/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2002 Rüdiger Hanke (MorphOS port) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * MorphOS startup handling * * $Header$ * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" #include "scumm.h" #include "morphos.h" extern "C" struct WBStartup *_WBenchMsg; // For command line parsing static STRPTR usageTemplate = "STORY/A,DATAPATH/K,WBWINDOW/S,SCALER/K,AMIGA/S,MIDIUNIT/K/N,MUSIC/K,VOLUME/K/N,TEMPO/K/N,ROLANDEMU/S,NOSUBTITLES=NST/S"; typedef enum { USG_STORY = 0, USG_DATAPATH, USG_WBWINDOW, USG_SCALER, USG_AMIGA, USG_MIDIUNIT, USG_MUSIC, USG_VOLUME, USG_TEMPO, USG_ROLANDEMU, USG_NOSUBTITLES } usageFields; static LONG args[ 11 ] = { (ULONG)NULL, (ULONG)NULL, FALSE, (ULONG)NULL, false, (ULONG)NULL, (ULONG)NULL, (ULONG)NULL, (ULONG)NULL, false, false }; static struct RDArgs *ScummArgs = NULL; static char*ScummStory = NULL; static char*ScummPath = NULL; static STRPTR ScummMusicDriver = NULL; static LONG ScummMidiUnit = 0; static LONG ScummMidiVolume = 0; static LONG ScummMidiTempo = 0; static OSystem_MorphOS::SCALERTYPE ScummGfxScaler = OSystem_MorphOS::ST_INVALID; static BPTR OrigDirLock = 0; struct Library *CDDABase = NULL; struct Library *CyberGfxBase = NULL; OSystem_MorphOS *TheSystem = NULL; OSystem *OSystem_MorphOS_create( int game_id, int gfx_mode, bool full_screen) { if( TheSystem ) delete TheSystem; OSystem_MorphOS::SCALERTYPE gfx_scaler = OSystem_MorphOS::ST_NONE; switch( gfx_mode ) { case GFX_DOUBLESIZE: gfx_scaler = OSystem_MorphOS::ST_POINT; break; case GFX_SUPEREAGLE: gfx_scaler = OSystem_MorphOS::ST_SUPEREAGLE; break; case GFX_SUPER2XSAI: gfx_scaler = OSystem_MorphOS::ST_SUPER2XSAI; break; } TheSystem = OSystem_MorphOS::create( game_id, gfx_scaler, full_screen ); return TheSystem; } void close_resources() { if( TheSystem ) delete TheSystem; if( ScummPath ) FreeVec( ScummPath ); if( ScummStory ) FreeVec( ScummStory ); if( ScummArgs ) FreeArgs( ScummArgs ); if( OrigDirLock ) CurrentDir( OrigDirLock ); if( CDDABase ) CloseLibrary( CDDABase ); if( CyberGfxBase ) CloseLibrary( CyberGfxBase ); } static STRPTR FindMusicDriver( STRPTR argval ) { if( !stricmp( argval, "off" ) ) return "-enull"; if( !stricmp( argval, "midi" ) ) return "-eamidi"; if( !stricmp( argval, "adlib" ) ) return "-eadlib"; error( "No such music driver supported. Possible values are off, Midi and Adlib." ); return NULL; } static void ReadToolTypes( struct WBArg *OfFile ) { struct DiskObject *dobj; char *ToolValue; char IconPath[ 256 ]; NameFromLock( OfFile->wa_Lock, IconPath, 256 ); AddPart( IconPath, OfFile->wa_Name, 256 ); dobj = GetDiskObject( IconPath ); if( dobj == NULL ) return; if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "STORY" ) ) { if( ScummStory ) FreeVec( ScummStory ); ScummStory = (char *)AllocVec( strlen( ToolValue )+1, MEMF_PUBLIC ); strcpy( ScummStory, ToolValue ); } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "DATAPATH" ) ) { if( ScummPath ) FreeVec( ScummPath ); ScummPath = (char *)AllocVec( strlen( ToolValue )+4, MEMF_PUBLIC ); strcpy( ScummPath, "-p" ); strcat( ScummPath, ToolValue ); } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "WBWINDOW" ) ) { if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "YES" ) ) args[ USG_WBWINDOW ] = TRUE; else if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "NO" ) ) args[ USG_WBWINDOW ] = FALSE; } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "SCALER" ) ) { if( (ScummGfxScaler = OSystem_MorphOS::FindScaler( ToolValue )) == OSystem_MorphOS::ST_INVALID ) { FreeDiskObject( dobj ); exit( 1 ); } } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "MUSIC" ) ) { if( !