/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * MIT License: * * Copyright (c) 2009 Alexei Svitkine, Eugene Sandulenko * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ #include "common/events.h" #include "common/timer.h" #include "common/unzip.h" #include "graphics/cursorman.h" #include "graphics/fonts/bdf.h" #include "graphics/palette.h" #include "graphics/macgui/macfontmanager.h" #include "graphics/macgui/macwindow.h" #include "graphics/macgui/macmenu.h" #include "wage/wage.h" #include "wage/design.h" #include "wage/entities.h" #include "wage/gui.h" #include "wage/world.h" namespace Wage { const Graphics::Font *Gui::getConsoleFont() { Scene *scene = _engine->_world->_player->_currentScene; return _wm._fontMan->getFont(*scene->getFont()); } void Gui::clearOutput() { _out.clear(); _lines.clear(); _consoleFullRedraw = true; } void Gui::appendText(const char *s) { Common::String str(s); _consoleDirty = true; if (!str.contains('\n')) { _out.push_back(str); flowText(str); return; } // Okay, we got new lines, need to split it // and push substrings individually Common::String tmp; for (uint i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { if (str[i] == '\n') { _out.push_back(tmp); flowText(tmp); tmp.clear(); continue; } tmp += str[i]; } _out.push_back(tmp); flowText(tmp); } enum { kConWOverlap = 20, kConHOverlap = 20, kConWPadding = 3, kConHPadding = 4, kConOverscan = 3 }; void Gui::flowText(Common::String &str) { Common::StringArray wrappedLines; int textW = _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().width() - kConWPadding * 2; const Graphics::Font *font = getConsoleFont(); font->wordWrapText(str, textW, wrappedLines); if (wrappedLines.empty()) // Sometimes we have empty lines _lines.push_back(""); for (Common::StringArray::const_iterator j = wrappedLines.begin(); j != wrappedLines.end(); ++j) _lines.push_back(*j); uint pos = _scrollPos; _scrollPos = MAX(0, (_lines.size() - 1 - _consoleNumLines) * _consoleLineHeight); _cursorX = kConWPadding; if (_scrollPos) _cursorY = (_consoleNumLines) * _consoleLineHeight + kConHPadding; else _cursorY = (_lines.size() - 1) * _consoleLineHeight + kConHPadding; if (pos != _scrollPos) _consoleFullRedraw = true; if (!_engine->_temporarilyHidden) draw(); } void Gui::renderConsole(Graphics::ManagedSurface *g, const Common::Rect &r) { bool fullRedraw = _consoleFullRedraw; bool textReflow = false; int surfW = r.width() + kConWOverlap * 2; int surfH = r.height() + kConHOverlap * 2; Common::Rect boundsR(kConWOverlap - kConOverscan, kConHOverlap - kConOverscan, r.width() + kConWOverlap + kConOverscan, r.height() + kConHOverlap + kConOverscan); if (_console.w != surfW || _console.h != surfH) { if (_console.w != surfW) textReflow = true; _console.free(); _console.create(surfW, surfH, Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8()); fullRedraw = true; } if (fullRedraw) _console.clear(kColorWhite); const Graphics::Font *font = getConsoleFont(); _consoleLineHeight = font->getFontHeight(); int textW = r.width() - kConWPadding * 2; int textH = r.height() - kConHPadding * 2; if (textReflow) { _lines.clear(); for (uint i = 0; i < _out.size(); i++) flowText(_out[i]); } const int firstLine = _scrollPos / _consoleLineHeight; const int lastLine = MIN((_scrollPos + textH) / _consoleLineHeight + 1, _lines.size()); const int xOff = kConWOverlap; const int yOff = kConHOverlap; int x1 = xOff + kConWPadding; int y1 = yOff - (_scrollPos % _consoleLineHeight) + kConHPadding; if (fullRedraw) _consoleNumLines = (r.height() - 2 * kConWPadding) / _consoleLineHeight - 2; for (int line = firstLine; line < lastLine; line++) { const char *str = _lines[line].c_str(); int color = kColorBlack; if ((line > _selectionStartY && line < _selectionEndY) || (line > _selectionEndY && line < _selectionStartY)) { color = kColorWhite; Common::Rect trect(0, y1, _console.w, y1 + _consoleLineHeight); Design::drawFilledRect(&_console, trect, kColorBlack, _wm.getPatterns(), kPatternSolid); } if (line == _selectionStartY || line == _selectionEndY) { if (_selectionStartY != _selectionEndY) { int color1 = kColorBlack; int color2 = kColorWhite; int midpoint = _selectionStartX; if (_selectionStartY > _selectionEndY) SWAP(color1, color2); if (line == _selectionEndY) { SWAP(color1, color2); midpoint = _selectionEndX; } Common::String beg(_lines[line].c_str(), &_lines[line].c_str()[midpoint]); Common::String end(&_lines[line].c_str()[midpoint]); int rectW = font->getStringWidth(beg) + kConWPadding + kConWOverlap; Common::Rect trect(0, y1, _console.w, y1 + _consoleLineHeight); if (color1 == kColorWhite) trect.right = rectW; else trect.left = rectW; Design::drawFilledRect(&_console, trect, kColorBlack, _wm.getPatterns(), kPatternSolid); font->drawString(&_console, beg, x1, y1, textW, color1); font->drawString(&_console, end, x1 + rectW - kConWPadding - kConWOverlap, y1, textW, color2); } else { int startPos = _selectionStartX; int endPos = _selectionEndX; if (startPos > endPos) SWAP(startPos, endPos); Common::String beg(_lines[line].c_str(), &_lines[line].c_str()[startPos]); Common::String mid(&_lines[line].c_str()[startPos], &_lines[line].c_str()[endPos]); Common::String end(&_lines[line].c_str()[endPos]); int rectW1 = font->getStringWidth(beg) + kConWPadding + kConWOverlap; int rectW2 = rectW1 + font->getStringWidth(mid); Common::Rect trect(rectW1, y1, rectW2, y1 + _consoleLineHeight); Design::drawFilledRect(&_console, trect, kColorBlack, _wm.getPatterns(), kPatternSolid); font->drawString(&_console, beg, x1, y1, textW, kColorBlack); font->drawString(&_console, mid, x1 + rectW1 - kConWPadding - kConWOverlap, y1, textW, kColorWhite); font->drawString(&_console, end, x1 + rectW2 - kConWPadding - kConWOverlap, y1, textW, kColorBlack); } } else { if (*str) { font->drawString(&_console, _lines[line], x1, y1, textW, color); // TODO: Take into account color (and maybe position) #ifdef USE_NEW_TEXT_RENDERER #ifdef USE_MACTEXTWINDOW _consoleWindow->appendText(_lines[line]); #else _mactext->appendText(_lines[line]); #endif // USE_MACTEXTWINDOW #endif // USE_OLD_TEXT_RENDERER } } y1 += _consoleLineHeight; } // Now we need to clip it to the screen int xcon = r.left - kConOverscan; int ycon = r.top - kConOverscan; if (xcon < 0) { boundsR.left -= xcon; xcon = 0; } if (ycon < 0) { boundsR.top -= ycon; ycon = 0; } if (xcon + boundsR.width() >= g->w) boundsR.right -= xcon + boundsR.width() - g->w; if (ycon + boundsR.height() >= g->h) boundsR.bottom -= ycon + boundsR.height() - g->h; Common::Rect rr(r); if (rr.right > _screen.w - 1) rr.right = _screen.w - 1; if (rr.bottom > _screen.h - 1) rr.bottom = _screen.h - 1; #ifdef USE_NEW_TEXT_RENDERER #ifdef USE_MACTEXTWINDOW _consoleWindow->drawText(&_console, xcon, ycon, rr.width() - xcon, rr.height() - ycon, rr.left, rr.top); #else _mactext->draw(&_console, xcon, ycon, rr.width() - xcon, rr.height() - ycon, rr.left, rr.top); #endif // USE_MACTEXTWINDOW #endif // USE_NEW_TEXT_RENDERER g->copyRectToSurface(_console, xcon, ycon, boundsR); } void Gui::drawInput() { if (!_screen.getPixels()) return; _wm.setActive(_consoleWindow->getId()); _out.pop_back(); _lines.pop_back(); appendText(_engine->_inputText.c_str()); _inputTextLineNum = _out.size() - 1; const Graphics::Font *font = getConsoleFont(); if (_engine->_inputText.contains('\n')) { _consoleDirty = true; } else { int x = kConWPadding + _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().left; int y = _cursorY + _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().top; Common::Rect r(x, y, x + _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().width() - kConWPadding, y + font->getFontHeight()); _screen.fillRect(r, kColorWhite); undrawCursor(); font->drawString(&_screen, _out[_inputTextLineNum], x, y, _screen.w, kColorBlack); int w = _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().width(); int h = font->getFontHeight(); if (x < 0) { w += x; x = 0; } if (y < 0) { h += y; y = 0; } if (x + w > _screen.w) w = _screen.w - x; if (y + h > _screen.h) h = _screen.h - y; if (w != 0 && h != 0) g_system->copyRectToScreen(_screen.getBasePtr(x, y), _screen.pitch, x, y, w, h); } _cursorX = font->getStringWidth(_out[_inputTextLineNum]) + kConHPadding; } void Gui::actionCopy() { if (_selectionStartX == -1) return; int startX = _selectionStartX; int startY = _selectionStartY; int endX = _selectionEndX; int endY = _selectionEndY; if (startY > endY) { SWAP(startX, endX); SWAP(endX, endY); } _clipboard.clear(); for (int i = startY; i <= endY; i++) { if (startY == endY) { _clipboard = Common::String(&_lines[i].c_str()[startX], &_lines[i].c_str()[endX]); break; } if (i == startY) { _clipboard += &_lines[i].c_str()[startX]; _clipboard += '\n'; } else if (i == endY) { _clipboard += Common::String(_lines[i].c_str(), &_lines[i].c_str()[endX]); } else { _clipboard += _lines[i]; _clipboard += '\n'; } } _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionPaste, true); } void Gui::actionPaste() { _undobuffer = _engine->_inputText; _engine->_inputText += _clipboard; drawInput(); _engine->_inputText = _out.back(); // Set last part of the multiline text _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionUndo, true); } void Gui::actionUndo() { _engine->_inputText = _undobuffer; drawInput(); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionUndo, false); } void Gui::actionClear() { int startPos = _selectionStartX; int endPos = _selectionEndX; if (startPos > endPos) SWAP(startPos, endPos); Common::String beg(_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str(), &_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str()[startPos]); Common::String