/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "titanic/core/game_object.h" #include "titanic/core/mail_man.h" #include "titanic/core/resource_key.h" #include "titanic/core/room_item.h" #include "titanic/npcs/true_talk_npc.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_control.h" #include "titanic/star_control/star_control.h" #include "titanic/support/files_manager.h" #include "titanic/support/screen_manager.h" #include "titanic/support/video_surface.h" #include "titanic/game_manager.h" #include "titanic/titanic.h" namespace Titanic { BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGameObject, CNamedItem) END_MESSAGE_MAP() void *CGameObject::_v1 = nullptr; CGameObject::CGameObject(): CNamedItem() { _bounds = Rect(0, 0, 15, 15); _field34 = 0; _field38 = 0; _field3C = 0; _field40 = 0; _field44 = 0xF0; _field48 = 0xF0; _field4C = 0xFF; _field50 = 0; _field54 = 0; _field58 = 0; _visible = true; _field60 = 0; _cursorId = CURSOR_ARROW; _initialFrame = 0; _frameNumber = -1; _field90 = 0; _field94 = 0; _field98 = 0; _field9C = 0; _surface = nullptr; _fieldB8 = 0; } void CGameObject::save(SimpleFile *file, int indent) const { file->writeNumberLine(7, indent); error("TODO: CGameObject::save"); CNamedItem::save(file, indent); } void CGameObject::load(SimpleFile *file) { int val = file->readNumber(); CResourceKey resourceKey; switch (val) { case 7: _clipList2.load(file); _frameNumber = file->readNumber(); // Deliberate fall-through case 6: _cursorId = (CursorId)file->readNumber(); // Deliberate fall-through case 5: _clipList1.load(file); // Deliberate fall-through case 4: _field60 = file->readNumber(); // Deliberate fall-through case 3: _field40 = file->readNumber(); // Deliberate fall-through case 2: _resource = file->readString(); // Deliberate fall-through case 1: _bounds = file->readBounds(); _field34 = file->readFloat(); _field38 = file->readFloat(); _field3C = file->readFloat(); _field44 = file->readNumber(); _field48 = file->readNumber(); _field4C = file->readNumber(); _fieldB8 = file->readNumber(); _visible = file->readNumber() != 0; _field50 = file->readNumber(); _field54 = file->readNumber(); _field58 = file->readNumber(); resourceKey.load(file); _surface = nullptr; val = file->readNumber(); if (val) { _resource = resourceKey.getString(); } break; default: break; } CNamedItem::load(file); } void CGameObject::stopMovie() { if (_surface) _surface->stopMovie(); } bool CGameObject::checkPoint(const Point &pt, bool ignore40, bool visibleOnly) { if ((!_visible && visibleOnly) || !_bounds.contains(pt)) return false; if (ignore40 || _field40) return true; if (!_surface) { if (_frameNumber == -1) return true; loadFrame(_frameNumber); if (!_surface) return true; } Common::Point pixelPos = pt - _bounds; if (_surface->_blitStyleFlag) { pixelPos.y = ((_bounds.height() - _bounds.top) / 2) * 2 - pixelPos.y; } uint transColor = _surface->getTransparencyColor(); uint pixel = _surface->getPixel(pixelPos); return pixel != transColor; } void CGameObject::draw(CScreenManager *screenManager) { if (!_visible) return; if (_v1) { error("TODO: Block in CGameObject::draw"); } if (_field40) { if (_field90) { if (_bounds.intersects(getGameManager()->_bounds)) warning("TODO: _field90(screenManager);"); } } else { if (!_surface) { if (!_resource.empty()) { loadResource(_resource); _resource = ""; } } if (_surface) { _bounds.setWidth(_surface->getWidth()); _bounds.setHeight(_surface->getHeight()); if (!_bounds.width() || !_bounds.height()) return; if (_frameNumber >= 0) { loadFrame(_frameNumber); _frameNumber = -1; } if (!_clipList2.empty()) processClipList2(); if (_bounds.intersects(getGameManager()->_bounds)) { if (_surface) { Point destPos(_bounds.left, _bounds.top); screenManager->blitFrom(SURFACE_BACKBUFFER, _surface, &destPos); } if (_field90) warning("TODO: sub_415f80(screenManager);"); } } } } void CGameObject::draw(CScreenManager *screenManager, const Common::Point &destPos) { if (!_surface && !