/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2003 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "queen/command.h" #include "queen/display.h" #include "queen/input.h" #include "queen/graphics.h" #include "queen/logic.h" #include "queen/walk.h" namespace Queen { void CmdText::clear() { memset(_command, 0, sizeof(_command)); } void CmdText::display(uint8 color) { _graphics->textCurrentColor(color); _graphics->textSetCentered(COMMAND_Y_POS, _command, false); } void CmdText::displayTemp(uint8 color, bool locked, const Verb& v, const char *name) { char temp[MAX_COMMAND_LEN]; if (locked) { sprintf(temp, "%s%s", _logic->lockedVerbPrefix(), v.name()); } else { strcpy(temp, v.name()); } if (name != NULL) { strcat(temp, " "); strcat(temp, name); } _graphics->textCurrentColor(color); _graphics->textSetCentered(COMMAND_Y_POS, temp, false); } void CmdText::displayTemp(uint8 color, const char *name) { char temp[MAX_COMMAND_LEN]; sprintf(temp, "%s %s", _command, name); _graphics->textCurrentColor(color); _graphics->textSetCentered(COMMAND_Y_POS, temp, false); } void CmdText::setVerb(const Verb& v) { strcpy(_command, v.name()); } void CmdText::addLinkWord(const Verb& v) { strcat(_command, " "); strcat(_command, v.name()); } void CmdText::addObject(const char *objName) { strcat(_command, " "); strcat(_command, objName); } bool CmdText::isEmpty() const { return _command[0] == 0; } Command::Command(Logic *l, Graphics *g, Input *i, Walk *w) : _logic(l), _graphics(g), _input(i), _walk(w) { _cmdText._graphics = _graphics; _cmdText._logic = _logic; } void Command::clear(bool clearTexts) { _cmdText.clear(); if (clearTexts) { _graphics->textClear(151, 151); } _parse = false; _commandLevel = 1; _oldVerb = _verb = Verb(VERB_NONE); _oldNoun = _noun = _selectedNoun = 0; _currentAction = Verb(VERB_NONE); _selectedAction = Verb(VERB_NONE); _subject1 = _subject2 = 0; } void Command::executeCurrentAction(bool walk) { _logic->entryObj(0); const char *obj1Name = NULL; const char *obj2Name = NULL; if (_commandLevel == 2 && _mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_RBUTTON) { _mouseKey = Input::MOUSE_LBUTTON; } // XXX SUBJ1=SUBJECT[1]; SUBJ2=SUBJECT[2]; uint16 objMax = _logic->currentRoomObjMax(); uint16 roomData = _logic->currentRoomData(); if (_mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_RBUTTON && _subject1 != 0) { // check to see if selecting default command for object/item if (_subject1 > 0) { // an object int16 i = _subject1; if (_noun > objMax) { int16 aObj = _logic->currentRoomArea(_noun - objMax)->object; int16 aObjName = _logic->objectData(aObj)->name; if (aObjName > 0) { _noun = objMax; i = aObj; } } ObjectData *od = _logic->objectData(ABS(i)); obj1Name = _logic->objectName(od->name); if (_noun == 0 || _noun > objMax || _logic->objectData(i)->name <= 0) { cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } uint16 obj = roomData + _noun; _verb = findDefault(obj, false); if (_verb.isNone()) { // no match made, so command not yet completed, redefine as WALK_TO _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_WALK_TO)); _selectedAction = Verb(VERB_WALK_TO); } else { _cmdText.setVerb(_verb); _selectedAction = _verb; } _cmdText.addObject(_logic->objectName(_logic->objectData(obj)->name)); } else { // an item int16 name = _logic->itemData(ABS(_subject1))->name; obj1Name = _logic->objectName(name); } } // make sure that command is always highlighted when actioned! _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_SELECT); _selectedNoun = _noun; _commandLevel = 1; // XXX SUBJECT[2]=0; // get objects names obj1Name = _logic->objectOrItemName(_subject1); obj2Name = _logic->objectOrItemName(_subject2); if (handleBadCommand(walk)) { cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } // get the number of commands associated with Object/Item uint16 comMax = countAssociatedCommands(_selectedAction, _subject1, _subject2); if (comMax == 0) { // no command match was found, so exit // pass ACTION2 as paramater, as a new Command (and a new ACTION2) // can be constructed while Joe speaks executeStandardStuff(_selectedAction, _subject1, _subject2); cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } // process each associated command for the Object, until all done // or one of the Gamestate tests fails... int16 cond = 0; CmdListData *com = &_cmdList[0]; uint16 comId = 0; uint16 curCommand; for (curCommand = 1; curCommand <= comMax; ++curCommand) { ++com; ++comId; // try to find a match for the command in COM_LIST for (; comId <= _numCmdList; ++comId, ++com) { if (com->match(_selectedAction, _subject1, _subject2)) { break; } } // check the Gamestates