/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This file is based on WME Lite. * http://dead-code.org/redir.php?target=wmelite * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Nedoma */ #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include "dcgf.h" #include "BFile.h" #include "BFontTT.h" #include "FontGlyphCache.h" #include "PathUtil.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "MathUtil.h" #include "BRenderSDL.h" #include "BSurfaceSDL.h" #include "BParser.h" #include "BGame.h" #include "BFileManager.h" #include "utils.h" #include "PlatformSDL.h" namespace WinterMute { IMPLEMENT_PERSISTENT(CBFontTT, false) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CBFontTT::CBFontTT(CBGame *inGame): CBFont(inGame) { _fontHeight = 12; _isBold = _isItalic = _isUnderline = _isStriked = false; _fontFile = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) _cachedTexts[i] = NULL; _fTFace = NULL; _fTStream = NULL; _glyphCache = NULL; _ascender = _descender = _lineHeight = _pointSize = _underlinePos = 0; _horDpi = _vertDpi = 0; _maxCharWidth = _maxCharHeight = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CBFontTT::~CBFontTT(void) { ClearCache(); for (int i = 0; i < _layers.GetSize(); i++) { delete _layers[i]; } _layers.RemoveAll(); delete[] _fontFile; _fontFile = NULL; delete _glyphCache; _glyphCache = NULL; if (_fTFace) { FT_Done_Face(_fTFace); _fTFace = NULL; } delete[] _fTStream; _fTStream = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::ClearCache() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { if (_cachedTexts[i]) delete _cachedTexts[i]; _cachedTexts[i] = NULL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::InitLoop() { // we need more aggressive cache management on iOS not to waste too much memory on fonts if (Game->_constrainedMemory) { // purge all cached images not used in the last frame for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { if (_cachedTexts[i] == NULL) continue; if (!_cachedTexts[i]->_marked) { delete _cachedTexts[i]; _cachedTexts[i] = NULL; } else _cachedTexts[i]->_marked = false; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CBFontTT::GetTextWidth(byte *Text, int MaxLength) { WideString text; if (Game->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) text = StringUtil::Utf8ToWide((char *)Text); else text = StringUtil::AnsiToWide((char *)Text); if (MaxLength >= 0 && text.size() > MaxLength) text = Common::String(text.c_str(), MaxLength); //text = text.substr(0, MaxLength); // TODO: Remove int textWidth, textHeight; MeasureText(text, -1, -1, textWidth, textHeight); return textWidth; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CBFontTT::GetTextHeight(byte *Text, int Width) { WideString text; if (Game->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) text = StringUtil::Utf8ToWide((char *)Text); else text = StringUtil::AnsiToWide((char *)Text); int textWidth, textHeight; MeasureText(text, Width, -1, textWidth, textHeight); return textHeight; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::DrawText(byte *Text, int X, int Y, int Width, TTextAlign Align, int MaxHeight, int MaxLength) { if (Text == NULL || strcmp((char *)Text, "") == 0) return; WideString text; if (Game->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) text = StringUtil::Utf8ToWide((char *)Text); else text = StringUtil::AnsiToWide((char *)Text); if (MaxLength >= 0 && text.size() > MaxLength) text = Common::String(text.c_str(), MaxLength); //text = text.substr(0, MaxLength); // TODO: Remove CBRenderSDL *_renderer = (CBRenderSDL *)Game->_renderer; // find cached surface, if exists int MinPriority = INT_MAX; int MinIndex = -1; CBSurface *Surface = NULL; int textOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { if (_cachedTexts[i] == NULL) { MinPriority = 0; MinIndex = i; } else { if (_cachedTexts[i]->_text == text && _cachedTexts[i]->_align == Align && _cachedTexts[i]->_width == Width && _cachedTexts[i]->_maxHeight == MaxHeight && _cachedTexts[i]->_maxLength == MaxLength) { Surface = _cachedTexts[i]->_surface; textOffset = _cachedTexts[i]->_textOffset; _cachedTexts[i]->_priority++; _cachedTexts[i]->_marked = true; break; } else { if (_cachedTexts[i]->_priority < MinPriority) { MinPriority = _cachedTexts[i]->_priority; MinIndex = i; } } } } // not