/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
 * Copyright (C) 2004 The ScummVM project
 * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 * $Header$

#include "saga.h"
#include "reinherit.h"

#include "yslib.h"

#include "game_mod.h"
#include "cvar_mod.h"
#include "console_mod.h"
#include "rscfile_mod.h"
#include "script_mod.h"
#include "sndres.h"
#include "sprite_mod.h"
#include "font_mod.h"
#include "text_mod.h"
#include "sound.h"

#include "actor_mod.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "actordata.h"

namespace Saga {

static R_ACTOR_MODULE ActorModule;

R_ACTIONTIMES ActionTDeltas[] = {
	{ ACTION_IDLE, 80 },
	{ ACTION_WALK, 80 },
	{ ACTION_SPEAK, 200 }

int ACTOR_Register() {
	CVAR_RegisterFunc(CF_actor_add, "actor_add", "<Actor id> <lx> <ly>", R_CVAR_NONE, 3, 3);
	CVAR_RegisterFunc(CF_actor_del, "actor_del", "<Actor id>", R_CVAR_NONE, 1, 1);
	CVAR_RegisterFunc(CF_actor_move, "actor_move", "<Actor id> <lx> <ly>", R_CVAR_NONE, 3, 3);
	CVAR_RegisterFunc(CF_actor_moverel, "actor_moverel", "<Actor id> <lx> <ly>", R_CVAR_NONE, 3, 3);
	CVAR_RegisterFunc(CF_actor_seto, "actor_seto", "<Actor id> <Orientation>", R_CVAR_NONE, 2, 2);
	CVAR_RegisterFunc(CF_actor_setact, "actor_setact", "<Actor id> <Action #>", R_CVAR_NONE, 2, 2);

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_Init() {
	int result;
	int i;

	if (ActorModule.init) {
		ActorModule.err_str = "Actor module already initialized.";
		return R_FAILURE;

	// Get actor resource file context
	result = GAME_GetFileContext(&ActorModule.actor_ctxt, R_GAME_RESOURCEFILE, 0);
	if (result != R_SUCCESS) {
		ActorModule.err_str = "Couldn't load actor module resource context.";
		return R_FAILURE;

	// Create actor lookup table
	ActorModule.tbl = (YS_DL_NODE **)malloc(R_ACTORCOUNT * sizeof *ActorModule.tbl);
	if (ActorModule.tbl == NULL) {
		ActorModule.err_str = "Memory allocation error.";
		return R_MEM;

	for (i = 0; i < R_ACTORCOUNT; i++) {
		ActorModule.tbl[i] = NULL;

	// Create actor alias table
	ActorModule.alias_tbl = (int *)malloc(R_ACTORCOUNT * sizeof *ActorModule.alias_tbl);
	if (ActorModule.alias_tbl == NULL) {
		ActorModule.err_str = "Memory allocation error.";
		return R_MEM;

	// Initialize alias table so each index contains itself
	for (i = 0; i < R_ACTORCOUNT; i++) {
		ActorModule.alias_tbl[i] = i;

	// Create actor list
	ActorModule.list = ys_dll_create();
	ActorModule.init = 1;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_Shutdown() {
	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if (ActorModule.tbl) {

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_Direct(int msec) {
	YS_DL_NODE *walk_p;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	YS_DL_NODE *a_inode;
	R_ACTORINTENT *a_intent;

	int o_idx;
	int action_tdelta;

	// Walk down the actor list and direct each actor
	for (walk_p = ys_dll_head(ActorModule.list); walk_p != NULL; walk_p = ys_dll_next(walk_p)) {
		actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(walk_p);
		// Process the actor intent list
		a_inode = ys_dll_head(actor->a_intentlist);
		if (a_inode != NULL) {
			a_intent = (R_ACTORINTENT *)ys_dll_get_data(a_inode);
			switch (a_intent->a_itype) {
			case INTENT_NONE:
				// Actor doesn't really feel like doing anything at all
			case INTENT_PATH:
				// Actor intends to go somewhere. Well good for him
					R_WALKINTENT *a_walkint;
					a_walkint = (R_WALKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
					HandleWalkIntent(actor, a_walkint, &a_intent->a_idone, msec);
				// Actor wants to blab
					R_SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
					a_speakint = (R_SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
					HandleSpeakIntent(actor, a_speakint, &a_intent->a_idone, msec);


			// If this actor intent was flagged as completed, remove it.
			if (a_intent->a_idone) {
				actor->action = actor->def_action;
				actor->action_flags = actor->def_action_flags;
				actor->action_frame = 0;
				actor->action_time = 0;
		} else {
			// Actor has no intent, idle?

