/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /************************************************************************** * ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ * * Nayma Software srl * * e -= We create much MORE than ALL =- * * u- z$$$c '. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ * * .d" d$$$$$b "b. * * .z$* d$$$$$$$L ^*$c. * * #$$$. $$$$$$$$$ .$$$" Project: Roasted Moths........ * * ^*$b 4$$$$$$$$$F .d$*" * * ^$$. 4$$$$$$$$$F .$P" Module: GfxEngine.CPP........ * * *$. '$$$$$$$$$ 4$P 4 * * J *$ "$$$$$$$" $P r Author: Giovanni Bajo........ * * z$ '$$$P*4c.*$$$*.z@*R$$$ $. * * z$" "" #$F^ "" '$c * * z$$beu .ue=" $ "=e.. .zed$$c * * "#$e z$*" . `. ^*Nc e$"" * * "$$". .r" ^4. .^$$" * * ^.@*"6L=\ebu^+C$"*b." * * "**$. "c 4$$$ J" J$P*" OS: [ ] DOS [X] WIN95 [ ] PORT * * ^"--.^ 9$" .--"" COMP: [ ] WATCOM [X] VISUAL C++ * * " [ ] EIFFEL [ ] GCC/GXX/DJGPP * * * * This source code is Copyright (C) Nayma Software. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "common/savefile.h" #include "tony/mpal/lzo.h" #include "tony/mpal/mpalutils.h" #include "tony/custom.h" #include "tony/gfxengine.h" #include "tony/tony.h" namespace Tony { extern bool bIdleExited; extern bool bPatIrqFreeze; extern bool bSkipSfxNoLoop; /****************************************************************************\ * Metodi di RMGfxEngine \****************************************************************************/ bool bIdleExited; void ExitAllIdles(int nCurLoc) { // Chiude le idle bSkipSfxNoLoop = true; mpalEndIdlePoll(nCurLoc); bIdleExited = true; bSkipSfxNoLoop = false; ExitThread(0); } RMGfxEngine::RMGfxEngine() { // Crea il big buffer dove verranno disegnati i frame m_bigBuf.Create(RM_BBX, RM_BBY, 16); m_bigBuf.OffsetY(RM_SKIPY); } RMGfxEngine::~RMGfxEngine() { // Chiude il buffer m_bigBuf.Destroy(); } void RMGfxEngine::OpenOptionScreen(int type) { bool bRes = false; switch (type) { case 0: bRes = m_opt.Init(m_bigBuf); break; case 1: bRes = m_opt.InitLoadMenuOnly(m_bigBuf,true); break; case 2: bRes = m_opt.InitNoLoadSave(m_bigBuf); break; case 3: bRes = m_opt.InitLoadMenuOnly(m_bigBuf,false); break; case 4: bRes = m_opt.InitSaveMenuOnly(m_bigBuf,false); break; } if (bRes) { _vm->PauseSound(true); DisableInput(); m_inv.EndCombine(); m_curActionObj = 0; m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); m_point.SetSpecialPointer(RMPointer::PTR_NONE); m_point.SetCustomPointer(NULL); EnableMouse(); _vm->GrabThumbnail(); // Esce la IDLE onde evitare la morte prematura in caricamento m_bMustEnterMenu = true; if (type == 1 || type == 2) { bIdleExited = true; } else { m_tony.StopNoAction(); uint32 id; bIdleExited = false; CreateThread(NULL, 10240, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ExitAllIdles, (void *)m_nCurLoc, 0, &id); } } } void RMGfxEngine::DoFrame(bool bDrawLocation) { g_system->lockMutex(csMainLoop); // Poll dei dispositivi di input m_input.Poll(); if (m_bMustEnterMenu && bIdleExited) { m_bOption = true; m_bMustEnterMenu = false; bIdleExited = false; } if (m_bOption) { m_opt.DoFrame(&m_input); m_bOption = !m_opt.IsClosing(); if (!m_bOption) { DisableMouse(); EnableInput(); mpalStartIdlePoll(m_nCurLoc); _vm->PauseSound(false); } } if (bDrawLocation && m_bLocationLoaded) { // Locazione e oggetti m_loc.DoFrame(&m_bigBuf); // Controlla gli input del mouse if (m_bInput && !m_tony.InAction()) { // Se siamo sull'inventario, è lui che controlla tutti gli input if (m_inv.HaveFocus(m_input.MousePos()) && !m_inter.Active()) { // CLICK SINISTRO // ************** if (m_input.MouseLeftClicked()/* && m_itemName.IsItemSelected()*/) { // Left click attiva il combine, se siamo su un oggetto if (m_inv.LeftClick(m_input.MousePos(),m_curActionObj)) { m_curAction = TA_COMBINE; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); } } else // CLICK DESTRO // ************ if (m_input.MouseRightClicked()) { if(m_itemName.IsItemSelected()) { m_curActionObj=0; m_inv.RightClick(m_input.MousePos()); } else m_inv.RightClick(m_input.MousePos()); } else // RILASCIO DESTRO // *************** if (m_input.MouseRightReleased()) { if (m_inv.RightRelease(m_input.MousePos(), m_curAction)) { m_tony.MoveAndDoAction(m_itemName.GetHotspot(),m_itemName.GetSelectedItem(),m_curAction); m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); } } } else { // Menu Opzioni // ************ if (m_bGUIOption) { if (!m_tony.InAction() && m_bInput) { if ((m_input.MouseLeftClicked() && m_input.MousePos().x < 3 && m_input.MousePos().y < 3)) { OpenOptionScreen(0); goto SKIPCLICKSINISTRO; } else if ((GetAsyncKeyState(Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE)&0x8001) == 0x8001) OpenOptionScreen(0); else if (_vm->getIsDemo()) { if ((GetAsyncKeyState(Common::KEYCODE_F3) & 0x8001) == 0x8001) OpenOptionScreen(3); else if ((GetAsyncKeyState(Common::KEYCODE_F2) & 0x8001) == 0x8001) OpenOptionScreen(4); } } } // CLICK SINISTRO // ************** if (m_input.MouseLeftClicked() && !m_inter.Active()) { // Se clicko dentro un oggetto, esegui l'azione //if (m_itemName.IsItemSelected()) { if (m_curAction != TA_COMBINE) m_tony.MoveAndDoAction(m_itemName.GetHotspot(), m_itemName.GetSelectedItem(), m_point.CurAction()); else if (m_itemName.GetSelectedItem() != NULL) m_tony.MoveAndDoAction(m_itemName.GetHotspot(), m_itemName.GetSelectedItem(), TA_COMBINE, m_curActionObj); } if (m_curAction == TA_COMBINE) { m_inv.EndCombine(); m_point.SetSpecialPointer(RMPointer::PTR_NONE); } m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); } SKIPCLICKSINISTRO: // CLICK DESTRO // ************ if (m_curAction == TA_COMBINE) { // Durante il combine, lo annulla. if (m_input.MouseRightClicked()) { m_inv.EndCombine(); m_curActionObj = 0; m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); m_point.SetSpecialPointer(RMPointer::PTR_NONE); } } else if (m_input.MouseRightClicked() && m_itemName.IsItemSelected() && m_point.GetSpecialPointer() == RMPointer::PTR_NONE) { if (m_bGUIInterface) { // Prima di aprire l'interfaccia, rimette GOTO m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_curActionObj = 0; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); m_inter.Clicked(m_input.MousePos()); } } // RILASCIO DESTRO // *************** if (m_input.MouseRightReleased()) { if (m_bGUIInterface) { if (m_inter.Released(m_input.MousePos(),m_curAction)) { m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); m_tony.MoveAndDoAction(m_itemName.GetHotspot(),m_itemName.GetSelectedItem(), m_curAction); m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); } } } } // Aggiorna il nome sotto il puntatore del mouse m_itemName.SetMouseCoord(m_input.MousePos()); if (!m_inter.Active() && !m_inv.MiniActive()) m_itemName.DoFrame(m_bigBuf,m_loc,m_point,m_inv); } // Inventario & interfaccia m_inter.DoFrame(m_bigBuf, m_input.MousePos()); m_inv.DoFrame(m_bigBuf, m_point, m_input.MousePos(), (!m_tony.InAction() && !m_inter.Active() && m_bGUIInventory)); } // Anima Tony m_tony.DoFrame(&m_bigBuf,m_nCurLoc); // Aggiorna lo scrolling per tenere Tony dentro lo schermo if (m_tony.MustUpdateScrolling() && m_bLocationLoaded) { RMPoint showThis = m_tony.Position(); showThis.y -= 60; m_loc.UpdateScrolling(showThis); } if (m_bLocationLoaded) m_tony.SetScrollPosition(m_loc.ScrollPosition()); if ((!m_tony.InAction() && m_bInput) || m_bAlwaysDrawMouse) { m_point.SetCoord(m_input.MousePos()); m_point.DoFrame(&m_bigBuf); } // ********************** // Disegna la lista di OT // ********************** m_bigBuf.DrawOT(); #define FSTEP (480/32) // Wipe if (m_bWiping) { switch (m_nWipeType) { case 1: if (!(m_rcWipeEllipse.bottom - m_rcWipeEllipse.top >= FSTEP * 2)) { SetEvent(m_hWipeEvent); m_nWipeType = 3; break; } m_rcWipeEllipse.top += FSTEP; m_rcWipeEllipse.left += FSTEP; m_rcWipeEllipse.right -= FSTEP; m_rcWipeEllipse.bottom -= FSTEP; break; case 2: if (!(m_rcWipeEllipse.bottom - m_rcWipeEllipse.top < 480 - FSTEP)) { SetEvent(m_hWipeEvent); m_nWipeType = 3; break; } m_rcWipeEllipse.top -= FSTEP; m_rcWipeEllipse.left -= FSTEP; m_rcWipeEllipse.right += FSTEP; m_rcWipeEllipse.bottom += FSTEP; break; } } g_system->unlockMutex(csMainLoop); } void RMGfxEngine::InitCustomDll(void) { SetupGlobalVars(&m_tony, &m_point, &_vm->_theBoxes, &m_loc, &m_inv, &m_input); } void RMGfxEngine::ItemIrq(uint32 dwItem, int nPattern, int nStatus) { static RMGfxEngine *This = NULL; RMItem *item; // Inizializzazione! if ((int)dwItem == -1) { This = (RMGfxEngine*)nPattern; return; } if (This->m_bLocationLoaded) { item=This->m_loc.GetItemFromCode(dwItem); if (item != NULL) { if (nPattern!=-1) { if (bPatIrqFreeze) MainFreeze(); item->SetPattern(nPattern,true); if (bPatIrqFreeze) MainUnfreeze(); } if (nStatus!=-1) item->SetStatus(nStatus); } } } /* // WINBUG: This is a special case for the file open/save dialog, // which sometimes pumps while it is coming up but before it has // disabled the main window. HWND hWndFocus = ::GetFocus(); bool bEnableParent = false; m_ofn.hwndOwner = PreModal(); AfxUnhookWindowCreate(); if (m_ofn.hwndOwner != NULL && ::IsWindowEnabled(m_ofn.hwndOwner)) { bEnableParent = true; ::EnableWindow(m_ofn.hwndOwner, false); } _AFX_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = AfxGetThreadState(); ASSERT(pThreadState->m_pAlternateWndInit == NULL); if (m_ofn.Flags & OFN_EXPLORER) pThreadState->m_pAlternateWndInit = this; else AfxHookWindowCreate(this); int nResult; if (m_bOpenFileDialog) nResult = ::GetOpenFileName(&m_ofn); else nResult = ::GetSaveFileName(&m_ofn); if (nResult) ASSERT(pThreadState->m_pAlternateWndInit == NULL); pThreadState->m_pAlternateWndInit = NULL; // WINBUG: Second part of special case for file open/save dialog. if (bEnableParent) ::EnableWindow(m_ofn.hwndOwner, true); if (::IsWindow(hWndFocus)) ::SetFocus(hWndFocus); */ void RMGfxEngine::SelectLocation(RMPoint ptTonyStart, RMPoint start) { #if 0 OPENFILENAME ofn; char lpszFileName[512]; // @@@ Con TonyStart=-1,-1 allora usa la posizione scritta nella locazione // Sceglie la locazione ZeroMemory(lpszFileName,512); ZeroMemory(&ofn,sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize=sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner=NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter="Locazione (*.LOC)\0*.LOC\0Locazione ottimizzata (*.LOX)\0*.LOX\0Tutti i files (*.*)\0*.*\0"; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter=NULL; ofn.nFilterIndex=1; ofn.lpstrFile=lpszFileName; ofn.nMaxFile=512; ofn.lpstrInitialDir=NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle="Load Location"; ofn.Flags=OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST; if (!GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) ASSERT(0); // Carica la locazione m_loc.Load(lpszFileName); m_bLocationLoaded = true; m_nCurLoc=m_loc.TEMPGetNumLoc(); if (ptTonyStart.x==-1 && ptTonyStart.y==-1) InitForNewLocation(m_loc.TEMPGetNumLoc(),m_loc.TEMPGetTonyStart(),RMPoint(-1,-1)); else InitForNewLocation(m_loc.TEMPGetNumLoc(),ptTonyStart,start); #endif } void RMGfxEngine::InitForNewLocation(int nLoc, RMPoint ptTonyStart, RMPoint start) { if (start.x == -1 || start.y == -1) { start.x = ptTonyStart.x-RM_SX / 2; start.y = ptTonyStart.y-RM_SY / 2; } m_loc.SetScrollPosition(start); if (ptTonyStart.x==0 && ptTonyStart.y == 0) { } else { m_tony.SetPosition(ptTonyStart,nLoc); m_tony.SetScrollPosition(start); } m_curAction = TA_GOTO; m_point.SetCustomPointer(NULL); m_point.SetSpecialPointer(RMPointer::PTR_NONE); m_point.SetAction(m_curAction); m_inter.Reset(); m_inv.Reset(); mpalStartIdlePoll(m_nCurLoc); } HANDLE RMGfxEngine::LoadLocation(int nLoc, RMPoint ptTonyStart, RMPoint start) { bool bLoaded; int i; m_nCurLoc=nLoc; bLoaded = false; for (i=0; i < 5; i++) { // Retry sul loading della locazione RMRes res(m_nCurLoc); if (!res.IsValid()) continue; #if 0 // codice per dumpare una locazione in caso serva una modifica if (nLoc == 106) { FILE *f = fopen("loc106.lox", "wb"); fwrite(res.DataPointer(), res.Size(), 1, f); fclose(f); } #endif m_loc.Load(res); InitForNewLocation(nLoc,ptTonyStart,start); bLoaded = true; break; } if (!bLoaded) SelectLocation(ptTonyStart,start); if (m_bOption) m_opt.ReInit(m_bigBuf); m_bLocationLoaded = true; // On Enter per la locazion return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; //mpalQueryDoAction(0,m_nCurLoc,0); } HANDLE RMGfxEngine::UnloadLocation(bool bDoOnExit) { HANDLE h; // Scarica tutta la memoria della locazione mpalEndIdlePoll(m_nCurLoc); // On Exit? if (bDoOnExit) { h = mpalQueryDoAction(1, m_nCurLoc, 0); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) WaitForSingleObject(h, INFINITE); } MainFreeze(); m_bLocationLoaded = false; m_bigBuf.ClearOT(); m_loc.Unload(); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } void RMGfxEngine::Init(/*HINSTANCE