/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "xeen/worldofxeen/worldofxeen_cutscenes.h" #include "xeen/sound.h" #include "xeen/xeen.h" namespace Xeen { namespace WorldOfXeen { void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::showWorldOfXeenEnding(GooberState state, uint score) { _goober = state; _finalScore = score; worldEnding1(); if (!_vm->shouldQuit()) worldEnding2(); if (!_vm->shouldQuit()) worldEnding3(); if (!_vm->shouldQuit()) worldEnding4(); } void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::worldEnding1() { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; FileManager &files = *_vm->_files; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w0 = windows[0]; Graphics::ManagedSurface savedBg(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); files.setGameCc(0); sound.playSong("outday3.m"); showPharaohEndText(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[0], nullptr, nullptr); sound.playSound("elect.voc"); screen.loadBackground("skymain.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); screen.loadBackground("twrsky1.raw"); screen.loadPage(0); screen.loadPage(1); screen.loadPalette("skymain.pal"); SpriteResource sc02("sc02.eg2"), tower1("tower1.eg2"), tower2("tower2.eg2"), sc3a("sc3a.eg2"), sc06("sc06.eg2"), sc14("sc14.eg2"), sc13("sc13.eg2"), sc17("sc17.eg2"), cube("cube.eg2"), hands("hands.eg2"), sc10("sc10.eg2"), staff("staff.eg2"); SpriteResource sc3b[2] = { SpriteResource("sc3b1.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc3b2.eg2") }; SpriteResource sc20[4] = { SpriteResource("sc20[0].eg2"), SpriteResource("sc20b.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc20c.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc20d.eg2") }; SpriteResource sc22[2] = { SpriteResource("sc22a.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc22b.eg2") }; windows[41].writeString("\x1\xD"); screen.fadeOut(); while (!_vm->shouldQuit() && sound.isPlaying()) events.pollEventsAndWait(); sound.playSong("nwblksmt.m"); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[1]); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); events.updateGameCounter(); events.wait(60); for (int idx = 0; idx < 50 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (idx == 9 || idx == 22 || idx == 33 || idx == 44) sound.playSound("whoosh.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc02.draw(0, idx); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[1]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } for (int idx = 0; idx < 40 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { screen.horizMerge(); events.updateGameCounter(); tower1.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(0, 0), SPRFLAG_800); sc3a.draw(0, idx, Common::Point(91, 86), SPRFLAG_800); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } int frame = 40, frame2 = 0; for (int idx = 0, xp = 0; idx < SCREEN_WIDTH && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.horizMerge(xp); tower1.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(idx, 0), SPRFLAG_800); sc3a.draw(0, frame, Common::Point(idx + 91, 86), SPRFLAG_800); tower2.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(idx - 320, 0), SPRFLAG_800); tower2.draw(0, 1, Common::Point(idx - (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2), 0), SPRFLAG_800); sc3b[frame2 / 30].draw(0, frame2 % 30, Common::Point(idx - 277, 65), SPRFLAG_800); frame = (frame + 1) % 57; if (idx > (SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)) frame2 = (frame2 + 1) % 60; xp -= 2; if (xp < 1) xp = SCREEN_WIDTH; if (idx > 120) setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[2]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } for (; frame2 < 60 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++frame2) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.horizMerge(frame); tower2.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(0, 0), SPRFLAG_800); tower2.draw(0, 1, Common::Point(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 0), SPRFLAG_800); sc3b[frame2 / 30].draw(frame2 % 30, 0, Common::Point(43, 65), SPRFLAG_800); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[2]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.freePages(); screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("foura.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); sc06.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(26, 25)); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); for (int idx = 0; idx < 26 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc06.draw(0, idx, Common::Point(26, 75)); events.wait(2); } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg140001.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); w0.update(); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[3]); screen.fadeIn(); for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 2 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx1) { for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 15 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx2) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc14.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(141, 63)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[3]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } } screen.loadBackground("eg100001.raw"); screen.loadPage(0); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 2 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx1) { for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 6 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx2) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc14.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(26, 21)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } } screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc13.draw(0, 5, Common::Point(26, 21)); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]); w0.update(); frame = 0; for (int idx = 185; idx > 68 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); idx -= 3) { if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("cast.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc17.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(33, idx), SPRFLAG_4000); sc17.draw(0, frame, Common::Point(33, idx), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); frame = (frame + 1) % 17; } for (int idx = 0; idx < 17 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("cast.