/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "teenagent/teenagent.h" #include "teenagent/scene.h" #include "teenagent/inventory.h" #include "teenagent/resources.h" #include "teenagent/dialog.h" #include "common/textconsole.h" namespace TeenAgent { #define CHECK_FLAG(addr, v) (res->dseg.get_byte(addr) == (v)) #define SET_FLAG(addr, v) (res->dseg.set_byte((addr), (v))) #define GET_FLAG(addr) (res->dseg.get_byte(addr)) #define INC_FLAG(addr) (++*res->dseg.ptr(addr)) void TeenAgentEngine::rejectMessage() { //random reject message: uint i = _rnd.getRandomNumber(3); debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "reject message: %s", (const char *)res->dseg.ptr(res->dseg.get_word(dsAddr_rejectMsg + 2 * i))); displayMessage(res->dseg.get_word(dsAddr_rejectMsg + 2 * i)); } bool TeenAgentEngine::processCallback(uint16 addr) { if (addr == 0) return false; debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "processCallback(%04x)", addr); byte *code = res->cseg.ptr(addr); // try trivial callbacks first if (code[0] == 0xbb && code[3] == 0xe8 && code[6] == 0xc3) { // call display_message, r uint16 msg = READ_LE_UINT16(code + 1); uint16 func = 6 + addr + READ_LE_UINT16(code + 4); debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "call %04x", func); debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "trivial callback, showing message %s", (const char *)res->dseg.ptr(addr)); if (func == csAddr_displayMsg) { displayMessage(msg); return true; } } if (code[0] == 0xe8 && code[3] == 0xc3) { uint func = 3 + addr + READ_LE_UINT16(code + 1); debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "call %04x and return", func); if (func == csAddr_rejectMsg) { rejectMessage(); return true; } } if (code[0] == 0xc7 && code[1] == 0x06 && code[2] == 0xf3 && code[3] == 0xb4 && code[6] == 0xb8 && code[9] == 0xbb && code[12] == 0xbf && code[22] == 0xe8 && code[25] == 0xc3) { loadScene(code[4], Common::Point( (READ_LE_UINT16(code + 7) + READ_LE_UINT16(code + 13) + 1) / 2 , READ_LE_UINT16(code + 10))); scene->setOrientation(code[21]); return true; } bool retVal = true; switch (addr) { case csAddr_intro: // intro hideActor(); loadScene(41, 139, 156, 3); playSound(41, 12); playAnimation(912, 1); setOns(0, 108); playSound(62, 8); playSound(58, 40); playAnimation(913, 1); setOns(1, 109); setLan(2, 1); dialog->show(192, scene, 914, 915, 0xe7, 0xd7, 2, 1); displayCredits(0xe3c2); loadScene(42, 139, 156, 3); playSound(15, 20); playAnimation(916, 1); playSound(40, 18); playSound(40, 22); for (byte i = 27; i < 37; i += 2) playSound(40, i); playSound(29, 44); playAnimation(918, 0, true); playAnimation(917, 1, true); waitAnimation(); displayCredits(0xe3e6); loadScene(40, 139, 156, 3); playMusic(3); dialog->show(193, scene, 920, 924, 0xe7, 0xeb, 1, 2); playSound(26, 50); playAnimation(925, 0, true); playAnimation(926, 1, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(194, scene, 927, 920, 0xeb, 0xe7, 2, 1); displayCredits(0xe3ff); loadScene(39, 139, 156, 3); playMusic(11); playSound(81, 2); playSound(81, 8); playSound(81, 11); playSound(81, 14); playSound(81, 16); playSound(81, 18); playSound(81, 20); playSound(81, 21); playAnimation(928, 1); setOns(0, 112); dialog->showMono(195, scene, 929, 0xd1, 1); showActor(); moveTo(319, 150, 1, true); moveTo(63, 150, 1); displayAsyncMessage(0x5da8, 19844, 18, 36); // hey, what's the matter? playAnimation(851, 0, true); playActorAnimation(930, true); waitAnimation(); playSound(24, 11); playActorAnimation(931); displayCredits(0xe42f); playMusic(3); loadScene(40, 50, 186, 1); setOns(0, 113); dialog->show(196, scene, 919, 0, 0xe7, 0xd1, 1, 0); moveTo(196, 186, 1); dialog->show(197, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); playActorAnimation(932); dialog->show(198, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); playActorAnimation(932); dialog->show(199, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); playActorAnimation(932); dialog->show(200, scene, 0, 922, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); playActorAnimation(933); dialog->show(201, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); moveTo(174, 186, 1); playAnimation(851, 0, true); playActorAnimation(934, true); waitAnimation(); loadScene(10, 136, 153, 3); break; case 0x4021: // pulling out mysterious object if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe1, 1)) { playActorAnimation(844); playActorAnimation(846); playActorAnimation(845); displayMessage(0x5696); } else { displayMessage(0x570f); } break; case 0x4094: // climbing to the pole near mudpool if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe4, 1)) { displayMessage(0x57b2); } else { for (byte i = 11; i <= 27; i += 4) playSound(76, i); playSound(56, 35); playSound(19, 59); playActorAnimation(864); playAnimation(865, 1); playActorAnimation(866); //InventoryObject *obj = inventory->selectedObject(); //if (obj != NULL && obj->id == 0x55) { // implement pause and using real object: if (inventory->has(0x55)) { playSound(5, 4); playSound(5, 19); playSound(64, 11); playActorAnimation(867); inventory->remove(0x55); inventory->add(0x56); moveTo(86, 195, 1, true); playActorAnimation(868); SET_FLAG(0xdbe4, 1); } else { processCallback(0x4173); dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb72, 0, 0, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0, 0); } } break; case 0x4173: // fail! moveTo(86, 195, 1, true); playActorAnimation(868); break; case 0x419c: // getting the bird setOns(0, 0); playSound(56, 10); playActorAnimation(875); disableObject(6); inventory->add(0x5c); break; case 0x41ce: moveTo(197, 159, 4); setOns(0, 0); playSound(71, 8); playActorAnimation(833); moveTo(225, 159, 4); inventory->add(0x4e); disableObject(3); break; case 0x4267: hideActor(); playSound(23, 8); playSound(24, 13); setOns(1, 0); playActorAnimation(841); setOns(1, 0x61); setOns(2, 0); playSound(63, 12); playSound(5, 26); playActorAnimation(842); wait(100); // shown in different positions displayMessage(0x5656, 0xd1, 0x5510); wait(50); displayMessage(0x567a, 0xd1, 0x555c); wait(50); displayMessage(0x5682, 0xd1, 0x553e); wait(50); playActorAnimation(843); showActor(); moveTo(223, 149, 0, true); disableObject(7); disableObject(1); inventory->add(0x51); displayMessage(0x5646); break; case 0x4388: playSound(80, 4); playActorAnimation(961); loadScene(8, 155, 199, 1); break; case 0x43b5: // HQ, first trial - prison playSound(70, 6); playActorAnimation(962); loadScene(7, 30, 184, 2); if (res->dseg.get_byte(0xdbdf) < 2) { wait(150); moveTo(134, 167, 2); displayMessage(0x54f7); setLan(1, 0); playAnimation(812, 0, true); playActorAnimation(811); dialog->show(148, scene, 0, 813, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); loadScene(6, 230, 184); playMusic(5); dialog->show(149, scene, 0, 814, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); playSound(4, 14); playAnimation(815, 0); setOns(1, 0); dialog->showMono(150, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); SET_FLAG(0xdbdf, 1); } break; case 0x4482: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdf, 0)) { playActorAnimation(968); displayMessage(0x5511); } else { playSound(80, 3); playSound(79, 4); playActorAnimation(968); loadScene(6, 280, 186, 4); } break; case 0x44fc: // pull out spring from bed playSound(53, 25); playSound(24, 27); playSound(5, 36); playActorAnimation(839); moveTo(278, scene->getPosition().y, 0, true); inventory->add(0x50); disableObject(1); break; case 0x44cb: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe5, 1)) { displayMessage(0x57c0); } else { playSound(49, 14); playSound(5, 21); playActorAnimation(869); inventory->add(0x58); SET_FLAG(0xdbe5, 1); } break; case 0x4539: // prison cell: use crates if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdd, 2)) { // finished the meal - trap displayMessage(0x55c0); moveTo(306, 196, 2); wait(50); //playAnimation(825, 1); //very long empty animation. what for? wait(50); setLan(1, 0); playSound(71, 4); playActorAnimation(823); loadScene(5, scene->getPosition()); playSound(74, 1); playSound(74, 3); playSound(74, 6); playActorAnimation(826); loadScene(6, scene->getPosition()); setOns(3, 0x5b); wait(50); displayMessage(0x55db); SET_FLAG(0xdbdd, 3); scene->getObject(4)->setName("body"); } else { if (dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb5c, 0, 0, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0, 0) == 0x636b) { // 'im getting hungry' wait(100); playSound(52, 8); playSound(52, 13); playAnimation(820, 1); setOns(3, 0x59); wait(50); moveTo(scene->getPosition().x, scene->getPosition().y + 1, 3); wait(150); moveTo(scene->getPosition().x, scene->getPosition().y - 1, 2); wait(100); displayMessage(0x551f); enableObject(4); SET_FLAG(0xdbdc, 1); } } break; case 0x4662: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdd, 3)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbde, 1)) { displayMessage(0x5608); } else { moveTo(280, 179, 2); playSound(49, 7); playSound(5, 17); playActorAnimation(827); inventory->add(0x4d); SET_FLAG(0xdbde, 1); } } else displayMessage(0x5905); break; case 0x46af: // prison cell: use live cable if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdc, 1)) { displayMessage(0x555d); setOns(2, 0); playActorAnimation(821); setOns(2, 0x5a); setOns(3, 0); playSound(22, 2); playActorAnimation(822); displayMessage(0x5577); disableObject(5); SET_FLAG(0xdbdd, 1); } else displayMessage(0x5528); break; case 0x4705: // prison: getting lamp bulb wait(50); moveTo(144, 185, 4); playSound(56, 15); setOns(0, 86); // hiding lamp playActorAnimation(816, true); playAnimation(817, 0, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 87); playSound(34, 1); playSound(5, 15); playActorAnimation(818, true); playAnimation(819, 0, true); waitAnimation(); moveTo(160, 188, 1, true); setOns(2, 88); disableObject(6); enableObject(5); inventory->add(0x4c); break; case 0x4794: // prison cell door if (res->dseg.get_byte(0xdbdf) >= 2) { loadScene(5, 287, 143); } else { displayMessage(0x592f); } break; case 0x47bc: // prison: examining trash can playSound(79, 5); playSound(1, 14); playActorAnimation(966); displayMessage(0x5955); break; case 0x47db: // prison: use switch if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdf, 1)) { playSound(71, 4); playActorAnimation(823); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdd, 0)) { displayMessage(0x4d80); } else { playSound(74, 1); playAnimation(824, 1); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdd, 1)) { wait(100); displayMessage(0x559a); SET_FLAG(0xdbdd, 2); } } } else { displayMessage(0x52f6); } break; case 0x4871: playActorAnimation(965); displayMessage(0x5511); break; case 0x4893: // taking pills if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe6, 1)) { SET_FLAG(0xdbe6, 2); setOns(1, 0x67); playSound(5, 9); playActorAnimation(872); inventory->add(0x5a); disableObject(7); } else { playActorAnimation(964); displayMessage(0x5511); } break; case 0x4918: // talking with barmen if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe7, 1)) { moveTo(140, 152, 1); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe8, 1)) { dialog->showMono(177, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); displayMessage(0x5883, 0xef, 21472); //reloadLan(); setLan(1, 0); playAnimation(882, 0); playSound(75, 10); setOns(2, 0); playSound(75, 10); playSound(24, 15); playAnimation(883, 0); shakeScreen(); disableObject(1); disableObject(2); SET_FLAG(0xdbe9, 1); } else displayMessage(0x5855); } else { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdf, 3)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe3, 1)) { dialog->show(168, scene, 0, 857, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); } else { dialog->show(166, scene, 0, 857, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); // taking mug playActorAnimation(859, true); playAnimation(858, 0, true); waitAnimation(); playSound(75, 6); playActorAnimation(860); dialog->show(167, scene, 0, 857, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); inventory->add(0x55); SET_FLAG(0xdbe3, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbf0, 0); } } else { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb68, 0, 857, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); } } break; case 0x4f14: // use the hollow displayMessage(CHECK_FLAG(0xdba1, 1) ? 