_resource.empty()) { loadResource(_resource); _resource.clear(); } if (_surface) { int xSize = _surface->getWidth(); int ySize = _surface->getHeight(); if (xSize > 0 && ySize > 0) { screenManager->blitFrom(SURFACE_BACKBUFFER, _surface, &destPos); } } } bool CGameObject::isPet() const { return isInstanceOf(CPetControl::_type); } void CGameObject::loadResource(const CString &name) { switch (name.fileTypeSuffix()) { case FILETYPE_IMAGE: loadImage(name); break; case FILETYPE_MOVIE: loadMovie(name); break; } } void CGameObject::loadMovie(const CString &name, bool pendingFlag) { g_vm->_filesManager->preload(name); // Create the surface if it doesn't already exist if (!_surface) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); _surface = new OSVideoSurface(gameManager->setScreenManager(), nullptr); } // Load the new movie resource CResourceKey key(name); _surface->loadResource(key); if (_surface->hasSurface() && !pendingFlag) { _bounds.setWidth(_surface->getWidth()); _bounds.setHeight(_surface->getHeight()); } if (_initialFrame) loadFrame(_initialFrame); } void CGameObject::loadImage(const CString &name, bool pendingFlag) { // Get a refernce to the game and screen managers CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); CScreenManager *screenManager; if (gameManager && (screenManager = CScreenManager::setCurrent()) != nullptr) { // Destroy the object's surface if it already had one if (_surface) { delete _surface; _surface = nullptr; } g_vm->_filesManager->preload(name); if (!name.empty()) { _surface = new OSVideoSurface(screenManager, CResourceKey(name), pendingFlag); } if (_surface && !pendingFlag) { _bounds.right = _surface->getWidth(); _bounds.bottom = _surface->getHeight(); } // Mark the object's area as dirty, so that on the next frame rendering // this object will be redrawn makeDirty(); } _initialFrame = 0; } void CGameObject::loadFrame(int frameNumber) { if (frameNumber != -1 && !_resource.empty()) loadResource(_resource); if (_surface) _surface->setMovieFrame(frameNumber); makeDirty(); } void CGameObject::processClipList2() { warning("CGameObject::processClipList2"); } void CGameObject::makeDirty(const Rect &r) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (gameManager) gameManager->extendBounds(r); } void CGameObject::makeDirty() { makeDirty(_bounds); } bool CGameObject::soundFn1(int handle) { if (handle != 0 && handle != -1) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (gameManager) return gameManager->_sound.fn1(handle); } return false; } void CGameObject::soundFn3(int handle, int val2, int val3) { if (handle != 0 && handle != -1) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (gameManager) return gameManager->_sound.fn3(handle, val2, val3); } } void CGameObject::setVisible(bool val) { if (val != _visible) { _visible = val; makeDirty(); } } void CGameObject::petFn2(int val) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet) pet->fn2(val); } void CGameObject::petFn3(CTreeItem *item) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet) pet->fn3(item); } void CGameObject::playMovie(uint startFrame, uint endFrame, uint flags) { _frameNumber = -1; if (!_surface) { if (!_resource.empty()) loadResource(_resource); _resource.clear(); } if (_surface) { // TODO: Figure out where to do this legitimately OSMovie *movie = static_cast(_surface->_movie); if (movie) movie->_gameObject = this; _surface->playMovie(startFrame, endFrame, flags, flags != 0); if (flags & 0x10) getGameManager()->_gameState.addMovie(_surface->_movie); } } void CGameObject::playClip(const CString &name, uint flags) { _frameNumber = -1; CMovieClip *clip = _clipList1.findByName(name); if (clip) playMovie(clip->_startFrame, clip->_endFrame, flags); } void CGameObject::playClip(uint startFrame, uint endFrame) { CMovieClip *clip = new CMovieClip("", startFrame, endFrame); CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); CRoomItem *room = gameManager->getRoom(); gameManager->playClip(clip, room, room); } void CGameObject::playMovie(uint flags) { _frameNumber = -1; if (!_surface && !