		// Process actor actions
		actor->action_time += msec;

		if (actor->action >= ACTION_COUNT) {
			action_tdelta = ACTOR_ACTIONTIME;
		} else {
			action_tdelta = ActionTDeltas[actor->action].time;

		if (actor->action_time >= action_tdelta) {
			actor->action_time -= action_tdelta;

			o_idx = ActorOrientationLUT[actor->orient];
			if (actor->act_tbl[actor->action].dir[o_idx].frame_count <= actor->action_frame) {
				if (actor->action_flags & ACTION_LOOP) {
					actor->action_frame = 0;
				} else {

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_DrawList() {
	YS_DL_NODE *walk_p;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	YS_DL_NODE *a_inode;
	R_ACTORINTENT *a_intent;
	R_SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;

	YS_DL_NODE *a_dnode;
	R_ACTORDIALOGUE *a_dialogue;

	int o_idx; //Orientation index
	int sprite_num;

	int diag_x, diag_y; // dialog coordinates

	R_SURFACE *back_buf;

	back_buf = GFX_GetBackBuffer();

	for (walk_p = ys_dll_head(ActorModule.list); walk_p != NULL; walk_p = ys_dll_next(walk_p)) {
		actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(walk_p);
		o_idx = ActorOrientationLUT[actor->orient];
		sprite_num = actor->act_tbl[actor->action].dir[o_idx].frame_index;
		sprite_num += actor->action_frame;
		SPRITE_DrawOccluded(back_buf, actor->sl_p, sprite_num, actor->s_pt.x, actor->s_pt.y);

		// If actor's current intent is to speak, oblige him by 
		// displaying his dialogue 
		a_inode = ys_dll_head(actor->a_intentlist);
		if (a_inode != NULL) {
			a_intent = (R_ACTORINTENT *)ys_dll_get_data(a_inode);
			if (a_intent->a_itype == INTENT_SPEAK) {
				a_speakint = (R_SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
				a_dnode = ys_dll_head(a_speakint->si_diaglist);
				if (a_dnode != NULL) {
					a_dialogue = (R_ACTORDIALOGUE *)ys_dll_get_data(a_dnode);
					diag_x = actor->s_pt.x;
					diag_y = actor->s_pt.y;
					TEXT_Draw(MEDIUM_FONT_ID, back_buf, a_dialogue->d_string, diag_x, diag_y, actor->a_dcolor, 0,

	return R_SUCCESS;

// Called if the user wishes to skip a line of dialogue (spacebar in the 
// original game). Will find all actors currently talking and remove one
// dialogue entry if there is a current speak intent present.

int ACTOR_SkipDialogue() {
	YS_DL_NODE *walk_p;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	YS_DL_NODE *a_inode;
	R_ACTORINTENT *a_intent;
	R_SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;

	YS_DL_NODE *a_dnode;
	R_ACTORDIALOGUE *a_dialogue;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	for (walk_p = ys_dll_head(ActorModule.list); walk_p != NULL; walk_p = ys_dll_next(walk_p)) {
		actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(walk_p);
		// Check the actor's current intent for a speak intent
		a_inode = ys_dll_head(actor->a_intentlist);
		if (a_inode != NULL) {
			a_intent = (R_ACTORINTENT *)ys_dll_get_data(a_inode);
			if (a_intent->a_itype == INTENT_SPEAK) {
				// Okay, found a speak intent. Remove one dialogue entry 
				// from it, releasing any semaphore */
				a_speakint = (R_SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent->a_data;
				a_dnode = ys_dll_head(a_speakint->si_diaglist);
				if (a_dnode != NULL) {
					a_dialogue = (R_ACTORDIALOGUE *)ys_dll_get_data(a_dnode);
					if (a_dialogue->d_sem != NULL) {
					// And stop any currently playing voices