and set them if necessary cond = 0; if (com->setConditions) { cond = setConditions(comId, (curCommand == comMax)); } if (cond == -1 && curCommand == comMax) { // only exit on a condition fail if at last command // Joe hasnt spoken, so do normal LOOK command if (_selectedAction.value() == VERB_LOOK_AT) { // Look At, do standard look at routine look(); cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } } else if (cond == -2 && curCommand == comMax) { // only exit on a condition fail if at last command // Joe has spoken, so skip LOOK command cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } else if (cond >= 0) { // we've had a successful Gamestate check, so we must now exit break; } } debug(0, "Command::executeCurrentAction() - cond = %X", cond); if (com->setAreas) { setAreas(comId); } // Don't grab if action is TALK or WALK if (_selectedAction.value() != VERB_TALK_TO && _selectedAction.value() != VERB_WALK_TO) { if (_subject1 > 0) { _logic->joeGrab(_logic->objectData(_subject1)->state, 0); } if (_subject2 > 0) { _logic->joeGrab(_logic->objectData(_subject2)->state, 0); } } bool cutDone = false; if (cond > 0) { // FIXME: this stuff must be seriously re-designed ! // CR 2 - 7/3/95, Because we may be calling a cutaway triggered from walking // to the pinnacle (which connects to Map room 7), we'll be caught in the // R_MAP routine until we select a location and then call this very procedure // again - the result being that COM will be reset. So to avoid that, we'll // keep a copy of COM until we return from the recursive call... // Otherwise, all remaining commands will be wiped and not carried out! uint16 comTempId = comId; CmdListData *comTemp = com; const char *desc = _logic->objectTextualDescription(cond); if (executeIfCutaway(desc)) { cond = 0; cutDone = true; } comId = comTempId; com = comTemp; // check for dialogs before updating Objects if (executeIfDialog(desc)) { cond = 0; } } int16 oldImage = 0; if (_subject1 > 0) { // an object (not an item) oldImage = _logic->objectData(_subject1)->image; } if (com->setObjects) { setObjects(comId); } if (com->setItems) { setItems(comId); } if (com->imageOrder != 0) { ObjectData* od = _logic->objectData(_subject1); // we must update the graphic image of the object if (com->imageOrder < 0) { // instead of setting to -1 or -2, flag as negative if (od->image > 0) { // make sure that object is not already updated od->image = -(od->image + 10); } } else { od->image = com->imageOrder; } _logic->roomRefreshObject(_subject1); } else { // this object is not being updated by command list, see if // it has another image copied to it if (_subject1 > 0) { // an object (not an item) if (_logic->objectData(_subject1)->image != oldImage) { _logic->roomRefreshObject(_subject1); } } } // don't play music on an OPEN/CLOSE command - in case the command fails if (_selectedAction.value() != VERB_OPEN && _selectedAction.value() != VERB_CLOSE) { // only play song if it's a PLAY BEFORE type if (com->song > 0) { // XXX playsong(com->song); } } // do a special hardcoded section // l.419-452 execute.c switch (com->specialSection) { case 1: // XXX l.428-438 warning("Command::executeCurrentAction() - Journal unimplemented"); // XXX if(DEMO) SPEAK("This is a demo, so I can't load or save games*14", "JOE", ""); return; case 2: _logic->joeUseDress(true); break; case 3: _logic->joeUseClothes(true); break; case 4: _logic->joeUseUnderwear(); break; } changeObjectState(_selectedAction, _subject1, com->song, cutDone); if (_selectedAction.value() == VERB_TALK_TO && cond > 0) { if (executeIfDialog(_logic->objectTextualDescription(cond))) { cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } } // EXECUTE_EXIT1: if (cond > 0) { const char *desc = _logic->objectTextualDescription(cond); // Joe needs to say something as a result of a Gamestate // check first to see if it is a cutaway scene! if (executeIfCutaway(desc)) { } else if (executeIfDialog(desc)) { cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } else { _logic->joeSpeak(cond, true); } } else { // we've failed commands with nothing to say if (_selectedAction.value() == VERB_LOOK_AT) { // Look At, do standard look at routine look(); cleanupCurrentAction(); return; } } // only play song if it's a PLAY AFTER type if (com->song > 0) { // XXX playsong(com->song); } clear(true); cleanupCurrentAction(); } void Command::updatePlayer() { if (_input->cutawayRunning()) return; lookCurrentRoom(); lookCurrentIcon(); if (!_input->keyVerb().isNone()) { if (_input->keyVerb().isJournal()) { // XXX queen.c l.348-365 warning("Command::updatePlayer() - Journal not implemented"); } else if (!