/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "titanic/npcs/bilge_succubus.h" #include "titanic/carry/chicken.h" #include "titanic/core/view_item.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_control.h" #include "titanic/translation.h" namespace Titanic { BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBilgeSuccUBus, CSuccUBus) ON_MESSAGE(FrameMsg) ON_MESSAGE(PETReceiveMsg) ON_MESSAGE(PETDeliverMsg) ON_MESSAGE(MovieEndMsg) ON_MESSAGE(MouseButtonDownMsg) ON_MESSAGE(SubAcceptCCarryMsg) ON_MESSAGE(EnterViewMsg) ON_MESSAGE(LeaveViewMsg) ON_MESSAGE(TrueTalkGetStateValueMsg) ON_MESSAGE(TurnOn) ON_MESSAGE(TurnOff) END_MESSAGE_MAP() CBilgeSuccUBus::CBilgeSuccUBus() : CSuccUBus(), _sneezing2StartFrame(-1), _sneezing2EndFrame(-1), _sneezing1StartFrame(-1), _sneezing1EndFrame(-1) { } void CBilgeSuccUBus::save(SimpleFile *file, int indent) { file->writeNumberLine(1, indent); file->writeNumberLine(_sneezing2StartFrame, indent); file->writeNumberLine(_sneezing2EndFrame, indent); file->writeNumberLine(_sneezing1StartFrame, indent); file->writeNumberLine(_sneezing1EndFrame, indent); CSuccUBus::save(file, indent); } void CBilgeSuccUBus::load(SimpleFile *file) { file->readNumber(); _sneezing2StartFrame = file->readNumber(); _sneezing2EndFrame = file->readNumber(); _sneezing1StartFrame = file->readNumber(); _sneezing1EndFrame = file->readNumber(); CSuccUBus::load(file); } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::FrameMsg(CFrameMsg *msg) { return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::PETReceiveMsg(CPETReceiveMsg *msg) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (_motherBlocked) { // Mother hasn't yet been unblocked, so don't receive anything if (_receiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_receiveStartFrame, _receiveEndFrame, MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); if (_afterReceiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_afterReceiveStartFrame, _afterReceiveEndFrame, MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); playSound(TRANSLATE("z#28.wav", "z#559.wav"), 70); } else if (!_isOn) { petDisplayMessage(2, SUCCUBUS_IS_IN_STANDBY); return false; } else if (!pet) { return false; } else { uint roomFlags = pet->getRoomFlags(); CGameObject *mailObject = findMailByFlags( _fuseboxOn && compareRoomNameTo("Titania") ? RFC_TITANIA : _flagsComparison, roomFlags); if (mailObject) { startTalking(this, 230004); _mailP = mailObject; if (_receiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_receiveStartFrame, _receiveEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); } else { petDisplayMessage(2, NOTHING_TO_DELIVER); } } return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::PETDeliverMsg(CPETDeliverMsg *msg) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (!_isOn || !pet) return true; uint petRoomFlags = pet->getRoomFlags(); CGameObject *mailObject = findMail(petRoomFlags); if (!mailObject) { petDisplayMessage(2, NOTHING_IN_SUCCUBUS_TRAY); return true; } _sendLost = false; _mailP = mailObject; uint roomFlags = _destRoomFlags; if (!pet->isSuccUBusDest(roomFlags) || getPassengerClass() > pet->getMailDestClass(roomFlags)) { roomFlags = pet->getSpecialRoomFlags("BilgeRoom"); _sendLost = true; } _isChicken = mailObject->getName() == "Chicken"; _isFeathers = mailObject->getName() == "Feathers"; _sendAction = SA_SENT; if (_motherBlocked) { if (_isFeathers) { startTalking(this, 230022); _sendAction = SA_FEATHERS; if (_sendStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_sendStartFrame, _sendEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); if (_sneezing2StartFrame >= 0) { playMovie(_trayOutStartFrame, _trayOutEndFrame, MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); playMovie(_sneezing1StartFrame, _sneezing1EndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); playMovie(_sneezing2StartFrame, _sneezing2EndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); lockMouse(); } } else { startTalking(this, 230012); _sendAction = SA_EATEN; if (_sendStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_sendStartFrame, _sendEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); if (_receiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_receiveStartFrame, _receiveEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); if (_afterReceiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_afterReceiveStartFrame, _afterReceiveEndFrame, MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); } } else { if (_isFeathers) { startTalking(this, 230022); _sendAction = SA_BILGE_FEATHERS; if (_sendStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_sendStartFrame, _sendEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); if (_receiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_receiveStartFrame, _receiveEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); if (_afterReceiveStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_afterReceiveStartFrame, _afterReceiveEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); } else { sendMail(petRoomFlags, roomFlags); startTalking(this, 230012); if (_sendStartFrame >= 0) { _sendAction = SA_BILGE_SENT; playMovie(_sendStartFrame, _sendEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT | MOVIE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH); } } } return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::MovieEndMsg(CMovieEndMsg *msg) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (msg->_endFrame == _trayOutEndFrame) { if (_offStartFrame >= 0) playSound(TRANSLATE("z#27.wav", "z#558.wav")); } else if (msg->_endFrame == _offEndFrame) { if (_endingStartFrame >= 0) playSound(TRANSLATE("z#30.wav", "z#561.wav")); } else { if (msg->_endFrame == _onEndFrame && pet) { if (_motherBlocked) { startTalking(this, getRandomNumber(1) ? 