/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "gui/ListWidget.h" #include "gui/ScrollBarWidget.h" #include "gui/dialog.h" #include "gui/newgui.h" namespace GUI { ListWidget::ListWidget(GuiObject *boss, int x, int y, int w, int h, WidgetSize ws) : EditableWidget(boss, x, y, w, h), CommandSender(boss) { // TODO: When in kBigWidgetSize mode, use another font _w = w - (ws == kBigWidgetSize ? kBigScrollBarWidth : kNormalScrollBarWidth); _lineHeight = kLineHeight; _flags = WIDGET_ENABLED | WIDGET_CLEARBG | WIDGET_RETAIN_FOCUS | WIDGET_WANT_TICKLE; _type = kListWidget; _editMode = false; _numberingMode = kListNumberingOne; _entriesPerPage = (_h - 2) / _lineHeight; _currentPos = 0; _selectedItem = -1; _scrollBar = new ScrollBarWidget(boss, _x + _w, _y, (ws == kBigWidgetSize ? kBigScrollBarWidth : kNormalScrollBarWidth), _h); _scrollBar->setTarget(this); _currentKeyDown = 0; _quickSelectTime = 0; // The item is selected, thus _bgcolor is used to draw the caret and _textcolorhi to erase it _caretInverse = true; // FIXME: This flag should come from widget definition _editable = true; } ListWidget::~ListWidget() { } void ListWidget::setSelected(int item) { assert(item >= -1 && item < (int)_list.size()); if (isEnabled() && _selectedItem != item) { if (_editMode) abortEditMode(); _selectedItem = item; sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem); _currentPos = _selectedItem - _entriesPerPage / 2; scrollToCurrent(); draw(); } } void ListWidget::setList(const StringList &list) { if (_editMode && _caretVisible) drawCaret(true); int size = list.size(); _list = list; if (_currentPos >= size) _currentPos = size - 1; if (_currentPos < 0) _currentPos = 0; _selectedItem = -1; _editMode = false; scrollBarRecalc(); } void ListWidget::scrollTo(int item) { int size = _list.size(); if (item >= size) item = size - 1; if (item < 0) item = 0; if (_currentPos != item) { _currentPos = item; scrollBarRecalc(); } } void ListWidget::scrollBarRecalc() { _scrollBar->_numEntries = _list.size(); _scrollBar->_entriesPerPage = _entriesPerPage; _scrollBar->_currentPos = _currentPos; _scrollBar->recalc(); } void ListWidget::handleTickle() { if (_editMode) EditableWidget::handleTickle(); } void ListWidget::handleMouseDown(int x, int y, int button, int clickCount) { if (!isEnabled()) return; // First check whether the selection changed int newSelectedItem; newSelectedItem = findItem(x, y); if (newSelectedItem > (int)_list.size() - 1) newSelectedItem = -1; if (_selectedItem != newSelectedItem) { if (_editMode) abortEditMode(); _selectedItem = newSelectedItem; sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem); } // TODO: Determine where inside the string the user clicked and place the // caret accordingly. See _editScrollOffset and EditTextWidget::handleMouseDown. draw(); } void ListWidget::handleMouseUp(int x, int y, int button, int clickCount) { // If this was a double click and the mouse is still over the selected item, // send the double click command if (clickCount == 2 && (_selectedItem == findItem(x, y))) { sendCommand(kListItemDoubleClickedCmd, _selectedItem); } } void ListWidget::handleMouseWheel(int x, int y, int direction) { _scrollBar->handleMouseWheel(x, y, direction); } int ListWidget::findItem(int x, int y) const { return (y - 1) / _lineHeight + _currentPos; } static int matchingCharsIgnoringCase(const char *x, const char *y, bool &stop) { int match = 0; while (*x && *y && toupper(*x) == toupper(*y)) { ++x; ++y; ++match; } stop = !*y || (*x && (toupper(*x) >= toupper(*y))); return match; } bool ListWidget::handleKeyDown(uint16 ascii, int keycode, int modifiers) { bool handled = true; bool dirty = false; int oldSelectedItem = _selectedItem; if (!_editMode && isprint((char)ascii)) { // Quick selection mode: Go to first list item starting with this key // (or a substring accumulated from the last couple key presses). // Only works in a useful fashion if the list entries are sorted. // TODO: Maybe this should be off by default, and instead we add a // method "enableQuickSelect()" or so ? uint32 time = getMillis(); if (_quickSelectTime < time) { _quickSelectStr = (char)ascii; } else { _quickSelectStr += (char)ascii; } _quickSelectTime = time + 300; // TODO: Turn this into a proper constant (kQuickSelectDelay ?) // FIXME: This is bad slow code (it scans the list linearly each time a // key is pressed); it could be much faster. Only of importance if we have // quite big lists to deal with -- so for now we can live with this lazy // implementation :-) int newSelectedItem = 0; int bestMatch = 0; bool stop; for (StringList::const_iterator i = _list.begin(); i != _list.end(); ++i) { const int match = matchingCharsIgnoringCase(i->c_str(), _quickSelectStr.c_str(), stop); if (match > bestMatch || stop) { _selectedItem = newSelectedItem; bestMatch = match; if (stop) break; } newSelectedItem++; } scrollToCurrent(); } else