0x370f : 0x36c2); break; case 0x4a64: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbf0, 1)) { displayMessage(0x5e25); } else { loadScene(5, 35, 162); } break; case 0x4bf5: playActorAnimation(959); loadScene(8, 40, 152, 3); break; case 0x483a: dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb82, 0, 0, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0, 0); break; case 0x4844: playSound(80, 4); playActorAnimation(963); loadScene(5, 166, 158); break; case 0x48ea: setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 9); playActorAnimation(836); inventory->add(0x4f); disableObject(12); break; case 0x4a8c: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe9, 1)) { playSound(89, 5); playActorAnimation(958); loadScene(9, 240, 182, 4); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe7, 1)) { displayMessage(0x5894); } else { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb8a, 0, 857, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); } break; case 0x4af4: // taking the crumbs setOns(0, 0); playSound(49, 6); playSound(5, 13); playActorAnimation(861); inventory->add(0x57); disableObject(6); break; case 0x4b35: playSound(15, 7); playActorAnimation(884); playSound(55, 1); playSound(24, 12); playAnimation(885, 0); dialog->show(164, scene, 886, 0, 0xd0, 0xd1, 1, 0); playMusic(3); loadScene(40, 198, 186, 1); dialog->show(202, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); inventory->clear(); inventory->add(0x1d); displayCredits(0xe45c); loadScene(1, 198, 186); hideActor(); playActorAnimation(956); dialog->showMono(212, scene, 957, 0xd1, 1); waitAnimation(); loadScene(15, 157, 199, 1); playMusic(6); break; case 0x4c3e: // get the grenade playSound(32, 24); playActorAnimation(862); reloadLan(); playAnimation(863, 1); inventory->add(0x54); disableObject(1); SET_FLAG(0xdbe2, 2); break; case 0x4c70: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe2, 0)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbda, 1)) { // papers are shown dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb4c, 0, 809, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); } else { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb40, 0, 809, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); } } else { displayMessage(0x5722); wait(100); displayMessage(0x572a); } break; case 0x4c1c: playActorAnimation(960); displayMessage(0x5511); break; case 0x4cac: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbda, 1)) { // papers are shown loadScene(5, 124, 199); } else { dialog->show(144, scene, 0, 809, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); moveTo(269, 175, 4); dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb56, 0, 809, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); } break; case 0x4cf1: // talking with mansion guard SET_FLAG(0xda96, 1); if (dialog->pop(scene, 0xdaa6, 0, 529, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1) == 0x1b4) { Common::Point p = scene->getPosition(); moveTo(189, 159, 0); //waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); playSound(5, 2); playSound(5, 19); playActorAnimation(550, true); playAnimation(551, 0, true); waitAnimation(); moveTo(p, 2); inventory->add(0x13); dialog->pop(scene, 0xdaa6, 0, 529, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1); } break; case 0x4d94: // talking with fatso dialog->show(87, scene, 0, 666, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 2); displayAsyncMessage(0x49ae, /*25060*/ 35000, 1, 10, 0xd0); playSound(5, 3); playAnimation(667, 1); playAnimation(668, 1); setOns(2, 50); dialog->show(88, scene, 0, 666, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 2); setOns(3, 0); setFlag(0xdbec, 0); reloadLan(); playSound(82, 19); playAnimation(669, 1); dialog->showMark(89, scene); enableObject(15); disableObject(8); break; case 0x4e61: loadScene(14, 280, 198); break; case 0x4ee5: setOns(2, 0); playSound(5, 12); playActorAnimation(676); displayMessage(0x4ab0); disableObject(15); inventory->add(51); break; case 0x4d56: inventory->add(16); disableObject(2); setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 12); playActorAnimation(547); break; case 0x4eb9: // Pick up wrapper playSound(5, 12); playSound(5, 18); inventory->add(0x12); setOns(1, 0); playActorAnimation(549); disableObject(13); break; case 0x4f25: playActorAnimation(967); displayMessage(0x3542); break; case 0x4f32: // use tree near the mansion if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba1, 1)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba2, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3766); } else { playSound(26, 13); playSound(26, 15); playSound(26, 23); playSound(26, 25); playSound(26, 32); playSound(26, 34); playSound(26, 36); playActorAnimation(590); moveTo(204, 178, 3, true); playSound(59, 1); playSound(60, 16); playActorAnimation(591); wait(50); displayMessage(0x372e); SET_FLAG(0xdba2, 1); processCallback(0x9d45); } } else { playActorAnimation(49); playSound(56, 8); playSound(56, 12); playSound(49, 10); displayAsyncMessage(0x4652, 31579, 16, 24); playActorAnimation(587); moveRel(0, 0, 2); wait(100); displayMessage(0x3668); } break; case 0x500d: // picking up wild plant if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9e, 1)) { displayMessage(0x35e8); // there are no more } else { SET_FLAG(0xdb9e, 1); setOns(2, 0); playSound(21, 9); playSound(34, 21); playSound(26, 30); playActorAnimation(552); setOns(2, 0x12); inventory->add(0x14); } break; case 0x5104: loadScene(11, 319, 198, 4); if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9c, 1)) { // guard is drinking SET_FLAG(0, 3); setTimerCallback(0x516d, 40); playAnimation(544, 0, true, true); // ignore busy flag for this animation } break; case 0x516d: // too late to scare guard, resetting SET_FLAG(0, 0); break; case 0x5189: // guard is drinking, boo! SET_FLAG(0, 0); setTimerCallback(0, 0); scene->getAnimation(0)->free(); SET_FLAG(0xdb9c, 1); displayAsyncMessage(0x3563, 320 * 130 + 300, 1, 5); setOns(0, 16); enableObject(2); playSound(17, 5); playAnimation(545, 0); dialog->show(5, scene, 0, 546, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xda96, 1); SET_FLAG(0xda97, 0); break; case 0x51f0: setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 11); playActorAnimation(637); disableObject(7); inventory->add(49); break; case 0x5217: displayMessage(CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9f, 1) ? 0x402e : 0x34e1); break; case 0x5237: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9f, 1)) { displayMessage(0x34e1); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba0, 1)) displayMessage(0x3e31); else { moveTo(173, 138, 2); playSound(28, 5); playActorAnimation(583); playActorAnimation(584); loadScene(0, 0, 0, 0); // clear background playSound(72, 18); playSound(73, 39); playActorAnimation(585); loadScene(11, 194, 160, 2); playSound(28, 2); playActorAnimation(586); moveTo(138, 163, 3); displayMessage(0x3650); SET_FLAG(0xdba0, 1); processCallback(0x9d45); // another mansion try } break; case 0x55a8: { uint16 d = dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb08, 0, 0, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0, 0); if (d == 0x2c5d) { waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 0x23); setOns(0, 0); playSound(52, 9); playSound(52, 11); playSound(52, 13); playSound(53, 32); playAnimation(570, 0); wait(50); displayMessage(0x551f); disableObject(5); SET_FLAG(0xdbb0, 1); } else if (d != 0x2c9b) { waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 0x23); playSound(52, 9); playSound(52, 11); playSound(52, 13); playAnimation(569, 0); } } break; case 0x5663: displayMessage(CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb0, 1) ? 0x41b1 : 0x417e); break; case 0x569c: playSound(67, 5); playActorAnimation(983); displayMessage(0x5955); break; case 0x56b7: playSound(66, 5); playSound(67, 11); playActorAnimation(984); displayMessage(0x5955); break; case 0x5728: inventory->add(0x0d); disableObject(14); setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 10); playActorAnimation(566); break; case 0x5793: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdb94, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3e63); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb95, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3e75); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdb95, 1); moveTo(188, 179, 0); playSound(7, 16); playActorAnimation(519); wait(150); moveTo(168, 179, 2); inventory->add(3); } break; case 0x5d88: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba5, 1)) { // dry laundry SET_FLAG(0xdba5, 2); dialog->show(46, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); //waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); // another long waiting playAnimation(604, 0); loadScene(21, scene->getPosition()); setOns(0, 0); disableObject(4); enableObject(12); playSound(46, 5); playAnimation(606, 1); setOns(0, 33); loadScene(23, scene->getPosition()); playAnimation(605, 0); dialog->show(47, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); } else { uint16 d = dialog->pop(scene, 0xdada, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); if (d == 0x1913) { wait(100); moveRel(0, 0, 3); wait(50); displayMessage(0x34d5); // I give up wait(50); } } break; case 0x5ff3: // get duster if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9a, 0)) { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdaf6, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); } else { dialog->show(43, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); wait(50); inventory->add(12); disableObject(12); setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 6); playActorAnimation(541); } break; case 0x603e: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb3, 1)) { displayMessage(0x44a7); } else { displayMessage(0x4412); wait(150); displayMessage(0x444f); wait(150); displayMessage(0x446b); wait(150); displayMessage(0x4492); wait(150); SET_FLAG(0xdbb3, 1); } break; case 0x6205: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) displayMessage(0x450e); else processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x6217: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) displayMessage(0x44d6); else processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x62c1: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) retVal = false; else processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x63bc: playMusic(6); loadScene(25, 151, 156, 2); break; case 0x63dc: dialog->showMono(86, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); break; case 0x646e: case 0x6475: dialog->showMono(85, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); break; case 0x6479: dialog->showMono(84, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); break; case 0x6507: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb96, 1)) rejectMessage(); else displayMessage(0x47e7); break; case 0x65c3: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba9, 1)) { playActorAnimation(635); setOns(5, 0); playSound(63, 11); playSound(15, 20); playSound(32, 31); playActorAnimation(636); inventory->add(47); inventory->add(48); moveTo(scene->getPosition().x - 1, 139, 1, true); displayMessage(0x3b83); SET_FLAG(0xdba9, 2); SET_FLAG(0xdba8, 0); } else displayMessage(0x4808); break; case 0x7866: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdd, 3)) displayMessage(0x55ff); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7878: { byte v = res->dseg.get_byte(0xdbdb) + 1; if (v <= 6) SET_FLAG(0xdbdb, v); switch (v) { case 1: displayMessage(0x5411); break; case 2: displayMessage(0x5463); break; case 3: displayMessage(0x5475); break; case 4: displayMessage(0x5484); break; case 5: displayMessage(0x54c4); break; default: displayMessage(0x54d5); break; } } break; case 0x78a9: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe6, 1)) displayMessage(0x5827); else retVal = false; break; case 0x78bb: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe8, 1)) displayMessage(0x58b0); else retVal = false; break; case 0x78ce: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdba1, 1)) displayMessage(0x3694); else retVal = false; break; case 0x792b: // left click on ann moveTo(245, 198, 1); if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbaf, 1)) { dialog->showMono(50, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); SET_FLAG(0xdbaf, 1); } else retVal = false; break; case 0x79c3: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) retVal = false; else processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x7b26: // cutting the fence setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 2); playSound(51, 11); playSound(51, 23); playActorAnimation(837); playSound(51, 3); playSound(51, 19); playSound(23, 26); playActorAnimation(838); setOns(0, 0x60); moveTo(281, scene->getPosition().y, 0, true); disableObject(4); SET_FLAG(0xdbe1, 1); break; case 0x7b89: // digging mysterious object if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe1, 1)) { playActorAnimation(844); setOns(1, 0); playSound(5, 5); playSound(26, 19); playSound(24, 25); playActorAnimation(847); playSound(5, 11); playActorAnimation(848); setOns(1, 0x64); playActorAnimation(845); disableObject(3); inventory->add(0x52); inventory->remove(0x51); } else displayMessage(0x56da); break; case 0x7bfd: playSound(76, 18); playSound(76, 22); playSound(76, 26); playSound(76, 30); playSound(76, 34); playSound(76, 47); playSound(76, 51); playSound(76, 55); playSound(76, 59); playSound(76, 63); playActorAnimation(873); moveTo(240, 163, 4); displayMessage(0x5837); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 0x22); playSound(77, 2); playSound(77, 12); playSound(77, 16); playSound(77, 20); playSound(77, 34); playSound(78, 41); playSound(78, 51); playSound(56, 63); playSound(24, 67); playSound(23, 76); setLan(1, 0); playAnimation(874, 1); setOns(0, 0x68); inventory->remove(0x5b); enableObject(6); disableObject(1); break; case 0x7ce5: // put spring on the solid ground playSound(5, 2); playSound(19, 11); playActorAnimation(840); setOns(1, 0x61); inventory->remove(0x50); disableObject(2); enableObject(7); break; case 0x7d1a: // captain's key + door if (res->dseg.get_byte(0xdbdf) <= 1) { playSound(5, 2); playSound(57, 12); playSound(70, 19); playActorAnimation(828); moveTo(262, 160, 1, true); disableObject(4); disableObject(3); setOns(0, 0); setOns(1, 85); setOns(2, 0); setOns(3, 0); loadScene(5, scene->getPosition()); setOns(0, 92); playAnimation(829, 1, true, true, true); wait(200); playAnimation(0, 1); setOns(0, 0); dialog->showMono(156, scene, 830, 0xd0, 1); loadScene(7, 130, 195, 2); playMusic(4); setLan(1, 1); wait(100); dialog->show(157, scene, 0, 832, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); //playAnimation(831, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbdf, 2); } else displayMessage(0x52f6); break; case 0x7e02: // tickling the captain if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbe0, 1)) { displayMessage(0x5632); } else { playSound(5, 6); playSound(27, 49); playActorAnimation(834, true); playAnimation(835, 1, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 94); dialog->show(161, scene, 0, 832, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); enableObject(12); SET_FLAG(0xdbe0, 1); } break; case 0x7e4f: // giving magazine to captain dialog->show(162, scene, 0, 856, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); playSound(5, 3); playActorAnimation(852, true); playActorAnimation(853, true); displayMessage(0x5742); displayMessage(0x5757); displayMessage(0x5770); displayMessage(0x5782); displayMessage(0x5799); playAnimation(856, 1); playSound(5, 3); //playActorAnimation(854); dialog->show(163, scene, 0, 856, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); playAnimation(855, 1); wait(200); moveTo(30, 181, 0); disableObject(1); setLan(1, 0); SET_FLAG(0xdbdf, 3); SET_FLAG(0xdbf0, 1); loadScene(8, 155, 199); break; case 0x7fbd: // using bird & bartender playSound(5, 3); playActorAnimation(876); setOns(1, 0); playSound(26, 7); playSound(79, 15); playAnimation(877, 1); playAnimation(880, 1, true); dialog->show(176, scene, 0, 857, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); setOns(2, 0x6a); reloadLan(); playAnimation(878, 0); //playAnimation(879, 0); // background bartender animation inventory->remove(0x5c); enableObject(1); SET_FLAG(0xdbe7, 1); break; case 0x8047: playSound(32, 5); playSound(5, 17); playSound(52, 23); playActorAnimation(881); setOns(2, 0x6b); inventory->remove(0x56); inventory->add(0x55); SET_FLAG(0xdbe8, 1); break; case 0x808b: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbda, 1)) { // already shown displayMessage(0x53f2); } else { displayMessage(0x53dd); playSound(5, 2); playSound(5, 18); playActorAnimation(810); dialog->show(147, scene, 0, 809, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbda, 1); } break; case 0x80c3: // show kaleidoscope to the guard dialog->show(165, scene, 0, 809, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 30); playSound(26, 14); hideActor(); playAnimation(849, 0); showActor(); playAnimation(851, 0); playAnimation(850, 0); reloadLan(); inventory->add(0x53); inventory->remove(0x52); enableObject(1); SET_FLAG(0xdbe2, 1); break; // Shore case 0x5348: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb99, 1)) { // got broken paddle from boat displayMessage(0x351f); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdb99, 1); playSound(57, 6); playActorAnimation(536); dialog->showMono(77, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); inventory->add(0x8); } break; case 0x53a1: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb2, 1)) { // spoken to man in well displayMessage(0x411d); } else { displayMessage(0x408a); displayMessage(0x4091, 0xe5, 52728); displayMessage(0x4098); displayMessage(0x40a7, 0xe5, 52705); displayMessage(0x40b6); displayMessage(0x40ce, 0xe5, 52652); displayMessage(0x40e8); displayMessage(0x410f, 0xe5, 52712); wait(100); displayMessage(0x4091, 0xe5, 52728); SET_FLAG(0xdbb2, 1); } break; case 0x5458: { setOns(2, 0); playSound(34, 7); playActorAnimation(535); inventory->add(11); disableObject(1); byte *scene_15_ons = scene->getOns(15); // patch ons for the scene 15 scene_15_ons[0] = 0; byte f = GET_FLAG(0xdb98) + 1; SET_FLAG(0xdb98, f); if (f >= 2) { // disable object boat for scene 15!! disableObject(1, 15); } } break; case 0x54b3: { setOns(1, 0); setOns(3, 0); playSound(33, 6); playActorAnimation(534); inventory->add(10); disableObject(2); setOns(1, 10); setOns(1, 0, 15); byte f = GET_FLAG(0xdb98) + 1; SET_FLAG(0xdb98, f); if (f >= 2) { // disable object boat for scene 15!! disableObject(1, 15); } } break; case 0x5502: setOns(0, 0); loadScene(15, 115, 180, 1); playMusic(6); playActorAnimation(568); break; case 0x5561: // Enter lakeside house moveTo(94, 115, 4); // call 557e, but it's not needed I guess loadScene(19, 223, 199, 1); break; case 0x55a1: processCallback(0x557e); rejectMessage(); break; case 0x557e: if (scene->getPosition().y <= 149) moveTo(94, 115, 4); else moveTo(51, 149, 4); break; case 0x563b: playSound(5, 10); setOns(1, 0); playActorAnimation(561); inventory->add(26); disableObject(6); break; case 0x56f6: playSound(32, 7); setOns(1, 0); playActorAnimation(626); disableObject(12); inventory->add(45); displayMessage(0x3b04); break; case 0x5756: // Open car door playSound(11, 4); playActorAnimation(514); setOns(4, 8); setOns(2, 5); enableObject(14); enableObject(15); enableObject(16); disableObject(1); break; case 0x5805: // Enter basketball house playSound(70, 6); playActorAnimation(513); loadScene(22, 51, 180, 2); break; case 0x5832: // Ring doorbell playActorAnimation(509); displayMessage(0x5dce); break; case 0x58a2: dialog->pop(scene, 0xdaba, 0, 502, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); scene->getObject(13)->setName((const char *)res->dseg.ptr(0x92e5)); break; case 0x58b7: // Get comb from car disableObject(14); setOns(4, 0); playSound(5, 7); playActorAnimation(521); setOns(4, 0); inventory->add(0x6); break; case 0x58df: // Pull trunk lever in car SET_FLAG(0xdb94, 1); playSound(6, 1); setOns(3, 6); playActorAnimation(515); break; case 0x593e: // Enter annes house playSound(89, 4); playActorAnimation(980); loadScene(23, 76, 199, 1); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbee, 1)) playMusic(7); break; case 0x5994: processCallback(0x599b); processCallback(0x5a21); break; case 0x599b: break; case 0x5a21: loadScene(24, 230, 170, 1); playSound(52, 3); playSound(52, 7); playSound(52, 11); playSound(52, 14); playSound(52, 18); playSound(52, 21); playSound(52, 25); playActorAnimation(601); moveTo(230, 179, 3); if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) displayMessage(0x37ea); // it's kinda dark here break; case 0x5a8b: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbad, 1)) { playSound(43, 4); // grrrrrr playSound(42, 15); playSound(42, 17); playSound(42, 19); playAnimation(656, 0); wait(50); displayMessage(0x3c16); } else if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdba3, 1)) { // Dog has bone playSound(28, 3); playActorAnimation(596); setOns(1, 30); SET_FLAG(0xdba3, 1); enableObject(8); } else { setOns(1, 0); playSound(4, 4); playActorAnimation(597); SET_FLAG(0xdba3, 0); disableObject(8); displayMessage(0x37b8); setOns(1, 32, 24); enableObject(4, 