hInst*/) { /* //RECUPERARE UNA LOCAZIONE: RMRes res(5); ASSERT(res.IsValid()); FILE *f; f=fopen("c:\\code\\rm\\new\\pippo.loc","wb"); fwrite(res,1,5356900,f); fclose(f); */ // Schermata di loading RMResRaw *raw; RMGfxSourceBuffer16 *load = NULL; INIT_GFX16_FROMRAW(20038, load); m_bigBuf.AddPrim(new RMGfxPrimitive(load)); m_bigBuf.DrawOT(); m_bigBuf.ClearOT(); delete load; _vm->m_wnd.GetNewFrame(*this, NULL); bPatIrqFreeze = true; // GUI attivabile m_bGUIOption = true; m_bGUIInterface = true; m_bGUIInventory = true; bSkipSfxNoLoop = false; m_bMustEnterMenu = false; bIdleExited = false; m_bOption = false; m_bWiping = false; m_hWipeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL); // Crea l'evento di freeze csMainLoop = g_system->createMutex(); // Inizializza la funzione di IRQ di Item per l'MPAL ItemIrq((uint32)-1, (uint32)this, 0); mpalInstallItemIrq(ItemIrq); // Inizializza DirectInput m_input.Init(/*hInst*/); // Inizializza il puntatore del mouse m_point.Init(); // Inizializza Tony m_tony.Init(); m_tony.LinkToBoxes(&_vm->_theBoxes); // Inizializza l'inventario e l'interfaccia m_inv.Init(); m_inter.Init(); // Carica la locazione e setta le priorità @@@@@ m_bLocationLoaded = false; /* m_nCurLoc=1; RMRes res(m_nCurLoc); m_loc.Load(res); m_loc.SetPriority(1); m_tony.SetPosition(RMPoint(201,316),1); //m_tony.SetPosition(RMPoint(522,305),2); //m_tony.SetPosition(RMPoint(158,398),4); m_tony.SetPattern(m_tony.PAT_STANDDOWN); m_curAction=TA_GOTO; */ EnableInput(); // Inizio del gioco //m_tony.ExecuteAction(4,1,0); //PREGAME m_tony.ExecuteAction(20,1,0); // theLog << "Seleziona la locazione\n"; //LoadLocation(1,RMPoint(201,316),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //SelectLocation(); //LoadLocation(5,RMPoint(685,338),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(7,RMPoint(153,424),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(70,RMPoint(10,10),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(20,RMPoint(112,348),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(26,RMPoint(95,456),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(12,RMPoint(221,415),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(25,RMPoint(221,415),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(16,RMPoint(111,438),RMPoint(-1,-1)); //LoadLocation(60,RMPoint(18,302),RMPoint(-1,-1)); // CASTELLO //LoadLocation(40,RMPoint(233,441),RMPoint(-1,-1)); } void RMGfxEngine::Close(void) { m_bigBuf.ClearOT(); m_inter.Close(); m_inv.Close(); m_tony.Close(); m_point.Close(); m_input.Close(); } void RMGfxEngine::SwitchFullscreen(bool bFull) { m_input.SwitchFullscreen(bFull); } void RMGfxEngine::GDIControl(bool bCon) { m_input.GDIControl(bCon); } void RMGfxEngine::EnableInput(void) { m_bInput = true; } void RMGfxEngine::DisableInput(void) { m_bInput = false; m_inter.Reset(); } void RMGfxEngine::EnableMouse(void) { m_bAlwaysDrawMouse = true; } void RMGfxEngine::DisableMouse(void) { m_bAlwaysDrawMouse = false; } void RMGfxEngine::Freeze(void) { g_system->lockMutex(csMainLoop); } void RMGfxEngine::Unfreeze(void) { g_system->unlockMutex(csMainLoop); } void CharsSaveAll(Common::OutSaveFile *f); void CharsLoadAll(Common::InSaveFile *f); void MCharResetCodes(void); void SaveChangedHotspot(Common::OutSaveFile *f); void LoadChangedHotspot(Common::InSaveFile *f); void ReapplyChangedHotspot(void); void RestoreMusic(void); void SaveMusic(Common::OutSaveFile *f); void LoadMusic(Common::InSaveFile *f); unsigned char wrkmem[LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS]; void RMGfxEngine::SaveState(const char *fn, byte *curThumb, const char *name, bool bFastCompress) { Common::OutSaveFile *f; byte *state, *statecmp; byte *thumbcmp; uint thumbsizecmp, thumbsize; uint size, sizecmp; int i; char buf[4]; RMPoint tp = m_tony.Position(); // Salvataggio: variabili mpal + locazione corrente + posizione di tony + inventario // Per ora salviamo solo lo stato MPAL size=mpalGetSaveStateSize(); state = new byte[size]; statecmp = new byte[size*2]; mpalSaveState(state); thumbcmp = new byte[160 * 120 * 4]; thumbsize = 160 * 120 * 2; if (bFastCompress) { lzo1x_1_compress(state,size,statecmp,&sizecmp,wrkmem); lzo1x_1_compress(curThumb,thumbsize,thumbcmp,&thumbsizecmp,wrkmem); } else { lzo1x_999_compress(state,size,statecmp,&sizecmp,wrkmem); lzo1x_999_compress(curThumb,thumbsize,thumbcmp,&thumbsizecmp,wrkmem); } buf[0] = 'R'; buf[1] = 'M'; buf[2] = 'S'; buf[3] = 0x7; f = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForSaving(fn); if (f==NULL) return; f->write(buf, 4); f->writeUint32LE(thumbsizecmp); f->write(thumbcmp, thumbsizecmp); // Livello di difficoltà i = mpalQueryGlobalVar("VERSIONEFACILE"); f->writeByte(i); i=strlen(name); f->writeByte(i); f->write(name, i); f->writeUint32LE(m_nCurLoc); f->writeUint32LE(tp.x); f->writeUint32LE(tp.y); f->writeUint32LE(size); f->writeUint32LE(sizecmp); f->write(statecmp, sizecmp); delete[] state; delete[] statecmp; delete[] thumbcmp; // inventario size = m_inv.GetSaveStateSize(); state = new byte[size]; m_inv.SaveState(state); f->writeUint32LE(size); f->write(state, size); delete[] state; // boxes size = _vm->_theBoxes.GetSaveStateSize(); state = new byte[size]; _vm->_theBoxes.SaveState(state); f->writeUint32LE(size); f->write(state, size); delete[] state; // New Ver5 bool bStat; // Salva lo stato della pastorella e del palesati bStat = m_tony.GetPastorella(); f->writeByte(bStat); bStat = m_inter.GetPalesati(); f->writeByte(bStat); // Salva gli mchar CharsSaveAll(f); // Salva le opzioni f->writeByte(bCfgInvLocked); f->writeByte(bCfgInvNoScroll); f->writeByte(bCfgTimerizedText); f->writeByte(bCfgInvUp); f->writeByte(bCfgAnni30); f->writeByte(bCfgAntiAlias); f->writeByte(bCfgSottotitoli); f->writeByte(bCfgTransparence); f->writeByte(bCfgInterTips); f->writeByte(bCfgDubbing); f->writeByte(bCfgMusic); f->writeByte(bCfgSFX); f->writeByte(nCfgTonySpeed); f->writeByte(nCfgTextSpeed); f->writeByte(nCfgDubbingVolume); f->writeByte(nCfgMusicVolume); f->writeByte(nCfgSFXVolume); // Salva gli hotspot SaveChangedHotspot(f); // Salva la musica SaveMusic(f); f->finalize(); delete f; } void RMGfxEngine::LoadState(const char *fn) { // PROBLEMA: Bisognerebbe caricare la locazione in un thread a parte per fare la OnEnter ... Common::InSaveFile *f; byte *state, *statecmp; uint size, sizecmp; char buf[4]; RMPoint tp; int loc; int