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_Create(int actor_id, int x, int y) {
	R_ACTOR actor;

	if (actor_id == 1) {
		actor_id = 0;
	} else {
		actor_id = actor_id & ~0x2000;

	actor.id = actor_id;
	actor.a_pt.x = x;
	actor.a_pt.y = y;

	if (AddActor(&actor) != R_SUCCESS) {

		return R_FAILURE;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int AddActor(R_ACTOR * actor) {
	YS_DL_NODE *new_node;
	int last_frame;
	int i;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if ((actor->id < 0) || (actor->id >= R_ACTORCOUNT)) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if (ActorModule.tbl[actor->id] != NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	ACTOR_AtoS(&actor->s_pt, &actor->a_pt);

	i = actor->id;

	actor->sl_rn = ActorTable[i].spritelist_rn;
	actor->si_rn = ActorTable[i].spriteindex_rn;

	LoadActorSpriteIndex(actor, actor->si_rn, &last_frame);

	if (SPRITE_LoadList(actor->sl_rn, &actor->sl_p) != R_SUCCESS) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if (last_frame >= SPRITE_GetListLen(actor->sl_p)) {
		debug(0, "Appending to sprite list %d.", actor->sl_rn);
		if (SPRITE_AppendList(actor->sl_rn + 1,
			actor->sl_p) != R_SUCCESS) {
			return R_FAILURE;

	actor->a_dcolor = ActorTable[i].color;
	actor->orient = ACTOR_DEFAULT_ORIENT;
	actor->a_intentlist = ys_dll_create();
	actor->def_action = 0;
	actor->def_action_flags = 0;
	actor->action = 0;
	actor->action_flags = 0;
	actor->action_time = 0;
	actor->action_frame = 0;

	new_node = ys_dll_insert(ActorModule.list, actor, sizeof *actor, Z_Compare);

	if (new_node == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(new_node);
	actor->node = new_node;

	ActorModule.tbl[i] = new_node;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_GetActorIndex(uint16 actor_id) {
	uint16 actor_idx;

	if (actor_id == 1) {
		actor_idx = 0;
	} else {
		actor_idx = actor_id & ~0x2000;

	if (ActorModule.tbl[actor_idx] == NULL) {
		return -1;

	return actor_idx;

int ACTOR_ActorExists(uint16 actor_id) {
	uint16 actor_idx;

	if (actor_id == 1) {
		actor_idx = 0;
	} else {
		actor_idx = actor_id & ~0x2000;

	if (ActorModule.tbl[actor_idx] == NULL) {
		return 0;

	return 1;

int ACTOR_Speak(int index, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, R_SEMAPHORE *sem) {
	YS_DL_NODE *node;
	R_ACTOR *actor;
	YS_DL_NODE *a_inode;
	R_ACTORINTENT *a_intent_p = NULL;
	R_SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint;
	R_ACTORINTENT a_intent;
	int use_existing_ai = 0;
	R_ACTORDIALOGUE a_dialogue;

	a_dialogue.d_string = d_string;
	a_dialogue.d_voice_rn = d_voice_rn;
	a_dialogue.d_time = ACTOR_GetSpeechTime(d_string, d_voice_rn);
	a_dialogue.d_sem_held = 1;
	a_dialogue.d_sem = sem;

	node = ActorModule.tbl[index];
	if (node == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(node);

