/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This file is based on WME Lite. * http://dead-code.org/redir.php?target=wmelite * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Nedoma */ #include #include "BGame.h" #include "BRegistry.h" #include "PathUtil.h" #include "StringUtil.h" #include "tinyxml.h" #include "utils.h" namespace WinterMute { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CBRegistry::CBRegistry(CBGame *inGame): CBBase(inGame) { m_IniName = NULL; SetIniName("./wme.ini"); LoadValues(true); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CBRegistry::~CBRegistry() { SaveValues(); delete[] m_IniName; m_IniName = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AnsiString CBRegistry::ReadString(const AnsiString &subKey, const AnsiString &key, const AnsiString &init) { AnsiString ret = ""; #ifdef __WIN32__ // check ini file first (so what we can use project files on windows) char buffer[32768]; GetPrivateProfileString(subKey.c_str(), key.c_str(), init.c_str(), buffer, 32768, m_IniName); ret = AnsiString(buffer); if (buffer != init) return ret; #endif bool found = false; ret = GetValue(m_LocalValues, subKey, key, found); if (!found) ret = GetValue(m_Values, subKey, key, found); if (!found) ret = init; return ret; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBRegistry::WriteString(const AnsiString &subKey, const AnsiString &key, const AnsiString &value) { m_Values[subKey][key] = value; return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CBRegistry::ReadInt(const AnsiString &subKey, const AnsiString &key, int init) { #ifdef __WIN32__ int ret = GetPrivateProfileInt(subKey.c_str(), key.c_str(), init, m_IniName); if (ret != init) return ret; #endif AnsiString val = ReadString(subKey, key, ""); if (val.empty()) return init; else return atoi(val.c_str()); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBRegistry::WriteInt(const AnsiString &subKey, const AnsiString &key, int value) { WriteString(subKey, key, StringUtil::ToString(value)); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBRegistry::ReadBool(const AnsiString &subKey, const AnsiString &key, bool init) { return (ReadInt(subKey, key, (int)init) != 0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CBRegistry::WriteBool(const AnsiString &subKey, const AnsiString &key, bool value) { return WriteInt(subKey, key, (int)value); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBRegistry::SetIniName(char *Name) { delete[] m_IniName; m_IniName = NULL; if (strchr(Name, '\\') == NULL && strchr(Name, '/') == NULL) { m_IniName = new char [strlen(Name) + 3]; sprintf(m_IniName, "./%s", Name); } else { m_IniName = new char [strlen(Name) + 1]; strcpy(m_IniName, Name); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char *CBRegistry::GetIniName() { return m_IniName; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBRegistry::LoadValues(bool local) { if (local) LoadXml("settings.xml", m_LocalValues); else LoadXml(PathUtil::Combine(Game->GetDataDir(), "settings.xml"), m_Values); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBRegistry::SaveValues() { SaveXml(PathUtil::Combine(Game->GetDataDir(), "settings.xml"), m_Values); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBRegistry::SetBasePath(const char *basePath) { m_BasePath = PathUtil::GetFileNameWithoutExtension(basePath); LoadValues(false); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AnsiString CBRegistry::GetValue(PathValueMap &values, const AnsiString path, const AnsiString &key, bool &found) { found = false; PathValueMap::iterator it = values.find(path); if (it == values.end()) return ""; KeyValuePair pairs = (*it)._value; KeyValuePair::iterator keyIt = pairs.find(key); if (keyIt == pairs.end()) return ""; else { found = true; return (*keyIt)._value; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBRegistry::LoadXml(const AnsiString fileName, PathValueMap &values) { TiXmlDocument doc(fileName.c_str()); if (!doc.LoadFile()) return; TiXmlElement *rootElem = doc.RootElement(); if (!rootElem || Common::String(rootElem->Value()) != "Settings") // TODO: Avoid this strcmp-use. (Hack for now, since we might drop TinyXML all together) return; for (TiXmlElement *pathElem = rootElem->FirstChildElement(); pathElem != NULL; pathElem = pathElem->NextSiblingElement()) { for (TiXmlElement *keyElem = pathElem->FirstChildElement(); keyElem != NULL; keyElem = keyElem->NextSiblingElement()) { values[Common::String(pathElem->Value())][Common::String(keyElem->Value())] = keyElem->GetText(); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CBRegistry::SaveXml(const AnsiString fileName, PathValueMap &values) { CBUtils::CreatePath(fileName.c_str()); TiXmlDocument doc; doc.LinkEndChild(new TiXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "")); TiXmlElement *root = new TiXmlElement("Settings"); doc.LinkEndChild(root); PathValueMap::iterator pathIt; for (pathIt = m_Values.begin(); pathIt != m_Values.end(); ++pathIt) { TiXmlElement *pathElem = new TiXmlElement((*pathIt)._key.c_str()); root->LinkEndChild(pathElem); KeyValuePair pairs = (*pathIt)._value; KeyValuePair::iterator keyIt; for (keyIt = pairs.begin(); keyIt != pairs.end(); ++keyIt) { TiXmlElement *keyElem = new TiXmlElement((*keyIt)._key.c_str()); pathElem->LinkEndChild(keyElem); keyElem->LinkEndChild(new TiXmlText((*keyIt)._value.c_str())); } } TiXmlPrinter printer; doc.Accept(&printer); std::ofstream stream; stream.open(fileName.c_str()); if (!stream.is_open()) return; else { stream << printer.CStr(); stream.close(); } } } // end of namespace WinterMute