/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004 Ivan Dubrov * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * aint32 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "gob/gob.h" #include "gob/dataio.h" #include "gob/resource.h" #include "gob/global.h" #include "gob/init.h" #include "gob/video.h" #include "gob/debug.h" #include "gob/sound.h" #include "gob/timer.h" #include "gob/sound.h" #include "gob/game.h" #include "gob/draw.h" #include "gob/util.h" namespace Gob { void game_start(void); extern int16 debugFlag; extern int16 inVM; extern int16 colorCount; PalDesc *init_palDesc; static const char *init_fontNames[] = { "jeulet1.let", "jeulet2.let", "jeucar1.let", "jeumath.let" }; void init_findBestCfg(void) { videoMode = VIDMODE_VGA; useMouse = mousePresent; if (presentSound & BLASTER_FLAG) soundFlags = BLASTER_FLAG | SPEAKER_FLAG | MIDI_FLAG; else if (presentSound & PROAUDIO_FLAG) soundFlags = PROAUDIO_FLAG | SPEAKER_FLAG | MIDI_FLAG; else if (presentSound & ADLIB_FLAG) soundFlags = ADLIB_FLAG | SPEAKER_FLAG | MIDI_FLAG; else if (presentSound & INTERSOUND_FLAG) soundFlags = INTERSOUND_FLAG | SPEAKER_FLAG; else if (presentSound & SPEAKER_FLAG) soundFlags = SPEAKER_FLAG; else soundFlags = 0; } void init_soundVideo(int32 smallHeap, int16 flag) { if (videoMode != 0x13 && videoMode != 0) error("init_soundVideo: Video mode 0x%x is not supported!", videoMode); pFileHandler = 0; srand(0); //if ((flag & 4) == 0) // vid_findVideo(); mousePresent = 1; inVM = 0; presentSound = 0; // FIXME: sound is not supported yet sprAllocated = 0; filesCount = 0; timer_enableTimer(); // snd_setResetTimerFlag(debugFlag); // TODO if (videoMode == 0x13) colorCount = 256; fastComputer = 1; pPaletteDesc = &paletteStruct; pPaletteDesc->vgaPal = vgaPalette; pPaletteDesc->unused1 = unusedPalette1; pPaletteDesc->unused2 = unusedPalette2; pPrimarySurfDesc = &primarySurfDesc; if (videoMode != 0) vid_initSurfDesc(videoMode, 320, 200, PRIMARY_SURFACE); if (soundFlags & MIDI_FLAG) { soundFlags &= presentSound; if (presentSound & ADLIB_FLAG) soundFlags |= MIDI_FLAG; } else { soundFlags &= presentSound; } } void init_cleanup(void) { if (debugFlag == 0) timer_disableTimer(); vid_freeDriver(); if (curPrimaryDesc != 0) { vid_freeSurfDesc(curPrimaryDesc); vid_freeSurfDesc(allocatedPrimary); allocatedPrimary = 0; curPrimaryDesc = 0; } pPrimarySurfDesc = 0; if (snd_cleanupFunc != 0 && snd_playingSound != 0) { (*snd_cleanupFunc) (0); snd_cleanupFunc = 0; } snd_speakerOff(); data_closeDataFile(); if (filesCount != 0) error("init_cleanup: Error! Opened files lef: %d", filesCount); if (sprAllocated != 0) error("init_cleanup: Error! Allocated sprites left: %d", sprAllocated); if (allocatedBlocks[0] != 0) error("init_cleanup: Error! Allocated blocks in heap 0 left: %d", allocatedBlocks[0]); if (allocatedBlocks[1] != 0) error("init_cleanup: Error! Allocated blocks in heap 1 left: %d", allocatedBlocks[1]); snd_stopSound(0); keyboard_release(); //free(heapHeads); g_system->quit(); } /*static void init_hardErrHandler(void) { hardretn(-1); }*/ void init_initGame(char *totName) { int16 handle2; int16 i; int16 handle; char *infBuf; char *infPtr; char *infEnd; int16 j; char buffer[20]; int32 varsCount; /* src = byte ptr -2Eh var_1A = word ptr -1Ah var_18 = word ptr -18h var_16 = dword ptr -16h var_12 = word ptr -12h var_10 = word ptr -10h handle2 = word ptr -0Eh fileHandle = word ptr -0Ch numFromTot = word ptr -0Ah memAvail = dword ptr -6 memBlocks = word ptr -2*/ language = 5; disableVideoCfg = 0x11; disableMouseCfg = 0x15; //reqRAMParag = 570; //requiredSpace = 10; strcpy(batFileName, "go"); init_soundVideo(1000, 1); language = 2; handle2 = data_openData("intro.stk"); if (handle2 >= 0) { data_closeData(handle2); data_openDataFile("intro.stk"); } util_initInput(); vid_setHandlers(); vid_initPrimary(videoMode); // harderr(&init_hardErrHandler); mouseXShift = 1; mouseYShift = 1; game_totTextData = 0; game_totFileData = 0; game_totResourceTable = 0; inter_variables = 0; init_palDesc = (PalDesc *)malloc(12); if (videoMode != 0x13) error("init_initGame: Only 0x13 video mode is supported!"); init_palDesc->vgaPal = draw_vgaPalette; init_palDesc->unused1 = draw_unusedPalette1; init_palDesc->unused2 = draw_unusedPalette2; vid_setFullPalette(init_palDesc); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) draw_fonts[i] = 0; handle = data_openData("intro.inf"); if (handle < 0) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { handle2 = data_openData(init_fontNames[i]); if (handle2 >= 0) { data_closeData(handle2); draw_fonts[i] = util_loadFont(init_fontNames[i]); } } } else { data_closeData(handle); infPtr = data_getData("intro.inf"); infBuf = infPtr; infEnd = infBuf + data_getDataSize("intro.inf"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, infPtr++) { for (j = 0; *infPtr >= ' ' && infPtr != infEnd; j++, infPtr++) buffer[j] = *infPtr; buffer[j] = 0; strcat(buffer, ".let"); handle2 = data_openData(buffer); if (handle2 >= 0) { data_closeData(handle2); draw_fonts[i] = util_loadFont(buffer); } if (infPtr == infEnd) break; infPtr++; if (infPtr == infEnd) break; } free(infBuf); } if (totName != 0) { strcpy(buffer, totName); strcat(buffer, ".tot"); } else { strcpy(buffer, "intro.tot"); } handle = data_openData(buffer); if (handle >= 0) { // Get variables count data_seekData(handle, 0x2c, SEEK_SET); data_readData(handle, (char *)&varsCount, 4); varsCount = FROM_LE_32(varsCount); data_closeData(handle); inter_variables = (char *)malloc(varsCount * 4); memset(inter_variables, 0, varsCount * 4); strcpy(game_curTotFile, buffer); game_start(); if (inter_variables != 0) free(inter_variables); if (game_totFileData != 0) free(game_totFileData); if (game_totTextData != 0) free(game_totTextData); if (game_totResourceTable != 0) free(game_totResourceTable); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (draw_fonts[i] != 0) util_freeFont(draw_fonts[i]); } free(init_palDesc); data_closeDataFile(); vid_initPrimary(-1); init_cleanup(); } } // End of namespace Gob