/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This file is based on WME Lite. * http://dead-code.org/redir.php?target=wmelite * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Nedoma */ #include "engines/wintermute/dcgf.h" #include "engines/wintermute/Base/PartParticle.h" #include "engines/wintermute/Base/PartEmitter.h" #include "engines/wintermute/Base/BSprite.h" #include "engines/wintermute/Base/BGame.h" #include "engines/wintermute/utils/utils.h" #include "engines/wintermute/PlatformSDL.h" #include "common/str.h" #include namespace WinterMute { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CPartParticle::CPartParticle(CBGame *inGame) : CBBase(inGame) { _pos = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); _posZ = 0.0f; _velocity = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); _scale = 100.0f; _sprite = NULL; _creationTime = 0; _lifeTime = 0; _isDead = true; CBPlatform::setRectEmpty(&_border); _state = PARTICLE_NORMAL; _fadeStart = 0; _fadeTime = 0; _currentAlpha = 255; _alpha1 = _alpha2 = 255; _rotation = 0.0f; _angVelocity = 0.0f; _growthRate = 0.0f; _exponentialGrowth = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CPartParticle::~CPartParticle(void) { delete _sprite; _sprite = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORCODE CPartParticle::setSprite(const char *filename) { if (_sprite && _sprite->_filename && scumm_stricmp(filename, _sprite->_filename) == 0) { _sprite->reset(); return STATUS_OK; } delete _sprite; _sprite = NULL; CSysClassRegistry::getInstance()->_disabled = true; _sprite = new CBSprite(Game, Game); if (_sprite && DID_SUCCEED(_sprite->loadFile(filename))) { CSysClassRegistry::getInstance()->_disabled = false; return STATUS_OK; } else { delete _sprite; _sprite = NULL; CSysClassRegistry::getInstance()->_disabled = false; return STATUS_FAILED; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORCODE CPartParticle::update(CPartEmitter *emitter, uint32 currentTime, uint32 timerDelta) { if (_state == PARTICLE_FADEIN) { if (currentTime - _fadeStart >= (uint32)_fadeTime) { _state = PARTICLE_NORMAL; _currentAlpha = _alpha1; } else _currentAlpha = (int)(((float)currentTime - (float)_fadeStart) / (float)_fadeTime * _alpha1); return STATUS_OK; } else if (_state == PARTICLE_FADEOUT) { if (currentTime - _fadeStart >= (uint32)_fadeTime) { _isDead = true; return STATUS_OK; } else _currentAlpha = _fadeStartAlpha - (int)(((float)currentTime - (float)_fadeStart) / (float)_fadeTime * _fadeStartAlpha); return STATUS_OK; } else { // time is up if (_lifeTime > 0) { if (currentTime - _creationTime >= (uint32)_lifeTime) { if (emitter->_fadeOutTime > 0) fadeOut(currentTime, emitter->_fadeOutTime); else _isDead = true; } } // particle hit the border if (!_isDead && !CBPlatform::isRectEmpty(&_border)) { Common::Point p; p.x = (int32)_pos.x; p.y = (int32)_pos.y; if (!CBPlatform::ptInRect(&_border, p)) fadeOut(currentTime, emitter->_fadeOutTime); } if (_state != PARTICLE_NORMAL) return STATUS_OK; // update alpha if (_lifeTime > 0) { int age = (int)(currentTime - _creationTime); int alphaDelta = (int)(_alpha2 - _alpha1); _currentAlpha = _alpha1 + (int)(((float)alphaDelta / (float)_lifeTime * (float)age)); } // update position float elapsedTime = (float)timerDelta / 1000.f; for (int i = 0; i < emitter->_forces.GetSize(); i++) { CPartForce *force = emitter->_forces[i]; switch (force->_type) { case CPartForce::FORCE_GLOBAL: _velocity += force->_direction * elapsedTime; break; case CPartForce::FORCE_POINT: { Vector2 vecDist = force->_pos - _pos; float dist = fabs(vecDist.length()); dist = 100.0f / dist; _velocity += force->_direction * dist * elapsedTime; } break; } } _pos += _velocity * elapsedTime; // update rotation _rotation += _angVelocity * elapsedTime; _rotation = CBUtils::normalizeAngle(_rotation); // update scale if (_exponentialGrowth) _scale += _scale / 100.0f * _growthRate * elapsedTime; else _scale += _growthRate * elapsedTime; if (_scale <= 0.0f) _isDead = true; return STATUS_OK; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORCODE CPartParticle::display(CPartEmitter *emitter) { if (!_sprite) return STATUS_FAILED; if (_isDead) return STATUS_OK; _sprite->GetCurrentFrame(); return _sprite->display(_pos.x, _pos.y, NULL, _scale, _scale, BYTETORGBA(255, 255, 255, _currentAlpha), _rotation, emitter->_blendMode); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORCODE CPartParticle::fadeIn(uint32 currentTime, int fadeTime) { _currentAlpha = 0; _fadeStart = currentTime; _fadeTime = fadeTime; _state = PARTICLE_FADEIN; return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORCODE CPartParticle::fadeOut(uint32 currentTime, int fadeTime) { //_currentAlpha = 255; _fadeStartAlpha = _currentAlpha; _fadeStart = currentTime; _fadeTime = fadeTime; _state = PARTICLE_FADEOUT; return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ERRORCODE CPartParticle::persist(CBPersistMgr *persistMgr) { persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_alpha1)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_alpha2)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_border)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_pos)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_posZ)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_velocity)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_scale)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_creationTime)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_lifeTime)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_isDead)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER_INT(_state)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_fadeStart)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_fadeTime)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_currentAlpha)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_angVelocity)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_rotation)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_growthRate)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_exponentialGrowth)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_fadeStartAlpha)); if (persistMgr->_saving) { persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_sprite->_filename)); } else { char *filename; persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(filename)); CSysClassRegistry::getInstance()->_disabled = true; setSprite(filename); CSysClassRegistry::getInstance()->_disabled = false; delete[] filename; filename = NULL; } return STATUS_OK; } } // end of namespace WinterMute