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc17.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(33, 68), SPRFLAG_4000); sc17.draw(0, idx, Common::Point(33, 68), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc17.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(33, 68), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[4]); w0.update(); screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg140001.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 2 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx1) { for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 15 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx2) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc14.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(141, 63)); w0.update(); events.wait(3); } } screen.horizMerge(0); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 3 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx1) { for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 15 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx2) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc10.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(26, 21)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[5]); w0.update(); events.wait(3); } } screen.blitFrom(savedBg); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[5]); w0.update(); for (int idx = 185; idx > 13 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); idx -= 6) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); staff.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(196, idx), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[5]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } events.updateGameCounter(); events.wait(30); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg140001.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 2 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx1) { for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 15 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx2) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc14.draw(0, idx2, Common::Point(141, 63)); w0.update(); events.wait(3); } } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.loadBackground("tablmain.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); screen.loadPage(1); sc20[0].draw(0, 0, Common::Point(26, 55)); hands.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(58, 17)); cube.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(101, 11), SPRFLAG_4000); w0.update(); sound.playSound("cast.voc"); for (int idx = 0; idx < 5 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("cast.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc20[0].draw(0, 0, Common::Point(26, 55)); hands.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(58, 17)); cube.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(101, 11), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } frame = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < 16 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("cast.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc20[0].draw(0, 0, Common::Point(26, 55)); hands.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(58, 17)); cube.draw(0, frame, Common::Point(101, 11), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); frame = (frame + 1) % 5; } frame = 0; for (int idx = 11; idx < 82 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("cast.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc20[0].draw(0, 0, Common::Point(26, 55)); cube.draw(0, frame, Common::Point(101, idx), SPRFLAG_4000); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); frame = (frame + 1) % 5; } sound.stopSound(); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; sound.playSound("click.voc"); sound.playSound("padspell.voc"); for (int idx = 0; idx < 14 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (idx == 10) sound.playSound("padspell.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc20[idx / 7].draw(0, idx % 7, Common::Point(26, 55)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } for (int idx = 0; idx < 17 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (idx == 10) sound.playSound("padspell.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc20[2].draw(0, idx, Common::Point(26, 55)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.wait(3); } for (int idx = 0; idx < 6 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc20[3].draw(0, idx, Common::Point(26, 55)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.wait(4); } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.blitFrom(savedBg); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[6]); w0.update(); events.updateGameCounter(); events.wait(30); screen.horizMerge(SCREEN_WIDTH); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); screen.freePages(); for (int idx = 0; idx < 35 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (idx == 3) sound.playSound("click.voc"); else if (idx == 5 || idx == 15) sound.playSound("elect.voc"); else if (idx == 22) sound.playSound("explosio.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); screen.blitFrom(savedBg); sc22[idx / 20].draw(0, idx % 20, Common::Point(112, 17)); setSubtitle(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[7]); w0.update(); events.wait(3); } } void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::worldEnding2() { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w0 = windows[0]; Graphics::ManagedSurface savedBg(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); SpriteResource sc23[8] = { SpriteResource("sc23a.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23b.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23c.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23d.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23e.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23f.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23g.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc23h.eg2") }; SpriteResource sc24("sc24.eg2"); screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg23prt2.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); sc23[0].draw(0, 0); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); int frame = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < 61 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (idx == 2 || idx == 15 || idx == 25 || idx == 33 || idx == 41) sound.playSound("gascompr.