/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ * */ #include "common/file.h" #include "sound/audiostream.h" #include "sound/flac.h" #include "sound/mp3.h" #include "sound/vorbis.h" #include "sound/wave.h" #include "tucker/tucker.h" #include "tucker/graphics.h" namespace Tucker { enum { kCurrentCompressedSoundDataVersion = 1, kCompressedSoundDataFileHeaderSize = 4 }; struct CompressedSoundFile { const char *filename; Audio::SeekableAudioStream *(*makeStream)(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream, DisposeAfterUse::Flag disposeAfterUse); }; static const CompressedSoundFile compressedSoundFilesTable[] = { #ifdef USE_FLAC { "TUCKER.SOF", Audio::makeFlacStream }, #endif #ifdef USE_VORBIS { "TUCKER.SOG", Audio::makeVorbisStream }, #endif #ifdef USE_MAD { "TUCKER.SO3", Audio::makeMP3Stream }, #endif { 0, 0 } }; static void decodeData(uint8 *data, int dataSize) { for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) { data[i] -= 0x80; } } static void stripData(uint8 *data, int dataSize) { bool clearChr = false; for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) { if (!clearChr && data[i] == '/') { clearChr = true; } if (clearChr) { if (data[i] == '\n') { clearChr = false; } data[i] = ' '; } } } enum DataToken { kDataTokenDw, kDataTokenEx }; class DataTokenizer { public: DataTokenizer(uint8 *data, int dataSize, bool stripComments = false) : _data(data), _dataSize(dataSize), _pos(0) { if (stripComments) { stripData(_data, _dataSize); } } int getNextInteger() { bool negate = false; int state = 0; int num = 0; while (_pos < _dataSize && state != 2) { switch (state) { case 0: if (_data[_pos] == '-') { state = 1; negate = true; } else if (_data[_pos] >= '0' && _data[_pos] <= '9') { state = 1; num = _data[_pos] - '0'; } break; case 1: if (_data[_pos] >= '0' && _data[_pos] <= '9') { num *= 10; num += _data[_pos] - '0'; } else { state = 2; } break; } ++_pos; } return negate ? -num : num; } bool findNextToken(DataToken t) { const char *token = 0; switch (t) { case kDataTokenDw: token = "dw"; break; case kDataTokenEx: token = "!!"; break; } int tokenLen = strlen(token); while (_pos < _dataSize - tokenLen) { if (memcmp(_data + _pos, token, tokenLen) == 0) { _pos += tokenLen; return true; } ++_pos; } return false; } bool findIndex(int num) { int i = -1; while (findNextToken(kDataTokenEx)) { i = getNextInteger(); if (i >= num) { break; } } return i == num; } uint8 *_data; int _dataSize; int _pos; }; uint8 *TuckerEngine::loadFile(const char *fname, uint8 *p) { char filename[80]; strcpy(filename, fname); if (_gameLang == Common::DE_DEU) { if (strcmp(filename, "bgtext.c") == 0) { strcpy(filename, "bgtextgr.c"); } else if (strcmp(filename, "charname.c") == 0) { strcpy(filename, "charnmgr.c"); } else if (strcmp(filename, "data5.c") == 0) { strcpy(filename, "data5gr.c"); } else if (strcmp(filename, "infobar.txt") == 0) { strcpy(filename, "infobrgr.txt"); } else if (strcmp(filename, "charsize.dta") == 0) { strcpy(filename, "charszgr.dta"); } else if (strncmp(filename, "objtxt", 6) == 0) { const char num = filename[6]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "objtx%cgr.c", num); } else if (strncmp(filename, "pt", 2) == 0) { const char num = filename[2]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "pt%ctxtgr.c", num); } } _fileLoadSize = 0; bool decode = false; if (_gameFlags & kGameFlagEncodedData) { char *ext = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (ext && strcmp(ext + 1, "c") == 0) { strcpy(ext + 1, "enc"); decode = true; } } Common::File f; if (!f.open(filename)) { warning("Unable to open '%s'", filename); return 0; } const int sz = f.size(); if (!p) { p = (uint8 *)malloc(sz); } if (p) { f.read(p, sz); if (decode) { decodeData(p, sz); } _fileLoadSize = sz; } return p; } void CompressedSound::openFile() { _compressedSoundType = -1; for (int i = 0; compressedSoundFilesTable[i].filename; ++i) { if (_fCompressedSound.open(compressedSoundFilesTable[i].filename)) { int version = _fCompressedSound.readUint16LE(); if (version == kCurrentCompressedSoundDataVersion) { _compressedSoundType = i; _compressedSoundFlags = _fCompressedSound.readUint16LE(); debug(1, "Using compressed sound file '%s'", compressedSoundFilesTable[i].filename); return; } warning("Unhandled version %d for compressed sound file '%s'", version, compressedSoundFilesTable[i].filename); _fCompressedSound.close(); } } } void CompressedSound::closeFile() { _fCompressedSound.close(); } Audio::RewindableAudioStream *CompressedSound::load(CompressedSoundType type, int num) { if (_compressedSoundType < 0) { return 0; } int offset = 0; switch (type) { case kSoundTypeFx: offset = kCompressedSoundDataFileHeaderSize; break; case kSoundTypeMusic: offset = kCompressedSoundDataFileHeaderSize + 8; break; case kSoundTypeSpeech: offset = kCompressedSoundDataFileHeaderSize + 16; break; case kSoundTypeIntro: if (_compressedSoundFlags & 1) { offset = kCompressedSoundDataFileHeaderSize + 24; } break; } if (offset == 0) { return 0; } Audio::SeekableAudioStream *stream = 0; _fCompressedSound.seek(offset); int dirOffset = _fCompressedSound.readUint32LE(); int dirSize = _fCompressedSound.readUint32LE(); if (num < dirSize) { const int dirHeaderSize = (_compressedSoundFlags & 1) ? 4 * 8 : 3 * 8; dirOffset += kCompressedSoundDataFileHeaderSize + dirHeaderSize; _fCompressedSound.seek(dirOffset + num * 8); int soundOffset = _fCompressedSound.readUint32LE(); int soundSize = _fCompressedSound.readUint32LE(); if (soundSize != 0) { _fCompressedSound.seek(dirOffset + dirSize * 8 + soundOffset); Common::MemoryReadStream *tmp = _fCompressedSound.readStream(soundSize); if (tmp) { stream = (compressedSoundFilesTable[_compressedSoundType].makeStream)(tmp, DisposeAfterUse::YES); } } } return stream; } void TuckerEngine::loadImage(const char *fname, uint8 *dst, int type) { char filename[80]; strcpy(filename, fname); Common::File f; if (!f.open(filename)) { // workaround for "paper-3.pcx" / "paper_3.pcx" bool tryOpen = false; for (char *p = filename; *p; ++p) { switch (*p) { case '-': *p = '_'; tryOpen = true; break; case '_': *p = '-'; tryOpen = true; break; } } if (!tryOpen || !f.open(filename)) { warning("Unable to open '%s'", filename); return; } } f.seek(128, SEEK_SET); int size = 0; while (size < 64000) { int code = f.readByte(); if (code >= 0xC0) { const int sz = code - 0xC0; code = f.readByte(); memset(dst + size, code, sz); size += sz; } else { dst[size++] = code; } } if (type != 0) { if (f.readByte() != 12) return; f.read(_currentPalette, 768); setBlackPalette(); } } void TuckerEngine::loadCursor() { loadImage("pointer.pcx", _loadTempBuf, 0); for (int cursor = 0; cursor < 7; ++cursor) { Graphics::encodeRAW(_loadTempBuf + cursor * 320 * 16, _cursorGfxBuf + cursor * 256, 16, 16); } } void TuckerEngine::loadCharset() { loadImage("charset.pcx", _loadTempBuf, 0); switch (_gameLang) { case Common::EN_ANY: Graphics::setCharset(kCharsetTypeEng); break; default: Graphics::setCharset(kCharsetTypeDefault); break; } loadCharsetHelper(); } void TuckerEngine::loadCharset2() { _charWidthTable[58] = 7; _charWidthTable[32] = 15; memcpy(_charWidthTable + 65, _charWidthCharset2, 58); loadImage("char2.pcx", _loadTempBuf, 0); Graphics::setCharset(kCharsetTypeCredits); loadCharsetHelper(); } void