end(&_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str()[endPos]); _undobuffer = _engine->_inputText; _engine->_inputText = beg + end; drawInput(); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionUndo, true); _selectionStartY = -1; _selectionEndY = -1; } void Gui::actionCut() { int startPos = _selectionStartX; int endPos = _selectionEndX; if (startPos > endPos) SWAP(startPos, endPos); Common::String beg(_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str(), &_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str()[startPos]); Common::String mid(&_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str()[startPos], &_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str()[endPos]); Common::String end(&_lines[_selectionStartY].c_str()[endPos]); _undobuffer = _engine->_inputText; _engine->_inputText = beg + end; _clipboard = mid; drawInput(); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionUndo, true); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionPaste, true); _selectionStartY = -1; _selectionEndY = -1; } void Gui::disableUndo() { _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionUndo, false); } void Gui::disableAllMenus() { _menu->disableAllMenus(); } void Gui::enableNewGameMenus() { _menu->enableCommand(kMenuFile, kMenuActionNew, true); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuFile, kMenuActionOpen, true); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuFile, kMenuActionQuit, true); } bool Gui::processConsoleEvents(WindowClick click, Common::Event &event) { if (click == kBorderScrollUp || click == kBorderScrollDown) { if (event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) { int consoleHeight = _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().height(); int textFullSize = _lines.size() * _consoleLineHeight + consoleHeight; float scrollPos = (float)_scrollPos / textFullSize; float scrollSize = (float)consoleHeight / textFullSize; _consoleWindow->setScroll(scrollPos, scrollSize); return true; } else if (event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { int oldScrollPos = _scrollPos; switch (click) { case kBorderScrollUp: _scrollPos = MAX(0, _scrollPos - _consoleLineHeight); undrawCursor(); _cursorY -= (_scrollPos - oldScrollPos); _consoleDirty = true; _consoleFullRedraw = true; break; case kBorderScrollDown: _scrollPos = MIN((_lines.size() - 2) * _consoleLineHeight, _scrollPos + _consoleLineHeight); undrawCursor(); _cursorY -= (_scrollPos - oldScrollPos); _consoleDirty = true; _consoleFullRedraw = true; break; default: return false; } return true; } return false; } if (click == kBorderResizeButton) { _consoleDirty = true; _consoleFullRedraw = true; return true; } if (click == kBorderInner) { if (event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN) { startMarking(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y); return true; } else if (event.type == Common::EVENT_LBUTTONUP) { if (_inTextSelection) { _inTextSelection = false; if (_selectionEndY == -1 || (_selectionEndX == _selectionStartX && _selectionEndY == _selectionStartY)) { _selectionStartY = _selectionEndY = -1; _consoleFullRedraw = true; _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionCopy, false); } else { _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionCopy, true); bool cutAllowed = false; if (_selectionStartY == _selectionEndY && _selectionStartY == (int)_lines.size() - 1) cutAllowed = true; _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionCut, cutAllowed); _menu->enableCommand(kMenuEdit, kMenuActionClear, cutAllowed); } } return true; } else if (event.type == Common::EVENT_MOUSEMOVE) { if (_inTextSelection) { updateTextSelection(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y); return true; } } return false; } return false; } int Gui::calcTextX(int x, int textLine) { const Graphics::Font *font = getConsoleFont(); if ((uint)textLine >= _lines.size()) return 0; Common::String str = _lines[textLine]; x -= _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().left; for (int i = str.size(); i >= 0; i--) { if (font->getStringWidth(str) < x) { return i; } str.deleteLastChar(); } return 0; } int Gui::calcTextY(int y) { y -= _consoleWindow->getInnerDimensions().top; if (y < 0) y = 0; const int firstLine = _scrollPos / _consoleLineHeight; int textLine = (y - _scrollPos % _consoleLineHeight) / _consoleLineHeight + firstLine; return textLine; } void Gui::startMarking(int x, int y) { _selectionStartY = calcTextY(y); _selectionStartX = calcTextX(x, _selectionStartY); _selectionEndY = -1; _inTextSelection = true; } void Gui::updateTextSelection(int x, int y) { _selectionEndY = calcTextY(y); _selectionEndX = calcTextX(x, _selectionEndY); _consoleFullRedraw = true; } } // End of namespace Wage