/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This code is based on Broken Sword 2.5 engine * * Copyright (c) Malte Thiesen, Daniel Queteschiner and Michael Elsdoerfer * * Licensed under GNU GPL v2 * */ #include "sword25/gfx/renderobjectmanager.h" #include "sword25/kernel/kernel.h" #include "sword25/kernel/inputpersistenceblock.h" #include "sword25/kernel/outputpersistenceblock.h" #include "sword25/gfx/graphicengine.h" #include "sword25/gfx/animationtemplateregistry.h" #include "common/rect.h" #include "sword25/gfx/renderobject.h" #include "sword25/gfx/timedrenderobject.h" #include "sword25/gfx/rootrenderobject.h" #include "common/system.h" namespace Sword25 { void RenderObjectQueue::add(RenderObject *renderObject) { push_back(RenderObjectQueueItem(renderObject, renderObject->getBbox(), renderObject->getVersion())); } bool RenderObjectQueue::exists(const RenderObjectQueueItem &renderObjectQueueItem) { for (RenderObjectQueue::iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) if ((*it)._renderObject == renderObjectQueueItem._renderObject && (*it)._version == renderObjectQueueItem._version) return true; return false; } RenderObjectManager::RenderObjectManager(int width, int height, int framebufferCount) : _frameStarted(false) { // Wurzel des BS_RenderObject-Baumes erzeugen. _rootPtr = (new RootRenderObject(this, width, height))->getHandle(); _uta = new MicroTileArray(width, height); _currQueue = new RenderObjectQueue(); _prevQueue = new RenderObjectQueue(); } RenderObjectManager::~RenderObjectManager() { // Die Wurzel des Baumes l�schen, damit werden alle BS_RenderObjects mitgel�scht. _rootPtr.erase(); delete _uta; delete _currQueue; delete _prevQueue; } void RenderObjectManager::startFrame() { _frameStarted = true; // Verstrichene Zeit bestimmen int timeElapsed = Kernel::getInstance()->getGfx()->getLastFrameDurationMicro(); // Alle BS_TimedRenderObject Objekte �ber den Framestart und die verstrichene Zeit in Kenntnis setzen RenderObjectList::iterator iter = _timedRenderObjects.begin(); for (; iter != _timedRenderObjects.end(); ++iter) (*iter)->frameNotification(timeElapsed); } bool RenderObjectManager::render() { // Den Objekt-Status des Wurzelobjektes aktualisieren. Dadurch werden rekursiv alle Baumelemente aktualisiert. // Beim aktualisieren des Objekt-Status werden auch die Update-Rects gefunden, so dass feststeht, was neu gezeichnet // werden muss. if (!_rootPtr.isValid() || !_rootPtr->updateObjectState()) return false; _frameStarted = false; // Die Render-Methode der Wurzel aufrufen. Dadurch wird das rekursive Rendern der Baumelemente angesto�en. _currQueue->clear(); _rootPtr->preRender(_currQueue); _uta->clear(); // Add rectangles of objects which don't exist in this frame any more for (RenderObjectQueue::iterator it = _prevQueue->begin(); it != _prevQueue->end(); ++it) { if (!_currQueue->exists(*it)) _uta->addRect((*it)._bbox); } // Add rectangles of objects which are different from the previous frame for (RenderObjectQueue::iterator it = _currQueue->begin(); it != _currQueue->end(); ++it) { if (!_prevQueue->exists(*it)) _uta->addRect((*it)._bbox); } RectangleList *updateRects = _uta->getRectangles(); Common::Array<int> updateRectsMinZ; updateRectsMinZ.reserve(updateRects->size()); // Calculate the minimum drawing Z value of each update rectangle // Solid bitmaps with a Z order less than the value calculated here would be overdrawn again and // so don't need to be drawn in the first place which speeds things up a bit. for (RectangleList::iterator rectIt = updateRects->begin(); rectIt != updateRects->end(); ++rectIt) { int minZ = 0; for (RenderObjectQueue::iterator it = _currQueue->reverse_begin(); it != _currQueue->end(); --it) { if ((*it)._renderObject->isVisible() && (*it)._renderObject->isSolid() && (*it)._renderObject->getBbox().contains(*rectIt)) { minZ = (*it)._renderObject->getAbsoluteZ(); break; } } updateRectsMinZ.push_back(minZ); } if (_rootPtr->render(updateRects, updateRectsMinZ)) { // Copy updated rectangles to the video screen Graphics::Surface *backSurface = Kernel::getInstance()->getGfx()->getSurface(); for (RectangleList::iterator rectIt = updateRects->begin(); rectIt != updateRects->end(); ++rectIt) { const int x = (*rectIt).left; const int y = (*rectIt).top; const int width = (*rectIt).width(); const int height = (*rectIt).height(); g_system->copyRectToScreen(backSurface->getBasePtr(x, y), backSurface->pitch, x, y, width, height); } } delete updateRects; SWAP(_currQueue, _prevQueue); return true; } void RenderObjectManager::attatchTimedRenderObject(RenderObjectPtr<TimedRenderObject> renderObjectPtr) { _timedRenderObjects.push_back(renderObjectPtr); } void RenderObjectManager::detatchTimedRenderObject(RenderObjectPtr<TimedRenderObject> renderObjectPtr) { for (uint i = 0; i < _timedRenderObjects.size(); i++) if (_timedRenderObjects[i] == renderObjectPtr) { _timedRenderObjects.remove_at(i); break; } } bool RenderObjectManager::persist(OutputPersistenceBlock &writer) { bool result = true; // Alle Kinder des Wurzelknotens speichern. Dadurch werden alle BS_RenderObjects gespeichert rekursiv gespeichert. result &= _rootPtr->persistChildren(writer); writer.write(_frameStarted); // Referenzen auf die TimedRenderObjects persistieren. writer.write((uint32)_timedRenderObjects.size()); RenderObjectList::const_iterator iter = _timedRenderObjects.begin(); while (iter != _timedRenderObjects.end()) { writer.write((*iter)->getHandle()); ++iter; } // Alle BS_AnimationTemplates persistieren. result &= AnimationTemplateRegistry::instance().persist(writer); return result; } bool RenderObjectManager::unpersist(InputPersistenceBlock &reader) { bool result = true; // Alle Kinder des Wurzelknotens l�schen. Damit werden alle BS_RenderObjects gel�scht. _rootPtr->deleteAllChildren(); // Alle BS_RenderObjects wieder hestellen. if (!_rootPtr->unpersistChildren(reader)) return false; reader.read(_frameStarted); // Momentan gespeicherte Referenzen auf TimedRenderObjects l�schen. _timedRenderObjects.resize(0); // Referenzen auf die TimedRenderObjects wieder herstellen. uint32 timedObjectCount; reader.read(timedObjectCount); for (uint32 i = 0; i < timedObjectCount; ++i) { uint32 handle; reader.read(handle); _timedRenderObjects.push_back(handle); } // Alle BS_AnimationTemplates wieder herstellen. result &= AnimationTemplateRegistry::instance().unpersist(reader); return result; } } // End of namespace Sword25