/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter * Copyright (C) 2004 The ScummVM project * * The ReInherit Engine is (C)2000-2003 by Daniel Balsom. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Header$ * */ // Actor management module header file #ifndef SAGA_ACTOR_H__ #define SAGA_ACTOR_H__ #include "saga/sprite.h" #include "saga/actordata.h" #include "saga/list.h" namespace Saga { #define ACTOR_BASE_SPEED 0.25 #define ACTOR_BASE_ZMOD 0.5 #define ACTOR_DEFAULT_ORIENT 2 #define ACTOR_ACTIONTIME 80 #define ACTOR_DIALOGUE_LETTERTIME 50 #define ACTOR_DIALOGUE_HEIGHT 100 #define ACTOR_LMULT 4 #define ACTOR_ORIENTATION_COUNT 4 #define IS_VALID_ACTOR_INDEX(index) ((index >= 0) && (index < ACTORCOUNT)) #define IS_VALID_ACTOR_ID(id) ((id == 1) || (id >= 0x2000) && (id < (0x2000 | ACTORCOUNT))) #define ACTOR_ID_TO_INDEX(id) ((((uint16)id) == 1 ) ? 0 : (int)(((uint16)id) & ~0x2000)) #define ACTOR_INDEX_TO_ID(index) ((((int)index) == 0 ) ? 1 : (uint16)(((int)index) | 0x2000)) enum ACTOR_INTENTS { INTENT_NONE = 0, INTENT_PATH = 1, INTENT_SPEAK = 2 }; enum ACTOR_WALKFLAGS { WALK_NONE = 0x00, WALK_NOREORIENT = 0x01 }; enum ACTOR_ORIENTATIONS { ORIENT_N = 0, ORIENT_NE = 1, ORIENT_E = 2, ORIENT_SE = 3, ORIENT_S = 4, ORIENT_SW = 5, ORIENT_W = 6, ORIENT_NW = 7 }; enum ACTOR_ACTIONS { ACTION_IDLE = 0, ACTION_WALK = 1, ACTION_SPEAK = 2, ACTION_COUNT }; enum ACTOR_ACTIONFLAGS { ACTION_NONE = 0x00, ACTION_LOOP = 0x01 }; struct ActorOrientation { int frameIndex; int frameCount; }; struct ActorFrame { ActorOrientation dir[ACTOR_ORIENTATION_COUNT]; }; struct WALKNODE { int calc_flag; Point node_pt; WALKNODE() { calc_flag = 0; } }; typedef Common::List WalkNodeList; struct WALKINTENT { int wi_active; uint16 wi_flags; int wi_init; int time; float slope; int x_dir; Point org; Point cur; Point dst_pt; WalkNodeList nodelist; int sem_held; SEMAPHORE *sem; WALKINTENT() { wi_active = 0; wi_flags = 0; wi_init = 0; time = 0; slope = 0; x_dir = 0; sem_held = 0; sem = NULL; } }; struct ACTORDIALOGUE { int d_playing; const char *d_string; uint16 d_voice_rn; long d_time; int d_sem_held; SEMAPHORE *d_sem; ACTORDIALOGUE() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } }; typedef Common::List ActorDialogList; struct ACTORINTENT { int a_itype; uint16 a_iflags; int a_idone; int si_init; uint16 si_flags; int si_last_action; ActorDialogList si_diaglist; /* Actor dialogue list */ WALKINTENT walkIntent; ACTORINTENT() { a_itype = 0; a_iflags = 0; a_idone = 0; si_init = 0; si_flags = 0; si_last_action = 0; } }; typedef Common::List ActorIntentList; struct ActorData { bool disabled; // Actor disabled in init section int index; // Actor index uint16 actorId; // Actor id int nameIndex; // Actor's index in actor name string list byte speechColor; // Actor dialogue color uint16 flags; // Actor flags int sceneNumber; // scene of actor int actorX; // Actor's logical coordinates int actorY; // int actorZ; // Point screenPosition; // Actor's screen coordinates int screenDepth; // int screenScale; // int currentAction; int facingDirection; int actionDirection; SPRITELIST *spriteList; // Actor's sprite list data int spriteListResourceId; // Actor's sprite list resource id ActorFrame *frames; // Actor's frames int framesCount; // Actor's frames count int frameListResourceId; // Actor's frame list resource id int idle_time; int orient; int speaking; // The actor intent list describes what the actor intends to do; // multiple intents can be queued. The actor must complete an // intent before moving on to the next; thus actor movements, esp // as described from scripts, can be serialized ActorIntentList a_intentlist; // WALKPATH path; int def_action; uint16 def_action_flags; int action; uint16 action_flags; int action_frame; int action_time; ActorData() { disabled = false; index = 0; actorId = 0; nameIndex = 0; currentAction = 0; facingDirection = 0; actionDirection = 0; speechColor = 0; frames = NULL; framesCount = 0; frameListResourceId = 0; spriteList = NULL; spriteListResourceId = 0; flags = 0; sceneNumber = 0; actorX = 0; actorY = 0; actorZ = 0; screenDepth = 0; idle_time = 0; orient = 0; speaking = 0; def_action = 0; def_action_flags = 0; action = 0; action_flags = 0; action_frame = 0; action_time = 0; } }; typedef ActorData* ActorDataPointer; typedef SortedList ActorOrderList; struct ACTIONTIMES { int action; int time; }; class Actor { public: Actor(SagaEngine *vm); ~Actor(); void CF_actor_move(int argc, const char **argv); void CF_actor_moverel(int argc, const char **argv); void CF_actor_seto(int argc, const char **argv); void CF_actor_setact(int argc, const char **argv); int direct(int msec); int drawActors(); void updateActorsScene(); // calls from scene loading to update Actors info void AtoS(Point &screenPoint, const Point &actorPoint); void StoA(Point &actorPoint, const Point &screenPoint); void move(uint16 actorId, const Point &movePoint); void moveRelative(uint16 actorId, const Point &movePoint); void walkTo(uint16 actorId, const Point *walk_pt, uint16 flags, SEMAPHORE *sem); void speak(uint16 actorId, const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn, SEMAPHORE *sem); int skipDialogue(); int getSpeechTime(const char *d_string, uint16 d_voice_rn); void setOrientation(uint16 actorId, int orient); void setAction(uint16 actorId, int action_n, uint16 action_flags); void setDefaultAction(uint16 actorId, int action_n, uint16 action_flags); private: int handleWalkIntent(ActorData *actor, WALKINTENT *a_walk_int, int *complete_p, int msec); int handleSpeakIntent(ActorData *actor, ACTORINTENT *a_aintent, int *complete_p, int msec); int setPathNode(WALKINTENT *walk_int, const Point &src_pt, Point *dst_pt, SEMAPHORE *sem); ActorData *getActor(uint16 actorId); bool loadActorResources(ActorData * actor); void createDrawOrderList(); SagaEngine *_vm; RSCFILE_CONTEXT *_actorContext; ActorOrderList _drawOrderList; ActorData _actors[ACTORCOUNT]; }; } // End of namespace Saga #endif