_resource.empty()) { loadResource(_resource); _resource.clear(); } CVideoSurface *surface = (flags & 4) ? _surface : nullptr; if (_surface) { _surface->playMovie(flags, surface); // TODO: Figure out where to do this legitimately OSMovie *movie = static_cast(_surface->_movie); if (movie) movie->_gameObject = this; if (flags & 0x10) { getGameManager()->_gameState.addMovie(_surface->_movie); } } } void CGameObject::savePosition() { _savedPos = _bounds; } void CGameObject::resetPosition() { setPosition(_savedPos); } void CGameObject::setPosition(const Point &newPos) { makeDirty(); _bounds.moveTo(newPos); makeDirty(); } bool CGameObject::checkStartDragging(CMouseDragStartMsg *msg) { if (_visible && checkPoint(msg->_mousePos, msg->_field14, 1)) { savePosition(); msg->_dragItem = this; return true; } else { return false; } } void CGameObject::setPetArea(PetArea newArea) const { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet) pet->setArea(newArea); } bool CGameObject::hasActiveMovie() const { if (_surface && _surface->_movie) return _surface->_movie->isActive(); return false; } int CGameObject::getMovieFrame() const { if (_surface && _surface->_movie) return _surface->_movie->getFrame(); return _initialFrame; } int CGameObject::getSurface45() const { return _surface ? _surface->proc45() : 0; } void CGameObject::sound8(bool flag) const { getGameManager()->_sound.managerProc8(flag ? 3 : 0); } void CGameObject::loadSound(const CString &name) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (gameManager) { g_vm->_filesManager->preload(name); if (!name.empty()) gameManager->_sound.loadSound(name); } } int CGameObject::playSound(const CString &name, int val2, int val3, int val4) { CProximity prox; prox._field8 = val2; prox._fieldC = val3; prox._field20 = val4; return playSound(name, prox); } int CGameObject::playSound(const CString &name, CProximity &prox) { if (prox._field28 == 2) { // TODO } return 0; } void CGameObject::stopSound(int handle, int val2) { if (handle != 0 && handle != -1) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (gameManager) { if (val2) gameManager->_sound.fn3(handle, 0, val2); else gameManager->_sound.fn2(handle); } } } int CGameObject::addTimer(int endVal, uint firstDuration, uint duration) { CTimeEventInfo *timer = new CTimeEventInfo(g_vm->_events->getTicksCount(), duration != 0, firstDuration, duration, this, endVal, CString()); getGameManager()->addTimer(timer); return timer->_id; } int CGameObject::addTimer(uint firstDuration, uint duration) { CTimeEventInfo *timer = new CTimeEventInfo(g_vm->_events->getTicksCount(), duration != 0, firstDuration, duration, this, 0, CString()); getGameManager()->addTimer(timer); return timer->_id; } void CGameObject::stopTimer(int id) { getGameManager()->stopTimer(id); } void CGameObject::gotoView(const CString &viewName, const CString &clipName) { CViewItem *newView = parseView(viewName); CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); CViewItem *oldView = gameManager ? gameManager->getView() : newView; if (!oldView || !newView) return; CMovieClip *clip = nullptr; if (clipName.empty()) { CLinkItem *link = oldView->findLink(newView); if (link) clip = link->getClip(); } else { clip = oldView->findNode()->findRoom()->findClip(clipName); } // Change the view gameManager->_gameState.changeView(newView, clip); } CViewItem *CGameObject::parseView(const CString &viewString) { int firstIndex = viewString.indexOf('.'); int lastIndex = viewString.lastIndexOf('.'); CString roomName, nodeName, viewName; if (firstIndex == -1) { roomName = viewString; } else { roomName = viewString.left(firstIndex); if (lastIndex > firstIndex) { nodeName = viewString.mid(firstIndex + 1, lastIndex - firstIndex - 1); viewName = viewString.mid(lastIndex + 1); } else { nodeName = viewString.mid(firstIndex + 1); } } CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (!gameManager) return nullptr; CRoomItem *room = gameManager->getRoom(); CProjectItem *project = room->getRoot(); // Ensure we have the specified room if (project) { if (room->getName() != roomName) { // Scan for the correct room for (room = project->findFirstRoom(); room && room->getName() != roomName; room = project->findNextRoom(room)) ; } } if (!room) return nullptr; // Find the designated node