/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 The ScummVM project * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ #include "common/stdafx.h" #include "common/system.h" #include "queen/journal.h" #include "queen/bankman.h" #include "queen/display.h" #include "queen/graphics.h" #include "queen/grid.h" #include "queen/logic.h" #include "queen/music.h" #include "queen/queen.h" #include "queen/resource.h" #include "queen/sound.h" namespace Queen { Journal::Journal(QueenEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) { _currentSavePage = 0; _currentSaveSlot = 0; } void Journal::use() { BobSlot *joe = _vm->graphics()->bob(0); _prevJoeX = joe->x; _prevJoeY = joe->y; _panelMode = PM_NORMAL; _system = &OSystem::instance(); _panelTextCount = 0; memset(_panelTextY, 0, sizeof(_panelTextY)); memset(&_textField, 0, sizeof(_textField)); memset(_saveDescriptions, 0, sizeof(_saveDescriptions)); _vm->findGameStateDescriptions(_saveDescriptions); setup(); redraw(); update(); _vm->display()->palFadeIn(ROOM_JOURNAL); _quitMode = QM_LOOP; while (_quitMode == QM_LOOP) { OSystem::Event event; while (_system->pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case OSystem::EVENT_KEYDOWN: handleKeyDown(event.kbd.ascii, event.kbd.keycode); break; case OSystem::EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: handleMouseDown(event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y); break; case OSystem::EVENT_WHEELUP: handleMouseWheel(-1); break; case OSystem::EVENT_WHEELDOWN: handleMouseWheel(1); break; case OSystem::EVENT_QUIT: _system->quit(); break; default: break; } } _system->delayMillis(20); _system->updateScreen(); } _vm->writeOptionSettings(); _vm->display()->clearTexts(0, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); _vm->graphics()->putCameraOnBob(0); if (_quitMode == QM_CONTINUE) { continueGame(); } } void Journal::continueGame() { _vm->display()->fullscreen(false); _vm->display()->forceFullRefresh(); _vm->logic()->joePos(_prevJoeX, _prevJoeY); _vm->logic()->joeCutFacing(_vm->logic()->joeFacing()); _vm->logic()->oldRoom(_vm->logic()->currentRoom()); _vm->logic()->displayRoom(_vm->logic()->currentRoom(), RDM_FADE_JOE, 0, 0, false); } void Journal::setup() { _vm->display()->palFadeOut(_vm->logic()->currentRoom()); _vm->display()->horizontalScroll(0); _vm->display()->fullscreen(true); _vm->graphics()->clearBobs(); _vm->display()->clearTexts(0, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); _vm->bankMan()->eraseFrames(false); _vm->display()->textCurrentColor(INK_JOURNAL); _vm->grid()->clear(GS_ROOM); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ZONES; ++i) { const Zone *zn = &_zones[i]; _vm->grid()->setZone(GS_ROOM, zn->num, zn->x1, zn->y1, zn->x2, zn->y2); } _vm->display()->setupNewRoom("journal", ROOM_JOURNAL); _vm->bankMan()->load("journal.BBK", JOURNAL_BANK); for (int f = 1; f <= 20; ++f) { int frameNum = JOURNAL_FRAMES + f; _vm->bankMan()->unpack(f, frameNum, JOURNAL_BANK); BobFrame *bf = _vm->bankMan()->fetchFrame(frameNum); bf->xhotspot = 0; bf->yhotspot = 0; if (f == FRAME_INFO_BOX) { // adjust info box hot spot to put it always on top bf->yhotspot = 200; } } _vm->bankMan()->close(JOURNAL_BANK); _textField.x = 136; _textField.y = 9; _textField.w = 146; _textField.h = 13; } void Journal::redraw() { drawNormalPanel(); drawConfigPanel(); drawSaveDescriptions(); drawSaveSlot(); } void Journal::update() { _vm->graphics()->sortBobs(); _vm->display()->prepareUpdate(); _vm->graphics()->drawBobs(); if (_textField.enabled) { int16 x = _textField.x + _textField.posCursor; int16 y = _textField.y + _currentSaveSlot * _textField.h + 8; _vm->display()->drawBox(x, y, x + 