ver; int i; f = g_system->getSavefileManager()->openForLoading(fn); if (f == NULL) return; f->read(buf, 4); if (buf[0] != 'R' || buf[1] != 'M' || buf[2] != 'S') { delete f; return; } ver = buf[3]; if (ver != 0x1 && ver != 0x2 && ver != 0x3 && ver != 0x4 && ver != 0x5 && ver != 0x6 && ver != 0x7) { delete f; return; } if (ver >= 0x3) { // C'è il thumbnail. Se ver >= 5, è compresso if (ver >= 0x5) { i = 0; i = f->readUint32LE(); f->seek(i); } else f->seek(160 * 120 * 2, SEEK_CUR); } if (ver >= 0x5) { // Skip del livello di difficoltà f->seek(1, SEEK_CUR); } if (ver >= 0x4) { // Skippa il nome, che non serve a nessuno i = f->readByte(); f->seek(i, SEEK_CUR); } loc = f->readUint32LE(); loc = f->readUint32LE(); tp.x = f->readUint32LE(); tp.y = f->readUint32LE(); size = f->readUint32LE(); if (ver >= 0x5) { // Stato MPAL compresso! sizecmp = f->readUint32LE(); state = new byte[size]; statecmp = new byte[sizecmp]; f->read(statecmp, sizecmp); lzo1x_decompress(statecmp,sizecmp,state,&size); delete[] statecmp; } else { state = new byte[size]; f->read(state, size); } mpalLoadState(state); delete[] state; // inventario size = f->readUint32LE(); state = new byte[size]; f->read(state, size); m_inv.LoadState(state); delete[] state; if (ver >= 0x2) { // Versione 2: box please size = f->readUint32LE(); state = new byte[size]; f->read(state, size); _vm->_theBoxes.LoadState(state); delete[] state; } if (ver >= 5) { // Versione 5: bool bStat = false; bStat = f->readByte(); m_tony.SetPastorella(bStat); bStat = f->readByte(); m_inter.SetPalesati(bStat); CharsLoadAll(f); } if (ver >= 6) { // Carica le opzioni bCfgInvLocked = f->readByte(); bCfgInvNoScroll = f->readByte(); bCfgTimerizedText = f->readByte(); bCfgInvUp = f->readByte(); bCfgAnni30 = f->readByte(); bCfgAntiAlias = f->readByte(); bCfgSottotitoli = f->readByte(); bCfgTransparence = f->readByte(); bCfgInterTips = f->readByte(); bCfgDubbing = f->readByte(); bCfgMusic = f->readByte(); bCfgSFX = f->readByte(); nCfgTonySpeed = f->readByte(); nCfgTextSpeed = f->readByte(); nCfgDubbingVolume = f->readByte(); nCfgMusicVolume = f->readByte(); nCfgSFXVolume = f->readByte(); // Carica gli hotspot LoadChangedHotspot(f); } if (ver >= 7) { LoadMusic(f); } delete f; UnloadLocation(false); LoadLocation(loc,tp,RMPoint(-1, -1)); m_tony.SetPattern(RMTony::PAT_STANDRIGHT); MainUnfreeze(); // Le versioni vecchie necessitano di On enter if (ver < 5) mpalQueryDoAction(0, loc, 0); else { // In quelle nuove, ci basta resettare gli mcode MCharResetCodes(); } if (ver >= 6) ReapplyChangedHotspot(); RestoreMusic(); m_bGUIInterface = true; m_bGUIInventory = true; m_bGUIOption = true; } void RMGfxEngine::PauseSound(bool bPause) { if (m_bLocationLoaded) m_loc.PauseSound(bPause); } void RMGfxEngine::InitWipe(int type) { m_bWiping = true; m_nWipeType=type; m_nWipeStep=0; if (m_nWipeType == 1) m_rcWipeEllipse = Common::Rect(80, 0, 640 - 80, 480); else if (m_nWipeType == 2) m_rcWipeEllipse = Common::Rect(320 - FSTEP, 240 - FSTEP, 320 + FSTEP, 240 + FSTEP); } void RMGfxEngine::CloseWipe(void) { m_bWiping = false; } void RMGfxEngine::WaitWipeEnd(void) { WaitForSingleObject(m_hWipeEvent,INFINITE); } } // End of namespace Tony