/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ /* * This code is based on Broken Sword 2.5 engine * * Copyright (c) Malte Thiesen, Daniel Queteschiner and Michael Elsdoerfer * * Licensed under GNU GPL v2 * */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "sword25/gfx/animationresource.h" #include "sword25/kernel/kernel.h" #include "sword25/kernel/string.h" #include "sword25/package/packagemanager.h" #include "sword25/util/tinyxml/tinyxml.h" #include "sword25/gfx/bitmapresource.h" namespace Sword25 { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BS_LOG_PREFIX "ANIMATIONRESOURCE" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { const int DEFAULT_FPS = 10; const int MIN_FPS = 1; const int MAX_FPS = 200; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction / Destruction // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BS_AnimationResource::BS_AnimationResource(const Common::String &FileName) : BS_Resource(FileName, BS_Resource::TYPE_ANIMATION), m_Valid(false) { // Pointer auf den Package-Manager bekommen BS_PackageManager *PackagePtr = BS_Kernel::GetInstance()->GetPackage(); BS_ASSERT(PackagePtr); // Animations-XML laden TiXmlDocument Doc; { // Die Daten werden zunächst über den Package-Manager gelesen und dann in einen um ein Byte größeren Buffer kopiert und // NULL-Terminiert, da TinyXML NULL-Terminierte Daten benötigt. unsigned int FileSize; char *LoadBuffer = (char *) PackagePtr->GetFile(GetFileName(), &FileSize); if (!LoadBuffer) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not read \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } char *WorkBuffer; WorkBuffer = (char *)malloc(FileSize + 1); memcpy(&WorkBuffer[0], LoadBuffer, FileSize); delete LoadBuffer; WorkBuffer[FileSize] = '\0'; // Datei parsen Doc.Parse(&WorkBuffer[0]); free(WorkBuffer); if (Doc.Error()) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("The following TinyXML-Error occured while parsing \"%s\": %s", GetFileName().c_str(), Doc.ErrorDesc()); return; } } // Wurzelknoten des Animations-Tags finden, prüfen und Attribute auslesen. TiXmlElement *pElement; { TiXmlNode *pNode = Doc.FirstChild("animation"); if (!pNode || pNode->Type() != TiXmlNode::ELEMENT) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("No tag found in \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } pElement = pNode->ToElement(); // Animation-Tag parsen if (!ParseAnimationTag(*pElement, m_FPS, m_AnimationType)) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("An error occurred while parsing tag in \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } } // Zeit (in Millisekunden) bestimmen für die ein einzelner Frame angezeigt wird m_MillisPerFrame = 1000000 / m_FPS; // In das Verzeichnis der Eingabedatei wechseln, da die Dateiverweise innerhalb der XML-Datei relativ zu diesem Verzeichnis sind. Common::String OldDirectory = PackagePtr->GetCurrentDirectory(); if (GetFileName().contains('/')) { Common::String Dir = Common::String(GetFileName().c_str(), strrchr(GetFileName().c_str(), '/')); PackagePtr->ChangeDirectory(Dir); } // Nacheinander alle Frames-Informationen erstellen. TiXmlElement *pFrameElement = pElement->FirstChild("frame")->ToElement(); while (pFrameElement) { Frame CurFrame; if (!ParseFrameTag(*pFrameElement, CurFrame, *PackagePtr)) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("An error occurred in \"%s\" while parsing tag.", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } m_Frames.push_back(CurFrame); pFrameElement = pFrameElement->NextSiblingElement("frame"); } // Ursprungsverzeichnis wieder herstellen PackagePtr->ChangeDirectory(OldDirectory); // Sicherstellen, dass die Animation mindestens einen Frame besitzt if (m_Frames.empty()) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("\"%s\" does not have any frames.", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } // Alle Frame-Dateien werden vorgecached if (!PrecacheAllFrames()) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not precache all frames of \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } // Feststellen, ob die Animation skalierbar ist if (!ComputeFeatures()) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not determine the features of \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str()); return; } m_Valid = true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Dokument-Parsermethoden // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BS_AnimationResource::ParseAnimationTag(TiXmlElement &AnimationTag, int &FPS, BS_Animation::ANIMATION_TYPES &AnimationType) { // FPS einlesen const char *FPSString; if (FPSString = AnimationTag.Attribute("fps")) { int TempFPS; if (!BS_String::ToInt(Common::String(FPSString), TempFPS) || TempFPS < MIN_FPS || TempFPS > MAX_FPS) { BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("Illegal fps