found, create one if (!Surface) { Surface = RenderTextToTexture(text, Width, Align, MaxHeight, textOffset); if (Surface) { // write surface to cache if (_cachedTexts[MinIndex] != NULL) delete _cachedTexts[MinIndex]; _cachedTexts[MinIndex] = new CBCachedTTFontText; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_surface = Surface; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_align = Align; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_width = Width; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_maxHeight = MaxHeight; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_maxLength = MaxLength; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_priority = 1; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_text = text; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_textOffset = textOffset; _cachedTexts[MinIndex]->_marked = true; } } // and paint it if (Surface) { RECT rc; CBPlatform::SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, Surface->GetWidth(), Surface->GetHeight()); for (int i = 0; i < _layers.GetSize(); i++) { uint32 Color = _layers[i]->_color; uint32 OrigForceAlpha = _renderer->_forceAlphaColor; if (_renderer->_forceAlphaColor != 0) { Color = DRGBA(D3DCOLGetR(Color), D3DCOLGetG(Color), D3DCOLGetB(Color), D3DCOLGetA(_renderer->_forceAlphaColor)); _renderer->_forceAlphaColor = 0; } Surface->DisplayTransOffset(X, Y - textOffset, rc, Color, BLEND_NORMAL, false, false, _layers[i]->_offsetX, _layers[i]->_offsetY); _renderer->_forceAlphaColor = OrigForceAlpha; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CBSurface *CBFontTT::RenderTextToTexture(const WideString &text, int width, TTextAlign align, int maxHeight, int &textOffset) { TextLineList lines; WrapText(text, width, maxHeight, lines); TextLineList::iterator it; int textHeight = lines.size() * (_maxCharHeight + _ascender); SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, textHeight, 32, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000); SDL_LockSurface(surface); int posY = (int)GetLineHeight() - (int)_descender; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { TextLine *line = (*it); int posX = 0; switch (align) { case TAL_CENTER: posX += (width - line->GetWidth()) / 2; break; case TAL_RIGHT: posX += width - line->GetWidth(); break; } textOffset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < line->GetText().size(); i++) { wchar_t ch = line->GetText()[i]; GlyphInfo *glyph = _glyphCache->GetGlyph(ch); if (!glyph) continue; textOffset = std::max(textOffset, glyph->GetBearingY()); } int origPosX = posX; wchar_t prevChar = L'\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < line->GetText().size(); i++) { wchar_t ch = line->GetText()[i]; GlyphInfo *glyph = _glyphCache->GetGlyph(ch); if (!glyph) continue; float kerning = 0; if (prevChar != L'\0') kerning = GetKerning(prevChar, ch); posX += (int)kerning; if (glyph->GetBearingY() > 0) { int i = 10; } SDL_Rect rect; rect.x = posX + glyph->GetBearingX(); rect.y = posY - glyph->GetBearingY() + textOffset; rect.w = glyph->GetImage()->w; rect.h = glyph->GetImage()->h; BlitSurface(glyph->GetImage(), surface, &rect); prevChar = ch; posX += (int)(glyph->GetAdvanceX()); posY += (int)(glyph->GetAdvanceY()); } if (_isUnderline) { for (int i = origPosX; i < origPosX + line->GetWidth(); i++) { Uint8 *buf = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels + (int)(_underlinePos + _ascender) * surface->pitch; Uint32 *buf32 = (Uint32 *)buf; buf32[i] = SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } SDL_UnlockSurface(surface); delete line; line = NULL; posY += GetLineHeight(); } CBSurfaceSDL *wmeSurface = new CBSurfaceSDL(Game); if (SUCCEEDED(wmeSurface->CreateFromSDLSurface(surface))) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); return wmeSurface; } else { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); delete wmeSurface; return NULL; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Surface *target, SDL_Rect *targetRect) { //SDL_BlitSurface(src, NULL, target, targetRect); for (int y = 0; y < src->h; y++) { if (targetRect->y + y < 0 || targetRect->y + y >= target->h) continue; Uint8 *srcBuf = (Uint8 *)src->pixels + y * src->pitch; Uint8 *tgtBuf = (Uint8 *)target->pixels + (y + targetRect->y) * target->pitch; Uint32 *srcBuf32 = (Uint32 *)srcBuf; Uint32 *tgtBuf32 = (Uint32 *)tgtBuf; for (int x = 0; x < src->w; x++) { if (targetRect->x + x < 0 || targetRect->x + x >= target->w) continue; tgtBuf32[x + targetRect->x] = srcBuf32[x]; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CBFontTT::GetLetterHeight() { return GetLineHeight(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CBFontTT::LoadFile(char *Filename) { byte *Buffer = Game->_fileManager->ReadWholeFile(Filename); if (Buffer == NULL) { Game->LOG(0, "CBFontTT::LoadFile failed for file '%s'", Filename); return E_FAIL; } HRESULT ret; _filename = new char [strlen(Filename) + 1]; strcpy(_filename, Filename); if (FAILED(ret = LoadBuffer(Buffer))) Game->LOG(0, "Error parsing TTFONT file '%s'", Filename); delete [] Buffer; return ret; } TOKEN_DEF_START TOKEN_DEF(TTFONT) TOKEN_DEF(SIZE) TOKEN_DEF(FACE) TOKEN_DEF(FILENAME) TOKEN_DEF(BOLD) TOKEN_DEF(ITALIC) TOKEN_DEF(UNDERLINE) TOKEN_DEF(STRIKE) TOKEN_DEF(CHARSET) TOKEN_DEF(COLOR) TOKEN_DEF(ALPHA) TOKEN_DEF(LAYER) TOKEN_DEF(OFFSET_X) TOKEN_DEF(OFFSET_Y) TOKEN_DEF_END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CBFontTT::LoadBuffer(byte *Buffer) { TOKEN_TABLE_START(commands) TOKEN_TABLE(TTFONT) TOKEN_TABLE(SIZE) TOKEN_TABLE(FACE) TOKEN_TABLE(FILENAME) TOKEN_TABLE(BOLD) TOKEN_TABLE(ITALIC) TOKEN_TABLE(UNDERLINE) TOKEN_TABLE(STRIKE) TOKEN_TABLE(CHARSET) TOKEN_TABLE(COLOR) TOKEN_TABLE(ALPHA) TOKEN_TABLE(LAYER) TOKEN_TABLE_END char *params; int cmd; CBParser parser(Game); if (parser.GetCommand((char **)&Buffer, commands, (char **)¶ms) != TOKEN_TTFONT) { Game->LOG(0, "'TTFONT' keyword expected."); return E_FAIL; } Buffer = (byte *)params; uint32 BaseColor = 0x00000000; while ((cmd = parser.GetCommand((char **)&Buffer, commands, (char **)¶ms)) > 0) { switch (cmd) { case TOKEN_SIZE: parser.ScanStr(params, "%d", &_fontHeight); break; case TOKEN_FACE: // we don't need this anymore break; case TOKEN_FILENAME: CBUtils::SetString(&_fontFile, params); break; case TOKEN_BOLD: parser.ScanStr(params, "%b", &_isBold); break; case TOKEN_ITALIC: parser.ScanStr(params, "%b", &_isItalic); break; case TOKEN_UNDERLINE: parser.ScanStr(params, "%b", &_isUnderline); break; case TOKEN_STRIKE: parser.ScanStr(params, "%b", &_isStriked); break; case TOKEN_CHARSET: // we don't need this anymore break; case TOKEN_COLOR: { int r, g, b; parser.ScanStr(params, "%d,%d,%d", &r, &g, &b); BaseColor = DRGBA(r, g, b, D3DCOLGetA(BaseColor)); } break; case TOKEN_ALPHA: { int a; parser.ScanStr(params, "%d", &a); BaseColor = DRGBA(D3DCOLGetR(BaseColor), D3DCOLGetG(BaseColor), D3DCOLGetB(BaseColor), a); } break; case TOKEN_LAYER: { CBTTFontLayer *Layer = new CBTTFontLayer; if (Layer && SUCCEEDED(ParseLayer(Layer, (byte *)params))) _layers.Add(Layer); else { delete Layer; Layer = NULL; cmd = PARSERR_TOKENNOTFOUND; } } break; } } if (cmd == PARSERR_TOKENNOTFOUND) { Game->LOG(0, "Syntax error in TTFONT definition"); return E_FAIL; } // create at least one layer if (_layers.GetSize() == 0) { CBTTFontLayer *Layer = new CBTTFontLayer; Layer->_color = BaseColor; _layers.Add(Layer); } if (!_fontFile) CBUtils::SetString(&_fontFile, "arial.ttf"); return InitFont(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CBFontTT::ParseLayer(CBTTFontLayer *Layer, byte *Buffer) { TOKEN_TABLE_START(commands) TOKEN_TABLE(OFFSET_X) TOKEN_TABLE(OFFSET_Y) TOKEN_TABLE(COLOR) TOKEN_TABLE(ALPHA) TOKEN_TABLE_END char *params; int cmd; CBParser parser(Game); while ((cmd = parser.GetCommand((char **)&Buffer, commands, (char **)¶ms)) > 0) { switch (cmd) { case TOKEN_OFFSET_X: parser.ScanStr(params, "%d", &Layer->_offsetX); break; case TOKEN_OFFSET_Y: parser.ScanStr(params, "%d", &Layer->_offsetY); break; case TOKEN_COLOR: { int r, g, b; parser.ScanStr(params, "%d,%d,%d", &r, &g, &b); Layer->_color = DRGBA(r, g, b, D3DCOLGetA(Layer->_color)); } break; case TOKEN_ALPHA: { int a; parser.ScanStr(params, "%d", &a); Layer->_color = DRGBA(D3DCOLGetR(Layer->_color), D3DCOLGetG(Layer->_color), D3DCOLGetB(Layer->_color), a); } break; } } if (cmd != PARSERR_EOF) return E_FAIL; else return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CBFontTT::Persist(CBPersistMgr *PersistMgr) { CBFont::Persist(PersistMgr); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(_isBold)); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(_isItalic)); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(_isUnderline)); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(_isStriked)); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(_fontHeight)); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(_fontFile)); // persist layers int NumLayers; if (PersistMgr->_saving) { NumLayers = _layers.GetSize(); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(NumLayers)); for (int i = 0; i < NumLayers; i++) _layers[i]->Persist(PersistMgr); } else { NumLayers = _layers.GetSize(); PersistMgr->Transfer(TMEMBER(NumLayers)); for (int i = 0; i < NumLayers; i++) { CBTTFontLayer *Layer = new CBTTFontLayer; Layer->Persist(PersistMgr); _layers.Add(Layer); } } if (!PersistMgr->_saving) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) _cachedTexts[i] = NULL; _glyphCache = NULL; } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::AfterLoad() { InitFont(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CBFontTT::InitFont() { if (!_fontFile) return E_FAIL; CBFile *file = Game->_fileManager->OpenFile(_fontFile); if (!file) { // the requested font file is not in wme file space; try loading a system font AnsiString fontFileName = PathUtil::Combine(CBPlatform::GetSystemFontPath(), PathUtil::GetFileName(_fontFile)); file = Game->_fileManager->OpenFile((char *)fontFileName.c_str(), false); if (!file) { Game->LOG(0, "Error loading TrueType font '%s'", _fontFile); return E_FAIL; } } FT_Error error; float vertDpi = 96.0; float horDpi = 96.0; _fTStream = (FT_Stream)new byte[sizeof(*_fTStream)]; memset(_fTStream, 0, sizeof(*_fTStream)); _fTStream->read = CBFontTT::FTReadSeekProc; _fTStream->close = CBFontTT::FTCloseProc; _fTStream->descriptor.pointer = file; _fTStream->size = file->GetSize(); FT_Open_Args args; args.flags = FT_OPEN_STREAM; args.stream = _fTStream; error = FT_Open_Face(Game->_fontStorage->GetFTLibrary(), &args, 0, &_fTFace); if (error) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(_fTStream); Game->_fileManager->CloseFile(file); return E_FAIL; } error = FT_Set_Char_Size(_fTFace, 0, (FT_F26Dot6)(_fontHeight * 64), (FT_UInt)horDpi, (FT_UInt)vertDpi); if (error) { FT_Done_Face(_fTFace); _fTFace = NULL; return E_FAIL; } // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_(typography) float pixelsPerEm = (_fontHeight / 72.f) * vertDpi; // Size in inches * dpi float EmsPerUnit = 1.0f / _fTFace->units_per_EM; float pixelsPerUnit = pixelsPerEm * EmsPerUnit; // bounding box in pixels float xMin = _fTFace->bbox.xMin * pixelsPerUnit; float xMax = _fTFace->bbox.xMax * pixelsPerUnit; float yMin = _fTFace->bbox.yMin * pixelsPerUnit; float yMax = _fTFace->bbox.yMax * pixelsPerUnit; // metrics in pixels _ascender = _fTFace->ascender * pixelsPerUnit; _descender = - _fTFace->descender * pixelsPerUnit; _lineHeight = MathUtil::RoundUp(_fTFace->height * pixelsPerUnit) + 2; _underlinePos = - _fTFace->underline_position * pixelsPerUnit; // max character size (used for texture grid) _maxCharWidth = (size_t)MathUtil::RoundUp(xMax - xMin); _maxCharHeight = (size_t)MathUtil::RoundUp(yMax - yMin); _glyphCache = new FontGlyphCache(); _glyphCache->Initialize(); return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I/O bridge between FreeType and WME file system ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned long CBFontTT::FTReadSeekProc(FT_Stream stream, unsigned long offset, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned long count) { CBFile *f = static_cast(stream->descriptor.pointer); if (!f) return 0; f->Seek(offset, SEEK_TO_BEGIN); if (count) { uint32 oldPos = f->GetPos(); f->Read(buffer, count); return f->GetPos() - oldPos; } else return 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::FTCloseProc(FT_Stream stream) { CBFile *f = static_cast(stream->descriptor.pointer); if (!f) return; CBGame *Game = f->Game; Game->_fileManager->CloseFile(f); stream->descriptor.pointer = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::WrapText(const WideString &text, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, TextLineList &lines) { int currWidth = 0; wchar_t prevChar = L'\0'; int prevSpaceIndex = -1; int prevSpaceWidth = 0; int lineStartIndex = 0; PrepareGlyphs(text); for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { