (slot < 0) return false; if (slot == kSleepAutosaveSlot) { delete _sleepAutoSave; _sleepAutoSave = new Common::MemoryReadWriteStream(DisposeAfterUse::YES); _sleepAuoSaveVersion = SAVEGAME_VERSION; serialize(_sleepAutoSave); return true; } Common::String filename = Common::String::format("ms2_save.%03d", slot); Common::OutSaveFile *savefile = _saveFileMan->openForSaving(filename); if (!savefile) return false; savefile->writeUint32LE(SAVEGAME_HEADER); savefile->writeByte(SAVEGAME_VERSION); TimeDate currentDate; _system->getTimeAndDate(currentDate); uint32 saveDate = (currentDate.tm_mday & 0xFF) << 24 | ((currentDate.tm_mon + 1) & 0xFF) << 16 | ((currentDate.tm_year + 1900) & 0xFFFF); uint16 saveTime = (currentDate.tm_hour & 0xFF) << 8 | ((currentDate.tm_min) & 0xFF); savefile->writeSint16LE(description.size() + 1); savefile->write(description.c_str(), description.size() + 1); savefile->writeUint32LE(saveDate); savefile->writeUint16LE(saveTime); savefile->writeUint32LE(getTotalPlayTime() / 1000); Graphics::saveThumbnail(*savefile); serialize(savefile); if (_sleepAutoSave == nullptr) savefile->writeByte(0); else { savefile->writeByte(1); savefile->write(_sleepAutoSave->getData(), _sleepAutoSave->size()); } savefile->finalize(); delete savefile; return true; } void Supernova2Engine::errorTempSave(bool saving) { GUIErrorMessage(saving ? "Failed to save temporary game state. Make sure your save game directory is set in ScummVM and that you can write to it." : "Failed to load temporary game state."); error("Unrecoverable error"); } }