24); } break; case 0x5b3a: // Click on dog dialog->popMark(scene, 0xdb14); break; case 0x5b59: // picking up the rope dialog->showMark(70, scene); wait(150); dialog->showMark(71, scene); moveRel(0, -12, 0); playSound(34, 5); playActorAnimation(607); setOns(0, 0); playActorAnimation(608); playActorAnimation(609); playActorAnimation(610); playSound(5, 25); playActorAnimation(611); moveTo(16, scene->getPosition().y, 4, true); inventory->add(38); disableObject(12); break; case 0x5be1: // Talk to grandpa dialog->pop(scene, 0xdac4, 0, 522, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0, 1); break; case 0x5bee: playSound(89, 5); playSound(67, 11); playActorAnimation(982); displayMessage(0x5955); break; case 0x5c0d: // grandpa - drawers if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba7, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3bac); } else { if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdb92, 1)) dialog->show(24, scene, 0, 522, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0, 1); playSound(66, 5); playSound(67, 20); playSound(5, 23); playActorAnimation(631); inventory->add(47); SET_FLAG(0xdba7, 1); } break; case 0x5c84: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb92, 1)) { inventory->add(2); disableObject(7); playSound(32, 7); setOns(0, 0); playActorAnimation(520); } else { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdace, 0, 522, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0, 1); } break; case 0x5cf0:// Exit basketball house playSound(88, 5); playActorAnimation(981); loadScene(20, 161, 165); break; case 0x5d24: // getting the fan if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb92, 1)) { setLan(2, 0); playSound(32, 7); playActorAnimation(508); disableObject(13); inventory->add(7); } else { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdad4, 0, 522, 0xd1, 0xd8, 0, 1); } break; case 0x5e4d: // right click on ann if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdb97, 0)) { displayMessage(0x3d59); } else { moveTo(245, 198, 1); dialog->show(51, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); //waitLanAnimationFrame(2, 1); // too long, about 200 frames! seems to be present in original game (sic) SET_FLAG(0xdb97, 1); for (byte i = 10; i <= 20; i += 2) playSound(13, i); playAnimation(528, 1); wait(50); playMusic(7); SET_FLAG(0xdbee, 1); for (byte i = 3; i <= 17; i += 2) playSound(56, i); playActorAnimation(525); for (byte i = 1; i <= 13; i += 2) playSound(56, i); playSound(40, 15); playSound(40, 18); playSound(40, 22); playActorAnimation(526); playSound(54, 1); playSound(55, 5); playActorAnimation(527); wait(50); dialog->show(52, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); scene->getObject(2)->setName((const char *)res->dseg.ptr(0x9820)); } break; case 0x5f73: // exiting ann's house if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbee, 1)) playMusic(6); loadScene(21, 99, 180, 3); break; case 0x5fba: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb1, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4380); } else { dialog->pop(scene, 0xdafc, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); } break; case 0x607f: retVal = processCallback(0x60b5); break; case 0x6083: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) { setOns(0, 0); playSound(56, 10); playActorAnimation(599); inventory->add(37); disableObject(2); } else processCallback(0x60b5); break; case 0x60b5: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbae, 1)) { processCallback(0x60d9); dialog->showMark(75, scene); } else { dialog->showMark(73, scene); processCallback(0x60d9); wait(100); dialog->showMark(74, scene); } break; case 0x60d9: { Object *objTemp = scene->getObject(3); moveTo(objTemp); processCallback(0x612b); moveTo(48, 190, 3); } break; case 0x612b: playSound(52, 10); playSound(52, 14); playSound(52, 18); playSound(52, 21); playSound(52, 25); playSound(52, 28); playSound(52, 32); playActorAnimation(600); loadScene(21, 297, 178, 3); break; case 0x6176: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3801); } else { playSound(71, 6); playActorAnimation(598); loadScene(24, scene->getPosition()); setOns(2, 0); setLan(1, 0); playAnimation(660, 0); disableObject(1); SET_FLAG(0xdba4, 1); loadScene(24, scene->getPosition()); } break; case 0x61e9: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) dialog->popMark(scene, 0xdb1e); else processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x6229: // shelves in cellar if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) { Common::Point p = scene->getPosition(); byte v = GET_FLAG(0xdbb4); switch (v) { case 0: displayMessage(0x4532); moveRel(-34, 0, 1); displayMessage(0x4555); moveRel(20, 0, 1); displayMessage(0x4568); moveRel(20, 0, 1); displayMessage(0x457b); moveRel(20, 0, 1); displayMessage(0x458e); moveTo(p, 3); displayMessage(0x459f); SET_FLAG(0xdbb4, 1); break; case 1: displayMessage(0x45b8); wait(100); displayMessage(0x45da); SET_FLAG(0xdbb4, 2); break; default: displayMessage(0x4603); break; } } else processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x6480: // dive mask if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb96, 1)) { playSound(56, 7); playSound(5, 15); playActorAnimation(613); setOns(3, 36); inventory->add(39); disableObject(5); displayMessage(0x387c); } else displayMessage(0x3eb2); break; case 0x64c4: // flippers if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb96, 1)) { setOns(2, 35); playSound(63, 8); playSound(24, 10); playActorAnimation(612); inventory->add(40); disableObject(6); } else displayMessage(0x3eb2); break; case 0x7907: // Describe car lever if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb94, 1)) { // Already pulled lever? displayMessage(0x3e4f); } else retVal = false; break; case 0x62d0: // Get bone from under rock displayAsyncMessage(0x463c, 30938, 16, 24); playSound(26, 6); playSound(26, 10); playSound(24, 13); playSound(46, 37); setOns(0, 0); playActorAnimation(594); setOns(0, 29); disableObject(1); inventory->add(36); playSound(5, 2); playActorAnimation(595); displayMessage(0x3790); break; case 0x6351: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdaca, 1)) { // cave bush is cut down playMusic(8); loadScene(26, 319, 169, 4); } else displayMessage(0x3bd2); break; case 0x63ea: playSound(5, 10); setOns(0, 0); playActorAnimation(640); inventory->add(50); disableObject(6); break; case 0x6411: // Kick hen if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb93, 1)) { // already kicked hen displayMessage(0x3e08); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdb93, 1); displayMessage(0x3dc6); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 87); playSound(30, 26); playSound(29, 49); playActorAnimation(500, true); playAnimation(501, 0, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 1); enableObject(14); displayMessage(0x3df4); } break; case 0x6592: // Rake setOns(1, 0); playSound(18, 10); playActorAnimation(553); inventory->add(0x15); wait(50); displayMessage(0x3605); disableObject(11); break; case 0x66b5: playSound(89, 5); playActorAnimation(969); loadScene(33, 319, 181, 4); break; case 0x6519: // Sickle setOns(4, 0); playSound(5, 11); playActorAnimation(625); inventory->add(0x2c); disableObject(8); break; case 0x655b: // Get needle from haystack if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9d, 1)) { // already have needle displayMessage(0x356a); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdb9d, 1); playSound(49, 3); playActorAnimation(548); inventory->add(0x11); displayMessage(0x35b2); } break; case 0x663c: // Feather setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 9); playActorAnimation(511); inventory->add(1); disableObject(15); break; case 0x667c: playSound(70, 4); playActorAnimation(972); loadScene(29, 160, 199, 1); break; case 0x66a9: displayMessage(0x4a7e); disableObject(4); break; case 0x66e2: playSound(88, 4); playActorAnimation(970); loadScene(35, 160, 199, 1); break; case 0x70bb: dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb24, 0, 709, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); break; case 0x71ae: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcd, 1)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbce, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4f9b); } else { displayMessage(0x4fb1); playSound(32, 6); playActorAnimation(717); inventory->add(66); SET_FLAG(0xdbce, 1); } } else dialog->showMark(97, scene); break; case 0x70c8: if (processCallback(0x70e0)) { moveTo(81, 160, 4); displayMessage(0x5cac); } break; case 0x70e0: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcc, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4ece); retVal = false; } break; case 0x70ef: if (processCallback(0x70e0)) displayMessage(0x5046); break; case 0x70f9: if (inventory->has(68)) { inventory->remove(68); loadScene(29, 40, 176, 2); displayMessage(0x500a); } else loadScene(29, 40, 176, 2); break; case 0x712c: if (processCallback(0x70e0)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcf, 1)) { playSound(89, 4); playActorAnimation(719); setOns(4, 67); ++ *res->dseg.ptr(READ_LE_UINT16(res->dseg.ptr(0x6746 + (scene->getId() - 1) * 2))); disableObject(5); enableObject(12); } else { playSound(89, 4); playSound(89, 4); playSound(87, 45); displayAsyncMessage(0x4fcb, 34672, 11, 35, 0xe5); playActorAnimation(718); wait(100); displayMessage(0x4fe2); SET_FLAG(0xdbcf, 1); } } break; case 0x71eb: setOns(2, 0); playSound(32, 7); playActorAnimation(710); inventory->add(62); disableObject(7); enableObject(8); break; case 0x7244: if (processCallback(0x70e0)) displayMessage(0x5c60); break; case 0x7255: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd0, 1)) { setOns(4, 69); playSound(32, 5); playActorAnimation(725); disableObject(12); inventory->add(69); } else { playActorAnimation(721); displayMessage(0x505e); } break; case 0x721c: setOns(3, 0); playSound(32, 7); playActorAnimation(715); inventory->add(63); disableObject(9); break; case 0x7336: setOns(1, 0); playSound(5, 42); displayAsyncMessage(0x4d02, 32642, 20, 38); playActorAnimation(697); inventory->add(56); disableObject(1); break; case 0x7381: playSound(5, 12); playActorAnimation(704); disableObject(2); inventory->add(58); break; case 0x7408: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc4, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4d2a); } else { setOns(0, 0); playSound(26, 17); playSound(26, 23); playSound(26, 30); playSound(26, 37); playSound(26, 43); playSound(52, 34); playActorAnimation(698); setOns(0, 52); setOns(2, 61); dialog->showMark(92, scene); enableObject(11); SET_FLAG(0xdbc4, 1); } break; case 0x7476: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc9, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4dbb); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdbc9, 1); dialog->showMark(94, scene); playSound(61, 5); playSound(5, 14); playActorAnimation(705); displayMessage(0x4dd3); inventory->add(59); } break; case 0x74d1: setOns(2, 0); playSound(5, 12); playActorAnimation(699); inventory->add(57); disableObject(11); break; case 0x7513: // fatso + doctor: pre-final if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd7, 1)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd8, 