wchar_t ch = text[i]; if (ch == L' ') { prevSpaceIndex = i; prevSpaceWidth = currWidth; } int charWidth = 0; if (ch != L'\n') { GlyphInfo *glyphInfo = GetGlyphCache()->GetGlyph(ch); if (!glyphInfo) continue; float kerning = 0; if (prevChar != L'\0') kerning = GetKerning(prevChar, ch); prevChar = ch; charWidth = (int)(glyphInfo->GetAdvanceX() + kerning); } bool lineTooLong = maxWidth >= 0 && currWidth + charWidth > maxWidth; bool breakOnSpace = false; // we can't fit even a single character if (lineTooLong && currWidth == 0) break; if (ch == L'\n' || i == text.size() - 1 || lineTooLong) { int breakPoint, breakWidth; if (prevSpaceIndex >= 0 && lineTooLong) { breakPoint = prevSpaceIndex; breakWidth = prevSpaceWidth; breakOnSpace = true; } else { breakPoint = i; breakWidth = currWidth; breakOnSpace = (ch == L'\n'); // we're at the end if (i == text.size() - 1) { breakPoint++; breakWidth += charWidth; } } if (maxHeight >= 0 && (lines.size() + 1) * GetLineHeight() > maxHeight) break; //WideString line = text.substr(lineStartIndex, breakPoint - lineStartIndex); // TODO: Remove WideString line = Common::String(text.c_str() + lineStartIndex, breakPoint - lineStartIndex); lines.push_back(new TextLine(line, breakWidth)); currWidth = 0; prevChar = L'\0'; prevSpaceIndex = -1; if (breakOnSpace) breakPoint++; lineStartIndex = breakPoint; i = breakPoint - 1; continue; } //if (ch == L' ' && currLine.empty()) continue; currWidth += charWidth; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::MeasureText(const WideString &text, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int &textWidth, int &textHeight) { TextLineList lines; WrapText(text, maxWidth, maxHeight, lines); textHeight = (int)(lines.size() * GetLineHeight()); textWidth = 0; TextLineList::iterator it; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { TextLine *line = (*it); textWidth = std::max(textWidth, line->GetWidth()); SAFE_DELETE(line); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float CBFontTT::GetKerning(wchar_t leftChar, wchar_t rightChar) { GlyphInfo *infoLeft = _glyphCache->GetGlyph(leftChar); GlyphInfo *infoRight = _glyphCache->GetGlyph(rightChar); if (!infoLeft || !infoRight) return 0; FT_Vector delta; FT_Error error = FT_Get_Kerning(_fTFace, infoLeft->GetGlyphIndex(), infoRight->GetGlyphIndex(), ft_kerning_unfitted, &delta); if (error) return 0; return delta.x * (1.0f / 64.0f); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::PrepareGlyphs(const WideString &text) { // make sure we have all the glyphs we need for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { wchar_t ch = text[i]; if (!_glyphCache->HasGlyph(ch)) CacheGlyph(ch); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBFontTT::CacheGlyph(wchar_t ch) { FT_UInt glyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(_fTFace, ch); if (!glyphIndex) return; FT_Error error = FT_Load_Glyph(_fTFace, glyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT); if (error) return; error = FT_Render_Glyph(_fTFace->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); if (error) return; byte *pixels = _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.buffer; size_t stride = _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.pitch; // convert from monochrome to grayscale if needed byte *tempBuffer = NULL; if (pixels != NULL && _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) { tempBuffer = new byte[_fTFace->glyph->bitmap.width * _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.rows]; for (int j = 0; j < _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.rows; j++) { int rowOffset = stride * j; for (int i = 0; i < _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.width; i++) { int byteOffset = i / 8; int bitOffset = 7 - (i % 8); byte bit = (pixels[rowOffset + byteOffset] & (1 << bitOffset)) >> bitOffset; tempBuffer[_fTFace->glyph->bitmap.width * j + i] = 255 * bit; } } pixels = tempBuffer; stride = _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.width; } // add glyph to cache _glyphCache->AddGlyph(ch, glyphIndex, _fTFace->glyph, _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.width, _fTFace->glyph->bitmap.rows, pixels, stride); if (tempBuffer) delete [] tempBuffer; } } // end of namespace WinterMute