/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef TITANIC_PET_CONTROL_H #define TITANIC_PET_CONTROL_H #include "titanic/core/game_object.h" #include "titanic/core/node_item.h" #include "titanic/core/room_item.h" #include "titanic/messages/messages.h" #include "titanic/messages/mouse_messages.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_conversations.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_frame.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_inventory.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_translation.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_starfield.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_real_life.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_remote.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_rooms.h" #include "titanic/support/strings.h" #include "titanic/room_flags.h" namespace Titanic { enum SummonResult { SUMMON_CANT = 0, SUMMON_PRESENT = 1, SUMMON_CAN = 2 }; class CPetControl : public CGameObject { DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP; struct PetEventInfo { int _id; CPetSection *_target; PetEventInfo() : _id(0), _target(nullptr) {} }; private: int _inputLockCount; int _areaLockCount; int _areaChangeType; CPetSection *_sections[7]; CPetConversations _conversations; CPetInventory _inventory; CPetStarfield _starfield; CPetRemote _remote; CPetRooms _rooms; CPetRealLife _realLife; CPetTranslation _translation; CPetFrame _frame; CString _activeNPCName; CString _remoteTargetName; CRoomItem *_hiddenRoom; Rect _drawBounds; PetEventInfo _timers[2]; Strings _strings; private: /** * Returns true if the control is in a valid state */ bool isValid(); /** * Loads data for the individual areas */ void loadAreas(SimpleFile *file, int param); /** * Saves data for the individual areas */ void saveAreas(SimpleFile *file, int indent); /** * Called at the end of the post game-load handling */ void loaded(); /** * Returns true if the draw bounds contains the specified point */ bool containsPt(const Common::Point &pt) const; /** * Checks whether a designated NPC in present in the current view */ bool isBotInView(const CString &name) const; /** * Find a bot under a given root */ CGameObject *findBot(const CString &name, CTreeItem *root); /** * Flags whether the timer will be persisent across save & loads */ void setTimerPersisent(int id, bool flag); protected: bool MouseButtonDownMsg(CMouseButtonDownMsg *msg); bool MouseDragStartMsg(CMouseDragStartMsg *msg); bool MouseDragMoveMsg(CMouseDragMoveMsg *msg); bool MouseDragEndMsg(CMouseDragEndMsg *msg); bool MouseButtonUpMsg(CMouseButtonUpMsg *msg); bool MouseDoubleClickMsg(CMouseDoubleClickMsg *msg); bool MouseWheelMsg(CMouseWheelMsg *msg); bool KeyCharMsg(CKeyCharMsg *msg); bool VirtualKeyCharMsg(CVirtualKeyCharMsg *msg); bool TimerMsg(CTimerMsg *msg); public: PetArea _currentArea; CTreeItem *_activeNPC; CGameObject *_remoteTarget; public: CLASSDEF; CPetControl(); /** * Save the data for the class to file */ virtual void save(SimpleFile *file, int indent); /** * Load the data for the class from file */ virtual void load(SimpleFile *file); /** * Allows the item to draw itself */ virtual void draw(CScreenManager *screenManager); /** * Gets the bounds occupied by the item */ virtual Rect getBounds() const; /** * Setups the sections within the PET */ void setup(); /** * Called after loading a game has finished */ void postLoad(); /** * Called when a new node is entered */ void enterNode(CNodeItem *node); /** * Called when a new room is entered */ void enterRoom(CRoomItem *room); /** * Called to reset the remote target */ void resetRemoteTarget(); /** * Set the remote target */ void setRemoteTarget(CGameObject *item); /** * Sets the currently viewed area within the PET */ PetArea setArea(PetArea newSection, bool forceChange = false); /** * Hides the text cursor in the current section, if applicable */ void hideCursor(); /** * Shows the text cursor in the current section, if applicable */ void showCursor(); /** * Highlights a glyph item in the currently active section, if applicable */ void highlightGlyph(int id); /** * Returns a game object used by the PET by name from within the * special hidden room container */ CGameObject *getHiddenObject(const CString &name); /** * Returns a reference to the special hidden room container */ CRoomItem *getHiddenRoom(); /** * Draws squares for showing glyphs inside */ void drawSquares(CScreenManager *screenManager, int count); /** * Returns true if the point is within the PET's draw bounds */ bool contains(const Point &pt) const { return _drawBounds.contains(pt); } /** * Handles drag ends within the PET */ CGameObject *dragEnd(const Point &pt) const; /** * Handles checking when a drag-drop operation ends */ bool checkDragEnd(CGameObject *item) const; /** * Display a message */ void displayMessage(StringId stringId, int param = 0) const; /** * Display a message */ void displayMessage(const CString &str, int param = 0) const; /** * Switches to the Translation display, and adds a line to it's content */ void addTranslation(StringId id1, StringId id2); /** * Clears the translation display */ void clearTranslation(); /** * Get the first game object stored in the PET */ CGameObject *getFirstObject() const; /** * Get the next game object stored in the PET following * the passed game object */ CGameObject *getNextObject(CGameObject *prior) const; /** * Adds an item to the PET inventory */ void addToInventory(CGameObject *item); /** * Remove an item from the inventory */ void removeFromInventory(CGameObject *item, CTreeItem *newParent, bool refreshUI = true, bool sendMsg = true); /** * Remove an item from the inventory */ void removeFromInventory(CGameObject *item, bool refreshUI = true, bool sendMsg = true); /** * Called when the status of an item in the inventory has changed */ void invChange(CGameObject *item); /** * Moves a tree item from it's original position to be under the hidden room */ void moveToHiddenRoom(CTreeItem *item); /** * Sets a change for the PET Area's glyphs. Only applicable when * the Inventory is the active tab */ void setAreaChangeType(int changeType) { _areaChangeType = changeType; } bool checkNode(const CString &name); /** * Play a sound */ void playSound(int soundNum); /** * Check whether an NPC can be summoned */ int canSummonBot(const CString &name); /** * Summon an NPC to the player */ void summonBot(const CString &name, int val); /** * Summon a bot to the player */ void onSummonBot(const CString &name, int val); /** * Dismiss an NPC */ bool dismissBot(const CString &name); /** * Returns true if Doorbot or Bellbot present */ bool isDoorOrBellbotPresent() const; /** * Start a timer for a Pet Area */ void startPetTimer(uint timerIndex, uint firstDuration, uint duration, CPetSection *target); /** * Stop a timer */ void stopPetTimer(uint timerIndex); /** * Returns true if all input is currently locked (disabled) */ bool isInputLocked() const { return _inputLockCount > 0; } /** * Increments the input locked count */ void incInputLocks() { ++_inputLockCount; } /** * Decremenst the input locked count */ void decInputLocks() { --_inputLockCount; } /** * Returns true if the PET is currently unlocked */ bool isAreaActive() const { return _areaLockCount == 0; } /** * Increment the number of PET area (tab) locks */ void incAreaLocks() { ++_areaLockCount; } /** * Decrement the number of PET area (tab) locks */ void decAreaLocks() { _areaLockCount = MAX(_areaLockCount - 1, 0); } bool isSuccUBusActive() const; /*--- CPetConversations methods ---*/ /** * Sets the active NPC */ void setActiveNPC(const CString &name); /** * Sets the actie NPC */ void setActiveNPC(CTrueTalkNPC *npc); /** * Refresh the currently active NPC */ void refreshNPC(); /** * Resets the Active NPC */ void resetActiveNPC(); /** * Resets NPC in conversations */ void convResetNPC() { _conversations.resetNPC(); } /** * Resets the conversation dials back to 0 position */ void resetDials0(); /** * Resets the dial display in the conversation tab to reflect new values */ void convResetDials(int flag = 1); /** * Adds a line to the conversation log */ void convAddLine(const CString &line) { _conversations.addLine(line); } /*--- CPetRooms methods ---*/ /** * Gives the player a new assigned room in the specified passenger class */ void reassignRoom(PassengerClass passClassNum) { _rooms.reassignRoom(passClassNum); } /** * Change the current location passenger class */ bool changeLocationClass(PassengerClass newClassNum) { return _rooms.changeLocationClass(newClassNum); } /** * Returns true if the Rooms list has a room with the given flags */ bool hasRoomFlags() const { return _rooms.hasRoomFlags(getRoomFlags()); } uint getRoomFlags() const { return _rooms.getRoomFlags(); } /** * Set the current elevator number to use for room glyphs */ void setRoomsElevatorNum(int elevNum) { _rooms.setElevatorNum(elevNum); } /** * Get the current elevator number used by room glyphs */ int getRoomsElevatorNum() const { return _rooms.getElevatorNum(); } /** * Set the current floor number to use for room glyphs */ void setRoomsFloorNum(int floorNum) { _rooms.setFloorNum(floorNum); } /** * Get the current floor number used by room glyphs */ int getRoomsFloorNum() const { return _rooms.getFloorNum(); } /** * Set the current room number to use for room glyphs */ void setRoomsRoomNum(int roomNum) { _rooms.setRoomNum(roomNum); } /** * Get the current floor number used by room glyphs */ int getRoomsRoomNum() const { return _rooms.getRoomNum(); } /** * Sets the entry number for arriving at the well */ void setRoomsWellEntry(int entryNum) { _rooms.setWellEntry(entryNum); } /** * Gets the entry number used when last arriving at the well */ int getRoomsWellEntry() const { return _rooms.getWellEntry(); } void setRooms1CC(int v) { _rooms.set1CC(v); } int getRooms1CC() const { return _rooms.get1CC(); } /** * Reset the highlight */ void resetRoomsHighlight() { _rooms.resetHighlight(); } int getAssignedRoomFlags() const { return _rooms.getAssignedRoomFlags(); } uint getSpecialRoomFlags(const CString &name) { return CRoomFlags::getSpecialRoomFlags(name); } /** * Get mail destination given the specified flags */ int getMailDest(const CRoomFlags &roomFlags) const; bool testRooms5(uint roomFlags) { return CRoomFlags(roomFlags).not5(); } /** * Returns the room number for the player's currently assigned room */ int getAssignedRoomNum() const { return _rooms.getAssignedRoomNum(); } /** * Returns the floor number for the player's currently assigned room */ int getAssignedFloorNum() const { return _rooms.getAssignedFloorNum(); } /** * Returns the elevator number for the player's currently assigned room */ int getAssignedElevatorNum() const { return _rooms.getAssignedElevatorNum(); } void setRooms1D4(int val) { _rooms.set1D4(val); } bool isRoom59706() const { return CRoomFlags(getRoomFlags()).is59706(); } /** * Returns true if the passed room flags indicate the room has a succubus */ bool isSuccUBusRoom(const CRoomFlags &roomFlags) { return roomFlags.isSuccUBusRoomFlags(); } /** * Called with a phonograph action for Send, Receive, or Record */ void phonographAction(const CString &action) { // Original had some code that had no effect } /** * Sets the status buttons for the starfield control */ void starsSetButtons(int val1, int val2); /** * Set whether the user has the galactic reference material */ void starsSetReference(bool hasRef); }; } // End of namespace Titanic #endif /* TITANIC_PET_CONTROL_H */