1)) { playSound(88, 4); playActorAnimation(979); loadScene(37, 51, 183); dialog->show(125, scene, 768, 769, 0xd9, 0xe5, 1, 2); playAnimation(770, 0, true, true, true); playAnimation(771, 1, true, true, true); dialog->showMono(126, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); playAnimation(770, 0, true, true, true); playAnimation(771, 1, true, true, true); playSound(5, 3); playSound(56, 12); playSound(23, 20); playSound(75, 25); playActorAnimation(772); playActorAnimation(773, true); playAnimation(774, 0, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 74); hideActor(); dialog->showMono(127, scene, 775, 0xd0, 1); playAnimation(771, 1, true, true, true); playAnimation(776, 0); dialog->show(128, scene, 777, 778, 0xd0, 0xe5, 1, 2); playAnimation(779, 0, true, true, true); playAnimation(780, 1, true, true, true); for (byte i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) playSound(58, i); playSound(58, 10); playSound(2, 7); playSound(55, 11); playSound(54, 15); playAnimation(781, 2, true); playAnimation(782, 3, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(1, 75); setOns(2, 76); for (byte i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) playSound(58, i); playSound(58, 9); playSound(2, 7); playSound(2, 15); playSound(55, 10); playAnimation(783, 2, true); playAnimation(784, 3, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(1, 77); setOns(2, 78); playAnimation(785, 2, true); playAnimation(786, 3, true); waitAnimation(); moveTo(112, 183, 2, true); setOns(3, 79); setOns(0, 0); showActor(); playAnimation(0, 0); playAnimation(787, 2, true); playAnimation(788, 3, true); waitAnimation(); playAnimation(0, 1); playSound(32, 2); playSound(24, 7); playAnimation(790, 3, true); playAnimation(789, 0, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 80); playAnimation(792, 3, true, true, true); dialog->show(129, scene, 0, 791, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 4); playAnimation(792, 3, true, true, true); moveTo(40, 171, 4); setOns(3, 81, 35); enableObject(12, 35); playAnimation(0, 3); loadScene(31, 298, 177, 4); SET_FLAG(0xdbd9, 1); } else displayMessage(0x52fe); } else displayMessage(0x52cb); break; case 0x783d: dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb36, 0, 797, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); break; case 0x7966: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) retVal = false; else retVal = processCallback(0x60b5); break; case 0x7ad0: case 0x7ad7: retVal = !processCallback(0x70e0); break; case 0x7ab9: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb6, 1)) retVal = false; else { dialog->showMono(90, scene, 0, 0xd1, 0); SET_FLAG(0xdbb6, 1); } break; case 0x7ade: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcd, 1)) displayMessage(0x4f69); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7f23: // Use grenade on captains drawer if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbdf, 3)) { enableOn(false); playSound(5, 3); playSound(58, 11); playSound(46, 56); playSound(46, 85); playSound(46, 117); playActorAnimation(870); playSound(54, 15); playActorAnimation(871); SET_FLAG(0xdbe6, 1); setOns(1, 0x66); moveTo(224, 194, 0, true); displayCutsceneMessage(0x57df, 30423); inventory->remove(0x59); enableOn(true); } else displayMessage(0x5de2); break; case 0x505c: //suspicious stuff { Common::Point p = scene->getPosition(); if (p.x != 203 && p.y != 171) moveTo(203, 169, 2); else moveTo(203, 169, 1); } break; case 0x509a: processCallback(0x505c); setOns(1, 0); playSound(5, 10); playActorAnimation(543); inventory->add(15); disableObject(9); break; case 0x7802: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd7, 1)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd8, 1)) displayMessage(0x52f6); else { playSound(71, 4); playActorAnimation(796); setLan(1, 0); SET_FLAG(0xdbd8, 1); } } else displayMessage(0x52cb); break; case 0x78e0: processCallback(0x50c5); retVal = false; break; case 0x78e7: processCallback(0x557e); retVal = false; break; case 0x78ee: processCallback(0x557e); retVal = false; break; case 0x78f5: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb95, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3575); } else retVal = false; break; case 0x7919: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdba5, 1)) retVal = false; else displayMessage(0x3e98); break; case 0x7950: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb1, 1)) retVal = false; else displayMessage(0x3daf); break; case 0x7975: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) retVal = false; else displayMessage(0x3832); break; case 0x7987: case 0x7996: case 0x79a5: case 0x79b4: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba4, 1)) retVal = false; else retVal = processCallback(0x61fe); break; case 0x79d2: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9d, 1)) retVal = false; else displayMessage(0x3590); break; case 0x7af0: if (processCallback(0x70e0)) retVal = false; break; case 0x8117: dialog->show(9, scene, 0, 529, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1); playSound(5, 2); playSound(5, 44); playAnimation(642, 0, true); playActorAnimation(641, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(10, scene, 0, 529, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1); wait(170); dialog->show(11, scene, 0, 529, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1); moveRel(0, 1, 0); wait(100); dialog->show(12, scene, 0, 529, 0xd1, 0xd9, 0, 1); inventory->remove(50); processCallback(0x9d45); break; case 0x8174: setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 2); playSound(5, 5); playSound(5, 9); playSound(14, 19); playSound(5, 50); playActorAnimation(542); setOns(1, 15); disableObject(3); enableObject(9); break; case 0x81c2: playSound(56, 11); playSound(36, 13); playSound(48, 22); playSound(56, 57); playSound(36, 59); playSound(48, 68); playSound(54, 120); playSound(56, 141); playSound(56, 144); playSound(56, 147); playAnimation(589, 1, true); playActorAnimation(588, true); waitAnimation(); wait(50); displayMessage(0x367f); inventory->remove(34); SET_FLAG(0xdba1, 1); break; case 0x823d: // grappling hook on the wall playSound(5, 3); for (byte i = 16; i <= 28; i += 2) playSound(65, i); playSound(47, 33); playActorAnimation(620); for (byte i = 3; i <= 18; i += 3) playSound(56, i); displayAsyncMessage(0x3ace, 3878, 20, 37, 0xd9); playActorAnimation(621, true); playAnimation(623, 1, true); waitAnimation(); displayAsyncMessage(0x3ae6, 3870, 1, 9, 0xd9); playSound(35, 1); playActorAnimation(622, true); playAnimation(624, 0, true); waitAnimation(); wait(150); displayMessage(0x3afd); inventory->remove(43); processCallback(0x9d45); break; case 0x8312: // hedgehog + plastic apple dialog->showMark(76, scene); setLan(1, 0); playSound(5, 24); playSound(26, 32); playSound(5, 42); playSound(15, 77); playSound(15, 79); playSound(15, 82); playSound(22, 91); playSound(22, 102); playSound(26, 114); playSound(24, 124); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 0x1a); playActorAnimation(562, true); playAnimation(563, 1, true); waitAnimation(); disableObject(6); displayMessage(0x363f); inventory->remove(27); inventory->add(28); break; case 0x839f: inventory->remove(32); playSound(37, 14); playSound(16, 17); playActorAnimation(564, true); playAnimation(565, 2, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 24); playSound(39, 5); playActorAnimation(582); moveTo(63, 195, 1); playAnimation(571, 1); playAnimation(572, 1); playAnimation(573, 1); for (byte i = 1; i <= 7; i += 2) playSound(40, i); playAnimation(574, 1); setLan(1, 0); playAnimation(575, 1); playAnimation(576, 1); playAnimation(577, 1); playAnimation(578, 1); playAnimation(579, 1); playAnimation(580, 1); playSound(55, 18); playAnimation(581, 1); disableObject(2); SET_FLAG(0xdb9f, 1); break; case 0x84c7: // using paddle on boat playSound(20, 9); playActorAnimation(530); loadScene(16, 236, 95, 1); playMusic(9); playActorAnimation(531); playSound(36, 4); playActorAnimation(532); playActorAnimation(533); setOns(0, 9); moveTo(236, 95, 1, true); break; case 0x8538: // Sharpen sickle on well moveTo(236, 190, 0); setOns(2, 0); // TODO: Remove handle sprite playSound(5, 4); playSound(14, 14); playSound(14, 33); playSound(5, 43); playActorAnimation(643); setOns(2, 43); moveTo(236, 179, 3); inventory->remove(0x2c); inventory->add(0x2e); break; case 0x85eb: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb0, 1)) { enableObject(6); playSound(25, 10); playSound(25, 14); playSound(25, 18); playActorAnimation(559); setOns(1, 23); SET_FLAG(0xdbb0, 2); } else displayMessage(0x3d86); break; case 0x863d: playSound(12, 4); playSound(50, 20); playSound(50, 29); playActorAnimation(554); inventory->remove(19); inventory->add(22); break; case 0x8665: playSound(5, 3); for (byte i = 12; i <= 24; i += 2) playSound(56, i); playActorAnimation(567); inventory->remove(12); inventory->add(33); break; case 0x862c: displayMessage(CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb0, 1) ? 0x4882 : 0x3457); break; case 0x86a9: // correcting height of the pole with spanner if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb92, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3d40); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdb92, 1); dialog->show(17, scene, 0, 502, 0xd0, 0xe5, 0, 1); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 7); playSound(5, 16); playSound(1, 25); playSound(1, 29); playSound(1, 34); playAnimation(506, 0, true); playActorAnimation(504, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 0); playSound(24, 2); playSound(22, 24); playSound(1, 28); playSound(1, 32); playSound(1, 37); playSound(5, 43); playSound(61, 70); playSound(61, 91); displayAsyncMessage(0x3cfb, 28877, 6, 17); playActorAnimation(505, true); playAnimation(507, 0, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(0, 4); { Object *obj = scene->getObject(3); obj->rect.top += 20; obj->rect.bottom += 20; obj->rect.save(); } playSound(10, 3); playAnimation(503, 0); setLan(1, 0, 22); disableObject(1, 22); disableObject(13, 20); setLan(1, 0); disableObject(1); disableObject(2); disableObject(14); disableObject(15); disableObject(16); moveTo(162, 164, 2); displayMessage(0x3d01, 0xe5, 24390); displayMessage(0x3d20, 0xd8, 24410); moveTo(162, 191, 2); setOns(1, 0); setOns(2, 0); setOns(3, 0); setOns(4, 0); { Walkbox *w = scene->getWalkbox(0); w->rect.clear(); w->save(); } playSound(62, 1); playSound(9, 8); setLan(1, 0); playAnimation(512, 0); wait(100); displayMessage(0x3d3a); { Object *obj = scene->getObject(7); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 228; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 171; obj->actor_rect.save(); } { Object *obj = scene->getObject(8); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 290; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 171; obj->actor_rect.save(); } } break; case 0x88c9: // give flower to old lady if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9a, 1)) retVal = processCallback(0x890b); else { inventory->remove(10); SET_FLAG(0xdb9a, 1); processCallback(0x88de); } break; case 0x88de: playSound(5, 2); dialog->show(37, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); playActorAnimation(537, true); playAnimation(538, 