	// If actor's last registered intent is to speak, we can queue the
	// requested dialogue on that intent context; so examine the last
	// intent

	a_inode = ys_dll_tail(actor->a_intentlist);
	if (a_inode != NULL) {
		a_intent_p = (R_ACTORINTENT *)ys_dll_get_data(a_inode);
		if (a_intent_p->a_itype == INTENT_SPEAK) {
			use_existing_ai = 1;

	if (use_existing_ai) {
		// Store the current dialogue off the existing actor intent
		a_speakint = (R_SPEAKINTENT *)a_intent_p->a_data;
		ys_dll_add_tail(a_speakint->si_diaglist, &a_dialogue, sizeof a_dialogue);
	} else {
		// Create a new actor intent
		a_intent.a_itype = INTENT_SPEAK;
		a_intent.a_idone = 0;
		a_intent.a_iflags = 0;

		a_speakint = (R_SPEAKINTENT *)malloc(sizeof *a_speakint);
		if (a_speakint == NULL) {
			return R_FAILURE;

		a_speakint->si_init = 0;
		a_speakint->si_diaglist = ys_dll_create();
		a_speakint->si_last_action = actor->action;
		a_intent.a_data = a_speakint;

		ys_dll_add_tail(a_speakint->si_diaglist, &a_dialogue, sizeof a_dialogue);
		ys_dll_add_tail(actor->a_intentlist, &a_intent, sizeof a_intent);

	if (sem != NULL) {

	return R_SUCCESS;

int HandleSpeakIntent(R_ACTOR *actor, R_SPEAKINTENT *a_speakint, int *complete_p, int msec) {
	YS_DL_NODE *a_dnode;
	YS_DL_NODE *a_dnext;
	R_ACTORDIALOGUE *a_dialogue;
	R_ACTORDIALOGUE *a_dialogue2;
	long carry_time;
	int intent_complete = 0;

	if (!a_speakint->si_init) {
		// Initialize speak intent by setting up action
		actor->action = ACTION_SPEAK;
		actor->action_frame = 0;
		actor->action_time = 0;
		actor->action_flags = ACTION_LOOP;
		a_speakint->si_init = 1;

	// Process actor dialogue list
	a_dnode = ys_dll_head(a_speakint->si_diaglist);
	if (a_dnode != NULL) {
		a_dialogue = (R_ACTORDIALOGUE *)ys_dll_get_data(a_dnode);
		if (!a_dialogue->d_playing) {
			// Dialogue voice hasn't played yet - play it now
			a_dialogue->d_playing = 1;

		a_dialogue->d_time -= msec;
		if (a_dialogue->d_time <= 0) {
			// Dialogue time has expired; carry negative time to next
			// dialogue entry if present, release any semaphores and
			// delete the expired entry

			//actor->action = ACTION_IDLE;

			if (a_dialogue->d_sem != NULL) {

			carry_time = a_dialogue->d_time;

			a_dnext = ys_dll_next(a_dnode);
			if (a_dnext != NULL) {
				a_dialogue2 = (R_ACTORDIALOGUE *)ys_dll_get_data(a_dnode);
				a_dialogue2->d_time -= carry_time;


			// Check if there are any dialogue nodes left. If not, 
			// flag this speech intent as complete

			a_dnode = ys_dll_head(a_speakint->si_diaglist);
			if (a_dnode == NULL) {
				intent_complete = 1;
	} else {
		intent_complete = 1;

	if (intent_complete) {
		*complete_p = 1;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_GetSpeechTime(const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn) {
	int voice_len;

	voice_len = _vm->_sndRes->getVoiceLength(d_voice_rn);

	if (voice_len < 0) {
		voice_len = strlen(d_string) * ACTOR_DIALOGUE_LETTERTIME;

	return voice_len;

int ACTOR_SetOrientation(int index, int orient) {
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if ((orient < 0) || (orient > 7)) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = LookupActor(index);
	if (actor == NULL) {

		return R_FAILURE;

	actor->orient = orient;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_SetAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = LookupActor(index);
	if (actor == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor->action = action_n;
	actor->action_flags = action_flags;
	actor->action_frame = 0;
	actor->action_time = 0;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_SetDefaultAction(int index, int action_n, uint16 action_flags) {
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = LookupActor(index);
	if (actor == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor->def_action = action_n;
	actor->def_action_flags = action_flags;

	return R_SUCCESS;

