/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
 * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
 * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
 * file distributed with this source distribution.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "common/file.h"
#include "common/events.h"
#include "common/keyboard.h"
#include "common/textconsole.h"
#include "common/translation.h"
#include "sword1/sword1.h"
#include "sword1/animation.h"
#include "sword1/text.h"
#include "sword1/resman.h"

#include "common/str.h"
#include "common/system.h"
#include "graphics/palette.h"
#include "graphics/surface.h"

#include "gui/message.h"

#include "video/dxa_decoder.h"
#include "video/psx_decoder.h"
#include "video/smk_decoder.h"

#include "engines/util.h"

namespace Sword1 {

static const char *const sequenceList[20] = {
	"ferrari",  // 0  CD2   ferrari running down fitz in sc19
	"ladder",   // 1  CD2   george walking down ladder to dig sc24->sc$
	"steps",    // 2  CD2   george walking down steps sc23->sc24
	"sewer",    // 3  CD1   george entering sewer sc2->sc6
	"intro",    // 4  CD1   intro sequence ->sc1
	"river",    // 5  CD1   george being thrown into river by flap & g$
	"truck",    // 6  CD2   truck arriving at bull's head sc45->sc53/4
	"grave",    // 7  BOTH  george's grave in scotland, from sc73 + from sc38 $
	"montfcon", // 8  CD2   monfaucon clue in ireland dig, sc25
	"tapestry", // 9  CD2   tapestry room beyond spain well, sc61
	"ireland",  // 10 CD2   ireland establishing shot europe_map->sc19
	"finale",   // 11 CD2   grand finale at very end, from sc73
	"history",  // 12 CD1   George's history lesson from Nico, in sc10
	"spanish",  // 13 CD2   establishing shot for 1st visit to Spain, europe_m$
	"well",     // 14 CD2   first time being lowered down well in Spai$
	"candle",   // 15 CD2   Candle burning down in Spain mausoleum sc59
	"geodrop",  // 16 CD2   from sc54, George jumping down onto truck
	"vulture",  // 17 CD2   from sc54, vultures circling George's dead body
	"enddemo",  // 18 ---   for end of single CD demo
	"credits",  // 19 CD2   credits, to follow "finale" sequence

// This is the list of the names of the PlayStation videos
// TODO: fight.str, flashy.str,
static const char *const sequenceListPSX[20] = {
	"", // demo video not present
	""  // credits are not a video

// Basic movie player

MoviePlayer::MoviePlayer(SwordEngine *vm, Text *textMan, ResMan *resMan, OSystem *system, Video::VideoDecoder *decoder, DecoderType decoderType)
	: _vm(vm), _textMan(textMan), _resMan(resMan), _system(system) {
	_decoderType = decoderType;
	_decoder = decoder;

	_c1Color = _c2Color = _c3Color = _c4Color = 255;
	_black = 0;

MoviePlayer::~MoviePlayer() {
	delete _decoder;

 * Plays an animated cutscene.
 * @param id the id of the file
bool MoviePlayer::load(uint32 id) {
	Common::String filename;

	if (SwordEngine::_systemVars.showText) {
		Common::File f;
		filename = Common::String::format("%s.txt", sequenceList[id]);

		if (f.open(filename)) {
			Common::String line;
			int lineNo = 0;
			int lastEnd = -1;

			while (!f.eos() && !f.err()) {
				line = f.readLine();
				if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') {

				const char *ptr = line.c_str();

				// TODO: Better error handling
				int startFrame = strtoul(ptr, const_cast<char **>(&ptr), 10);
				int endFrame = strtoul(ptr, const_cast<char **>(&ptr), 10);

				while (*ptr && Common::isSpace(*ptr))

				if (startFrame > endFrame) {
					warning("%s:%d: startFrame (%d) > endFrame (%d)", filename.c_str(), lineNo, startFrame, endFrame);

				if (startFrame <= lastEnd) {
					warning("%s:%d startFrame (%d) <= lastEnd (%d)", filename.c_str(), lineNo, startFrame, lastEnd);

				int color = 0;
				if (*ptr == '@') {
					color = strtoul(ptr, const_cast<char **>(&ptr), 10);
					while (*ptr && Common::isSpace(*ptr))