0, true); waitAnimation(); wait(100); dialog->show(38, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); break; case 0x890b: dialog->pop(scene, 0xdaf0, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); break; case 0x8918: // give flower to old lady if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9a, 1)) retVal = processCallback(0x890b); else { inventory->remove(11); SET_FLAG(0xdb9a, 1); processCallback(0x88de); } break; case 0x892d: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9b, 1)) retVal = processCallback(0x89aa); else { processCallback(0x8942); inventory->remove(10); SET_FLAG(0xdb9b, 1); } break; case 0x8942: dialog->show(53, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); playSound(5, 10); playActorAnimation(540, true); playAnimation(539, 1, true); waitAnimation(); wait(100); dialog->show(54, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); wait(50); dialog->show(55, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); dialog->show(56, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); wait(50); moveRel(0, 1, 0); dialog->show(57, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); moveRel(0, -1, 0); wait(50); break; case 0x89aa: dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb02, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); break; case 0x89b7: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdb9b, 1)) retVal = processCallback(0x89aa); else { processCallback(0x8942); inventory->remove(11); SET_FLAG(0xdb9b, 1); } break; case 0x89cc: inventory->remove(23); playSound(5, 6); dialog->show(60, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); playActorAnimation(555, true); playAnimation(556, 1, true); waitAnimation(); playActorAnimation(557, true); playAnimation(558, 1, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(62, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); inventory->add(24); break; case 0x8a22: playSound(45, 16); playActorAnimation(560); inventory->remove(26); inventory->add(27); wait(50); dialog->show(44, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); dialog->show(45, scene, 0, 523, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbb1, 1); break; case 0x8a6f: // banknote + ann if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb5, 1)) { dialog->show(63, scene, 0, 524, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 20); playAnimation(671, 1, true); playActorAnimation(670, true); waitAnimation(); //playAnimation(672, 1); dialog->show(64, scene, 524, 672, 0xd1, 0xe5, 0, 2); //playAnimation(672, 1); playSound(83, 12); displayAsyncMessage(0x4a5b, 36684, 23, 38, 0xe5); playActorAnimation(673); loadScene(11, scene->getPosition()); playSound(24, 31); playSound(24, 48); playSound(79, 50); playActorAnimation(674, true); playAnimation(675, 0, true); waitAnimation(); loadScene(28, 0, 167, 2); playMusic(10); moveTo(66, 167, 2); displayMessage(0x4a6f); inventory->clear(); inventory->add(29); } else displayMessage(0x4a29); break; case 0x8b82: // use fan on laundry setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 6); playSound(5, 10); playSound(92, 20); playSound(92, 38); playSound(92, 58); displayAsyncMessage(0x464a, 36510, 58, 67); playActorAnimation(602); playSound(5, 3); playActorAnimation(603); setOns(0, 27); SET_FLAG(0xdba5, 1); break; case 0x8bfc: // Give bone to dog displayMessage(0x3c31); playSound(5, 3); playSound(26, 13); playActorAnimation(657, true); playAnimation(658, 0, true); waitAnimation(); reloadLan(); playAnimation(659, 0); inventory->remove(36); SET_FLAG(0xdbad, 1); { Object *o = scene->getObject(7); o->actor_rect.left = o->actor_rect.right = 297; o->actor_rect.top = o->actor_rect.bottom = 181; o->actor_orientation = 1; o->save(); } { Object *o = scene->getObject(9); o->actor_rect.left = o->actor_rect.right = 297; o->actor_rect.top = o->actor_rect.bottom = 181; o->actor_orientation = 1; o->save(); } { Walkbox *w = scene->getWalkbox(0); w->rect.right = 266; w->rect.bottom = 193; w->save(); } wait(100); displayMessage(0x3c3d); break; case 0x8c6e: // Use car jack on rock playSound(5, 3); playSound(26, 13); playSound(24, 22); playActorAnimation(592); playSound(1, 5); playSound(1, 9); playSound(1, 13); setOns(0, 0); playActorAnimation(593); setOns(0, 28); enableObject(1); inventory->remove(35); break; case 0x8cc8: // Cut bush with sickle playSound(5, 3); playActorAnimation(644); setOns(1, 45); playSound(56, 2); playSound(26, 4); playActorAnimation(645); playSound(56, 1); playSound(56, 6); playSound(26, 3); playSound(26, 8); playActorAnimation(646); playSound(5, 21); playActorAnimation(647); SET_FLAG(0xdaca, 1); inventory->remove(0x2e); disableObject(2); scene->getObject(3)->actor_rect.right = 156; scene->getObject(3)->save(); break; case 0x8d79: // mouse falls back from the hole (cave) if (CHECK_FLAG(0, 1)) { inventory->add(48); playSound(24, 26); playActorAnimation(650, true); playAnimation(651, 2, true); waitAnimation(); } else { playSound(27, 5); setOns(1, 0); playActorAnimation(652); playSound(24, 4); playSound(5, 12); moveTo(186, 179, 1, true); playActorAnimation(653); playActorAnimation(654, true); playAnimation(655, 2, true); waitAnimation(); displayMessage(0x3bf6); inventory->add(49); setLan(2, 4, 27); enableObject(4, 27); SET_FLAG(0xdba9, 0); } SET_FLAG(0, 0); break; case 0x8d57: if (CHECK_FLAG(0, 0)) { playSound(5, 2); playSound(15, 12); playActorAnimation(638); inventory->remove(48); setTimerCallback(0x8d79, 100); SET_FLAG(0, 1); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0, 1)) { playSound(5, 2); playSound(52, 13); playActorAnimation(648); setOns(1, 46); inventory->remove(49); setTimerCallback(0x8d79, 100); SET_FLAG(0, 2); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0, 2)) { playActorAnimation(649); setOns(1, 47); wait(300); for (byte i = 1; i <= 37; i += 4) playSound(68, i); playAnimation(639, 2); setOns(0, 42); enableObject(6); disableObject(5); SET_FLAG(0xdbab, 1); SET_FLAG(0, 0); setTimerCallback(0, 0); } break; case 0x8f1d: dialog->showMark(72, scene); for (uint i = 16; i <= 30; i += 2) playSound(56, i); playSound(2, 64); playSound(3, 74); displayAsyncMessage(0x34c7, 25812, 35, 50); playActorAnimation(516, true); playAnimation(517, 2, true); playAnimation(518, 3, true); waitAnimation(); setLan(3, 0); setLan(4, 0); disableObject(2); disableObject(3); inventory->remove(2); SET_FLAG(0xdb96, 1); break; case 0x8fc8: displayMessage(0x3b2f); waitLanAnimationFrame(2, 4); playSound(5, 3); playActorAnimation(627, true); playAnimation(629, 1, true); waitAnimation(); playSound(41, 10); playSound(41, 47); playSound(55, 52); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdba8, 1)) { setLan(2, 0); playActorAnimation(628, true); playAnimation(634, 1, true); waitAnimation(); disableObject(4); displayMessage(0x3b6c); SET_FLAG(0xdba9, 1); } else { playActorAnimation(628, true); playAnimation(630, 1, true); waitAnimation(); displayMessage(0x3b59); } break; case 0x9054: // mouse hole if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbab, 1)) { displayMessage(0x3c0b); } else { playSound(5, 11); playSound(49, 21); playActorAnimation(632); setOns(5, 40); moveTo(239, 139, 0, true); playActorAnimation(633); SET_FLAG(0xdba8, 1); inventory->remove(47); if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbaa, 1)) { SET_FLAG(0xdbaa, 1); displayMessage(0x3b8b); } } break; case 0x933d: if (processCallback(0x70e0)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcd, 1)) displayMessage(0x4f3d); else { setOns(1, 0); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 33); playSound(24, 13); playSound(24, 19); playSound(24, 23); playSound(24, 26); playSound(24, 29); playSound(23, 21); playSound(74, 25); playActorAnimation(716); setOns(1, 66); SET_FLAG(0xdbcd, 1); } } break; case 0x93af: // sheet + hot plate if (processCallback(0x70e0)) { playSound(5, 3); playSound(86, 11); playActorAnimation(720); inventory->add(68); inventory->remove(55); } break; case 0x93d5: // burning sheet + plate setOns(4, 0); playSound(87, 7); playActorAnimation(722); playSound(5, 3); playSound(88, 12); playSound(87, 24); playActorAnimation(723); displayMessage(0x502b); wait(100); playSound(89, 4); playActorAnimation(724); setOns(4, 68); displayMessage(0x503e); inventory->remove(68); SET_FLAG(0xdbd0, 1); break; case 0x98fa: // Right click to open toolbox inventory->remove(3); inventory->add(4); inventory->add(35); inventory->activate(false); inventory->resetSelectedObject(); displayMessage(0x3468); break; case 0x9910: inventory->remove(4); inventory->add(5); inventory->activate(false); inventory->resetSelectedObject(); displayMessage(0x3490); break; case 0x671d: // very last part of the game moveTo(153, 163, 4); playActorAnimation(973); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc1, 0)) { SET_FLAG(0xdbc1, _rnd.getRandomNumber(5) + 1); } loadScene(30, 18, 159, 2); break; case 0x67a6: loadScene(29, 149, 163, 1); playActorAnimation(974); moveTo(160, 188, 0); break; case 0x6805: processCallback(0x6849); playSound(32, 12); playActorAnimation(694); playSound(15, 8); playAnimation(693, 0); setOns(6, 0); displayMessage(0x4cc7); inventory->add(54); disableObject(4); break; case 0x6849: { Common::Point p = scene->getPosition(); if (p.x == 208 && p.y == 151) moveRel(0, 0, 2); else moveTo(208, 151, 1); } break; case 0x687a: // using the book if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc2, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4ca0); } else { playSound(49, 5); playSound(49, 17); playActorAnimation(691); if (!processCallback(0x68e6)) { if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc0, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4c61); SET_FLAG(0xdbc0, 1); } } else { playSound(15, 8); // secret compartment playAnimation(692, 0); setOns(6, 59); enableObject(4); displayMessage(0x4c84); SET_FLAG(0xdbc2, 1); } } break; case 0x68e6: // checking drawers { uint16 v = GET_FLAG(0xdbc1) - 1; if (GET_FLAG(0xdbb7 + v) != 1) retVal = false; else { uint16 sum = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) sum += GET_FLAG(0xdbb7 + i); if (sum != 1) retVal = false; } } break; case 0x6918: if (inventory->has(55)) displayMessage(0x4cd9); else { if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc3, 1)) { playActorAnimation(695); dialog->showMark(91, scene); SET_FLAG(0xdbc3, 1); } playSound(5, 11); playActorAnimation(696); inventory->add(55); } break; case 0x6962: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb7, 1)) { setOns(0, 0); playSound(67, 4); playActorAnimation(678); SET_FLAG(0xdbb7, 0); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb8, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else { playSound(66, 4); playActorAnimation(677); setOns(0, 53); SET_FLAG(0xdbb7, 1); } break; case 0x69b8: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb8, 1)) { setOns(1, 0); playSound(67, 4); playActorAnimation(680); SET_FLAG(0xdbb8, 0); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb7, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb9, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else { playSound(66, 5); playActorAnimation(679); setOns(1, 54); SET_FLAG(0xdbb8, 1); } break; case 0x6a1b: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb9, 