R_ACTOR *LookupActor(int index) {
	YS_DL_NODE *node;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return NULL;

	if ((index < 0) || (index >= R_ACTORCOUNT)) {
		return NULL;

	if (ActorModule.tbl[index] == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	node = ActorModule.tbl[index];
	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(node);

	return actor;

int LoadActorSpriteIndex(R_ACTOR * actor, int si_rn, int *last_frame_p) {
	byte *res_p;
	size_t res_len;
	int s_action_ct;
	R_ACTORACTION *action_p;
	int last_frame;
	int i, orient;
	int result;

	result = RSC_LoadResource(ActorModule.actor_ctxt, si_rn, &res_p, &res_len);
	if (result != R_SUCCESS) {
		warning("Couldn't load sprite action index resource");
		return R_FAILURE;

	s_action_ct = res_len / 16;
	debug(0, "Sprite resource contains %d sprite actions.", s_action_ct);
	action_p = (R_ACTORACTION *)malloc(sizeof(R_ACTORACTION) * s_action_ct);

	MemoryReadStream *readS = new MemoryReadStream(res_p, res_len);

	if (action_p == NULL) {
		warning("Couldn't allocate memory for sprite actions");
		return R_MEM;

	last_frame = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < s_action_ct; i++) {
		for (orient = 0; orient < 4; orient++) {
			// Load all four orientations
			action_p[i].dir[orient].frame_index = readS->readUint16LE();
			action_p[i].dir[orient].frame_count = readS->readUint16LE();
			if (action_p[i].dir[orient].frame_index > last_frame) {
				last_frame = action_p[i].dir[orient].frame_index;

	actor->act_tbl = action_p;
	actor->action_ct = s_action_ct;


	if (last_frame_p != NULL) {
		*last_frame_p = last_frame;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int DeleteActor(int index) {
	YS_DL_NODE *node;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	if (!ActorModule.init) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if ((index < 0) || (index >= R_ACTORCOUNT)) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if (ActorModule.tbl[index] == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	node = ActorModule.tbl[index];
	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(node);



	ActorModule.tbl[index] = NULL;

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_WalkTo(int id, R_POINT *walk_pt, uint16 flags, R_SEMAPHORE *sem) {
	R_ACTORINTENT actor_intent;
	R_WALKINTENT *walk_intent;
	R_WALKINTENT zero_intent;
	YS_DL_NODE *node;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	assert(walk_pt != NULL);

	if ((id < 0) || (id >= R_ACTORCOUNT)) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	if (ActorModule.tbl[id] == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	node = ActorModule.tbl[id];
	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(node);

	walk_intent = (R_WALKINTENT *)malloc(sizeof *walk_intent);
	if (walk_intent == NULL) {
		return R_MEM;

	*walk_intent = zero_intent;

	walk_intent->wi_flags = flags;
	walk_intent->sem_held = 1;
	walk_intent->sem = sem;

	// HandleWalkIntent() will create path on initialization
	walk_intent->wi_init = 0;
	walk_intent->dst_pt = *walk_pt;

	actor_intent.a_itype = INTENT_PATH;
	actor_intent.a_iflags = 0;
	actor_intent.a_data = walk_intent;

	ys_dll_add_tail(actor->a_intentlist, &actor_intent, sizeof actor_intent);

	if (sem != NULL) {

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_SetPathNode(R_WALKINTENT *walk_int, R_POINT *src_pt, R_POINT *dst_pt, R_SEMAPHORE *sem) {
	R_WALKNODE new_node;

	walk_int->wi_active = 1;
	walk_int->org = *src_pt;

	assert((walk_int != NULL) && (src_pt != NULL) && (dst_pt != NULL));
	assert(walk_int->nodelist != NULL);

	new_node.node_pt = *dst_pt;
	new_node.calc_flag = 0;

	ys_dll_add_tail(walk_int->nodelist, &new_node, sizeof new_node);

	return R_SUCCESS;

int HandleWalkIntent(R_ACTOR *actor, R_WALKINTENT *a_walkint, int *complete_p, int delta_time) {
	YS_DL_NODE *walk_p;
	YS_DL_NODE *next_p;

	R_WALKNODE *node_p;
	int dx;
	int dy;

	double path_a;
	double path_b;
	double path_slope;

	double path_x;
	double path_y;
	int path_time;

	double new_a_x;
	double new_a_y;

	int actor_x;
	int actor_y;

	char buf[100];