within the room CNodeItem *node = static_cast(room->findChildInstanceOf(CNodeItem::_type)); while (node && node->getName() != nodeName) node = static_cast(room->findNextInstanceOf(CNodeItem::_type, node)); if (!node) return nullptr; CViewItem *view = static_cast(node->findChildInstanceOf(CViewItem::_type)); while (view && view->getName() != viewName) view = static_cast(node->findNextInstanceOf(CViewItem::_type, view)); if (!view) return nullptr; // Find the view, so return it return view; } CString CGameObject::getViewFullName() const { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); CViewItem *view = gameManager->getView(); CNodeItem *node = view->findNode(); CRoomItem *room = node->findRoom(); return CString::format("%s.%s.%s", room->getName().c_str(), node->getName().c_str(), view->getName().c_str()); } void CGameObject::sleep(uint milli) { g_vm->_events->sleep(milli); } Point CGameObject::getMousePos() const { return getGameManager()->_gameState.getMousePos(); } bool CGameObject::compareViewNameTo(const CString &name) const { return getViewFullName().compareToIgnoreCase(name); } int CGameObject::compareRoomNameTo(const CString &name) { CRoomItem *room = getGameManager()->getRoom(); return room->getName().compareToIgnoreCase(name); } void CGameObject::petDisplayMsg(const CString &msg) const { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet) pet->displayMessage(msg); } void CGameObject::displayMessage(const CString &msg) const { petDisplayMsg(msg); } CGameObject *CGameObject::getMailManFirstObject() const { CMailMan *mailMan = getMailMan(); return mailMan ? mailMan->getFirstObject() : nullptr; } CGameObject *CGameObject::getMailManNextObject(CGameObject *prior) const { CMailMan *mailMan = getMailMan(); return mailMan ? mailMan->getNextObject(prior) : nullptr; } CGameObject *CGameObject::findRoomObject(const CString &name) const { return static_cast(findRoom()->findByName(name)); } CGameObject *CGameObject::findUnder(CTreeItem *parent, const CString &name) { if (!parent) return nullptr; for (CTreeItem *treeItem = parent->getFirstChild(); treeItem; treeItem = treeItem->scan(parent)) { if (!treeItem->getName().compareTo(name)) { return dynamic_cast(treeItem); } } return nullptr; } Found CGameObject::find(const CString &name, CGameObject **item, int findAreas) { CGameObject *go; *item = nullptr; // Scan under PET if flagged if (findAreas & FIND_PET) { for (go = getPetControl()->getFirstObject(); go; go = getPetControl()->getNextObject(go)) { if (go->getName() == name) { *item = go; return FOUND_PET; } } } if (findAreas & FIND_MAILMAN) { for (go = getMailManFirstObject(); go; go = getMailManNextObject(go)) { if (go->getName() == name) { *item = go; return FOUND_MAILMAN; } } } if (findAreas & FIND_GLOBAL) { go = static_cast(getRoot()->findByName(name)); if (go) { *item = go; return FOUND_GLOBAL; } } if (findAreas & FIND_ROOM) { go = findRoomObject(name); if (go) { *item = go; return FOUND_ROOM; } } return FOUND_NONE; } void CGameObject::moveToHiddenRoom() { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet) { makeDirty(); pet->moveToHiddenRoom(this); } } void CGameObject::moveToView() { CViewItem *view = getGameManager()->getView(); detach(); view->addUnder(this); } void CGameObject::incState38() { getGameManager()->_gameState.inc38(); } void CGameObject::inc54() { getGameManager()->inc54(); } void CGameObject::dec54() { getGameManager()->dec54(); } void CGameObject::petAddRoom(int roomNum) { CPetControl *petControl = getPetControl(); if (petControl) petControl->addRoom(roomNum); } void CGameObject::lockMouse() { CGameManager *gameMan = getGameManager(); gameMan->lockInputHandler(); if (CScreenManager::_screenManagerPtr->_mouseCursor) CScreenManager::_screenManagerPtr->_mouseCursor->hide(); } void CGameObject::unlockMouse() { if (CScreenManager::_screenManagerPtr->_mouseCursor) CScreenManager::_screenManagerPtr->_mouseCursor->show(); CGameManager *gameMan = getGameManager(); gameMan->unlockInputHandler(); } void CGameObject::startTalking(const CString &npcName, uint id, CViewItem *view) { CTrueTalkNPC *npc = static_cast(getRoot()->findByName(npcName)); startTalking(npc, id, view); } void CGameObject::startTalking(CTrueTalkNPC *npc, uint id, CViewItem *view) { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); if (gameManager) { CTrueTalkManager *talkManager = gameManager->getTalkManager(); if (talkManager) talkManager->start(npc, id, view); } } void CGameObject::endTalking(CTrueTalkNPC *npc, uint id, CViewItem *view) { warning("TODO: CGameObject::endTalking"); } void CGameObject::loadSurface() { if (!