/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "xeen/dialogs/dialogs_spells.h" #include "xeen/dialogs/dialogs_input.h" #include "xeen/dialogs/dialogs_query.h" #include "xeen/resources.h" #include "xeen/spells.h" #include "xeen/sprites.h" #include "xeen/xeen.h" namespace Xeen { Character *SpellsDialog::show(XeenEngine *vm, ButtonContainer *priorDialog, Character *c, int isCasting) { SpellsDialog *dlg = new SpellsDialog(vm); Character *result = dlg->execute(priorDialog, c, isCasting); delete dlg; return result; } Character *SpellsDialog::execute(ButtonContainer *priorDialog, Character *c, int isCasting) { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Party &party = *_vm->_party; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Spells &spells = *_vm->_spells; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; bool isDarkCc = _vm->_files->_isDarkCc; loadButtons(); int castingCopy = isCasting; isCasting &= 0x7f; int selection = -1; int topIndex = 0; int newSelection; windows[25].open(); do { if (!isCasting) { if (!c->guildMember()) { sound.stopSound(); intf._overallFrame = 5; sound.playSound(isDarkCc ? "skull1.voc" : "guild11.voc", 1); break; } Common::String title = Common::String::format(Res.BUY_SPELLS, c->_name.c_str()); Common::String msg = Common::String::format(Res.GUILD_OPTIONS, title.c_str(), XeenEngine::printMil(party._gold).c_str()); windows[10].writeString(msg); warning("TODO: Sprite draw using previously used button sprites"); } _spells.clear(); const char *errorMsg = setSpellText(c, castingCopy); windows[25].writeString(Common::String::format(Res.SPELLS_FOR, errorMsg == nullptr ? Res.SPELL_LINES_0_TO_9 : "", c->_name.c_str())); // Setup and write out spell list const char *names[10]; int colors[10]; Common::String emptyStr = ""; Common::fill(&names[0], &names[10], emptyStr.c_str()); Common::fill(&colors[0], &colors[10], 9); for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; ++idx) { if ((topIndex + idx) < (int)_spells.size()) { names[idx] = _spells[topIndex + idx]._name.c_str(); colors[idx] = _spells[topIndex + idx]._color; } } if (selection >= topIndex && selection < (topIndex + 10)) colors[selection - topIndex] = 15; if (_spells.size() == 0) names[0] = errorMsg; windows[37].writeString(Common::String::format(Res.SPELLS_DIALOG_SPELLS, colors[0], names[0], colors[1], names[1], colors[2], names[2], colors[3], names[3], colors[4], names[4], colors[5], names[5], colors[6], names[6], colors[7], names[7], colors[8], names[8], colors[9], names[9], isCasting ? Res.SPELL_PTS : Res.GOLD, isCasting ? c->_currentSp : party._gold )); _scrollSprites.draw(0, 4, Common::Point(39, 26)); _scrollSprites.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(187, 26)); _scrollSprites.draw(0, 2, Common::Point(187, 111)); if (isCasting) _scrollSprites.draw(windows[25], 5, Common::Point(132, 123)); windows[25].update(); do { events.pollEventsAndWait(); checkEvents(_vm); } while (!_vm->shouldExit() && !_buttonValue); switch (_buttonValue) { case Common::KEYCODE_F1: case Common::KEYCODE_F2: case Common::KEYCODE_F3: case Common::KEYCODE_F4: case Common::KEYCODE_F5: case Common::KEYCODE_F6: if (_vm->_mode != MODE_COMBAT) { _buttonValue -= Common::KEYCODE_F1; if (_buttonValue < (int)party._activeParty.size()) { c = &party._activeParty[_buttonValue]; spells._lastCaster = _buttonValue; intf.highlightChar(_buttonValue); if (_vm->_mode == MODE_17) { windows[10].writeString(Common::String::format(Res.GUILD_OPTIONS, XeenEngine::printMil(party._gold).c_str(), Res.GUILD_TEXT, c->_name.c_str())); } else { int category; switch (c->_class) { case CLASS_ARCHER: case CLASS_SORCERER: category = 1; break; case CLASS_DRUID: case CLASS_RANGER: category = 2; break; default: category = 0; break; } int spellIndex = (c->_currentSpell == -1) ? 