/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2006 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ */ #include "gui/theme.h" #include "gui/eval.h" namespace GUI { const char *Theme::_defaultConfigINI = "# Define our classic greenish theme here\n" "[320xY]\n" "def_widgetSize=kNormalWidgetSize\n" "def_buttonWidth=kButtonWidth\n" "def_buttonHeight=kButtonHeight\n" "def_sliderWidth=kSliderWidth\n" "def_sliderHeight=kSliderHeight\n" "def_kLineHeight=12\n" "def_kFontHeight=10\n" "def_globOptionsW=(w - 2 * 10)\n" "def_globOptionsH=(h - 30)\n" "def_gameOptionsH=(h - 30)\n" "def_gameOptionsLabelWidth=60\n" "def_tabPopupsLabelW=100\n" "def_aboutXOff=3\n" "def_aboutYOff=2\n" "def_aboutOuterBorder=10\n" "def_scummmainHOffset=8\n" "def_scummmainVSpace=5\n" "def_scummmainVAddOff=2\n" "def_scummmainButtonWidth=90\n" "def_scummmainButtonHeight=16\n" "def_scummhelpX=5\n" "def_scummhelpW=(w - 2 * 5)\n" "def_midiControlsSpacing=1\n" "def_vcAudioTabIndent=0\n" "use=XxY\n" "# Scumm Saveload dialog\n" "scummsaveload=8 8 (w - 2 * 8) (h - 16)\n" "set_parent=scummsaveload\n" "scummsaveload_title=10 2 (parent.w - 2 * 10) kLineHeight\n" "scummsaveload_list=10 18 prev.w (parent.h - 17 - buttonHeight - 8 - self.y)\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail=(parent.w - (kThumbnailWidth + 22)) 18\n" "scummsaveload_cancel=(parent.w - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10)) (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "scummsaveload_choose=(prev.x2 + 10) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "scummsaveload_extinfo.visible=false\n" "\n" "# MM NES resolution\n" "[256x240]\n" "useAsIs=320xY\n" "\n" "[XxY]\n" "def_widgetSize=kBigWidgetSize\n" "def_buttonWidth=kBigButtonWidth\n" "def_buttonHeight=kBigButtonHeight\n" "def_sliderWidth=kBigSliderWidth\n" "def_sliderHeight=kBigSliderHeight\n" "def_kLineHeight=16\n" "def_kFontHeight=14\n" "def_globOptionsW=(w - 2 * 10)\n" "def_globOptionsH=(h - 2 * 40)\n" "def_gameOptionsH=(h - 2 * 40)\n" "def_gameOptionsLabelWidth=90\n" "def_tabPopupsLabelW=150\n" "def_aboutXOff=8\n" "def_aboutYOff=5\n" "def_aboutOuterBorder=80\n" "def_scummmainHOffset=12\n" "def_scummmainVSpace=7\n" "def_scummmainVAddOff=3\n" "def_scummmainButtonWidth=160\n" "def_scummmainButtonHeight=28\n" "def_scummhelpW=370\n" "def_scummhelpX=((w - scummhelpW) / 2)\n" "def_midiControlsSpacing=2\n" "def_vcAudioTabIndent=10\n" "##### Widgets config\n" "ListWidget.leftPadding=4\n" "ListWidget.rightPadding=0\n" "ListWidget.topPadding=2\n" "ListWidget.bottomPadding=2\n" "ListWidget.hlLeftPadding=2\n" "ListWidget.hlRightPadding=1\n" "PopUpWidget.leftPadding=4\n" "PopUpWidget.rightPadding=0\n" "\n" "###### chooser\n" "opHeight=(h * 7 / 10)\n" "useWithPrefix=chooser defaultChooser_\n" "\n" "##### browser\n" "brW=((w * 7) / 8)\n" "brH=((h * 9) / 10)\n" "browser=((w - brW) / 2) ((h - brH) / 2) brW brH\n" "set_parent=browser\n" "browser_headline=10 kLineHeight (parent.w - 2 * 10) kLineHeight\n" "browser_headline.align=kTextAlignCenter\n" "browser_path=10 prev.y2 prev.w prev.h\n" "browser_list=10 prev.y2 prev.w (parent.h - 3 * kLineHeight - buttonHeight - 14)\n" "browser_up=10 (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "browser_cancel=(parent.w - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10)) (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "browser_choose=(prev.x2 + 10) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "\n" "##### launcher\n" "hBorder=10\n" "launcher_version=hBorder 8 (w - 2 * hBorder) kLineHeight\n" "launcher_version.align=kTextAlignCenter\n" "top=(h - 8 - buttonHeight)\n" "numButtons=4\n" "space=8\n" "butWidth=((w - 2 * hBorder - space * (numButtons - 1)) / numButtons)\n" "launcher_quit_button=hBorder top butWidth buttonHeight\n" "launcher_about_button=(prev.x2 + space) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "launcher_options_button=(prev.x2 + space) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "launcher_start_button=(prev.x2 + space) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "top=(top - buttonHeight * 2)\n" "numButtons=3\n" "space=10\n" "butWidth=((w - 2 * hBorder - space * (numButtons - 1)) / numButtons)\n" "launcher_addGame_button=hBorder top butWidth buttonHeight\n" "launcher_editGame_button=(prev.x2 + space) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "launcher_removeGame_button=(prev.x2 + space) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "launcher_list=hBorder (kLineHeight + 16) (w - 2 * hBorder) (top - kLineHeight - 20)\n" "\n" "### global options\n" "globaloptions=10 20 globOptionsW globOptionsH\n" "set_parent=globaloptions\n" "vBorder=5\n" "globaloptions_tabwidget=0 vBorder parent.w (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8 - 2 * vBorder)\n" "\n" "# graphics tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "opXoffset=0\n" "useWithPrefix=graphicsControls globaloptions_\n" "\n" "# audio tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "useWithPrefix=audioControls globaloptions_\n" "useWithPrefix=volumeControls globaloptions_\n" "useWithPrefix=subtitleControls globaloptions_\n" "\n" "# MIDI tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "useWithPrefix=midiControls globaloptions_\n" "\n" "# paths tab\n" "yoffset=vBorder\n" "glOff=((buttonHeight - kLineHeight) / 2 + 2)\n" "globaloptions_savebutton=5 yoffset (buttonWidth + 5) buttonHeight\n" "globaloptions_savepath=(prev.x2 + 20) (yoffset + glOff) (parent.w - (prev.w + 20) - 10) kLineHeight\n" "yoffset=(yoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "globaloptions_extrabutton=5 yoffset (buttonWidth + 5) buttonHeight\n" "globaloptions_extrapath=(prev.x2 + 20) (yoffset + glOff) (parent.w - (prev.w + 20) - 10) kLineHeight\n" "yoffset=(yoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "globaloptions_keysbutton=5 yoffset (buttonWidth + 5) buttonHeight\n" "\n" "globaloptions_cancel=(parent.w - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10)) (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "globaloptions_ok=(prev.x2 + 10) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "\n" "### game options\n" "gameoptions=10 20 (w - 2 * 10) gameOptionsH\n" "set_parent=gameoptions\n" "vBorder=5\n" "gox=5\n" "gow=(parent.w - 15)\n" "\n" "gameoptions_tabwidget=0 vBorder parent.w (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8 - 2 * vBorder)\n" "\n" "# game tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "gameoptions_id=gox (opYoffset + 2) gameOptionsLabelWidth kLineHeight\n" "gameoptions_id.align=kTextAlignRight\n" "gameoptions_domain=prev.x2 (prev.y - 1) (parent.w - gameOptionsLabelWidth - 10 - gox) (prev.h + 2)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + prev.h + 3)\n" "gameoptions_name=gox (opYoffset + 2) gameOptionsLabelWidth kLineHeight\n" "gameoptions_name.align=kTextAlignRight\n" "gameoptions_desc=prev.x2 (prev.y - 1) (parent.w - gameOptionsLabelWidth - 10 - gox) (prev.h + 2)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + prev.h + 3)\n" "gameoptions_lang=gox (opYoffset - 1) gow (kLineHeight + 2)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + prev.h + 4)\n" "gameoptions_platform=prev.x opYoffset prev.w prev.h\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + prev.h + 4)\n" "\n" "# paths tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "goOff=((buttonHeight - kLineHeight) / 2 + 2)\n" "gameoptions_gamepath=gox opYoffset (buttonWidth + 5) buttonHeight\n" "gameoptions_gamepathText=(prev.x2 + 20) (opYoffset + goOff) (parent.w - self.x - 10) kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "gameoptions_extrapath=gox opYoffset (buttonWidth + 5) buttonHeight\n" "gameoptions_extrapathText=(prev.x2 + 20) (opYoffset + goOff) (parent.w - self.x - 10) kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "gameoptions_savepath=gox