	// Initialize walk intent 
	if (!a_walkint->wi_init) {
		a_walkint->nodelist = ys_dll_create();
		ACTOR_SetPathNode(a_walkint, &actor->a_pt, &a_walkint->dst_pt, a_walkint->sem);
		ACTOR_SetDefaultAction(actor->id, ACTION_IDLE, ACTION_NONE);
		a_walkint->wi_init = 1;


	walk_p = ys_dll_head(a_walkint->nodelist);
	next_p = ys_dll_next(walk_p);

	node_p = (R_WALKNODE *)ys_dll_get_data(walk_p);

	if (node_p->calc_flag == 0) {

		debug(2, "Calculating new path vector to point (%d, %d)", node_p->node_pt.x, node_p->node_pt.y);

		dx = a_walkint->org.x - node_p->node_pt.x;
		dy = a_walkint->org.y - node_p->node_pt.y;

		if (dx == 0) {

			debug(0, "Vertical paths not implemented.");

			a_walkint->wi_active = 0;

			// Release path semaphore
			if ((a_walkint->sem != NULL) && a_walkint->sem_held) {

			*complete_p = 1;
			return R_FAILURE;

		a_walkint->slope = (float)dy / dx;

		if (dx > 0) {
			a_walkint->x_dir = -1;
			if (!(a_walkint->wi_flags & WALK_NOREORIENT)) {
				if (a_walkint->slope > 1.0) {
					actor->orient = ORIENT_N;
				} else if (a_walkint->slope < -1.0) {
					actor->orient = ORIENT_S;
				} else {
					actor->orient = ORIENT_W;
		} else {
			a_walkint->x_dir = 1;
			if (!(a_walkint->wi_flags & WALK_NOREORIENT)) {
				if (a_walkint->slope > 1.0) {
					actor->orient = ORIENT_S;
				} else if (a_walkint->slope < -1.0) {
					actor->orient = ORIENT_N;
				} else {
					actor->orient = ORIENT_E;

		sprintf(buf, "%f", a_walkint->slope);

		debug(2, "Path slope: %s.", buf);

		actor->action = ACTION_WALK;
		actor->action_flags = ACTION_LOOP;
		a_walkint->time = 0;
		node_p->calc_flag = 1;

	a_walkint->time += delta_time;
	path_time = a_walkint->time;

	path_a = ACTOR_BASE_SPEED * path_time;
	path_b = ACTOR_BASE_SPEED * path_time * ACTOR_BASE_ZMOD;
	path_slope = a_walkint->slope * a_walkint->x_dir;

	path_x = (path_a * path_b) / sqrt((path_a * path_a) * (path_slope * path_slope) + (path_b * path_b));

	path_y = path_slope * path_x;
	path_x = path_x * a_walkint->x_dir;

	new_a_x = path_x + a_walkint->org.x;
	new_a_y = path_y + a_walkint->org.y;

	if (a_walkint->x_dir == 1) {

		if (new_a_x >= node_p->node_pt.x) {
			debug(2, "Path complete.");
			a_walkint->wi_active = 0;

			// Release path semaphore
			if (a_walkint->sem != NULL) {

			actor->action_frame = 0;
			actor->action = ACTION_IDLE;
			*complete_p = 1;
			return R_FAILURE;
	} else {
		if (new_a_x <= node_p->node_pt.x) {
			debug(2, "Path complete.");
			a_walkint->wi_active = 0;

			// Release path semaphore
			if (a_walkint->sem != NULL) {

			actor->action_frame = 0;
			actor->action = ACTION_IDLE;
			*complete_p = 1;
			return R_FAILURE;

	actor_x = (int)new_a_x;
	actor_y = (int)new_a_y;

	actor->a_pt.x = (int)new_a_x;
	actor->a_pt.y = (int)new_a_y;

	actor->s_pt.x = actor->a_pt.x >> 2;
	actor->s_pt.y = actor->a_pt.y >> 2;

	if (path_slope < 0) {
		ys_dll_reorder_up(ActorModule.list, actor->node, Z_Compare);

