/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ /* * This file is based on WME Lite. * http://dead-code.org/redir.php?target=wmelite * Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Nedoma */ #include "engines/wintermute/base/base_game.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/base_sprite.h" #include "engines/wintermute/ui/ui_object.h" #include "engines/wintermute/ui/ui_tiled_image.h" #include "engines/wintermute/ui/ui_window.h" #include "engines/wintermute/platform_osystem.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/gfx/base_renderer.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/scriptables/script_value.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/scriptables/script_stack.h" #include "engines/wintermute/base/font/base_font_storage.h" namespace Wintermute { IMPLEMENT_PERSISTENT(UIObject, false) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UIObject::UIObject(BaseGame *inGame) : BaseObject(inGame) { _back = NULL; _image = NULL; _font = NULL; _text = NULL; _sharedFonts = _sharedImages = false; _width = _height = 0; _listenerObject = NULL; _listenerParamObject = NULL; _listenerParamDWORD = 0; _disable = false; _visible = true; _type = UI_UNKNOWN; _parent = NULL; _parentNotify = false; _focusedWidget = NULL; _canFocus = false; _nonIntMouseEvents = true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UIObject::~UIObject() { if (!_gameRef->_loadInProgress) { SystemClassRegistry::getInstance()->enumInstances(BaseGame::invalidateValues, "ScValue", (void *)this); } if (_back) { delete _back; } if (_font && !_sharedFonts) { _gameRef->_fontStorage->removeFont(_font); } if (_image && !_sharedImages) { delete _image; } if (_text) { delete[] _text; } _focusedWidget = NULL; // ref only } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UIObject::setText(const char *text) { if (_text) { delete[] _text; } _text = new char [strlen(text) + 1]; if (_text) { strcpy(_text, text); for (uint32 i = 0; i < strlen(_text); i++) { if (_text[i] == '|') { _text[i] = '\n'; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::display(int offsetX, int offsetY) { return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UIObject::setListener(BaseScriptHolder *object, BaseScriptHolder *listenerObject, uint32 listenerParam) { _listenerObject = object; _listenerParamObject = listenerObject; _listenerParamDWORD = listenerParam; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void UIObject::correctSize() { Rect32 rect; if (_width <= 0) { if (_image) { _image->getBoundingRect(&rect, 0, 0); _width = rect.right - rect.left; } else { _width = 100; } } if (_height <= 0) { if (_image) { _image->getBoundingRect(&rect, 0, 0); _height = rect.bottom - rect.top; } } if (_back) { _back->correctSize(&_width, &_height); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // high level scripting interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::scCallMethod(ScScript *script, ScStack *stack, ScStack *thisStack, const char *name) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetFont ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strcmp(name, "SetFont") == 0) { stack->correctParams(1); ScValue *val = stack->pop(); if (_font) { _gameRef->_fontStorage->removeFont(_font); } if (val->isNULL()) { _font = NULL; stack->pushBool(true); } else { _font = _gameRef->_fontStorage->addFont(val->getString()); stack->pushBool(_font != NULL); } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SetImage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "SetImage") == 0) { stack->correctParams(1); ScValue *val = stack->pop(); /* const char *filename = */ val->getString(); delete _image; _image = NULL; if (val->isNULL()) { stack->pushBool(true); return STATUS_OK; } _image = new BaseSprite(_gameRef); if (!_image || DID_FAIL(_image->loadFile(val->getString()))) { delete _image; _image = NULL; stack->pushBool(false); } else { stack->pushBool(true); } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetImage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "GetImage") == 0) { stack->correctParams(0); if (!_image || !_image->getFilename()) { stack->pushNULL(); } else { stack->pushString(_image->getFilename()); } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetImageObject ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "GetImageObject") == 0) { stack->correctParams(0); if (!_image) { stack->pushNULL(); } else { stack->pushNative(_image, true); } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Focus ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "Focus") == 0) { stack->correctParams(0); focus(); stack->pushNULL(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MoveAfter / MoveBefore ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "MoveAfter") == 0 || strcmp(name, "MoveBefore") == 0) { stack->correctParams(1); if (_parent && _parent->_type == UI_WINDOW) { UIWindow *win = (UIWindow *)_parent; uint32 i; bool found = false; ScValue *val = stack->pop(); // find directly if (val->isNative()) { UIObject *widget = (UIObject *)val->getNative(); for (i = 0; i < win->_widgets.size(); i++) { if (win->_widgets[i] == widget) { found = true; break; } } } // find by name else { const char *findName = val->getString(); for (i = 0; i < win->_widgets.size(); i++) { if (scumm_stricmp(win->_widgets[i]->getName(), findName) == 0) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) { bool done = false; for (uint32 j = 0; j < win->_widgets.size(); j++) { if (win->_widgets[j] == this) { if (strcmp(name, "MoveAfter") == 0) { i++; } if (j >= i) { j++; } win->_widgets.insert_at(i, this); win->_widgets.remove_at(j); done = true; stack->pushBool(true); break; } } if (!done) { stack->pushBool(false); } } else { stack->pushBool(false); } } else { stack->pushBool(false); } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MoveToBottom ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "MoveToBottom") == 0) { stack->correctParams(0); if (_parent && _parent->_type == UI_WINDOW) { UIWindow *win = (UIWindow *)_parent; for (uint32 i = 0; i < win->_widgets.size(); i++) { if (win->_widgets[i] == this) { win->_widgets.remove_at(i); win->_widgets.insert_at(0, this); break; } } stack->pushBool(true); } else { stack->pushBool(false); } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MoveToTop ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "MoveToTop") == 0) { stack->correctParams(0); if (_parent && _parent->_type == UI_WINDOW) { UIWindow *win = (UIWindow *)_parent; for (uint32 i = 0; i < win->_widgets.size(); i++) { if (win->_widgets[i] == this) { win->_widgets.remove_at(i); win->_widgets.add(this); break; } } stack->pushBool(true); } else { stack->pushBool(false); } return STATUS_OK; } else { return BaseObject::scCallMethod(script, stack, thisStack, name); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ScValue *UIObject::scGetProperty(const Common::String &name) { _scValue->setNULL(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Type ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (name == "Type") { _scValue->setString("ui_object"); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Name") { _scValue->setString(getName()); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parent (RO) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Parent") { _scValue->setNative(_parent, true); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ParentNotify ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "ParentNotify") { _scValue->setBool(_parentNotify); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Width ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Width") { _scValue->setInt(_width); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Height ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Height") { _scValue->setInt(_height); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Visible ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Visible") { _scValue->setBool(_visible); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Disabled ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Disabled") { _scValue->setBool(_disable); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Text ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "Text") { _scValue->setString(_text); return _scValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NextSibling (RO) / PrevSibling (RO) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (name == "NextSibling" || name == "PrevSibling") { _scValue->setNULL(); if (_parent && _parent->_type == UI_WINDOW) { UIWindow *win = (UIWindow *)_parent; for (uint32 i = 0; i < win->_widgets.size(); i++) { if (win->_widgets[i] == this) { if (name == "NextSibling") { if (i < win->_widgets.size() - 1) { _scValue->setNative(win->_widgets[i + 1], true); } } else { if (i > 0) { _scValue->setNative(win->_widgets[i - 1], true); } } break; } } } return _scValue; } else { return BaseObject::scGetProperty(name); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::scSetProperty(const char *name, ScValue *value) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strcmp(name, "Name") == 0) { setName(value->getString()); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ParentNotify ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "ParentNotify") == 0) { _parentNotify = value->getBool(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Width ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "Width") == 0) { _width = value->getInt(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Height ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "Height") == 0) { _height = value->getInt(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Visible ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "Visible") == 0) { _visible = value->getBool(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Disabled ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "Disabled") == 0) { _disable = value->getBool(); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Text ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// else if (strcmp(name, "Text") == 0) { setText(value->getString()); return STATUS_OK; } else { return BaseObject::scSetProperty(name, value); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char *UIObject::scToString() { return "[ui_object]"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::isFocused() { if (!_gameRef->_focusedWindow) { return false; } if (_gameRef->_focusedWindow == this) { return true; } UIObject *obj = _gameRef->_focusedWindow; while (obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } else { obj = obj->_focusedWidget; } } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::handleMouse(TMouseEvent event, TMouseButton button) { // handle focus change if (event == MOUSE_CLICK && button == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) { focus(); } return BaseObject::handleMouse(event, button); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::focus() { UIObject *obj = this; bool disabled = false; while (obj) { if (obj->_disable && obj->_type == UI_WINDOW) { disabled = true; break; } obj = obj->_parent; } if (!disabled) { obj = this; while (obj) { if (obj->_parent) { if (!obj->_disable && obj->_canFocus) { obj->_parent->_focusedWidget = obj; } } else { if (obj->_type == UI_WINDOW) { _gameRef->focusWindow((UIWindow *)obj); } } obj = obj->_parent; } } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::getTotalOffset(int *offsetX, int *offsetY) { int offX = 0, offY = 0; UIObject *obj = _parent; while (obj) { offX += obj->_posX; offY += obj->_posY; obj = obj->_parent; } if (offsetX) { *offsetX = offX; } if (offsetY) { *offsetY = offY; } return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::persist(BasePersistenceManager *persistMgr) { BaseObject::persist(persistMgr); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_back)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_canFocus)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_disable)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_focusedWidget)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_font)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_height)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_image)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_listenerObject)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_listenerParamObject)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_listenerParamDWORD)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_parent)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_parentNotify)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_sharedFonts)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_sharedImages)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_text)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER_INT(_type)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_visible)); persistMgr->transfer(TMEMBER(_width)); return STATUS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool UIObject::saveAsText(BaseDynamicBuffer *buffer, int indent) { return STATUS_FAILED; } } // end of namespace Wintermute