39 : c->_currentSpell; int spellId = Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][spellIndex]; windows[10].writeString(Common::String::format(Res.CAST_SPELL_DETAILS, c->_name.c_str(), spells._spellNames[spellId].c_str(), spells.calcSpellPoints(spellId, c->getCurrentLevel()), Res.SPELL_GEM_COST[spellId], c->_currentSp)); } if (priorDialog != nullptr) priorDialog->drawButtons(&windows[0]); windows[10].update(); } } break; case Common::KEYCODE_RETURN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER: case Common::KEYCODE_s: if (selection != -1) _buttonValue = Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE; break; case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE: selection = -1; _buttonValue = Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE; break; case Common::KEYCODE_0: case Common::KEYCODE_1: case Common::KEYCODE_2: case Common::KEYCODE_3: case Common::KEYCODE_4: case Common::KEYCODE_5: case Common::KEYCODE_6: case Common::KEYCODE_7: case Common::KEYCODE_8: case Common::KEYCODE_9: newSelection = topIndex + ((_buttonValue == Common::KEYCODE_0) ? 9 : (_buttonValue - Common::KEYCODE_1)); if (newSelection < (int)_spells.size()) { int expenseFactor = 0; int category = 0; switch (c->_class) { case CLASS_PALADIN: expenseFactor = 1; category = 0; break; case CLASS_ARCHER: expenseFactor = 1; category = 1; break; case CLASS_CLERIC: category = 0; break; case CLASS_SORCERER: category = 1; break; case CLASS_DRUID: category = 2; break; case CLASS_RANGER: expenseFactor = 1; category = 2; break; default: break; } int spellIndex = _spells[newSelection]._spellIndex; int spellId = Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][spellIndex]; int spellCost = spells.calcSpellCost(spellId, expenseFactor); if (isCasting) { selection = newSelection; } else { Common::String spellName = _spells[newSelection]._name; Common::String msg = (castingCopy & 0x80) ? Common::String::format(Res.SPELLS_PRESS_A_KEY, spellName.c_str()) : Common::String::format(Res.SPELLS_PURCHASE, spellName.c_str(), spellCost); if (Confirm::show(_vm, msg, castingCopy + 1)) { if (party.subtract(CONS_GOLD, spellCost, WHERE_PARTY, WT_FREEZE_WAIT)) { c->_spells[spellIndex] = true; sound.stopSound(); intf._overallFrame = 0; sound.playSound(isDarkCc ? "guild12.voc" : "parrot2.voc", 1); } else { sound.playFX(21); } } } } break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP: case Common::KEYCODE_KP9: topIndex = MAX((int)topIndex - 10, 0); break; case Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP3: topIndex = MIN(topIndex + 10, (((int)_spells.size() - 1) / 10) * 10); break; case Common::KEYCODE_UP: case Common::KEYCODE_KP8: if (topIndex > 0) --topIndex; break; case Common::KEYCODE_DOWN: case Common::KEYCODE_KP2: if (topIndex < ((int)_spells.size() - 10)) ++topIndex; break; } } while (!_vm->shouldExit() && _buttonValue != Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE); windows[25].close(); if (_vm->shouldExit()) selection = -1; if (isCasting && selection != -1) c->_currentSpell = _spells[selection]._spellIndex; return c; } void SpellsDialog::loadButtons() { _iconSprites.load("main.icn"); _scrollSprites.load("scroll.icn"); addButton(Common::Rect(187, 26, 198, 36), Common::KEYCODE_UP, &_scrollSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(187, 111, 198, 121), Common::KEYCODE_DOWN, &_scrollSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 28, 187, 36), Common::KEYCODE_1); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 37, 187, 45), Common::KEYCODE_2); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 