/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_glyphs.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_section.h" #include "titanic/pet_control/pet_control.h" namespace Titanic { bool CPetGlyph::setup(CPetControl *petControl, CPetGlyphs *owner) { _element.setBounds(Rect(0, 0, 52, 50)); _owner = owner; return true; } void CPetGlyph::drawAt(CScreenManager *screenManager, const Point &pt, bool isHighlighted) { _element.translate(pt.x, pt.y); _element.draw(screenManager); _element.translate(-pt.x, -pt.y); } void CPetGlyph::updateTooltip() { CPetText *petText = getPetSection()->getText(); if (petText) { petText->setColor(getPetSection()->getColor(0)); getTooltip(petText); if (_owner) getPetSection()->proc29(); } } bool CPetGlyph::contains(const Point &delta, const Point &pt) { translate(delta); bool result = _element.contains2(pt); translateBack(delta); return result; } CPetSection *CPetGlyph::getPetSection() const { return _owner ? _owner->getOwner() : nullptr; } CPetControl *CPetGlyph::getPetControl() const { return _owner ? _owner->getPetControl() : nullptr; } void CPetGlyph::setName(const CString &name, CPetControl *petControl) { Rect r(0, 0, 52, 52); _element.setBounds(r); _element.reset(name, petControl, MODE_UNSELECTED); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CPetGlyphs::CPetGlyphs() : _firstVisibleIndex(0), _numVisibleGlyphs(TOTAL_GLYPHS), _highlightIndex(-1), _field1C(-1), _flags(0), _dragGlyph(nullptr), _owner(nullptr) { } void CPetGlyphs::setNumVisible(int total) { if (total > 0) _numVisibleGlyphs = total; } void CPetGlyphs::clear() { changeHighlight(-1); destroyContents(); _firstVisibleIndex = 0; } void CPetGlyphs::setup(int numVisible, CPetSection *owner) { setNumVisible(numVisible); _owner = owner; _selection.setBounds(Rect(0, 0, 76, 76)); int buttonsLeft = numVisible * 70 + 21; _scrollLeft.setBounds(Rect(0, 0, 31, 15)); _scrollLeft.translate(buttonsLeft, 373); _scrollRight.setBounds(Rect(0, 0, 31, 15)); _scrollRight.translate(buttonsLeft, 413); } void CPetGlyphs::reset() { if (_owner && _owner->_petControl) { CPetControl *pet = _owner->_petControl; _scrollLeft.reset("PetScrollLeft", pet, MODE_UNSELECTED); _scrollRight.reset("PetScrollRight", pet, MODE_UNSELECTED); _selection.reset("PetSelection", pet, MODE_UNSELECTED); for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { (*i)->reset(); } } } bool CPetGlyphs::enter() { if (_highlightIndex != -1) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph && glyph->enter()) return true; } return false; } bool CPetGlyphs::leave() { if (_highlightIndex != -1) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph && glyph->leave()) return true; } return false; } void CPetGlyphs::draw(CScreenManager *screenManager) { if (_highlightIndex != -1) { int index = getHighlightedIndex(_highlightIndex); if (index != -1) { Point tempPoint; Point pt = getPosition(index); pt -= Point(12, 13); _selection.translate(pt.x, pt.y); _selection.draw(screenManager); _selection.translate(-pt.x, -pt.y); } } // Iterate through displaying glyphs on the screen int listSize = size(); for (int index = 0; index < _numVisibleGlyphs; ++index) { int itemIndex = getItemIndex(index); if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < listSize) { Point pt = getPosition(itemIndex); CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(itemIndex); if (glyph) glyph->drawAt(screenManager, pt, index == _highlightIndex); } } // Draw scrolling arrows if more than a screen's worth of items are showing if (listSize > _numVisibleGlyphs || (_flags & GFLAG_16)) { _scrollLeft.draw(screenManager); _scrollRight.draw(screenManager); } // Handle secondary highlight if (_highlightIndex != -1) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph) glyph->draw2(screenManager); } } Point CPetGlyphs::getPosition(int index) { Point tempPoint(37 + index * 70, 375); return tempPoint; } Rect CPetGlyphs::getRect(int index) { Point pt = getPosition(index); return Rect(pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + 52, pt.y + 52); } void CPetGlyphs::changeHighlight(int index) { if (index == _highlightIndex) return; if (_highlightIndex >= 0 && (_flags & GFLAG_4)) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph) glyph->unhighlightCurrent(); } _highlightIndex = index; if (index >= 0) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph) { if (_flags & GFLAG_4) { Point pt; int idx = getHighlightedIndex(_highlightIndex); if (idx >= 0) pt = getPosition(idx); glyph->highlightCurrent(pt); } glyph->updateTooltip(); } } else if (_owner) { _owner->proc28(); } } void CPetGlyphs::highlight(int index) { warning("TODO: CPetGlyphs::highlight"); } void CPetGlyphs::highlight(const CPetGlyph *glyph) { highlight(indexOf(glyph)); } int CPetGlyphs::getHighlightedIndex(int index) { int idx = index - _firstVisibleIndex; return (idx >= 0 && idx < _numVisibleGlyphs) ? idx : -1; } int CPetGlyphs::getItemIndex(int index) { return _firstVisibleIndex + index; } CPetGlyph *CPetGlyphs::getGlyph(int index) { for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { if (index-- == 0) return *i; } return nullptr; } CPetControl *CPetGlyphs::getPetControl() const { return _owner ? _owner->getPetControl() : nullptr; } void CPetGlyphs::setFirstVisible(int index) { if (index != _firstVisibleIndex) { _firstVisibleIndex = index; if ((_flags & GFLAG_8) && _highlightIndex != -1) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph) { int idx = getHighlightedIndex(_highlightIndex); if (idx != -1) { Point tempPt = getPosition(idx); glyph->proc27(tempPt, true); } } } } } void CPetGlyphs::scrollLeft() { if (_firstVisibleIndex > 0) { setFirstVisible(_firstVisibleIndex - 1); if (_highlightIndex != -1) { int index = getHighlightedIndex(_highlightIndex); if (index == -1) changeHighlight(_highlightIndex - 1); } makePetDirty(); } } void CPetGlyphs::scrollRight() { int count = size(); int right = count - _numVisibleGlyphs; if (_firstVisibleIndex < right) { setFirstVisible(_firstVisibleIndex + 1); if (_highlightIndex != -1) { int index = getHighlightedIndex(_highlightIndex); if (index == -1) changeHighlight(_highlightIndex + 1); } makePetDirty(); } } void CPetGlyphs::makePetDirty() { if (_owner && _owner->_petControl) _owner->_petControl->makeDirty(); } bool CPetGlyphs::MouseButtonDownMsg(const Point &pt) { if (_scrollLeft.contains2(pt)) { scrollLeft(); return true; } if (_scrollRight.contains2(pt)) { scrollRight(); return true; } for (int idx = 0; idx < _numVisibleGlyphs; ++idx) { Rect glyphRect = getRect(idx); if (glyphRect.contains(pt)) { int index = getItemIndex(idx); CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(index); if (glyph) { if (_highlightIndex == index) { glyph->MouseButtonDownMsg(glyphRect); glyph->updateTooltip(); } else { changeHighlight(index); makePetDirty(); } return true; } } } if (_highlightIndex != -1) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph) { if (glyph->MouseButtonDownMsg(pt)) return true; if (!(_flags & GFLAG_2)) { changeHighlight(-1); makePetDirty(); } } } return false; } bool CPetGlyphs::MouseButtonUpMsg(const Point &pt) { if (_highlightIndex >= 0) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph) { if (glyph->MouseButtonUpMsg(pt)) return true; } } return false; } bool CPetGlyphs::MouseDragStartMsg(CMouseDragStartMsg *msg) { if (!(_flags & GFLAG_1) && _highlightIndex >= 0) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); int index = getHighlightedIndex(_highlightIndex); Rect glyphRect = getRect(index); if (glyphRect.contains(msg->_mousePos)) return glyph->proc29(glyphRect); else return glyph->MouseDragStartMsg(msg); } return false; } bool CPetGlyphs::MouseDragMoveMsg(CMouseDragMoveMsg *msg) { if (_dragGlyph) { return _dragGlyph->MouseDragMoveMsg(msg); } else { return false; } } bool CPetGlyphs::MouseDragEndMsg(CMouseDragEndMsg *msg) { if (_dragGlyph) { return _dragGlyph->MouseDragEndMsg(msg); } else { return false; } } bool CPetGlyphs::KeyCharMsg(int key) { if (_highlightIndex >= 0) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph && glyph->KeyCharMsg(key)) return true; } return false; } bool CPetGlyphs::VirtualKeyCharMsg(int key) { bool handled = false; warning("TODO: CPetGlyphs::virtualKeyCharMsg"); if (!handled && _highlightIndex >= 0) { CPetGlyph *glyph = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (glyph && glyph->VirtualKeyCharMsg(key)) handled = true; } return handled; } bool CPetGlyphs::enterHighlighted() { if (_highlightIndex >= 0) return getGlyph(_highlightIndex)->enterHighlighted(); else return false; } void CPetGlyphs::leaveHighlighted() { if (_highlightIndex >= 0) getGlyph(_highlightIndex)->leaveHighlighted(); } void CPetGlyphs::startDragging(CPetGlyph *glyph, CMouseDragStartMsg *msg) { if (glyph) { _dragGlyph = glyph; msg->_dragItem = getPetControl(); } } void CPetGlyphs::endDragging() { _dragGlyph = nullptr; } bool CPetGlyphs::highlighted14() { if (_highlightIndex != -1) { CPetGlyph *pet = getGlyph(_highlightIndex); if (pet) { pet->updateTooltip(); return true; } } return false; } int CPetGlyphs::indexOf(const CPetGlyph *glyph) const { int index = 0; for (const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i, ++index) { if (*i == glyph) return index; } return -1; } } // End of namespace Titanic