/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "gui/browser.h" #include "gui/newgui.h" #include "gui/ListWidget.h" #include "backends/fs/fs.h" namespace GUI { #ifdef MACOSX /* On Mac OS X, use the native file selector dialog. We could do the same for * other operating systems. */ BrowserDialog::BrowserDialog(const char *title) : Dialog(20, 10, 320 -2 * 20, 200 - 2 * 10) { _choice = NULL; _titleRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(0, title, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); } BrowserDialog::~BrowserDialog() { delete _choice; CFRelease(_titleRef); } int BrowserDialog::runModal() { NavDialogRef dialogRef; NavDialogCreationOptions options; NavUserAction result; NavReplyRecord reply; OSStatus err; delete _choice; _choice = 0; // Temporarily show the real mouse ShowCursor(); err = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&options); assert(err == noErr); options.windowTitle = _titleRef; options.message = CFSTR("This is a test!"); options.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal; err = NavCreateChooseFolderDialog(&options, 0, 0, 0, &dialogRef); assert(err == noErr); err = NavDialogRun(dialogRef); assert(err == noErr); HideCursor(); result = NavDialogGetUserAction(dialogRef); if (result == kNavUserActionChoose) { err = NavDialogGetReply(dialogRef, &reply); assert(err == noErr); if (reply.validRecord && err == noErr) { SInt32 theCount; AECountItems(&reply.selection, &theCount); assert(theCount == 1); AEKeyword keyword; FSRef ref; char buf[4096]; err = AEGetNthPtr(&reply.selection, 1, typeFSRef, &keyword, NULL, &ref, sizeof(ref), NULL); assert(err == noErr); err = FSRefMakePath(&ref, (UInt8*)buf, sizeof(buf)-1); assert(err == noErr); _choice = FilesystemNode::getNodeForPath(buf); } err = NavDisposeReply(&reply); assert(err == noErr); } NavDialogDispose(dialogRef); return (_choice != 0); } #else /* We want to use this as a general directory selector at some point... possible uses * - to select the data dir for a game * - to select the place where save games are stored * - others??? */ enum { kChooseCmd = 'Chos', kGoUpCmd = 'GoUp' }; BrowserDialog::BrowserDialog(const char *title) : Dialog(20, 10, 320 -2 * 20, 200 - 2 * 10), _node(0), _nodeContent(0) { _fileList = NULL; _currentPath = NULL; _node = NULL; _nodeContent = NULL; _choice = NULL; // Headline - TODO: should be customizable during creation time new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 8, _w - 2 * 10, kLineHeight, title, kTextAlignCenter); // Current path - TODO: handle long paths ? _currentPath = new StaticTextWidget(this, 10, 20, _w - 2 * 10, kLineHeight, "DUMMY", kTextAlignLeft); // Add file list _fileList = new ListWidget(this, 10, 34, _w - 2 * 10, _h - 34 - 24 - 10); _fileList->setNumberingMode(kListNumberingOff); // Buttons addButton(10, _h - 24, "Go up", kGoUpCmd, 0); addButton(_w - 2 * (kButtonWidth + 10), _h - 24, "Cancel", kCloseCmd, 0); addButton(_w - (kButtonWidth+10), _h - 24, "Choose", kChooseCmd, 0); } BrowserDialog::~BrowserDialog() { delete _node; delete _nodeContent; delete _choice; } void BrowserDialog::open() { // If no node has been set, or the last used one is now invalid, // go back to the root/default dir. if (_node == NULL || !_node->isValid()) { delete _node; _node = FilesystemNode::getRoot(); assert(_node != NULL); } // Alway refresh file list updateListing(); // Nothing chosen by default delete _choice; _choice = 0; // Call super implementation Dialog::open(); } void BrowserDialog::close() { delete _nodeContent; _nodeContent = 0; // Call super implementation Dialog::close(); } void BrowserDialog::handleCommand(CommandSender *sender, uint32 cmd, uint32 data) { FilesystemNode *tmp; switch (cmd) { case kChooseCmd: { // If nothing is selected in the list widget, choose the current dir. // Else, choose the dir that is selected. int selection = _fileList->getSelected(); if (selection >= 0) { _choice = (*_nodeContent)[selection].clone(); } else { _choice = _node->clone(); } setResult(1); close(); } break; case kGoUpCmd: tmp = _node->parent(); delete _node; _node = tmp; updateListing(); break; case kListItemDoubleClickedCmd: tmp = (*_nodeContent)[data].clone(); delete _node; _node = tmp; updateListing(); break; default: Dialog::handleCommand(sender, cmd, data); } } void BrowserDialog::updateListing() { assert(_node != NULL); // Update the path display _currentPath->setLabel(_node->path()); // Read in the data from the file system delete _nodeContent; _nodeContent = _node->listDir(); assert(_nodeContent != NULL); // Populate the ListWidget Common::StringList list; int size = _nodeContent->size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { list.push_back((*_nodeContent)[i].displayName()); } _fileList->setList(list); _fileList->scrollTo(0); // Finally, redraw draw(); } #endif // MACOSX } // End of namespace GUI