6, y, INK_JOURNAL); } _vm->display()->forceFullRefresh(); _vm->display()->update(); _system->updateScreen(); } void Journal::showBob(int bobNum, int16 x, int16 y, int frameNum) { BobSlot *bob = _vm->graphics()->bob(bobNum); bob->curPos(x, y); bob->frameNum = JOURNAL_FRAMES + frameNum; } void Journal::hideBob(int bobNum) { _vm->graphics()->bob(bobNum)->active = false; } void Journal::drawSaveDescriptions() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SAVES_PER_PAGE; ++i) { int n = _currentSavePage * 10 + i; char nb[4]; sprintf(nb, "%d", n + 1); int y = _textField.y + i * _textField.h; _vm->display()->setText(_textField.x, y, _saveDescriptions[n], false); _vm->display()->setText(_textField.x - 27, y + 1, nb, false); } // highlight current page showBob(BOB_SAVE_PAGE, 300, 3 + _currentSavePage * 15, 6 + _currentSavePage); } void Journal::drawSaveSlot() { showBob(BOB_SAVE_DESC, 130, 6 + _currentSaveSlot * 13, 17); } void Journal::enterYesNoPanelMode(int16 prevZoneNum, int titleNum) { _panelMode = PM_YES_NO; _prevZoneNum = prevZoneNum; drawYesNoPanel(titleNum); } void Journal::exitYesNoPanelMode() { _panelMode = PM_NORMAL; if (_prevZoneNum == ZN_MAKE_ENTRY) { closeTextField(); } redraw(); } void Journal::enterInfoPanelMode() { _panelMode = PM_INFO_BOX; _vm->display()->clearTexts(0, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); drawInfoPanel(); } void Journal::exitInfoPanelMode() { _vm->display()->clearTexts(0, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); hideBob(BOB_INFO_BOX); redraw(); _panelMode = PM_NORMAL; } void Journal::handleKeyDown(uint16 ascii, int keycode) { switch (_panelMode) { case PM_INFO_BOX: break; case PM_YES_NO: if (keycode == 27) { exitYesNoPanelMode(); } else if (_textField.enabled) { updateTextField(ascii, keycode); } break; case PM_NORMAL: if (keycode == 27) { _quitMode = QM_CONTINUE; } break; } } void Journal::handleMouseWheel(int inc) { if (_panelMode == PM_NORMAL) { int curSave = _currentSavePage * NUM_SAVES_PER_PAGE + _currentSaveSlot + inc; if (curSave >= 0 && curSave < NUM_SAVES_PER_PAGE * 10) { _currentSavePage = curSave / NUM_SAVES_PER_PAGE; _currentSaveSlot = curSave % NUM_SAVES_PER_PAGE; drawSaveDescriptions(); drawSaveSlot(); update(); } } } void Journal::handleMouseDown(int x, int y) { int val; int16 zoneNum = _vm->grid()->findZoneForPos(GS_ROOM, x, y); switch (_panelMode) { case PM_INFO_BOX: exitInfoPanelMode(); break; case PM_YES_NO: if (zoneNum == ZN_YES) { _panelMode = PM_NORMAL; int currentSlot = _currentSavePage * 10 + _currentSaveSlot; switch (_prevZoneNum) { case ZN_REVIEW_ENTRY: if (_saveDescriptions[currentSlot][0]) { _vm->graphics()->clearBobs(); _vm->display()->palFadeOut(ROOM_JOURNAL); _vm->music()->stopSong(); _vm->loadGameState(currentSlot); _vm->display()->clearTexts(0, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1); _quitMode = QM_RESTORE; } else { exitYesNoPanelMode(); } break; case ZN_MAKE_ENTRY: if (_textField.text[0]) { closeTextField(); _vm->saveGameState(currentSlot, _textField.text); _quitMode = QM_CONTINUE; } else { exitYesNoPanelMode(); } break; case ZN_GIVEUP: _quitMode = QM_CONTINUE; _vm->quitGame(); break; } } else if (zoneNum == ZN_NO) { exitYesNoPanelMode(); } break; case PM_NORMAL: switch (zoneNum) { case ZN_REVIEW_ENTRY: enterYesNoPanelMode(zoneNum, TXT_REVIEW_ENTRY); break; case ZN_MAKE_ENTRY: initTextField(_saveDescriptions[_currentSavePage * 10 + _currentSaveSlot]); enterYesNoPanelMode(zoneNum, TXT_MAKE_ENTRY); break; case ZN_CLOSE: _quitMode = QM_CONTINUE; break; case ZN_GIVEUP: enterYesNoPanelMode(zoneNum, TXT_GIVE_UP); break; case ZN_TEXT_SPEED: val = (x - 136) * QueenEngine::MAX_TEXT_SPEED / (266 - 136); _vm->talkSpeed(val); drawConfigPanel(); break; case ZN_SFX_TOGGLE: _vm->sound()->toggleSfx(); drawConfigPanel(); break; case ZN_MUSIC_VOLUME: val = (x - 136) * QueenEngine::MAX_MUSIC_VOLUME / (266 - 136); _vm->music()->setVolume(val); drawConfigPanel(); break; case ZN_DESC_1: case ZN_DESC_2: case ZN_DESC_3: case ZN_DESC_4: case ZN_DESC_5: case ZN_DESC_6: case ZN_DESC_7: case ZN_DESC_8: case ZN_DESC_9: case ZN_DESC_10: _currentSaveSlot = zoneNum - ZN_DESC_1; drawSaveSlot(); break; case ZN_PAGE_A: case ZN_PAGE_B: case ZN_PAGE_C: case ZN_PAGE_D: case ZN_PAGE_E: case ZN_PAGE_F: case ZN_PAGE_G: case ZN_PAGE_H: case ZN_PAGE_I: case ZN_PAGE_J: _currentSavePage = zoneNum - ZN_PAGE_A; drawSaveDescriptions(); break; case ZN_INFO_BOX: enterInfoPanelMode(); break; case ZN_MUSIC_TOGGLE: _vm->sound()->toggleMusic(); if (_vm->sound()->musicOn()) { _vm->sound()->playLastSong(); } else { _vm->music()->stopSong(); } drawConfigPanel(); break; case ZN_VOICE_TOGGLE: _vm->sound()->toggleSpeech(); drawConfigPanel(); break; case ZN_TEXT_TOGGLE: _vm->subtitles(!_vm->subtitles()); drawConfigPanel(); break; } break; } update(); } void Journal::drawPanelText(int y, const char *text) { debug(7, "Journal::drawPanelText(%d, '%s')", y, text); char s[80]; strcpy(s, text); char *p = strchr(s, ' '); if (p == NULL) { int x = (128 - _vm->display()->textWidth(s)) / 2; _vm->display()->setText(x, y, s, false); assert(_panelTextCount < MAX_PANEL_TEXTS); _panelTextY[_panelTextCount++] = y; } else { *p++ = '\0'; if (_vm->resource()->getLanguage() == HEBREW) { drawPanelText(y - 5, p); drawPanelText(y + 5, s); } else { drawPanelText(y - 5, s); drawPanelText(y + 5, p); } } } void Journal::drawCheckBox(bool active, int bobNum, int16 x, int16 y, int frameNum) { if (active) { showBob(bobNum, x, y, frameNum); } else { hideBob(bobNum); } } void Journal::drawSlideBar(int value, int maxValue, int bobNum, int16 y, int frameNum) { showBob(bobNum, 136 + value * (266 - 136) / maxValue, y, frameNum); } void Journal::drawPanel(const int *frames, const int *titles, int n) { for (int i = 0; i < _panelTextCount; ++i) { _vm->display()->clearTexts(_panelTextY[i], _panelTextY[i]); } _panelTextCount = 0; int bobNum = 1; int y = 8; while (n--) { showBob(bobNum++, 32, y, *frames++); drawPanelText(y + 12, _vm->logic()->joeResponse(*titles++)); y += 48; } } void Journal::drawNormalPanel() { static const int frames[] = { FRAME_BLUE_1, FRAME_BLUE_2, FRAME_BLUE_1, FRAME_ORANGE }; static const int titles[] = { TXT_REVIEW_ENTRY, TXT_MAKE_ENTRY, TXT_CLOSE, TXT_GIVE_UP }; drawPanel(frames, titles, 4); } void Journal::drawYesNoPanel(int titleNum) { static const int frames[] = { FRAME_GREY, FRAME_BLUE_1, FRAME_BLUE_2 }; const int titles[] = { titleNum, TXT_YES, TXT_NO }; drawPanel(frames, titles, 3); hideBob(BOB_LEFT_RECT_4); hideBob(BOB_TALK_SPEED); hideBob(BOB_SFX_TOGGLE); hideBob(BOB_MUSIC_VOLUME); hideBob(BOB_SPEECH_TOGGLE); hideBob(BOB_TEXT_TOGGLE); hideBob(BOB_MUSIC_TOGGLE); } void Journal::drawConfigPanel() { _vm->checkOptionSettings(); drawSlideBar(_vm->talkSpeed(), QueenEngine::MAX_TEXT_SPEED, BOB_TALK_SPEED, 164, FRAME_BLUE_PIN); drawSlideBar(_vm->music()->volume(), QueenEngine::MAX_MUSIC_VOLUME, BOB_MUSIC_VOLUME, 177, FRAME_GREEN_PIN); drawCheckBox(_vm->sound()->sfxOn(), BOB_SFX_TOGGLE, 221, 155, FRAME_CHECK_BOX); drawCheckBox(_vm->sound()->speechOn(), BOB_SPEECH_TOGGLE, 158, 155, FRAME_CHECK_BOX); drawCheckBox(_vm->subtitles(), BOB_TEXT_TOGGLE, 125, 167, FRAME_CHECK_BOX); drawCheckBox(_vm->sound()->musicOn(), BOB_MUSIC_TOGGLE, 125, 181, FRAME_CHECK_BOX); } void Journal::drawInfoPanel() { showBob(BOB_INFO_BOX, 72, 221, FRAME_INFO_BOX); const char *ver = _vm->resource()->JASVersion(); switch (ver[0]) { case 'P': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(132, "PC