$Id$ -- 2.4 -- * Changed upval unboxing to allow upvals which contain func-housed cycles * Added stack checking to all stack-growing functions * Serialized debug information for functions -- 2.3 -- * Added LUALIB_API declaration for luaopen_pluto -- 2.2 -- * Rolled all internal Lua dependencies into the Pluto distribution * Made the unit tests depend on dynamically loading Pluto -- 2.1 -- * Various fixes to make the GC happy * stack size always expanded where necessary * fixed some memory leaks * GC disabled during unpersist * callstack initialized for traversal This changelog is maintained as of version 2.0alpha1. Earlier versions are changelogged on the LuaForge site. -- 2.0 -- * Fixed a few format changes to 5.1.3 * Fixed myriad warnings * GCC compliance: not incrementing cast results * Fix for self-referring upvals * Renamed loading function to work with Lua module system * Loading tables with __newindex works * unpersist makes buffer copy -- 2.0alpha1 -- * Fixed all outstanding 5.0->5.1 conversion issues * Made heavier use of size_t in preference to int * Fixed GC/Upval issue (thanks to Eric Jacobs)