/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This file is based on WME Lite. * http://dead-code.org/redir.php?target=wmelite * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Nedoma */ #include "engines/wintermute/base/font/base_font_truetype.h" #include "engines/wintermute/utils/string_util.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/gfx/base_renderer.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/gfx/base_surface.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/base_parser.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/base_game.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/base_file_manager.h" #include "engines/wintermute/utils/utils.h" #include "engines/wintermute/wintermute.h" #include "graphics/fonts/ttf.h" #include "graphics/fontman.h" #include "common/unzip.h" #include namespace Wintermute { IMPLEMENT_PERSISTENT(BaseFontTT, false) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BaseFontTT::BaseFontTT(BaseGame *inGame) : BaseFont(inGame) { _fontHeight = 12; _isBold = _isItalic = _isUnderline = _isStriked = false; _charset = CHARSET_ANSI; _fontFile = nullptr; _font = nullptr; _fallbackFont = nullptr; _deletableFont = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { _cachedTexts[i] = nullptr; } _lineHeight = 0; _maxCharWidth = _maxCharHeight = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BaseFontTT::~BaseFontTT(void) { clearCache(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < _layers.size(); i++) { delete _layers[i]; } _layers.clear(); delete[] _fontFile; _fontFile = nullptr; delete _deletableFont; _font = nullptr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BaseFontTT::clearCache() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { if (_cachedTexts[i]) { delete _cachedTexts[i]; } _cachedTexts[i] = nullptr; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BaseFontTT::initLoop() { // we need more aggressive cache management on iOS not to waste too much memory on fonts if (_gameRef->_constrainedMemory) { // purge all cached images not used in the last frame for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { if (_cachedTexts[i] == nullptr) { continue; } if (!_cachedTexts[i]->_marked) { delete _cachedTexts[i]; _cachedTexts[i] = nullptr; } else { _cachedTexts[i]->_marked = false; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int BaseFontTT::getTextWidth(const byte *text, int maxLength) { WideString textStr; if (_gameRef->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) { textStr = StringUtil::utf8ToWide((const char *)text); } else { textStr = StringUtil::ansiToWide((const char *)text, _charset); } if (maxLength >= 0 && textStr.size() > (uint32)maxLength) { textStr = WideString(textStr.c_str(), (uint32)maxLength); } //text = text.substr(0, MaxLength); // TODO: Remove int textWidth, textHeight; measureText(textStr, -1, -1, textWidth, textHeight); return textWidth; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int BaseFontTT::getTextHeight(const byte *text, int width) { WideString textStr; if (_gameRef->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) { textStr = StringUtil::utf8ToWide((const char *)text); } else { textStr = StringUtil::ansiToWide((const char *)text, _charset); } int textWidth, textHeight; measureText(textStr, width, -1, textWidth, textHeight); return textHeight; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BaseFontTT::drawText(const byte *text, int x, int y, int width, TTextAlign align, int maxHeight, int maxLength) { if (text == nullptr || strcmp((const char *)text, "") == 0) { return; } WideString textStr; // TODO: Why do we still insist on Widestrings everywhere? // HACK: J.U.L.I.A. uses CP1252, we need to fix that, // And we still don't have any UTF8-support. if (_gameRef->_textEncoding == TEXT_UTF8) { textStr = StringUtil::utf8ToWide((const char *)text); } else { textStr = StringUtil::ansiToWide((const char *)text, _charset); } if (maxLength >= 0 && textStr.size() > (uint32)maxLength) { textStr = WideString(textStr.c_str(), (uint32)maxLength); } //text = text.substr(0, MaxLength); // TODO: Remove BaseRenderer *renderer = _gameRef->_renderer; // find cached surface, if exists uint32 minUseTime = UINT_MAX; int minIndex = -1; BaseSurface *surface = nullptr; int textOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { if (_cachedTexts[i] == nullptr) { minUseTime = 0; minIndex = i; } else { if (_cachedTexts[i]->_text == textStr && _cachedTexts[i]->_align == align && _cachedTexts[i]->_width == width && _cachedTexts[i]->_maxHeight == maxHeight && _cachedTexts[i]->_maxLength == maxLength) { surface = _cachedTexts[i]->_surface; textOffset = _cachedTexts[i]->_textOffset; _cachedTexts[i]->_marked = true; _cachedTexts[i]->_lastUsed = g_system->getMillis(); break; } else { if (_cachedTexts[i]->_lastUsed < minUseTime) { minUseTime = _cachedTexts[i]->_lastUsed; minIndex = i; } } } } // not found, create one if (!surface) { debugC(kWintermuteDebugFont, "Draw text: %s", text); surface = renderTextToTexture(textStr, width, align, maxHeight, textOffset); if (surface) { // write surface to cache if (_cachedTexts[minIndex] != nullptr) { delete _cachedTexts[minIndex]; } _cachedTexts[minIndex] = new BaseCachedTTFontText; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_surface = surface; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_align = align; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_width = width; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_maxHeight = maxHeight; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_maxLength = maxLength; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_text = textStr; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_textOffset = textOffset; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_marked = true; _cachedTexts[minIndex]->_lastUsed = g_system->getMillis(); } } // and paint it if (surface) { Rect32 rc; rc.setRect(0, 0, surface->getWidth(), surface->getHeight()); for (uint32 i = 0; i < _layers.size(); i++) { uint32 color = _layers[i]->_color; uint32 origForceAlpha = renderer->_forceAlphaColor; if (renderer->_forceAlphaColor != 0) { color = BYTETORGBA(RGBCOLGetR(color), RGBCOLGetG(color), RGBCOLGetB(color), RGBCOLGetA(renderer->_forceAlphaColor)); renderer->_forceAlphaColor = 0; } surface->displayTransOffset(x, y - textOffset, rc, color, Graphics::BLEND_NORMAL, false, false, _layers[i]->_offsetX, _layers[i]->_offsetY); renderer->_forceAlphaColor = origForceAlpha; } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BaseSurface *BaseFontTT::renderTextToTexture(const WideString &text, int width, TTextAlign align, int maxHeight, int &textOffset) { //TextLineList lines; // TODO: Use WideString-conversion here. //WrapText(text, width, maxHeight, lines); Common::Array lines; _font->wordWrapText(text, width, lines); while (maxHeight > 0 && lines.size() * _lineHeight > maxHeight) { lines.pop_back(); } if (lines.size() == 0) { return nullptr; } Graphics::TextAlign alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignInvalid; if (align == TAL_LEFT) { alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignLeft; } else if (align == TAL_CENTER) { alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignCenter; } else if (align == TAL_RIGHT) { alignment = Graphics::kTextAlignRight; } // TODO: This debug call does not work with WideString because text.c_str() returns an uint32 array. //debugC(kWintermuteDebugFont, "%s %d %d %d %d", text.c_str(), RGBCOLGetR(_layers[0]->_color), RGBCOLGetG(_layers[0]->_color), RGBCOLGetB(_layers[0]->_color), RGBCOLGetA(_layers[0]->_color)); // void drawString(Surface *dst, const Common::String &str, int x, int y, int w, uint32 color, TextAlign align = kTextAlignLeft, int deltax = 0, bool useEllipsis = true) const; Graphics::Surface *surface = new Graphics::Surface(); surface->create((uint16)width, (uint16)(_lineHeight * lines.size()), _gameRef->_renderer->getPixelFormat()); uint32 useColor = 0xffffffff; Common::Array::iterator it; int heightOffset = 0; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { _font->drawString(surface, *it, 0, heightOffset, width, useColor, alignment); heightOffset += (int)_lineHeight; } BaseSurface *retSurface = _gameRef->_renderer->createSurface(); if (_deletableFont) { // Reconstruct the alpha channel of the font. // Since we painted it with color 0xFFFFFFFF onto a black background, // the alpha channel is gone, but the color value of each pixel corresponds // to its original alpha