	} else {
		ys_dll_reorder_down(ActorModule.list, actor->node, Z_Compare);

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_Move(int index, R_POINT *move_pt) {
	YS_DL_NODE *node;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	int move_up = 0;

	node = ActorModule.tbl[index];
	if (node == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(node);

	if (move_pt->y < actor->a_pt.y) {
		move_up = 1;

	actor->a_pt.x = move_pt->x;
	actor->a_pt.y = move_pt->y;

	ACTOR_AtoS(&actor->s_pt, &actor->a_pt);

	if (move_up) {
		ys_dll_reorder_up(ActorModule.list, actor->node, Z_Compare);
	} else {

		ys_dll_reorder_down(ActorModule.list, actor->node, Z_Compare);

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_MoveRelative(int index, R_POINT *move_pt) {
	YS_DL_NODE *node;
	R_ACTOR *actor;

	node = ActorModule.tbl[index];
	if (node == NULL) {
		return R_FAILURE;

	actor = (R_ACTOR *)ys_dll_get_data(node);

	actor->a_pt.x += move_pt->x;
	actor->a_pt.y += move_pt->y;

	ACTOR_AtoS(&actor->s_pt, &actor->a_pt);

	if (actor->a_pt.y < 0) {

		ys_dll_reorder_up(ActorModule.list, actor->node, Z_Compare);
	} else {

		ys_dll_reorder_down(ActorModule.list, actor->node, Z_Compare);


	return R_SUCCESS;

int Z_Compare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) {
	const R_ACTOR *actor1 = (const R_ACTOR *) elem1;
	const R_ACTOR *actor2 = (const R_ACTOR *) elem2;

	if (actor1->a_pt.y == actor2->a_pt.y) {
		return 0;
	} else if (actor1->a_pt.y < actor2->a_pt.y) {
		return -1;
	} else {
		return 1;

int ACTOR_AtoS(R_POINT *screen, const R_POINT *actor) {
	screen->x = (actor->x / R_ACTOR_LMULT);
	screen->y = (actor->y / R_ACTOR_LMULT);

	return R_SUCCESS;

int ACTOR_StoA(R_POINT *actor, const R_POINT *screen) {
	actor->x = (screen->x * R_ACTOR_LMULT);
	actor->y = (screen->y * R_ACTOR_LMULT);

	return R_SUCCESS;

static void CF_actor_add(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	R_ACTOR actor;

	if (argc < 3)

	actor.id = (uint16) atoi(argv[0]);

	actor.a_pt.x = atoi(argv[1]);
	actor.a_pt.y = atoi(argv[2]);



static void CF_actor_del(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int id;
	if (argc < 0)

	id = atoi(argv[0]);



static void CF_actor_move(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int id;
	R_POINT move_pt;

	if (argc < 2)

	id = atoi(argv[0]);

	move_pt.x = atoi(argv[1]);
	move_pt.y = atoi(argv[2]);

	ACTOR_Move(id, &move_pt);


static void CF_actor_moverel(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int id;
	R_POINT move_pt;

	if (argc < 3)

	id = atoi(argv[0]);

	move_pt.x = atoi(argv[1]);
	move_pt.y = atoi(argv[2]);

	ACTOR_MoveRelative(id, &move_pt);


static void CF_actor_seto(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int id;
	int orient;

	if (argc < 2)

	id = atoi(argv[0]);
	orient = atoi(argv[1]);

	ACTOR_SetOrientation(id, orient);


static void CF_actor_setact(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int index = 0;
	int action_n = 0;

	R_ACTOR *actor;

	if (argc < 2)

	index = atoi(argv[0]);
	action_n = atoi(argv[1]);

	actor = LookupActor(index);
	if (actor == NULL) {
		CON_Print("Invalid actor index.");


	if ((action_n < 0) || (action_n >= actor->action_ct)) {
		CON_Print("Invalid action number.");


	CON_Print("Action frame counts: %d %d %d %d.",

	ACTOR_SetAction(index, action_n, ACTION_LOOP);


} // End of namespace Saga