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); sc23[idx / 8].draw(0, frame % 8); w0.update(); events.wait(4); } } void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::worldEnding3() { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w0 = windows[0]; Graphics::ManagedSurface savedBg(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); SpriteResource sc25("sc25.eg2"), sc262("sc262.eg2"), sc263("sc263.eg2"), sc264("sc264.eg2"); SpriteResource sc261[2] = { SpriteResource("sc261a.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc261b.eg2") }; screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg250001.raw"); screen.loadPalette("eg250001.pal"); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); sound.playSound("comet.voc"); for (int idx = 0; idx < 52 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (idx == 28) sound.playSound("click.voc"); if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("comet.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); sc25.draw(0, idx); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } sound.stopSound(); screen.loadBackground("blank.raw"); screen.loadPalette("skymain.pal"); sc261[0].draw(0, 0, Common::Point(7, 4)); sc262.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(86, 4)); sc263.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(164, 4)); sc264.draw(0, 0, Common::Point(242, 4)); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(0x81); int frame1 = 0, frame2 = 0, frame3 = 0, ctr = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < 78 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { events.updateGameCounter(); sc261[ctr / 14].draw(0, idx % 17, Common::Point(7, 4)); sc262.draw(0, frame1, Common::Point(86, 4)); sc263.draw(0, frame2, Common::Point(164, 4)); sc264.draw(0, frame3, Common::Point(242, 4)); if (idx == 10 || idx == 28 || idx == 43 || idx == 56) sound.playSound("photon.voc"); ctr = (ctr + 1) % 28; frame1 = (frame1 + 1) % 9; frame2 = (frame2 + 1) % 19; frame3 = (frame3 + 1) % 10; if (idx > 12 && ctr < 13) ctr = 13; if (idx < 23) frame1 = 0; else if (idx > 26 && frame1 < 5) frame1 = 5; if (idx < 34) frame2 = 0; else if (idx > 43 && frame2 < 12) frame2 = 12; if (idx < 53) frame3 = 0; else if (idx > 57 && frame3 < 5) frame3 = 5; w0.update(); events.wait(2); } } void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::worldEnding4() { EventsManager &events = *_vm->_events; Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen; Sound &sound = *_vm->_sound; Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; Window &w0 = windows[0]; Graphics::ManagedSurface savedBg(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); SpriteResource sc27("sc27.eg2"), sc30("sc30.eg2"); SpriteResource sc28[14] = { SpriteResource("sc28a.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28b1.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28c.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28d.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28e.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28f.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28g.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28h.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28i.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28j.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28k.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28l.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28m.eg2"), SpriteResource("sc28n.eg2"), }; screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg270001.raw"); screen.loadPalette("eg250001.pal"); screen.fadeIn(); for (int idx = 0; idx < 89 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (!sound.isPlaying()) sound.playSound("comet.voc"); if (idx == 19 || idx == 60) sound.playSound("click.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); sc27.draw(0, idx); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; sound.stopSound(); screen.fadeOut(); screen.loadBackground("eg280001.raw"); savedBg.blitFrom(screen); w0.update(); screen.fadeIn(); for (int idx = 0; idx < 138 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx) { if (!sound.isPlaying() && idx > 98) sound.playSound("rumble.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); sc28[idx / 10].draw(0, idx % 10, Common::Point(52, 15)); w0.update(); events.wait(2); } sound.stopSound(); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.loadPalette("white.pal"); screen.fadeIn(); sound.playSound("explosio.voc"); events.updateGameCounter(); events.wait(10); if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; screen.loadPalette("eg250001.pal"); screen.fadeOut(); for (int idx1 = 0; idx1 < 20 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx1) { for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < 4 && !_vm->shouldQuit(); ++idx2) { sc30.draw(0, idx2); setSubtitle2(Res.WORLD_END_TEXT[8]); w0.update(); if (!idx1 && !idx2) screen.fadeIn(); //if (idx1 == 17) ??MUSIC events.wait(2); } } screen.fadeOut(); while (sound.isMusicPlaying() && !_vm->shouldQuit()) { events.updateGameCounter(); events.wait(2); } if (_vm->shouldQuit()) return; sound.playSong("outday3.m"); Common::String gooberStr = Res.GOOBER[_goober]; Common::String congratsStr1 = Common::String::format(Res.WORLD_CONGRATULATIONS, _finalScore); showPharaohEndText(congratsStr1.c_str(), _goober == NON_GOOBER ? nullptr : Common::String::format(Res.WORLD_CONGRATULATIONS2, gooberStr.c_str()).c_str() ); } void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::setSubtitle(const Common::String &msg) { Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; const char *const FORMAT1 = "\xB""000\t000\xC""38\x3""c%s"; const char *const FORMAT2 = "\xB""000\t000\xC""39\x3""c%s"; windows[28].writeString(Common::String::format(FORMAT1, msg.c_str())); windows[28].writeString(Common::String::format(FORMAT2, msg.c_str())); } void WorldOfXeenCutscenes::setSubtitle2(const Common::String &msg) { Windows &windows = *_vm->_windows; const char *const FORMAT1 = "\xB""000\t000\xC""05\x3""c%s"; const char *const FORMAT2 = "\xB""000\t000\xC""11\x3""c%s"; windows[28].writeString(Common::String::format(FORMAT1, msg.c_str())); windows[28].writeString(Common::String::format(FORMAT2, msg.c_str())); } } // End of namespace WorldOfXeen } // End of namespace Xeen