TuckerEngine::loadCharsetHelper() { const int charW = Graphics::_charset.charW; const int charH = Graphics::_charset.charH; int offset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < Graphics::_charset.yCount; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < Graphics::_charset.xCount; ++x) { offset += Graphics::encodeRAW(_loadTempBuf + (y * 320) * charH + x * charW, _charsetGfxBuf + offset, charW, charH); } } } void TuckerEngine::loadCharSizeDta() { loadFile("charsize.dta", _loadTempBuf); if (_fileLoadSize != 0) { DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize, true); for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { _charWidthTable[i] = t.getNextInteger(); } if (_gameLang == Common::FR_FRA) { _charWidthTable[225] = 0; } } else { memcpy(_charWidthTable + 32, _charWidthCharset1, 224); } } void TuckerEngine::loadPanel() { loadImage((_panelNum == 0) ? "panel1.pcx" : "panel2.pcx", _panelGfxBuf, 0); } void TuckerEngine::loadBudSpr(int startOffset) { int endOffset = loadCTable01(0, startOffset); loadCTable02(0); int frame = 0; int spriteOffset = 0; for (int i = startOffset; i < endOffset; ++i) { if (_ctable01Table_sprite[frame] == i) { char filename[40]; switch (_flagsTable[137]) { case 0: if ((_gameFlags & kGameFlagDemo) != 0) { sprintf(filename, "budl00_%d.pcx", frame + 1); } else { sprintf(filename, "bud_%d.pcx", frame + 1); } break; case 1: sprintf(filename, "peg_%d.pcx", frame + 1); break; default: sprintf(filename, "mac_%d.pcx", frame + 1); break; } loadImage(filename, _loadTempBuf, 0); ++frame; } int sz = Graphics::encodeRLE(_loadTempBuf + _spriteFramesTable[i].sourceOffset, _spritesGfxBuf + spriteOffset, _spriteFramesTable[i].xSize, _spriteFramesTable[i].ySize); _spriteFramesTable[i].sourceOffset = spriteOffset; spriteOffset += sz; } } int TuckerEngine::loadCTable01(int index, int firstSpriteNum) { loadFile("ctable01.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); int lastSpriteNum = firstSpriteNum; int count = 0; if (t.findIndex(index)) { while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { const int x = t.getNextInteger(); if (x < 0) { break; } else if (x == 999) { _ctable01Table_sprite[count] = lastSpriteNum; ++count; continue; } const int y = t.getNextInteger(); SpriteFrame *c = &_spriteFramesTable[lastSpriteNum++]; c->sourceOffset = y * 320 + x; c->xSize = t.getNextInteger(); c->ySize = t.getNextInteger(); c->xOffset = t.getNextInteger(); if (c->xOffset > 300) { c->xOffset -= 500; } c->yOffset = t.getNextInteger(); if (c->yOffset > 300) { c->yOffset -= 500; } } } _ctable01Table_sprite[count] = -1; return lastSpriteNum; } void TuckerEngine::loadCTable02(int fl) { assert(fl == 0); int entry = 0; int i = 0; loadFile("ctable02.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { _spriteAnimationsTable[entry].numParts = t.getNextInteger(); if (_spriteAnimationsTable[entry].numParts < 1) { return; } _spriteAnimationsTable[entry].rotateFlag = t.getNextInteger(); int num = t.getNextInteger(); if (num != fl) { continue; } int start = 0; _spriteAnimationsTable[entry].firstFrameIndex = i; while (start != 999) { start = t.getNextInteger(); if (start == 9999) { // end marker in the demo version start = 999; } _spriteAnimationFramesTable[i] = start; ++i; } ++entry; } } void TuckerEngine::loadLoc() { char filename[40]; int i = _locationWidthTable[_locationNum]; _locationHeight = (_locationNum < 73) ? 