value. Graphics::PixelFormat format = _gameRef->_renderer->getPixelFormat(); uint32 *pixels = (uint32 *)surface->getPixels(); // This is a Surface we created ourselves, so no empty space between rows. for (int i = 0; i < surface->w * surface->h; ++i) { uint8 a, r, g, b; format.colorToRGB(*pixels, r, g, b); a = r; *pixels++ = format.ARGBToColor(a, r, g, b); } } retSurface->putSurface(*surface, true); surface->free(); delete surface; return retSurface; // TODO: _isUnderline, _isBold, _isItalic, _isStriked } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int BaseFontTT::getLetterHeight() { return (int)getLineHeight(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool BaseFontTT::loadFile(const Common::String &filename) { char *buffer = (char *)BaseFileManager::getEngineInstance()->readWholeFile(filename); if (buffer == nullptr) { _gameRef->LOG(0, "BaseFontTT::LoadFile failed for file '%s'", filename.c_str()); return STATUS_FAILED; } bool ret; setFilename(filename.c_str()); if (DID_FAIL(ret = loadBuffer(buffer))) { _gameRef->LOG(0, "Error parsing TTFONT file '%s'", filename.c_str()); } delete[] buffer; return ret; } TOKEN_DEF_START TOKEN_DEF(TTFONT) TOKEN_DEF(SIZE) TOKEN_DEF(FACE) TOKEN_DEF(FILENAME) TOKEN_DEF(BOLD) TOKEN_DEF(ITALIC) TOKEN_DEF(UNDERLINE) TOKEN_DEF(STRIKE) TOKEN_DEF(CHARSET) TOKEN_DEF(COLOR) TOKEN_DEF(ALPHA) TOKEN_DEF(LAYER) TOKEN_DEF(OFFSET_X) TOKEN_DEF(OFFSET_Y) TOKEN_DEF_END ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool BaseFontTT::loadBuffer(char *buffer) { TOKEN_TABLE_START(commands) TOKEN_TABLE(TTFONT) TOKEN_TABLE(SIZE) TOKEN_TABLE(FACE) TOKEN_TABLE(FILENAME) TOKEN_TABLE(BOLD) TOKEN_TABLE(ITALIC) TOKEN_TABLE(UNDERLINE) TOKEN_TABLE(STRIKE) TOKEN_TABLE(CHARSET) TOKEN_TABLE(COLOR) TOKEN_TABLE(ALPHA) TOKEN_TABLE(LAYER) TOKEN_TABLE_END char *params; int cmd; BaseParser parser; if (parser.getCommand(&buffer, commands, ¶ms) != TOKEN_TTFONT) { _gameRef->LOG(0, "'TTFONT' keyword expected."); return STATUS_FAILED; } buffer = params; uint32 baseColor = 0x00000000; while ((cmd = parser.getCommand(&buffer, commands, ¶ms)) > 0) { switch (cmd) { case TOKEN_SIZE: parser.scanStr(params, "%d", &_fontHeight); break; case TOKEN_FACE: // we don't need this anymore break; case TOKEN_FILENAME: BaseUtils::setString(&_fontFile, params); break; case TOKEN_BOLD: parser.scanStr(params, "%b", &_isBold); break; case TOKEN_ITALIC: parser.scanStr(params, "%b", &_isItalic); break; case TOKEN_UNDERLINE: parser.scanStr(params, "%b", &_isUnderline); break; case TOKEN_STRIKE: parser.scanStr(params, "%b", &_isStriked); break; case TOKEN_CHARSET: parser.scanStr(params, "%d", &_charset); break; case TOKEN_COLOR: { int r, g, b; parser.scanStr(params, "%d,%d,%d", &r, &g, &b); baseColor = BYTETORGBA(r, g, b, RGBCOLGetA(baseColor)); } break; case TOKEN_ALPHA: { int a; parser.scanStr(params, "%d", &a); baseColor = BYTETORGBA(RGBCOLGetR(baseColor), RGBCOLGetG(baseColor), RGBCOLGetB(baseColor), a); } break; case TOKEN_LAYER: { BaseTTFontLayer *layer = new BaseTTFontLayer; if (layer && DID_SUCCEED(parseLayer(layer, params))) { _layers.add(layer); } else { delete layer; layer = nullptr; cmd = PARSERR_TOKENNOTFOUND; } } break; } } if (cmd == PARSERR_TOKENNOTFOUND) { _gameRef->LOG(0, "Syntax error in TTFONT definition"); return STATUS_FAILED; } // create at least one layer if (_layers.size() == 0) { BaseTTFontLayer *layer = new BaseTTFontLayer; layer->_color = baseColor; _layers.add(layer); } if (!_fontFile) { BaseUtils::setString(&_fontFile, "arial.ttf"); } return initFont(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool BaseFontTT::parseLayer(BaseTTFontLayer *layer, char *buffer) { TOKEN_TABLE_START(commands) TOKEN_TABLE(OFFSET_X) TOKEN_TABLE(OFFSET_Y) TOKEN_TABLE(COLOR) TOKEN_TABLE(ALPHA) TOKEN_TABLE_END char *params; int cmd; BaseParser parser; while ((cmd = parser.getCommand(&buffer, commands, ¶ms)) > 0) { switch (cmd) { case TOKEN_OFFSET_X: parser.scanStr(params, "%d", &layer->_offsetX); break; case TOKEN_OFFSET_Y: parser.scanStr(params, "%d", &layer->_offsetY); break; case TOKEN_COLOR: { int r, g, b; parser.scanStr(params, "%d,%d,%d", &r, &g, &b); layer->_color = BYTETORGBA(r, g, b, RGBCOLGetA(layer->_color)); } break; case TOKEN_ALPHA: { int a; parser.scanStr(params, "%d", &a); layer->_color = BYTETORGBA(RGBCOLGetR(layer->_color), RGBCOLGetG(layer->_color), RGBCOLGetB(layer->_color), a); } break; } } if (cmd != PARSERR_EOF) { return STATUS_FAILED; } else { return STATUS_OK; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool BaseFontTT::persist(BasePersistenceManager *persistMgr) { BaseFont::persist(persistMgr); persistMgr->transferBool(TMEMBER(_isBold)); persistMgr->transferBool(TMEMBER(_isItalic)); persistMgr->transferBool(TMEMBER(_isUnderline)); persistMgr->transferBool(TMEMBER(_isStriked)); persistMgr->transferSint32(TMEMBER(_fontHeight)); persistMgr->transferCharPtr(TMEMBER(_fontFile)); persistMgr->transferSint32(TMEMBER_INT(_charset)); // persist layers int32 numLayers; if (persistMgr->getIsSaving()) { numLayers = _layers.size(); persistMgr->transferSint32(TMEMBER(numLayers)); for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { _layers[i]->persist(persistMgr); } } else { numLayers = _layers.size(); persistMgr->transferSint32(TMEMBER(numLayers)); for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++) { BaseTTFontLayer *layer = new BaseTTFontLayer; layer->persist(persistMgr); _layers.add(layer); } } if (!persistMgr->getIsSaving()) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CACHED_TEXTS; i++) { _cachedTexts[i] = nullptr; } _fallbackFont = _font = _deletableFont = nullptr; } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BaseFontTT::afterLoad() { initFont(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool BaseFontTT::initFont() { if (!_fontFile) { return STATUS_FAILED; } #ifdef USE_FREETYPE2 Common::String fallbackFilename; // Handle Bold atleast for the fallback-case. // TODO: Handle italic. (Needs a test-case) if (_isBold) { fallbackFilename = "FreeSansBold.ttf"; } else { fallbackFilename = "FreeSans.ttf"; } Common::SeekableReadStream *file = BaseFileManager::getEngineInstance()->openFile(_fontFile); if (!file) { if (Common::String(_fontFile) != "arial.ttf") { warning("%s has no replacement font yet, using FreeSans for now (if available)", _fontFile); } // Fallback1: Try to find FreeSans.ttf file = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(fallbackFilename); } if (file) { _deletableFont = Graphics::loadTTFFont(*file, _fontHeight, Graphics::kTTFSizeModeCharacter, 96); // Use the same dpi as WME (96 vs 72). _font = _deletableFont; BaseFileManager::getEngineInstance()->closeFile(file); file = nullptr; } // Fallback2: Try load the font from the common fonts archive: if (!_font) { _deletableFont = Graphics::loadTTFFontFromArchive(fallbackFilename, _fontHeight, Graphics::kTTFSizeModeCharacter, 96); // Use the same dpi as WME (96 vs 72). _font = _deletableFont; } // Fallback3: Try to ask FontMan for the FreeSans.ttf ScummModern.zip uses: if (!_font) { // Really not desireable, as we will get a font with dpi-72 then Common::String fontName = Common::String::format("%s-%s@%d", fallbackFilename.c_str(), "ASCII", _fontHeight); warning("Looking for %s", fontName.c_str()); _font = FontMan.getFontByName(fontName); } #else warning("BaseFontTT::InitFont - FreeType2-support not compiled in, TTF-fonts will not be loaded"); #endif // USE_FREETYPE2 // Fallback4: Just use the Big GUI-font. (REALLY undesireable) if (!_font) { _font = _fallbackFont = FontMan.getFontByUsage(Graphics::FontManager::kBigGUIFont); warning("BaseFontTT::InitFont - Couldn't load font: %s", _fontFile); } _lineHeight = _font->getFontHeight(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BaseFontTT::measureText(const WideString &text, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int &textWidth, int &textHeight) { //TextLineList lines; if (maxWidth >= 0) { Common::Array lines; _font->wordWrapText(text, maxWidth, lines); Common::Array::iterator it; textWidth = 0; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { textWidth = MAX(textWidth, _font->getStringWidth(*it)); } //WrapText(text, maxWidth, maxHeight, lines); textHeight = (int)(lines.size() * getLineHeight()); } else { textWidth = _font->getStringWidth(text); textHeight = _fontHeight; } /* TextLineList::iterator it; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { TextLine *line = (*it); textWidth = MAX(textWidth, line->GetWidth()); delete line; line = nullptr; }*/ } } // End of namespace Wintermute