1)) { setOns(2, 0); playSound(67, 5); playActorAnimation(682); SET_FLAG(0xdbb9, 0); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb8, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else { playSound(67, 5); playActorAnimation(681); setOns(2, 55); SET_FLAG(0xdbb9, 1); } break; case 0x6a73: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbba, 1)) { setOns(3, 0); playSound(67, 4); playActorAnimation(684); SET_FLAG(0xdbba, 0); } else if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbb, 1)) { playSound(66, 4); playActorAnimation(683); setOns(3, 56); SET_FLAG(0xdbba, 1); } else processCallback(0x6b86); break; case 0x6acb: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbb, 1)) { setOns(4, 0); playSound(67, 4); playActorAnimation(686); SET_FLAG(0xdbbb, 0); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbba, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbc, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else { playSound(66, 5); playActorAnimation(685); setOns(4, 57); SET_FLAG(0xdbbb, 1); } break; case 0x6b2e: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbc, 1)) { setOns(5, 0); playSound(67, 5); playActorAnimation(688); SET_FLAG(0xdbbc, 0); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbb, 1)) { processCallback(0x6b86); } else { playSound(66, 6); playActorAnimation(687); setOns(5, 58); SET_FLAG(0xdbbc, 1); } break; case 0x6b86: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbd, 1)) displayMessage(0x4b39); else { displayMessage(0x4acd); displayMessage(0x4b0d); SET_FLAG(0xdbbd, 1); } break; case 0x6be1: // handle to the bathroom if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd9, 1)) displayMessage(0x5326); // i'd better catch johnny else { playSound(88, 4); playActorAnimation(808); loadScene(36, 41, 195, 2); } break; case 0x6bad: playSound(80, 4); playActorAnimation(971); loadScene(32, 139, 199, 1); break; case 0x6c45: playSound(89, 6); playActorAnimation(CHECK_FLAG(0xdbef, 1) ? 985 : 806); loadScene(34, 40, 133, 2); break; case 0x6c83: waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); dialog->pop(scene, 0xdb2e, 0, 727, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); scene->getObject(1)->setName((const char *)res->dseg.ptr(0xaa94)); SET_FLAG(0xdbd1, 1); break; case 0x6c9d: // getting jar setOns(0, 71); playSound(32, 5); playActorAnimation(732); disableObject(2); inventory->add(72); break; case 0x6cc4: // secret diary playActorAnimation(754); hideActor(); displayCutsceneMessage(0x517b, 30430); playMusic(3); loadScene(11, scene->getPosition()); playAnimation(750, 2); dialog->show(117, scene, 751, 529, 0xe5, 0xd9, 2, 1); playAnimation(752, 0, true); playAnimation(753, 1, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(118, scene, 529, 751, 0xd9, 0xe5, 1, 2); loadScene(30, scene->getPosition()); dialog->show(108, scene, 733, 734, 0xe5, 0xd0, 2, 3); playSound(75, 13); playSound(32, 22); playAnimation(735, 1, true); playAnimation(736, 2, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(109, scene, 737, 738, 0xd0, 0xe5, 3, 2); playSound(32, 1); playAnimation(739, 1, true); playAnimation(740, 2, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(110, scene, 733, 734, 0xe5, 0xd0, 2, 3); playAnimation(742, 1, true); playAnimation(741, 2, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(111, scene, 743, 733, 0xd0, 0xe5, 3, 2); playAnimation(744, 1, true); playAnimation(745, 2, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(112, scene, 734, 733, 0xd0, 0xe5, 3, 2); playAnimation(746, 1, true); playAnimation(747, 2, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(113, scene, 734, 734, 0xd0, 0xd0, 3, 3); dialog->show(114, scene, 748, 748, 0xd0, 0xd0, 3, 3); dialog->show(115, scene, 749, 749, 0xd0, 0xd0, 3, 3); dialog->show(116, scene, 748, 748, 0xd0, 0xd0, 3, 3); playMusic(10); loadScene(32, scene->getPosition()); showActor(); playSound(26, 10); playActorAnimation(755); moveRel(0, 0, 3); dialog->show(119, scene, 0, 0, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0, 0); hideActor(); loadScene(31, scene->getPosition()); dialog->show(123, scene, 763, 764, 0xd9, 0xd0, 1, 2); loadScene(32, scene->getPosition()); showActor(); dialog->show(120, scene, 0, 0, 0xd1, 0xd1, 0, 0); disableObject(3); enableObject(7); SET_FLAG(0xdbd5, 1); break; case 0x6f20: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd5, 1)) displayMessage(0x51a7); else rejectMessage(); break; case 0x6f75: // hiding in left corner moveRel(0, 0, 3); playActorAnimation(756); hideActor(); playAnimation(758, 1); dialog->show(121, scene, 759, 759, 0xd0, 0xd0, 2, 2); playSound(40, 5); playSound(52, 13); playSound(52, 17); playSound(52, 21); playAnimation(760, 1); setOns(1, 72); setOns(2, 73); loadScene(31, scene->getPosition()); playSound(58, 5); playSound(58, 8); playSound(58, 10); playSound(58, 12); playSound(58, 14); playAnimation(765, 1); dialog->show(124, scene, 766, 766, 0xd9, 0xd9, 1, 1); loadScene(32, scene->getPosition()); dialog->show(122, scene, 761, 761, 0xd0, 0xd0, 2, 2); playAnimation(762, 1); setOns(2, 0); showActor(); playActorAnimation(757); moveRel(0, 0, 1); displayMessage(0x51e7); enableObject(8); disableObject(7); SET_FLAG(0xdbd5, 0); break; case 0x6f4d: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd5, 1)) displayMessage(0x51bb); else loadScene(31, 139, 172, 3); break; case 0x6f32: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd5, 1)) { displayMessage(0x51a7); } else { playActorAnimation(977); displayMessage(0x5511); } break; case 0x7096: playSound(32, 5); playActorAnimation(767); setOns(1, 0); inventory->add(73); disableObject(8); break; case 0x7291: playSound(89, 3); playActorAnimation(975); loadScene(31, 298, 177, 4); break; case 0x72c2: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd6, 2)) { displayMessage(0x522c); } else { playSound(79, 6); playSound(84, 9); playActorAnimation(801); wait(50); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd6, 1)) { displayMessage(0x538d); SET_FLAG(0xdbd6, 2); } else displayMessage(0x5372); } break; case 0x7309: playSound(66, 5); playSound(67, 11); playActorAnimation(976); displayMessage(0x5955); break; case 0x77d5: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd7, 1) && !CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd8, 1)) { // disallow exiting through the first door until switch turned on, not present in original game displayMessage(0x52cb); } else { playSound(89, 6); playActorAnimation(978); loadScene(31, 298, 177, 4); } break; case 0x79e4: processCallback(0x6849); retVal = false; break; case 0x79eb: // color of the book displayMessage(res->dseg.get_word(0x5f3c + GET_FLAG(0xdbc1) * 2 - 2)); break; case 0x79fd: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb7, 1)) displayMessage(0x4b6c); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7a0f: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb8, 1)) { if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbf, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4c32); playSound(5, 11); playActorAnimation(690); inventory->add(53); SET_FLAG(0xdbbf, 1); } displayMessage(0x4b87); } else retVal = false; break; case 0x7a49: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbb9, 1)) displayMessage(0x4ba1); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7a5b: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbba, 1)) displayMessage(0x4bbc); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7a6d: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbb, 1)) displayMessage(0x4bd8); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7a7f: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbc, 1)) { if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbbe, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4c0f); // there's a dictaphone inside! playSound(5, 12); playActorAnimation(689); inventory->add(52); SET_FLAG(0xdbbe, 1); } displayMessage(0x4bf4); } else retVal = false; break; case 0x7af7: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd0, 1)) displayMessage(0x5082); else retVal = false; break; case 0x7b09: { byte v = GET_FLAG(0xdbd6); switch (v) { case 1: displayMessage(0x51f8); break; case 2: displayMessage(0x538d); break; default: retVal = false; break; } } break; case 0x9166: if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd1, 1)) { displayMessage(0x50a6); retVal = false; } break; case 0x9175: if (!(CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd2, 0) || CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd3, 0) || CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd4, 0))) { waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); playSound(89, 2); playActorAnimation(731); setOns(0, 70); setLan(1, 0); disableObject(1); enableObject(2); enableObject(3); } break; case 0x90bc: // handle on the hole playSound(5, 3); playSound(6, 9); playActorAnimation(807); setOns(0, 83); inventory->remove(73); disableObject(2); enableObject(3); SET_FLAG(0xdbef, 1); break; case 0x90fc: // dictaphone on robot if (processCallback(0x9166)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd2, 1)) { displayMessage(0x50c3); } else { if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcb, 1)) { displayMessage(0x5101); } else { displayMessage(0x50e1); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 39); displayAsyncMessage(0x5124, 40388, 9, 35, 0xd0); playActorAnimation(728); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); dialog->show(98, scene, 0, 727, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbd2, 1); processCallback(0x9175); } } } break; case 0x91cb: // use socks on robot if (processCallback(0x9166)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd3, 1)) { displayMessage(0x50c3); } else { displayMessage(0x5138); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 23); playActorAnimation(729); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); dialog->show(99, scene, 0, 727, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbd3, 1); processCallback(0x9175); } } break; case 0x9209: // photo on robot if (processCallback(0x9166)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd4, 1)) { displayMessage(0x50c3); } else { displayMessage(0x5161); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 25); playActorAnimation(730); waitLanAnimationFrame(1, 1); dialog->show(100, scene, 0, 727, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbd4, 1); processCallback(0x9175); } } break; case 0x924e: setOns(2, 64); playSound(5, 3); playSound(52, 10); playActorAnimation(711); moveRel(0, 0, 4); dialog->show(95, scene, 0, 709, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); moveTo(300, 190, 4); inventory->remove(64); disableObject(8); playAnimation(712, 0); setOns(2, 0); playSound(15, 26); playSound(15, 28); playSound(16, 37); playAnimation(713, 0); dialog->show(96, scene, 0, 709, 0xd1, 0xef, 0, 1); playSound(85, 2); playAnimation(714, 0); setLan(1, 0); disableObject(1); { Object *obj = scene->getObject(2); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 81; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 160; obj->actor_orientation = 4; obj->save(); } { Object *obj = scene->getObject(3); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 64; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 