_input->keyVerb().isSkipText()) { _verb = _input->keyVerb(); if (_verb.isInventory()) { _noun = _selectedNoun = 0; // Clear old noun and old verb in case we're pointing at an // object (noun) or item (verb) and we want to use an item // on it. This was the command will be redisplayed with the // object/item that the cursor is currently on. _oldNoun = 0; _oldVerb = Verb(VERB_NONE); grabSelectedItem(); } else { grabSelectedVerb(); } _input->clearKeyVerb(); } } _mouseKey = _input->mouseButton(); _input->clearMouseButton(); if (_mouseKey > 0) { grabCurrentSelection(); } } void Command::readCommandsFrom(byte *&ptr) { uint16 i; // Command List Data _numCmdList = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; _cmdList = new CmdListData[_numCmdList + 1]; memset(&_cmdList[0], 0, sizeof(CmdListData)); for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdList; i++) { _cmdList[i].readFrom(ptr); } // Command AREA _numCmdArea = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; _cmdArea = new CmdArea[_numCmdArea + 1]; memset(&_cmdArea[0], 0, sizeof(CmdArea)); for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdArea; i++) { _cmdArea[i].readFrom(ptr); } // Command OBJECT _numCmdObject = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; _cmdObject = new CmdObject[_numCmdObject + 1]; memset(&_cmdObject[0], 0, sizeof(CmdObject)); for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdObject; i++) { _cmdObject[i].readFrom(ptr); } // Command INVENTORY _numCmdInventory = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; _cmdInventory = new CmdInventory[_numCmdInventory + 1]; memset(&_cmdInventory[0], 0, sizeof(CmdInventory)); for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdInventory; i++) { _cmdInventory[i].readFrom(ptr); } // Command GAMESTATE _numCmdGameState = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr); ptr += 2; _cmdGameState = new CmdGameState[_numCmdGameState + 1]; memset(&_cmdGameState[0], 0, sizeof(CmdGameState)); for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdGameState; i++) { _cmdGameState[i].readFrom(ptr); } } void Command::grabCurrentSelection() { _selPosX = _input->mousePosX(); _selPosY = _input->mousePosY(); uint16 zone = _logic->findObjectUnderCursor(_selPosX, _selPosY); _noun = _logic->findObjectRoomNumber(zone); _verb = _logic->findVerbUnderCursor(_selPosX, _selPosY); _selPosX += _logic->display()->horizontalScroll(); debug(0, "Command::grabCurrentSelection() - _noun = %d, _verb = %d", _noun, _verb.value()); if (_verb.isAction()) { grabSelectedVerb(); } else if (_verb.isInventory()) { grabSelectedItem(); } else if (_noun > 0 && _noun <= _logic->currentRoomObjMax()) { grabSelectedNoun(); } else if (_selPosY < ROOM_ZONE_HEIGHT && _verb.isNone()) { // select without a command, do a WALK clear(true); _logic->joeWalk(2); } } void Command::grabSelectedItem() { // if the NOUN has been selected from screen then it is positive // Otherwise it has been selected from inventory and is negative // Set PARSE to TRUE, default FALSE if command half complete _parse = true; uint16 item = _logic->findInventoryItem(_verb.inventoryItem()); if (item == 0 || _logic->itemData(item)->name == 0) { return; } // If we've selected via keyboard, and there is no VERB then do // the ITEMs default, otherwise keep constructing! if (_mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_LBUTTON || (!_input->keyVerb().isNone() && !_verb.isNone())) { if (_currentAction.isNone()) { if (!_input->keyVerb().isNone()) { /* 2 - We've selected via the keyboard, no command is being */ /* constructed, so we shall find the item's default */ _verb = findDefault(item, true); if (_verb.isNone()) { // set to Look At _verb = Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT); _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT)); } _currentAction = _verb; } else { // Action>0 ONLY if command has been constructed // Left Mouse Button pressed just do Look At _verb = Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT); _currentAction = Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT); _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT)); } } _verb = Verb(VERB_NONE); } else { if (_logic->joeWalk() == 1) { _cmdText.clear(); _commandLevel = 1; _logic->joeWalk(0); _currentAction = Verb(VERB_NONE); lookCurrentIcon(); } if (!_defaultVerb.isNone()) { alterDefault(_defaultVerb, true); _defaultVerb = Verb(VERB_NONE); clear(true); return; } if (_cmdText.isEmpty()) { _verb = Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT); _currentAction = Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT); _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT)); } else { if (_commandLevel == 2 && _parse) { _verb = _currentAction; } else { _verb = findDefault(item, true); } if (!