Hard Drive", false); break; case 'C': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(132, "PC CD-ROM", false); break; case 'a': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(132, "Amiga A500/600", false); break; case 'A': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(132, "Amiga A1200", false); break; case 'c': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(132, "Amiga CD-32", false); break; } switch (ver[1]) { case 'E': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(144, "English", false); break; case 'F' : _vm->display()->setTextCentered(144, "Fran\x87""ais", false); break; case 'G': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(144, "Deutsch", false); break; case 'H': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(144, "Hebrew", false); break; case 'I': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(144, "Italiano", false); break; case 'S': _vm->display()->setTextCentered(144, "Espa\xA4""ol", false); break; } char versionId[13]; sprintf(versionId, "Version %c.%c%c", ver[2], ver[3], ver[4]); _vm->display()->setTextCentered(156, versionId, false); } void Journal::initTextField(const char *desc) { _system->setFeatureState(OSystem::kFeatureVirtualKeyboard, true); _textField.enabled = true; _textField.posCursor = _vm->display()->textWidth(desc); _textField.textCharsCount = strlen(desc); memset(_textField.text, 0, sizeof(_textField.text)); strcpy(_textField.text, desc); } void Journal::updateTextField(uint16 ascii, int keycode) { bool dirty = false; switch (keycode) { case 8: // backspace if (_textField.textCharsCount > 0) { --_textField.textCharsCount; _textField.text[_textField.textCharsCount] = '\0'; dirty = true; } break; case '\n': case '\r': if (_textField.text[0]) { closeTextField(); int currentSlot = _currentSavePage * 10 + _currentSaveSlot; _vm->saveGameState(currentSlot, _textField.text); _quitMode = QM_CONTINUE; } break; default: if (isprint((char)ascii) && _textField.textCharsCount < (sizeof(_textField.text) - 1) && _vm->display()->textWidth(_textField.text) < _textField.w) { _textField.text[_textField.textCharsCount] = (char)ascii; ++_textField.textCharsCount; dirty = true; } break; } if (dirty) { _vm->display()->setText(_textField.x, _textField.y + _currentSaveSlot * _textField.h, _textField.text, false); _textField.posCursor = _vm->display()->textWidth(_textField.text); update(); } } void Journal::closeTextField() { _system->setFeatureState(OSystem::kFeatureVirtualKeyboard, false); _textField.enabled = false; } const Journal::Zone Journal::_zones[] = { { ZN_REVIEW_ENTRY, 32, 8, 96, 40 }, { ZN_MAKE_ENTRY, 32, 56, 96, 88 }, // == ZN_YES { ZN_CLOSE, 32, 104, 96, 136 }, // == ZN_NO { ZN_GIVEUP, 32, 152, 96, 184 }, { ZN_TEXT_SPEED, 136, 169, 265, 176 }, { ZN_SFX_TOGGLE, 197, 155, 231, 164 }, { ZN_MUSIC_VOLUME, 136, 182, 265, 189 }, { ZN_DESC_1, 131, 7, 290, 18 }, { ZN_DESC_2, 131, 20, 290, 31 }, { ZN_DESC_3, 131, 33, 290, 44 }, { ZN_DESC_4, 131, 46, 290, 57 }, { ZN_DESC_5, 131, 59, 290, 70 }, { ZN_DESC_6, 131, 72, 290, 83 }, { ZN_DESC_7, 131, 85, 290, 96 }, { ZN_DESC_8, 131, 98, 290, 109 }, { ZN_DESC_9, 131, 111, 290, 122 }, { ZN_DESC_10, 131, 124, 290, 135 }, { ZN_PAGE_A, 300, 4, 319, 17 }, { ZN_PAGE_B, 300, 19, 319, 32 }, { ZN_PAGE_C, 300, 34, 319, 47 }, { ZN_PAGE_D, 300, 49, 319, 62 }, { ZN_PAGE_E, 300, 64, 319, 77 }, { ZN_PAGE_F, 300, 79, 319, 92 }, { ZN_PAGE_G, 300, 94, 319, 107 }, { ZN_PAGE_H, 300, 109, 319, 122 }, { ZN_PAGE_I, 300, 124, 319, 137 }, { ZN_PAGE_J, 300, 139, 319, 152 }, { ZN_INFO_BOX, 273, 146, 295, 189 }, { ZN_MUSIC_TOGGLE, 109, 181, 135, 190 }, { ZN_VOICE_TOGGLE, 134, 155, 168, 164 }, { ZN_TEXT_TOGGLE, 109, 168, 135, 177 } }; } // End of namespace Queen