168; obj->actor_orientation = 4; obj->save(); } { Object *obj = scene->getObject(10); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 105; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 160; obj->actor_orientation = 1; obj->save(); } SET_FLAG(0xdbcc, 1); break; case 0x9472: playSound(5, 4); playSound(19, 14); playActorAnimation(793); displayMessage(0x5218); inventory->remove(60); SET_FLAG(0xdbd6, 1); break; case 0x9449: // meat + stew playSound(5, 4); playSound(63, 12); playActorAnimation(726); displayMessage(0x508a); inventory->remove(69); inventory->add(70); break; case 0x949b: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbd6, 2)) { playSound(5, 4); playSound(5, 25); playActorAnimation(802); displayMessage(0x5272); inventory->remove(62); inventory->add(74); inventory->add(65); } else displayMessage(0x524f); break; case 0x94d4: if (inventory->has(70)) { setOns(0, 0); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 18); playSound(13, 12); playActorAnimation(803); disableObject(7); inventory->remove(70); inventory->add(71); } else displayMessage(0x53ad); break; case 0x951b: playSound(5, 4); playSound(5, 22); playActorAnimation(804); displayMessage(0x528b); break; case 0x73a3: if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc5, 1)) { SET_FLAG(0xdbc5, 0); //call 73e6 playSound(71, 3); playActorAnimation(700); playAnimation(0, 0, true); reloadLan(); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc6, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4da6); } } else { SET_FLAG(0xdbc5, 1); //call 73e6 playSound(71, 3); playActorAnimation(700); reloadLan(); } break; case 0x9537: // using remote on VCR playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 16); playActorAnimation(703); if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc8, 1)) displayMessage(0x4d80); // nothing happened else { //0x955a if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc6, 0)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc5, 1)) { // tv on if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc7, 1)) displayMessage(0x4d93); // the tape started SET_FLAG(0xdbc6, 1); reloadLan(); if (!CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc7, 1)) { dialog->show(93, scene, 0, 702, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0, 1); SET_FLAG(0xdbc7, 1); } } else displayMessage(0x4d5b); // i just realized that tv is off } else { SET_FLAG(0xdbc6, 0); if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc5, 1)) { // tv on reloadLan(); displayMessage(0x4da6); // much better! } } } break; case 0x95eb: // polaroid + tv if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc6, 1)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbca, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4de6); } else { playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 24); playSound(90, 18); playActorAnimation(707); inventory->add(61); SET_FLAG(0xdbca, 1); } } else displayMessage(0x4ea5); break; case 0x962f: // polaroid + tv if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbc6, 1)) { if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbcb, 1)) { displayMessage(0x4e32); } else { displayMessage(0x4e05); playSound(5, 3); playSound(5, 27); playActorAnimation(708); SET_FLAG(0xdbcb, 1); } } else displayMessage(0x4ea5); break; case 0x95c8: playSound(5, 3); playSound(91, 12); playActorAnimation(706); inventory->remove(54); SET_FLAG(0xdbc8, 1); break; case 0x9673: // hit fatso - final scene playSound(5, 3); playSound(24, 10); playActorAnimation(798); playSound(63, 11); playSound(19, 20); playAnimation(799, 0); moveTo(50, 170, 1); playAnimation(800, 0, true, true, true); wait(100); playActorAnimation(805); moveTo(50, 170, 3); displayMessage(0x5349); //moveTo(105, 157, 0, true); playMusic(3); loadScene(11, 105, 157, 4); dialog->show(203, scene, 0, 938, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); playAnimation(939, 0, true, true); playActorAnimation(942, true); waitAnimation(); playAnimation(939, 0, true, true); playAnimation(935, 1, true, true); playActorAnimation(943, true); waitAnimation(); playAnimation(940, 0, true, true); playAnimation(936, 1, true, true); playActorAnimation(944, true); waitAnimation(); playAnimation(941, 0, true, true); playAnimation(937, 1, true, true); playActorAnimation(945, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(204, scene, 0, 938, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); playAnimation(946, 0); dialog->show(205, scene, 0, 938, 0xd1, 0xec, 0, 1); playSound(24, 7); playAnimation(948, 0, true); playActorAnimation(947, true); waitAnimation(); loadScene(40, 198, 186, 1); dialog->show(206, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); dialog->show(207, scene, 0, 921, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); playAnimation(923, 0); dialog->show(208, scene, 0, 920, 0xd1, 0xe7, 0, 1); moveTo(237, 186, 0); moveTo(237, 177, 0); moveTo(192, 177, 4); playAnimation(949, 0); dialog->showMono(209, scene, 950, 0xe7, 1); playSound(32, 5); playSound(40, 14); playAnimation(951, 0, true); playActorAnimation(952, true); waitAnimation(); playMusic(11); displayCredits(); loadScene(39, 192, 177, 0); hideActor(); dialog->showMono(210, scene, 953, 0xe3, 1); playSound(5, 15); playAnimation(954, 0); dialog->showMono(211, scene, 955, 0xe3, 1); playMusic(2); displayCredits(0xe47c, 4500); // 3 minutes (infinite until key pressed in original) scene->push(SceneEvent(SceneEvent::kQuit)); break; case 0x9921: // using diving eq { int id = scene->getId(); if (id != 15) { displayMessage(id == 16 ? 0x38ce : 0x38a7); } else { playSound(5, 3); playSound(38, 16); playSound(38, 22); playActorAnimation(614); playSound(5, 3); playSound(44, 10); playSound(20, 26); playActorAnimation(615); loadScene(17, 156, 180, 3); SET_FLAG(0, 4); playSound(64, 7); playSound(64, 21); playSound(64, 42); playSound(64, 63); setTimerCallback(0x9a1d, 30); playActorAnimation(617, false, true); } } break; case 0x9a1d: // no anchor, timeout SET_FLAG(0, 0); processCallback(0x9a7a); INC_FLAG(0xdba6); switch (GET_FLAG(0xdba6)) { case 1: displayMessage(0x39ae); break; case 2: displayMessage(0x39f6); break; case 3: displayMessage(0x3a28); break; case 4: displayMessage(0x3a85); break; case 5: displayMessage(0x39ae); break; default: displayMessage(0x39b7); break; } break; case 0x99e0: // success getting an anchor SET_FLAG(0, 0); setTimerCallback(0, 0); scene->getActorAnimation()->free(); playSound(64, 7); playActorAnimation(618); disableObject(5); setOns(0, 0); playSound(31, 1); playActorAnimation(619); processCallback(0x9a7a); inventory->add(42); displayMessage(0x3989); break; case 0x9a7a: loadScene(15, 156, 180, 3); playSound(5, 5); playSound(38, 14); playSound(38, 20); playSound(5, 25); playActorAnimation(616); break; case 0x9aca: if (scene->getId() == 13) { moveTo(172, 181, 1); playSound(26, 19); for (uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i) playSound(26, 30 + i * 11); playActorAnimation(661); displayCutsceneMessage(0x3c80, 30484); playSound(56, 10); playSound(56, 21); playSound(8, 48); for (uint i = 0; i < 7; ++i) playSound(26, 117 + i * 11); moveRel(-20, 0, 0, true); playActorAnimation(662, true); playAnimation(663, 2, true); waitAnimation(); setOns(1, 49); displayCutsceneMessage(0x3c9a, 30453); moveTo(162, 184, 0, true); playSound(26, 6); playSound(26, 17); playSound(56, 10); playSound(56, 21); playSound(19, 27); playSound(24, 38); playSound(23, 44); playActorAnimation(664); playAnimation(665, 1); wait(100); displayMessage(0x3cbc); wait(100); displayMessage(0x3cea); inventory->remove(37); processCallback(0x9d45); // another mansion try } else displayMessage(0x3c58); break; case 0x9c6d: displayMessage(0x49d1); SET_FLAG(0xdbb5, 1); retVal = false; break; case 0x9c79: // use pills if (scene->getId() != 36) { displayMessage(0x52a9); } else if (CHECK_FLAG(0xdbf1, 1)) { displayMessage(0x52f6); } else { SET_FLAG(0xdbf1, 1); moveTo(102, 195, 2); playSound(5, 3); playSound(75, 12); playActorAnimation(794); wait(100); setLan(1, 0); moveTo(151, 197, 2); playActorAnimation(795); moveTo(186, 198, 2, true); moveTo(220, 198, 4); { Walkbox *w = scene->getWalkbox(0); w->rect.left = 0; w->rect.bottom = 199; w->save(); } setLan(1, 0xff); dialog->showMark(130, scene); Object *obj = scene->getObject(1); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 270; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 193; obj->actor_orientation = 2; obj->save(); obj = scene->getObject(3); obj->actor_rect.left = obj->actor_rect.right = 254; obj->actor_rect.top = obj->actor_rect.bottom = 193; obj->actor_orientation = 1; obj->save(); SET_FLAG(0xdbd7, 1); } break; case 0x9d45: { wait(50); byte attempts = ++ *(res->dseg.ptr(0xdbea)); debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "mansion intrusion attempt #%u", attempts); if (attempts >= 7) retVal = false; else { uint16 ptr = res->dseg.get_word((attempts - 2) * 2 + 0x6035); debugC(0, kDebugCallbacks, "mansion callback = %04x", ptr); byte id = scene->getId(); playMusic(11); displayCutsceneMessage(0x580a, 30484); processCallback(ptr); playMusic(6); if (getFlag(0xdbec) != 1 || ptr != 0x9f3e) // ptr check eq. scene_id == 11 loadScene(id, scene->getPosition()); } } break; case 0x9d90: hideActor(); loadScene(34, scene->getPosition()); playAnimation(986, 0, true); playAnimation(987, 1, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(178, scene, 988, 989, 0xd9, 0xd0, 1, 2); playAnimation(990, 0, true); playAnimation(991, 1, true); waitAnimation(); showActor(); break; case 0x9de5: hideActor(); loadScene(30, scene->getPosition()); playAnimation(887, 1); playAnimation(888, 2, true, true, true); //waitAnimation(); dialog->showMono(179, scene, 889, 0xd9, 2); playSound(26, 3); playAnimation(891, 1, true, true, true); playAnimation(892, 2); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(180, scene, 890, 889, 0xd0, 0xd9, 3, 2); showActor(); break; case 0x9e54: hideActor(); loadScene(32, scene->getPosition()); playAnimation(894, 1, true, true, true); playAnimation(893, 2, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->showMono(181, scene, 895, 0xd9, 3); playSound(75, 9); playAnimation(898, 1, true); playAnimation(897, 2, true); dialog->show(182, scene, 896, 895, 0xd0, 0xd9, 2, 3); showActor(); break; case 0x9ec3: hideActor(); loadScene(29, scene->getPosition()); playActorAnimation(901, true); playAnimation(900, 1, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(183, scene, 903, 902, 0xd0, 0xd9, 2, 3); for (byte i = 3; i <= 9; i += 2) playSound(56, i); playActorAnimation(905, true); playAnimation(904, 1, true); dialog->show(184, scene, 903, 902, 0xd0, 0xd9, 2, 3); showActor(); break; case 0x9f3e: hideActor(); loadScene(35, scene->getPosition()); playAnimation(907, 2, true); playAnimation(906, 3, true); waitAnimation(); dialog->show(185, scene, 908, 909, 0xd9, 0xd0, 2, 3); dialog->show(186, scene, 910, 908, 0xd0, 0xd9, 3, 2); loadScene(11, scene->getPosition()); showActor(); setOns(3, 51); playAnimation(911, 1); playAnimation(899, 1); setFlag(0xdbec, 1); reloadLan(); wait(200); enableObject(8); setLan(2, 8); break; default: warning("invalid callback %04x called", addr); break; } return retVal; } } // End of namespace TeenAgent