if (_editMode) { // Class EditableWidget handles all text editing related key presses for us handled = EditableWidget::handleKeyDown(ascii, keycode, modifiers); } else { // not editmode switch (keycode) { case '\n': // enter/return case '\r': if (_selectedItem >= 0) { // override continuous enter keydown if (_editable && (_currentKeyDown != '\n' && _currentKeyDown != '\r')) { dirty = true; startEditMode(); } else sendCommand(kListItemActivatedCmd, _selectedItem); } break; case 256+17: // up arrow if (_selectedItem > 0) _selectedItem--; break; case 256+18: // down arrow if (_selectedItem < (int)_list.size() - 1) _selectedItem++; break; case 256+24: // pageup _selectedItem -= _entriesPerPage - 1; if (_selectedItem < 0) _selectedItem = 0; break; case 256+25: // pagedown _selectedItem += _entriesPerPage - 1; if (_selectedItem >= (int)_list.size() ) _selectedItem = _list.size() - 1; break; case 256+22: // home _selectedItem = 0; break; case 256+23: // end _selectedItem = _list.size() - 1; break; default: handled = false; } scrollToCurrent(); } if (dirty || _selectedItem != oldSelectedItem) draw(); if (_selectedItem != oldSelectedItem) { sendCommand(kListSelectionChangedCmd, _selectedItem); // also draw scrollbar _scrollBar->draw(); } #if !defined(__PALM_OS__) // not done on PalmOS because keyboard is emulated and keyup is not generated _currentKeyDown = keycode; #endif return handled; } bool ListWidget::handleKeyUp(uint16 ascii, int keycode, int modifiers) { if (keycode == _currentKeyDown) _currentKeyDown = 0; return true; } void ListWidget::lostFocusWidget() { // If we loose focus, we simply forget the user changes _editMode = false; drawCaret(true); draw(); } void ListWidget::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) { switch (cmd) { case kSetPositionCmd: if (_currentPos != (int)data) { _currentPos = data; draw(); } break; } } void ListWidget::drawWidget(bool hilite) { NewGui *gui = &g_gui; int i, pos, len = _list.size(); Common::String buffer; int offset, deltax; // Draw a thin frame around the list. gui->hLine(_x, _y, _x + _w - 1, gui->_color); gui->hLine(_x, _y + _h - 1, _x + _w - 1, gui->_shadowcolor); gui->vLine(_x, _y, _y + _h - 1, gui->_color); // Draw the list items for (i = 0, pos = _currentPos; i < _entriesPerPage && pos < len; i++, pos++) { const OverlayColor textColor = (_selectedItem == pos && _hasFocus) ? gui->_bgcolor : gui->_textcolor; const int y = _y + 2 + _lineHeight * i; // Draw the selected item inverted, on a highlighted background. if (_selectedItem == pos) { if (_hasFocus) gui->fillRect(_x + 1, _y + 1 + _lineHeight * i, _w - 1, _lineHeight, gui->_textcolorhi); else gui->frameRect(_x + 1, _y + 1 + _lineHeight * i, _w - 1, _lineHeight, gui->_textcolorhi); } // If in numbering mode, we first print a number prefix if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff) { char temp[10]; sprintf(temp, "%2d. ", (pos + _numberingMode)); buffer = temp; gui->drawString(buffer, _x + 2, y, _w - 4, textColor); offset = gui->getStringWidth(buffer); } else { offset = 0; } Common::Rect r(getEditRect()); if (_selectedItem == pos && _editMode) { buffer = _editString; adjustOffset(); deltax = -_editScrollOffset; gui->drawString(buffer, _x + r.left, y, r.width(), textColor, kTextAlignLeft, deltax, false); } else { buffer = _list[pos]; deltax = 0; gui->drawString(buffer, _x + r.left, y, r.width(), textColor); } } } Common::Rect ListWidget::getEditRect() const { Common::Rect r(2, 1, _w - 2 , _lineHeight); const int offset = (_selectedItem - _currentPos) * _lineHeight; r.top += offset; r.bottom += offset; if (_numberingMode != kListNumberingOff) { char temp[10]; sprintf(temp, "%2d. ", (_selectedItem + _numberingMode)); r.left += g_gui.getStringWidth(temp); } return r; } void ListWidget::scrollToCurrent() { // Only do something if the current item is not in our view port if (_selectedItem < _currentPos) { // it's above our view _currentPos = _selectedItem; } else if (_selectedItem >= _currentPos + _entriesPerPage ) { // it's below our view _currentPos = _selectedItem - _entriesPerPage + 1; } if (_currentPos < 0 || _entriesPerPage > (int)_list.size()) _currentPos = 0; else if (_currentPos + _entriesPerPage > (int)_list.size()) _currentPos = _list.size() - _entriesPerPage; _scrollBar->_currentPos = _currentPos; _scrollBar->recalc(); } void ListWidget::startEditMode() { if (_editable && !_editMode && _selectedItem >= 0) { _editMode = true; setEditString(_list[_selectedItem]); draw(); } } void ListWidget::endEditMode() { if (!_editMode) return; // send a message that editing finished with a return/enter key press _editMode = false; _list[_selectedItem] = _editString; sendCommand(kListItemActivatedCmd, _selectedItem); } void ListWidget::abortEditMode() { // undo any changes made assert(_selectedItem >= 0); _editMode = false; //drawCaret(true); //draw(); } } // End of namespace GUI