				_movieTexts.push_back(MovieText(startFrame, endFrame, ptr, color));
				lastEnd = endFrame;

	switch (_decoderType) {
	case kVideoDecoderDXA:
		filename = Common::String::format("%s.dxa", sequenceList[id]);
	case kVideoDecoderSMK:
		filename = Common::String::format("%s.smk", sequenceList[id]);
	case kVideoDecoderPSX:
		filename = Common::String::format("%s.str", (_vm->_systemVars.isDemo) ? sequenceList[id] : sequenceListPSX[id]);

		// Need to switch to true color
		initGraphics(g_system->getWidth(), g_system->getHeight(), true, 0);

		// Need to load here in case it fails in which case we'd need
		// to go back to paletted mode
		if (_decoder->loadFile(filename)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			initGraphics(g_system->getWidth(), g_system->getHeight(), true);
			return false;

	if (!_decoder->loadFile(filename))
		return false;

	// For DXA, also add the external sound file
	if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderDXA)

	return true;

void MoviePlayer::play() {
	_textX = 0;
	_textY = 0;


	_textMan->releaseText(2, false);


	// It's tempting to call _screen->fullRefresh() here to restore the old
	// palette. However, that causes glitches with DXA movies, where the
	// previous location would be momentarily drawn, before switching to
	// the new one. Work around this by setting the palette to black.

	byte pal[3 * 256];
	memset(pal, 0, sizeof(pal));
	_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(pal, 0, 256);

void MoviePlayer::performPostProcessing(byte *screen) {
	// TODO: We don't support the PSX stream videos yet
	// nor using the PSX fonts to display subtitles.
	if (_vm->isPsx())

	if (!_movieTexts.empty()) {
		if (_decoder->getCurFrame() == _movieTexts.front()._startFrame) {
			_textMan->makeTextSprite(2, (const uint8 *)_movieTexts.front()._text.c_str(), 600, LETTER_COL);

			FrameHeader *frame = _textMan->giveSpriteData(2);
			_textWidth = _resMan->toUint16(frame->width);
			_textHeight = _resMan->toUint16(frame->height);
			_textX = 320 - _textWidth / 2;
			_textY = 420 - _textHeight;
			_textColor = _movieTexts.front()._color;
		if (_decoder->getCurFrame() == _movieTexts.front()._endFrame) {
			_textMan->releaseText(2, false);

	byte *src, *dst;
	int x, y;

	if (_textMan->giveSpriteData(2)) {
		src = (byte *)_textMan->giveSpriteData(2) + sizeof(FrameHeader);
		dst = screen + _textY * SCREEN_WIDTH + _textX * 1;

		for (y = 0; y < _textHeight; y++) {
			for (x = 0; x < _textWidth; x++) {
				switch (src[x]) {
				case BORDER_COL:
					dst[x] = getBlackColor();
				case LETTER_COL:
					dst[x] = findTextColor();
			src += _textWidth;
			dst += SCREEN_WIDTH;
	} else if (_textX && _textY) {
		// If the frame doesn't cover the entire screen, we have to
		// erase the subtitles manually.

		int frameWidth = _decoder->getWidth();
		int frameHeight = _decoder->getHeight();
		int frameX = (_system->getWidth() - frameWidth) / 2;
		int frameY = (_system->getHeight() - frameHeight) / 2;

		dst = screen + _textY * _system->getWidth();

		for (y = 0; y < _textHeight; y++) {
			if (_textY + y < frameY || _textY + y >= frameY + frameHeight) {
				memset(dst + _textX, getBlackColor(), _textWidth);
			} else {
				if (frameX > _textX)
					memset(dst + _textX, getBlackColor(), frameX - _textX);
				if (frameX + frameWidth < _textX + _textWidth)
					memset(dst + frameX + frameWidth, getBlackColor(), _textX + _textWidth - (frameX + frameWidth));

			dst += _system->getWidth();