(ScummMusicDriver = FindMusicDriver( ToolValue )) ) { FreeDiskObject( dobj ); exit( 1 ); } args[ USG_MUSIC ] = (ULONG)&ScummMusicDriver; } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "MIDIUNIT" ) ) ScummMidiUnit = atoi( ToolValue ); if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "VOLUME" ) ) { int vol = atoi( ToolValue ); if( vol >= 0 && vol <= 100 ) { ScummMidiVolume = vol; args[ USG_VOLUME ] = (ULONG)&ScummMidiVolume; } } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "TEMPO" ) ) { ScummMidiTempo = atoi( ToolValue ); args[ USG_TEMPO ] = (ULONG)&ScummMidiTempo; } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "ROLANDEMU" ) ) { if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "YES" ) ) args[ USG_ROLANDEMU ] = FALSE; else if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "NO" ) ) args[ USG_ROLANDEMU ] = TRUE; } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "SUBTITLES" ) ) { if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "YES" ) ) args[ USG_NOSUBTITLES ] = FALSE; else if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "NO" ) ) args[ USG_NOSUBTITLES ] = TRUE; } if( ToolValue = (char *)FindToolType( dobj->do_ToolTypes, "AMIGA" ) ) { if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "YES" ) ) args[ USG_AMIGA ] = FALSE; else if( MatchToolValue( ToolValue, "NO" ) ) args[ USG_AMIGA ] = TRUE; } FreeDiskObject( dobj ); } #undef main int main() { int delta; int last_time, new_time; char *argv[ 15 ]; char volume[ 6 ], tempo[ 12 ], scaler[ 14 ]; char *SVMScalers[] = { "", "normal", "2x", "supereagle", "super2xsai" }; int argc = 0; InitSemaphore( &ScummSoundThreadRunning ); InitSemaphore( &ScummMusicThreadRunning ); CyberGfxBase = OpenLibrary( "cybergraphics.library", 41 ); if( CyberGfxBase == NULL ) { puts( "Failed to open cybergraphics.library" ); exit( 1 ); } atexit( &close_resources ); if( _WBenchMsg == NULL ) { /* Parse the command line here */ ScummArgs = ReadArgs( usageTemplate, args, NULL ); if( ScummArgs == NULL ) { puts( "Error in command line - type \"ScummVM ?\" for usage.\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if( args[ USG_STORY ] ) { ScummStory = (char *)AllocVec( strlen( (char *)args[ USG_STORY ] )+1, MEMF_PUBLIC ); strcpy( ScummStory, (char *)args[ USG_STORY ] ); } if( args[ USG_DATAPATH ] ) { ScummPath = (char *)AllocVec( strlen( (char *)args[ USG_DATAPATH ] )+4, MEMF_PUBLIC ); strcpy( ScummPath, "-p" ); strcat( ScummPath, (char *)args[ USG_DATAPATH ] ); } if( args[ USG_SCALER ] ) { if( (ScummGfxScaler = OSystem_MorphOS::FindScaler( (char *)args[ USG_SCALER ] )) == OSystem_MorphOS::ST_INVALID ) exit( 1 ); } if( args[ USG_MUSIC ] ) { if( !(ScummMusicDriver = FindMusicDriver( (char *)args[ USG_MUSIC ] )) ) exit( 1 ); } if( args[ USG_MIDIUNIT ] ) ScummMidiUnit = *((LONG *)args[ USG_MIDIUNIT ]); if( args[ USG_TEMPO ] ) ScummMidiTempo = *((LONG *)args[ USG_TEMPO ]); if( args[ USG_VOLUME ] ) ScummMidiVolume = *((LONG *)args[ USG_VOLUME ]); } else { /* We've been started from Workbench */ ReadToolTypes( &_WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList[ 0 ] ); if( _WBenchMsg->sm_NumArgs > 1 ) { ReadToolTypes( &_WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList[ 1 ] ); OrigDirLock = CurrentDir( _WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList[ 1 ].wa_Lock ); } } if( ScummPath ) { char c = ScummPath[ strlen( ScummPath )-1 ]; if( c != '/' && c != ':' ) strcat( ScummPath, "/" ); } argv[ argc++ ] = "ScummVM"; argv[ argc++ ] = ScummStory; if( ScummPath ) argv[ argc++ ] = ScummPath; if( !args[ USG_WBWINDOW ] ) argv[ argc++ ] = "-f"; if( args[ USG_NOSUBTITLES ] ) argv[ argc++ ] = "-n"; if( args[ USG_ROLANDEMU ] ) argv[ argc++ ] = "-r"; if( args[ USG_AMIGA ] ) argv[ argc++ ] = "-a"; if( args[ USG_MUSIC ] ) argv[ argc++ ] = ScummMusicDriver; if( ScummGfxScaler != OSystem_MorphOS::ST_INVALID ) { sprintf( scaler, "-g%s", SVMScalers[ (int)ScummGfxScaler ] ); argv[ argc++ ] = scaler; } else argv[ argc++ ] = "-gsuper2xsai"; if( args[ USG_VOLUME ] && ScummMidiVolume >= 0 && ScummMidiVolume <= 100 ) { sprintf( volume, "-m%d", ScummMidiVolume ); argv[ argc++ ] = volume; } if( args[ USG_TEMPO ] && ScummMidiTempo > 0 ) { sprintf( tempo, "-t%lx", ScummMidiTempo ); argv[ argc++ ] = tempo; } return morphos_main( argc, argv ); }