46, 187, 54), Common::KEYCODE_3); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 55, 187, 63), Common::KEYCODE_4); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 64, 187, 72), Common::KEYCODE_5); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 73, 187, 81), Common::KEYCODE_6); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 82, 187, 90), Common::KEYCODE_7); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 91, 187, 99), Common::KEYCODE_8); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 100, 187, 108), Common::KEYCODE_9); addButton(Common::Rect(40, 109, 187, 117), Common::KEYCODE_0); addButton(Common::Rect(174, 123, 198, 133), Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE); addButton(Common::Rect(187, 35, 198, 73), Common::KEYCODE_PAGEUP); addButton(Common::Rect(187, 74, 198, 112), Common::KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN); addButton(Common::Rect(132, 123, 168, 133), Common::KEYCODE_s); addPartyButtons(_vm); } const char *SpellsDialog::setSpellText(Character *c, int isCasting) { Party &party = *_vm->_party; Spells &spells = *_vm->_spells; bool isDarkCc = _vm->_files->_isDarkCc; int expenseFactor = 0; int currLevel = c->getCurrentLevel(); int category; if ((isCasting & 0x7f) == 0) { switch (c->_class) { case CLASS_PALADIN: expenseFactor = 1; category = 0; break; case CLASS_ARCHER: expenseFactor = 1; category = 1; break; case CLASS_CLERIC: category = 0; break; case CLASS_SORCERER: category = 1; break; case CLASS_DRUID: category = 2; break; case CLASS_RANGER: expenseFactor = 1; category = 2; break; default: category = -1; break; } if (category != -1) { if (party._mazeId == 49 || party._mazeId == 37) { for (uint spellId = 0; spellId < 76; ++spellId) { int idx = 0; while (idx < MAX_SPELLS_PER_CLASS && Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx] != (int)spellId) ++idx; // Handling if the spell is appropriate for the character's class if (idx < MAX_SPELLS_PER_CLASS) { if (!c->_spells[idx] || (isCasting & 0x80)) { int cost = spells.calcSpellCost(Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx], expenseFactor); _spells.push_back(SpellEntry(Common::String::format("\x3l%s\x3r\x9""000%u", spells._spellNames[Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx]].c_str(), cost), idx, spellId)); } } } } else if (isDarkCc) { int groupIndex = (party._mazeId - 29) / 2; for (int spellId = Res.DARK_SPELL_RANGES[groupIndex][0]; spellId < Res.DARK_SPELL_RANGES[groupIndex][1]; ++spellId) { int idx = 0; while (idx < 40 && Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx] == Res.DARK_SPELL_OFFSETS[category][spellId]); if (idx < 40) { if (!c->_spells[idx] || (isCasting & 0x80)) { int cost = spells.calcSpellCost(Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx], expenseFactor); _spells.push_back(SpellEntry(Common::String::format("\x3l%s\x3r\x9""000%u", spells._spellNames[Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx]].c_str(), cost), idx, spellId)); } } } } else { for (int spellId = 0; spellId < 20; ++spellId) { int idx = 0; while (Res.CLOUDS_SPELL_OFFSETS[party._mazeId - 29][spellId] != (int)Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx] && idx < 40) ; if (idx < 40) { if (!c->_spells[idx] || (isCasting & 0x80)) { int cost = spells.calcSpellCost(Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx], expenseFactor); _spells.push_back(SpellEntry(Common::String::format("\x3l%s\x3r\x9""000%u", spells._spellNames[Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][idx]].c_str(), cost), idx, spellId)); } } } } } if (c->getMaxSP() == 0) return Res.NOT_A_SPELL_CASTER; } else if ((isCasting & 0x7f) == 1) { switch (c->_class) { case CLASS_ARCHER: case CLASS_SORCERER: category = 1; break; case CLASS_DRUID: case CLASS_RANGER: category = 2; break; case CLASS_PALADIN: case CLASS_CLERIC: default: category = 0; break; } if (c->getMaxSP() == 0) { return Res.NOT_A_SPELL_CASTER; } else { for (int spellIndex = 0; spellIndex < MAX_SPELLS_PER_CLASS; ++spellIndex) { if (c->_spells[spellIndex]) { int spellId = Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][spellIndex]; int gemCost = Res.SPELL_GEM_COST[spellId]; int spCost = spells.calcSpellPoints(spellId, currLevel); Common::String msg = Common::String::format("\x3l%s\x3r\x9""000%u/%u", spells._spellNames[spellId].c_str(), spCost, gemCost); _spells.push_back(SpellEntry(msg, spellIndex, spellId)); } } } } return nullptr; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CastSpell::CastSpell(XeenEngine *vm) : ButtonContainer(vm) { Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; _oldMode = _vm->_mode; _vm->_mode = MODE_3; windows[10].open(); loadButtons(); } CastSpell::~CastSpell() { Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; windows[10].close(); intf.unhighlightChar(); _vm->_mode = (Mode)_oldMode; } int CastSpell::show(XeenEngine *vm) { Combat &combat = *vm->_combat; Interface &intf = *vm->_interface; Party &party = *vm->_party; Spells &spells = *vm->_spells; int charNum; // Get which character is doing the casting if (vm->_mode == MODE_COMBAT) { charNum = combat._whosTurn; } else if (spells._lastCaster >= 0 && spells._lastCaster < (int)party._activeParty.size()) { charNum = spells._lastCaster; } else { for (charNum = (int)party._activeParty.size() - 1; charNum >= 0; --charNum) { if (party._activeParty[charNum]._hasSpells) { spells._lastCaster = charNum; break; } } } Character *c = &party._activeParty[charNum]; intf.highlightChar(charNum); return show(vm, c); } int CastSpell::show(XeenEngine *vm, Character *&c) { Spells &spells = *vm->_spells; CastSpell *dlg = new CastSpell(vm); int spellId; int result = -1; do { spellId = dlg->execute(c); if (g_vm->shouldExit() || spellId == -1) { result = 0; } else { result = spells.castSpell(c, (MagicSpell)spellId); } } while (result == -1); delete dlg; return result; } int CastSpell::execute(Character *&c) { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Party &party = *_vm->_party; Spells &spells = *_vm->_spells; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[10]; int spellId = -1; bool redrawFlag = true; do { if (redrawFlag) { int category = c->getClassCategory(); int spellIndex = c->_currentSpell != -1 ? c->_currentSpell : 39; spellId = Res.SPELLS_ALLOWED[category][spellIndex]; int gemCost = Res.SPELL_GEM_COST[spellId]; int spCost = spells.calcSpellPoints(spellId, c->getCurrentLevel()); w.writeString(Common::String::format(Res.CAST_SPELL_DETAILS, c->_name.c_str(), spells._spellNames[spellId].c_str(), spCost, gemCost, c->_currentSp)); drawButtons(&windows[0]); w.update(); redrawFlag = false; } events.updateGameCounter(); intf.draw3d(true); // Wait for event or time expiry do { events.pollEventsAndWait(); checkEvents(_vm); } while (!_vm->shouldExit() && events.timeElapsed() < 1 && !_buttonValue); switch (_buttonValue) { case Common::KEYCODE_F1: case Common::KEYCODE_F2: case Common::KEYCODE_F3: case Common::KEYCODE_F4: case Common::KEYCODE_F5: case Common::KEYCODE_F6: // Only allow changing character if the party is not in combat if (_oldMode != MODE_COMBAT) { _vm->_mode = (Mode)_oldMode; _buttonValue -= Common::KEYCODE_F1; if (_buttonValue < (int)party._activeParty.size()) { c = &party._activeParty[_buttonValue]; intf.highlightChar(_buttonValue); redrawFlag = true; break; } } break; case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE: spellId = -1; break; case Common::KEYCODE_c: // Cast spell - return the selected spell Id to be cast if (c->_currentSpell != -1 && !c->noActions()) _buttonValue = Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE; break; case Common::KEYCODE_n: // Select new spell _vm->_mode = (Mode)_oldMode; c = SpellsDialog::show(_vm, this, c, 1); redrawFlag = true; break; default: break; } } while (!