140 : 200; sprintf(filename, (i == 1) ? "loc%02d.pcx" : "loc%02da.pcx", _locationNum); copyLocBitmap(filename, 0, false); Graphics::copyRect(_quadBackgroundGfxBuf, 320, _locationBackgroundGfxBuf, 640, 320, _locationHeight); if (_locationHeight == 200) { return; } sprintf(filename, (i != 2) ? "path%02d.pcx" : "path%02da.pcx", _locationNum); copyLocBitmap(filename, 0, true); if (i > 1) { sprintf(filename, "loc%02db.pcx", _locationNum); copyLocBitmap(filename, 320, false); Graphics::copyRect(_quadBackgroundGfxBuf + 44800, 320, _locationBackgroundGfxBuf + 320, 640, 320, _locationHeight); if (i == 2) { sprintf(filename, "path%02db.pcx", _locationNum); copyLocBitmap(filename, 320, true); } } if (i > 2) { sprintf(filename, "loc%02dc.pcx", _locationNum); copyLocBitmap(filename, 0, false); Graphics::copyRect(_quadBackgroundGfxBuf + 89600, 320, _locationBackgroundGfxBuf, 640, 320, 140); } if (_locationNum == 1) { _loadLocBufPtr = _quadBackgroundGfxBuf + 89600; loadImage("rochpath.pcx", _loadLocBufPtr, 0); } if (i > 3) { sprintf(filename, "loc%02dd.pcx", _locationNum); copyLocBitmap(filename, 0, false); Graphics::copyRect(_quadBackgroundGfxBuf + 134400, 320, _locationBackgroundGfxBuf + 320, 640, 320, 140); } _fullRedraw = true; } void TuckerEngine::loadObj() { if (_locationNum == 99) { return; } if (_locationNum < 24) { _partNum = 1; _speechSoundBaseNum = 2639; } else if (_locationNum < 41 || (_locationNum > 69 && _locationNum < 73) || (_locationNum > 78 && _locationNum < 83)) { _partNum = 2; _speechSoundBaseNum = 2679; } else { _partNum = 3; _speechSoundBaseNum = 2719; } if (_partNum == _currentPartNum) { return; } debug(2, "loadObj() partNum %d locationNum %d", _partNum, _locationNum); if ((_gameFlags & kGameFlagDemo) == 0) { handleNewPartSequence(); } _currentPartNum = _partNum; char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "objtxt%d.c", _partNum); free(_objTxtBuf); _objTxtBuf = loadFile(filename, 0); sprintf(filename, "pt%dtext.c", _partNum); free(_ptTextBuf); _ptTextBuf = loadFile(filename, 0); _characterSpeechDataPtr = _ptTextBuf; loadData(); loadPanObj(); } void TuckerEngine::loadData() { int objNum = _partNum * 10; loadFile("data.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); _dataCount = 0; int count = 0; int maxCount = 0; while (t.findIndex(objNum)) { while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { _dataCount = t.getNextInteger(); if (_dataCount < 0) { break; } if (_dataCount > maxCount) { maxCount = _dataCount; } const int x = t.getNextInteger(); const int y = t.getNextInteger(); Data *d = &_dataTable[_dataCount]; d->sourceOffset = y * 320 + x; d->xSize = t.getNextInteger(); d->ySize = t.getNextInteger(); d->xDest = t.getNextInteger(); d->yDest = t.getNextInteger(); d->index = count; } ++objNum; ++count; } _dataCount = maxCount; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "scrobj%d%d.pcx", _partNum, i); loadImage(filename, _loadTempBuf, 0); offset = loadDataHelper(offset, i); } } int TuckerEngine::loadDataHelper(int offset, int index) { for (int i = 0; i < _dataCount + 1; ++i) { if (_dataTable[i].index == index) { int sz = Graphics::encodeRLE(_loadTempBuf + _dataTable[i].sourceOffset, _data3GfxBuf + offset, _dataTable[i].xSize, _dataTable[i].ySize); _dataTable[i].sourceOffset = offset; offset += sz; } } return offset; } void TuckerEngine::loadPanObj() { char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "panobjs%d.pcx", _partNum); loadImage(filename, _loadTempBuf, 0); int offset = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 5; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x) { const int i = y * 10 + x; _panelObjectsOffsetTable[i] = offset; offset += Graphics::encodeRLE(_loadTempBuf + (y * 240 + x) * 32, _panelObjectsGfxBuf + offset, 32, 24); } } } void TuckerEngine::loadData3() { loadFile("data3.