opYoffset (buttonWidth + 5) buttonHeight\n" "gameoptions_savepathText=(prev.x2 + 20) (opYoffset + goOff) (parent.w - self.x - 10) kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "\n" "# graphics tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "opXoffset=gox\n" "gameoptions_graphicsCheckbox=gox opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 192) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "useWithPrefix=graphicsControls gameoptions_\n" "\n" "# audio tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "gameoptions_audioCheckbox=gox opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 180) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "useWithPrefix=audioControls gameoptions_\n" "useWithPrefix=subtitleControls gameoptions_\n" "\n" "# midi tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "gameoptions_midiCheckbox=gox opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 174) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "useWithPrefix=midiControls gameoptions_\n" "\n" "# volume tab\n" "opYoffset=vBorder\n" "gameoptions_volumeCheckbox=gox opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 189) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "useWithPrefix=volumeControls gameoptions_\n" "\n" "gameoptions_cancel=(parent.w - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10)) (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "gameoptions_ok=(prev.x2 + 10) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "\n" "### keys dialog\n" "keysdialog=(w / 20) (h / 10) (w - w / 10) (h - h / 5)\n" "set_parent=keysdialog\n" "keysdialog_map=(parent.w - buttonWidth - 10) 20 buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "keysdialog_ok=prev.x (prev.y2 + 4) prev.w prev.h\n" "keysdialog_cancel=prev.x (prev.y2 + 4) prev.w prev.h\n" "keysdialog_list=10 10 (prev.x - 20) (parent.h - kLineHeight * 4 - self.y)\n" "keysdialog_action=prev.x (parent.h - kLineHeight * 3) (parent.w - self.x * 2) kLineHeight\n" "keysdialog_mapping=prev.x (prev.y + kLineHeight) prev.w prev.h\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "##### SCUMM dialogs\n" "scummDummyDialog=0 80 0 16\n" "\n" "use=scummmain\n" "## Engine config\n" "# note that scummconfig size depends on overall height\n" "# hence it is on the end of the list\n" "opYoffset=8\n" "useWithPrefix=volumeControls scummconfig_\n" "useWithPrefix=subtitleControls scummconfig_\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "soWidth=255\n" "scummconfig_keys=(soWidth - 3 * (buttonWidth + 4) + 6) opYoffset (buttonWidth - 10) buttonHeight\n" "scummconfig_cancel=(prev.x2 + 4) prev.y (prev.w + 10) prev.h\n" "scummconfig_ok=(prev.x2 + 4) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "scummconfig=((w - soWidth) / 2) ((h - opYoffset) / 2) soWidth (opYoffset + 8)\n" "\n" "## Help\n" "scummHelpNumLines=15\n" "shH=(5 + (2 + scummHelpNumLines) * kFontHeight + buttonHeight + 7)\n" "scummhelp=scummhelpX ((h - shH) / 2) scummhelpW shH\n" "scummhelp_title=10 5 scummhelpW kFontHeight\n" "scummhelp_key.x=10\n" "scummhelp_key.yoffset=5\n" "scummhelp_key.w=80\n" "scummhelp_key.h=kFontHeight\n" "scummhelp_dsc.x=90\n" "scummhelp_dsc.yoffset=5\n" "scummhelp_dsc.w=(scummhelpW - 10 - 90)\n" "scummhelp_dsc.h=kFontHeight\n" "scummhelp_prev=10 (5 + kFontHeight * (scummHelpNumLines + 2) + 2) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "scummhelp_next=(prev.x2 + 8) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "scummhelp_close=(scummhelpW - 8 - buttonWidth) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "\n" "# Saveload dialog\n" "scummsaveload=8 8 (w - 2 * 8) (h - 16)\n" "set_parent=scummsaveload\n" "scummsaveload_title=10 2 (parent.w - 2 * 10 - 180) kLineHeight\n" "scummsaveload_title.align=kTextAlignCenter\n" "scummsaveload_list=10 18 prev.w (parent.h - 17 - buttonHeight - 8 - self.y)\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail=(parent.w - (kThumbnailWidth + 18)) 22\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail.hPad=4\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail.vPad=4\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail.fillR=0\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail.fillG=0\n" "scummsaveload_thumbnail.fillB=0\n" "scummsaveload_cancel=(parent.w - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10)) (parent.h - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "scummsaveload_choose=(prev.x2 + 10) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "scummsaveload_extinfo.visible=true\n" "\n" "############################################\n" "[chooser]\n" "chooserW=(w - 2 * 8)\n" "chooser=((w - chooserW) / 2) ((h - opHeight) / 2) chooserW opHeight\n" "chooser_headline=10 6 (chooserW - 2 * 10) (kLineHeight)\n" "chooser_headline.align=kTextAlignCenter\n" "chooser_list=10 (6 + kLineHeight + 2) prev.w (opHeight - self.y - buttonHeight - 12)\n" "chooser_cancel=(chooserW - 2 * (buttonWidth + 10)) (opHeight - buttonHeight - 8) buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "chooser_ok=(prev.x2 + 10) prev.y prev.w prev.h\n" "\n" "[graphicsControls]\n" "gcx=10\n" "gcw=(parent.w - 2 * 10)\n" "grModePopup=(gcx - 5) (opYoffset - 1) (gcw + 5) (kLineHeight + 2)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + kLineHeight + 4)\n" "grRenderPopup=prev.x (opYoffset - 1) prev.w prev.h\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + kLineHeight + 4)\n" "grFullscreenCheckbox=gcx opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 96) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "grAspectCheckbox=prev.x opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 180) prev.h\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight)\n" "\n" "[audioControls]\n" "aux=10\n" "auw=(parent.w - 2 * 10)\n" "auMidiPopup=(aux - 5) (opYoffset - 1) (auw + 5) (kLineHeight + 2)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 4)\n" "\n" "[volumeControls]\n" "vctextw=(95 + vcAudioTabIndent)\n" "vcxoff=(opXoffset + vctextw + 15)\n" "vcx=(opXoffset + 10)\n" "vcMusicText=vcx (opYoffset + 2) vctextw kLineHeight\n" "vcMusicText.align=kTextAlignRight\n" "vcMusicSlider=vcxoff opYoffset sliderWidth sliderHeight\n" "vcMusicLabel=(vcxoff + prev.w + 10) (opYoffset + 2) 24 kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + sliderHeight + 4)\n" "vcSfxText=vcx (opYoffset + 2) vctextw kLineHeight\n" "vcSfxText.align=kTextAlignRight\n" "vcSfxSlider=vcxoff opYoffset sliderWidth sliderHeight\n" "vcSfxLabel=(vcxoff + prev.w + 10) (opYoffset + 2) 24 kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + sliderHeight + 4)\n" "vcSpeechText=vcx (opYoffset + 2) vctextw kLineHeight\n" "vcSpeechText.align=kTextAlignRight\n" "vcSpeechSlider=vcxoff opYoffset sliderWidth sliderHeight\n" "vcSpeechLabel=(vcxoff + prev.w + 10) (opYoffset + 2) 24 kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + sliderHeight + 4)\n" "\n" "[midiControls]\n" "mcx=10\n" "mcFontButton=mcx opYoffset buttonWidth buttonHeight\n" "mcFontPath=(prev.x2 + 20) (opYoffset + 3) (parent.w - (buttonWidth + 20) - 10) kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 2 * midiControlsSpacing)\n" "mcMixedCheckbox=mcx opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 135) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + midiControlsSpacing)\n" "mcMt32Checkbox=mcx opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 256) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + midiControlsSpacing)\n" "mcGSCheckbox=mcx opYoffset (kFontHeight + 10 + 142) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + midiControlsSpacing)\n" "\n" "[subtitleControls]\n" "sbx=(opXoffset + 10)\n" "sbYoff=(buttonHeight / 8)\n" "sbOff=((sliderHeight - kLineHeight) / 2 + 2)\n" "sbtextw=(100 + vcAudioTabIndent)\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + sbYoff)\n" "subToggleDesc=sbx (opYoffset + sbYoff) sbtextw buttonHeight\n" "subToggleButton=prev.x2 (opYoffset - sbYoff) (buttonWidth + 54) buttonHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + buttonHeight + 6)\n" "subSubtitleSpeedDesc=sbx (opYoffset + sbOff) sbtextw kLineHeight\n" "subSubtitleSpeedDesc.align=kTextAlignRight\n" "subSubtitleSpeedSlider=prev.x2 opYoffset sliderWidth sliderHeight\n" "subSubtitleSpeedLabel=(prev.x2 + 10) (opYoffset + sbOff) 24 kLineHeight\n" "opYoffset=(opYoffset + sliderHeight + 8)\n" "\n" "[scummmain]\n" "## Main dialog\n" "# note that scummmain size depends on overall height\n" "smY=(scummmainVSpace + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "scummmain_resume=scummmainHOffset smY scummmainButtonWidth scummmainButtonHeight\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainVSpace)\n" "scummmain_load=prev.x smY prev.w prev.h\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "scummmain_save=prev.x smY prev.w prev.h\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainVSpace)\n" "scummmain_options=prev.x smY prev.w prev.h\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "scummmain_about=prev.x smY prev.w prev.h\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "scummmain_help=prev.x smY prev.w prev.h\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainVSpace)\n" "scummmain_quit=prev.x smY prev.w prev.h\n" "smY=(smY + scummmainButtonHeight + scummmainVAddOff)\n" "smW=(scummmainButtonWidth + 2 * scummmainHOffset)\n" "smH=(smY + scummmainVSpace)\n" "scummmain=((w - smW) / 2) ((h - smH) / 2) smW smH\n" ""; using Common::String; void Theme::processSingleLine(const String §ion, const String &prefix, const String &name, const String &str) { int level = 0; int start = 0; uint i; int value; const char *selfpostfixes[] = {"self.x", "self.y", "self.w", "self.h"}; const char *postfixes[] = {".x", ".y", ".w", ".h"}; int npostfix = 0; const String prefixedname(prefix + name); // Make self.BLAH work for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(postfixes); i++) { String to(prefixedname); to += postfixes[i]; _evaluator->setAlias(selfpostfixes[i], to); _evaluator->setVar(to.c_str(), EVAL_UNDEF_VAR); } for (i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { if (isspace(str[i]) && level == 0) { value = _evaluator->eval(String(&(str.c_str()[start]), i - start), section, name + postfixes[npostfix], start); _evaluator->setVar((prefixedname + postfixes[npostfix++]).c_str(), value); start = i + 1; } if (str[i] == '(') level++; if (str[i] == ')') { if (level == 0) { error("Extra ')' in section: [%s] expression: \"%s\" start is at: %d", section.c_str(), name.c_str(), start); } level--; } } if (level > 0) error("Missing ')' in section: [%s] expression: \"%s\" start is at: %d", section.c_str(), name.c_str(), start); value = _evaluator->eval(String(&(str.c_str()[start]), i - start), section, name + postfixes[npostfix], start); // process VAR=VALUE construct if (npostfix == 0) _evaluator->setVar(name.c_str(), value); else _evaluator->setVar((prefixedname + postfixes[npostfix]).c_str(), value); // If we have all 4 parameters, set .x2 and .y2 if (npostfix == 3) { _evaluator->setVar((prefixedname + ".x2").c_str(), _evaluator->getVar(prefixedname + ".x") + _evaluator->getVar(prefixedname + ".w")); _evaluator->setVar((prefixedname + ".y2").c_str(), _evaluator->getVar(prefixedname + ".y") + _evaluator->getVar(prefixedname + ".h")); } if (npostfix != 0) setSpecialAlias("prev", prefixedname); } void Theme::processResSection(Common::ConfigFile &config, const String &name, bool skipDefs, const String &prefix) { debug(3, "Reading section: [%s]", name.c_str()); const Common::ConfigFile::SectionKeyList &keys = config.getKeys(name); Common::ConfigFile::SectionKeyList::const_iterator iterk; for (iterk = keys.begin(); iterk != keys.end(); ++iterk) { if (iterk->key == "set_parent") { setSpecialAlias("parent", prefix + iterk->value); continue; } if (iterk->key.hasPrefix("set_")) { _evaluator->setAlias(name, iterk->key.c_str(), prefix + iterk->value); continue; } if (iterk->key.hasPrefix("def_")) { if (!skipDefs) _evaluator->setVar(name, (prefix + iterk->key).c_str(), iterk->value); continue; } if (iterk->key == "use") { if (iterk->value == name) error("Theme section [%s]: cannot use itself", name.c_str()); if (!config.hasSection(name)) error("Undefined use of section [%s]", name.c_str()); processResSection(config, iterk->value, true); continue; } if (iterk->key == "useAsIs") { if (iterk->value == name) error("Theme section [%s]: cannot use itself", name.c_str()); if (!config.hasSection(name)) error("Undefined use of section [%s]", name.c_str()); processResSection(config, iterk->value); continue; } if (iterk->key == "useWithPrefix") { const char *temp = iterk->value.c_str(); const char *pos = strrchr(temp, ' '); if (pos == NULL) error("2 arguments required for useWithPrefix keyword"); String n(temp, strchr(temp, ' ') - temp); String pref(pos + 1); if (n == name) error("Theme section [%s]: cannot use itself", n.c_str()); if (!config.hasSection(n)) error("Undefined use of section [%s]", n.c_str()); processResSection(config, n, true, pref); continue; } processSingleLine(name, prefix, iterk->key, iterk->value); } } void Theme::setSpecialAlias(const String &alias, const String &name) { const char *postfixes[] = {".x", ".y", ".w", ".h", ".x2", ".y2"}; int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(postfixes); i++) { String from(alias + postfixes[i]); String to(name + postfixes[i]); _evaluator->setAlias(from.c_str(), to); } } bool Theme::isThemeLoadingRequired() { int x = g_system->getOverlayWidth(), y = g_system->getOverlayHeight(); if (_loadedThemeX == x && _loadedThemeY == y) return false; _loadedThemeX = x; _loadedThemeY = y; return true; } bool Theme::sectionIsSkipped(Common::ConfigFile &config, const char *name, int w, int h) { if (!config.hasKey("skipFor", name)) return false; String res; config.getKey("skipFor", name, res); int x, y; int phase = 0; const char *ptr = res.c_str(); x = y = 0; while (phase != 3) { switch (phase) { case 0: if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') { x = x * 10 + *ptr - '0'; } else if (*ptr == 'X') { phase = 1; } else if (*ptr == 'x') { phase = 1; } else { error("Syntax error. Wrong resolution in skipFor in section %s", name); } break; case 1: if (*ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9') { y = y * 10 + *ptr - '0'; } else if (*ptr == 'Y' || !*ptr || *ptr == ',') { phase = 2; if ((x == w || x == 0) && (y == h || y == 0)) return true; if (!*ptr) return false; if (*ptr == ',') { phase = x = y = 0; } } else { error("Syntax error. Wrong resolution in skipFor in section %s", name); } break; case 2: if (*ptr == ',') { phase = x = y = 0; } else if (!*ptr) { if ((x == w || x == 0) && (y == h || y == 0)) return true; return false; } else { error ("Syntax error. Wrong resolution in skipFor in section %s", name); } break; default: break; } ptr++; } return false; } void Theme::loadTheme(Common::ConfigFile &config, bool reset) { char name[80]; int x = g_system->getOverlayWidth(), y = g_system->getOverlayHeight(); if (reset) _evaluator->reset(); strcpy(name, "XxY"); if (config.hasSection(name) && !sectionIsSkipped(config, "XxY", x, y)) processResSection(config, name); sprintf(name, "%dxY", x); if (config.hasSection(name) && !sectionIsSkipped(config, name, x, y)) processResSection(config, name); sprintf(name, "Xx%d", y); if (config.hasSection(name) && !sectionIsSkipped(config, name, x, y)) processResSection(config, name); sprintf(name, "%dx%d", x, y); if (config.hasSection(name) && !sectionIsSkipped(config, name, x, y)) processResSection(config, name); debug(3, "Number of variables: %d", _evaluator->getNumVars()); } } // End of namespace GUI