_surface && !_resource.empty()) { loadResource(_resource); _resource.clear(); } if (_surface) _surface->loadIfReady(); } bool CGameObject::changeView(const CString &viewName, const CString &clipName) { CViewItem *newView = parseView(viewName); CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); CViewItem *oldView = gameManager->getView(); if (!oldView || !newView) return false; CMovieClip *clip = nullptr; if (!clipName.empty()) { clip = oldView->findNode()->findRoom()->findClip(clipName); } else { CLinkItem *link = oldView->findLink(newView); if (link) clip = link->getClip(); } gameManager->_gameState.changeView(newView, clip); return true; } void CGameObject::dragMove(const Point &pt) { if (_surface) { _bounds.setWidth(_surface->getWidth()); _bounds.setHeight(_surface->getHeight()); } setPosition(Point(pt.x - _bounds.width() / 2, pt.y - _bounds.height() / 2)); } bool CGameObject::clipExistsByStart(const CString &name, int startFrame) const { return _clipList1.existsByStart(name, startFrame); } bool CGameObject::clipExistsByEnd(const CString &name, int endFrame) const { return _clipList1.existsByEnd(name, endFrame); } void CGameObject::checkPlayMovie(const CString &name, int flags) { if (!_surface && !_resource.empty()) loadResource(_resource); if (_surface ) { _surface->proc35(name, flags, (flags & CLIPFLAG_4) ? this : nullptr); if (flags & CLIPFLAG_PLAY) getGameManager()->_gameState.addMovie(_surface->_movie); } } void CGameObject::clearPet() const { CPetControl *petControl = getPetControl(); if (petControl) petControl->clear(); } CPetControl *CGameObject::getPetControl() const { return static_cast(getDontSaveChild(CPetControl::_type)); } CMailMan *CGameObject::getMailMan() const { return dynamic_cast(getDontSaveChild(CMailMan::_type)); } CStarControl *CGameObject::getStarControl() const { CStarControl *starControl = static_cast(getDontSaveChild(CStarControl::_type)); if (!starControl) { CViewItem *view = getGameManager()->getView(); if (view) starControl = starControl = static_cast(view->findChildInstanceOf(CStarControl::_type)); } return starControl; } CTreeItem *CGameObject::getDontSaveChild(ClassDef *classDef) const { CProjectItem *root = getRoot(); if (!root) return nullptr; CDontSaveFileItem *dontSave = root->getDontSaveFileItem(); if (!dontSave) return nullptr; return dontSave->findChildInstanceOf(classDef); } CRoomItem *CGameObject::getRoom() const { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); return gameManager ? gameManager->getRoom() : nullptr; } CRoomItem *CGameObject::getHiddenRoom() const { CProjectItem *root = getRoot(); return root ? root->findHiddenRoom() : nullptr; } CMusicRoom *CGameObject::getMusicRoom() const { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); return gameManager ? &gameManager->_musicRoom : nullptr; } int CGameObject::getPassengerClass() const { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); return gameManager ? gameManager->_gameState._passengerClass : 3; } int CGameObject::getPriorClass() const { CGameManager *gameManager = getGameManager(); return gameManager ? gameManager->_gameState._priorClass : 3; } void CGameObject::setPassengerClass(int newClass) { if (newClass >= 1 && newClass <= 4) { // Change the passenger class CGameManager *gameMan = getGameManager(); gameMan->_gameState._priorClass = gameMan->_gameState._passengerClass; gameMan->_gameState._passengerClass = newClass; // Setup the PET again, so the new class's PET background can take effect CPetControl *petControl = getPetControl(); if (petControl) petControl->setup(); } } } // End of namespace Titanic