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); _locationAnimationsCount = 0; if (t.findIndex(_locationNum)) { while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { int num = t.getNextInteger(); if (num < 0) { break; } assert(_locationAnimationsCount < kLocationAnimationsTableSize); LocationAnimation *d = &_locationAnimationsTable[_locationAnimationsCount++]; d->graphicNum = num; const int seqNum = t.getNextInteger(); if (seqNum > 0) { int anim = 0; for (int i = 1; i < seqNum; ++i) { while (_staticData3Table[anim] != 999) { ++anim; } ++anim; } d->animCurrentCounter = d->animInitCounter = anim; while (_staticData3Table[anim + 1] != 999) { ++anim; } d->animLastCounter = anim; } else { d->animLastCounter = 0; } d->getFlag = t.getNextInteger(); d->inventoryNum = t.getNextInteger(); d->flagNum = t.getNextInteger(); d->flagValue = t.getNextInteger(); d->selectable = t.getNextInteger(); d->standX = t.getNextInteger(); d->standY = t.getNextInteger(); d->drawFlag = 0; } } } void TuckerEngine::loadData4() { loadFile("data4.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw); _gameDebug = t.getNextInteger() != 0; _displayGameHints = t.getNextInteger() != 0; // forces game hints feature // _displayGameHints = true; _locationObjectsCount = 0; if (t.findIndex(_locationNum)) { while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { int i = t.getNextInteger(); if (i < 0) { break; } assert(_locationObjectsCount < kLocationObjectsTableSize); LocationObject *d = &_locationObjectsTable[_locationObjectsCount++]; d->xPos = i; d->yPos = t.getNextInteger(); d->xSize = t.getNextInteger(); d->ySize = t.getNextInteger(); d->standX = t.getNextInteger(); d->standY = t.getNextInteger(); d->textNum = t.getNextInteger(); d->cursorNum = t.getNextInteger(); d->locationNum = t.getNextInteger(); if (d->locationNum > 0) { d->toX = t.getNextInteger(); d->toY = t.getNextInteger(); d->toX2 = t.getNextInteger(); d->toY2 = t.getNextInteger(); d->toWalkX2 = t.getNextInteger(); d->toWalkY2 = t.getNextInteger(); } } } } void TuckerEngine::loadActionFile() { char filename[40]; if ((_gameFlags & kGameFlagDemo) != 0) { strcpy(filename, "action.c"); } else { switch (_partNum) { case 1: strcpy(filename, "action1.c"); break; case 2: strcpy(filename, "action2.c"); break; default: strcpy(filename, "action3.c"); break; } } loadFile(filename, _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); _actionsCount = 0; if (t.findIndex(_locationNum)) { while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { int keyA = t.getNextInteger(); if (keyA < 0) { break; } int keyB = t.getNextInteger(); int keyC = t.getNextInteger(); int keyD = t.getNextInteger(); int keyE = t.getNextInteger(); Action *action = &_actionsTable[_actionsCount++]; action->key = keyE * 1000000 + keyD * 100000 + keyA * 10000 + keyB * 1000 + keyC; action->testFlag1Num = t.getNextInteger(); action->testFlag1Value = t.getNextInteger(); action->testFlag2Num = t.getNextInteger(); action->testFlag2Value = t.getNextInteger(); action->speech = t.getNextInteger(); action->flipX = t.getNextInteger(); action->index = t.getNextInteger(); action->delay = t.getNextInteger(); action->setFlagNum = t.getNextInteger(); assert(action->setFlagNum >= 0 && action->setFlagNum < kFlagsTableSize); action->setFlagValue = t.getNextInteger(); action->fxNum = t.getNextInteger(); action->fxDelay = t.getNextInteger(); } } } void TuckerEngine::loadCharPos() { loadFile("charpos.