_verb.isNone()) { // No match made, so command not yet completed. Redefine as LOOK AT _verb = Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT); _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT)); } _currentAction = _verb; } } if (_currentAction.isTwoLevelsCommand() && _commandLevel == 1) { _parse = false; } if (!_currentAction.isNone()) { _cmdText.addObject(_logic->objectName(_logic->itemData(item)->name)); } switch (_commandLevel) { case 1: _subject1 = -item; break; case 2: _subject2 = -item; break; } if (_currentAction.value() == VERB_USE && _commandLevel == 1) { if (State::findUse(_logic->itemData(item)->state) == STATE_USE_ON) { _cmdText.addLinkWord(Verb(VERB_PREP_WITH)); _commandLevel = 2; } else { _parse = true; } _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } else if (_currentAction.value() == VERB_GIVE && _commandLevel == 1) { _cmdText.addLinkWord(Verb(VERB_PREP_TO)); _commandLevel = 2; _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } else { _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_SELECT); } if (_parse) { _verb = Verb(VERB_NONE); _logic->joeWalk(2); // set JOEWALK flag to perform EXECUTE_ACTION procedure _selectedAction = _currentAction; _currentAction = Verb(VERB_NONE); } } void Command::grabSelectedNoun() { // if the NOUN has been selected from screen then it is positive // otherwise it has been selected from inventory and is negative // set PARSE to TRUE, default FALSE if command half complete // click object without a command, if DEFAULT then // do that, otherwise do a WALK! uint16 objNum = _logic->currentRoomData() + _noun; int16 objName = _logic->objectData(objNum)->name; if (objName < 0) { // selected a turned off object, so just walk _noun = 0; clear(true); _logic->joeWalk(2); return; } if (_verb.isNone()) { if (_mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_LBUTTON) { if ((_commandLevel != 2 && _currentAction.isNone()) || (_commandLevel == 2 && _parse)) { // action2 > 0 only if command has been constructed // lmb pressed, just walk _verb = Verb(VERB_WALK_TO); _currentAction = Verb(VERB_WALK_TO); _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_WALK_TO)); } } else if (_mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_RBUTTON) { // rmb pressed, do default if one exists if (!_defaultVerb.isNone()) { // change default of command alterDefault(_defaultVerb, false); _defaultVerb = Verb(VERB_NONE); clear(true); return; } if (_cmdText.isEmpty()) { // Ensures that Right Mkey will select correct default _verb = findDefault(objNum, false); if (!_verb.isNone()) { // no match made, redefine as Walk To _selectedAction = Verb(VERB_WALK_TO); } else { _selectedAction = _verb; } _cmdText.setVerb(_selectedAction); _cmdText.addObject(_logic->objectName(_logic->objectData(objNum)->name)); } else { _verb = Verb(VERB_NONE); if ((_commandLevel == 2 && !_parse) || !_currentAction.isNone()) { _verb = _currentAction; } else { _verb = findDefault(objNum, false); } if (_verb.value() == VERB_NONE) { _currentAction = Verb(VERB_WALK_TO); _cmdText.setVerb(Verb(VERB_WALK_TO)); } else { _currentAction = _verb; } _verb = Verb(VERB_NONE); } } } _selectedNoun = 0; if (_currentAction.isTwoLevelsCommand() && _commandLevel == 1) { // command not fully constructed _parse = false; } else { _parse = true; } if (!_currentAction.isNone()) { _cmdText.addObject(_logic->objectName(objName)); } switch (_commandLevel) { case 1: _subject1 = objNum; break; case 2: _subject2 = objNum; break; } // if first noun and it's a 2 level command then set up action word if (_currentAction.value() == VERB_USE && _commandLevel == 1) { if (State::findUse(_logic->objectData(objNum)->state) == STATE_USE_ON) { _cmdText.addLinkWord(Verb(VERB_PREP_WITH)); _commandLevel = 2; } else { // object does not support 2nd level _parse = true; } _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } else if (_currentAction.value() == VERB_GIVE && _commandLevel == 1) { _cmdText.addLinkWord(Verb(VERB_PREP_TO)); _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } else { _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_SELECT); } if (_parse) { _verb = Verb(VERB_NONE); _logic->joeWalk(2); // set JOEWALK flag to perform EXECUTE_ACTION procedure _selectedAction = _currentAction; _currentAction = Verb(VERB_NONE); } } void Command::grabSelectedVerb() { if (_verb.isScrollInventory()) { // move through inventory (by four if right mouse button) uint16 scroll = _mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_RBUTTON ? 