_vm->shouldExit() && _buttonValue != Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE); if (_vm->shouldExit()) spellId = -1; return spellId; } void CastSpell::loadButtons() { _iconSprites.load("cast.icn"); addButton(Common::Rect(234, 108, 259, 128), Common::KEYCODE_c, &_iconSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(261, 108, 285, 128), Common::KEYCODE_n, &_iconSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(288, 108, 312, 128), Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE, &_iconSprites); addPartyButtons(_vm); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Character *SpellOnWho::show(XeenEngine *vm, int spellId) { SpellOnWho *dlg = new SpellOnWho(vm); int result = dlg->execute(spellId); delete dlg; if (result == -1) return nullptr; Combat &combat = *vm->_combat; Party &party = *vm->_party; return combat._combatMode == 2 ? combat._combatParty[result] : &party._activeParty[result]; } int SpellOnWho::execute(int spellId) { Combat &combat = *_vm->_combat; EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Party &party = *_vm->_party; Spells &spells = *_vm->_spells; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[16]; Mode oldMode = _vm->_mode; _vm->_mode = MODE_3; int result = 999; w.open(); w.writeString(Res.ON_WHO); w.update(); addPartyButtons(_vm); while (result == 999) { do { events.updateGameCounter(); intf.draw3d(true); do { events.pollEventsAndWait(); if (_vm->shouldExit()) return -1; checkEvents(_vm); } while (!_buttonValue && events.timeElapsed() < 1); } while (!_buttonValue); switch (_buttonValue) { case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE: result = -1; spells.addSpellCost(*combat._oldCharacter, spellId); break; case Common::KEYCODE_F1: case Common::KEYCODE_F2: case Common::KEYCODE_F3: case Common::KEYCODE_F4: case Common::KEYCODE_F5: case Common::KEYCODE_F6: _buttonValue -= Common::KEYCODE_F1; if (_buttonValue < (int)(combat._combatMode == 2 ? combat._combatParty.size() : party._activeParty.size())) { result = _buttonValue; } break; } } w.close(); _vm->_mode = oldMode; return result; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int SelectElement::show(XeenEngine *vm, int spellId) { SelectElement *dlg = new SelectElement(vm); int result = dlg->execute(spellId); delete dlg; return result; } int SelectElement::execute(int spellId) { Combat &combat = *_vm->_combat; EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Spells &spells = *_vm->_spells; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[15]; Mode oldMode = _vm->_mode; _vm->_mode = MODE_3; int result = 999; loadButtons(); w.open(); w.writeString(Res.WHICH_ELEMENT1); drawButtons(&windows[0]); w.update(); while (result == 999) { do { events.updateGameCounter(); intf.draw3d(true); w.frame(); w.writeString(Res.WHICH_ELEMENT2); drawButtons(&windows[0]); w.update(); do { events.pollEventsAndWait(); if (_vm->shouldExit()) return -1; checkEvents(_vm); } while (!_buttonValue && events.timeElapsed() < 1); } while (!