value (\"%s\") in tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"%d\"). " "The fps value has to be between %d and %d.", FPSString, GetFileName().c_str(), DEFAULT_FPS, MIN_FPS, MAX_FPS); } else FPS = TempFPS; } // Loop-Typ einlesen const char *LoopTypeString; if (LoopTypeString = AnimationTag.Attribute("type")) { if (strcmp(LoopTypeString, "oneshot") == 0) AnimationType = BS_Animation::AT_ONESHOT; else if (strcmp(LoopTypeString, "loop") == 0) AnimationType = BS_Animation::AT_LOOP; else if (strcmp(LoopTypeString, "jojo") == 0) AnimationType = BS_Animation::AT_JOJO; else BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("Illegal type value (\"%s\") in tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"loop\").", LoopTypeString, GetFileName().c_str()); } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BS_AnimationResource::ParseFrameTag(TiXmlElement &FrameTag, Frame &Frame_, BS_PackageManager &PackageManager) { const char *FileString = FrameTag.Attribute("file"); if (!FileString) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN(" tag without file attribute occurred in \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str()); return false; } Frame_.FileName = PackageManager.GetAbsolutePath(FileString); if (Frame_.FileName == "") { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not create absolute path for file specified in tag in \"%s\": \"%s\".", GetFileName().c_str(), FileString); return false; } const char *ActionString = FrameTag.Attribute("action"); if (ActionString) Frame_.Action = ActionString; const char *HotspotxString = FrameTag.Attribute("hotspotx"); const char *HotspotyString = FrameTag.Attribute("hotspoty"); if ((!HotspotxString && HotspotyString) || (HotspotxString && !HotspotyString)) BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("%s attribute occurred without %s attribute in tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"0\").", HotspotxString ? "hotspotx" : "hotspoty", !HotspotyString ? "hotspoty" : "hotspotx", GetFileName().c_str()); Frame_.HotspotX = 0; if (HotspotxString && !BS_String::ToInt(Common::String(HotspotxString), Frame_.HotspotX)) BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("Illegal hotspotx value (\"%s\") in frame tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"%s\").", HotspotxString, GetFileName().c_str(), Frame_.HotspotX); Frame_.HotspotY = 0; if (HotspotyString && !BS_String::ToInt(Common::String(HotspotyString), Frame_.HotspotY)) BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("Illegal hotspoty value (\"%s\") in frame tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"%s\").", HotspotyString, GetFileName().c_str(), Frame_.HotspotY); const char *FlipVString = FrameTag.Attribute("flipv"); if (FlipVString) { if (!BS_String::ToBool(Common::String(FlipVString), Frame_.FlipV)) { BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("Illegal flipv value (\"%s\") in tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"false\").", FlipVString, GetFileName().c_str()); Frame_.FlipV = false; } } else Frame_.FlipV = false; const char *FlipHString = FrameTag.Attribute("fliph"); if (FlipHString) { if (!BS_String::ToBool(FlipHString, Frame_.FlipH)) { BS_LOG_WARNINGLN("Illegal fliph value (\"%s\") in tag in \"%s\". Assuming default (\"false\").", FlipHString, GetFileName().c_str()); Frame_.FlipH = false; } } else Frame_.FlipH = false; return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BS_AnimationResource::~BS_AnimationResource() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BS_AnimationResource::PrecacheAllFrames() const { Common::Array::const_iterator Iter = m_Frames.begin(); for (; Iter != m_Frames.end(); ++Iter) { if (!BS_Kernel::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->PrecacheResource((*Iter).FileName)) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not precache \"%s\".", (*Iter).FileName.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BS_AnimationResource::ComputeFeatures() { BS_ASSERT(m_Frames.size()); // Alle Features werden als vorhanden angenommen m_ScalingAllowed = true; m_AlphaAllowed = true; m_ColorModulationAllowed = true; // Alle Frame durchgehen und alle Features deaktivieren, die auch nur von einem Frame nicht unterstützt werden. Common::Array::const_iterator Iter = m_Frames.begin(); for (; Iter != m_Frames.end(); ++Iter) { BS_BitmapResource *pBitmap; if (!(pBitmap = static_cast(BS_Kernel::GetInstance()->GetResourceManager()->RequestResource((*Iter).FileName)))) { BS_LOG_ERRORLN("Could not request \"%s\".", (*Iter).FileName.c_str()); return false; } if (!pBitmap->IsScalingAllowed()) m_ScalingAllowed = false; if (!pBitmap->IsAlphaAllowed()) m_AlphaAllowed = false; if (!pBitmap->IsColorModulationAllowed()) m_ColorModulationAllowed = false; pBitmap->Release(); } return true; } } // End of namespace Sword25