4 : 1; _logic->inventoryScroll(scroll, _verb.value() == VERB_SCROLL_UP); } else if (_verb.isPanelCommand() || _verb.value() == VERB_WALK_TO) { _currentAction = _verb; _subject1 = 0; _subject2 = 0; // if right mouse key selected, then store command VERB if (_mouseKey == Input::MOUSE_RBUTTON) { _defaultVerb = _verb; _cmdText.displayTemp(11, true, _verb); } else { _defaultVerb = Verb(VERB_NONE); if (_logic->joeWalk() == 1 && !_verb.isNone()) { _logic->joeWalk(0); } _commandLevel = 1; _oldVerb = Verb(VERB_NONE); _oldNoun = 0; _cmdText.setVerb(_verb); _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } } } bool Command::executeIfCutaway(const char *description) { warning("Command::executeIfCutaway(%s) unimplemented", description); if (strlen(description) > 4 && scumm_stricmp(description + strlen(description) - 4, ".cut") == 0) { /* XXX CUTAWAY(description); strcpy(Kstr,Paramstr); while(Kstr[0]) { CUTAWAY(Kstr); strcpy(Kstr,Paramstr); }*/ return true; } return false; } bool Command::executeIfDialog(const char *description) { warning("Command::executeIfDialog(%s) unimplemented", description); if (strlen(description) > 4 && scumm_stricmp(description + strlen(description) - 4, ".dog") == 0) { /* XXX talk(Kstr); strcpy(Kstr,Paramstr); while(Kstr[0]) { CUTAWAY(Kstr); strcpy(Kstr,Paramstr); }*/ return true; } return false; } uint16 Command::countAssociatedCommands(const Verb& verb, int16 subj1, int16 subj2) { // l.145-150 execute.c uint16 comMax = 0; CmdListData *cmdList = &_cmdList[1]; uint16 i; for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdList; ++i, ++cmdList) { if (cmdList->match(verb, subj1, subj2)) { ++comMax; } } return comMax; } bool Command::handleBadCommand(bool walk) { // l.96-141 execute.c uint16 objMax = _logic->currentRoomObjMax(); uint16 roomData = _logic->roomData(_logic->currentRoom()); // select without a command or WALK TO ; do a WALK if ((_selectedAction.value() == VERB_WALK_TO || _selectedAction.isNone()) && (_selectedNoun > objMax || _selectedNoun == 0)) { if (_selectedAction.isNone()) { _graphics->textClear(151, 151); } _walk->joeMove(0, _selPosX, _selPosY, false); // XXX inCutaway parameter return true; } // check to see if one of the objects is hidden if (_subject1 > 0 && _logic->objectData(_subject1)->name <= 0) { return true; } if (_selectedAction.value() == VERB_GIVE && _subject2 > 0 && _logic->objectData(_subject2)->name <= 0) { return true; } // check for USE command on exists if (_selectedAction.value() == VERB_USE && _subject1 > 0 && _logic->objectData(_subject1)->entryObj > 0) { _selectedAction = Verb(VERB_WALK_TO); } if (_selectedNoun > 0 && _selectedNoun <= objMax) { int16 p = _logic->joeWalkTo(_selPosX, _selPosY, walk); if (p != 0) { return true; } if (_selectedAction.value() == VERB_WALK_TO && _logic->objectData(roomData + _selectedNoun)->entryObj < 0) { return true; } } return false; } void Command::executeStandardStuff(const Verb& action, int16 subj1, int16 subj2) { // l.158-272 execute.c uint16 k; switch (action.value()) { case VERB_LOOK_AT: look(); break; case VERB_OPEN: // 'it doesn't seem to open' _logic->joeSpeak(1); break; case VERB_USE: if (subj1 < 0) { k = _logic->itemData(ABS(subj1))->sfxDescription; if (k > 0) { _logic->joeSpeak(k, true); } else { _logic->joeSpeak(2); } } else { _logic->joeSpeak(1); } break; case VERB_TALK_TO: _logic->joeSpeak(24 + Logic::randomizer.getRandomNumber(2)); break; case VERB_CLOSE: _logic->joeSpeak(2); break; case 4: // weird, isn't it ? l.193 execute.c case VERB_MOVE: // 'I can't move it' if (subj1 > 0) { int16 img = _logic->objectData(subj1)->image; if (img == -4 || img == -3) { _logic->joeSpeak(18); } else { _logic->joeSpeak(3); } } else { _logic->joeSpeak(3); } break; case VERB_GIVE: // 'I can't give the subj1 to subj2' if (subj1 < 0) { k = 11; if (subj2 > 0) { int16 img = _logic->objectData(subj2)->image; if (img == -4 || img == -3) { _logic->joeSpeak(27 + Logic::randomizer.getRandomNumber(2)); } } else { _logic->joeSpeak(11); } } else { _logic->joeSpeak(12); } break; case VERB_PICK_UP: if (subj1 < 0) { _logic->joeSpeak(14); } else { int16 img = _logic->objectData(subj2)->image; if (img == -4 || img == -3) { // Trying to get a person _logic->joeSpeak(20); } else { switch(Logic::randomizer.getRandomNumber(3)) { case 0: // 'I can't pick that up' _logic->joeSpeak(5); break; case 1: // 'I don't think I need that' _logic->joeSpeak(6); break; case 2: // 'I'd rather leave it here' _logic->joeSpeak(7); break; case 3: // 'I don't think I'd have any use for that' _logic->joeSpeak(8); break; } } } break; default: break; } } void Command::changeObjectState(const Verb& action, int16 obj, int16 song, bool