		_textX = 0;
		_textY = 0;

bool MoviePlayer::playVideo() {
	bool skipped = false;
	uint16 x = (g_system->getWidth() - _decoder->getWidth()) / 2;
	uint16 y = (g_system->getHeight() - _decoder->getHeight()) / 2;

	while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && !_decoder->endOfVideo() && !skipped) {
		if (_decoder->needsUpdate()) {
			const Graphics::Surface *frame = _decoder->decodeNextFrame();
			if (frame) {
				if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX)
					_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(frame->pixels, frame->pitch, x, y, frame->w, frame->h);

			if (_decoder->hasDirtyPalette()) {
				_vm->_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(_decoder->getPalette(), 0, 256);

				if (!_movieTexts.empty()) {
					// Look for the best color indexes to use to display the subtitles
					uint32 minWeight = 0xFFFFFFFF;
					uint32 weight;
					float c1Weight = 1e+30f;
					float c2Weight = 1e+30f;
					float c3Weight = 1e+30f;
					float c4Weight = 1e+30f;
					byte r, g, b;
					float h, s, v, hd, hsvWeight;

					const byte *palette = _decoder->getPalette();

					// Color comparaison for the subtitles colors is done in HSL
					// C1 color is used for George and is almost white (R = 248, G = 252, B = 248)
					const float h1 = 0.333333f, s1 = 0.02f, v1 = 0.99f;

					// C2 color is used for George as a narrator and is grey (R = 184, G = 188, B = 184)
					const float h2 = 0.333333f, s2 = 0.02f, v2 = 0.74f;

					// C3 color is used for Nicole and is rose (R = 200, G = 120, B = 184)
					const float h3 = 0.866667f, s3 = 0.4f, v3 = 0.78f;

					// C4 color is used for Maguire and is blue (R = 80, G = 152, B = 184)
					const float h4 = 0.55f, s4 = 0.57f, v4 = 0.72f;

					for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
						r = *palette++;
						g = *palette++;
						b = *palette++;

						weight = 3 * r * r + 6 * g * g + 2 * b * b;

						if (weight <= minWeight) {
							minWeight = weight;
							_black = i;

						convertColor(r, g, b, h, s, v);

						// C1 color
						// It is almost achromatic (very low saturation) so the hue as litle impact on the color.
						// Therefore use a low weight on hue and high weight on saturation.
						hd = h - h1;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 1.0f * hd * hd + 4.0f * (s - s1) * (s - s1) + 3.0f * (v - v1) * (v - v1);
						if (hsvWeight <= c1Weight) {
							c1Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c1Color = i;

						// C2 color
						// Also an almost achromatic color so use the same weights as for C1 color.
						hd = h - h2;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 1.0f * hd * hd + 4.0f * (s - s2) * (s - s2) + 3.0f * (v - v2) * (v - v2);
						if (hsvWeight <= c2Weight) {
							c2Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c2Color = i;

						// C3 color
						// A light rose. Use a high weight on the hue to get a rose.
						// The color is a bit gray and the saturation has not much impact so use a low weight.
						hd = h - h3;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 4.0f * hd * hd + 1.0f * (s - s3) * (s - s3) + 2.0f * (v - v3) * (v - v3);
						if (hsvWeight <= c3Weight) {
							c3Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c3Color = i;

						// C4 color
						// Blue. Use a hight weight on the hue to get a blue.
						// The color is darker and more saturated than C3 and the saturation has more impact.
						hd = h - h4;
						hd += hd < -0.5f ? 1.0f : hd > 0.5f ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
						hsvWeight = 5.0f * hd * hd + 3.0f * (s - s4) * (s - s4) + 2.0f * (v - v4) * (v - v4);
						if (hsvWeight <= c4Weight) {
							c4Weight = hsvWeight;
							_c4Color = i;

			Graphics::Surface *screen = _vm->_system->lockScreen();
			performPostProcessing((byte *)screen->pixels);

		Common::Event event;
		while (_vm->_system->getEventManager()->pollEvent(event))
			if ((event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN && event.kbd.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) || event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP)
				skipped = true;


	if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX) {
		// Need to jump back to paletted color
		initGraphics(g_system->getWidth(), g_system->getHeight(), true);

	return !_vm->shouldQuit() && !skipped;

uint32 MoviePlayer::getBlackColor() {
	return (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX) ? g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00) : _black;

uint32 MoviePlayer::findTextColor() {
	if (_decoderType == kVideoDecoderPSX) {
		// We're in true color mode, so return the actual colors
		switch (_textColor) {
		case 1:
			return g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(248, 252, 248);
		case 2:
			return g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(184, 188, 184);
		case 3:
			return g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(200, 120, 184);
		case 4:
			return g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(80, 152, 184);