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); _charPosCount = 0; if (t.findIndex(_locationNum)) { while (t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw)) { const int i = t.getNextInteger(); if (i < 0) { break; } assert(_charPosCount < 4); CharPos *charPos = &_charPosTable[_charPosCount++]; charPos->xPos = i; charPos->yPos = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->xSize = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->ySize = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->xWalkTo = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->yWalkTo = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->flagNum = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->flagValue = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->direction = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->name = t.getNextInteger(); charPos->description = t.getNextInteger(); } int quitLoop = 0; size_t count = 0; while (quitLoop == 0) { t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw); int num = 0; while (num != 99) { num = t.getNextInteger(); assert(count < ARRAYSIZE(_characterAnimationsTable)); _characterAnimationsTable[count] = num; if (num < 0) { quitLoop = 1; break; } ++count; } } quitLoop = 0; count = 0; while (quitLoop == 0) { t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw); int num = 0; while (num < 98) { num = t.getNextInteger(); assert(count < ARRAYSIZE(_characterStateTable)); _characterStateTable[count] = num; if (num == 98) { --count; } if (num < 0) { quitLoop = 1; break; } ++count; } } } } void TuckerEngine::loadSprA02_01() { unloadSprA02_01(); const int count = _sprA02LookupTable[_locationNum]; for (int i = 1; i < count + 1; ++i) { char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "sprites/a%02d_%02d.spr", _locationNum, i); _sprA02Table[i] = loadFile(filename, 0); } _sprA02Table[0] = _sprA02Table[1]; } void TuckerEngine::unloadSprA02_01() { for (int i = 1; i < kSprA02TableSize; ++i) { free(_sprA02Table[i]); _sprA02Table[i] = 0; } _sprA02Table[0] = 0; } void TuckerEngine::loadSprC02_01() { unloadSprC02_01(); const int count = _sprC02LookupTable[_locationNum]; for (int i = 1; i < count + 1; ++i) { char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "sprites/c%02d_%02d.spr", _locationNum, i); _sprC02Table[i] = loadFile(filename, 0); } _sprC02Table[0] = _sprC02Table[1]; _spritesCount = _sprC02LookupTable2[_locationNum]; for (int i = 0; i < kMaxCharacters; ++i) { memset(&_spritesTable[i], 0, sizeof(Sprite)); _spritesTable[i].state = -1; _spritesTable[i].stateIndex = -1; } } void TuckerEngine::unloadSprC02_01() { for (int i = 1; i < kSprC02TableSize; ++i) { free(_sprC02Table[i]); _sprC02Table[i] = 0; } _sprC02Table[0] = 0; } void TuckerEngine::loadFx() { loadFile("fx.c", _loadTempBuf); DataTokenizer t(_loadTempBuf, _fileLoadSize); t.findIndex(_locationNum); t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw); _locationSoundsCount = t.getNextInteger(); _currentFxSet = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _locationSoundsCount; ++i) { LocationSound *s = &_locationSoundsTable[i]; s->offset = 0; s->num = t.getNextInteger(); s->volume = t.getNextInteger(); s->type = t.getNextInteger(); switch (s->type) { case 5: _currentFxSet = 1; _currentFxIndex = i; _currentFxVolume = s->volume; _currentFxDist = t.getNextInteger(); _currentFxScale = t.getNextInteger(); break; case 6: case 7: case 8: s->startFxSpriteState = t.getNextInteger(); s->startFxSpriteNum = t.getNextInteger(); s->updateType = t.getNextInteger(); if (s->type == 7) { s->flagNum = t.getNextInteger(); s->flagValueStartFx = t.getNextInteger(); s->stopFxSpriteState = t.getNextInteger(); s->stopFxSpriteNum = t.getNextInteger(); s->flagValueStopFx = t.getNextInteger(); } break; } if (s->type == 8) { s->type = 6; } } t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw); int count = t.getNextInteger(); _locationMusicsCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { int flagNum = t.getNextInteger(); int flagValue = t.getNextInteger(); if (flagValue == _flagsTable[flagNum]) { LocationMusic *m = &_locationMusicsTable[_locationMusicsCount++]; m->offset = 0; m->num = t.getNextInteger(); m->volume = t.getNextInteger(); m->flag = t.getNextInteger(); } else { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { t.getNextInteger(); } } } } void TuckerEngine::loadSound(Audio::Mixer::SoundType type, int num, int volume, bool loop, Audio::SoundHandle *handle) { Audio::RewindableAudioStream *stream = 0; switch (type) { case Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType: stream = _compressedSound.load(kSoundTypeFx, num); break; case Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType: stream = _compressedSound.load(kSoundTypeMusic, num); break; case Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType: stream = _compressedSound.load(kSoundTypeSpeech, num); break; default: return; } if (!stream) { const char *fmt = 0; switch (type) { case Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType: fmt = "fx/fx%d.wav"; break; case Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType: fmt = "music/mus%d.wav"; break; case Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType: fmt = "speech/sam%04d.wav"; break; default: return; } char fileName[64]; snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), fmt, num); Common::File *f = new Common::File; if (f->open(fileName)) { stream = Audio::makeWAVStream(f, DisposeAfterUse::YES); } else { delete f; } } if (stream) { _mixer->stopHandle(*handle); _mixer->playInputStream(type, handle, Audio::makeLoopingAudioStream(stream, loop ? 0 : 1), -1, scaleMixerVolume(volume, kMaxSoundVolume)); } } void TuckerEngine::loadActionsTable() { int table = 0; do { if (!_csDataLoaded) { DataTokenizer t(_csDataBuf, _csDataSize); bool found = t.findIndex(_locationNum); assert(found); for (int i = 0; i < _nextAction; ++i) { found = t.findNextToken(kDataTokenDw); assert(found); } _forceRedrawPanelItems = true; _panelState = 1; setCursorType(2); _tableInstructionsPtr = _csDataBuf + t._pos + 1; _csDataLoaded = true; _csDataHandled = true; debug(2, "loadActionsTable() _nextAction %d", _nextAction); } if (_stopActionOnSpeechFlag && _charSpeechSoundCounter > 0) { break; } _stopActionOnSpeechFlag = false; if (_stopActionOnPanelLock) { if (_panelLockedFlag) { break; } _stopActionOnPanelLock = false; } if (_stopActionCounter > 0) { --_stopActionCounter; break; } if (_stopActionOnSoundFlag) { if (isSoundPlaying(_soundInstructionIndex)) { break; } _stopActionOnSoundFlag = false; } if (_csDataTableCount != 0) { if (_csDataTableCount == 99) { if (_backgroundSpriteCurrentAnimation > -1) { if (_backgroundSpriteCurrentFrame != _backgroundSpriteLastFrame) { break; } } else { if (_spriteAnimationFramesTable[_spriteAnimationFrameIndex] != 999) { break; } } } else { if (_spritesTable[_csDataTableCount - 1].firstFrame - 1 != _spritesTable[_csDataTableCount - 1].animationFrame) { break; } } _csDataTableCount = 0; } if (_conversationOptionsCount != 0) { if (_leftMouseButtonPressed && _nextTableToLoadIndex != -1) { _nextAction = _nextTableToLoadTable[_nextTableToLoadIndex]; _csDataLoaded = false; _conversationOptionsCount = 0; setCursorType(2); } break; } do { table = executeTableInstruction(); } while (table == 0); } while (table == 3); if (table == 2) { _nextAction = 0; _csDataLoaded = false; _forceRedrawPanelItems = true; _panelState = 0; setCursorType(0); _csDataHandled = false; _actionVerbLocked = 0; _mouseClick = 1; } } } // namespace Tucker