_buttonValue); switch (_buttonValue) { case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE: result = -1; spells.addSpellCost(*combat._oldCharacter, spellId); break; case Common::KEYCODE_a: result = DT_POISON; break; case Common::KEYCODE_c: result = DT_COLD; break; case Common::KEYCODE_e: result = DT_ELECTRICAL; break; case Common::KEYCODE_f: result = DT_FIRE; break; default: break; } } w.close(); _vm->_mode = oldMode; return result; } void SelectElement::loadButtons() { _iconSprites.load("element.icn"); addButton(Common::Rect(60, 92, 84, 112), Common::KEYCODE_f, &_iconSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(90, 92, 114, 112), Common::KEYCODE_e, &_iconSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(120, 92, 144, 112), Common::KEYCODE_c, &_iconSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(150, 92, 174, 112), Common::KEYCODE_a, &_iconSprites); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void NotWhileEngaged::show(XeenEngine *vm, int spellId) { NotWhileEngaged *dlg = new NotWhileEngaged(vm); dlg->execute(spellId); delete dlg; } void NotWhileEngaged::execute(int spellId) { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Spells &spells = *_vm->_spells; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[6]; Mode oldMode = _vm->_mode; _vm->_mode = MODE_3; w.open(); w.writeString(Common::String::format(Res.CANT_CAST_WHILE_ENGAGED, spells._spellNames[spellId].c_str())); w.update(); while (!_vm->shouldExit() && !events.isKeyMousePressed()) events.pollEventsAndWait(); events.clearEvents(); w.close(); _vm->_mode = oldMode; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool LloydsBeacon::show(XeenEngine *vm) { LloydsBeacon *dlg = new LloydsBeacon(vm); bool result = dlg->execute(); delete dlg; return result; } bool LloydsBeacon::execute() { Combat &combat = *_vm->_combat; EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Map &map = *_vm->_map; Party &party = *_vm->_party; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[10]; bool isDarkCc = _vm->_files->_isDarkCc; Character &c = *combat._oldCharacter; loadButtons(); if (!c._lloydMap) { // No destination previously set, so have a default ready if (isDarkCc) { c._lloydSide = 1; c._lloydPosition = Common::Point(25, 21); c._lloydMap = 29; } else { c._lloydSide = 0; c._lloydPosition = Common::Point(18, 4); c._lloydMap = 28; } } // Open up the text file for the destination map and read in it's name File textFile(Common::String::format("%s%c%03d.txt", c._lloydSide == 0 ? "xeen" : "dark", c._lloydMap >= 100 ? 'x' : '0', c._lloydMap)); Common::String mapName = textFile.readString(); textFile.close(); // Display the dialog w.open(); w.writeString(Common::String::format(Res.LLOYDS_BEACON, mapName.c_str(), c._lloydPosition.x, c._lloydPosition.y)); drawButtons(&windows[0]); w.update(); bool result = true; do { do { events.updateGameCounter(); intf.draw3d(true); do { events.pollEventsAndWait(); if (_vm->shouldExit()) return true; checkEvents(_vm); } while (!_buttonValue && events.timeElapsed() < 1); } while (!_buttonValue); switch (_buttonValue) { case Common::KEYCODE_r: if (!isDarkCc && c._lloydMap >= 75 && c._lloydMap <= 78 && !party._cloudsEnd) { result = false; } else { sound.playFX(51); map._loadDarkSide = isDarkCc; if (c._lloydMap != party._mazeId || c._lloydSide != (isDarkCc ? 1 : 0)) { map.load(c._lloydMap); } party._mazePosition = c._lloydPosition; } _buttonValue = Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE; break; case Common::KEYCODE_s: case Common::KEYCODE_t: sound.playFX(20); c._lloydMap = party._mazeId; c._lloydPosition = party._mazePosition; c._lloydSide = isDarkCc ? 1 : 0; _buttonValue = Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE; break; } } while (_buttonValue != Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE); w.close(); return result; } void LloydsBeacon::loadButtons() { _iconSprites.load("lloyds.icn"); addButton(Common::Rect(281, 108, 305, 128), Common::KEYCODE_r, &_iconSprites); addButton(Common::Rect(242, 108, 266, 128), Common::KEYCODE_t, &_iconSprites); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int Teleport::show(XeenEngine *vm) { Teleport *dlg = new Teleport(vm); int result = dlg->execute(); delete dlg; return result; } int Teleport::execute() { Map &map = *_vm->_map; Party &party = *_vm->_party; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[6]; Common::String num; w.open(); w.writeString(Common::String::format(Res.HOW_MANY_SQUARES, Res.DIRECTION_TEXT[party._mazeDirection])); w.update(); int lineSize = Input::show(_vm, &w, num, 1, 200, true); w.close(); if (!lineSize) return -1; int numSquares = atoi(num.c_str()); Common::Point pt = party._mazePosition; int v; switch (party._mazeDirection) { case DIR_NORTH: pt.y += numSquares; break; case DIR_EAST: pt.x += numSquares; break; case DIR_SOUTH: pt.y -= numSquares; break; case DIR_WEST: pt.x -= numSquares; break; default: break; } v = map.mazeLookup(pt, map._isOutdoors ? 0xF : 0xFFFF, 0); if ((v != (map._isOutdoors ? 0 : INVALID_CELL)) && (!map._isOutdoors || v == SURFTYPE_DWATER)) { party._mazePosition = pt; return 1; } else { return 0; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int TownPortal::show(XeenEngine *vm) { TownPortal *dlg = new TownPortal(vm); int townNumber = dlg->execute(); delete dlg; return townNumber; } int TownPortal::execute() { Map &map = *_vm->_map; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[20]; Common::String townNames[5]; Mode oldMode = _vm->_mode; _vm->_mode = MODE_FF; // Build up a lsit of the names of the towns on the current side of Xeen for (int idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx) { File f(Common::String::format("%s%04d.txt", map._sideTownPortal ? "dark" : "xeen", Res.TOWN_MAP_NUMBERS[map._sideTownPortal][idx])); townNames[idx] = f.readString(); f.close(); } w.open(); w.writeString(Common::String::format(Res.TOWN_PORTAL, townNames[0].c_str(), townNames[1].c_str(), townNames[2].c_str(), townNames[3].c_str(), townNames[4].c_str() )); w.update(); // Get the town number int townNumber; Common::String num; do { int result = Input::show(_vm, &w, num, 1, 160, true); townNumber = !result ? 0 : atoi(num.c_str()); } while (townNumber > 5); w.close(); _vm->_mode = oldMode; return townNumber; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void IdentifyMonster::show(XeenEngine *vm) { IdentifyMonster *dlg = new IdentifyMonster(vm); dlg->execute(); delete dlg; } void IdentifyMonster::execute() { Combat &combat = *_vm->_combat; EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Interface &intf = *_vm->_interface; Map &map = *_vm->_map; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w = windows[17]; Common::String monsterDesc[3]; for (int monIndex = 0; monIndex < 3; ++monIndex) { if (combat._attackMonsters[monIndex] == -1) continue; MazeMonster &monster = map._mobData._monsters[combat._attackMonsters[monIndex]]; MonsterStruct &monsterData = *monster._monsterData; monsterDesc[monIndex] = Common::String::format(Res.MONSTER_DETAILS, monsterData._name.c_str(), _vm->printK2(monster._hp).c_str(), monsterData._armorClass, monsterData._numberOfAttacks, Res.MONSTER_SPECIAL_ATTACKS[monsterData._specialAttack] ); } sound.playFX(20); w.open(); w.writeString(Common::String::format(Res.IDENTIFY_MONSTERS, monsterDesc[0].c_str(), monsterDesc[1].c_str(), monsterDesc[2].c_str())); w.update(); do { events.updateGameCounter(); intf.draw3d(false); w.frame(); windows[3].update(); events.wait(1, false); } while (!events.isKeyMousePressed()); w.close(); } } // End of namespace Xeen