cutDone) { // l.456-533 execute.c ObjectData *objData = _logic->objectData(obj); if (action.value() == VERB_OPEN && !cutDone) { if (State::findOn(objData->state) == STATE_ON_ON) { State::alterOn(&objData->state, STATE_ON_OFF); State::alterDefaultVerb(&objData->state, Verb(VERB_NONE)); // play music if it exists... (or SFX for open/close door) if (song != 0) { // XXX playsong(abs(song)); } if (objData->entryObj != 0) { // if it's a door, then update door that it links to openOrCloseAssociatedObject(action, objData->entryObj); objData->entryObj = ABS(objData->entryObj); } } else { // 'it's already open !' _logic->joeSpeak(9); } } else if (action.value() == VERB_CLOSE && !cutDone) { if (State::findOn(objData->state) == STATE_ON_OFF) { State::alterOn(&objData->state, STATE_ON_ON); State::alterDefaultVerb(&objData->state, Verb(VERB_OPEN)); // play music if it exists... (or SFX for open/close door) if (song != 0) { // XXX playsong(abs(song)); } if (objData->entryObj != 0) { // if it's a door, then update door that it links to openOrCloseAssociatedObject(action, objData->entryObj); objData->entryObj = -ABS(objData->entryObj); } } else { // 'it's already closed !' _logic->joeSpeak(10); } } else if (action.value() == VERB_MOVE) { State::alterOn(&objData->state, STATE_ON_OFF); } } void Command::cleanupCurrentAction() { // l.595-597 execute.c _logic->joeFace(); _oldNoun = 0; _oldVerb = Verb(VERB_NONE); } Verb Command::findDefault(uint16 obj, bool itemType) { uint16 s = itemType ? _logic->itemData(obj)->state : _logic->objectData(obj)->state; return State::findDefaultVerb(s); } void Command::alterDefault(const Verb& def, bool itemType) { uint16 *newDefaultState = 0; const char *name = NULL; _noun = _logic->findObjectUnderCursor(_selPosX, _selPosY); if (!itemType) { if (_noun == 0) { return; } uint16 i = _logic->findObjectGlobalNumber(_noun); ObjectData *od = _logic->objectData(i); if (od->name < 0) { return; } newDefaultState = &od->state; name = _logic->objectTextualDescription(od->name); } else { uint16 item = _logic->findInventoryItem(_verb.inventoryItem()); if (item == 0 || _logic->itemData(item)->name == 0) { return; } ItemData *id = _logic->itemData(item); newDefaultState = &id->state; name = _logic->objectTextualDescription(id->name); } State::alterDefaultVerb(newDefaultState, def); if (_noun == 0) { _cmdText.clear(); } else { _cmdText.setVerb(def.isNone() ? Verb(VERB_WALK_TO) : def); } _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_NORMAL, name); _oldNoun = _noun; } void Command::openOrCloseAssociatedObject(const Verb& action, int16 otherObj) { CmdListData *cmdList = &_cmdList[1]; uint16 com = 0; uint16 i; for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdList && com != 0; ++i, ++cmdList) { if (cmdList->match(action, otherObj, 0)) { if (cmdList->setConditions) { CmdGameState *cmdGs = _cmdGameState; // FIXME: weird loop... uint16 j; for (j = 1; j <= _numCmdGameState; ++j) { if (cmdGs[j].id == i && cmdGs[i].gameStateSlot > 0) { if (_logic->gameState(cmdGs[i].gameStateSlot) == cmdGs[i].gameStateValue) { com = i; break; } } } } else { com = i; break; } } } if (com != 0) { cmdList = &_cmdList[com]; ObjectData *objData = _logic->objectData(otherObj); if (cmdList->imageOrder != 0) { // update the graphic image of object objData->image = cmdList->imageOrder; } if (action.value() == VERB_OPEN) { if (State::findOn(objData->state) == STATE_ON_ON) { State::alterOn(&objData->state, STATE_ON_OFF); State::alterDefaultVerb(&objData->state, Verb(VERB_NONE)); objData->entryObj = ABS(objData->entryObj); } } else if (action.value() == VERB_CLOSE) { if (State::findOn(objData->state) == STATE_ON_OFF) { State::alterOn(&objData->state, STATE_ON_ON); State::alterDefaultVerb(&objData->state, Verb(VERB_OPEN)); objData->entryObj = -ABS(objData->entryObj); } } } } int16 Command::setConditions(uint16 command, bool lastCmd) { debug(9, "Command::setConditions(%d, %d)", command, lastCmd); // Test conditions, if FAIL write && exit, Return -1 // if(Joe speaks before he returns, -2 is returned // This way a -1 return will allow Joe to speak normal description uint16 temp[21]; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); uint16 tempInd = 0; int16 ret = 0; uint16 i; CmdGameState *cmdGs = &_cmdGameState[1]; for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdGameState; ++i, ++cmdGs) { if (cmdGs->id == command) { if (cmdGs->gameStateSlot > 0) { if (_logic->gameState(cmdGs->gameStateSlot) != cmdGs->gameStateValue) { // failed test ret = i; break; } } else { temp[tempInd] = i; ++tempInd; } } } if (ret > 0) { // we've failed, so see if we need to make Joe speak cmdGs = &_cmdGameState[ret]; if (cmdGs->gameStateValue > 0 && lastCmd) { // check to see if fail state is in fact a cutaway const char *objDesc = _logic->objectTextualDescription(cmdGs->speakValue); if (!executeIfCutaway(objDesc) && !executeIfDialog(objDesc)) { _logic->joeSpeak(cmdGs->speakValue, true); } ret = -2; } else { ret = -1; } } else { ret = 0; // all tests were okay, now set gamestates for (i = 0; i < tempInd; ++i) { cmdGs = &_cmdGameState[temp[i]]; _logic->gameState(ABS(cmdGs->gameStateSlot), cmdGs->gameStateValue); // set return value for Joe to say something ret = cmdGs->speakValue; } } return ret; } void Command::setAreas(uint16 command) { debug(9, "Command::setAreas(%d)", command); CmdArea *cmdArea = &_cmdArea[1]; uint16 i; for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdArea; ++i, ++cmdArea) { if (cmdArea->id == command) { uint16 areaNum = ABS(cmdArea->area); Area *area = _logic->area(cmdArea->room, areaNum); if (cmdArea->area > 0) { // turn on area area->mapNeighbours = ABS(area->mapNeighbours); } else { // turn off area area->mapNeighbours = -ABS(area->mapNeighbours); } } } } void Command::setObjects(uint16 command) { debug(9, "Command::setObjects(%d)", command); CmdObject *cmdObj = &_cmdObject[1]; uint16 i; for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdObject; ++i, ++cmdObj) { if (cmdObj->id == command) { // found an object uint16 dstObj = ABS(cmdObj->dstObj); ObjectData *objData = _logic->objectData(dstObj); if (cmdObj->dstObj > 0) { // show the object objData->name = ABS(objData->name); // test that the object has not already been deleted // by checking if it is not equal to zero if (cmdObj->srcObj == -1 && objData->name != 0) { // delete object by setting its name to 0 and // turning off graphic image objData->name = 0; if (objData->room == _logic->currentRoom()) { if (dstObj != _subject1) { // if the new object we have updated is on screen and is not the // current object, then we can update. This is because we turn // current object off ourselves by COM_LIST(com, 8) if (objData->image != -3 && objData->image != -4) { // it is a normal object (not a person) // turn the graphic image off for the object objData->image = -(objData->image + 10); } } // invalidate object area uint16 objZone = dstObj - _logic->currentRoomData(); _logic->zoneSet(ZONE_ROOM, objZone, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } if (cmdObj->srcObj > 0) { // copy data from dummy object to object int16 image1 = objData->image; int16 image2 = _logic->objectData(cmdObj->srcObj)->image; _logic->objectCopy(cmdObj->srcObj, dstObj); if (image1 != 0 && image2 == 0 && objData->room == _logic->currentRoom()) { uint16 bobNum = _logic->findBob(dstObj); if (bobNum != 0) { _graphics->bobClear(bobNum); } } } if (dstObj != _subject1) { // if the new object we have updated is on screen and // is not current object then update it _logic->roomRefreshObject(dstObj); } } else { // hide the object if (objData->name > 0) { objData->name = -objData->name; // may need to turn BOBs off for objects to be hidden on current // screen ! if the new object we have updated is on screen and // is not current object then update it _logic->roomRefreshObject(dstObj); } } } } } void Command::setItems(uint16 command) { debug(9, "Command::setItems(%d)", command); CmdInventory *cmdInv = &_cmdInventory[1]; ItemData *items = _logic->itemData(0); uint16 i; for (i = 1; i <= _numCmdInventory; ++i, ++cmdInv) { if (cmdInv->id == command) { uint16 dstItem = ABS(cmdInv->dstItem); // found an item if (cmdInv->dstItem > 0) { // add item to inventory if (cmdInv->srcItem > 0) { // copy data from source item to item items[dstItem] = items[cmdInv->srcItem]; // enable it items[dstItem].name = ABS(items[dstItem].name); } _logic->inventoryInsertItem(cmdInv->dstItem); } else { // delete item if (items[dstItem].name > 0) { _logic->inventoryDeleteItem(dstItem); } if (cmdInv->srcItem > 0) { // copy data from source item to item items[dstItem] = items[cmdInv->srcItem]; // disable it items[dstItem].name = -ABS(items[dstItem].name); } } } } } uint16 Command::nextObjectDescription(ObjectDescription* objDesc, uint16 firstDesc) { // l.69-103 select.c uint16 i; uint16 diff = objDesc->lastDescription - firstDesc; debug(0, "Command::updateNextDescription() - diff = %d, type = %d", diff, objDesc->type); switch (objDesc->type) { case 0: // random type, start with first description if (objDesc->lastSeenNumber == 0) { // first time look at called objDesc->lastSeenNumber = firstDesc; } else { // already displayed first, do a random i = objDesc->lastSeenNumber; while (i == objDesc->lastSeenNumber) { i = firstDesc + Logic::randomizer.getRandomNumber(diff); } objDesc->lastSeenNumber = i; } break; case 1: i = objDesc->lastSeenNumber; while (i == objDesc->lastSeenNumber) { i = firstDesc + Logic::randomizer.getRandomNumber(diff); } objDesc->lastSeenNumber = i; break; case 2: // sequential, but loop ++objDesc->lastSeenNumber; if (objDesc->lastSeenNumber > objDesc->lastDescription) { objDesc->lastSeenNumber = firstDesc; } break; case 3: // sequential without looping if (objDesc->lastSeenNumber != objDesc->lastDescription) { ++objDesc->lastSeenNumber; } break; } return objDesc->lastSeenNumber; } void Command::look() { if (_selectedNoun > 0 && _selectedNoun <= _logic->currentRoomObjMax()) { uint16 k = _logic->currentRoomData(); if (_logic->objectData(k + _selectedNoun)->entryObj == 0) { if (_logic->joeWalkTo(_selPosX, _selPosY, true) == -2) { // 'I can't get close enough to have a look.' _logic->joeSpeak(13); } } } // if object type and disabled, don't look if (_subject1 > 0 && _logic->objectData(_subject1)->name <= 0) { return; } uint16 desc; if (_subject1 < 0) { desc = _logic->itemData(ABS(_subject1))->description; } else { desc = _logic->objectData(_subject1)->description; } debug(0, "Command::look() - desc = %X, _subject1 = %X", desc, _subject1); // check to see if the object/item has a series of description ObjectDescription *objDesc = _logic->objectDescription(1); uint16 i; for (i = 1; i <= _logic->objectDescriptionCount(); ++i, ++objDesc) { if (objDesc->object == _subject1) { desc = nextObjectDescription(objDesc, desc); break; } } _logic->joeSpeak(desc, true); _logic->joeFace(); } void Command::lookCurrentItem() { if (_verb.isInventory()) { uint16 item = _logic->findInventoryItem(_verb.inventoryItem()); if (item != 0) { ItemData *itemData = _logic->itemData(item); const char *name = _logic->objectName(itemData->name); if (_currentAction.isNone()) { Verb v = State::findDefaultVerb(itemData->state); _cmdText.setVerb(v.isNone() ? Verb(VERB_LOOK_AT) : v); } if (!_defaultVerb.isNone()) { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_LOCK, true, _defaultVerb, name); } else { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_NORMAL, name); } _oldVerb = _verb; } } } void Command::lookCurrentRoom() { _noun = _logic->findObjectUnderCursor(_input->mousePosX(), _input->mousePosY()); if (_logic->joeWalk() == 1) { return; } int16 aObjName = 0; uint16 k = _logic->currentRoomData(); int16 i = 0; if (_noun > _logic->currentRoomObjMax()) { uint16 obj = _logic->currentRoomArea(_noun - _logic->currentRoomObjMax())->object; aObjName = _logic->objectData(obj)->name; if (aObjName > 0) { i = aObjName; _noun = obj - k; } } else { i = _logic->objectData(k + _noun)->name; } if (_oldNoun == _noun) { return; } // if pointing at an Area then exit // if the AREA is linked to an object, then dont exit. Find // the object its linked to && store in AOBJ if (_noun > _logic->currentRoomObjMax() && aObjName <= 0) { if (_oldNoun != 0) { if (!_defaultVerb.isNone()) { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_LOCK, true, _defaultVerb); } else if (!_currentAction.isNone()) { _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } _oldNoun = 0; return; } } // cyx: useless as (_oldNoun==_noun) already tested // if (i <= 0 && _oldNoun == _noun) { return; } if (i <= 0) { _oldNoun = _noun; _graphics->textClear(151, 151); if (!_defaultVerb.isNone()) { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_LOCK, true, _defaultVerb); } else if (!_currentAction.isNone()) { _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } return; } // if no command yet selected, then use DEFAULT command, if any if (_currentAction.isNone()) { Verb v = State::findDefaultVerb(_logic->objectData(k + _noun)->state); _cmdText.setVerb(v.isNone() ? Verb(VERB_WALK_TO) : v); if (_noun == 0) { _cmdText.clear(); } } const char *objName = ""; if (_noun > 0) { objName = _logic->objectName(i); } if (!_defaultVerb.isNone()) { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_LOCK, true, _defaultVerb, objName); } else { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_NORMAL, objName); } _oldNoun = _noun; } void Command::lookCurrentIcon() { _verb = _logic->findVerbUnderCursor(_input->mousePosX(), _input->mousePosY()); if (_verb != _oldVerb && _logic->joeWalk() != 1) { if (_currentAction.isNone()) { _cmdText.clear(); } _graphics->textClear(151, 151); lookCurrentItem(); // ensure that registers when move to top screen if (_noun > 0) { _oldNoun = -1; } _oldVerb = _verb; if (_verb.isPanelCommand() || _verb.value() == VERB_WALK_TO) { if (_verb.isNone()) { _cmdText.display(INK_CMD_NORMAL); } else { _cmdText.displayTemp(INK_CMD_NORMAL, false, _verb); } } } } }