		return g_system->getScreenFormat().RGBToColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);

	switch (_textColor) {
	case 1:
		return _c1Color;
	case 2:
		return _c2Color;
	case 3:
		return _c3Color;
	case 4:
		return _c4Color;
	return _c1Color;

void MoviePlayer::convertColor(byte r, byte g, byte b, float &h, float &s, float &v) {
	float varR = r / 255.0f;
	float varG = g / 255.0f;
	float varB = b / 255.0f;

	float min = MIN(varR, MIN(varG, varB));
	float max = MAX(varR, MAX(varG, varB));

	v = max;
	float d = max - min;
	s = max == 0.0f ? 0.0f : d / max;

	if (min == max) {
		h = 0.0f; // achromatic
	} else {
		if (max == varR)
			h = (varG - varB) / d + (varG < varB ? 6.0f : 0.0f);
		else if (max == varG)
			h = (varB - varR) / d + 2.0f;
			h = (varR - varG) / d + 4.0f;
		h /= 6.0f;

void MoviePlayer::drawFramePSX(const Graphics::Surface *frame) {
	// The PSX videos have half resolution

	Graphics::Surface scaledFrame;
	scaledFrame.create(frame->w, frame->h * 2, frame->format);

	for (int y = 0; y < scaledFrame.h; y++)
		memcpy(scaledFrame.getBasePtr(0, y), frame->getBasePtr(0, y / 2), scaledFrame.w * scaledFrame.format.bytesPerPixel);

	uint16 x = (g_system->getWidth() - scaledFrame.w) / 2;
	uint16 y = (g_system->getHeight() - scaledFrame.h) / 2;

	_vm->_system->copyRectToScreen(scaledFrame.pixels, scaledFrame.pitch, x, y, scaledFrame.w, scaledFrame.h);


// Factory function for creating the appropriate cutscene player

MoviePlayer *makeMoviePlayer(uint32 id, SwordEngine *vm, Text *textMan, ResMan *resMan, OSystem *system) {
	Common::String filename;

	// For the PSX version, we'll try the PlayStation stream files
	if (vm->isPsx()) {
		// The demo uses the normal file names
		filename = ((vm->_systemVars.isDemo) ? Common::String(sequenceList[id]) : Common::String(sequenceListPSX[id])) + ".str";

		if (Common::File::exists(filename)) {
			// All BS1 PSX videos run the videos at 2x speed
			Video::VideoDecoder *psxDecoder = new Video::PSXStreamDecoder(Video::PSXStreamDecoder::kCD2x);
			return new MoviePlayer(vm, textMan, resMan, system, psxDecoder, kVideoDecoderPSX);
			GUI::MessageDialog dialog(Common::String::format(_("PSX stream cutscene '%s' cannot be played in paletted mode"), filename.c_str()), _("OK"));
			return 0;

	filename = Common::String::format("%s.smk", sequenceList[id]);

	if (Common::File::exists(filename)) {
		Video::SmackerDecoder *smkDecoder = new Video::SmackerDecoder();
		return new MoviePlayer(vm, textMan, resMan, system, smkDecoder, kVideoDecoderSMK);

	filename = Common::String::format("%s.dxa", sequenceList[id]);

	if (Common::File::exists(filename)) {
#ifdef USE_ZLIB
		Video::VideoDecoder *dxaDecoder = new Video::DXADecoder();
		return new MoviePlayer(vm, textMan, resMan, system, dxaDecoder, kVideoDecoderDXA);
		GUI::MessageDialog dialog(_("DXA cutscenes found but ScummVM has been built without zlib support"), _("OK"));
		return 0;

	// Old MPEG2 cutscenes
	filename = Common::String::format("%s.mp2", sequenceList[id]);

	if (Common::File::exists(filename)) {
		GUI::MessageDialog dialog(_("MPEG2 cutscenes are no longer supported"), _("OK"));
		return 0;

	if (!vm->isPsx() || scumm_stricmp(sequenceList[id], "enddemo") != 0) {
		Common::String buf = Common::String::format(_("Cutscene '%s' not found"), sequenceList[id]);
		GUI::MessageDialog dialog(buf, _("OK"));

	return 0;

} // End of namespace Sword1