230062 : 230063); } else if (!findMail(pet->getRoomFlags())) { switch (getRandomNumber(4)) { case 0: startTalking(this, 230001); break; case 1: startTalking(this, 230002); break; case 2: startTalking(this, 230003); break; default: break; } } } else if (msg->_endFrame == _sendEndFrame) { switch (_sendAction) { case SA_EATEN: stopSound(_soundHandle, 1); _soundHandle = playSound(TRANSLATE("z#3.wav", "z#539.wav"), 1); break; case SA_BILGE_FEATHERS: stopSound(_soundHandle); _soundHandle = playSound(TRANSLATE("z#12.wav", "z#532.wav")); break; case SA_BILGE_SENT: if (_isChicken) { startTalking(this, 230018); _isChicken = false; } else { startTalking(this, 230013); } break; case SA_BILGE_EATEN: startTalking(this, 230017); break; default: break; } CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); } else if (msg->_endFrame == _receiveEndFrame) { if (_mailP) { _mailP->petAddToInventory(); CVisibleMsg visibleMsg(true); visibleMsg.execute(_mailP); _mailP = nullptr; petSetArea(PET_INVENTORY); CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); } } else if (msg->_endFrame == _sneezing1EndFrame) { playSound(TRANSLATE("z#25.wav", "z#556.wav"), 70); playSound(TRANSLATE("z#24.wav", "z#555.wav"), 70); } else if (msg->_endFrame == _sneezing2EndFrame) { changeView("BilgeRoomWith.Node 1.N", ""); _motherBlocked = false; resetMail(); if (_mailP) { _mailP->petAddToInventory(); CVisibleMsg visibleMsg(true); visibleMsg.execute(_mailP); _mailP = nullptr; petSetArea(PET_INVENTORY); } startTalking(this, 150); CBodyInBilgeRoomMsg bodyMsg; bodyMsg.execute("Service Elevator Entity"); unlockMouse(); _sendAction = SA_SENT; } else { _sendAction = SA_SENT; } } return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::MouseButtonDownMsg(CMouseButtonDownMsg *msg) { if (_isOn) { switch (getRandomNumber(4)) { case 0: case 4: { _isOn = false; CTurnOff offMsg; offMsg.execute(this); break; } case 1: startTalking(this, 230055); break; case 2: startTalking(this, 230067); break; case 3: startTalking(this, 230045); break; default: break; } } else { CTurnOn onMsg; onMsg.execute(this); _isOn = true; } return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::SubAcceptCCarryMsg(CSubAcceptCCarryMsg *msg) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (!msg->_item) return false; CCarry *item = dynamic_cast<CCarry *>(msg->_item); if (!_isOn || !pet || !item) { item->petAddToInventory(); return true; } uint petRoomFlags = pet->getRoomFlags(); if (mailExists(petRoomFlags)) { petDisplayMessage(2, SUCCUBUS_SINGLE_DELIVERY); item->petAddToInventory(); return true; } petContainerRemove(item); pet->phonographAction(""); item->setVisible(false); playSound(TRANSLATE("z#23.wav", "z#554.wav")); CChicken *chicken = dynamic_cast<CChicken *>(item); bool chickenFlag = chicken ? chicken->_condiment == "None" : false; if (chickenFlag) { if (_okStartFrame >= 0) { startTalking(this, 70219); playMovie(_okStartFrame, _okEndFrame, 0); } if (_sendStartFrame >= 0) { _sendAction = SA_BILGE_EATEN; playMovie(_sendStartFrame, _sendEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); } CViewItem *view = parseView(item->_fullViewName); if (view) { item->setVisible(false); setPosition(item->_origPos); item->moveUnder(view); CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); } else { return false; } } else { item->addMail(petRoomFlags); if (_okStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_okStartFrame, _okEndFrame, 0); petSetArea(PET_REMOTE); CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); } return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::EnterViewMsg(CEnterViewMsg *msg) { petSetRemoteTarget(); _mailP = nullptr; if (_initialStartFrame >= 0) loadFrame(_initialStartFrame); return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::LeaveViewMsg(CLeaveViewMsg *msg) { petDisplayMessage(2, BLANK); petClear(); if (_soundHandle != -1) { stopSound(_soundHandle); _soundHandle = -1; } if (_isOn) { _isOn = false; if (_offStartFrame >= 0) playSound(TRANSLATE("z#27.wav", "z#558.wav")); } performAction(true); CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::TrueTalkGetStateValueMsg(CTrueTalkGetStateValueMsg *msg) { if (msg->_stateNum == 1) msg->_stateVal = _isOn; return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::TurnOn(CTurnOn *msg) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet) { if (_onStartFrame >= 0) { playMovie(_onStartFrame, _onEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); playSound(TRANSLATE("z#26.wav", "z#557.wav")); } if (mailExists(pet->getRoomFlags()) && _okStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_okStartFrame, _okEndFrame, 0); _isOn = true; CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); setTalking(this, true); petSetArea(PET_REMOTE); petHighlightGlyph(16); } return true; } bool CBilgeSuccUBus::TurnOff(CTurnOff *msg) { CPetControl *pet = getPetControl(); if (pet && mailExists(pet->getRoomFlags()) && _trayOutStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_trayOutStartFrame, _trayOutEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); else if (_trayOutEndFrame >= 0) playMovie(_trayOutEndFrame, _trayOutEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); if (_soundHandle != -1) { stopSound(_soundHandle); _soundHandle = -1; } if (_offStartFrame >= 0) playMovie(_offStartFrame, _offEndFrame, MOVIE_NOTIFY_OBJECT); _isOn = false; performAction(true); CSUBTransition transMsg; transMsg.execute(this); return true; } } // End of namespace Titanic